Sunday, November 02, 2014

GOP suggests to Iowa voters that everybody will know if they do not vote Republican.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

The GOP is trying to convince Iowa voters on Facebook that their neighbors will know if they voted Republican. 

Screenshots of Facebook ads, promoted by the official Facebook page of the Republican National Committee feature an ominous message: “NOTICE: All Voting Is Public.” The ad tell voters that “In a few months, Iowa will release the list of individual who voted in this election.” Most troublingly, the ad includes an arial view of a neighborhood with checkmarks indicating that “These People Voted GOP.” 

It is true that voter participation in elections in public information. But how a someone voted, including what party they voted for, is not. The secret ballot has long been considered a hallmark of American democracy.

Interesting tactic don't you think?

Made even more so by the fact that something similar was being done up here in Alaska, only with letters instead of Facebook posts.

Similar tactics are also being used in Kentucky:

In a move that Democrats are lambasting as a voter suppression tactic, Sen. Mitch McConnell's campaign and its GOP allies are distributing a mailer to Kentucky voters with the title "ELECTION VIOLATION NOTICE." 

It warns of "a possible fraud" and reads, "You are at risk of acting on fraudulent information." It says it's paid for by the Republican Party of Kentucky and authorized by the McConnell Senate Committee '14. 

The mailer is ultimately a rather creative attack on Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes, telling the voter that she is feeding them "fraudulent information" and "blatant lies solely to deceive Kentucky voters" about McConnell and her own candidacy. 

Clearly these are yet more attempts to suppress the vote by Republicans who realize that the fewer people voting means a better chance for their candidates.

Just another reason to make damn sure that you all get out and vote.

Remember if the Republicans don't want you to do it, you KNOW it must be a good idea.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Meet your new Gestapo: Today's GOP. What, is Ernst gonna castrate all non-compilers?

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I can't wait until Wednesday. This election season has been nothing but propaganda overload from both sides. My political junk mail pile grew to nearly an inch tall yesterday; over 75 large glossy (some 10x12") often multiple page thick paper political adverts since beginning of October. My mailman also confirmed that he can't wait until all this nonsense is finished because he's tired of trying to stuff giant glossy stiff mailers into people's tiny mailboxes. Every night as we fast forward through commercials 90% of them are political, it's out of control. Our campaign and election system is broken. And guess what, 2016 is going to be even more brutal...oh boy.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      If the GOP wins a majority in the Senate on Tues, I predict favorable media coverage for Democrats in 2016. It's all about the horse race and about creating controversy and sensational headlines once the horse race is over.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      9:34 AM It's been all about racism and obstructing President Obama. Thank god he's outdone them and been successful in spite of the likes of McConnell, etc.

      Two more years and I'll betcha President Obama does things (legally) that they are going to detest! Can hardly wait to watch him and for Hillary Clinton to run and win. Then what are the Republicans and media going to do - go after a woman with the evilness they have done to President Obama?

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I could care less if someone knows I voted and am registered as 'non partisan'.

    I think more and more voters are going to change their registration to Independent or Non- Partisan.

    The Republican party is pure evil and crap. So looking forward to many of them going down in the upcoming elections.

    I also detest how all these polls are telling folks what the outcomes are going to be....more bullshit! Remember how 'that' guy (think his name was Mittens!) lost to President Obama and they kept saying their polls showed he'd win? Karl Rove could hardly believe they'd lost and by substantial numbers!

    The same thing is going to occur again!!

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    It's disturbing to think there are that many uneducated voters who can be intimidated because they don't know:

    1. They can vote for any candidate. Party registration, if any, doesn't matter.
    2. Who they vote for is their secret.

    I hope this GOP intimidation tactic backfires and voters see it as just another sign the GOP disrespects them and the democratic process.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      The fact some areas (Kentucky as an example) are trying to get a candidate to declare whether or not they voted for President Obama is idiotic.

      Our vote is a private matter and need only be disclosed should someone want to or volunteers to do so. I could care less how Grimes voted in Kentucky! All I know is that I don't want that asshole obstructionist to win. I hope he is booted to kingdom come never to be heard from again!

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I found this on the NYPost:
    Don't know whether it is really true or not.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      It appears to be true. They interviewed the spokesman for the NY Dems who sent out the flyer. At least, the flyer included accurate information:

      “Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record.”

      “We will be reviewing voting records . . . to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014.”

      It can be interpreted as intimidating and heavy-handed or as a simple 'Get Out the Vote' effort. The NY Post article is using it to take a swipe at Gov. Cuomo who had nothing to do with the flyer.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      I wish this was done by a nonpartisan group, but the truth is, we need to guilt more people into voting. It's our civic duty and voting rates are pitiful.

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Doubt it is accurate. I've had calls from poll takers and have absolutely lied to them to screw w/their results! Would imagine numerous other Americans have done the same!

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    What is about to happen Tuesday (at least according to corporate media) is probably necessary to get people to WAKE THE F--- UP, and kill the GOP. They are going to screw everybody but their rich puppet masters. If you don't participate in your democracy, you get the government you deserve. Bend over suckers! 40% turnout? PATHETIC!

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      I feel for the IMers here that live in Iowa, That someone like Ernst could rise to prominence is mind boggling, but that's the state of politics today and a LAZY media that should be calling this out at every turn.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      40% turnout? They put a number out there and the total voting hasn't even taken place as yet. Lies, lies, lies - the media!!!

      I'll wager a whole lot more show up and then what is the media going to say?

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      It seems pretty likely that the GOP will take the Senate. This might be the wakeup call that Progressives finally need to get their butts in gear and become more serious about voting and making their voice heard. It will be another two years of obstructionism but it will show us if people are willing to get to the polls or just sit and let themselves be railroaded by the right.

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Many keep saying that the GOP will take the Senate. How in the hell do they know that? They don't!!! The voting results are not in from voting on Tuesday, November 4th. Don't listen to the assholes and vote the way you want to.

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    We have a very depressing, disturbing two years ahead of us.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      And you know the she-devil in Alaska is licking her herpe-ed chops.

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    OT - Gryphen, Are you going to the Sullivan/Cruz rally this p.m.?

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      That would be the last place I'd go. Cruz is so damned slimy!

  9. Anonymous10:24 AM

    9:47 AM See! You are spreading what they are publishing - i.e. 40% turnout. The voting hasn't even been completed. That number is false - they have no clue what the turnout will be. I've worked at voters stations throughout the years (volunteer) - they have no clue how many will actually show up to vote.

    Screw the Republicans of today and the media for supplying constant false information.

  10. Anonymous10:43 AM

    It's supposed to be a secret ballot.

  11. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It's not a secret ballot. Your vote is suppose to be the secret. I've worked at the voting stations - anyone can find out whether you voted or not! They just don't know HOW and FOR WHOM you voted!

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      The ballot is the vote, hence 'secret ballot'.
      Knowing whether or not you vote doesn't compromise privacy since you can vote for any candidate. I was a registered Republican for years, voted in every election, and never voted for a GOP presidential or senatorial candidate.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      12:36 PM I've been registered as non partisan for years and have never voted Republican!

      Your vote is 'secret' on the ballot - you do not have to disclose to anyone how you voted UNLESS you chose to.

  12. Caroll Thompson12:23 PM

    After the Republicans steal this election, I am not going to listen to any complaints from people who could not be bothered to vote.

    Everyone needs to vote on Tuesday.

  13. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Wow--just wow. You know you don't have a political leg to stand on when you have to threaten people into not voting. Sick.

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    From the Think Progress article: Most troublingly, the ad includes an arial[sic] view of a neighborhood with checkmarks indicating that “These People Voted GOP.”

    The GOP have left themselves an out. The "GOP" is in a different typeface and positioned so that—if pressed—they can claim it should be read:
    These People Voted

  15. Anita Winecooler3:47 PM

    Just try it, I dare you. And the priests will publish every sin every GOP nutjob confessed or lose their tax status.

    The company my husband works for is owned by a rwnj, and he passed out a "poll" with one of the questions being "Will you be voting for Obama or for War Hero John McCain"? My husband left it blank, got called into the office and was told he'd lose his job if he doesn't answer the question. He wrote in "Have your lawyers talk to mine, and stapled his lawyers card on the poll. Nothing happened of it, and the HR person, who is a friend of ours, showed him his pay is within the parameters of others hired with the same qualifications around the same time.


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