Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sarah Palin decides it is safe enough to come out and launch a Facebook attack against Wendy Davis.

Courtesy of Matriarch of the Palin Punching Bags Facebook page:  

Any wonder why so many Americans are turned off by politics when contemptible ads like this are endorsed by pretty desperate candidates? Greg Abbott will make a great Governor in the great state of Texas, and I am proud to support him. Wendy Davis better strap on those pink running shoes again – the road ahead looks really long for her after this latest stunt.

Palin then links to a Breitbart article attacking Davis for that anti-Abbott ad I shared with you this morning. (I of course will not provide the link to that Breitbart piece because I actually like you people.)

You know when I saw that Davis ad I was not convinced that it was a good idea to use Abbott's disability to demonstrate his hypocrisy, but now that I see how wee wee'd up it has made the anti-Wendy Davis I now recognize the brilliance of the ad.

However to be honest I really don't care what Palin thinks about anything at this point. All I want to hear is her pathetic attempt to explain to the American people how she could raise such a disappointing pack of drunken losers, who start fights they can't finish, and continue to make Alaska the laughingstock of the world.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    You slimy piece of shit, how can you possibly be anything close to Wendy Davis. You arnd your family, with the exception of poor Trig, are the lowest form of life on this beautiful planet and every second you breathe our precious air is a loss for all. Kamikaze Sarah. You owe it to your fans.

  2. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

    Wow, Sarah Palin giving advice on "strap ons". Wasn't she once a world class runner? Why did she suddenly stop greasing up her legs and posing in running shoes? Now she's the queen of strap on Tatas and who knows what else in the privacy of her own home (Right, Todd? wink wink)

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Yeah, the photoshopped Turkey Trot, or what ever it was, in Richland WA where both feet didn't even touch the ground. Miraculously appeared at the finish without breaking a sweat. SNORT!

      Hey, menopausal sex kitten to the aged: Strap ons are for lesbian sex. "Lace up" is sports. Is there anything you don't screw up, brainiac??

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      5:23 PM

      That 'Turkey Trot' was a Photoshopped mess but it fooled her barely sentient cult fan base ... but she could lead them around with a laser pointer. She is a runner like she is a hunter ("Does it kick daddy?").
      And to think this hateful and ignorant dimwitted fake, fraud, and phony could have been second in line to the presidency ... shudder.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      I know, right, as soon as I saw "strap on" I figured that Wasilla's least favorite was alluding to Wendy being a lesbian. It fits right in with her "limp and impotent and cajones" bullshit she uses with men.

      All I can say is that Mrs. Palin has some real hangups regarding sex and sexuality. 90% of the time when she strikes out at others she uses sexually loaded phrases or imagery. To the contrary she, the one who seems so sexually repressed, will use overt sexual imagery; inflated breasts, tongue flicking and lips lined and enlarged with lipstick, while speaking publicly. She is very conflicted between her repression of her sexual self and her overt use of sexualized speech to belittle those she feels are her enemies.

      It's almost as if she is two people.

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I think she thinks everyone wears velcro shoes like her son...if he can't eat, I'm certain he can't tie his own shoes.

    5. Anonymous7:58 PM

      5:23 ouch but what is in Richland? lol

    6. "Wendy Davis better strap on... "
      Yeah, that "strap on" caught my eye too. Our scraggly little pervert of the North is sooo obvious.

    7. abbafan9:05 AM

      Anon @ 5:23 P.M. - that was the Storm Lake IA run in 2011. You are correct; she hovered over the ground and NEVER cracked a sweat at the finish line! $arah, normal people LACE UP tennis shoes, fame whores like you STRAP ON Naughty Monkeys and wink for blow jobs! Shut your noise-hole bitch!

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The mother of a brood ( including one underage ) of drunken, disheveled, shoeless and shirtless foul mouthed brawlers and a husband with a punched out face..obviously
    doesn't know that Abbott highlights his wheelchair and his injury
    in his ads .
    One prominently shows him in a wheelchair rolling by parked cars.
    Another shows him talking about people who wish politicians had a spine of steel . Well, he says, I actually have one.
    The far right is always complaining and crying about the horrors of political correctness.
    Abbott , despite being in a wheelchair, should endeavor to be regarded like everyone else. No special treatment.
    Like one would assume the parents of a Down Syndrome child would want .
    Like most people with with disabilities desire . The hypocrisy is astounding.
    Especially since the ad wasn't offensive.
    Abbott crying foul hurts those in wheelchairs and others with disabilities who work hard to be treated equally.
    They can take the heat, Abbott can't.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Until today I didn't even know the guy was a cripple.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      I'll bet he didn't pay for that wheelchair of his. I'll bet he got a lot of "Free stuff" b/c he is in a wheelchair. That is why Cons are flippin' out about Wendy's ad. She is highlighting their hypocrisy.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I'm in Texas. Many people have never known Abbott was in a wheelchair. Many Dems are/were aware of it because of his hypocrisy with tort reform.

      It is unfortunate he is in a wheelchair and paralyzed, but he has made several ads prominently showing it which he didn't do before. It's clearly to gin up sympathy votes. That sounds harsh but it is what it is--and Wendy called him on it.

      Palin needs to stay out of the business of other states--which she won't do. Abbott, unfortunately, will probably win, so she's just going after something safe again.

      I'd love it if Wendy won but I don't know if that will happen. Maybe Palin will curse Abbott. He WON'T be a good governor.

    4. Anonymous8:00 PM

      ah that expalin's alot...tort law freaks Palin out...

    5. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Abbott recently said when he was rehabbing he would go to a parkiing garage in his wheelchair and wheel himself up eight floor or the garage to stay in shape..You think that may be a little much..I would like to see him do that..

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Awwww ... let $arah go to Texas. With any luck, she'll tank Abbott faster than the stupid drivel that Abbott spouts. Team $alad $hooter and A$$inine Abbott should provide a real boost to the Davis campaign!

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Alaskans wish the bitch would move to TX w/her damned family - they'd fit perfectly and not be missed!

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Nooooo. There's no room in Texas for that skanky ignorant bitch.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      this Alaskan wants to see her rot in jail .

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      No, no, no. We don't need her in Texas. People here don't love her like she thinks. She's considered ill-mannered, dirty mouthed, tacky trash. Her "cojones, jack wagon " speaking mouth is considered trashy among both Dems & Repubs.

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Texas would eat them alive.

    6. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Texas has a term for people like the Palins: raggedy-ass trash.

  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm sorry. But it's amazing that Republicans are getting bent out of shape over this ad which simply points out the hypocrisy. It doesn't say he wouldn't be a good governor because he is in a wheel chair. One of our greatest presidents was in a wheel chair. I applaud Davis for having the guts to put out this ad because it pushes the truth. It's not comparing a disabled Vietnam Vet to Osama Bin Laden like Saxby Chabliss did to Max Cleland. It's not passing out purple band aids at the Republican convention in 2004 to make fun of John Kerry's Purple Heart. This ad would be like one pointing out how Joanie Ernst in Iowa would be part of the Republican war on women or how Clarence Thomas doesn't want any minority benefitting from any of the legislation that helped him get to where he is.

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM

    cool !
    the crosseyed hunch backed skank/kunt probably just killed abbott's chances ..

    HOOHAH !

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Let's hope for a repeat of the Joni Ernst effect!


  7. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Sarah knows how to tweet. Riveting.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Oh, the twitter world will have a field day with this one!

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      She pays someone else to tweet for her.

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Anonymous6:03 PM

      She pays someone else to tweet for her.
      not always, as the gaffes we have all seen!!! hooohaaaahhhhh!!!

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Well, after all, she is still only a teenager and tweeting is the only form of communication she knows, dumb fucking twat.

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      734 lol....almost inhaled my coffee...

  8. Boscoe5:24 PM

    Right, so the queen of reprehensible distortion, misinformation and lies thinks she gets to take the high road now? ROFL

  9. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Palin is only spouting off for attention. Hey, Sarah, how much did the fight cost financially a few weeks ago. I say 1/2 million or more in the long term.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Loser reputation solidified: Priceless.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      She only has a half mill left in her dying PAC...hope she has some savings somewhere.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      ritcher investments that got shut down to laundry that money to another business...follow the money folks!

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      tawd's probably got his safari lake grow op fired backup - so what's the problem of laundering a little marahoochi jack into $carahPAC$cam ? shit goes for $35.00 a gram out in the bush up here, and yeah, Dillingham's one of those bush destinations ..

    5. Anonymous12:25 AM

      lol...ok...follow the smell...eww that smell...can't you smell that smell...eww that

  10. Anonymous5:47 PM

    "Any wonder why Americans are turned off by politicians when all we get are these reprehensible so-called 'Christian' women who are really nothing but sluts, whores and grifters? Women who are clearly out for nothing but to make a fortune off the stupid? Women who can't even string sentences together even after attending 6 colleges? Women who give birth to even stupider, lazy children who do nothing but fight, drink and beget more children? Women who marry seemingly worthless, shiftless men who say they will always work but do nothing but play around on snowmobiles all the while living off their disgusting wives?"
    I'm Sarah Palin and I approve this message!

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      I'm Sarah Palin and I approve this message!
      Good one!!!

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM


    3. Anonymous8:36 PM

      HOOHAH !!

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Mrs. Palin hates Wendy because Wendy is really and truly a runner and has a runner's body and Mrs. Palin for all of her "marathons and half-marathons" still looks like a saggy-assed Halloween skeleton with a half-rate facelift and a dollar store wig. Oh, also too Wendy Davis graduated college and not just that went to Harvard and got a Law Degree! She's everything that Mrs. Palin wishes she could be, but unfortunately Mrs. Palin is shackled by her low IQ and utter lack of curiosity. Too bad, so sad Sarah!

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      f@f! well said!

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Yep, if there's anything $arah is jealous of, it's an intelligent accomplished woman!

    3. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Also, Wendy doesn't have tons of plastic surgery and is very attractive, unlike Palin.

  12. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Hooray! I have been hoping and praying for Greg Abbott to get teabagged in the face with the PALIN CURSE!

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    How come Palin always looks as though she is snarling and sneering in her photos? Check the above one out folks!

    She is also so full of smelly caca it makes Americans hold their noses!

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      She;s a "mean girl,"...its the only form of self-expression she knows.,

  14. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Come on Sarah, give us a comment on same sex marriage coming to Alaska? How's the Hope and Change working out for you? On the wrong side of history AGAIN!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Sarah is afraid that it will destroy her marriage.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Anonymous6:17 PM
      Well maybe her lawyer & her pocket judge can get married now? (Not together) (but who knows?) lol
      Todd can get remarried?

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      718 yeah no shit right...old Dave Parker can officiate!

  15. Anonymous6:33 PM

    As a Texas voter I certainly don't need any advice on our elections from some middle aged drunk unemployed woman from the Meth capitol of the USA.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      yeah a batch that got carried to Russia before 2009 was rumored to cause users to get 'holes in their body'...Todd took those meth cooks for a plane ride..

  16. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Her former employers at Fox thought the ad was just fine. Sarah, did you not check with Roger again before putting on your indignant wig?

  17. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I don't know Abbott's voting record, but if he wasn't voting for health care for every disabled person in Texas, he has it coming. That was also Sarah Palin's campaign promise, that if she was elected, the disabled would have a voice in Washington. It seems that whether she won or lost, she should be using her public position to advocate for the disabled, as she promised. She used Trig as her campaign prop, and then, sadly, doesn't seem to be getting him any therapy. No, I don't think that Sarah needs to be discussing the disabled.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Sarah Palin discussing the disabled. Please continue.

    2. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Abbott has consistently legislated against compensation for accident victims, the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, birth control, and same sex marriage. He also legislated against people being able to find out what dangerous/explosive/toxic chemicals are being stored in their communities -- this after a fertilizer plant blew up the entire town of West, Texas. He is all for corporations and all against individuals.

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    The ad was true, that's why they are so pissed.
    And they are being their so hated politically correct by admonishing the use of the wheelchair, that Abbot has used repeatedly in his ads. GOP hypocrite crybabies. Nothing new.

    Tip Gryph, use donotlink for your links. It really pisses them off because they don't get the link.


  19. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Noooo. Lying? Not the straight talk express...

    Thanks John McCain for revealing the moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party (by picking Sarah Palin as your vp nominee).

  20. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Any wonder why so many Americans are turned off by politics "
    -Sarah Palin

    Yes we are turned off when the family representing the REPUBLICAN PARTY is drunk and looking for a party to crash so they can fight.

    We were fine and having a good time listening to music and enjoying each others company.


    The First daughter Bristol who the crowd says was drunk enough not to remember hitting anybody but Sarah Palin's eldest daughter remembers being dragged around the yard by her leg and being called words like cunt

    Father and son are fighting the crowd with blood and noses getting busted.

    Self proclaimed politician Sarah Palin is hollering out,


    Yes Americans are turned off by politics, self proclaimed politician Sarah Palin and her family.

  21. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Only a complete moron could watch that commercial and think it was attacking Greg Abbott's yeah, I can see Sarah believing that.

  22. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Oh fuck you, Sarah. And who's cock did you suck to get "elected" in the first place anyways?

  23. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Bristol is a dumb fucking media whore like her mom.. Nothing more needs to be said than that.

  24. Anonymous1:06 AM

    The First daughter Bristol who the crowd says was drunk enough not to remember hitting anybody but Sarah Palin's eldest daughter remembers being dragged around the yard by her leg and being called words like cunt


    Sarah and Todd, what kind of parents are you? Your daughter Bristol goes to a party WITH HER PARENTS and Bristol gets so wasted she doesn't remember hitting the host of the party in his face several times.

    Think back to your youth Todd, girls like Bristol must have been an easy target for you. Those type of girls (like Bristol was at the Anchorage party) are so drunk or high, horny as all get out and they are easy targets to screw because drunk girls like Bristol don't remember who pulled their panties down and went to town on their hoohahs.

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      What was in your purse Bristol ? And why were you so anxious to hide it when police arrived ?

      So wasted that she doesn't remember punching the host, but not SO wasted that she remembered she had something very illegal in her purse !

    2. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Tripp's formula - nickname for her stash.

  25. Caroll Thompson1:21 AM

    Did Gregg Abbott ask Sarah to post something on her Facebook page? Or did Sarah go rogue and post something after seeing G's post on the Wendy Davis commercial.

    Either way, Sarah's post has all the nasty sexualized comments that she is known for. Why any so called Christian organization would want her to speak, as she is doing today, is beyond my comprehension.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I doubt it. Texans really don't care what other people think they should do, we do what we think is best. And no one in Texas cares what that drunk woman from Alaska cares about. BTW We have thousands of "energy experts" one's that truly are energy experts.

  26. I'm not allowed to comment there for some reason...I think for once they figured out what 'sarcasm' means, I'm disappointed that I can't mess with the pea brains any longer, owell

  27. Anonymous3:19 AM

    How much would it cost me to run an ad :"Sarah Palin thinks Greg Abbott would be a good governor. 'Nuff said."


  28. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Right on, Sarah... and you had better strap on your artificial penis so that you can continue to impress the lunatics on the far, far, far right. Maybe the great Greg Abbott of the great state of Texas will declare that you are, indeed, great. Or not! GO WENDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Anonymous5:18 AM

    as if Bristol was ever married or will ever be married.

  30. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Hmm, when I think of strap on, I think of Sarah's fake boobs. She certainly straps them on often enough to make some shallow point (begging for attention or dollars) that Sarah's perpetual inner teenager needs to make to her dwindling base of republican men.

  31. Anonymous5:36 AM

    "strap on" Holy crap is Sarah messed up in the head. I would never think to "strap on" my shoes. How do you get that confused with "lace up." She is one sick woman.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Could not agree more! !!

  32. Anonymous6:47 AM

    YIKES, that pic!

  33. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Even Fox defended the truthfulness of the spot. Greg Abbott is a POS who has come down squarely in the, "Screw you, I got mine" camp ever since that tree fell on him.

    The truth hurts, a-holes.

  34. Anonymous3:45 PM

    may be it was a financial tactic by McCain if he KNEW who that Kid was worth and from? Syria John boy? Really? Your Own Worst Enemy...headshake!


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