Monday, November 17, 2014

More than two weeks after the fact Bristol Palin attacks President Obama by misrepresenting what he said. Drunk, tardy, and stupid is no way to go through life young lady.

Hey let's take a trip in the way back machine shall we?

Remember back around Halloween when the President said this:

"Too often parents have no choice but to put their kids in cheaper daycare, that maybe doesn't have the kinds of programming that makes a big difference in a child's development. And sometime there may just not be any slots, or the best programs may be too far away. And sometimes someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that's not a choice want Americans to make."

And then afterwards the conservatives edited the remarks to make it sound like the President was  dissing stay at home moms, and oh did they have themselves a fine little freakout over that.

Well apparently somebody forgot to rouse Bristol from her alcohol induced slumber and she missed the entire thing. Oh the humanity.

But fear not, on Friday Bristol, with the help of the ever punctual Nancy French, penned a much too late, and completely unnecessary response.

It is essentially full of the same kind of stupid as those other conservative responses (Including one from her mother twelve days earlier.) were.

However it also adds this to give it that oh so personal touch: 

As a single mom, I have to work. In fact, I drive to Anchorage every day and clock in and out — just to make sure I have a steady income to put bread on the table for my son. However, I don’t think that we should look down on moms who have the option of staying home!

Yeah, no she doesn't.  This job, which I assume is the same dermatologist office job that she has been bragging about for the last five years, is not a real job in the sense that she ever even has to show up for work.

How else to explain her ablity to take huge leaves of absence to do DWTS?

Not once..

but twice?

Or have her own reality show?

Or make that appearance on Celebrity Wife Swap?

No this is not the lifestyle of either a stay at home mom OR a working mother.

This is the lifestyle of a person whose family has millions of dollars to spend, and who has personally made over a million dollars herself by trading in on her mother's famous name.

The President was speaking of real workign families who have to scrimp and save in order to meet their monthly payments, and who sometimes have difficulty affording good childcare.

He was NOT speaking about a spoiled little brat, who convinced her boyfriend to impregnate her and then told the world he raped her, who drunkenly picks fights a parties and then claims to have been assaulted, and who flies all over the country appearing on various television shows while claiming to work a 9 to 5 job in an office in Anchorage, Alaska.

This would have been an ignorant post if it had happened two weeks ago, but now it is simply a pathetic cry for attention.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The shit definitely doesn't fall too far from the asshole.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Those kids were never taught respect for elders, nor police or other public officials. Shit is RIGHT.

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Hey BARSTOOL remember Sept 6, 2014?
      When you pissed your pants and fucking screamed & drunkenly cried about your $300. Shades? "Where's my Shit"? you said over and over, previously reported you and Willows made a Beeline both wearing sunglasses at almost midnight, to go punch the owner or the house, for no good reason excepting your a family of inbred hillbilly thugs, who do they think they are "Marilyn Monroe"?
      Yes work my ass.
      This may refresh everyone's memory, including how you drug you child to a likker/drug fest in the stretch limo.
      You're a piss poor mom and a LIAR also,too!
      Remember if a Palin's lips move it is LYING!
      Levi should take that kid away for good.

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      The job where no one sees her routinely go and come from work or at lunch? Amazing that that lie isn't one that has been revealed. Even with all the people willing to lie for her no one comes out and talks about her like she is a normal person. Troll droppings are just more lies 99% of the time.

      She may not even be aware what Nancy writes for her. "Bristol" is another myth, created by frauds and liars. They must be thinking it is time to start re-doing the Bristol image so she isn't only remembered for swearing and assaulting. She has documented that she is a very bad mother but they must think if they lie about her having a job that will excuse bad parenting.

    4. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Anonymous12:01 PM
      She's aware all right. She collects $$$ right? she can't pretend she didn't know. The old cow gets paid for being a pig.

    5. OMG, Anon @ 11:59 AM, I listened to the first 10 minutes of that ears!

      Both of the Palin "girls" screech at the same decibel level as their mother. The three of them yelling together during the cop's attempt at an interview was enough to make dogs howl.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Not so sure bringing up the childcare angle is such a smart move in light of Thongazi. But then, no one has ever accused poor Brissy (or her ghostwriter) of being intelligent.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Bristol - You insipid cow. Go away. No one cares what you have to moo about.

  4. Anonymous9:26 AM

    The President was addressing two issues at once: having good-quality child care for those who need or want it, and, second, the question of a woman's lifetime Social Security earnings.

    Woman who have erratic job histories often don't earn to their full potential, or sometimes don't have enough quarters to qualify for Social Security on their own. They can take their husband's SS, but what if a marriage fails before ten years?
    Then the woman is back on her own. Real security for women is to make sure that they can earn as much as they can, and establish their own financial base.

    He did NOT say that staying at home was a lesser choice. He said that, without good day care, some women who might want to work cannot, because they don't want to send a child to substandard care. His words weren't clear enough, which is why the tea thugs jumped all over him.

    Bristol kept this little controversy in her "evergreen" file, so she could pull it out when she didn't have anything else to talk about or be enraged about.

    One question to her: why did you say you had no income when in the custody dispute with Levi? So he would have to pay more child support? Surely the court -- and the IRS -- would be interested in your "work" and income history. Lies do not go over well with either of them.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      You notice that the outcome of the Levi and Bristol's hearing over their child has never been made public. It took place AFTER the Anchorage brawl and after the Anchorage Police Report and audio were released. You can bet it and her actions created problems as to the care of the kid. I'll wager Levi and family have custody and she gets to see him on a limited basis! She said herself (proven/fact) that she was not a good mother!

      We've seen no current photos of him in quite a long time with her. Remember too - he was at the brawl and that too was verified!

      I have no use for Bristol! She's a sad situation raised in a home of dysfunctional parents, Sarah and Todd Palin who never should have had children. Everyone they have sired has major problems!

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      those women are too stupid to understand any type of coherent or intelligent conversation, the only language they understand is the type the entire world heard in the thongazy tapes.

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I have had the same thought about Tripp, and I hope you're right. If sealing the outcome of the agreement gives that little boy more privacy, I am all for it.

      Levi is in a stable relationship--how many trial husbands, not to mention one-night stands, has Bristol run through in the time Levi and Sunny have been together?--and can provide a loving, supportive home. Bristol herself (well, Nancy) has blogged about the importance of having a mom and a dad (you know, as opposed to two loving parents who happen to be the same gender). Tripp gets that not with her, but with Levi and Sunny. He gets to stay in the same place, rather than jetting all over and having to adjust to different time zones. Oh, and his dad and stepmom get to publicly acknowledge and take pride in all their kids rather than lying and resorting to sleight-of-hand and subterfuge. (BTW, troll, let me preempt you. No one here believes Tripp is Bristol's only child, so don't waste your time or ours with that predictable "Huh? Bristol acknowledges her one kid, smh" crap.)

      I just hope the custody judge realized all this and was less in thrall to the Palins than the APD obviously is.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Anonymous10:41 AM
      Sandly, barstool can care less about privacy for the kid, in fact she poses his in sugegstive "candy" photos for weirdoes to feast on, as well as her junker travels & while in AZ with the junker bun-in-the-oven.

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      She was driving to Anchorage every day when she was living in AZ.

    6. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Anonymous9:26 AM
      Do you have a link to POTUS original comments?
      I was just telling a friend the otherday that b/c I was a stay at home mom, we get ripped off on SS. Right now there is some (R)? head of Social Security and on a interview on NPR she claims SS was never intended to be "Retirement" and that people had 401K for that? Didn't mention that 401K are pretty new and many of us didn't have that KIND of job that offered those little perks and what about the 08 crash that many lost their 401 k? So I would love to hear if POTUS is going to help women on SS. Thanks.
      (b/c of the media bias I'm not even going to try to find it there.)

    7. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Anonymous10:51 AM
      It's all about the money. So if weirdoes feast on her kid, which is why she posts those type of photos. She'll do anything for money, while pretending she wants privacy.

    8. Anonymous8:15 PM

      For once and for all, 9:26-- Bristol did not say she had no income. That is a misinterpretation of what LEVI, NOT Bristol, filed with the court.

    9. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Here is the LINK to what POTUS really said...and I had to wade through a pile of conservative bullshit to find it. Its nothing like what pissybrissy and the other assholes are quoting. As usual they are all full of shit: Read what he REALLY said:

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    You forgot the time off for cosmetology school, in a state 1000+ miles away from her supposed job.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Duly noted. Did she not actually reside in AZ? And not to nitpick, but the trip to Haiti.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Haiti was a couple of days, not much more than a long holiday weekend trip to FL, so that can be overlooked.It's the longterm stuff that makes her "held a job for five years" assertion ridiculous

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, where is your newest Trial Daddy, Bristol? Why do you 'HIDE' your other babies? It must be tough providing child care when you are drunk and brawling every weekend.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    That looks like an old photo, surely he is bigger than that by now? Didn't she recently claim that she made NO money on her tax form? Is her "job" just a volunteer position? Hopefully before too long she will HAVE to get a job when her mother's grift runs it's course. Who provides for her other kids apart from Trig. like the DWTS baby and the Junker kid?

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The stupid, lying white trash forgot she said she made zero money .So she gets caught lying again. That pic was from her failed reality show.what a waste of space the whole family is.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Doesn't matter if she gets caught lying. No one except blogs like this one will cover it; no one will hold her accountable. If the mainstream media tried, Rush Limbaugh et al would rush to her defense, they would reframe the narrative, and we would have another Thonghazi coverage debacle.

    3. Anonymous10:27 AM

      her "volunteer" position is lyin on her back with the many trial daddies

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      She is laying on her back. It looks like she forgot to have the hired help put on the sheet.

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    That 2nd to last paragraph - perfect - concise, documented description of Bristol.

    Perhaps, you'll soon be able to add that she entices stalkers so she can play the victim role and get diversionary, sympathetic media coverage.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Has anyone mentioned what happened in court with the last stalker. The one on Sunday after the police saw Tripp in Anchorage at the brawl.

      How did things go with the alleged stalker? I guess she wasn't stalked or a victim that time. If he was still accused the Palins would tell.

  9. I thought I read that Bristol claims she made no income in 2013 and in 2014. Is that incorrect?

    1. That is incorrect. On Levi Johnston's child support calculation forms, the income of the other parent is not stated as it is not considered. That form has nothing to do with Bristol Palin's actual income for those years.

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I thought I read that Bristol had no income for 2013 and 2014.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Where did you read that?

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Alaskans had their opportunity to shut Bristol up for good when she got in a drunken brawl and then lied about it, but they didn't. So learn to love her because she's been well fed by complicit silence.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Anonymous10:02 AM

      Alaskans had their opportunity to shut Bristol up for good when she got in a drunken brawl and then lied about it, but they didn't. So learn to love her because she's been well fed by complicit silence.
      The whole family. The "Throwdown" was Alaska chance to spill the beans on this white trash family, as paps crawling all over Alaska looking for dirt.
      But no one did it.
      Shame on you Alaska, YOU are owned by the palin hillbillies.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      So true, the one man who did speak out got fired. With the exception of a few most Alaskans are wimps and deserve to be shamed daily.

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      You sound as though you believe all Alaskans know the Palins personally and are responsible for and have the ability to actually do anything about their actions. There's no doubt that people who voted for Sarah for governor of AK got duped, but a whole lot of people voted for her and McCain nationally in 2008. Then we can discuss how many people were duped just a couple short weeks ago in our latest national election. I would say there's plenty of daily shaming that needs to be done.

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Years ago, I called around to dermatologist offices (as I'm sure others did - due to the responses I got!) in Anchorage and asked to speak to Bristol Palin.

    Some responders to the call openly laughed, some said she didn't work there and there was not one that said she was employed by them. It was very apparent to me they had had other phone calls or journalist seeking the truth about Bristol Palin!

    Bristol has been proven a liar and fraud throughout the years - just like her mother! I know it's not tags I'd want to live the rest of my life!

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Here's where she works (when she's not busy doing other things)

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      10:27 AM Try calling them folks and ask for Bristol Palin!!! She no more has full-time employment there than I do as a retiree!

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Anonymous10:27 AM
      That's were $carah & she gets her face done...they cover for them.
      The fact is that barstool has not been working there for 5 years while living in AZ at the same time, going to school, etc etc etc...and don't fogert DATING the several baby daddies & trial daddies

    4. Anonymous10:40 AM

      don't forget she also finds time for her "volunteer" activities right ...LOL

    5. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Nothing on that website has been updated since July 2013. I guess that's the last time Bristol worked there.

    6. So…Anon 10:27, took your advice and went to Got the doc's name, googled him, came up with a couple of review sites. Go here to learn that the doc's office and staff are rated below the national average in several categories. The doc himself gets the worst ratings. Raises lots of questions.

    7. Anon 10:27, you shoulda gone to and read up on this guy. Google Dr Michael L. Cusack [the doctor whose website is] and look at to see things like this:

      This guy is nut case.

      The office was apparently nicely decorated 15 years ago, and now looks as tired and dated as the strip mall in which it is located. The staff all have matching tans and the attitudes of kept prize hens on a farm. The doctor was an amazingly rude, nasty, and unprofessional old man.

      If you are searching for a dermatologist for popping a few zits, this might be your man.

      Not sure if he was having a really bad day or didn't take his happy medication that morning but I'll never go back. It's a pain to restart the referral process but I'll go through that hassle rather than deal with someone as arrogant, pompous, and discourteous as this guy.

      I spoke in English but he needed a person to repeat what I was saying, that was very uncomfortable not to mention the lady who was his assistant ridiculed my situation as if I were stupid for being there period. I was very embarrassed and felt so much animocity! Do your homework before going there.

    8. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I knew all that about Dr. Cusack. The entire family is a hot mess. His son Mike used to own the Anchorage Aces hockey team and ran it into the ground. They are a hot mess of a family. They bought an old hotel on Northern lights (it was condemned) and tried to house the hockey players there and make it a total party spot but were shut down by authorities. Mike, the son and ex-owner of the Aces Hockey team, used to be a "player" in Vegas but mostly lost all their money gambling or up his nose. The Cusack name is dirt in Anchorage, that's why it's so funny that Bristol works at their clinic, it's perfect for her and I'm sure they let her do whatever she wants and show up whenever she wants. They are "rich dirtbags" just like the Palins, drugs, whores and fast living, no wonder those two families found common ground. And when I say common, I mean really common as it low class pieces of shit.

    9. Yes, well, it's easy to understand that when Bristol Palin claims to be a working mom, this is her "employer" and place of "work". Things match. Really well.

    10. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Hardly surprising that the doctor who "employs" Bristol Palin (and lets her get away with showing up whenever she damn well pleases) is a piece of work. I wonder what his relationship is with Todd and Sarah.

    11. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Shit! Didn't know this involved the Cusacks. I've lived in Anchorage for eons and the family does have a horrible reputation! They and the Palins are similar in their lives and actions.

      No wonder Bristol didn't name names as to whom she worked!! Holy crap! Being involved w/Dr. Cusack is nothing to brag about in Anchorage or the State of Alaska for that matter! Wowzers!

    12. Anita Winecooler5:48 PM

      What Doctor worth his salt employs a STAR and doesn't have her name and mug prominently displayed? Does she do "outreach" for shut ins? "Bristol Palin - Have Tweezers, will suck out blackheads in the comfort of your own home"

    13. Anonymous6:33 AM

      That explains why they don't mention the fake job with the Cusacks, everyone would know right away it is all a con job. Too bad Sarah can't run for an office. Bristol and the other kids cons would also come under scrutiny by media.

  13. I thought "Drunk, Late and Stupid" was the Palin family motto.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:49 PM

      It's on the family coat of arms

    2. Tattooed in their arms?

  14. Caroll Thompson10:08 AM

    It's great that Bristol has a full time job. That way she can easily afford the child support she will be paying to Levi when he gets full custody of young Tripp.

  15. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bristol Palin is extremely, almost unbearably ugly inside.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Why "da menz" don't stick around long......

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Yes...she and Sarah both would be tragic cases if they weren't so toxic and damaging to everyone around them. I keep trying to get inside their heads and understand their psyches, but I just can't. They have an eerie resemblance to my midwestern evangelical relatives, salt of the earth people with "Fargo" accents who feed you massive home-cooked meals while you try to ignore their "believer-speak" and political tangents. One of those families (uncle, aunt, cousins) actually wrote last year's Christmas letter about how amazing it is that in our secular country, the top television show featured a wonderful Christian family with an incredible testimony (the Duck dynasties, natch), and did their family photo in DD gear. It was very disturbing.

      My relatives lack the Palin dysfunction, malice, and evil, of course, but every time I hear Sarah speak, I feel like I'm listening to one of my aunts. And it always causes this profound cognitive dissonance that makes me want to understand why Sarah is so different in reality from all my aunts.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Anonymous 10:50; your relatives have Fargo accents because they live somewhere in the area--what's up with the Wasilla Wendigo? Nobody else in Alaska seems to have that accent.

  16. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:18 AM

    "I have to work. In fact, I drive to Anchorage every day and clock in and out — just to make sure I have a steady income..."

    Note that Petunia McPersecuted mentions "clocking in and out" -- I take it that she means driving back and forth to Anchorage and hitting the timeclock twice a day? I guess that in certain circles. that could be considered "work". Sigh.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      She has to "work-it" in Anchorage so she won't be recognized as the easy-lay she is. Remember the several bar boyfrieds.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      She'd be real easy to watch/observe driving to and from her house (Wasilla/Anchorage - Anchorage/Wasilla) five days a week! I suspect she is lying about having full-time employment in Anchorage, which is so a Palin thing! Bristol has been taught by the biggest liar in America!!!

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Just to be sure $he has a steady income to buy $300 sunglasses to wear on her purchased poon tang, er, I mean pontoon boat. The Chin does not have a job, has no curiosity about travel or education. Total lying losers, all.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      If Bristol's been "clocking in & out" for 5 years in Anchorage, then why did she buy, and live in, that house in Arizona? Couldn't have been working there then. The Palins just keep on lying because the media doesn't ask questions & their bots don't care. They go along with whatever the Palins say.

      The oh so Christian (snarc) Palins should not lie--that 10 Commandments thing.

    5. Anonymous6:37 PM

      then why did she buy, and live in, that house in Arizona?
      Don't you remember, she was going to enroll in college, AZ state or whatever the party school is down there. Guess that fell through when she couldn't purchase her SAT scores.

  17. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I saw that post on Friday and I that that barstool, like her mother, think they are little girls and teeny-boppers. She calls herself a "girl" she still thinks she's a "teen-mom" in high school. The fact is that: 1. she's in her mid twenties; 2. she doesn't work'; 3. she's a rearded lair just like her mother; 4. STILL playing the VICTIM huh barstool....that shit is getting old

  18. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I saw this earlier today and wondered who this shoe fits.

    KRUGMAN: It's Not Just About Hard Work — Dumb Rich Kids Get All The Breaks

  19. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Ugly teeth and chini-chin-chin barstool doesn't work becuse she lives off the state and off people. What a disgusting lazy woman. I guess at least she's been dating one guy in the meantime. And what kind of man is junker who let's his offspring be abandoned or who knows what happened to that junker kid.

  20. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She had to post something to get paid off the money money money

  21. James Beard11:01 AM

    "So I can put bread on the table for my son."

    I do hope that poor Tripp gets more than Wonder bread to eat.
    Even Bristol's famous mac-and-cheese-from-a-box would be an improvement. Maybe Willow could come over and roast a chicken once in a while, or Mama Grizzly could fly over with some moose chili.

    Of course, we know that Bristol provides popsicles as well as bread. A well-balanced diet for a growing boy.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      It's a idiom, much like "bring home the bacon."

    2. James Beard12:16 PM

      It's an idiom that I was making fun of. Poor, poor Bristol, clocking in and out, working her fingers to the bone to "put bread on the table," when we know she has assets of several hundred thousand dollars.
      She makes herself sound like a downtrodden single mother with such comments. That's all. She makes herself ridiculous with her hyperbole.

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      And that's it, James, the ridiculous hyperbole. Anyone with half a brain can see through it. Why Nancy discontinued the comments section........

  22. TwoBlueJays11:21 AM

    Every time I see the photos from DWTS, I cringe thinking how painful it must have been to have a pregnant belly strapped in so tight week after week. It could not have been healthy for her developing fetus. Any woman who has been pregnant knows the relief of stretchy pants.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      That child was given to someone, adopted out or put in a home if born defected. She was so obviously pregnant during DWTS! How many kids has she had all together - three?

      Retaining one that she likely has lost custody of due to the Anchorage brawl and her being a horrible mother (self admitted!). I so hope Levi has full custody of his son!

      The Palins/Heaths are a friggin' mess - cannot imagine being a part of them!

  23. Anonymous11:29 AM

    if palins had paid attention- or even attended school perhaps they'd been able to understand the message. hope is lost on the blissfully ignorant. education is key to get anywhere in life.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Trig understand the message better than those 2 retards.

  24. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Bristol, your mommie has lost her mojo. She can't protect you anymore. Mommie publicly demanded that a major network apologize a 2nd time for the world laughing at your drunken peeing ass. Playing the victim card didn't work this time nor did Carol Costollo get fired over it. By the way, how often to you get drunk and party in front of your 6 yr. old child? My best advice for you is that you get spayed.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Spot on! Sarah doesn't have enough teflon left for herself let alone for Bristol!

  25. Anonymous11:40 AM

    So the Palins, and basically all conservatives. are against:

    making daycare affordable to all
    teaching kids to eat healthier
    equal pay for women
    a minimum living wage
    freedom and civil rights for anyone not heterosexual, white, and male

    I wouldn't want to live in their world.


    making healthcare available to all Americans
    keeping the internet open and fair to all
    taking care of our environment
    safe gun-free schools

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Ignore my discombobulated post above. I blame the sherry. Definitely not senility.


    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I LOVE your posts, Mildred, and it made perfect sense.

    3. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Thank you, 2:41. You are a sweetheart


  26. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Speaking of "working-mothers," is wallow pregnant as well, she had a belly during the "50-year-old todd party," but then she just might be chunky--remember the gigantic arm $carah posted of her in a photo with Mario Lopez.

  27. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Of course, Bristol/Nancy missed the point deliberately to try to illustrate the democrat's 'war on women'. How much money does Bristol pay monthly for quality daycare. She didn't mention dropping off her son at daycare or picking him up as part of her daily grind. Some mothers do that by bus. Few single moms her age have their own large furnished house or the vast resources her money can buy for household and childcare support. As a single working mother paying almost half of my salary for mediocre childcare services, I resent her arrogant, hypocritical, self righteous, know nothing opinions.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Tripp is in first grade at the same school as Trig. She no longer has to worry about childcare. Sally is always available to pick up and drop off the two kids and keep them until Bristol is (ahem) off work. The Heath's live only two miles down the Palmer Wasilla Highway from Trig and Tripp's school. That's why they go there, same with Piper attending Colony. Both Cottonwood Elementary and Colony Middle School are not the schools that the Palin kids should be attending, they only attend out of their area schools because the Heaths are close and provide rides and after school care of the kids when the actual parents (or grandparents) aren't available.

  28. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Meh. Nancy writes for Sarah's fans. They either don't see that a regular single mom could never afford a pontoon boat and beautiful paid for home, or they choose to ignore it.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      The Palins are the holders of Bristol's mortgage. That is why she is beholden to them and keeps up the lies. They underwrote her home mortgage from their own personal funds. What better way to keep the simple kid from talking too much? They own her, lock stock and barrel.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Her idiotic parents provided the financing for her home because she couldn't go through the prequalification for a mortgage due to them not wanting to have her financial information squeak out to the media 'somehow'!

      Plus, I doubt Bristol had a credit score - so, she wouldn't have qualified for a mortgage.

      Think how awful it is to be a Palin - everything has to be kept under wraps - nothing disclosed financially at any time!
      Can you imagine having to live like that for the rest of your lives? Can't help but wonder how long Track, Bristol and Willow will put up with it throughout the coming years. I know I wouldn't - as I'd want my independence from all their bullshit!

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Who knows if she even has a mortgage. Bristol made a disgusting amount of money from Candies and DWTS, etc..

  29. slipstream1:11 PM

    Must be tough to drive into Anchorage every day, from the house in Arizona. Poor baby.

  30. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "...and on top of all that, I have to go buy a new thong dress."

  31. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Such moose shit!

  32. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Such a good comment. Like x100000

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Barstool was so, so pregnant in that first DWTS but what the hell happened to that baby? Yes, she was fat too, but there is no mistaking pregnancy fat for just regular old fat, that swoop of belly in the black lace photo on the left is a definite pregnant belly. When they started cinching her down in her midsection to make it look like she was just fat made it even more apparent that it wasn't fat that could be squished, it was a hard baby belly that could not be minimized.

  34. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Princess Derp Bristol Palin is Super Outraged at Something She Imagined Obama Said

  35. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Bristol Palin Ignorantly Attacks President Obama, Claims She Is A Struggling Single Mom

  36. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Bristol Palin Attacks Obama For Something He Didn’t Say By Misunderstanding His Point

    Read more:

    1. Anita Winecooler4:35 PM

      They picked a great photo of the outraged bimbo. Yeah, B, everyone knows you have tonsils, not shut your piehole before a fly takes up residence.

  37. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Looking at the picture of Bristol on the Wife Swap show reminds me of the letter that Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers about Tripp being a brat, not minding her, ruling the roost. Add that to Bristol's comment about driving to Anchorage every day to work, when it's pretty doubtful that a kid with a high school education is full time doctor's assistant. Tripp deserved better attention than that. If Bristol could "afford" the full time help, she could afford to stay home and learn how to be a decent mother and grow into a mature person.

    From the reports of the brawl, it looks as if Bristol is still making up for all of the good times that she thinks that she missed out on when she was the unwed teen mother. What a screwed up bunch of priorities. In order of importance, Bristol should concentrate on growing up and paying more attention to Tripp. Learning to be a mature adult would also mean learning to share Tripp with his father. Bristol is still a bitter, immature teen aged girl who still hasn't grown up. But that also describes her entire family.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      And I can guarantee that Tripp is going to grow up into a bitter, immature, angry young man.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      a mini track or trick...but there's hope with Levi and Sunny. You know Sunny is so so so different than barstool...Sunny is actually educated and has some class...not to mention "NATURAL fake chin and veneers, etc.

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Probably has a better chance since her dad & wife are actually educated and have more class.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      *his dad...that was a typo
      his dad, levi & wife

  38. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The only one working to support Bristol's child is Levi. Princess Bristol just does wtf she pleases.

  39. Anonymous2:22 PM

    hey Bristol, remember the time you left your child in the care of a strange man while you went off getting fall-down drunk and picking fights with other strangers?

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      that's our

  40. Anonymous2:50 PM

    When does barstool work...she's always posting selfies or traveling with her lovers. I work and I have NO time to even travel by myself, let alone multiple trial daddies.

  41. Anonymous2:55 PM

    How is it possible that former teen mom, Bristol Palin, who was too goddamn smart for the twelfth grade and graduated early to have the reading comprehension skills of a twelve year old just like her idiot mother?

  42. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Was she drunk when she finally posted on her FB.

  43. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I bet she missess those "holywood" she's just lying around at junkers.

  44. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Nancy French is a real asshole who hides behind the Christianity and her husband's military career while she lies and lies and lies.

  45. Anonymous3:14 PM

    There was a time I actually felt sorry for Bristol (when her mother exposed Bristol's pregnancy on the national stage to cover her own ass). But no more. The was she treats her son, the way she talks about Levi (in front of their son, no less), and the way she behaved during that brawl (which had less to do with alcohol than her as a person) shows she is severely damaged, dumb, and downright mean.

  46. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Poor Bristol, trudging off daily to Anchorage just so her son won't starve[ cue the violins] coming home to a mere over 3,000 square ft. house and staring wretchedly at her pontoon boat tied up to the dock on the lake, sitting on one of her balconies that overlook the water and dreaming of her past glory days, the days before the public brawl, the days before the "F" word flowed from her mouth like puked up beer.

    Before those days maybe she could have passed Tripp's potty mouth off as a result of hanging out with Todd's buddies and some people bought it, but now? oh it's so hard to sell Faith and Family when you have none of one and wish you had a lot less of the other.

    The median pay for an office clerk is 27,470 dollars a year,babysitters average between 5 and 15 dollars and hour even taking off paying a sitter average in gas money, heating bills, taxes and food and what's left? That blog or someone sure is making up the difference. Poor, poor, Bristol, she needs another vacation to Disney World or Mama's house in AZ. to help her get through the cruel world.

  47. Anonymous3:40 PM

    The best thing that could have happened for Tripp is that Levi is his father. It's clearly obvious that Levi loves his child and is a good father. What the Palins have tried to do to his reputation is quite sad.

    Sunny's FB page shows a normal, loving family wanting a normal life for their children--not some reality show upbringing & drunken brawls.

  48. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sarah, Bristol and Nancy turned the President's comments into their own thing. He was suggesting that affordable pre-k made it easier for a woman to both have a child (children) and a career. The longer that she had to stay at home looking after children represented losing her place in the workplace. Affordable day care and affordable pre-k allows her to work and contribute. These days, many families need the income from both parents in order to meet their expenses.

    Sarah, Nancy and Bristol misrepresented the President's comments because they hate anything that he says, and they just needed the excuse for another batch of insults.

  49. Anita Winecooler4:25 PM

    Hey, it's Bristol. You were expecting wisdom, class and humility? But I'm glad YOU took a pin and popped her double bubble. Which "child care" does Tripp go to on a regular basis? All she says is she drives to Anchorage, punches in and out for her pay. So how much "work" does she accomplish in the three seconds it takes to punch in and out? Which tells me, the apple doesn't rot too far from the tree. If she kept one job, she wouldn't need to do lawnwork at night with sunglasses on and a rented Hummer....while she punches in and out over and over.

    She's a useless thwump just like her mom, If President Obama tells it like it is, he's a liar. How many single mothers are included in "The working poor"? Decent day car costs big bucks, especially when working for minimum wage, along with the other costs involved in raising a child properly.
    The President gets it because he lived it and even if he didn't he'd have the humanity to understand that mamma doesn't pay your bills, doesn't pay some socially inept author to write a "blog" "As Food Stamps Bristol". What some people do for money is disgusting.

    I wonder if Nancy, Bristol and Tripp play "Barbies" or "Bratz" in their free time? Wouldn't that be FUN? Dress up like your doll and have a tea party!!!

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Nancy's daughter is past ripe for marriage according to their duck commander idol. So I wouldn't be surprised if she had an abstinence pregnancy in the footsteps of barstool, soon, and then they can all play.

  50. Anonymous5:32 PM

    yeah ...she's really struggling while keeping junker in her bed for she lives for FREEEEE in a 3000sq 2 story house paid by the pac & her abstinence babies.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      I thought junker dumped her for someone he would prefer to introduce to his family.

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      while keeping junker in her bed for FREEEEE.

      At least the pride of the governor moved up from doing it for free in her canvas tent.

  51. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Lack of awareness, unrealistic, spoiled and incapable of feeling other people's pain and suffering describes Bristol Palin.

    Isn't it Bristol who went to Haiti and saw babies in hospices and shelters, who were sick with an cholera outbreaks, who were also victims of the major hurricane months earlier? And what did Bristol think about that? Did she write a profound message on human suffering and offer solutions or at least take some lesson from that? Did it move her to encourage others to send donations to Samaritan's Purse? Did it move her to tears, or move her to determination to train as an emergency aide worker, or an international relief worker?

    Is this all that experience taught her? To diss her President, for saying something about moms who couldn't afford alternative daycare, or whatever? Is complaining a job now? Is that all she is capable of, just like her mother? At the very least, she can't find something else to complain about? She has to find something hateful to say? and whine about how she clocks in every morning at work as a single mother????? Poor single mother........who bought a boat last year, who earns more in one gig than most people earn in one year.......who owns her own home at 23, who constantly air travels everywhere and lets everyone know how much fun she is having at Disneyland.......yes, Bristol, tell those little Haitian kids how much you live vibrantly like your mother does, and boast about it constantly on Facebook. Show those less fortunate how angry you are at liberals and people who don't agree with your mother. Shout and bicker and complain and whine to the Lord about your hard life, never thank Him, never show appreciation for all He has given you, just whine whine whine and complain.......

    Her fake defense of stay-at-home mothers doesn't line up with her mother's mocking of people who flip burgers and need higher wages, or demanding that the President send more troops overseas, or demanding that little kids be sent back to Latin America where they could be sold and used by drug traders, sold as prostitutes, slaves? Her mom, who wants everyone to kneel and worship at her altar, has done a good job teaching Bristol how to hate poor people and love on the rich and famous people. Hate on those minimum wage-earners, illegal immigrants with just the shirts on their backs, the tired, the burdened, yes, Bristol, just do what your mother does and you'll be hired by the very rich.

    It's what any whiny attention-deprived rich girl wants, right?

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      What do you expect from a woman raised by a woman whose only reading material was People Magazine? The Palins are uneducated trash, they know it and every day read this blog to confirm their worst fears about themselves.

  52. Anonymous6:19 PM

    However, I don’t think that we should look down on moms who have the option of staying home!
    -Bristol Palin

    Is this the same struggling mother who went partying with her drunk family and showed up at a birthday party in Anchorage and ended up fighting everybody while she left her son in the party vehicle while she ran off to fight.

    Doesn't sound like this single struggling mom was too worried about being a roll model to her sisters, to her nieces, to her son or worried about her son's safety.

  53. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Poor little Bristol. I seriously doubt she actually "clocks in and clocks out" at a real job. Most likely Bristol is paid by SarahPac postage via the doc's office. She really wants us to believe she would "lower" herself to work a minimum wage job because that is all she is qualified for. In fact, I doubt even McDonald's would hire her because she has no reading comprehension, the menu would be too difficult.

    As for the ill gotten money she "earned" from Dancing with the Stars, anyone with a conscience that found out her fans/family were gaming the system, would have returned the money or donated it to charity. Her claim to fame on that show was revamping the voting system-way to go Bristol.

    She can't even do another reality show because her life is boring, she is boring. She is getting too old to play the teen-mom, there are younger, nicer women without bratty kids for those shows.

    Good luck Bristol, your 15 mins of fame are fading fast. Hope you invested your money on more than $300 sunglasses, cuz you can't live off mommy forever.

    Can't wait for the slander, hater, judgmental, random troll to show up.

  54. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "More than two weeks after the fact Bristol Palin attacks President Obama by misrepresenting what he said. "

    He worked his way through school—Occidental College in Los Angeles, Columbia University in New York, and later, Harvard Law School—with the help of scholarship money and student loans.
    has credited that experience as crucial to finding his identity—something that shaped his path to the White House.

    Columbia University in New York, graduating in 1983 with a degree in political science. 

    In February 1990, Obama was elected the first African-American editor of theHarvard Law Review.

    Entering Harvard Law School in 1988.

    He graduated from Harvard, magna cum laude, in 1991.

    Best Known For:
    Promiscuous High School Student
    Teen Mother
    Participant in the Palin Family Drunken Brawl
    Trying out trial husbands
    Having sex and drinking wine coolers in a canvas tent while in high school

    Beginning in 2005, Palin attended Juneau-Douglas High School

    In 2008, she briefly lived in Anchorage with her aunt and uncle and attended West Anchorage High School.
    (Was this the time Bristol contracted MONO and was sent away to live with her aunt?)

    She returned to Wasilla, where she graduated from Wasilla High School in May with her son in attendance.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Attending three different high schools, Bristol Palin, best known as teen mom, is well qualified to critique and criticize others who did not graduate from Wasilla High school.

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      like mother like daughter...the mother with 5 colleges & never graduated

  55. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Waaaassssiiilllllaaaa Hiiighhhh Schooooollll

    The school that educated Sarah Palin, Todd Palin & their delinquents

    1/5th of the adult Palins went to college.

    20% of the adult Palins went to college.

    Wasilla High that's nothing to be proud of especially since that is a multimillionaire family. All that money, nothing to do but drink and start shit.

  56. Anonymous6:37 AM


  57. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Bristol works to put bread on the table?????? Evidently Bristol is too stupid to figure out that everyone knows she lives off Sarah. The "job" she talks about - well, maybe she drops by the dermatologists office every now and then. Bristol is a waste. She has done nothing with her life. She should not have custody of Tripp. Nobody in the Palin family has a real job.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She doesn't work there...she and her mother get their face shit done thre..that's why sarah's face looks all distorted, and barstool has the weird chin...


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