Sunday, November 23, 2014

Maryland city council member will not take oath of office on Bible. "I'm not upholding the teachings of the Bible."

Courtesy of The Frederick News-Post:  

On Dec. 1, Jessica Fitzwater will raise her right hand and take the same oath of office as her fellow incoming council members. 

But there will be one difference in her pledge before friends, family and elected officials: The book under her left hand will not be the Bible. 

Fitzwater, who is Jewish, said she's not interested in replacing the Bible with a Torah. Instead, she is thinking of taking the oath on the Frederick County charter or some other government document that will represent her commitment to public service. 

"I think it's more appropriate to swear my oath on something I will be upholding. I'm not upholding the teachings of the Bible. I'm upholding the charter or the Constitution," said Fitzwater, who will represent Council District 4. 

Fitzwater said she has always supported the separation of church and state but only recently resolved on taking her oath of office on a nonreligious document.

I think I have a new political hero.

If only more politicians would make this choices, and let their constituents know that they are rational people, who will make decisions based on the rule of law, and not the superstitions of man, I think the world would be a far, far better place.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Well, praise Jesus and thank the Lord!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Slightly O/T. I've started my Xmas shopping.

    Does anyone know where Jessica Fitzwater purchased the pants she is wearing in that photo? I want to buy a pair for my daughter.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I would email her directly!

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I don't see how swearing a public oath on the Bible or any other religious belief system equivalent is even constitutional when the person represents many who don't subscribe to that system.

  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Good for her! I think we'll see more of this type action as time moves on!

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    It's too bad that she doesn't have a member of her family with Down syndrome. Then she could take an oath like one of the Palin girls did when she wore on the life of her DS brother.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      That is because Trig is not her brother, he might be her son.

  6. I'm in love..... Warren/Fitzwater 2016!

  7. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The bible and government don't mix! I agree with what this gal is doing! 100% behind her! Hope we see more of it!

  8. Randall10:23 AM

    Finally - a government official that actually understands the meaning and purpose of "government".

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Finally, a politician who understands what an oath of office is. The oath should be sworn on the document they swear to uphold not a religious book


  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    So, when a non-believer swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth SO HELP ME GOD, with their hand on a buy-bull in front of a judge, should that judge believe the witness?

    No, seriously, I've thought about this for a long time. We know that true believers lie in court all the time. Get the buy-bull out of our court system. It is absolutely meaningless.


    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I would drop the word 'god' in the oath. Just say "so help me"!

      We will see less and less of that word 'god' in our government as time moves along. The majority of supposed Christians don't practice what they preach - especially those in the U.S.Congress! Republicans come to mind!! Family oriented? Hardly! Anti women as to our rights? Yes!!! Do they have affairs and marry multiple times? Yes!

      Plus, it's way past time that we tax churches within our communities - real estate taxes, school taxes, etc. They use and abuse the system as do many others. Time to change the IRS rules once we turn blue again - 2016!!!

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Buy-bull... Love it!!!

  11. A. J. Billings11:12 AM

    I'm sure Ms Fitzwater is going to be mercilessly attacked by such luminaries as Glenn Feckless , Rush Slimeball, and Ted Jihad Cruz, but she's taking a stand that the Founders of our nation would approve of.

    Oh, and Ms Fitzwater, are you single ? :)

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I have read this article twice, both times with hope and great enthusiasm! Very refreshing !
    Oop's and with a big smile .
    That is what, values ,Integrity ,Intelligence,courage and convicton ( to say a few) looks like.
    I am very encouraged by this article and Jessica Fitzwater. Thanks for sharing .

  13. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "I think it's more appropriate to swear my oath on something I will be upholding. I'm not upholding the teachings of the Bible. I'm upholding the charter or the Constitution," said Fitzwater, who will represent Council District 4."

    I love that, and it makes perfect sense. Even if a person is a Christian, this makes sense.

    Thank you for this post, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      The newest members of the next GOP Congress should take their oaths on photos of Charles and David Koch and another of Grover Norquist.

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Good for her. It's a first step as obviously swearing on any sort of religious text is a blatant slap in the face of separation of church and state. I hope, even though she says that she is "Jewish" that she is smart enough to realize that religion is a terrible influence on our world. Perhaps one day she will be proud enough, and intelligent enough, to say she is an Atheist and get behind our cause.

  15. Perfect, Beaglemom!


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