Saturday, November 01, 2014

Sarah Palin and the Duck Commander (Seriously?) are pimping this Teabagger congressional candidate from Louisiana. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about him.

“Hey Louisiana, Bibles and guns brought us here, and Bibles and guns will keep us here. Zach Dasher believes in both, that’s why I’m voting for him.”

So to be clear the most important criteria in Robertson's eyes is that this guy is a religious zealot who is willing to shoot people. 


It might also help that Zach Dasher is a cousin who is just as wingnutty as the reset of the Duck dipshit clan. (After all he actually claimed that the Sandy Hook shootings were the result of Atheism.)

And just in case this were not enough to convince the people of Louisiana that they should vote for anybody BUT this guy, Sarah Palin comes in to seal the deal.

Courtesy of the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page:  

Louisiana is fortunate this election season to have bold, fresh, strong conservatives running for office. You hear me tout the warrior Col. Rob Maness for U.S. Senate, and here's their great U.S. House candidate, Zach Dasher! 

Congress needs next-generation commonsense conservatives who will fight to restore the blessings of liberty and never waver on Constitutional principles. Zach is so good about reminding Louisianans that our rights are endowed by our Creator, not a bunch of politicians in D.C., and we're blessed when we courageously stand on that foundation. In fact, his whole family believes it and lives it; here's his uncle, the Duck Commander Phil Robertson, sharing Zach's attributes in this video! 

Louisiana, please get to the polls and send this man with smarts, a solid foundation, and quality character to clean up Washington. You deserve the best and Zach Dasher's your man on Tuesday! - 

Sarah Palin

"Send this man with smarts, a solid foundation, and quality character to clean up Washington." 

Yeah Dasher has a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from a Christian University, and spent most of his life fundraising and working in various ministries before becoming a pharmaceutical rep, a job that does not often attract people of "quality character."

According to the most recent poll numbers I could find on this 5th District race in Louisiana, Dasher is coming in dead last with only 7% of the votes in a very crowded field.

Which means that Palin is backing two sure losers in Louisiana. Rob Maness and this Duck dipshit cousin with the gay porn name.

I wonder if when the very last of her credibility dies it will let out a little scream?


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    the pimp & the pedophile together

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      pedophile? huh? Why would you slander someone

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      No slander (or libel, even). He said himself that a 13-year-old girl is the perfect age to marry. I guess you think that's fine and there's nothing creepy about thinking a 13-year-old girl should be in a marital bed.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      2:33 have you MET the Palin's? They slander like they breath.

    4. Anonymous9:09 PM

      2:33 PM Were you molested?

    5. Anonymous3:46 AM

      2:33, Poor Lily St.Clairvoyant. So delusional. Fact!
      It's so nice of you to give Gryph so many blog hits. Thanks for upping his numbers.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Isn't that the man who went on the Hannity show & said 13 was the perfect age to get a get to marry & 15 was too old? Hide your daughters. Shame od Palin so consort & promote child-molesters.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Looks like Dasher consorts with Big Foot. Does that bearded man ever wear anything but camo? Looks like he needs a good hosing down.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I'm a pharma rep- not sure what you meant by your comment. Your last line was hysterical.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Well, well, well, Sarah. You have come a long way from governor of my state where you were woefully unprepared as per your husband’s daily Sarah “update” as to your emotional state and ability to govern, to pimping tea baggers for elected office who have the same emotional development as you. Amazing what comes under the light of day?

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      I forgot about those Sarah Reports by the First Dude every morning.
      SMH. Little fish in big ponds, those Palins.

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    SP is constantly bashing "a bunch of politicians" in DC. and claiming to know who best to send in to clean up. Is this what she resorts to when she tried so hard to be a politician in D C and lost? If only she would close her mouth and stop trying to be significant !

    1. Anonymous4:23 AM

      I think that Sarah Palin should stay close to home and make sure that her immediate family gets "cleaned up": no more trash talking, no more drunken rages, no more unemployment. When it is clear that Todd, Track, Bristol and Willow are all gainfully (and legally) employed and that Trig is getting all of the therapies he needs and is progressing well, then Sarah Palin should feel able to talk about "cleaning up" in other places. It all starts at home, Sarah, and unfortunately you've got one huge mess there.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I just read an original copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights yesterday.
    No where was there a mention of God. "He" didn't make our country. Fallible politicians did.
    And our country wasn't created by the Bible and guns. Some of the first settlers were Pilgrims who came across the country simply to find a better life. The Puritans were objecting to the Church of England. They used their guns to fight native Americans whose land they were stealing. They fought just about anyone who got in their way. Then they fought each other.
    Everyone praying to the same "god," of course.

    Let's render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. I'll cite chapter and verse for you Sarah, in case you've never heard that thought used before.

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Dude, is it true Trig was born not covered by insurance and Sarah paid $100 grand to the hospital?

    Is that why her insurance required Trigs birth certificate to cover him after the birth?

    Doesn't look like there is any proof, but interesting if true

    Oh well, without proof its just gossip on a blog

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I don't understand how people can write any specifics regarding Trig when NO ONE knows where he came from?

      Does that make sense?

      Does it make sense to write about insurance and where he was born when no one knows anything?

      I dont get it. Do you not have any kind of comprehension skills? I mean, you've basically rewritten a teen girl's life to feed that false narrative regarding trig.

      Notice no on talks about the fact that the whole family went on their annual new years eve snow machine trip to the cabin dec 30 2007. All of them. hat tip emails.

      It was Track's last hurrah before he returned to the army and the family returned to Juneau. Sarah spent months trying to convince Bristol to return to juneau but bristol didn't trust her boyfriend and also didn't want to return to a school with catty lying girls in school. Her friends there where STILL defending her 2 years ago against liars and people who lied about dating her

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Bingo. No birth certificate from Sarah when ask for it as Governor for insurance purposes, as in the email? Trig not covered by her insurance. Iceberg alert!

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Well its easy to prove if stingy Sarah gave $100 grand to the hospital in question.

    4. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Huh? You should have stayed in school, nitwit.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Stop trying to re-write the Palin saga. Family of grifters, who are allergic to actual WORKWe all saw Bristles, pregnant, on DWTS. The only contestant EVER to gain weight. We saw her pregnant at Disneyland. Wasting your time trying to polish THAT turd.

    6. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Hey, 2:32, what do you mean "NO ONE knows where he came from?' According to Sarah Palin, he popped right out of her birth canal. Don't tell me you of all people don't believe her!

  8. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I think she's feeling out Louisiana's response to her because she's contemplating a move there. Arizona didn't work out, and maybe after the brawl things have gotten too hot (behind the scenes, of course) for her in AK. Louisiana's a red state, right? And it has a long history of political corruption, is home to her Duck Dynasty friends (hell, Bristol and Sadie could compare their experiences of being "modestly dressed Christians" partnered with Mark Ballas on DWTS), and has many oil fields where Todd could ply his trade as a pimp. I think she's figgerin' she and her brawlin', gun-totin', Bible-thumpin' clan will fit right in.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She would never leave Alaska. Her friends, family and life is there.

      Why even write that?

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      LOL, Most Alaskans hate her & her trashy-ass family.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Her only friends are on her payroll.

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      No way would she move to Louisiana, but the only reason she wouldn't leave Alaska is because she knows she can get away with all her bullshit and nobody will call her on it.

    5. Anonymous1:56 AM

      3:16 I think there are cracks in THAT armour. Police would not report on Trick's school bus vandalizing, Willing's house trashing or other crimes. They DID record every F word screamed at the brawl. Their influence is waning, and long overdue for the people in the know to crack their scam wide open. Expose them for the "Christian, family values, living vibrantly" fakes they are.

    6. Anonymous5:55 AM

      2:28."Why even write that?" It just burns your hairy ass that you can NOT control what is printed on the net, doesn't it, Lily St. Clairvoyant?

      You believe that you have the right to spew all of your twisted lies. You have never offered a link or any kind of proof. They exist only in your empty pointy little head. Fact!

      But holy shit! Nobody else gets to have an opinion or write anything that you don't agree with. Your idol is like that also too. Fact!

      Seriously half wit, do you think you have stopped one person from stating their opinion with your little tantrums? You go right ahead and throw yourself on the floor, kick and scream, hold your breath until your head explodes, froth at the mouth with spit running down your chin, you're only making yourself look like the fool that you are.

      Because, you see, here in America, ANYONE can write ANYTHING they want to, not just you and the cons. Does that make you sad? Too bad. Everything makes you sad. Fact!

      We won't back down! We're going to stand our ground. And there is not one single thing you can say or do that will stop it. That just irritates the shit out of you doesn't it? Fact!

      Stop shaking your silly little head. You don't need to shake what few brains you have left out your ears. Besides, you sound like a dried up gourd.

  9. Anonymous1:20 PM

    From Mother Jones:

    How the Christian Right Is Using Hobby Lobby and "Duck Dynasty" to Take Back America

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      take back America from whom...maybe back in time, huh

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      "christian right" = domestic taliban

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    $carah & Barstool are into protecting and promoting pedophile "patriots," "defending" the unborn, and taking 2nd amendment remedies once they are born.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      You're not making it easy for liberals who want to look like civil people when you attack and write childish things like this

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      None of us speak for all "liberals." Only small-minded people such as yourself would suggest such a thing.

      There's nothing civil about the way Bristol punched her party host in the face or how Track took his shirt off, made anti-gay comments, and flipped off a whole bunch of people just trying to have a good time.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      2:28 Maybe you would understand us better if we used the F word in every sentence, like the PayMe family?? Civil people do not crash someone's birthday party, looking for fights and have the police called. The PayMe's are FAKE, FAKE, FAKE Christians, abstinent only frauds.

  11. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Do any of you remember the "Chatty Cathy" dolls from years ago? All you had to do was pull a string and a phrase would come out - you never knew what she would say - but you knew it would be the same recorded message.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Soneone should market a Bristol doll. Pull the string, hear whining and the F word in every sentence!! It could pee itself also, too.

  12. Balzafiar1:44 PM

    "Which means that Palin is backing two sure losers in Louisiana. Rob Maness and this Duck dipshit cousin with the gay porn name."

    Hey, it could be worse; his first name could have been Richard. Talk about having fun with a name...

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Dick Dasher? I think Bristles has dated several of those!

  13. Anonymous2:03 PM

    "I wonder if when the very last of her credibility dies it will let out a little scream? "
    I thought that last shred of credibility died on the evening of Sept. 6, 2014 and it went out to the sound of sirens, profanity, the dull thud of punches being landed. Hoohah!.

  14. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Do any of these far right Christians running for Congress or Senate have any sense of perspective?

    Most people realize, as do voters that you start by serving locally in town council, then at the state level to get some public service under your belt before wanting to play in the big leagues.

    But I guess these Christians with a mandate from god don't feel that way.

    They know what's best for us, and how to promote theocracy and want to get laws enacted in favor of their Christian belief systems.

    Like Christine O'Donnell, this Dasher dude has yet to serve one freakin' day in public service, and because of the "Duck fame", he thinks he's destined by god to jump right into Congress.

    Even if the Repubs take control of the Senate it likely will only be by a few seats, and the minority can stall all their legislation, and President Obama will veto the idiot bills.

    As for $arah's endorsement? There's less chance of $arah being President than Dasher or Maness getting elected.

  15. Anonymous2:27 PM

    These people you malign are friendly to all when they meet them. One cannot say the same about liberals, who get their jollies from slandering and trashing.

    You can disagree with someone and still be nice to them.

    The palins and robertsons would be nice to all of you in person. I guarantee you wouldn't be nice to them.

    look at all the lies you've started and perpetuated

    YOUR opinions don't change a person's truth. BLoggers can lie all they want. Sarah knows her truth, Bristol knows her truth. ALL Alaskan knows their own personal truths. You all here knows your own truths. In no way can you talk about another's personal truth.

    THAT is common sense.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      You sound unhinged.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Robertson might be nice to you when you meet him, but if you're gay, he'd be saying lots of shitty things behind your back.

      I guess that's fine with you.

      He spoke his "personal truth" in plain English and we all heard it.

      I dare you to respond to this comment, but I won't hold my breath.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Of course they would be nice to our faces... all the while plotting to stab us in the backs... thats how the tea partiers work. Fake as a wooden nickel.

    4. Anonymous3:27 PM

      You are truly in need of a mental health consult.

    5. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Many, many Alaskans know the Palin truth, also too. Soon they will be exposing all those truths, and we will see a REAL honest opinion from someone who knows the grifting family very well. We all heard the tapes of the brawl. Normal families do not carry on like that. These are brawling, drunken uncivilized grifters. Face it.

    6. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Soon my ass

    7. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Aww, a special needs troll! How clever!

    8. Anonymous9:02 PM

      2:27 Troll your only truths are that you are crazy and very lonely.

    9. Anonymous3:28 AM

      "Soon they will be exposing all those truths"

      Such bullcrap

      Isn't going to happen, Some have perfected the art of the tease to keep readers interested, learned from the master Sarah Palin...

      I suppose its possible he is being conned again by a "source" wouldn't be the first time. But I gaurantee you will be waiting a long time for that promised iceberg... same shit, different day.

    10. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Keep spewing, 2:27 PM, you only look more and more foolish.

    11. Anonymous6:04 AM

      And you only look more and more like a Palin drone... hanging on every tease, falling for the words even though you've never gotten a meal, just a snack every now and then... that's how Palin keeps them hanging on... the strategy works though... on both sides.

    12. To Anonymous2:27 PM, Lie back down, dear. Your canary has fallen off its perch again.

  16. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Louisiana, please get to the polls and send this man with smarts, a solid foundation, and quality character to clean up Washington. You deserve the best and Zach Dasher's your man on Tuesday! - 

    Sarah Palin

    How come Sarah Palin doesn't describe herself like the guy above and run herself?

    1. Anonymous2:05 AM

      3:29 $carah with "smarts a solid foundation and quality characterShe does not even KNOW someone with those qualities. President Obama has them all, and then some, but he avoids her like EBOLA. All people with intelligence keep their distance from this skanky scammer. Even little lumpy McCain wants to forget he ever shared a stage with her.

  17. Anonymous4:05 PM

    What kind of person accepts either Sarah Palin's or the Palin family's endorsement? The APD audio exposes the Palins as conspiring, conniving, slandering, brawling, foul-mouth drunks. It wasn't just one family member who had too much to drink and got a little out of control. This was a family thing.

    Oh...speaking of Palins and endorsements...Todd showed up at the governor/lt. governor debate yesterday and sat with Walker's family and staff.

    1. "Whatever"7:19 PM

      4:05 What is he thinking? My guess is that since the debate was held in Palmer, we're talking Palin Land and they are appealing to the Palinistas.

      From Amanda's blog post: "Todd Palin sat at the Walker family/staff table. There were lots of Palinistas in the crowd."

      Maybe they are trying to bring the Wassilla Billy crowd over to Walker?

      I sure hope the Pimp and Mrs. Pimp don't get promised anything by Walker.

      I cannot imagine one thing they are qualified for and I cannot imagine any reasonable Alaskan being willing to tolerate their butting into state government.

      This whole thing sure has me rethinking my vote. I've gone from being a wholehearted Walker supporter to questioning whether or not I should even cast a vote for governor.

      Anyone hear an gossip about what Walker is thinking and why he is so chummy with the Palins?

    2. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Maybe Taaahhd was there as a symbol, reminding all the men in the crowd that he owns a business that keeps their secrets??? The Walker family is rich and the PayMe's cozy up to the rich, hoping they can find a way to get to the $$$$.

  18. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    Dasher's running? Hey Sarah, are you endorsing any of the other reindeer? Poor Rudolf fills a widdle left out. And Prancer wants to know if you'll sign his rainbow flag.
    What a screeching quack Sarah's turned out to be, too chicken to do the job herself, yet she's out there with nut cutters, duck whistle blowers who don't bathe, and weirdo's galore.

  19. Anonymous7:28 AM

    The Palins are the most disgusting people. They endorse the child-molester duck man, who went in national tv & said 13-year-olds are ripe for marriage & his sexual predator nephew above. These people have no shame as long as they get paid. I used to watch the duck show and now i'm sickened every time I see that disgusting man who claims to be a Christian. I am SHOCKED the elder palin allows that pedophile around her children & barstool claims to be "star struck" around that sicko.

  20. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I agree. Why would ANYONE be associated with pedophiles IN PUBLIC! UGH!!!!!

  21. Anonymous7:31 AM

    They woman allows their filthy hands to touch her own children...what do you expect!

  22. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Didn't that man go on Fox tv and said gays should be murdered and would be if he was in charged?

  23. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Phil's son Alan said today's America is similar to Nazi Germany.

    Hmm, you would think the Robertson Klan would fit right into Nazi Germany where countless homosexual people died in concentration camps, Hitler thought black people were barely human and the only women who mattered were submissive Aryan uber-breeders.

    Jennifer K

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      This family just keeps getting shittier and shittier.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.