Sunday, November 02, 2014

Maryland man, who previously served time for manslaughter, arrested for threatening to decapitate the President. Wait, so the Secret Service really can do their jobs?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A42-year-old Maryland man accused of threatening to kill President Barack Obama and first lady Michele Obama in an explicit email strewn with racist remarks was in custody on Sunday, the United States Secret Service said. 

Christopher Perkins O’Brien, of Annapolis, was arrested on Thursday and charged with making a violent threat against the president and threatening bodily harm against the presidential family in an email sent to the White House website on Oct. 16, according to court documents. 

O’Brien was also charged with using interstate communications to make the threats, the documents said. 

In the email, Obama is called “stupid” and a racial slur for his handling of ISIS, beheadings in the United States and of the Ebola outbreak before he is threatened with physical violence. 

“I … hope to reach out to slash Michele’s throat… You?? I will make a point to behead you, then throw your head into the nearest body of water, as I drive off into Maryland,” O’Brien is accused of writing, according to charging documents first reported by The Baltimore Sun. 

O’Brien was convicted in 2007 of manslaughter in the strangulation death of a 32-year-old female friend, the paper has reported. He served part of a 10-year sentence for the crime, which was later reduced to involuntary manslaughter. 

Secret Service arrested O’Brien on suspicion of the recent death threats after tracing the email to his Annapolis home, the agency said.

Yeah okay I think when a person living in Maryland, who once served time for killing somebody, claims that he is going to cut the President's head off and assassinate the First Lady, THAT seems to me a credible threat.

I was also beginning to wonder if the Secret Service even knew how to do their jobs anymore.

It dawned on that perhaps we ought to fire the whole lot of them and try to hire that magnificent Canadian Sergeant at Arms who stopped that gunman at Parliament last week.

By the way I for one am getting damn sick and tired of hearing about all of these threats against the President. Don't they realize that if they were ever successful that he would rise up like Obi Wan Kenobi and be more powerful than ever?

If they think Ronald Reagan was deified, this would make the Reagan adulation look comparable to receiving the employee of the month designation at Burger King.

There would be Obama Day, Obama Lane, the Obama Towers, stuffed Obamas, Obama pins, Obama PJs, and a flood of Obama love that would sweep the nation.

The man is MUCH more beloved than these trigger happy lunatics realize, and rather than end his agenda, they would send it into hyper drive.

But even still we need the President alive and in one piece, and continuing to prove to Democrats that even if it seems that EVERYBODY is out to get you that you can still do your damn job, and make them eat shit every time you out maneuver them.

THAT is this President's legacy. 


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    In the email, Obama is called “stupid” and a racial slur for his handling of ISIS, beheadings in the United States and of the Ebola outbreak before he is threatened with physical violence.
    Thanks Sarah Palin! This is YOUR BASE this is YOUR WORK! BET me, who wants to bet he is a RWNJ and a fan of the old Hoohaah?
    Sarah is SATAN! She is the devil and piped piper of h8!
    She blabs about H8's gonna hate but she is the biggest hater of all.
    and wait until she gets caught for all her lies...Victim time.
    If you doubt me listen to this.
    The palins are the biggest bunch of Haters and she should be arrested for this crime against POTUS as well as the guy who was arrested, b/c she spews this shit daily!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I've always said Muthee's hands-on crap prayed Satan into her, not out of, and then she attacks Rev. Wright. The projection she spews would need a drive-in movie screen if they still existed.

      I just laugh and laugh some more at the trolls that show up here and on Malia's blog. Who knows if they're paid consultants, postage, or deranged fans. The more they spew, the more I laugh. The bearded lady at the county fair. Sideshow and nothing more when she thought herself sent from God to be Queen Esther II: The Sequel. It is to LAUGH.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      I do so hope you are right.

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    It's too bad that he can't even count on his own party and has to everything alone - the democrats running for congress and the senate won't defend and stand behaind his accomplishments (even Obamacare), and the Democratic voters won't even show up at the polls to vote. Bunch of cowards. But they'll be the first to whine when the the GOP takes over both houses of congress.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Who says Dems won't show up to vote? The media and Republicans! Voting hasn't even been completed - November 4th is the date.

      They did this same type of baloney when President Obama ran both times AND WON. Tried to discourage voting and failed big time.

      Many will vote - just watch! The Republicans/Teabaggers will be wrong AGAIN!

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      6:21 - agree! Romney truly thought he was going to win. That's how bad the polling is on the GOP side. They are in for another surprise this year!

    3. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

      Really? Democrats are running away from the President?

      The impersonator they sent should play him on SNL, he got the laugh and the smile to a "T" and the voice is exactly like his!

      Corbett got down on one knee and begged Christie to show up, you know, because Christie and Obama are close friends and running partners.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The majority of the reasons Republicans are so horrible to President Obama and our First Lady is because they know the two are loved and respected by the majority of the nation.

    This POTUS will go down in history as one of the best and that is really going to piss off Republicans/Teabaggers! I hope I'm around to watch it! Perhaps he'll go up on Mt. Rushmore?! Wouldn't that be a hoot?!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      You are exactly right about why the republicans treat President Obama so badly. It pisses them off to no end that they can't find any real "dirt" on him. Same reason that sarah's panties are always in a wad.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      This POTUS will go down in history as one of the best and that is really going to piss off Republicans/Teabaggers! I hope I'm around to watch it! Perhaps he'll go up on Mt. Rushmore?! Wouldn't that be a hoot?!!!!!!
      So true!
      That would be awesome the Mt. Rushmore :)

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      LOL. Mt. Rushmore? Yeah....Uh... Thats probably not going to be a thing... but I'll have what you are smoking.

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yeah, 4:36 PM. not to mention the photo Gryph posted is a lie for photo-op purposes only. A steady stream of gay men in and out of the Oval Office to service our closeted President and our First Lady is a transvestite.

    Are you PROUD of yourself, S'error? This is a small faction of what you've wrought, you and your thug family and cohorts. I'm just waiting for you to bring up Christmas yet again and the "reason for the season." Maybe you could dust off the covers of your unsold book from last year?

    Brawlghazi, beeyotch.

    HOO HAH!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Love that photo of our wonderful President and First Lady! They are a darling couple!

    2. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Anon at 5:03 pm. You are not even remotely amusing. This post is about a threat to the entire country. An assassination like this would be the great tragedy of the new century, of the new millennium for this nation. Go peddle your lies and rot somewhere else. Maybe Sarah Palin's Facebook page would welcome it.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Beaglemom, this is what the palinbots envision and said daily by some in the pee pond. I am not making light of it whatsoever.

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    There would be Obama Day, Obama Lane, the Obama Towers, stuffed Obamas, Obama pins, Obama PJs, and a flood of Obama love that would sweep the nation.
    I'd LOVE that! Especially the Obama PJs!


    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I'd love me some Obama PJs. I'd never have sex with my husband again, Mildred. Close is good enough! LOL

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      5:44 -- Maybe you should get the PJs for your hubby and you could pretend...

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      6:17 PM my husband has been disabled for four years, That ship sailed long ago. ;-)

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The person arrested for threatening the president and first family, is he a drunk that once lived in Wasilla?

  7. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Wouldn't be surprised if that man has a year subscription to the Sarah Palin internet blog channel and has Sarah Palin pictures plastered all over his walls.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Yeah man totally! And Sarah Palin was also actually the real culprit behind the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby!

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      8:48 - was she? I mean, she is looking really old...Maybe you mean her mom who hangs with militia?

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Anon 9:18--you may be on to something. As sketchy as their family history is, maybe that's the reason they had to leave Idaho.

  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Sounds like someone Sarah and Todd would pal around with. Speaking of which, shots fired near the Hotel Captain Cook (Where Sarah repeatedly left the door to shoot an ad for election in cahoots with the RGA) so one has to ask, were the Palins partying as a family again?

  9. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Paraphrasing here, and I don't remember who said it, but dumb@ss politico said President Obama's problem was that he's a rational thinker instead of thinking politically.

    Well, you know what? I'd rather have that than the alternative blowhards I've seen for years. I am very proud to call Barack HUSSEIN Obama my President and have such a dignified First Family. Blame everything on him all you want, it is documented that the night he was elected in '08 the 'search and destroy' mission began. He's still standing, and me with him.

    ~ White Woman

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    O.K., this guy sent the email on Oct. 16, and was just arrested this weekend, two weeks later? The SS got right on that, didn't they.

  11. Anonymous3:15 AM

    The Raw Story article mentions "beheadings in the United States." When did they occur?

    I was wondering why, when he came to Detroit on Saturday, it was to a smallish venue. But I think it must be the death threats. That is so tragic. President Obama is the best president this country has seen in decades, probably since Franklin Roosevelt. I do not want us to lose him as we lost JFK.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    I know there are a few corrupt idiots in the Secret Service, but this story gives me hope that he and his family are being properly protected. With idiots willing to believe other idiots like Madame Palin, I'm sure they're on high alert.
    He showed up here to stump for a candidate, and we saw people on high rise roofs, and officers with dogs sniffing around for well over and hour before he was to arrive. I was stuck at work, but we all stopped and clapped/saluted as his cars passed by. I don't care how much the cost, it's money well spent protecting this fine leader.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    OT since you are talking about people (not talking about Johnny) who have it in for the president. No Sarah I'm not implying or suggesting that you want to decapitate our president, it is just a lead into you as a person who is so vocal about our president and I just happened to read this ongoing issue about you and your family that happened at the Anchorage birthday party. You know that incident that won't go away:

    John McCain Knows Who Is To Blame For Palin Brawl: Katie Couric, Probably

    “Shit happens, you know?” — John McCain, mostly.

    John McCain was minding John McCain’s own business, getting interviewed on the teevee, as one does when one is John McCain and it is a day. But darn the liberal media at Phoenix television station KTVK! They just would not stop asking him about the fact that the woman he chose as his vice presidential running mate has birthed a passel of failing, crying, shoeless hillbillies who crash people’s parties and sucker-punch the host!
    (Read more)


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