Sunday, November 02, 2014

Bill Maher slams the Democrats for trying to make distance form their President.

"The one I feel sorry for is Obama. Sixty three straight months of economic expansion, a depression averted, a deficit reduced by two thirds, a health care law that's workign and lowering costs, two women on the Supreme Court, Bin Laden's dead, Stock Market at record heights, an unemployment rate that dropped from 10.2 to 5.9. If you are a Fox News viewer, trying to do the math, that's less. Gas prices are less, is it really that hard of a record to get behind?"

You know I have been asking that question over and over again myself.

Once again the Democrats have allowed the conservatives to define reality in the political sphere is despite all facts to the contrary, this President has been deemed political poison.

So if indeed Democrats lose big this election cycle, they do not get to blame the President for what he did. They need to blame themselves for their cowardice in not defending and applauding what he did.


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The one that bugs me the most on this score is Allison Grimes in Tennessee. She has repeatedly declined to say whether she even voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012. Seriously??? Her family has a long tradition in Democratic politics in that state and she's too chicken shit to say that she voted for a Democrat? Who was re-elected?

    Lord knows I would rather have her than Yertle the Turtle Mitch McConnell but she came across as a spineless wuss on that issue. It was a huge disappointment and I suspect didn't do her a lick of good with any voters. And she's probably going to lose anyway.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      If Kentuckians continue to vote against themselves, let them. Cannot believe I just said that! If they put the asshole turtle in continued 'obstructive' office, it will appall me!

      I was born in that racist state and I thank god that my folks brought me to, and raised me, in the great northwest!

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      As a person born in Chicago, now a resident of Tennessee, Allison Grimes is running in Kentucky. If they lose it's their own fault. They have had plenty to crow about. Seems like they are afraid to say anything against the lies, just keep their mouths closed. You have fight fire with fire. Here in TN they are all running against Obama and his agenda. I bet not one could tell what the agenda is,

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      12:50 Don't say racist state, we're all Americans.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You are so right on, IM and so was Bill Maher!!! The Dems are idiots to have listened and followed the Republicans!

    President Obama will go down in history as one of our best POTUS and then listen to the Republicans whine and cry!

    I can hardly wait for Hillary Clinton to follow him and stop everything the Republicans try to do. Watch their continued obstruction of a woman POTUS. They are a horrible breed of humanity!

    1. Balzafiar1:15 PM

      "They are a horrible breed of humanity!"

      Yes they are, and Mitch McConnell is the worst of the bunch. Every time I see that smirking bastards face it just angers me greatly. He is a fucking traitor to the human race.

    2. Balzafiar1:23 PM

      Bill is so good at really drilling down and getting to the germ of truth on issues. I wish he had a talk show on broadcast TV, one that would deal seriously with issues.

      He mixes humor with seriousness that works very well.

  3. As a rule elected democrats these days are effing cowards.
    Except for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren they are
    indeed chicken shit. Even though we have sanity on our side and facts about how this administration saved the economy, got millions healthcare, saved the auto industry and tried to extricate us out of wars---they barely open their mouths.

    Who will vote for you if you pretend to be ghosts and never tout the progress made against GOP insanity?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. He's an Independent. He'll earn my full support on the day he says that he's a Democrat.

      A lot of the nonsense about Democrats not wanting to be seen with President Obama is coming from the media. In mid-term elections, the White House occupant does not usually do a lot of stumping for candidates. The media would accuse him of shirking his responsibility.

      Just like the New York Times and its articles about President Obama being too aloof. What??? When did George W. Bush ever in local delis or bakeries or sit down with locals at small restaurants? When did George W. Bush bounce a baby and have his picture taken by proud parents or attend a college basketball game? President Obama has been a real people's president. And in the last several months he's done a lot of traveling on weekends to fund raise for Democrats; in the last several weeks he's done a lot of campaigning for Democrats too. He's been in Wisconsin, Illinois and other states. Yesterday he was in Detroit; today he's in Philadelphia. Not much mention of any of these events in the New York Times or in any other media outlets.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I'm a "nondeclared" voter. I vote issues, not candidates and respect those who do not toe the party line. I like the freedom to choose whomever best fits my personal political profile, however, in this particular election here in my state there aren't any candidates that have a preponderance of values in line with mine.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Beaglemom -
      As with everything else, President Obama is blamed no matter what he does.

      If he was out campaigning for Democratic candidates, the right would complain that he was being political and not doing his job, just like they rant about all the vacation he's taken (wayyy less than Dubya).

      If he doesn't campaign, they yell that he's a Kenyan, Muzzlin usurper with a failed record that is destroying this country and no one wants to be seen with him.

      There is just no way the man can get credit for anything with them, despite the fact that he managed to avert a worldwide financial implosion of their creation and gave health coverage to millions of people.

  4. Amen. Cowards, all of them. Would love to see Bernie (my favorite senator) run for POTUS even though I don't think it'll ever happen.
    Without campaign reform this madness we call our election system will continue ... on and on and on. Sigh

  5. Right on, Gryphen. Obama is a better President than JFK, LBJ, Carter and Clinton, and I admire those four and also recognize their flaws. Obama is the greatest President of my lifetime, and much better than I ever could have reasonably expected.

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Bush tossed Mr. Obama the keys to a house on fire. Mr. Obama has accomplished so much, with constant resistance & political grandstanding from extremists in the GOP/TP. I am appalled that any one would distance themselves from our intelligent, level headed President.

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I was just talking to a fellow Democrat about this when he started bashing the President.

    Republicans barely ever criticize a sitting Republican. Even at the end of Bush Jr's term, they were loathe to say anything bad about him. Meanwhile, Democrats are quick to come down on any elected Democrats who falls short of the ideal.

    Welcome to the real world where all your dreams don't come true. President Obama hasn't fulfilled every one of his campaign promises to the fullest. He isn't as Progressive as we want him to be (or, likely, as he wants to be). But we have made a great deal of progress thanks to him (and despite the Party of "No").

    I happen to like President Obama, but even if I felt disappointed in him, I'll still take him any day over any Republican or Libertarian and I'm not going to waste my vote on a Green Party candidate who tries to tell us Democrats and Republicans are "all the same."

    They aren't "all the same."

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I had a fellow Democrat bash President Obama, also. I am going to memorize every statistic Maher related, so that I can tick them off every time I have to talk to a Dem or Republican. Statistic after statistic after statistic.

      I am in Texas, so I listen to more Republican Foxes than I wish I did--or see their posts on my Facebook. I was riding in a car with someone the other night who said "We need to vote them all out & take back our government. I'd had it. So I said--"Well, stop driving on "your" government's road right now.!!! " Their sheepish reply--"Well, some of what the government does is good." Really? Is that right but you hate it? So sick of these Fox people!!

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Whenever people try to talk politics and religion to me I just raise my left eyebrow, Colbert-style and give a sly smile and say nothing. Leave 'em guessing, I say!

  8. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Joni Ernst
    Scott Brown
    Make it a November to remember
    Impeach Obama
    Remove Obozo and the Tranny Queen from the WH
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Is that you Track Palin?

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      If it was 8-Track it would have read more like this:

      Fuckin' Joni Ernst Fuck Yeah!

      Fuckin' Scott Fuckin' Brown He's a little pussy and kinda like gay, but you know, not really gay.

      Make it a November to remember kick some fuckin ASS!!!

      Fuckin' Impeach Motherfuckin' Obama yeah! (except I can't vote because I'm a felon maybe...shit, I"ll kick your ass then jump ya from behind and cold cock ya, you know what I mean PALIMO!)

      Remove Obozo and the Tranny Queen from the WH (Hey the Tranny Queen, that's my MOM! Hey Mom, didn't know we went to the fucking White House, shit, fuck, I thought we were in fucking Eagle River!, and fuck man, our house is RED, not white, so fuck the LIMO is white??? Where am I??? PALIMO!!!)

      Take back our country, whatever fucking country we are in now, shit, I dunno, Canada or what? Mom says Africa is a country are we there? Can this Limo fly? Is Eagle River in America?

      'Merica! What?

    3. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon2:36 PM

      No, it's Track's half-sister, Battlin' Bristol.

    4. Bristol Palin is not capable of writing a paragraph, 2:36.

    5. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Definitely not a Palin. No way do any of those kids (or their father) know how to spell that many words correctly.

      Is that Chuckles, Jr?

    6. Anonymous5:05 PM

      It's not your country, you f****n imbred redneck a$$h*le.

  9. Obama is the best thing to happen to the GOP since Reagan, they are making bank on hate speech and the right-wing-nut provocateur fear porn tactic...From the head grifter Palin on down, from Rush, Bachmann and Cruz, they are making bank fighting the Head Muslim in Charge....

  10. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I value what this country stands for to ever vote for anyone who refuses to work with the opposing party on virtually every issue. these people are elected to work in the best interest of our government & it's people-not to make a name for themselves. A grown man shutting down OUR government while reading "Green Eggs & Ham" does not have anyone's best interest but his own inflated ego self! Perhaps someone should read him my personal favorite, "Marvin K, Mooney, Please Go NOW!" What an asshole!

  11. Anita Winecooler3:34 PM

    I don't get it either. I'm pushing for Tom Wolf in PA, and he had President Obama stump for him for exactly the same reasons, and Wolfe is running against the other rwnj's darth vader, Tom Corbett.

  12. Hey! Here's something funny about this election:
    Sorry, I got nothing...


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