Saturday, November 08, 2014

Sean Hannity invites Sarah Palin on to do her victory dance and then shuts her down by asking if she wants a job in politics.

I have to admit that I did not even know that Palin was on Fox last night, I was too busy ignoring my TV and enjoying life.

However our friend GinaM sent me this link so let's see what craziness awaits us this morning.

Hannity leads off by framing the midterm defeat of Democrats as a harbinger of troubles to come for a Hillary Clinton presidential bid in 2016. (Nice try no-neck.)

After teeing it up, Hannity then asks Palin if Hillary is "as big a loser as the President."

"Oh it was the whole ball of wax wasn't it the other night? All the Democrats felled policies, and felled candidates, and felled surrogates. Well that was just..uh..made manifest by  the American people when we all said no to that, and to stop that, and Hillary of course was a part of that. Of course though the Left, Sean up and they will do all that they can to protect Hillary and try to change the narrative, as you already heard I'm sure. Try to make it sound like, well she was the winner in all of this. That she had chosen the right ones, and the right policies to support. Obviously the facts don't support that...but they will...they will support her anyway and prop her up because they participate in this phony and felled war on women, so to compensate for what it is that they accuse the Republicans of engaging in, they make an extra effort to coddle women and to make them fill that they can't independently, and with their own capabilities, rise to the top. That government and politicians have to do things for them. They will do for Hillary to continue to prop her up."

Wait, Hillary Clinton needs to be propped up by the Democrats? Boy does Palin not know Hillary Clinton!

That is one of the worst cases of projection that I have ever seen.

Hannity then makes the case that in order to run successfully in 2016 that Hillary will have to distance herself from the policies of President Obama, and asks Palin if she can do that.

"No, Barack Obama of course has had his boot on the neck of the American economy, and anyone who has participated in shining that boot, that being the people who he surrounds himself with, and helped call the shots for the nation over these past six years of a lot of failures, anybody who shined those boots? No the American public, you can't underestimate the wisdom of, and will be saying no to anyone who participated. Good point too about Mark Begich, Mary Landrieu, all these folks who they supported Barack Obama, and would continue to, of course, when they got back in there 97, 98, 99% of the time. How stupid did they think American voters were?"

Well smart enough to have rejected you and Grandpa Grumpy-Pants back in 2008.

Hannity then asks if Palin has any advice for the newly elected, or newly reelected Republicans going to Washington, and she rattles off a bunch of her usual talking points about stopping Obama, giving us our freedom, and playing hardball.

Hannity then asks if there isn't an "unspoken expectation" that the Republicans will actually work to solve some of the problems facing the country and not just focus on defeating Obama? Which is actually a surprisingly reasonable question coming from Hannity.

Let's see how Palin handles a real question.

"Right, first and foremost is stop Obama and his felled policies, his lawlessness, but also yes that inspiration that we can gain from the GOP, and what it is that we sent them to do there in Washington is to fulfill their campaign promises and stand strong on the planks of the Republican platform. And they can get specific from there. Lower the corporate tax rate, and quit shoving jobs competition in the health care system once you repill Obamacare, as you promised to do GOP. And...uh...allow employers to hire more people. Full time jobs, not part time jobs. What's going on right now Sean is the decimation of the middle class because of these high costs of health care, because of these prohibitions just placed upon employers where they're not able to hire people. Open borders of course is another step toward decimation of the middle class because we'll have a flood of illegal immigrants coming in to compete with American jobs. All of that leads to just this atrophying of a foundation of our country which is the middle class, and that is on the Democrat's shoulder."

Holy shit! What the hell is she saying?

So I think the answer is no, that Republicans do not have an "unspoken expectation" to do anything except attack Obama and give lip service to problem solving while doing nothing.

This is where Hannity decides to ambush Palin by asking her if she is thinking at all about getting back into politics.

And this is the look on her face the moment he asks it at the 6:15 mark.

Deer, meet headlights.

Her response?

"I would love to."

Then Hannity follows up, by asking her "what job?"

She looks completely lost, before shaking her head and saying, "I don't know which job, but of course, and in the meantime, I'm out and about doing what I can to support good candidates."

Palin then breathlessly tattles off a bunch of upcoming appearances. Ultimately making it clear that she does NOT really want a job where she cannot do what she wants, when she wants.

Most of this interview was the same old word salad, peppered with Palin brand moosenuggets. But that last question, that one actually seemed to have drawn blood.


  1. Caroll Thompson6:36 AM

    Priceless. I think even Hannity is growing tired of the word salad. Put up or shut up.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    David Brooks rejoices in the end of Palinesque politics in his recent NY Times column:

    Every party in opposition goes a little crazy. For Republicans in the early Obama era, insanity took the form of the Sarah Palin spasm.

    1. Caroll Thompson7:16 AM

      The David Brooks column was excellent. He made it clear that the Republicans went out of their way to keep the crazies from winning the primaries and that sanity will return to our political system. And of course, he gave Palin her due as one of the crazies.

    2. Thank you Gryphen for the Saturday morning laugh...and for more of your viewing pleasure my fellow IM'rs...check out this "EXCLUSIVE" pic of Baldy AGAIN without her makeup caught shopping!



    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Well they missed a big one in Iowa if they really wanted to keep the nuts out of office. That Ernst pig nut cutter is palin on steroids.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      WARNING - do NOT click on GinaM's link with liquid in your mouth!

      But definitely click on the linky! ;))


    5. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Well, looks like she has a couple inches on Todd at least lol

    6. Anita Winecooler4:00 PM

      Thanks, Gina! I needed the laugh. So THAT'S what the varmint stapled to her skull looked like before it got run over by a random rented Hummer on a mission to make the headlines.

  3. She doesn't seem to realize that Hillary was not on any ballot and that the election was not about Hillary.

    Did she really (of course she did) yap about the nation's first African-American president in the same sentence as insulting people by saying that they shine shoes?

    She is too stupid to realize that employers do not want to hire people at any level of hours that will require paying benefits. The "full-time" scam is just a way to extract as many as 39 hours/week from people without paying benefits instead of 29. But of course Palin is a fountain of ignorance on any subject that falls out of braying piehole.

    What is interesting about this rant of hers is that in writing (won't listen to her) it does not come across as gloating, but instead, angry. She is always a ragemonkey of course, but for someone who got to see many Democrats lose, I thought she would be more gloatingly smug.

    I wonder if she is pissed because she is not a part of the so-called republican wave?

    Sure she had her piksher tooken with Cruz, but he came up to stump for Sullivan, not hang out with her. Now that the elections are over and Cruz is gone, and Sullivan is packing for Washington, it must be setting in that no one has begged her to pretty please join them in Washington DC as chief of staff and pageant waving.

    And McCain making noises about running again, but no mention of putting Tundradunce on the ticket.

    Yup, she is yesterday's news. Heh.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I caught that shoe shine boy / Obama connection as well. That woman can't expire fast enough. There is no good reason for this woman to be allowed to continually chastise our president. Begone Satan. And take your useless family with you.

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      My mom, a staunch Repub, was gloating all week because "all of Hillary's candidates lost." They're scared of Hillary and they hate Hillary and they were spinning the Democrat defeat as a harbinger of American voters saying NO to Hillary.

    3. Whoops for the typos and apparently McCain is talking about running for his senate seat, not president.

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Hillary made sure not to campaign with many candidates. It's all a figment of the GOP mind.

      One Democrat she did appear for was Sen. Jean Shaeen, who trounced Scott Brown in New Hampshire. Hillary won New Hampshire in '08.

      Whatever our individual feelings about potential Democratic candidates, none of them was trounced on Tuesday.

    5. Anonymous9:33 AM

      McCain is considering running for his SENATE seat not president.

    6. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I so hope Hillary Clinton runs for POTUS as I think she'd make a terrific one and I'd love having two POTUS in the White House named Clinton! Just look at their combined political experience.

      Plus, POTUS Bill Clinton is loved and respected throughout the world today due to his good work of years helping others throughout it.

      The commentary from the Republicans and media (negative for years) will continue against Hillary Clinton - a woman - of course! But, it will be a huge disservice to them and their party and will lose them votes because of it.

      The Republicans do not have someone as capable or experienced to run for POTUS!

    7. Anita Winecooler4:05 PM

      Hillary's no dunce, there's no way in hell she'd associate with Sarah Palin. She may toss a coin or two in her cup, out of sheer pity. Sarah putting herself in the same realm as Hillary? I've come to expect it, but Sarah's about as useful as mulch or manure if she's having a hot flash

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah's best job opportunity IS politics. It is the only place where people can blatantly lie and never be' held to account. You can't do that in real advertising. You can't publish without the threat of libel. (Hey, IM Troll, please learn the difference between slander and libel). In politics, being bat-s**t crazy is good for attention. That's how Michele Bachmann managed to stay in Congress for so long. And, one does not have to do any hard work, other than keep asking for money. Sarah's got the money machine all set up, which is pretty much all that she needs, not to mention enough fans who will keep donating. It's a great con game.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      "It is the only place where people can blatantly lie and never be' held to account."

      Not actually true. If you are a Christian fundamentalist end-times prophecy expert, you also get to lie and not be held to account. It's a great scam: you write a book explaining why the Rapture is going to happen in 2015. It doesn't. So you write another book explaining why it will happen in 2017, and then in 2021. You bill yourself as a "biblical prophecy expert" who has written X books on the subject, and no one points out the fact that your X books were all WRONG or that you keep recycling the same content (whatever you used for the Gulf War in '90 just needed slight retooling for Y2K and a few more modifications after 9/11, a few more after Obama's election, etc.). It's a great little cottage industry. And you're in a milieu where no one thinks it's at all hypocritical if you write a book about why you think Jesus is returning in your lifetime, and then use the proceeds to build a full-sized gym on your beautiful forested acreage near the mountains rather than, say, funding missionaries or feeding the poor.

      But even though many of the buzzwords and talking points are very similar to her current rhetoric, I don't think Sarah has the attention span to figure out how to apply them in even slightly different ways. She is so clearly decompensating that she can barely string together phrases between her buzzwords. There were several times when it seemed like she forgot what she was talking about partway through and just kept sputtering until she wound down. Am I the only one who thought, early on, when she said something about "the American people don't want that, and stop that," that she got this panicky, "Oh, shit, I don't remember what 'that' is" look?

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Well, you can lie, and Sarah is good at that, but you have to be willing to work, at least to get into office. Then you can coast. Sarah isn't into that "work" thing. Her idea of "work" is giving a hate-rant once a month to whatever organization of cons will pay her fee, and a couple mini-hate-rants a week/month on whichever Fox show she can badger her way onto. Her job is to insult Obama and liberals, she can't be bothered to actually "serve." Lazy bitch.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Why are they wasting air time with this loonie? I never read so much garbage in one sitting, it gave me a headache. When will we see the end of this idiot? She has been out of politics longer than she was it, why do they keep asking for her opinion? It is all illogical thinking.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I've not watched one of her videos on this blog in eons...just read the commentary and it isn't changing at all. In fact, it's always more of the same! Nothing has changed about Sarah Palin since she and McCain ran and badly lost all those years ago.

      Malia has a blog too - and I follow that because of the lawsuit (newly filed) concerning Todd Palin (Sarah was part of it too!) and his prostitution ring in Alaska ("Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey Tripp).

      Sarah is not going anywhere in politics. All of us know that. The Teabaggers have been taken over by Cruz and I doubt Palin will be included anymore as their spokesman and/or candidate. And, the National Republicans - as well as the Alaska Republicans want nothing to do with her!

      She's going to continue sitting on her dead lake, with her out of control children and adult children, broken marriage and hopefully take better care of the child she brought into her home to do nothing more than 'use' him!

      Death and Hell await Sarah Palin and then Alaska will be calm and peaceful again...especially the valley area of Alaska which is now known as the white trash area of the state because of the Palins. Terrible legacy you will leave them, Palins!

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      What is her total number of years in politics by the way? How long was she mayor of Wasilla? And the other stuff was not politics, the oil and gas whatever, etc.

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "Tidal Wave"
    Yup, that sums it up. She took a big swallow at that moment too if you watch the clip. It was an "oh shit oh dear!!!" moment.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Nude lipstick and frosted gloss. Yeah. The seventies were awesome.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Her entire mouth is a festering herpes cold sore, she wears the tween lip gloss to cover it.

    2. Looks a bit like the mildew we get on our hay in the Pacific Northwest.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:08 PM

      Herpecin, blistex and preperation h is more like it.

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "This is where Hannity decides to ambush Palin by asking her if she is thinking at all about getting back into politics."

    Is this the time when Sarah Palin showed signs of a brain embolism?

  9. Anonymous7:26 AM

    That was BEAUTIFUL. Hannity really doesn't like her, does he? The look on his face and the way he said, "REEEEally? What job?" were almost as priceless as her reaction. If Fox is allowing their hosts to ask her "gotcha" questions now, you know it's over.

    BTW, G, with all due respect (and believe me, in your case it's a lot!), she doesn't "rattle off a list of upcoming appearances." She just babbles on and on about one--Maness in LA. I doubt she's got any others on her calendar.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I'm not sure if Mrs. Todd Palin is this smart but here's a theory on why she reacted the way she did. Her friend Dr. Ben Carson, a FOX contributor, was let go yesterday because he is taking some serious steps toward running for president. Well as serious a step as someone like him can take. FOX has a (not always enforced) policy against having contributors who are actively running for office.

    Maybe her hesitation was because if she said YES, she might be risking the ridiculously easy pay check she gets for prattling about things that she does not remotely comprehend. "I'd love to" might be just vague enough for her to keep the gig. And tease her followers.

    As I said, just a theory.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Ha! I bet that's exactly what caused her to gulp like that. Just so awesome.

    2. Ailsa7:49 AM

      A sound theory, IMO.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I'm really not sure $he is that smart or fast-thinking.

      I think it is nothing but her BEGGING someone to choose her to run with them because $he knows that $he can't do it on her own. You know, that old beauty pageant mentality pick me pick me pick meeeee!!!!


    4. Anonymous8:47 AM

      7:27 Ailes told hannity to ask her if she's running as that's the easiest way to kick her scrawny ass to the curb regarding being employed at fux. She dodged the bullet this time but they will continue to try to trap her so they can be rid of her babbling, hateful bullshit.

    5. Anonymous8:54 AM

      What do you mean Sean I am in politics!

      That's what I saw.

    6. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I think you are right.
      You can't have it both ways, wrapped with a bow bitch!

    7. abbafan10:54 AM

      Fan From Chicago - your theory definitely holds water!! It looks as if it's "open season" on $arah at Faux! Hannity was trying to spring the trap on her, but she had a brain fart and realized her predicament! Let's see if any palin is smart enough to know that the OPM teat is drying up!

    8. Anonymous11:25 AM

      BUT...she is probably NO LONGER on their payroll. She probably does not even get appearance fees for one-off interviews. Very few guests on these programs are paid as contributors. (Unless that is the title they give her, what do they call her now? I didn't watch the clip) MOST 'experts' that go on this channel, or any other, are expected to do it for free.

      It's a quid pro quo--the 'expert' gets national media exposure and/or promotes a book or two. As I understand it, they fired her, and maybe the next year gave her some limited deal that was NOTHING like her first year deal. BUT in the past year, considering she's BARELY been on? (Am I right, something like once a month, maybe a bit more frequently if there was some special news item that was relevant to bring her in..?) So it's extremely likely that they would no longer be paying her AT ALL. Or lets say, maybe a token $50. I do not know this for sure, but I do know--since I have been an 'expert' guest (not in politics) on this channel, as well as the others...that most people are not paid.

      It's likely that they only use her when they can't get someone else whom they prefer, or if they get a last minute cancellation. The booker of each show, or the producer might email/call and ask if she wants to go on to talk about X. She could only say yes to unpaid TV appearances because those appearances are the ONLY thing that have really kept her profile up and mainstream (also the only way to keep getting publicity for old, poorly-selling books, or for her new website.

    9. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I could be wrong, but I think there's a rule you can't be employed by a TV channel and run for office at the same time.

    10. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Sarah ain't too good at thinking on her feet. I think she just thought she was doing her regular Obama bashing session and didn't expect to be asked about that. Maybe she'd demanded no one ask her any real questions on this appearance and Sean broke the "Buddy Rule" lol. She just looked way too stunned considering she's been asked this same question a couple times in the past couple weeks and seemed fine with it. But who fucking knows what's EVER going on with this retard. She's definitely one-of-a-kind...thank god.

    11. Anita Winecooler4:13 PM

      She's salivating while waiting to be offered a show of her own. Swallow hard, crazy lady, not even Fox wants to waste time and money funding your show.
      Next time, wear sun glasses, a thong dress and shoes, poor Bristol isn't getting any either, attention I mean.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Wow. Hannity caught her off script and she was fucking lost.Would love to see her in a real interview.That would be comedy gold!

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Sarah you've had since 2008 to get ready for this question so maybe this time you can tell the viewers what you have been reading lately to keep up with international affairs...

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sounds to me like Hannity asked Palin a "gotcha" question! I expected Sarah to answer his what job question with...any of 'em, all of 'em. LOL.

    Also, too, IMO, a new word from Palin's interesting vocabulary. Perhaps Sally could use it as a new word of the day on Sarah Palin Channel, since I understand that it isn't changed daily. At the 6:09 mark, according to my ears anyway, Palin says "this atrofeen of a foundation of this county...". Sarah, you with the communications or journalism degree from the University of Idaho in 1987--if anyone or anything has caused the American middle class to atrophy, it is the greedy corporations who shipped good-paying, middle class jobs overseas and the GOP who does everything it can to destroy the middle class.

    I think Palin's bots will take her "I would love to" response as a sign that's she's running in 2016. We know she won't of course, but it will be delightful to watch her make excuses and tease her dwindling supporters as she tries to grift every last cent she can.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      "atrophying"? Still a strange word, so strange she can't pronounce it.
      A "foundation" can't really decay or decline as she implies in this sentence, it being "on the Democrat's shoulder."
      She uses the English language in a way stranger than anyone beyond my five-year-old used to do. She gravitates, though, to these odd metaphors of the human body -- necks, shoulders, balls, cajones, throats, fists, boots that must be shined -- that must resonate for her in some inchoate way, memories of fights and fisticuffs she's endured during her life.

      Pathetic, really. She gives herself away without even knowing it. She's led a rough life among rough and careless people. She's producing a family that's as rough and careless and violent as she's shown them how to be. Please don't lecture to us about the middle-class, Sarah. Huey Long could talk about the common man. You have only a constituent of ill-educated, resentful, unemployed, uncultured Neanderthals. (Taking nothing away from Neanderthals, who were hard-working and knew how to hunt.)

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      One other thing about these TV appearances. The booker and/or producer will ALWAYS go over the questions with the guest. Usually there are around 3 for your basic 3-5 minute spot. She will have provided her answers to them in advance. (Although, ha!, maybe with her they know that she is so stupid that she won't make sense so perhaps they don't even bother. But USUALLY, with intelligent experts, they will go over the Qs and establish the key points in the answers. Of course the host may ad lib during the on-air live interview--and that's probably what Hannity did with the --do you want to work in politics Q.

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Then Hannity follows up, by asking her "what job?"

    She looks completely lost, before shaking her head and saying, "I don't know which job, but of course, and in the meantime, I'm out and about doing what I can to support good candidates."





  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Stay warm.
    Wild winds blast Alaska's Aleutian islands as US braces for big freeze

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      We apologize in advance for sending you another Polar Blast. The Wasilla forecast is for upper 30's to low 40's for the next 10 days, unseasonably warm.

      Not only did we give you Sarah Palin but we've been sharing our weather with you too. Sorry :-(

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Fair enough. We sent you Ivana Trump.

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I am really sick of Obama getting blamed for the state of the economy. The blame for shrinking wages and increasing instances of part time work falls squarely at the feet of corporate America. (this has been amping up since he GW Bush administration. Corporations, rather than sharing profits with their employees have been returning their spoils to share holders with the expectation of maximizing prices. ......Guess what...executive compensation is usually based on share price appreciation. So they are lining their pockets at the expense of their employees. Additionally, they would rather buy out other companies instead of investing in their own infrastructure. It is cheaper, pension funds are ripe for pillaging and payrolls are slashed. It's all about greed masked as expansion. This is why there is a war on unions which unfortunately afforded the only protections workers have. (had)
    I worked in the industrial automation industry for 30 years and the selling point ultimately boiled down to the industry would be able to reduce staff. However they would have to increase their technical staff and contract control system integrators. This results in very high maintenance costs and the loss of jobs at the lower end of the employee chain. Business is able to write off these "improvements" at the expense of the public.
    Nice business model 'eh ?
    The middle class is being screwed and the way it's set up, I don't really see any hope. If you were insightful enough to graduate with an electrical engineering degree - life is good. All others are left with the crumbs. Lots of jobs in fast food since a robot really can't flip a burger ...... This is the America we've become. Heaven help the middle class.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      But as the union prez reminded Henry Ford, those robots also don't buy cars, or eat burgers.

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      7;40 I am tired of the blame being dumped on the President. He has reduced the deficit, lowered unemployment and the stock market is UP. All with no help from the gop. They are afraid he will finally be recognized, and make their guy W look like a bigger loser than he already is. All the commentators on Faux repeat the same things about the President being a failure. NOT TRUE, but their brain dead viewers will believe it. If THEY are all so smart, why don't they run for the office, and show us how much better they could do???? Gingrich, the serial husband who was forced out of the government is even saying the same thing. Daily memos must be sent to all the talking heads. All the misfits from the gop will be running for the WH. Christie, the fat blowhard, Mittens, with Queen Anne calling the shots, Cruz, the Canadian, maybe even Pope Santorum. Perry from Tex ASS under indictment along with bland Walker from Wisconsin, also too zombie eyed Paul Ryan. What a group of sub par candidates.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      The fascist shit-bags that call themselves conservatives these days have been tearing down the middle class for decades now, so of course they're gonna blame the only guy who has tried to help and protect it these past few years. That's what they do. Sarah Palin thinks she can dump it on the Democratic Party's shoulders on Fox News and that changes reality. Well, it ain't working, bitch, now go make another one of your "Unions are scum except when a Palin is making money from one" speeches, you dumbass. Oh, that's right, you don't like venues where the people show up to let you know just how popular you really are among working middle-class people, do you? Chicken-shit con artist that you are.

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Ah, gee, Sarah, agree with that middle class atrophied by the shoulder of decimated illegal immigrants' on democrats for the foundation of us, there, and so they can shine those boots on the necks of those planks on the war of women, who felled those politicies, Sean, who turned Hillary into a ball of wax, and lower the corporate tax rate, which the war on women Sean, ah, and yes, 97, 9, 99% of the time...Barack Obama would continue to, of course. How stupid DO they think American voters were? Right on, there Sarah. Run Sarah Run 2016!

  17. Caroll Thompson7:52 AM

    I just read the most recent election results. The counting is over and Newhouse won over Palin backed Didier in Washington State. The establishment Republicans went all out to beat the crazy Didier.

    Everyone will remember that Didier was one of the lucky 1%. That means that Palin gave him part of the 1% of the money SarahPac actually gave to candidates (while spending the rest on herself of course). Sarah gave his campaign $5,000.

  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Even though Sarah doesn't have the moxie to leave her hidey-hole and run for office, it will irritate her -- it will make her explode at some point -- that wacky Joni Ernst, who Sarah thinks owes her election to Sarah, is now called Senator Ernst. She'll have a very fat guaranteed Federal salary, lots of benefits, will be wined and dined every day and night, given free round-trip transportation back to Iowa. People will show deference to the "Senator," who's got a bit of power and certainly a soap box. And that'll be for a guaranteed six years, unless she does something so egregious that they censure her or kick her out.
    And Sarah? She'll be back in Wasilla, home of the big box stores, a dead lake, and a compound full of dysfunctional children, getting older and more dysfunctional every day. No one will be calling Sarah by anything other than "former" or "ex." A few retired true-believers will send her some money, but not much, not enough to equal all the benefits accorded to every U.S. Senator.
    A year from now, Sarah won't be on the stage at any Presidential debates. Her day will have come and gone a long, long time ago. She'll vacillate between one primary candidate and another. No one she picks will take her to Washington, or give her any job of responsibility. And very soon, hating on the black man won't work anymore. Hating on Hillary? It's just not the same.
    Sarah's more and more irrelevant every day. She may be too stupid to know that, but the day she sees Senator Ernst at her first committee meeting, the day she sees Dan Sullivan described as the rising star of Alaskan politics, the say the Obamas leave the White House -- what will Sarah have to say or do about any of it?
    We've all moved on, Sarah. It's time for you to go home and take care of your children. Also, too, get a really reliable and honest money manager to take care of whatever assets you've held onto. They're going to have to last you for a long, long time.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      I believe that would be "quitter, former, ex-"
      Always use her FULL title.

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    She really went brain dead for a moment. I suspect in the future she will not go on his show unless she knows EXACTLY what questions he will ask.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      It has always been said that FOX DID provide her the questions so that she could appear smarter and better prepared. What happened? Was this a set up too to get folks talking about her again? Wouldn't surprise me one damned bit!

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      As I explained above, it would not be unusual, and in fact is standard practice for all these news shows to absolutely provide the Qs--and her the answers--in advance of the segment. The things are pretty heavily scripted. That's not to say that people don't go on tangents--they do. But she would not be the only to have been provided the Qs. That's how it works, they generally do not want surprises. Also, the host has an earpiece with the producer talking in his/her ear the entire time. The hosts learn how to listen tothe producer in their head and have back-and-forth with the guest at the same time. (Not easy, actually, but I guess you get used to it) Sometimes the producer will cut things off short and will tell the host in their ear and then they'll rush up to finish and may miss some of the Qs that had been intended.

  20. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Sean Hannity trapped Sarah Palin with a Gotcha Question?

    Somebody call the Wasilla refrigerator door repairman, we have a long night ahead of us. Sarah Palin is pissed and just recently loaded up her pantry with can goods and baby food jars and his loaded for bear.

  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What have been Obama's felled policies?
    A stock market at an all-time high?
    Oil prices plummeting because of a glut of oil on the market?
    A deficit cut in half?
    Unemployment down near 6% for the first time in many years?
    A booming housing market, based on low interest rates.
    Same with a booming car market.
    Health care for millions of people who couldn't qualify before?
    A difficult and precarious foreign policy situation, most of it out of our control, but very much kept in control by our Administration?
    As the previous writer as made clear, the problems of the middle class were not created by illegal aliens sneaking across some border. They were made, consciously, by American--made MBAs and the stock market, that outsourced jobs, cut off the lower level of its workforce, and pushed out short-term profits instead of long-term growth.
    Those companies belong to the Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party, fair and square.
    If you really wanted to reform, Sarah, you'd take up the cause of the unskilled American worker.
    Like your own kids.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Great comment!! Somebody run and get Sarah some ice for that burn :)

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Well said 7:59. There's no hope as Citizens United remains law. Politicians are bought and paid for by corporate america. No jobs bill coming out of Republican controlled congress....only tax cuts for business, no help for the middle class. Minimum wage relief, no way, cuts into profits. Walmart and McDonalds encourage employees to apply for food stamps rather than pay a living wage. (taxpayers subsidize these types of businesses) Where I ask, is the outrage? I as well as most others would gladly pay an extra 10 cents more for a burger or crappy plastic thing made in china in order to guarantee a living wage. Or maybe ... these companies should just eat the dime as a goodwill gesture. If they did, perhaps I'd again start patronizing these businesses. But, I'm not holding my breath.

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Unemployment UNDER 6% (5.8%)

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I don't have the guts to watch the video but after reading the transcripts, which I had to read several times, I can't understand her response ---what a fucking moron !!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Just optics: why wear black for a happy tap dance for the GOP victories? Shouldn't Sarah wear a happy red, white and blue ensemble? Where is her patriotic jewelry? This is the moment to bring out the bling!
    Is it too expensive to ship lipstick to Alaska? Is that why Sarah's now gone with the "natural" look that makes her face look like a mask of unicolor, pale flesh? Surely she could beg, borrow, or steal a little lip gloss or even some Color Girl, from cosmetician Bristol to highlight her ever-thinning lips? When a lady is aging, it's important for her to look her best when out in public.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I guarantee you they sell lipstick in Arizona, but the Wasilla Wendigo is too cheap to pick any up when she visits her second (fifth?) home there.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Remember early on when $he used rouge by the pound?

      Now $he's gone too far the other way.

      I think the ghastly-white-corpse-look works for her.


  24. Anonymous8:28 AM

    When Sarah Palin was asked about getting back into politics

    Her response?

    "I would love to."

    Then Hannity follows up, by asking her "what job?"

    She looks completely lost, before shaking her head and saying, "I don't know which job, but of course, and in the meantime, blah blah blah.

    Sarah Palin do you remember saying this about 6 years ago?

    “You have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on — reform of this country and victory in the war. You can’t blink. So I didn’t blink then even when asked to run as his running mate,”
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin, America and the world just watched you blink







    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      She did blink, gulp, leak piss and shit and perspired...big time!!

  25. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Hahaha! "What newspapers do you read?"

    What a dipshit.

  26. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Why does Fox keep putting Sarah on the air as some kind of expert? For the same reason that she was chosen to be McCain's running-- to attract the far right and the religious right. They only stick with Fix because Sarah is on. Reading the comments at C4P they only like Levin and Rush. They read Breitbart. They don't like many of the Fox panels. (If only Sarah had been chosen to sit on a panl). Fox may believe that Sarah has 4 million fans, but TAPP already saw that those facebook likes are inflated. Let them keep putting Sarah in Fox. Every time she opens her mouth, she shows how immature, angry and uneducated she still is. Cute expressions, a new wig and a blazing fire are no substitute for substance.

  27. And you are fifty damn years old, you moronic twatwaffle. Get your hair out of your eyes.

    You look like a sex kitten only in the sense that Norma Desmond looked like a sex kitten when asking for her closeup.

  28. "All the Democrats felled policies, and felled candidates, and felled surrogates. Well that was just..uh..made manifest by the American people when we all said no to that"
    She is, of course, too stupid to grasp that while Democratic candidates lost, Democratic policies did very well. Next time around, Democrats only have to defend 10 seats, while republicans have to defend 24.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      And that in a presidential election year.... oh yeah!

  29. Anonymous8:59 AM

    If you want or need some light-hearted relief after the election, watch "Alpha House" on amazon. For a month, it's all free, on amazon prime.
    The setting: a house shared in Washington by four Republican Senators. Laughter ensues. The second season was released all at once just two weeks ago. There are twenty or more episodes all-together.

    Written by Garry Trudeau, of "Doonsebury." Starring John Goodman and several other outstanding actors. Cameo appearances by Bill Murray, Jane Pauley, other famous faces.
    The zillions of five-star reviews are by mostly liberals. The one-star reviews complain that the series makes fun of Republicans and is one-sided. Depending on your political leanings, this could mean it's a very funny show!
    Perhaps this is old news to most of you. To those uninitiated, as I was, it will give you a laugh and a smile, and sustenance to send you on your way toward 2015.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Also Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert. It's a liberal treat. A couple of swift jabs at Palin along the way. The four Republican Senators are hatin' on the tea baggers.
      Cynthia Nixon plays a liberal from the Northeast.
      Etc. Worth exploring.

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Was it based on that K street frat house shared by the gop religious right, I wonder/ Men who cheated on their wives were advised on how to respond. Remember the one from Nevada who tried to pay off his mistress (best friend's wife) or was it his Daddy who paid her off? One old religious coot was their father confessor, since he was so "wise" Truly laughable the entire group.

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yep! it is based on that frat house of GOPPERS.

  30. Anonymous9:04 AM

    You should see her current FB post/video - She is holding a Bible (prop - probably never opened before) while talking about Billy Graham. Shortly before the 5-minute mark, she starts "playing" with the ribbon bookmark attached to the Bible. Really weird. The video ends quite awkwardly when she seems to run out of things to say - The tongue makes an appearance as only it can be strangely displayed by SP. No wedding ring, but some kind of blingy ring adorns her right hand. She also seems to have quite an itchy left arm, as she can't stop scratching it at one point. Yuck!

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Hyperactive. Maybe the people who say that she takes Adderall are right.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Probably withdrawing from prescription pain meds. Itchy bitch.

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I noticed that too.....very itchy and that Bible was brand spanking new. Prop. What a phony.

  31. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Sarah Palin is not wired for anything, not even qualified to run for Wasilla High School 2024 freshman class president. What a joke, what a moron, what an imbecile.

  32. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Then Hannity follows up, by asking her "what job?"

    "Oh, any of them, all of them."

    Dumb fucking broad.

  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    No, Barack Obama of course has had his boot on the neck of the American economy, and anyone who has participated in shining that boot, that being the people who he surrounds himself with, and helped call the shots for the nation over these past six years of a lot of failures, anybody who shined those boots? No the American public, you can't underestimate the wisdom of, and will be saying no to anyone who participated. Good point too about Mark Begich, Mary Landrieu, all these folks who they supported Barack Obama, and would continue to, of course, when they got back in there 97, 98, 99% of the time

    What the fuck is she saying here? Just rotten word sausage. The sentences make no sense! This is worse than usual IMO. And love love love the black shoeshine man reference. Racist fucking bitch.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Yes, the shining of the boots was straight up racist! Has she never been out of her little world? Who are the shoe shiners Sarah? Black men! You are so incredibly dumb. Who writes for you? Are you purposely this stupid and deaf to racism?

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      2:12 'Stupid and deaf to racism?' Hell no. She is wide open and willing to spread the nasty rhetoric to boost it. She despises minorities and has a comfy little perch to preach it to her minions. Gotta keep em riled up ya know!!

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      And she gets away with it ..... Remember when she used the phrase "shucking and jiving". That is about the worse a bigot can use.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      She just wanted to toss out one of her oh-so-subtle dog whistles. What a transparent little dipshit.

  34. Paul in Minnesota9:20 AM

    She's soooooooooooo stupid. Duh. It's not rocket science. Not the brightest bulb in the universe. That's Sarah Palin.

  35. Hmm, has Hannity pulled a Palin and thrown his wedding ring in Lake Lucille?

  36. Anonymous9:29 AM

    More on the plight of the middle class. My girlfriend, a high school graduate, has been working at a warehouse owned by a premiere home decorating and supply company. (stock price up over 50% this year) This is how they treat their employees..... she's been informed that she's required (till Christmas) to work mandatory 10 hour days plus Saturdays. Same as last year. when the holidays are over they cut their hours (lucky to get 25 hours/week) Back in the day ..... business would lay-off half the hourly people and keep the remainder at 40 hours. But no, that would require unemployment payments to those who were laid off. More inconvenient costs rather than doing the right thing. BTW- this company reported a 100% increase in profits. Of course the President gets the blame for the erosion of the middle class. I guess this is trickle down economics at its best (or worst).

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      This makes me sick. Why aren’t people more up in arms? Why is there so much fear driving the little response to such conditions of employment?

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      People aren't up in arms because the Republican governors have been signing Right to Work legislation that does away with the unions that fought to protect workers rights. Now employers can do pretty much what they want and if you don't like it, they will hire the next person in line that does.

      As for Ms. Palin all her complains about sending jobs overseas etc are not President Obama's fault-it is the fault of the CEO of corporations, most run by Republicans. In fact all of her rant fits the GOP, she must have gotten her parties mixed up.

      I want to see how long it takes her cult to question why she didn't run for office in 2014, a shoe in for the GOP. Instead she sits home and asks for more money. When are they going to wise up, realize she is never going to run and cut off her gravy train?
      Or is SarahPac a money laundering outfit and all the donors are fake?

  37. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Whenever I hear Screach I have 2 questions. Is there a point to your story & is there an ending ?


  38. Anonymous9:58 AM

    She looks like an angry nun, with her all-black ensemble, no makeup, the dainty-but-prominant cross, and the hell-fire proclamations about the sins of everyone else on the planet.

    What, really, must be going through her mind on a day-to-day basis? One day a hooker, next day, a nun. One day a Madonna, next day a drunken, brawling granny. Who is this Sarah Palin?
    She's caught out attention for so long because she doesn't know who she is, and she entertains us every time she surfaces. Also, of course, we need to keep track of her sedition, to make sure she can't escape Wasilla ever again.
    Luckily, she and her family have taken care of that all by themselves.

  39. Lets get one thing clear; GOP didn't win squat, the Democrats lost on bad strategy, and DWS needs to be fired, pronto...Obama did a great job so far, against insurmountable odds, and what did the dems do? Distanced themselves, bad move...The GOP has done one thing right from the start, hammer Obama with lies, obstructionism and bullshit, an unprecedented media blitz that the Dems did nothing about...I saw GOP after GOP groups out registering voters, no Dems, I saw tv as after tv ad from the GOP filled with lies, the Dems, only denying their allegiance with a POTUS which did a great job...both parties suck ballz, and new leadership is in order, or a viable 3rd party candidate and movement

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Claire McCaskill would be great. The lady knows how to win elections in a redder than red state. She's the most savvy democratic senator we have. Google how she ran on raising the minimum wage as her platform on her first run for the senate. Check out how she won her seat this last time around, contributing to the weakest gotp candidate resulting in him winning the nomination. Then she promptly slaughtered him in the election. Senator McCaskill gets it & knows how to fight those bastard repugs like no other dem. DWS's blind adoration of Hillary in 08 left a bad taste in my mouth & people just don't like her. She's on our side & to be honest I don't care for her.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I would vote for Hillary if she was the choice, but she is not my first choice at all.

  40. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sure she would love a job in politics again, BUT.... knows full well she can never do that anymore. LOL!

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      You don't get it. Palin would hate to have a job in politics, she doen't want any job. Zero desire. She wants only to be a paid celebrity requiring minimal effort of any kind.

  41. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hey Stoopid $carah said: we all said no to that,

    WE all? only 25% of the electorate voted. Your "we all" is awfully small.

  42. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I love AssHannity's tone when he asks the crosseyed tarantula "what job."

  43. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I love that expression on Sarah. It is her essential essence. The grifting goofball ignoramus only fools the idiots.They are on display at c4p if you are curious and have a strong stomach.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Any of em...All of them. HAHAHA

  44. Anonymous10:26 AM

    If Sarah Palin gives her children including the legally underage one too much alcohol that they lose their senses and embarrass our state then what makes Sarah Palin qualified to run for a political position that she doesn't even know which one to choose?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Because we love Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Seriously? No one who "loves" Sarah the Hateful Harpy has any idea what "love" is. You certainly show no "love" to your country is you listen to and believe her poison.

    3. "what makes Sarah Palin qualified to run for a political position"
      "Because we love Sarah Palin"
      I love my dog. That doesn't qualify him to be president. So I am assuming 10:41, that your comment must be snark.

    4. Anonymous12:55 PM

      10:41 The only people who "love" the cross-eyed skank are on her payroll. When donations dry up, they will scurry like roaches off to sell their tales of the REAL PayMe family.

  45. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "What job?" Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ... ha! The c4pee folks think she will be the First and Everlasting Supreme Empress of all there is. Those silly simpletons will never get it and keep sending her money. Too funny!

  46. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Sarah is a dimwitted coward ... always has been. She is always hiding behind something or someone.

  47. Anonymous10:39 AM

    If Sarah Palin runs for political office in 2016, is she obligated to complete her term and not quit halfway through to become a billionaire this time.

  48. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Well Sean I haven't made up my mind what I'm going to do in 2016.

    I may continue being the editor-in-chief of my successful Facebook business.

    May continue being the editor-in-chief of my successful tv channel, The Sarah Palin Channel.

    May want to run for governor of Alaska and finish the second half of my first term that I abandoned.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Don't forget she manages all those jobs at the same time Todd is her shadow and she is mother Madonna to all the children she claims and a few burrito supremos on the side. Is there anything she can't do? No wonder she has no time to go to church. Her daughter covers the Palin religious life, Wadda famdamily.

      I hope Sean has her back soon. It is always good to see her connected to Fox and the GOP. Greta, also, too, too, also, too.
      THANKS GOP FOR KEEPING HER. Oh yeah, send her money, suckers! Thank you very much.

  49. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Ah, more of that "happiness" and "positivity" the Palin troll tells us is ALL Palin ever engages in. She's a regular ray of sunshine, isn't she?

  50. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Boy she's trying really hard to remind her loony supporters of the exhilaration they felt when they first became fans. High =piled beehivey hair extensions that remind them of their 1960's high school prom queen, nude lipgloss (1970's girl friend) and she even went back to the rimless glasses to as she tries to look like a decade younger self. Reminds me of a Loveboat episode where an anniversary cruising couple was having a second honeymoom, planned by the wife to get back her straying husband. She tried to squirm into her wedding dress and her wedding night lingerie after gaining about 100#'s. Hilarity ensued.

    $carah is just as desperate and just as pathetic as that.

  51. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Where is the Hoedown video to bury this bitch ?

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

  52. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It's been said many times that working with Sarah is working in chaos. Her mind is filled with disorganized chaos therefore she speaks the same way. She barely knows how to form a complete sentence. She's not only an idiot with shit coming out of her mouth - she's mentally ill. Both Olbermann and Bashir were correct. The only thing Sarah does well is spew out shit. That's all she knows and now it's all coming back to her. In the long run her greedy plans to make fast bucks will not have been worth it. The Palins have shown no respect for anyone and now the world shows them none in tenfolds. As it should be.

  53. A J Billings12:05 PM

    Dog almighty! Listen to the "journalism" major who at 6:09 says, quote
    ""all of that leads to just this atrophied of a foundation of our country which is the middle class"

    Not her most incoherent sentence ever, but $arah hunny, bless your shriveled heart, you are so painfully ignorant, and poorly read, that you sound like a 7th grader giving a book report.



  54. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Perfect description of what goes on inside Sarah's head:

    Earthoscope DriveBy • 5 days ago
    Palin seems like she is trying to list references to all of the talking points she attempted to memorize before she forgets them. If she stopped to let Megyn Kelly ask her a question, she'd run the risk of not remembering anything that might resemble an answer. A brain freeze is a good comparison of what it feels like when attempting to comprehend a statement from Palin. It's almost like she has canned phrases bouncing around in her head like lottery balls that come out randomly.

  55. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Her cheeks are beginning to hang which is really weird for her age. Maybe it's the fillers making face, especially around her mouth & folds, look distorted. Someone really has to tell her that gloss looks hideous & adds age to her already aging look,

  56. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I see granny palin didn't get an invite this year to graham's birthday...or is the guy dead

  57. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Sarah you promised years ago that you would show us your college grades. Are you that ashamed that you won't show them? Did you even really graduate from college? Maybe it was Glenn Beck U.? I just bet you weren't the one sitting at Bristol's keyboard getting her GED degree. Brancy did.

  58. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Can't stand Hannity but LOVE the way he said ( incredulously) " Really!". He's got your number Sarah.....

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      the new "darling" is Jodi earst.. lol

  59. Anonymous3:32 PM

    How in the hell can anyone take this stupid woman seriously?

  60. Anonymous3:41 PM

    virginiagentleman1 20 hours ago
    Yes, yes, yes! The Lady from the Far North is in the hunt!

    The Journey BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maria Buss virginiagentleman1 20 hours ago

    Hannity probably thought he'd do better than Varney but he did well enough to clarify if not affirm the Governor's intentions. At the 6:26 mark, listen to the Governor say, " the meantime…"

    She is running!

    Maria Buss 19 hours ago
    Hannity was not prepared to hear the Governor say "I would love to". Missed opportunity. He could have done better than a lame "really, what job"

    Hopefully, the next time it will be a unsolicited "game on" directly from the Governor.

    1776er 9 hours ago

    Another brilliant interview.

    Communication. Sarah Palin communicates with a voice that is unmistakable to We The People. Call it Alaskan, call it American, call it regional dialect, call it idiomatic call it what you want. She speaks our language. We understand every sylllable and every thought and what is spoken without using words at all.

    It is key essential indispensable requirement of great Leadership. It is something that simply cannot be faked. You either have it or you don't. Sarah Palin has it like no other politician in America.

    It is a gift. Hillary Clinton would KILL for Sarah Palin's gift. She would trade her soul to the Devil for Sarah Palin's gift of communication with We The People.

    Barack Obama has his boot on the neck of the American economy. The boot shiners got sent packing. What a perfect image of the Marxist Fascist IL Duce Barack Obama and his sycophants in the Marxist Democrat Party. Does anybody not understand that? Is she right or not?

    Hillary Clinton the boot shiner. Hillary's eyes must get very big
    when she contemplates running against Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin was firing on all cylinders in this interview. Salvo after salvo in the Alaskan manner- - -"felled policies, felled candidates, felled surrogates." [I would add felled Hillary but she wasn't the only one "felled surrogates" covers them all.] Simple to the point. And right on.

    1776er has lots more to say but you get the gist.
    I blame RayGun for closing the mental clinics.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Oh Jesus Fucking Christ! These people live lives where the bar is set so low that if their kids graduate from kindergarten they are lauded for having succeeded at achieving the great American Dream.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      The stupid! It burns!!

    3. Anonymous9:16 PM

      I think all those folks writing comments are either Sarah herself or family members. It is impossible that anyone sane could make heads or tails of the garbage she spewed in that interview.

  61. Anita Winecooler4:16 PM

    The look on her face in that capture is priceless. Her brain's in neutral and she's shifting the lane change lever. Didn't watch the clip, but were wisps of smoke emanating from any or all orifices?

    1. PalinsHoax4:43 AM

      "Didn't watch the clip, but were wisps of smoke emanating from any or all orifices?"
      - - -
      Didn't watch the clip either, but I did enlarge the photo. Oh my gosh, her lips are covered with what appears to be vomit!

      Wow, did Ol' Seanny upset the Ol' Vile One enough to make her get sick while on air?

  62. Didn't the old bag make a vid of NOT goading? Hypocrite to the max.

    Host: "What job?"
    sarahy: ~crickets~ *bubbles are popping around her empty head*
    IMers: "Proceed sarahy!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.