Sunday, October 12, 2014

Want to know how to vote? There's an app for that.

Courtesy of Time:  

There’s a lot of room for confusion around how to vote this election season, particularly in states where pending and recent court cases are making last minute changes to the process. 

To help people interested in casting a ballot, Google unveiled a tool Thursday that will make finding out how to vote in your state as easy as typing in a search. 

After noticing an increase in searches for ‘how to vote,” “register to vote” and “where to vote” the search engine launched a series of web tools to streamline and personalize results to certain voting-specific questions. 

The prompt even works for smartphone users with the Google app. If users simply say “Ok, Google. How do I vote?”, information on voter registration , identification requirements, and early voting pops up. 

“With so much at stake on November 4th, including the balance of power in Congress, it is crucial that voters have access to all the information they needed to exercise their power to vote at the polls,” Anthea Watson Strong, the elections and civic engagement program manager at Google said in a blog post Thursday.

I don't necessarily think that Google designed this to help progressives in this next election cycle, but if history tells us anything it's that access to more factual information usually favors the liberals more than it does the conservatives.

Which I think means we can expect some rather angry responses from the Right to Google's attempt to help voters.


  1. Alaska's gay marriage ban just struck down.

  2. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    What a stroke of genius! This will help people help others in the states that have convoluted voting laws.
    Someone needs to come out with a game "Palin's Family Feud" with rockem sockem robots and bristol clipping the lawn while Sarah screams "Do you know who we are, cause we sure don't?"

  3. An important and edifying read, Gryph, if you haven't already seen it. (I know, it's hard to beat you, I just got the time zone in my favor!) Love, from Georgia, USA

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Since this article, the blogger Malia Litman, has also vindicated Shailey Tripp by exposing the secret service sex crimes cover up through documents aquire from FOIA. It took this blogger years and a law suit to obtain the information. Shailey Tripp herself has made a good reputation for herself being an actress, a priest, and a doctor. She gets paid to give motivational talks and raise awareness of both domestic violence and prostitution.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.