Sunday, November 02, 2014

President Obama makes perfectly reasonable statement about the problems working parents have in finding quality childcare, which gets cherry picked by conservatives as being an attack on stay-at-home moms. Well you know who HAS to weigh in on this!

"Too often parents have no choice but to put their kids in cheaper daycare, that maybe doesn't have the kinds of programming that makes a big difference in a child's development. And sometime there may just not be any slots, or the best programs may be too far away. And sometimes someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that's not a choice want Americans to make."

Clearly the President was talking about the problems facing two income families who are faced with problems finding quality childcare. It was NOT directed at families where the male earns an income which allows his wife to be a stay-at-home mother. 

However THAT is exactly how it is being purposefully misinterpreted by the Right Wing professional outrage machine. And right now the conservatives smell blood in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle.

And if there is any hint of weakness on the President's part, you know who will soon come sniffing around for a taste.

And gee the headline of her Facebook post starts off so reasonably:

Obama Declares Stay-at-Home Moms Aren't Worth a Hill of Beans; Says It's a Choice 'We Don't Want Americans to Make’

I will spare you the entire thing as I think you can already imagine how ugly and fact free it will be. 

However here are a few moosenuggets for your perusal: 

On behalf of former and current stay-at-homers, including my girlfriends who still get together to bake cookies for the bake sale (see photos in my kitchen above), and volunteer to coach kids ball teams, and man the church's food bank, and entertain latchkey kids, and all that other obnoxiously "housewifey" stuff, the President needs to be spanked. 

Number one I think most of her "girlfriends" are on the SarahPAC payroll, and number two waht kind of person suggests that the President of the United States should be "spanked?"

It seems you'd shackle us by your snobbish shunning of one traditional lifestyle choice while taking advantage of power to manifest your liberal view by manipulating public opinion and resources to diminish moms who put career on hold to raise a family. You are really messed up. And you're so 1960's. 

Now she is talking about "shackles?"
You really are stuck in a contorted kind of '60s feminism where you obviously don't trust women to make their own decisions, so you're frustrated. 

And now she is suggesting that the President is "frustrated?" Anybody else picking up on a theme here?

Now, I'm sure your star struck female minions in the media will writhe and wiggle in defense of you on this, they always do, even though you just marginalized a most valuable sector of American society while having the gall to admit that, for you, it's only all about the money. 

"Female minions" will "writhe and wiggle?" Well so much more subtlety.

And then Palin goes for the jugular.

Perhaps you never witnessed the benefits a "full-time mom" provides a family, a community, our schools, our nation, but you're a big boy now so figure it out yourself without me lecturing you on the beauty of a homemaker. Suffice it to say "stay-at-home moms" make the world go 'round. 

- Sarah Palin

Okay now that was just uncalled for. Suggesting that the President does not appreciate stay-at-home mothers because his worked out of the home is a low blow even for Palin.

I understand that it undermines Sarah Palin, and the conservatives, sense of outrage to recognize that the President was NOT suggesting that he did not want mothers to stay at home with their children, but the fact is that what he was saying is that he did not want either parent to be forced out of work due to poor childcare choices.

The President was making his speech  at the Rhode Island College in Providence, and the topic was "Women and the Economy."  I think THAT audience had little difficulty understanding that the President was discussing ways in which the government could assist parents and help them to compete financially with their counterparts at work who do not have to worry about also meeting the needs of their children.

Sadly that is a sophisticated message which rings hollow in the ears of the ignorant.


  1. Wow, Sarah has sunk to a new low - she is just disgusting!!

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Nope. Same old disgusting low as always. Once one hitd rock bottom, thete is no new low. Sarah bottomed out a long time ago. Desperation is not pretty.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Hey gang dont forget to watch Nik Wallenda walk the tightrope in my hometown, Chicago.Comin right up on Discovery channel. Wish him luck even though he's a major fundie but a nice guy, none the less. He says his "faith" will see him through.I hope he's right. Maybe he'll grow wings like that movie,"Michael" with Travolta.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "Moosenuggets" explains everything. $arah's head is filled with them and the ambient temperature causes the nuggets to swell taking the path of least resistance out of her mouth. As global warming continues, she'll be shooting them out her ears.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Why can't this sick, deranged POS just drop dead. I'd even settle for natural causes. She contributes nothing to our fragile society and her treatment of my president is beyond the pale. Begone Satan

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I'm sure there are many in America that would like to help her along to Hell. She is so evil, nasty and sexual when it comes to our wonderful POTUS.

      Be aware, you idiot, he isn't listening to your baloney! Thank god he doesn't have to!! He's far to busy being an outstanding POTUS!

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Well, this explains why Yahoo had a huge story about how stay-at-home mommies are just the most wonderfulest, Murkkkuh-savin' specialest of special, special snowflakes, and anyone who says differently just plain old hates Murkkkuh.

  5. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Since when does the Wasilla Wendigo have the right to speak up about parenting? She sure as hell never did any. Recall when she whined about her "twwwwwo-bullll" and how she couldn't be arsed to take her turn at the carpool?

    1. Anonymous2:14 AM

      $carah was a stay at home mom just like I am a 5 star general!! If she is an example, it will scare the bejeesus out of others, seeing her pack of jackals pour out of the stretch Humvee, fists flying, F bombs screamed ready to fight. What a joke this person is, fake from top to bottom. I wonder what "hard working" Bristles (French) will add to this load off bullcrap?

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Oh for God's sake, Sarah! Do you spend ALL of your energy sexually fantasizing about President Obama? I mean, I totally get it. Todd isn't anything special in the looks department & he certainly isn't super successful, ridin' your coat tails & such & after hearing him wax poetic on the BRAWL audio....but,geez, Sarah, keep it in your pants, ok? This is just getting too creepy & gross. I mean, sure, McCain probably would do ya, but no way in hell would Mr. Obama touch your nasty old ass. Yuck!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Found this posted at the Pee Pond:-

      MJUdall palin45potus • 3 hours ago

      A righteous smack down.
      How much should we bet on at least one idiotic story suggesting that Palin is somehow sexually attracted to Obama because she stated that he needed a spanking? The reason she used the line was from a place of motherly authority, but never underestimate gutter minds of the left to take it to another place.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Yes, because there's nothing sexual about a 50 year old woman saying a grown man (not her son) needs a spanking. Riiiiight.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      @Anonymous4:54 PM

      Why do they seem to think she somehow has the RIGHT to talk this way (at least in her imaginary world where she is an expert on every subject ever) to the leader of the free world? How come they bitch and moan about the Obamas trying to run their lives but it's a-ok for Sarah to tell everyone what to do and how to live, and talk to the President as though he's beneath her and tell him how to do his job. A job she doesn't begin to grasp the importance or the complexity of, or the difficulty of. He's older than her and his toenail clippings are a thousand times smarter and wiser, so how dare she play like she's his mother and call him "boy". But they whine every time SHE is "attacked" by people telling the truth about her. Such hypocrites...they're despicable.

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    President Obama's mother worked...he grew up to become President of the United States. The Screechy Wretch's mother didn't work...and she raised a pack of child-molesters and lying grifters.

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Anne Dunham did more in her life to help women advance than Sarah could ever hope to. And yet she still managed to raise a child who was intelligent, tough, worldly without being cynical, gracious in the face of incredibly vile treatment by the likes of Sarah and her buddies, a brilliant scholar and a faithful and responsible husband and father, and an incredibly successful 2-term President. What has Palin instilled into HER kids? They're a pack of animalistic fucktards just like her. This bitch needs to drop dead. How dare she.

  8. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It doesn't look as though any of those cooking props have ever been used. I wouldn't be surprised if the price tag was still on each on.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Palin doesn't know what she's doing in the kitchen and proves it by trying to make muffins. She pours the batter into the paper liners and then tries to fit them into the pan! She's obviously quite unfamiliar with a kitchen and how items really work.

  9. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Hey Sarah, you can probably still find an Obama Halloween mask at Party City. Todd could wear it, when you to spank each other. Maybe that would help you move on from this obsession you have.

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Guess Glenn Rice ruined her for Yup'ik muricans. Once you go black...

  11. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "Todd's Valentine" t-shirt and part of the bottom of a heart in the background -- another pic that's not current.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      You are so right! Too funny. So we are to surmise, last time she hung out with these "friends" was at minimum last February!

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Not an apron is sight, in fact it looks like they dressed up for the occasion ie to pose with some ingredients. I just love "linda evans" with the mixer and the dishwasher that doesn't even have her hands in the water

      Sarah Palin-zero comprehension skills. She really keeps lowering the bar with her disgusting comments and she has done nothing, nada, zip for working women.

    3. Anonymous2:23 AM

      So, if $carah can be a stay at home mother, does she suggest all other mothers start their own Pac, and grift like she does??

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Dear President Obama,
    Please wear an ebola caretaker hazmat suit and have sex with Sarah Palin, just once, (you can keep your eyes closed.)
    Then perhaps she can get you out of her system and leave you and us alone.
    I know this is an unusual request, but she clearly has a disorder which can only be treated by you wriggling on top of her, or beside her or over her....anyway just do it.
    Thank you. We owe you big time. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Or behind her. She likes it doggy-style.

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      No WAY would that cure her...her obsession would become even WORSE than it currently is and she already spends way more time thinking about Michelle's husband than she thinks of her own.

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Check out part of woman-doing-dishes while wearing watch and tons of jewelry; which is what I wear when I'm going to spend the evening with my hands immerse in water.

    She is doing dishes even though not a single backing ingredient is open yet.

  14. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The whole world saw the effects of Sarah Palin's parenting skills a short few weeks ago in Anchorage. As for her wanting to spank Obama, she should stick to blow jobs with college basketball players. She's in the wrong league.

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    President Obama was in Providence RI, home of #1 Palin fan Krusty Patullo!

  16. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Sarah Palin is not a stay-at-home mom.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      she's too old to EVEN pretend to be a stay-at-home mom

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Anon 3:53- do you live in a swamp? There are plenty of moms Sarah's age in other cities. Not everyone has babies at age 15

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Anonymous3:53 PM
      uh...sarah is like 50 something right? You mean there are 50-year-old "young/strugling" or "new" moms? There are but it's not usual. And you can be a grandma at 50 if you & your daughter where 25 not 15. But at 50 you could be a great-grandmother. Perhaps sarah is a great-grandmother...who knows

    4. Anonymous5:32 PM

      She's great-granny age at 52, but she's always wishing to be a teen, thus the botox, fillers, and fake boobs..

    5. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Anonymous4:49 PM
      Nah...that would be the duck pedophile. Except 15 would be too old for him. As I recall he went on national t.v. & said 13 is the perfect age to get a girl to marry, 15 was too old, and 18 was "forget it, because by then they go after your wallet."

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      If we were talking wasilli swamp mothers it would be 15 for motherhood & 45

    7. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I acctually know 2 women who waited until later in life to have children. One is 45 with a 6-year-old and the other 55 with a 10-year-old. Sadly the second one has a DS child. I am not sure what to think of these women since they both had fertility tratments and then having children who are DS, and not enough energy to take care of even the child without DS. In fact the mother of the 6-year-old drops the kid off here and there, but she can afford to pay since she waited until she and her husband had enough for her to stay home.I don't know if this is fair for the kids.

  17. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Once again one of Sarah's personalities has misunderstood the content.
    And Sarah? YOU took your kids to work with you, which is so incredibly unprofessional. I'm trying to think of the women doctors and surgeons with whom I work bringing their kids to work or using them as shields. OH, I CAN'T be on call tonight, or this week or this month, I'M a MOM!
    I am incredibly fortunate to have an educated husband with a ridiculously well paying job that allowed me to stay home IF I WANTED. Guess what? I didn't want to. I've always worked three days a week and had the absolute best of both worlds. My intellect was satisfied and I was also free to contribute to my neighborhood, community and family.
    POB is talking about women staying home because it is hard to get affordable daycare that makes it worth it for her to work, you fucking ninny.
    And she is just begging us to ask her : IF SHE is such a wonderful fucking stay at home mom, why can't the Tri-G in her house shit in a a toilet or eat solid food??? THAT is her #1 job and she failed miserably at it.
    Fail fail fail Sarah.
    You fail.

  18. Hmm, I guess Sarah isn't Trig's Mom. If he had a stay at home and real Mom, imagine where his development would be at now.

    Same situation though in the 1960s, 1970s, my down's syndrome cousin could eat solid foods, feed himself and dress himself and talk well enough to hold a conversation, plus he went to school. Anyway, my cousin died in a bus accident when I was 13. Poor guy, yet I remember that about my cousin. What he could do.

    So much for Sarah being a stay at home Mom ... not. Also, for being a grown up rather than an attention seeking teenager in an adult body.

    Think where Trig would be if Sarah had actually stayed at home rather than pretending to run the last several election cycles (or should I say GOP erection cycles for her) or fundraising for her PAC.

    Ahem, go back and own up to your own bad parenting $arah and could giving criticism where it's due ... when it should be pointed in your direction, first. You're a bad parent.

  19. I've had it with that stupid-ass bitch Sarah. She needs to shut it while she's ahead.
    M from MD

  20. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Paging Dr. Freud

  21. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Please let it be soon. Please.

  22. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Uh, hello, check out those women, they are grandmas if not even great grandmas! They haven't thought about being "stay at home moms" for at least two decades!

    Also too, Sarah Palin never stayed at home as a mother, much to the consternation of Curtis Menard Jr, who actually approached her and tried to give her advice regarding putting her family before her job. Wonder why he was so interested in her parenting skills? Almost like he had a "vested interest" in one or more of her kids....

    Then we hear stories of her family subsisting on such fare as mac and cheese and hot dogs? Hello, my mother worked but we ate well every night. We had a housekeeper that came 3 days per week to clean, wash our laundry and take dad's stuff to the cleaners, but my mother worked a very high pressure job and made sure she was home each night to cook us nutritious meals, not mac and cheese and hot dogs, but real food.

    Mrs. Palin is a dud both as a Mom and as a person in the job force. She failed at both.

  23. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Sarah once again misses the message.turn down the volume to the little voices in your head woman.

  24. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sounds like somebody is itching to get served with a restraing order. Be careful, Sarah-Michelle could kick your ass. Maybe not Bristol's. Definitely could Track's, yep definitely Track's.

  25. Anonymous3:26 PM

    How ironic, Sarah, you wouldn't know what a full time mom was if you were paid to recognize one.

  26. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sarah can not talk about stay-at-home moms given that she played local politician when her children were very young. We all saw just how well her three oldest children have turned out - in their own words to the Anchorage police no less. How much time has Sarah spent with Piper and Trig since November 2008? Not much. And, of course, just after she became the public caretaker of Trig, Sarah upped and wandered the country instead of taking care of him. The result: he was woefully prepared to start kindergarten. Even Sarah admitted that he had not progressed much. Sarah, it takes time and patience and tremendous therapy to help "God's little gift" do his best. Didn't Trig's pediatrician mention taking him to this or that therapy from the time he was a baby? Or was the doctor afraid of supermom Sarah or didn't she take him for his medical visits?

    1. Anonymous3:49 AM

      And let's not forget poor, neglected Piper's physical assault on that cameraman.

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Remember how Curt Menard Jr had to lecture her on how she was neglecting HER kids? Too bad there wasn't some affordable daycare available. Maybe those kids would have turned out better.

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Paul @ 3:13 PM:
      "Republican Erection Cycle."
      Perfect for the Psychologically Impaired Palin!

  27. Anita Winecooler3:30 PM

    Gee, Sarah, I'm one of your biggest fans and now you got me all confused. Is the kitchen sink used to bake cookies or is it to bathe little babies? This poor excuse for a mom has some cajones lecturing the President on Child Rearing. Look at the job she's done!
    Yes, I :can pick up what he's putting down loud and clear. Folks check out their pet's groomer's credentials with a fine toothed comb, yet leave their kids somewhere that has a slot open because it's convenient.
    The problem is, Sarah's got Jungle Fever in the worst way, she wants President Obama's ahem undivided attention. cough cough cough. And she'll never, ever get it.

  28. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Fuck every single one of those women who chose to pose with Sarah Palin. I have no patience for anyone who associates themselves with her. I'm a stay-at-home mother, and I completely understand and appreciate the President's remarks.

    Didn't these idiot mothers hear the effects of Sarah Palin's so-called parenting on those police tapes?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      they're not even stay-at-home mothers--they're retired grannies.

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Wow. Someone is pissed off. Lol!

  30. Anonymous3:36 PM

    It's beginning to feel (fill?) like a distinct privilege to neither read nor listen to one word from Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin has never uttered one word worth listening to, and her comedy act is so old and ailing it should really be put down.

    Even her next family brawl won't be half as amusing. Sarah Palin is done.

  31. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Sarah....Sarah.....I can only hope my hatin' on you is motivating you to get your name on a ballot. Come on Sarah, bug the crap out of me. I know it will NEVER happen. Too many skeletons, right Sarah?

  32. "number two waht kind of person suggests that the President of the United States should be "spanked?""
    The kind of person who can't keep her perverted mind off of his "cojones", his "big stick", and is frustrated over him wearing "mom jeans" vs. the macho charms of bare-chested bear wrasslers?

    She is one sick, twisted, man-hating, warped little harpy, who has no idea what a healthy, loving sexual relationship with a man might be like.

    And oh, her entire rant is one spittle-flecked, rage-spewing tirade closer to a padded room.

  33. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I haven't read the entire thing, but #1 those woman are not even child-bearing age. They're grandma ages women, but leave it to palin to pretend she's a "young new mom." Old granny palin needs to get a real job.

  34. Chenagrrl3:49 PM

    Are those the Creepy Housewives of Wasilla or Phoenix?

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      my first thought was SNL church lady types. ugh!

  35. Anonymous3:54 PM

    She's an irrelevant, washed up hate monger who NEVER had an idea, nor a solution for any problem.
    She is a SPEWER of right wing vomit.

  36. Anonymous3:54 PM

    " needs to be spanked, shackle us, stuck, contorted, frustrated. Writhe, wiggle, it's only all about the money.". Did Sarah screw up & post one of Todd's craigslist ads on her facebook page?

  37. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Wow! Sarah needed 5 women to help her bake a batch of cookies.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It could have been six but Mrs Fields told Sarah to FOAD!

  38. Wow. Palin is truly the stalker extraordinaire. Just can't get that man out of her system.

    She still gets too much attention for an idiot.

  39. Anonymous3:58 PM

    She is so low end. Her lack of sensitivity is only eclipsed by her lack of critical thinking skills.

  40. Anonymous4:03 PM

    That's just like Santorum when he was posing at a soup kitchen. And that old woman looks ugly even in that old picture. BTW the granny-aged jewelry clad women are toooo old to be stay-at-home mothers.

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      That was Paul Ryan, IIRC

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM're right. i get them confused because they're ALL liars. :)

  41. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Just about now, Sarah should be starting dinner preparations for the long-anticipated visit fromTed Cruz! Right?

  42. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I'm gonna wash that man right outta my wig

  43. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Glad one if the FB commenters called her out for her bullshit:

    If you read the whole transcript of that speech (which I have) it's clear that he's talking about equality, a living wage, and fairness to women. He describes women who are forced into leaving their jobs and in context his sentence is "...that's a choice we don't want Americans to [have to] make..." Yes, the "have to" isn't in there, but it's clear that's what he meant. He was NOT talking about women who WANT to stay home. He was talking about those who are forced to do so by economics. And I agree with him. Women should be able to work OR stay home, as they choose."

  44. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Totally Off Topic -

    But perhaps something else to think about. Brittany Maynard has ended her life. This beautiful young woman with an incurable brain tumor decided to this today. She and her family moved to Oregon so she would have the option of ended her life on her terms - which she did today.
    Perhaps we can look at this as opposed to claim, fame seekers. People who are constantly having "wardrobe malfunctions", people who are constantly creating lies such as Sarah has done with this last diatribe to attack Prez Obama, people who think crashing a party drunk is a great way to spend their precious lives. There is more to life and other things more important.

    Pat Padrnos

  45. Anonymous4:23 PM


    In less than four weeks we will have another opportunity for a Palin family brawl. Yes, Thanksgiving is coming and lord knows alcohol will be flowing and the drugs either injected or smoked in a crack pipe. Who will end up with a fat lip? I say Track will deck Chucky Jr and Bristol will do what Bristol does.. bitch and be a victim.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      If the last brawl is any indication, Track will deck Todd. Better keep the guns locked up or safe under your bed, Sarah.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Ho ho, just wait till New Year's...........


    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I don't think so. Todd broke his ribs after the last one.

      Trackmark: STFU! You're not my daddy!

      Todd: Pow!!

  46. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Oh god, make it stop! DIAF already you fuckin lunatic!

  47. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Are all those grannies our trolls? Bakin' up some cookies for a long session?

    And everybody get out and VOTE!


  48. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Nice t shirt there betsy ross.Todd's valentine my ass.Palin you are what we used to call a cold fish.. All show no go. Just a tease. Fuck you Palin.

  49. Anonymous4:48 PM

    If you can't afford daycare then keep your legs closed. I have a Down Syndrome child, a drunk combat vet with PDST, high school dropout that washes hair, a pimp for a husband and another daughter who I hope doesn't become Bristol 2.0 living at home that depend on me and I manage to take care of them without the government paying for daycare. (All you people living off me don't forget to sign your Alaska Permanent Fund check to me)

  50. Boscoe4:54 PM

    So, to recap: the President is a frustrated child who wants women in shackles, and anyone who disagrees is some sort of pole dancing slut-minion. Stay at home Moms make the world go round, even if they are emotionally stunted wrecks who are more like teenage friends to their kids than a parent, who embarrassingly walk around the house naked and generally hide out in their rooms "medicating" and eating crunchwrap supremes while Todd... I mean DAD raises the kids because Democrat war on women. HooHAH!

    Did I miss anything?

    1. Anonymous3:39 AM

      But Dad's often away for weeks, at which point, the kids get pawned off on already busy relatives to be "sorta supervised." I've always questioned that bs line form her even way back in 2008. She is such a narcissist, she sees her life as the only road for everyone.
      Hey stupid "lady" not everyone has living parents, not everyone has siblings willing to be exploited, not everyone can arrange to work from home. Responsible parents are damn glad that we have a President that sees that many of us need real solutions to child care. I for one, am very glad that I did have access to quality childcare and that my kids aren't the trainwrecks yours are. Mine are doing the college, safe sex and no police called brawling route; you aren't exactly batting a thousand there, Snowdrift Snookums..

  51. Anonymous5:00 PM

    This vile woman is like Valdemort. She has hidden fragments of her credibility in many, many horcrux and just when you think she and all her credibility is dead, she finds another group of idiots to resurrect enough of her credibility for another fecesbook post. Is there no Alaskan Harry Potter out there?

  52. abbafan5:26 PM

    Fuckin' A Bubba! Love, Canada x2!!

  53. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What a sick, sick, sexually frustrated woman.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Palin wants the president bad bad...and since he's not paying attention she'll say anything to get him to look her way. Why can't she just go after the duck man or limbaugh

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Anonymous6:03 PM
      $carah is waaaay too old for them. Especially the commander duck hunter who claims 13 is the ripe-old-age for marriage. That's probably why she's so frustrated. Hey Toad, give your wife a little something. She's completely sexually frustrated.

    3. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Yeah Toad. Just close your eyes and it's all the same, I hear.

  54. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Okay, I'll say it: I <3 Obama (and loathe the Screechy Wretch with every fiber of my being), but he isn't perfect, and he does make missteps on occasion. The "clinging to guns and religion" remark was a doozy back during the '08 campaign. And going anywhere near the Mommy Wars was, also too. The fact that he was totally right both times doesn't matter. From the earliest days of USENET, there's been no surer way to start a flame war than to stumble into a discussion and suggested or even hinted that mothers were sacrificing their long-term financial security, and that of their children, by not staying in the work force. Of course Palin revealed her colors yet again with her response. But he should have known better, than to go there.

    1. Anonymous11:04 PM

      He's our leader and an American. He can say whatever the FUCK he wants. And it isn't a MISSTEP to tell the fucking truth.

  55. Anonymous5:50 PM

    all those great-grandmothers pretending to be stay-at-home moms..PFT!

  56. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hey, trolls! Please explain to us dumb liberals how this was not a disgusting and completely disrespectful personal attack on not only our President, but his wife and EVEN his deceased mother. Tell us how dear little Sarah never says anything hateful about him and just wants respectful, fair debate of the issues without the "politics of personal destruction." We won't hold our breath. She is SICKER and more vicious by the day. What a fucking sore loser!

  57. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That woman is completely and hopelessly infatuated with president Obama. It seems like her entire world depends on what move the president makes. Honey, he's MARRIED!

  58. She is a horrible, hateful, bitter, mean, spiteful, vile, pathetic waste of human flesh who doesn't deserve a moment of peace or happiness in her life after all of the bile she has spewed into the universe.

  59. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This picture is like the Paul Ryan one where he showed up at a kitchen AFTER it was cleaned to pretend he was washing dishes after serving food. Also, why is $arah wearing a shirt that says 'Todd's Valentine'. Also, also, too, too, why is she looking in a different direction than all of the other women.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      lol I thought about that Anonymous6:12 PM, I think it's to deflect to wonky eye & I noticed he and her daughters do it often as well, especially wonky-eye-piper

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Not to mention, why is she wearing a down
      vest indoors, when the other women are , at most, in sweaters. Anorexia does that to you, I guess.

    3. Anonymous3:32 AM

      The clinging to guns and religion remark was spot on. Some people can't handle the truth, and right wing media blew it up.

      This isn't anything about the mommy wars, it's about equal pay for women and good daycare options for kids. We can see what the unfortunate outcome of not having good childcare options is - just look at $carah's kids.

  60. Anonymous6:25 PM

    So behold the trolls aka. postage. Those are the "postage workers"

  61. Anonymous6:40 PM

    So, Sarah, your mother worked out of the home. You worked out of the home. Don't know what, if any, child care she or you provided for your children.
    All the President wants to do is to make sure that women who must work have good, safe, educational alternatives for their children in daycare.
    And, if he's an example of being raised by a working mother and grandmother, then your argument is hollow. But, note, his mother worked on his homework with him before breakfast, went over it with him when she got home, his grandparents worked to get him into the best school in Hawaii. He was never neglected: he radiates the love he was shown all his life.

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      I think that may be part of what drives Sarah to her constant psychotic rages directed at President Obama. She loathes him with every fiber of her being and is envious of his good qualities and talents, and especially of his popularity around the world. Yet she (like so many on others on a global scale) is irresistibly drawn to that radiance you mentioned. Deep down she knows he is a million miles above her in every way and she would NEVER be good enough to capture his affection, or engage his intellect, or earn his true respect. She hates him for that. Little Sarah doesn't like the fact that every time she tries to "butt heads" with him she is made to look like the fool she is by his utter disregard for or notice of her, and she sure doesn't like how inferior she feels and looks when compared to him. Sadly this is all she seems to have in her life and she long ago lost any semblance of control over her bitter, obsessive jealousy. So she just keeps digging and destroying any hope she ever had to be considered a serious person, little by little. Sucks to be poor little deranged laughingstock stalker Sarah.

    2. Anonymous6:01 AM

      You nailed it, 11:48 PM! I could not ave said it better.

  62. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Remember everyone, she told us herself, just last week, that one of her reasons for living now is to piss off liberals and she's going to go at it more full bore than ever. Looks like she's keeping her promise. Let's all ignore her.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Heck no! She said that she would run for office to "bug the crap" out of her haters. I am encouraging her to do it! Should Sarah have free reign to spew her vile hatefulness and we should all just hold our tongues or ignore her? She would like nothing more than to have her constant hateful rants against the POS, the media, liberals, whatever and have her nonsense go unchecked or unchallenged. She is very thin skinned & can't handle the truthful negativity. She is ramping up, but I think it is showing how unstable she is. Sarah may be a liar, mean & vindictive, but this is a battle she can't win. Too many people she can't intimidate or control, too many lies, way too many secrets that are coming out. Hope she has a bunker. Ignore her? In her own words, "Don't retreat, reload!". Hoohah!

  63. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Sarah. Barack Hussein Obama was not talking about you. We all know you were never home, except to retreat to your bath tub with your People magazine whilst watching "Bridezillas".

    So you can stop acting like you are outraged. We know you just cannot stop wishing God had not made a mistake by putting a really smart black guy in your White House.

    Maybe you shoulda kept your day job, which was, what now again?

  64. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Says the bitch whose children turned out be little thugs, drug addicts, high school drop outs and teen parents.

  65. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Posing with some flour, butter and chocolate chips does not make those women into stay at home moms. For all we know, those women could be as vain and self-involved as the BFF, Sarah (Todd's Valentine). That picture is posed, and doesn't address how Sarah has neglected Trig's therapy, stay at home or not.

  66. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sarah's tone is so disrespectful, yelling at Barack and telling him that he ought to be spanked. Sarah didn't understand the issue, and this just a distraction from the recent report from the Republican women, describing Sarah's $100,000. donation to the Mat-Su Hosptial.

  67. Anonymous8:13 PM

    The problem with Sarah Palin writing about motherhood-- stay at home mothers or working mothers-- is that she is a lousy mother either way. We can see the results of Sarah's working as the Mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska. Todd was off working on the North Slope, and we have seen how Track, Bristol and Willow have turned out--- drunk and disorderly. Now Sarah works as home turning out facebok book posts and filming videos in Todd's hanger, and it doesn't seem to make much difference in the amount of attention she has given to Trig's therapy. He still can't talk or eat solid food. Either way, Sarah is the last person to be offering advice about motherhood.

    As for Sarah being a champion of the feminists, she made women pay for their own rape kits when she was Mayor. She denies women the right to control their own reproductive health. Sarah is no feminist.

  68. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Which RWNJ said that?

    Special bonus questions just for IM. Who said that? Bachmann, Palin or Ernst?

    "If he's rilly hanging around with hookers in Anchorage then he'd better start bringing 'em home to cook! I burnt the microwave mac 'n cheese again!"

    "I told Marcus several times about taking those corndogs into the shower,does he listen? Noooo. So now it's another Sunday morning plumber call. Hello- those dookie dogs in the drain situations are expensive!"

    "So we still haven't gotten a call from the White House- let's bake a big batch of fuck you cookies. We can put it on the tv channel!"

    "So last week I'm hiding in the bushes by the park restrooms watching teh gays trolling and I see my husband carrying my purse...What's up with that?!"

    "It's one thing to see pictures of people wearing thong dresses on the internet but when your husband walks in wearing one..."

  69. Anonymous12:15 AM

    What is Sarah Palin doing to make the world a better place... to improve people's lives... to inspire and comfort and help.

    Not one damn thing. She's nothing but a professional nag and scold. Contributes nothing positive to society. All she does is sow discord. What an unhappy person she reveals herself to be.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      The most miserable bitch on the planet, that's our Sarah! Rich and famous yet no appreciation for her good fortune. She can't let that get in the way of her constant whining, pissing and moaning, now can she?

  70. Caroll Thompson1:52 AM

    I don't think Sarah is getting any, if you will, and that makes her a cranky pants. That must be why every post has has sexual innuendos in them.

    News Flash to Sarah: Obama doesn't want your smelly self. Find someone else to spank so you can 'writhe and wiggle'.

    That post tells me more about Sarah Palin than I ever wanted to know.

  71. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I just got a better look at the fake photo. It looks like the ladies are about to make cookies or something that includes chocolate chips. But what woman, stay-at-home mom or not, would wash dishes with the unopened packages of flour and other ingredients on the drainboard just to her right. And the mixer looks like it has plastic wrap or a clear plastic cover on it. These ladies were not about to bake and they haven't just baked. There's barely an inch of sudsy water in the sink filled with dishes. I don't personally care if any of these women have jobs outside the home, but the reality is that the majority of moms in this country do have to work. And it's not easy if decent childcare is not available or affordable. And a fair number of moms who work outside the home are single mothers doing their best to raise their children - as President Obama's mother did. Just when you think Sarah Palin can't possibly be more obnoxious, she surprises us by doing just that, being more obnoxious. Go away, Sarah, you know that what President Obama said was true. Why can't conservatives ever want to help people make their lives better?

  72. Anonymous3:57 AM

    She's going down fast. Wonkette: "In the last seven days, the Sarah Palin Channel has published exactly nine minutes and twenty-eight seconds of content. Three minutes of that total is “Behind the Scenes” reels, one of which centers on Sarah going to a barn in North Carolina last year (it was Billy Graham’s barn, and it was a very boring visit). That means Palin’s team produced about six minutes of content in the last week. . . "

    Wouldn't Freud have had a heyday with Sarah's sexualized comments about President Obama? She has no idea how much she's revealing about herself. What a sad, ignorant woman.

  73. LisaB25954:35 AM

    I was wondering what was going on. One of my college friends (and I don't know how this happened) liked this Sarah Palin post, but I could find so article about his actual statements and you didn't cover it till this morning. I wondered if it was an old Facebook post that she was liking.

    Sarah can only take comments out of context because she can't understand how many words fit together to form a larger idea. #wordsalad

  74. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I'm a former working dad with a former stay-at-home mom whose marriage just imploded. My wife became a mom at 35 and partly because of our advanced age, we thought it would be best if our kids would be raised by one stay-at-home parent. We don't regret this decision and yes, we think the world would be a better place if more people would opt to do the same. In our situation our one income was in the 60K-75K range, and we live in a very expensive area. I can't tell you how often I heard other dual income parents (both of whom made well in excess of me) moaning and groaning about how they just couldn't make ends meet on two salaries, let alone one. What has happened is the relentless upscaling of America. In my childhood few kids had a room to themselves; now you find couples with one child inhabiting 5,000 square foot houses. If you think I'm making this up, I have a sister in suburban Atlanta to introduce you to. And it's not as if I'm completely cloistered from inner-city people and inner city financial woes. My children attend urban magnet schools and every day I witness the queue of Escalades and Hummers driven by the supposedly struggling class, with moms constantly poking at their bejeweled smartphones.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      I totally agree with you 5:11. I've seen it all myself. If you don't have a 3000sf plus home with a theater, walk in closets to hold all the crap and 3 car garages you just haven't made it. It's shameful.


    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Like I said, why start the Mommy Wars if you don't have to. Anything remotely close to a statement in support of mothers who work outside the home is guaranteed to fan flames, and not only among the nutcase opposition.

  75. Anonymous5:16 AM

    "the President needs to be spanked"

    "It seems you'd shackle us by your snobbish shunning"

    "You are really messed up"

    "you just marginalized a most valuable sector of American society while having the gall to admit that, for you, it's only all about the money."

    "you're a big boy now so figure it out yourself without me lecturing you"

    Just when you think she couldn't get any more disgusting, this bitch manages to sink to a new low. What a rude and hateful piece of CRAP you are, Sarah Palin. You'll get yours one of these days, you horrific, miserable MESS of a human being. It won't be fun for YOUR stupid ass, but WE will enjoy it immensely. It WILL happen, bitch. Believe it.

  76. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I wish she'd take a plane ride ala Ted Stevens.
    She has no redeeming value whatsoever.

  77. Anonymous6:43 AM

    So Sarah rellies on therapists to help Trig, but when he's home, she has no time for him, but time to make cookies with friends. So do the women then eat the warm cookies in front of Trig who can't enjoy them?

    Sarah is lashing out in a tantrum towards the President because she doesn't always get her way. She's just having a very un-vibrant unfulfilled life, because she's filled with hate.

  78. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Wait--that picture is supposed to represent "stay-at-home" moms? How laughable. Stay-at-home grannies, perhaps, though some of them are dressed in a way that would suggest they are working women of the realtor sort. Not a young mom (or a child) in sight.

  79. Anonymous7:27 AM

    That's a lot of words just to call the Prez "boy." Her owners have neglected her of late & she's getting desperate. Mark my words, she's just warming up for a spectacular meltdown/cry for attention.

  80. Anonymous7:43 AM

    HAHAHAHA..Come on $carah. Neither one of all you granny types i nthat photo are stay-at-home moms. Not even Barstool since she's always vacatioing & shacking up with a different man & has a nanny. So stop the bullshit. You know NOTHING about struggling moms who must go to work to make end meet, and the pain we experience when we have to drop them off at daycare.
    I'm sick of you and I know you read this blog. So, stop being so hard-up for the president. He has too much on his plate to even think of you even with your fake boobs.

  81. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This just shows how cognitively-challenged some on the right are; they couldn't follow the President's reasoned arguments so they cherry-pick his speech for something to find offense at. It's all part of the dumbing-down of America. Thanks, Repubs!

  82. Anonymous8:39 AM

    If Sarah Palin is claiming to be a stay-at-home Mom, then she has FAILED Track, Bristol, and Willow who grew up to be vandals, gang members, drug addicts, and drunken brawlers. Those women in the photo must have been paid by Sarah to pose with her. Are all stay-at-home Moms married to Pimps?

  83. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm a liberal, progressive, feminist-minded childfree woman who works full-time, and I'm more of a SAHM than this horrible, basic bitch Sarah Palin. Yesterday afternoon I spent some time running errands, cleaning my home, laundry and other assorted tasks.

    After work tonight, I'm going to make a delicious quinoa salad with dried cranberries, shallots, pistachios and varous herbs like mint and Italian parsley. I bet Sarah's cooking skills are so nil she thinks quinoa is a horrible illness from that "country" Africa.

    Beyond my skills in the kitchen, I also make my own hand-crafted soaps and other bath/beauty products. My friends and family love them.

    I currently reading two books, one a galley from a NYC publisher, which I will review shortly.

    As I mentioned I am childfree, but unlike you I care about the actual welfare of all children. I donate to child-related causes. I have tutored children, worked at various child-focused events in my community and am now a teaching assistant for my church's RE programs. I've had countless people comment on my compassionate, nurturing way with children.

    I didn't study journalism in college, but I was editor of my college newspaper. And you, Miss Journalism Major? Did you edit any college newspaper (crickets chirping).

    And though I've pretty much have voted for Democratic candidates for President my entire life, I have never talked about Republican presidents in the same hateful, bigoted, vindictive, mean-spirited and ill-mannered you have talked about President Obama. Maybe because I was actually raised by a truly hands-on SAHM who knew she was privileged to have a husband who made a good income so she could stay home when my sister and I were little. My mom also instilled in us a work ethic, a sense of independence, kindess, decency and respect.

    Jennifer K

  84. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I suppose for someone who constantly spews "word-salad" it's difficult to comprehend the spoken word. However, as usual, the dimwitted opportunist totally missed the point of what the president said.
    Secondly her kids would have been better off raised in the woods by a pack of wolves than with those two imbeciles as parents. The results of the parenting of the first three in her brood clearly demonstrates what truly horrible parents sarah and todd are. After hearing 2 minutes of the drunken brawl tape America knows exactly what rotten parents they are and how fucked up those "kids" are.
    So really stupid sarah just stfu, everyone knows you suck at just about everything you do with the exception of grifting the rejects of society.
    It's perplexing to me that whoever has the means to knock this stupid bimbo off the national stage can read/hear shit like this from her and continue to be too cowardly to come forward. It's as if they hate America to allow this leech on society continue her babbling stream of hate and divisiveness upon us. They could stop her in her tracks but they're just too effin cowardly.

  85. Anonymous12:55 PM

    If I were those women I wouldn't get near her kitchen sink!
    How many times has Palin thrown up in that sink after her
    liquored up, cussing, brawling binges. Too many to count!
    She also is a known binger when it comes to food, stuffing
    food in her mouth by the fist's full,where she has left teeth
    marks on her knuckles ,and then throws it all up.
    The smell coming up from that sink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now this was told by her friends who invited her to stay with
    them for three days for a rest. They said she didn't come
    out of her room except to use the bath room, and when
    she did, her eyes were glazed over , and that is when
    they saw her knuckles. They would cook meals for her,
    but she wouldn't come out to eat. After she left, they found
    in the waste basket ,wrappers of cookies, cinnamon rolls,
    candy and more. they said that she was so thin, andwere
    very worried about her. She also did not shower while she
    was there. This knowledge is out there if it can be found.

  86. Anonymous1:46 PM

    omg, more body parts. does this lady ever get off coitus? same thing all the time. she has issues.

  87. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Well, why don't they have a group photo of their baby bellies. LIke, look at the bottom of the page. That would have been more catching hmm meaningful.

  88. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I wonder how much she has to drink before she writes her facebook posts?
    Anyone that is sober or not mentally ill would be ashamed to compose such vulgarity.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.