Sunday, October 12, 2014

When scandals collide. A little vindication for Shailey Tripp.

I have been covering Shailey Tripp's story since early 2011. I even conducted the first on the record interview.

I followed numerous leads provided by Shailey, and even introduced her to Joe McGinniss, but could only get so far before I would hit a brick wall. The same has happened with others who have pursued the story of Shailey and Todd Palin.

That is not to say that what Shailey has claimed is not true, and in fact much of what she has said has been supported by facts. Just that there were numerous obstacles placed in the way of anybody who tried to dig too far into the story.

So after many of the leads grew cold I moved onto other topics and other sources, while Malia Litman and other bloggers took the lead on Shailey's story.

However just recently new information that lends new credibility to Shailey's amazing story has emerged.

You might remember this from that Anchorage Press article:  

A former pornography company owner and co-founder of an “end times” fundamentalist group who joined the Alaska National Guard in 2003 is now the guard’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training, despite military investigators finding him directly responsible for empowering Alaska guard recruiters to sexually assault and harass female soldiers, recruits and civilians. 

Lt. Col. Joseph R. Lawendowski, 46, was recommended for “other than honorable” discharge in a confidential report that military investigators submitted to high-ranking Alaska National Guard officers on March 3 of this year. The findings of this “AR 15-6” report were not released to the public. (AR 15-6 refers to Army Regulation 15-6, covering the investigation of misconduct by officers.) 

The March 3 report finds that Lawendowski failed to act on multiple complaints of serious misconduct, including sexual assault, against four senior noncommissioned officers under his command. The report covers the period from November 2007 to May 2012 when Lawendowski was commander of the Alaska Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion (RRB). 

What is interesting is that Lawendowski's name popped up over a year ago in an online archive of  information about Shailey Tripp's case.  Specifically right here:

Joseph Lawendowski 

- several men under his command saw Shailey Tripp for sexual services
 - knows Todd Palin through the Iron Dog.

That last part is confirmed a little further down in the Anchorage Press article:

The investigators also found that Lawendowski had condoned and furthered illegal steroid use by RRB personnel, and had violated National Guard codes of conduct on multiple occasions. These included using government vehicles for outings to strip clubs, and Lawendowski being publicly intoxicated at the 2012 Iron Dog Race after-party. (Lawendowski arranged for the Alaska National Guard to become the presenting sponsor of the Iron Dog snowmobile race beginning in 2010. According to the AR 15-6 report, he improperly exchanged more than 10,000 text messages with a female Iron Dog employee during sponsorship negotiations in April and May 2010.)

A connection to Shailey Tripp AND to the Iron Dog?

Look I am not one who does not think that coincidences are possible, but THIS one?

How could Shailey possibly know the name of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Alaska National Guard, who coincidentally once owned a porno company, was directly responsible for some of the sexual assault happening under his command, frequented strip clubs, AND had a connection to the Iron Dog race, if not through Todd Palin?

If any of you have a better answer I am certainly interested in hearing it.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM


    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      HOO HAH still cracks me up, especially coming from her! But of course, S'error......

  2. BREAKING : Alaska gay marriage ban declared unconstitutional.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Parnell must be pissed! He keeps losing these Court cases! Love it, love it!

      Marriage time, Alaskans!

      And, vote NOT to reelect gov Parnell in November. He does not deserve the position as we know he is a corrupt Republican!

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      And, vote NOT to reelect gov Parnell in November. He does not deserve the position as we know he is a corrupt Republican!
      A Vote for Parnell SP v 2.0 is a VOTE for SARAH & TODD. That is all Alaskans need to know. Spread the word!

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Look I am not one who does not think that coincidences are possible, but THIS one?

    "There are no coincidences." -- $arah Palin
    "Suh-prise Suh-prise Suh-prise!" -- Gomer Pyle USMC

    I always believed Shailey. What possible reason would she have to lie? Add the Secret Service into the mix and one can see just how deep the Palins are involved.

    The "what's in it for us?" and "I'll do anything until the courts tell me I can't" have defined them from the time I started researching them in '08. Who the hell do they think they're kidding, anyone with half a brain can see it.

    Why I laugh at the trolls, especially the ones that say the brawl was ONE incident No it wasn't, maybe the first one made public.

    Again, how stupid d they think we are????

  4. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Woah. Great connecting of the dots, Gryphen! And may I compliment Shailey, as well, who is looking mahvelous in that pic.


    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Love me some Gryph.
      In your own time, dude, let us know.
      Ignore the impatient naysayers.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    That's a nice photo of Shailey. Hope its a recent one and she is doing better after her recent "incident" down south.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      What "incident"? I've been wondering what's happened to her since the story broke.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Anonymous3:03 PM

      That's a nice photo of Shailey.
      I agree, it is a nice photo and Shay is a nice wonderful person who has been through a lot.
      I would like to thank Gryphen for being especially kind and sensitive to her in this post.
      She is a wonderful beautiful spirit. Maybe she will come and let us know how she is doing.... I hope.
      Also G this is no coinkydink.
      The palins are up to their eyeballs in the shit.
      I expect a new fridge delivery pronto. Also we ought to see Serror in "grand form" for her speech (s) tomorrow I'm sure.

  6. Irishgirl3:17 PM

    Gryphen, you may well want to add this to your information. Sarah Palin got two unexpected phone calls from Nizich and Parnell on and around the 1st and 2nd of July. She resigned a day later! I have been trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Just throwing it in there.

    1. Irishgirl3:38 PM

      Sorry, emails not phone calls.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      The followup to this is already in the works.

      There is a whole lot more evidence.

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Additional evidence should be posted tomorrow.

    4. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Whoa. The language in those emails is...well, not too states-person like...hmmm

    5. Anonymous8:08 PM

      that is because Sarah could 'spy' on someone thru the rumor anyways...and Malia Litman's blog has a July 2nd 2009 email sent to a MEM and how that got to Palin is beyond me? Unless...unless
      she was notified or already knew...she does that to date with the MTA tech's who are 'christian warriors' and hack the accounts of 'those with some evil in them' yeah Sarah you keep telling yourself that shit...when you wake up and it stinks you only know where you have been...

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Shailey has had a long and difficult time since her involvement with T Palin., Fortunately - as you mention - Malia has continued working on her story. I think in time Shailey's story will be proven to be true and she will be vindicated. Her big mistake was getting involved with that horrible parasite - Todd. Best wishes, Shailey.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. laurensd14:14 PM

      So well stated, per your usual, Pat Padrnos.
      EVERYONE working on this are never going to stop. Too many involved for no one to squeal.
      It all links to the whole Palin web of corruption.
      That links to the Alaska National Guard, APD, state government and nationally to some government agencies, with said people involved in prostitution and trafficking.
      "When the fat lady sings" it is going to be one hell of a hit!
      Everyday gets closer for these goons.

      Shailey will be lauded for her courage and veracity.
      So will Malia and Gryphen for their unerring persistence. Finally.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Thank you laurensd1 -
      I am grateful every day for people such as G and Malia. They have the "stickwithitness" that is needed to do the daily jobs they do. I recall a few weeks ago I was fearful Malia was going to stop her blog - still not sure what that was all about. But - she changed her mind and has trudged on.
      The true and complete story about the Palins - I think - is still some years down the road. After all of the dust settles and Sarah and her very sick family are finally defanged. It is certainly a very complicated story and one that deserves a book to analyze it. Have given up on the MSM to do the right thing. But - I will applaud anyone that takes it on. Such a sick story. Not only about the family - but what they have done to Alaska - and in particular what Sarah has done to the national discourse.

      Pat Padrnos
      p.s. - had to laugh at your comment "When the fat lady sings". My husband is disabled - and during the day I take him juice or other refreshment - and when I hear the final slurp from a glass - that is the phrase I use - he always laughs.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Everyday gets closer for these goons.

      Shailey will be lauded for her courage and veracity.
      So will Malia and Gryphen for their unerring persistence. Finally.
      And the old hooohaaaah will be asking "Does orange make my ass look fat"?
      Or "how do these pink handcuffs go with my flag pin"?
      Bwhahaaaa Arrest them all so we can all BE FREE AGAIN!!!

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I was fearful Malia was going to stop her blog - still not sure what that was all about.
      Pat.... Malia was threatened or her children were threatened about the Same time as Shay went missing. Coinkydink? I think not.
      I have said it many times and will say again... The Palins are up to their FUCKING eyeballs in all this.
      ALL OF IT!

    5. Anonymous8:10 PM

      well then start notifying those folks on that show on CBS where they deal with psycho's? What is the name of that show? Brain fart folks...sorry...

    6. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Criminal Minds...and yes we need them in Alaska!

  8. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Does anyone know: Did Ms. Tripp ever get her property back from APD? How is it that one of the Palin toddlers is named Tripp? That fact (NOT a coincidence....) just baffles me.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Makes no sense to many people. I suspect a passive/aggressive act on the part of either Bristol or Levi.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Makes no sense to many people. I suspect a passive/aggressive act on the part of either Bristol or Levi.

      Pat Padrnos

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      She had a forensic computer guy get it off her phone and other devices as they had been erased.
      His name is Oppenheimer?

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      How is it that one of the Palin toddlers is named Tripp? That fact (NOT a coincidence....) just baffles me.

      Sarah Palin doesn't believe in "co-inky-dinkies" (coincidences).

    5. Anonymous8:50 PM

      ABI got given a computer and tossed it with a child rape case...we don't want to interrupt the cash cow..

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Marriage equality comes to Alaska! Congrats.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Gryph, how 'bout a nice little graphic with circles and arrows and all that sort of thing sorting out the sordid details of who did who's hoohah?

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Why don't you do it?

    2. ibwilliamsi4:26 PM

      "who did who's hoohah" Good one! ;)

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      4:14, google Alice's Restaurant.

    4. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Agree 3:47, I'm more than a little confused, but would like to get a handle on what is what.

      4:14, 3:47 wouldn't ask if they knew the details now would they? Lighten up.

    5. Anonymous5:12 PM

      4:14....because I don't know what Gryph knows,

    6. Anonymous5:39 PM

      5:07 You nailed it! Good catch. I was most definitely riffing on Arlo's epic opus when I wrote that.

    7. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Anonymous3:47 PM
      I hope you are calling Sarah the "Hoohaaah"?
      B/c Shay certainly is undeserving of that name. She is far more braver than that klingmyer guy who Should of smacked the shit out of barstool! And told the truth to the Cronyass APD.
      Just saying.
      Don't be directing that Shit at Shay. Shay is a HERO!

    8. Anonymous6:42 PM

      5:07 PM
      "to be used as evidence against us...." LOL

    9. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I hope there are some 8X10 glossies out there to help us figure this out......

    10. Anonymous8:36 PM

      At the museum

      With Sean Parnell, like Demi

      Tight abs

      Mother and daughter

    11. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Bristol looked very weirdly not-pregnant at the RNC in 2008...which would have been about the same time as her picture was taken with her 3rd pregnancy above. Not her stated.

  11. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Lt. Col. Joseph R. Lawendowski, 46. Iron dog, it is a small close knit community. Todd Palin is a big deal to the advertisers and organizations. Palin and Lawendowski certainly seem to share the same lifestyle.

    YES, Congrats Ak!

  12. Anonymous4:04 PM

    porn and religious fundamentalists go hand in hand, eh ..

    LMAO !!

    HOOHAH !!

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      "God TV, one of the biggest Christian television networks in the world, is in complete disarray after its founder left his wife to move to South Africa with his girlfriend...."

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      that is not as bad as the Palins investing in that film that pissed of the middle east and started riots...and didn't a congressmen get killed because of it?
      then the rethuglicans get caught with their pants down and cry fowl...sweeties it's called viagra...

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Anonymous8:12 PM

      that is not as bad as the Palins investing in that film that pissed of the middle east and started riots...and didn't a congressmen get killed because of it?
      then the rethuglicans get caught with their pants down and cry fowl...sweeties it's called viagra...
      Can't wait until THAT little gem lands on someone's doorstep...

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      well yeah folks...I mean john boy went to syria to pose with the now ISIS funneling...
      sad that the owner resides in Sarah?
      But it's not you it my dear?

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    This story has never really added up as far as I'm concerned.

    I'm surprised any of the bloggers wasted their time on it. Seemed like grasping for straws in desperation of a story more than anything else.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Then you are very stupid and don't get math or you have your head stuck in a bucket! HooHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      What desperation? Todd is a pimp

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Since it is their blog and their time, they can spend their time writing topics of their choice.

      If you don't like it, don't read it.

      I image this posting will have a lot of troll activity.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Is it that you don't think Todd is capable of paying for sex?

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      4:18- Well to most people, paying money to have sex with a woman that looks like Shailey Tripp, would be really stupid. Be realistic. It doesn't make sense.

      4:32, just making an observation, why shouldn't anyone be allowed to do that?

    6. Anonymous4:59 PM

      She actually described his private parts in her book. Sorry, it's true.

    7. Anonymous5:11 PM

      4:51, when it comes to an opportunity to have sex or find someone to exploit, looks don't come as far into it as one might suppose. Ms Tripp was vulnerable, ripe for someone to manipulate and exploit, which is what predators do.
      M from MD

    8. Anonymous5:17 PM

      459 exactly what does describing private parts prove?

      She was a massage therapist right? Most massage therapists end up seeing the bits and pieces of their customers.

    9. Anonymous5:35 PM


      Most massage therapists end up seeing the bits and pieces of their customers.

      not rilly!

    10. Anonymous5:39 PM

      5:35- yes rilly.

    11. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Anonymous4:06 PM
      Its the "nothing to see her move along troll"!
      Sorry troll soon YOU will be history when queen hoohaaaah is in jail.

    12. Anonymous5:59 PM

      anon@451pm, wow, that's despicable even by your standards. Just because your narrow, racist pea-brain idea of good looks are all you care about doesn't mean the rest of the world is the same way. Grow up.

    13. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Ms Tripp was a highly gifted and skilled masseuse. It is a valuable technical talent.

      Some people that comment here know nothing about business or life. It is kinda pitiful to be so sheltered you don't even understand a few basics.

    14. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Don't be an ass about the way Shailey looks. She's fine. Do you really believe most women engaging in prostitution are supermodels or something?

      Todd is capable of anything, including paying for sex. Do you think he cares if the women are gorgeous? Only that they're willing and that they don't talk about it afterwards.

    15. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Failed arithmetic, did you, 4:06? No, I'm sure you didn't. You're just playing dumb. Or should I call you Sarah instead of 4:06.

    16. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Anonymous4:59 PM

      She actually described his private parts in her book. Sorry, it's true.
      Anonymous5:35 PM

      To the Trolling most massage therapist DON'T see peoples dicks or hoohaaah b/c they have a sheet over them. Shay who is a very attractive woman who Todd told "You light up my life" and called her "Juicy", well the toddster has a two toned two inch dick and she knows this b/c he stuck it in her face when he tit fucked her.(described in her book if you interested ) B/c that's what Todd likes to do. Why do you think Sarah has fake tits on and off?
      Sarah is totally FAKE< FAKE< FAKE while Shay is REAL, refreshing and honest, something sarah will never be in a million years.
      So FUCK OFF troll with you dumbass remarks, or Carol is that your name?
      Postage Carol. from Wasilla. You prob want to fuck old todd yourself but nope.
      He doesn't like skinny gals.
      He doesn't like girls skinny like boys if he wants a boy he will go for a boy. And Video, did I mention there is a video of Todd and a male prostitute? Yeppers. The palins know about it.
      I guess that is why we haven't seen it yet....

    17. Anonymous6:57 PM

      5:55 by all means continue with pushing this factless story- seriously continue on, who is stopping you....... I'll keep making fun of you all... and there will never be end, Todd will never be arrested, because you have all swallowed a giant crap sandwich, and apparently you all like it.

    18. Anonymous7:06 PM


      I too was thinking the same thing until your very vehement denial made me reconsider. Usually people don't come here and make a big deal about something unless there is something to make a big deal about, ya know what I mean?

    19. Anonymous7:08 PM

      6:46, yes there is a sheet, and of course therapists don't stand there and stare at your parts, but there is usually some turning to the side or back while they hold up the towel a bit, or working close to those regions where it would essentially be impossible or impractacle to never see anything.

      By the way, let me get this right, you are quoting her writing, from her book, as facts?

    20. Anonymous7:26 PM

      7:06 I can't tell if you are pulling my chain, but regardless I am a long time IMer mostly due to the Trig birth story.... which to me is really the only story that really has any meat to it. This thing with Tripp has always seemed more like she is likely a sociopathic liar. Sorry. But what you call a 'vehement denail' is misplaced, these days I get just as much entertainment with the IMer conspiracists as I do reading the C4P nutcases.

    21. Anonymous7:31 PM


      I do a full naked massage with my masseuse. She actually does the inside of my thighs because when I work out I have muscle knots near my groin so there can't be any towel or sheet between us. Hell, we're all naked in the shower at the gym as well so what's the big deal?

    22. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Anonymous6:57 PM
      Todd will never be arrested, because you have all swallowed a giant crap sandwich, and apparently you all like it.

      Oh rilly? Is that like Griffy you promised a police report and its not here?
      Griffy Levi & Bristols court is a done dill (and then last night a person posted courtview to prove you wrong)
      Who is eating the shit sandwhich?
      Why yes I think its you, you fucking godamn tard from hell.
      Well I guess we can expect Todd to be arrested sooner than later, 'eh? The troll has spoken!

    23. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Anonymous7:08 PM
      Hey Tard Hoooohhaaaaah!
      Read her book its all in there names dates phones numbers EVERYTHING.

    24. Anonymous7:53 PM

      And your point is 7:39? This somehow makes it real because she wrote stuff in a book? Kindof like writing stuff in a blog makes it all real? You do realise also that massage therapists keep appointments by names dates and phone numbers yes? You want it to be real, get ahold of Shailey and finance a civil trial and hire some private investigators. I promise I will be the first to applaud you and eat humble pie if you succeed.

    25. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Anonymous7:31 PM

      Do you get a happy ending also,too?
      smh, lol.

    26. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Anonymous7:53 PM
      Yes real massage therapist have names and dates in their books maybe if the APD hadn't destroyed almost all her evidence there would be more but you read her book ok and come back and talk.
      Troll why should I finance a "civil trial"? What a fucking tard you are! Sarah hires the dumbest of the dumb. There is a video of todd fucking a guy mark my words. Ask Sarah about it. smh!

    27. Anonymous8:15 PM

      when she is in jail she can 'strap on' her 'shoes' lol...

    28. Anonymous8:17 PM

      And your point is 7:39? This somehow makes it real because she wrote stuff in a book?
      Oh rilly? Kind of like the wild ride story huh? Is that what you're getting at Sarah lies so Shay lies? Oh you are so late for the partee troll. We have discussed this over and over.
      Sarah lies if her lips move. Or her trolls write.
      Shay testified to Dept of Homeland Security how many times? Passed how many lie detector for NE. Sarah has not even shown us TriGs Birth Certificate she can't even remember WTF she had him at.
      So Ask Sarah about Todd fucking the guy Please.
      Shay told me about that one....heheheh.

    29. Anonymous8:34 PM

      8:10.... yes... the ADP destoyed all this important evidence... or so Shailey claims. How convenient for her. You really are one gullible SOB.

    30. Anonymous8:51 PM

      This may be hard to comprehend but no one like Sarah would go without cease and desist and filing a law suit if what Shailey and Malia was not true. They have back up and anyone with a brain can check it out and they will come out knowing the facts and the truth.

      Cult members are what they are and don't really matter. But thanks in your back handed way of helping to get the message out about the Palins. Little Todd may turn out to be as famous as Sarah one day. Who doesn't like a good pimp revelation?

    31. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Well, you Palins could always sue her for defamation. That you have not said boo to it is a very strong indication that you're afraid to. And the number one reason you would be afraid to is that it would draw attention to her claims. And you're not in a position to refute them in court without perjuring yourself.

    32. Anonymous9:02 PM

      I think you are wrong 8:51, how far has this thing gotten without a cease and desist order?.... all the way to the ends of the IM blog and Malia Litmans Blog. Bringing a cease and desist, while I acknowledge your general point, would likely have attracted more attention than it has received now, which is essentially zilch, likely because it is a bullshit story. Guess time will tell.

    33. Anonymous9:33 PM

      So, what exactly makes you think Shailey is a "sociopathic liar?" The fact that she isn't traditionally pretty? Do you think Todd would never pay for sex? Do you believe Sarah when she says Todd doesn't hang out with hookers? Do you think Todd is above pimping out a woman to other men? Do you believe the Palins are incapable of making sure Shailey's story was swept under the rug?

      If my other choice is the deceptive duo, Todd and Sarah, I'll put my money on Shailey.

    34. Anonymous10:33 PM

      4:49 PM

      I think he pays but he is like the SS guys that cheat the sex workers. Todd cheats and collects evidence like a spy.

    35. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Sarah went around like she was pimping dear Trig. It is not such a stretch to believe that Todd would pimp what ever he could to get what's in it for him. Not that Barstool needed a pimp but by the look of things Todd will pimp his own kids. So why wouldn't he pimp anyone else if he could get something out of it?

    36. Anonymous12:14 AM

      hu is that the male prostitute who is also a child rapist? wouldn't that just sweeten the 'deal' in court?
      ouch indeed...and calm down...they will go down...:)

    37. Anonymous5:38 AM

      maybe the 'story' about pimp Todd and the stable doesn't ring true to YOU but simple Sarah gets quite wee-wee'd up over it. It's true. and it's just one of the rungs on Todd's ladder of criminal activities.

    38. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Anonymous8:51 PM

      This may be hard to comprehend but no one like Sarah would go without cease and desist and filing a law suit if what Shailey and Malia was not true.
      Just like the Hoedown her silence speaks volumes.
      and Shay has testified to the Committee for the Homeland Security....Passed 3-4 lie detector tests.
      But the troll insists "nothing to see move along" riiiiiiiight.
      amiright sarah?
      ps. your trolls are a pi$$poor lot.
      Your postage money what will you do when the well runs dry?
      We've seen the pathetic attempts your daughter(s) make at trolling:
      Get a life
      Grow up
      Give it up Sarah! Queen Hoohaah you can't CENSOR the intertubes!
      You can't.
      So don't even try.

    39. Anonymous10:42 AM

      9:02 PM

      You sound wrong. Do you intentionally mean to invalidate all your efforts here? Or are you from the Valley?

    40. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Careful not to blow any gaskets 8:30 & 9:28.

      Love- Sarah, Bristol, & Todd

  14. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Coincidentally,this was a segment on one of the best shows on network tv this morning....

  15. Anonymous4:07 PM

    3:29 PM Bristol was supposedly pissed at her father, Todd (the pimp), for have the relationship w/Shailey Tripp - reason she named her kid, Tripp, which was/is totally idiotic.

    I am sure that Shailey Tripp told the truth in her book "Boys Will be Boys" indicating her involvement w/Todd. She had facts, phone numbers, copies of receipts, noted the two colors that Todd has to his penis, names, etc.

    Hopefully, the facts and truth will raise their ugly head from the Palins side. We all just have to be patient. Shailey Tripp will be vindicated!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Did you make that up? Bristol is special needs. Levi suggested the name to Bristol KNOWING that her father supported Shaileigh TRIPP. Bristol liked the name because her father named his truck "Tripp" and had the license plates to prove it. He gave Bristol the truck after Tripp got busted.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      That's really creep, 4:54. I mean, what kind of father gives his daughter a truck named after the woman he forced to run his prostitution ring?

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      To the troll at 4:54
      funny you should mention license plates.
      That always gets the troll panties in a wad! Opps forgot the payme's go commando...oh whatever...Shay wrote a special blog post about those plates!
      Yes she did.
      I don't think Todd named his truck "Tripp" but he did have a special "ride" he liked a ride that "light up his life" and it was named Tripp!

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Anonymous7:12 PM
      Well I'm sorry I don't want to go there, but maybe when Shay come back on her blog you can ask her although since she was acting as a Prostitute I would think she would of have known the difference just saying.
      She was specific TWO-Toned.

    5. Anonymous8:17 PM

      I thought he had a plate named FZNGND
      frozen ground

    6. Anonymous4:08 AM

      7:12, late to the party here, but I just had to thank you for "sand worm". Made my morning. :-)

    7. Anonymous5:33 AM

      the license plate was REISSUED on March 2010

    8. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Is 7:12 the resident 'Penis' expert? Are you also like Bristol, the loud moaning Illegitimate baby expert? Do you also audition 'Trial Daddies'? Are you a Palin Drunken Brawler Consultant? Is your Daddy a Pimp in Anchorage?

    9. Anonymous7:56 AM

      5:33 AM don't confuse the Palinbots with facts. Why hasn't Todd Palin ever denied that he was a Pimp and a Sex Trafficker?

  16. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

    I've always believed Shailey and believed in Shailey. What reason does she have to lie? Don't know if she reads here, but I hope "Boys will be Boys" becomes a big hit.
    Poor Todd, just looking for some kind of connection with a real woman. Can't blame him much either, I'd give my right arm to hear him sing "You light up my life" ala "Alfalfa" from Our Gang to "Darla". Say what you will about Granny Palin, Grandpa sure knows how to pick them! Would you like some lipodisolve, pregnant lady??? lmao

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Out of curiosity- what is so compelling that makes you believe her? Please provide details and specifics, facts, evidence.

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      4:53, visit Malia Littman's blog or just get a copy of Shailey's book. It's all in there.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      M from MD- I've read much of the nonsense on Malia Litmans blog. Frankly it seems like she was taken for a ride because she wants to believe something so bad, that she is unwilling to look at the whole picture objectively. Sorry, but i've been less than impressed with Litman's "skills".

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      5:23, are you referring to the part about about Shailey? Or other things? Just curious. I kind of agree, that's why I ask.

    5. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Oh, 5:23 PM, are you by chance the multi-named troll that posts there? You sound just like "it."

    6. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Anonymous5:23 PM
      is the "nothing to see move along troll" and its so darned funny....that she claims Malia is "nonsense" and so is Shay's book that gives names, dates and even a Physical description to which Sarah nor todd has ever answered usual their silence speaks volumes.
      Hey carol postage troll, fuck off 'k! LOL!

    7. Anonymous7:14 PM

      And yet, 5:23, Shailey would be willing to testify if called to do so in a trial against a certain individual. Her book is already a form of testimonial, so perhaps you should take her and Malia more seriously.
      M from MD

    8. Anonymous7:38 PM

      7:14 M from Md.

      Actually, if you are called to testify at a trial, you don't get the option of 'being willing', no, you get a subpoenae, which is not an invitation, and you testify or you will be arrested.

      Problem is, there has to be a trial or some type of a proceeding to begin with. And there is none, because there is no case. However, if I remember reading Litman's bio, she claims to have been a former attorney yes? (former- not really a surprise). Maybe she should, pro bono, provide all the legal backing for a civil case of Tripp vs the Palins! Why not, she is so sure it is a real thing right?

      Her book is nothing until it is proved otherwise. At this point it is as much testimonial as used toilet paper. I will not take Mailia seroiously. If she wants to be taken seriously, stop writing blog fiction stories and open a civil trial in court.

    9. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Anonymous6:17 PM

      Why is anyone who dares to say that they are not completely on board, automatically labeled a troll? The comment was on topic, not insulting, not harassing. How is it trolling?

    10. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Anonymous7:38 PM

      7:14 M from Md.

      Actually, if you are called to testify at a trial, you don't get the option of 'being
      Troll Shay already Testified. You claim you read Malia's better go read through again. She testified to the Committee of the Homeland Security via phone. All of DC knows about Todd's pimping. :) smh

    11. Anonymous8:26 PM

      8:02- oh that's crystalwolf. Don't take it personal. She is nuts!! Every bit as nuts as Sarah's fans. She calls anyone a troll who dares question, then she tells them to STFU or fuck off. She has no filter and no class. We are all allowed to question.nit doesn't mean we are trolls. I'm sick of militant people like this on blogs. And they are nasty. Sorry. Most people here can allow dissent or questioning.

    12. Anonymous8:28 PM

      6:17, she doesn't sound at all like the person who posts at Malia's blog.

    13. Anonymous8:46 PM

      8:21 I got bored of reading Malia's BS a long time ago, and I really only every read maybe 25% of it because it was always the same old tired crap. please provide a link to Malias post on this supposed 'tesitimony' you are talking about, I'll read it. But at face value, you are saying that Shailey was subpoenaed and testified under oath? Or are you saying she was simply questioned? Or are you sure any of that actually happened? And where would be the following indictment if it was all true?

    14. Anonymous9:03 PM

      4:53 is the lazy c4p troll who shows up on every Palin comment section demanding "provide details and specifics, facts, evidence." This is the troll who wants you to be their secretary and researcher. The troll who is too lazy to do their own work. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this palin troll who demands that everyone else tie up all the evidence in some neat little package with a bow on top because they are too damn LAZY to do their own research! This troll actually could care less what evidence you present it with. . . they are just trying to trick you into busy work. Don't feed it.

    15. Anonymous9:18 PM

      9:03 you are a full blown idiot.

      Why would anyone do research, to prove someone elses silly tales as wrong? It actually isn't even possible when only vague claims are made.

      I got one for you, prove that I have never been to the moon, because I have, all the evidence was destroyed by NASA though.

    16. Anonymous9:55 PM

      4:53 PM

      Before I heard of Shailey or Malia I had seen plenty of Sarah Palin. My Republican friends were turned off by her. One had been totally enamored by war hero, John McCain. I would have never dreamed they would change about him.

      There were so many times that Palin had no credibility and she just wasn't to be believed. The people who did believe her also seemed to have some serious problems and I didn't trust their judgment even if they were sincere and good people, they were skewed.

      People who haven't given birth may not relate to much of the pregnancy matters. Too much to go into but I know this really effected me at the time the Palins wanted people to believe her.

      Sarah Palin - Full Version

      I didn't know what to think about Shailey at first and I was very doubtful. It took me a long while before I could believe what she was saying. I don't really care about Todd's penis, it is just funny at times that was brought up. He always came off as swirly
      and has a churlish vibe to me. I am not psychic but first off this is how Todd made an impression. Later I learned where he came from and knowing he was married to Sarah Palin says a lot.

      Malia I always liked and respected. I didn't always agree with her but I believed she was sincere and intelligent.

      I think there will always be people that want to believe the Palin crap or they are invested and must act like they believe. There are people who still won't believe that Nixon had his issues. So be it.

    17. Anonymous10:30 PM

      9:55 I think 90% of us are here originally due to the bs birth story. The stories from Palin herself don't add up, as well as the fact that much of it is impossible to believe, or impracticle, or highly negligent. There are also many other undesireable allegations, besides the birth, about the Palins that came to light thru the ethics claims. On record and undeniable.

      But Shailey's claims are a whole other entity, and frankly, seems like a compulsive liar attaching herself to a bigger fish. All unfounded allegations and thats about it.

    18. Anonymous10:43 PM

      You are dead wrong about Shailey. I am sure you never even read her book. She has proof. I emailed her back and forth and we had some nice conversations that way. She is totally credible. Why in hell would she put herself through all she has had to endure over a lie? She told the truth and pimp daddy, using all the dirt he has on the APD, because they were clients, has shut down any investigation of him.

    19. Anonymous12:06 AM

      7:38 PM

      Malia is smart. It is the Palin's move.

      If it is libel or slander the Palins will sue.

    20. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Anonymous8:26 PM
      The bossy troll again.
      "I'm sick of militant people like this on blogs. And they are nasty."
      Hey dumbass no one forces you to read here. Put on your big girl panties or stfu!
      You whinning little worm.

    21. Anonymous8:15 AM

      12:06 AM - in the six years I've been here, they haven't sued anyone yet! Threaten, yes but they know better.

    22. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Anonymous8:15 AM

      12:06 AM - in the six years I've been here, they haven't sued anyone yet! Threaten, yes but they know better.
      They are "Paper tigers"! They know in court there is "Discovery".
      If the paylins were ever subjected to Discovery and lied
      it would be perjury or they would be forced to tell the truth.
      So they bluff and send out "threat" letters.
      Believe me there are boatloads of peeps standing in line want to sue their grifter asses.

    23. Anonymous3:59 PM

      If I see someone denigrating Malia Litman's intelligence, yeah- I think it's a troll. Malia Litman's neighbor is Dirk Nowitzki. Who's YOUR neighbor? Malia graduated in the top 7% of her LAW SCHOOL. Where are your higher education accolades?
      Malia was named as one of the top trial lawyers in a field dominated by men. You???

      That's what I thought.

      Malia is sharp as they come and if she believes Shailey, so do I. Also, too: Shailey has been scorned and belittled for admitting she accepted money for sexual acts. Why would she put herself out there in such a way if she weren't telling the truth?

      Believe me, if the Palin crew COULD file suit against Shailey, they would.

  17. laurensd14:15 PM

    Helen Gourley Brown said the best revenge is living well. Shay's picture says it all!

  18. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Good job Gryph..Can't wait for these bitches to go down..

  19. Anonymous5:17 PM


    "You know who else hurts Joni Ernst? Sarah Palin, with only 30% saying her support of Ernst helps and 56% saying it hurts. We’ve been trying to explain this to Republicans, but they are so desperate to cater to the extremist wing of their party that they still believe the mainstream belief in the power of Palin. Newsflash: This isn’t 2010."

  20. Can it be that the sky is finally falling for some well deserved asshats?? Oh, I hope, I hope.

  21. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The issue of the Tripp name co-incidence:

    How about this--- Shailey (who looks lovely in that photo) is the bio mom of Trig. But he was originally going to be called Tripp.. before SP and her kids knew who Shailey Tripp was in relation to Todd. He was going to be a political prop. BUT when they found out, Tripp became Trig. But then, BP has a babe in April, 2008(approx.) and for spite, decided to name him Tripp. Hmmm.... any takers?

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Sounds far fetched, sorry! But it's the Palin's so who the hell knows.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      No, by Trig's appearance he comes from within Palin stock. He doesn't look a thing like Shailey, her dark skin and eyes would be evident. Plus I think she would have not held back something like that in her blog and book.

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      That was a theory that came up not long after Shailey's story broke, but she denied it. I thought various bloggers (Malia, maybe Gryphen) also looked into it and were convinced she was telling the truth.

      I wish her all the best and completely believe her about Todd--she seems too detailed and credible to be "makin' stuff up"--and think her story should have attracted national media attention well beyond the Enquirer. But there were things about how she presented herself that seemed off (for lack of a better word) to me, and Gryphen's cryptic comments about hitting brick walls have me curious. I frankly found the book unreadable because I felt such a disconnect with her persona (and no, that's not because she was coerced into prostitution). I know I'll be labeled a troll for admitting this, but I decided to be honest anyway.

      That said, I am glad that the things coming out now will vindicate her. I hope her story goes to a much wider audience, because it needs to. I think after the brawl, average people are more likely to listen to evidence like Shailey's, which is all to the good.

    4. Anonymous12:19 AM

      someone put out there that Trigg is Track's kid?

    5. Anonymous5:28 AM

      entirely possible. TriG could be Track's kid. Britta went to Europe in the spring of 2008 and got a 6 figure job from Sarah Palin before she even graduated hs.

    6. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Fits with the Tri-G was Tripp before he was TRi-G comment from the beginning of the fiasco.

    7. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Some pictures of TriGger make him appear to have very dark skin and coal black hair... He does have dark eyes.

    8. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Anon 5:28, that has always been in the back of my mind, too. I recall a picture of a very pregnant Britta sitting in what appeared to be a little boy's bedroom. There was a twin bed with bedding that looked "boyish" and I can't remember exactly what it was now but there was something on the dresser that told me it was Trig's room. A picture, maybe? I have to try to find that picture. It was after her baby shower for Kyla and it really jumped out at me that this was a bedroom for TWO kids.
      Jilly G

    9. Anonymous11:52 AM

      also, Britta traveled with the Palins during the campaign - I wondered why, since Track didn't and she wasn't qualified to be of any help other than child care, and if that was the case, the Palin girls could do that, yk? Hmmm...

    10. Anonymous11:53 AM

      however, Bristol's breasts at the convention totally screamed out "lactating" to me. This mystery is going to drive me crazy. I wish someone would just come forward and tell the whole truth. Nothing makes any sense! And when things don't make sense, it's usually because they are not true.

    11. Anonymous12:22 PM

      sorry to serial post, but my brain won't stop. The Triggybear captions on Mercede's pictures and the photo of levi holding a newborn with his hair so blonde both scream that the baby is related to them. Could Track have had a Mrs. Robinson situation? Oh, the mind. How it boggles. LOL

  22. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Oh 4:53!
    Sarah or Mini Me:

    Please provide specifically what facts you do not comprehend.
    The facts are there for you to read.

    Sometimes we just have to do what we don't want to do. Like read.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      6:04 there actually have to be some kinds of facts to begin with, in order to comprehend them.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Todd is a pimp and used Shailey Tripp.
      Try refudiating that fact.


    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Wake up!
      Begin with that "kind of fact to begin with."

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      One reason 'Tripp' is called that might be the incidence, where Levi met Todd coming out of Shailey's massage parlor, after hearing compromising sounds coming out of there.
      Levi demanded an explanation from Toad, but no idea if he got one or not. Consequently, his boy was named Tripp.

    5. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Facts are terrific and much of the Palin's trouble with others is the fact they are anti-fact.

      Before I read anything about Shailey, I haven't read her books so I'm not saying what that is. But before Shailey the thing about Todd is the way he comes off. The very first thing I read an interview of Sarah talking about Todd, I thought she was talking about a speed freak. I didn't know what he looked like but I sure wondered why she would go off at the mouth like that about her husband. Later I came to find out what a mess she was and she thought she was describing some kind of super man. That's what drugs do to the brain.

      Where Todd is concerned I trust my instincts since they haven't wavered from when I first heard and saw him. Plus all the information that has been revealed. Other than Shailey, because I am not up on her.

    6. Anonymous7:38 AM

      7:12 PM You only comprehend those facts that fit your agenda. no comprends/julezz/jessie/queenie/quartz/
      just no/disappointed/TROLL. You Palin Trolls are as confusing as Sarah Palin's word salad. Todd Palin is a Pimp, and Sarah Palin works for him.

  23. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Not just a Lieutenant Gryph, a Lieutenant Colonel!! in a battalion commander!!
    That's a big deal in the military.
    Dereliction of duty. Behavior unbecoming of an officer. A huge security risk. Just to name a few.
    Other than honorable discharge--he's cooked.
    Suited to be a Wal Mart greeter from now on.

    Not feeling sorry for him.


  24. Anonymous7:30 PM

    That's Shailey Tripp? Love them curves. That's a woman!

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Yes. She got some meat on them bones - not just some diseased skin like $he who will not be mentioned!

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      She is looking fine.

    3. Anonymous6:11 AM

      She does look especially lovely, hopefully a sign that life is treating her well.

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I agree, she looks beautiful and radiant! I wish the best for her!

  25. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that Track was a combat vet.
    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that Track has PTSD.

    Turns out that Track doesn't have that but he does have a drinking problem.

    Sarah, Shailey Tripp is the one who should have PTS from the abuse received from her pimp, your husband.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      how many young girls has Trackmarks attacked?

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      On September 6 Trick Track was after married women. He may resent older people. He also tried to beat on Todd, he is old.

      Sarah Palin wants us to believe that all the dark secrets will never be revealed. That is just not going to happen.

      Especially with Trick Track. It would be easier to hide her Trig secrets. If she wants to hide Trick Track secrets she will have to lock him up or another Menard mystery and death.

      Trick Track is out of control. The way they have been dealing with him is bound to fail them.

      The resource at Real Clear say that is the best Palin version. Trick Track broke 4 ribs. In the real world the Palins would address that in a very direct manner and stop all the fog head bs. If Trick Track was even 1% of what they claim he is, he would be able to speak for himself. That never will happen. He is a fantasy of the Palin brand. The person inside the body we see can't get out and can't hold up speaking for themselves.

      The Palins have all lost any fragments credibility that they may have had left. They can only turn to the very cray cray freaks and cults to send money and let them spew their lies.

  26. Anonymous7:49 PM



    How could Shailey possibly know the name of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Alaska National Guard, who coincidentally once owned a porno company, was directly responsible for some of the sexual assault happening under his command, frequented strip clubs, AND had a connection to the Iron Dog race, if not through Todd Palin?

  27. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "If any of you have a better answer I am certainly interested in hearing it."


    Can you clear this mess up?

    Maybe have a Palin Family Beer Summit to discuss Todd and his relationship with Shailey Tripp?

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      I can breath when I stop

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM


  28. Anonymous8:44 PM

  29. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "A former pornography company owner AND co-founder of an “end times” fundamentalist group..."

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Sounds like a perfect pal for Sarah and Todd.

  30. Anonymous9:26 PM

    That was me--thank you for providing the link. I had to take a sanity break from all things Palin for several months, so I missed this. I hope Shailey is doing as well as possible now.

  31. Anonymous10:22 PM

    This subject has certainly brought out the 'nothing to see here, move along' posters. Discrediting Shailey and Malia is their focus. Why is that?

    1. Anonymous1:13 AM

      A little nervous are they?

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Anonymous1:13 AM

      A little nervous are they?
      Rilly nervous! This Alaska National Guard thing is going to blow AK up! I think it goes all the was up and back like back to 2006 when WGE was elected. And the poor old hoohaah has to leave Alaska today and do a screech at some christian school that has already seen the Hoedown debacle. Do you think they will LOL at her "zingers"?
      I think she will bomb.
      She better bring lots of meth along. Meanwhile AK dispatch is FOIA for info. I hope they see this post by Gryph.
      Nothing to see my ass!!!

  32. This article in military times is from early Sept. 2014

    Now if you look down the left side of this article you see highlighted titles to other stories about this topic.
    This one in particular interested me: (Alaska Guard officers fired rehired) It appears to me that the Governor's Office is where the buck stops and not with the military.

    Thank you Jesse for opening the door wider. The tentacles of porn, etc. are most certainly far reaching....

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Thank you Gles...I like the Military times they don't blow smoke, just hard hitting from what I've seen. Oh I think the gov's office is involved but also the APD, the leg and others why do you think they are all quiet and letting SP 2v.2.0 take the hit? Soon he will pass the buck to where it started WGE.... popcorn?

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Gles your second article:
      "The Alaska Democratic Party on Sunday questioned why Jorgensen’s firing was rescinded. She was a “central player in the chain of command that allowed sexual assault perpetrators and fraudsters to operate with impunity in the Alaska National Guard,” the party said in an announcement."
      Parnell is losing it!!! WGE and Todd told him to rehire these people.
      Oh man. This will be Epic is Alaska paying attention?

  33. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Shay looks so healthy in this picture. I am glad for her.

  34. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The Beginners Guide to IM Trolls

    The Bristle Troll: Easily recognized by its propensity to bristle at any post suggesting that Levi and Sunny are living well, enjoying their life as young parents, as well as any mention of Mercede Johnston. Can't hardly put a coherent sentence together; on a good day manages maybe two in a single post, but makes up for it with lots and lots of posts. Paid by the post, not the word. Favorite words: slander, immature, smh.

    Granny Hoohah Troll: Also struggles to put a coherent sentence together, but can spin up a word salad with the best of 'em. Gets especially wee-wee'd up by any mention of Obama's lovely family, or Hilary Clinton's. Easily recognized by its propensity for inappropriate, crass, and nasty remarks of a sexual nature. Not paid; who needs pay when being the world's biggest sh*thead is its own reward. Favorite words: dick, cojones, impotent, Benghazi!

    Concern Troll: Speaks in complete sentences; tries to sound like one of us by expressing disdain for Palin or even interest in the truth of babygate. Tries to dumb down its grammar to hide the fact that it is unique among IM trolls for having a (real) college education, but gives itself away by correct spelling and usage of 4-syllable words like conspiracist. Not as active as the Bristle and Granny Hoohah Trolls, Concern Troll often lays low, popping in to spread bits of misinformation here and there, including re: identify of IM trolls. Easily recognized by its propensity to go into overdrive mode when Gryphen hits too close to a nerve on a matter of substance, and by its demands for FACTS and EVIDENCE when plenty of both exist. Well paid for services rendered, past and present. Favorite word: frankly.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      The nerve, asking for real evidence to back up wild claims rather that conjecture, speculation, and innuendo!

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Is that the best you got, Concern Troll?

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Is that the best you got? Overuse of the boorish 'troll' label? God forbid anyone actually use their brains and question or ask for proof to back up these tales.

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      6:47 Did you forget Pointy a.k.a. the troll with over 50 different names? Or is that the Brissie troll? It also likes, get a life, grow up, living their vibrant lives, stop judging people that you don't know, even though it judges everyone it doesn't know, haters, bullies, they've all had jobs since they were ten, but fails to mention WHERE they work. And really had and is still having a major fit over the word slut.

    5. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Anon@1106a: Isn't it past time for your troll supper? Run along.

  35. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Bwahahahaha, the Palin Trolls have their unwashed panties in a wad about Pimp Daddy Todd's 2 inch 2 toned little Dick. They all know that it is true. Todd is a bottom boy

  36. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Mama is looking good!
    I'm happy to see you smiling.

  37. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Todd did you pimp out Shailey Tripp and your stable to the Alaska National Guard?

    Sarah Palin wants your thoughts about Todd pimping out Shailey Tripp and his stable to the National Guard?

    Sarah Palin during this period you were governor of Alaska which makes you Commander-In-Chief of the Alaska National Guard. That means Todd was supplying prostitutes to the men under your command.

    Sarah that's sorta like double dipping.
    1. Sarah Palin you were paid to be the Commander-In-Chief of the National Guard and your money was going to the Palin household.

    2. Todd Palin was pimping his girls to the National Guards and taking the Guards hard earned money.which was going to the Palin household.

    Sarah Palin now do you see that you and Todd were double dipping?

    Sarah is that one of the reasons why you resigned as our governor? You were afraid of this Palin Operation leaking out from one of your men of the National Guard?

  38. Surely by now there is enough information swirling around that a smart agent could put 2 and 2 together. And thanks for the blurb on Ms. Clark. I looked her up and found following:

    Now I am remembering Malia Litman speaking about not receiving her FOIA info due to an investigation....could this be the reason?

  39. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Illegal Activities within the Alaska National Guard

    Michelle Marie LaRose Clark, 31, died Jan. 16, 2011. She was six months pregnant with her first child and died of unknown causes at her Eagle River home.

    Officer John F. Daily said Track was angry and intoxicated. Track thought they were now in Eagle River. 9/7/2014


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.