Saturday, November 08, 2014

It looks like the first potential GOP contender for the 2016 presidency is breaking from the pack.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Conservative darling Dr. Ben Carson is set to air a documentary introducing himself to America, spurring further speculation he’ll run for president in 2016. 

The 40-minute-long paid spot will run in 22 states this weekend and is entitled “A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America,” ABC News reported on Thursday. 

Carson, a Fox News regular and longtime pediatric neurosurgeon who gained fame in the political sphere for stridently criticizing Obamacare, has not announced a bid for the White House. But he hasn’t ruled it out either, and there’s been a grass-roots movement to recruit him for 2016. 

The day after that article appeared Politico then made this announcement:  

Fox News has cut ties with contributor Dr. Ben Carson after learning that the neurosurgeon-turned-conservative commentator plans to air a 40-minute ad promoting his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

Now would Carson have endangered his cushy gig as a Fox News talking head if he were NOT serious about launching a losing a bid for President in 2016? I don't think so.

And do you know what, he might just have a pretty good run during the nomination process.

After all when Hillary was getting lots of favorable press for running, the GOP said "Hey we need a chick," and lo and behold they plucked Palin out of the tundra, hosed her off, and put her out in front of millions of Americans as the conservative Hillary Clinton. (And didn't THAT work great?)

So now that they have spent the last six years attacking the first black President, and claiming he is unfit for the job, it makes sense for them to try and fend off charges of racism by saying "Hey, you know what we need, one of those dark skinned fellows." And lo and behold now they have one.

However I think we all know that the political party for old white racists is not about to actually allow a black man to lead the ticket. Oh hell no.

So they will let him run, throw tons of accolades his way, and then cut his legs out from under him right when it looks like he has been in the race long enough to make them seem inclusive, and not at all plantation owners letting the negro sit in the master's chair for a few minutes to make him feel all important and stuff.


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Your analysis of the situation nails it. I would only add that Ben Carson knows what he's doing. Even a failed candidacy will bring him fame (and, more hopefully, riches) far beyond that what he currently commands.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Good comment. He is using the media and the cons are using him. The fact he has a degree behind his name and can speak in complete sentences helps. Beyond that - he is an arrogant ass. Yes - this run will set him up financially forever. More speaking gigs, more books (shadows of Palin without the degree)
      The man is repulsive.

      Pat Padrnos

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "However I think we all know that the political party for old white racists is not about to actually allow a black man to lead the ticket. Oh hell no."

    That's exactly right. And if Dr. Ben is too ignorant to realize that, then let the GOP exploit him and make him believe he could actually be a contender. Maybe when it's over he'll get it, that no matter how much he was worshiped in the medical field as a Johns Hopkins superstar, none of that matters to the GOP as much as his skin color.


  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    ROFL! Ain't gonna happen, no way, no how. The horrific racism in this country has become so full blown with a man who is only half black and this yahoo thinks he's got a chance in hell. Nope. Not even if he spends tons of money, it isn't ever gonna happen.

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    And remember, they kept complaining that President Obama (then Senator Obama) had "no executive experience - as governor or municipal official- neither did McCain. So Carson has neither executive or legislative experience - always remember to make them own their inconsistencies.

  5. Now, as the GOP clown car starts to fill up, I will be sitting back and watching this party full of dip-shits and whack ballz ruin their party even more, at our expense, of course..

  6. Bill F10:07 AM

    Dr. Carson is a good start for the GOP clown car.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I agree with you IM - this guy is their 'token'! There are far too many racists within the Republican party that have shown themselves daily since President Obama was elected.

    Hillary Clinton will be the winner IF she runs and I so hope she does! We need to continue the string of Dems in the White House and it would be so much fun having 'two' POTUSs with the name of Clinton! Look at their combined experience!

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    It looks like the first potential GOP contender for the 2016 presidency is breaking from the pack.

    I thought you were talking about the GOP front runner Sarah Palin since she has been announcing to anybody that would listen to her that she is running for office.

  9. Aunt Ethel10:53 AM

    Let's close our eyes for a minute and pretend that Dr. Carson got the Republican nomination.

    What nutbag would he choose for VP? Louie Gohmert? Michelle Bachmann? Ted Cruz? Joni Ernst? Rick Perry? Sarah Palin? Michelle Malkin? Dana Loesch? Former SC GOP executive director and Twitter aficionado Todd McKinnon?

    If only Orly Taitz was a natural born citizen so she could be his pick for VP.

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hey Griph, that last paragraph; true words man, true words.

    GOP is a way of thinking, they are cynical, transparent. Black or white, no fool is ever turned away.

  11. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Idk, the Republicans view Dr. Carson as a "good Negro" the same way they saw Michael Steele. They will use him and then toss him aside. Dr. Carson should stick to medicine.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      It is always so interesting to watch Michael Steele on various panels. He plays the middle of the road and sometimes has a very difficult time doing so. I have no respect for the man.

      If you are a registered Republican and vote Republican, be a good negro/black man and fess up to it!

      I find him being a huge fraud for media (MSNBC) - nothing more and nothing less!

  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Over the past six years, I've seen so many comments and postings along the line of:

    "I'm not a racist or anything, but I just hate uppity niggers"

    --that I cannot believe the "base" of rightwingnuts, will ever entertain a black Presidential candidate.

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    You betcha his documentary won't be talking about how he grew up on welfare living on food stamps and Medicaid and free education. He's a hateful prick with only one claim to fame and he left his little patients behind in the dust when the white men waved politics under his nose.

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I say, welcome to the Klown Kar, Doc. You can take the seat previously occupied by Herman Cain. And this time, the Klown Kar will be a stretch limo Hummer, so there's room for "8 - 12."
    Plenty of room....

  15. Anonymous5:11 PM

    GOP says "Look we got one too"!

    Okay, let's reflect back on Michael Steele, head of the GOP at the beginning of the Obama Presidency. They sure kicked him to the curb pretty quickly for Reince Preibus, pasty white head of GOP. So hey, Dr. Carlson, watch your back, just sayin'...

  16. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Meh. Hermain Cain 2.0

  17. lwtjb9:29 PM

    What's with the crazy pediatric neurosurgeons anyway? We had one of those running for Senate in Oregon. She lost big time. She completely lost credibility with her own party for that matter. Her signs disappeared all over town weeks before the election and no one replaced them. Maybe breathing in too much anesthesia on that job or something.

  18. Anonymous9:35 PM

    If they do choose him as the nomination, not only will hell freeze over but we will know they really want the democrats to win. No way will the bigots in the GOP vote for a black man,they would vote for a democrat or die first.

  19. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Do run, 'Dr.' Carson. I have some fresh popcorn to eat up.


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