Friday, September 26, 2014

Louisiana congressional candidate, and cousin to the Duck Dynasty dipshits, blames the Sandy Hook massacre on Atheism. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

Zach Dasher, the cousin of the Duck Dynasty family who is challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Vance McAllister in Louisiana’s 5th Congressional district, once blamed atheism for the Sandy Hook school shooting. 

Before running for Congress, Dasher was the proprietor of the website, which bills itself as a website and podcast “a website and podcast dedicated to encouraging folks to be willing to think about the deeper questions in life.”

“These children that were killed in Connecticut were made for purpose and to be honest with you even the killer himself was made for a purpose,” Dasher said on one podcast titled “Why did this happen,” which discussed the Sandy Hook shootings. 

Dasher says the Adam Lanza, the shooter, was “made in the image of God” but started to believe “what the atheist says.” 

“He was made in the image of God,” he said. “But somewhere along the way he believed what the atheist says. He reduced humanity to nothing more than a collection of atoms, to be discarded like an old banana peel. I guarantee you, now this is my hypothesis, that even saw himself as nothing more than chemicals.”

Yes, of course that makes perfect sense that once you stop believing in an omnipotent sky daddy, that of course you start murdering your fellow human beings. 

Which of course, as you know, is backed up by sound research that can be found in the scientific journal entitled "Facts I Pulled Right Out of My Ass."

( Hey I guess we should simply be impressed that at least this Right Wing nutjob doesn't think the Sandy Hook shootings were an elaborate hoax.)

Personally I am getting sick and tired of  Atheists being blamed for EVERYTHING these days.

The next thing you know they will start blaming us for the low attendance at church and a reduction in religious belief in America. (Oh you know what? Those might be our fault.)

Now if you are thinking to yourself, "Hey I have totally seen this dim bulb someplace before," that is because you have totally seen this dim bulb someplace before:

Yep, just another winner endorsed by the Wasilla Wendigo.

Kind of makes me wonder just how low your IQ has to be before Palin will give your campaign her cloven hoof of approval? I'm guessing the low 80's.

Hey speaking of low IQ's there is now a Duck Dynasty video game where you have to perform certain tasks in order to "become a Robertson."

Which is kind of interesting since Dasher also said the following: 

“Porn and video games are the most obvious symptoms of what is wrong with our culture but they of themselves are not the core problem,” Dasher said. “Those are the symptoms. So some people want to blame this on porn and video games. Look, does it contribute? Yes. Is it the core of the cause? No. These are also symptoms.”

You know maybe the next time that Dasher gets invited to go deep into the wilderness with the heavily armed Robertson clan he might consider taking a pass.

They might be all about forgiving sins, but costing them money on merchandising? Probably not so much.


  1. Boscoe6:19 AM

    I suspect it won't be very long before news leaks out about how much time Zach spends "treating his symptoms", if you know what I mean.

    Also, is he calling Glenn Beck and Fox News "atheists"? 'Cause that Sandy Hook killer was clearly all hopped up on Teabag.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      G, why is your MMJ article down? get a 404 error there?

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Sorry 503 error on the Religion one also WTF?

  2. Pastor Beldar J Conehead, DDiv., FSM, OBE, LLC, emeritus (ret.)6:35 AM

    Gryphen, you and your libtard heathen blog buddies just don't get it. Stop hating on religion!! I feel sorry for you. smh

    Religion is actually the most awesome invention EVAH!!!!

    Evidence? Sure! Join me for this thought experiment, won't you?

    Say you wake up one morning and start telling everyone you know that, due to some housekeeping negligence, a mold stain has appeared on your shower curtain. But the good news is that the mold stain is a powerful spirit that speaks to you and comforts you in your many hours of need.

    Diagnosis: Raving Lunatic Syndrome (see: DSM III, IV, V and V.2)

    Alternatively, let's say you tell everyone about the mold stain and - here's the important part - claim that the Creator of The Entire Freaking Universe delivered that mold personally to you along with a message instructing you to (insert crazy shit here) so that everyone knows how much you love The Creator and how much the Creator loves you.

    And loves mold, also too.

    Now you're heralded by many as a profit, which is so-called because if you charge people money to see the divine mold stain you will earn a hefty one.

    In conclusion, 'religion' is just a short-hand way of saying "no matter how loopy my beliefs are, you must respect those beliefs without question, because I said so"


  3. Anonymous6:37 AM

    It's never enough that they themselves believe that ridiculous nonsense, they won't quit until everyone else believes it too. That is how they validate their stupidity.

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    And this too:

  5. Confucius6:41 AM

    The stupid runs deep in this family .

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "quote" from Gryphen
    "Kind of makes me wonder just how low your IQ has to be before Palin will give your campaign her cloven hoof of approval?"

    The all seeing/ all knowing IPU (invisible pink unicorn)
    does not endorse
    but will eat pizza, with extra cheese

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    O/T update:
    The subscribers to SarahPalinChannel might think about hiring a class-action lawyer, since there is nothing new, yet again, posted on her website. She's engaged in deception and false advertising. She's not remotely providing the service that they've paid her money to provide.
    Not only is her " channel" a failure, it's a fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      The endor$ement bonanza i$ about to dry up for awhile, so I'm sure she'll be back to inviting people in that show up at her fence.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Who exactly subscribes to that shit aside from news organizations and people who work for the Palins?

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Even if it is only ten or twenty genuine subscribers, they've fleeced.
      The Palins know the people are too poor, ignorant, or brainwashed to put up a fight. But they sure won't be throwing good money after bad in the future.
      She's got a rapidly diminishing asset.
      Word of the Day, describing Sarah: schmendrick.
      She can ask her Jewish pals what it means.

    4. Anonymous8:35 AM

      People that are so stupid that they don't mind paying for something that is readily free.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The scariest people around are the religious fundamentalists, Christian or Islamic. Give me a good old atheist any day. At least you can reason with them.

  9. Dirk Diggler7:16 AM

    You were right last week about the probable etymology of his handle. What a jerk. Is he married? There are some old maids in Alaska that sorely need a place to park.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    "Invisible Pink Unicorns are beings of great spiritual power. We know this because they are capable of being invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorns is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that they are pink; we logically know that they are invisible because we can't see them." -- Steve Eley-

  11. Randall7:25 AM

    These guys believe in worship
    ...of money.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Let me know when they come out with a Dick Die-nasty video game where I can blow the shit out of that whole cult/clan over and over and over again.

    When will these freaks take their nasty religious beliefs back where they belong, in THEIR homes, in THEIR churches? Get your filthy made up religion out of my face. They are worse than a flea infestation.

    I have been an Atheist since I was ten years old. Never have I had the urge to go into a grade school and open fire. What dufuk is wrong with these, whatever they are?

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    These Robertsons seem to speak with forked tongue. Out of both sides of their mouth, one side, 'thou shalt not' (do what I say, not what I do)................and the other side, buy our merchandise and feed our bank accounts.

    As far as Dasher's point on atheists, not being one myself, I think Dasher's diagnosis is bunk. How he can pin a killer of children and blaming atheism is ludicrous. If Dasher's grand-daddy paid more attention to the real world problems out there, instead of marketing himself and his family with tacky merchandise, and took a look at the broken family, hate, intolerance, greed in his culture, and add to that the obsession with guns, they might have some positive impact. Of course, that might mean leaving behind their goods, their lucrative business and celebrity, tv reality shows, and follow Jesus. Talking the talk is easy for the Robertsons, it's no skin off their nose.

  14. RednecksRthem7:35 AM

    If he was worried about mass shootings, he'd advocate taking the penis extenders off the market. But then he and his ilk will neverhave to be worried about being shot dead in a box store if they dare to handle a toy BB gun.

  15. F U McCain7:55 AM

    I'm sorry, guys, totally OT but,

    did anyone see the NO MORE.ORG ad last night shown during Thursday Night Football?

    It's to prevent domestic violence; there are quick cuts of celebrities saying certain phrases,

    one is:

    No More: Boys Will Be Boys.

    I thought it was intriguing. Not saying anyone is "on" to Sarah, but "Boys Will Be Boys" -- which we know is something Sarah has said herself-

    is a known phrase to excuse..."less-than-flattering" behavior on the part of men

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    OT - I hope participating in the melee does not come back to bite the Palins.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Methinks Bristle watched too many vampire movies. Allegedly.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Do you mean like Bristol supposedly bit Kory on the back?

      I've heard the APD has photos of that bite mark.

      How much is $arah going to have to pay to keep this fiasco covered up? I think Amanda's "source" who implied that there won't be any charges was Jennifer Castro, Palin butt buddy who works for APD. Maybe that is just wishful thinking on Palin's part, and, as usual, $he is trying to re-write the future before it even happens. Scared much, $arah?

  17. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Republicans Rallying Behind 'Religious Liberty'

    Prospective Republican presidential candidates are expected to promote religious liberty at home and abroad at a gathering of evangelical conservatives, rebuking an unpopular President Barack Obama while skirting divisive social issues that have tripped up the GOP.

  18. Anonymous8:57 AM

    First he blames Sandy Hook on atheists, but porn and video games are only symptoms.

    You can't argue with stupid and illogical thinking.

    "Kind of makes me wonder just how low your IQ has to be before Palin will give your campaign her cloven hoof of approval? I'm guessing the low 80's."

    That high?

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Yup, the gun-culture and cult-worship of firearms had nothin' to do with it. Nothin' whatsoever. Yup, yup. All the other guys' fault – you know, the guys who had nothing whatsoever to do with gun-worship, gun culture, ethnic paranoia, etc..

  19. Anonymous9:08 AM

    O.T.~I am having an on- going internal feud with my conscious right now and it's over religion. You see I no longer believe in God , well not any God the rest of humanity believes in any ways.

    To explain by the time I was 30 years old I had buried all my siblings (3 ) Who all died in very different ways at very different times, completely torturing myself, and especially my parents. My parents who are good "God fearing" people, and definitely didn't deserve to see almost all their children die (and hey the jury is still out on me, after all they are both still living so I haven't out lived them yet)

    My problem is this.. every one in my family is religious... everyone! They don't realize how narcissistic they all sound when talking about God either.

    God chose to save one of them from cancer (apparently they must have been more virtuous then say my 6 year old brother, who was struck and killed by a drunk driver, for example)

    When ever someone is saved from a freak accident, they say it's God's hands, not knowing that each time they say things like that, what I hear is my siblings weren't good enough in God's eyes for saving. I don't bother to say anything to these people, to be honest I don't think most are intelligent enough to get the argument.

    But one is really getting to me. My cousin who also lost a sibling to a monster who beat him to death at the age of 2 is also a believer, and he by far the most offensive Christian I have ever met! He hates everyone who isn't christian.

    My internal dilemma is this, do I just delete him off my Facebook and do my best to ignore him for the rest of my life; causing family drama (I tried to delete him once before and he went whining to my mother LOL), or do I tear him to shreds, point out that he's an offensive idiot and why and totally destroy his faith, which should be none of my business but that he continues to make mine daily ?

    He has the right to believe in what ever he wants too including the tooth fairy for all I care, but he uses his religious beliefs as a weapon to hurt people. Innocent , grieving, tortured people like my parents, and my instinct is to defend them of course. I just don't know if I can do that without destroying him, his beliefs, and our relationship. Which would also hurt most of my family (again mostly christian) I am getting to my boiling point regardless, so something needs to be done before I blow. If I lose it completely there is no telling what may come out of my mouth, or off my finger tips LOL

    So what would you all do if you were me? BTW my parents are good with whatever I decide. we've all talked about this and while my mother still has some religious guilt, my dad is now straight up atheist too.

    I wish religious people, especially those calling themselves christian would think before spouting off non sense that is hurtful to others, but that would require them to think first, and i'm not sure most of them are capable of thinking at all!

    1. Balzafiar11:37 AM

      "My parents who are good "God fearing" people, ..." and

      "...while my mother still has some religious guilt, my dad is now straight up atheist ..."

      Your story, while interesting, has some inconsistencies, as noted above.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      You're right. I should have said WERE God fearing people, right up until my little sister was murdered (the last one) and they pretty much gave up their faith. I gave up mine much earlier, right about the time the priest told my grieving mother that her 6 year old died for HER sins. I found/still find that a totally disgusting thing to say to a grieving mother.

  20. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Not sure if anyone else who comes here saw it, but some weirdo website called "The People's Voice" posted a Facebook item claiming the whole Sandy Hook thing was all staged, and never really happened.

    I couldn't help myself, and made a comment about how it was Elvis riding on the shoulders of Bigfoot, huntin' possums, and danged if a buncha kidney garters didn't git themselves in the WAY.

    Boy, did THAT ever set off an attack against me as a person.

    I pointed out that the way I always know when I've won an argument, is when instead of bringing up new facts, an opponent calls me a big fat kaka poopoo head...and that I'll take my prize in the form of cash, please.

    Out came more name calling. I ended it with saying that if a person wants to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Fox News, they are welcome to do so...but picking a fight with someone who lives in Reality Land, is not very smart.

    I firstly apply the best bullshit detecting tool known to man (who stands to make money on this?) when considering something like the possibility of a giant conspiracy, such as Sandy Hook being staged (like the moon landing, of course).

    My initial suspicion, is that its an NRA inspired bit of nonsense, to discredit the logical conclusion that we need, DESPERATELY, to tighten up controls on crazy people owning assault weapons.

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The Christo-facists see anyone who employs logic and reason as the enemy, regardless of if they believe or not. Atheists are just what they perceive as "low hanging fruit" since they are a perceived minority. I know so many people of faith that reject the Christo-facists and have openly backed Atheists when they are being maligned and attacked.

    Because - the Constitution.

    They know that once the Christo-facists get done with the Atheists, Muslims, etc., that they will be relegated to second class citizenry at best. These "people"are a cancer in our body politic, intent on domination and control. There is nothing Christian or American about them.

  22. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Calling them dipshits is not different than calling you and readers here close-minded aholes without morals


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.