Monday, November 24, 2014

Sarah Palin is now pimping some extreme snowmachine film that looks like it was made by teenagers hopped up on a combination of Red Bull and Meth.


This is how Snowdrift Snooki describes this adrenalin junkie porn:

Check out the trailer for this great new documentary about one of the extreme sports that guys – and gals – enjoy in the Last Frontier where we know how to live life vibrantly outdoors, literally in our backyard. Bristol’s boyfriend Joey stars in this, and Willow has a cameo.

I have to say that there is a real chasm in Alaska between other outdoor sports enthusiasts and snowmachiners. 

Cross country skiers in particular have had a lot of conflicts with people ruining the trails with their machines, and dog sledding aficionados have had similar frustrations.

In effect everybody up here recognizes the value of snowmachines for getting around the state, and they are certainly fun to ride, however there is a disconnect for a lot of Alaskans between those who use them for transportation, and those who use them to show off for their friends.

I am not at all surprised that Palin would be supporting a "sport" that is attractive to younger people who get a thrill out of risk taking, and who often rely on their parents to cover their medical costs and sled repair bills.

By the way I watched this thing a couple of times and I had no problem recognizing Junker, but I did not see Willow anywhere.

I also took a look at the Facebook comments under this post and many of Palin's fans are trying to be supportive but a little confused as to why she is wasting her time promoting something like this.

Here was my favorite:  

Sarah Palin, for President 2016 . Run for president in 2016 , we ask you every day to run for president. Please hear us. Run for president in 2016 or the media and the corrupt establishment wins. You have my vote. Please Sarah Palin. We love and support so much. God bless you and your family.

Yeah, not gonna happen.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    So, Sarah, you advocate tearing up the environment? These snow-machine "sportsmen" are no better than the southern redneck off-roaders, mudders and others who sport mullets and spit chewing tobacco on the kitchen floor of their run-down trailer, all the while clawing at their crotch crickets and dingleberries.

    And lest I forget, I just have to ask one more time: where is Trig's birth certificate, bitch?

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Oh we have the "mudders" and ATV renegades as well here in AK, way too many of them. A couple of assholes tore up some new landscaping in our neighborhood yesterday.

      There is a home in our neighborhood that has become a rental and it is a pit of disrepair and has a never ending supply of unsavory types coming and going. Unfortunately our covenants don't disallow rentals and if we could organize a homeowners association that would be my first order of business, not allowing rental units, unfortunately I can't rouse the interest of of enough neighbors to make this happen, meanwhile there is a nest of Valley Trash at the end of the street trashing up our neighborhood. These motor heads always wonder why people don't respect them and it's because they are loud, noisy, smelly and don't respect our environment. It's always nice to hear about one of them losing a battle with a car or having a tragic rollover without helmets. At least Darwin has our back :-)

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      I share your dislike of loud, noisy, smelly, disrespectful people, BUT---rejoicing in someone's injury or death, and even putting a smiley emoticon after this???

      Sorry, but you sound like a horrible person. I'm happy I don't live near you.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Oh you'd smile too if you had to deal with the types of people that infest the Valley.

    4. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I live in urban Denver. I deal with plenty of those "types" every day. And not once have I wished any of them dead, let alone smile about it.

      My original opinion stands.

    5. Anonymous2:54 PM


      Sorry I didn't know you were from Denver. That shithole makes the Valley look like paradise. You've given me an attitude adjustment. I had to go there for a few weeks a few months ago, and holy shit, you are right, you live in a terrible place that I'd not wish on my worst enemies. Now loving Wasilla, thanks to your intervention.

    6. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Of course she doesn't give a fuck about tearing up the environment. Would we expect anything different from the woman who brought us "Drill, baby, drill"?

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Willow has a cameo and no job? Is Willow still setting up young men as Stalkers?

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      that's the only time the chubster wallow, with the jumbo arms gets attention.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Her arms aren't as offensive as those cankles and log legs. Sarah needs to stop hogging the Adderall and share some with Barstool and Swallow.

    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Her mother didn't care about how willow's arms looked when she posted it the picture of willow and Mario lopez on facebook. The poor girl had an arm larger than her head.

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Okay, I think these comments are unfair. We can justifiably criticize Willow for being a vandal, drug user, possible drug dealer, possible secret mother, fight instigator, shitty aunt, and foul-mouthed mean girl. Those are areas over which she has control and in which she could change.

      She has not marketed herself as a sexpot or an abstinence spokeswoman. Her appearance--cankles included--should be off limits unless and until she does. She's a cute girl who has had the strength and/or confidence and/or common sense not to pay a plastic surgeon to mutilate her face, like her sister did, and she appears to have avoided the meth/Red Bull diet certain of her family members apparently enjoy. Give her credit where credit is due.

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Anonymous8:19 PM
      YEAH, make sure you tell her mother who's the one "putting her out there" with stupid comments etc.

    6. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Hey EVERYTHING we know about willow is straight from her Own mother. So you should be talking to Sarah. Also, don't forget she's mentioned by sarah to get paid. How do you think the family lives without working...yeah..they market their name and reputation for $$$$

    7. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Agreed with anon@819. We've seen plenty about Willow that can fairly be criticized, but the swipes at her for her weight or looks are no better than Peerublican swipes at Chelsea Clinton for her looks, hair, etc. In photos that I've seen, Willow is a pretty young woman; by far the physically best outcome of Palin-Heath(-whoever) gene mixing

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Living life vibrantly? Isn't that the catch phrase for the resident troll? I believe that the resident troll is Sarah or a combination of Dumb Palins. VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES, LOS ANGELES, WASILLA, and ANCHORAGE all come to IM at the same times.

  4. Caroll Thompson9:14 AM

    Those Palins are a jealous bunch. G, perhaps you have not heard of the MTV reality show Slednecks, which is based in Wasilla, Alaska and has no Palins in it. It's about the rowdy times of a bunch of young people doing crazy outdoor stunts. Yes, I think this post was in reaction to Slednecks and how dare MTV give anyone in Wasilla a reality show that does not feature the Palins.

    But I am so happy to see that Sarah and the bunch are still living life vibrantly. Though I would not call drinking and drugging and getting violent living vibrantly, but hey, that is just me.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      In an interview with "E" TV that aired right before the first episode of Slednecks, they asked them about the Palins. They all laughed at them and one of them said "they're like a mafia up here".

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Which is why McCain can count his lucky stars he lost in '08. He'd have been six feet under long ago.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sarah Palin will run for president the day her hoohah lips turns into a pair of testicles and her clit turns into a penis.

    It aint gonna happen!

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I accept the valuable convenience, esp. for the those requiring them, provided by snowmachines. That said, I hate the noise, pollution and assault on the solitude of Alaska's outdoors. Some how, Yukon Wilma drawing attention to "Willow's boyfriend" seems contrived, as if she's attempting to reinvent the drunken brawler meme. I am a robot...but a very, very clever one.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I thought Junker had escaped from Beefalo's claws? Is screech saying he is still around clocker bristol?

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Nah...she's final retained one for now. She even took pictures in his bedroom last month. What a sicko & what a sick man Joey is. And the baby they had together is nowhere to be seen. They're a couple of lowlifes

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Baby together? That's in your imagination.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The only Junker Disney photo I've seen has Tripp standing in front of Bristol. When I've blown it up, I still can't see anything to indicate she is (or isn't) pregnant. Is there another photo I'm missing that reveals a baby bump more clearly?

      Was Gino the daddy of her DWTS baby? I get the chronology confused. How many babies has she had by now?

    4. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Gino was probably the DWTS baby daddy & junker while they shacked-up in AZ unless she had more trial daddies, which is not surprising. And no one would care expect she's pretending to be a virgin so she can live off for free from the lies she spreads while actually spreading her lumpy legs.

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      2:36 PM Bristol probably does not know which Trial Daddy got her pregnant.

    6. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Bristol was living with Ben Barber thru June 2010 when she would have gotten pregnant with the DWTS baby.

    7. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Dang! how many partners has this woman wonder she's getting work done to hopefully get lucky, and I guess she FINALLY did with junker-- after the leno/junker ching implant.
      these girls have "dated" the entire

    8. Anonymous8:08 PM

      But but but....that's can't be true because Bristol practices abstinence. She said so on national tv. AAAAND she's a xstian.

  8. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I thought Joey escaped right after Bristles "mono" was over with. Remember, pregnant at Disneyland, then suddenly no Joey. Someone said he had a new girlfriend.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      They've been shacking up since Arizona. He gets free travel & vacation benefits so he's another lazy ass living off the pac

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Yeah... Pregnant at Disneyland & suddenly no baby but she kept the man. Disgusting!

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      As ever, take everything out of her mouth with a grain of salt. It is never the truth.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Sarah bought him back by promoting this low budget film.

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      There was no baby. You just make things up.

    6. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Anonymous2:38 PM..yeah...what happened to it....

    7. Anonymous4:12 PM

      To Anon 2:38 -

      You are absolutely right there was no baby. Bristol just made it go away.

      Not the first time, either.

    8. Anonymous4:36 PM

      If there was no baby, Bristol was fat as a cow at Disneyland. Did the same thing happen to the DWTS baby? Bristol was pregnant there also, pictures don't lie.

    9. Anonymous6:20 PM

      thank you Anonymous4:36 PM, and I've never seen anyone fat as a cow for 9 month at a time. Shoot most people don't get fat for nine months & lose it an go back and forth....hmmmm...interesting, huh.

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Hey junker, where is your offspring you had with brisket. What kind of man are you.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      You really are off your rocker. Lol

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Anonymous2:39 PM
      barstool fiiiinally met her match; someone like her with no scruples.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      @2:39 PM The truth about Bristol really 'chaps your ass'. How many pregnancies has Bristol hidden? DWTS, Disneyland? Bristol gets pregnant if a Trial Daddy looks at her twice.

  10. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This film was funded by donar's chipping in money, it was on Junkers facebook, can you say Palin? I would guarantee it. Once again Sarah is pimping an ivestment that either she or Bristol made, it costs a lot to keep those boyfriends around and to get a Palin some film time and publicity.

  11. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I thought Bristol and Joey broke up.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      No. They just got rid of the baby. Who knows what they did with it. Maybe adoption & that's why she pushes it on FB

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      10:29 AM There was definitely a Junker baby, so why is Bristol ashamed to be seen with 'all' of her babies? Did Sarah tell her to cover up her pregnancies? Bristol works best when lying on her back.

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      There was NO junker baby. What are you basing this on? A few photos? Your hatred is out of control.

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Anonymous2:40 PM
      yeah...NOW there's no junker baby. The woman was pregnant while vacationing in Disneyland & everyone saw her showing off at AZ.
      But she got rid of it , right, and that's why there's no junker baby. What kind of lowlife is junker to spread the "seed" & get rid of it. Did they give it up for adoption....or what...

    5. Anonymous3:17 PM

      wait..there's no junker baby because she's a born-again-virgin right? lol..she travels & shacks up with a grown man but there's no sex? hahahahahahaha

    6. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Anonymous2:40 PM
      the palin hatred is out of control. Especially their hatred towards immigrants & immigrant children.

    7. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Anonymous10:47 AM
      she hides it because she's a

  12. What is it going to take for the Palinbots to finally realize Palin has absolutely no intention in running for President, and even if she did she wouldn't even come close to being competitive to the others who are running. The delusional Palinbots also seem to believe if GOD told to her to run (their words not mine), she would win in a landslide. Like what happened in October of 2011 when she finally announced at the last minute she was not running, after grifting the Palinbots for as much money as she could, there were a lot of angry and disappointed Palinbots over her decision. No doubt she will do it again to them and they will no doubt again be angry and disappointed with her. You would think they would be smarter this time around, but it doesn't look like they are.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      The comment G posted was amazing. Amazing and sad. What her followers thought they were getting was a Joan of Arc - and what they got was Tammy Faye Bakker with her climate controlled doghouses.

      Pat Padrnos

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    When we saw 7 feet of snow paralyze Buffalo, NY, some people were rescued thanks to snow mobiles-- which got through when no other vehicle could get through. That is probably the only good thing that I can say about snow mobiles.

    These goofs look as if they have graduated from the skate board half pipe and are looking for a new way to break their necks. What a waste of time, money, gas-- they must really be bored. I guess that they think that it's more fun when they are drunk.

  14. Anonymous10:37 AM

    So much for the living privately mime, Sarah. Once again showing what self promoting sluts the Palin women are.

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The next time anyone goes crawling around in the records of the State of Alaska Film Tax incentive, it would be interesting to see if one of the Palin's many shell LLCs are involved in the Junker enterprise. Let's see, we had the BMSP, LLC....Helping Hands, LLC...Sky Pie, Pie in the Eye, Cowpie in the Sky, - oh hell - can't keep up with the Palin all them thar KREE-aaa-shuns. My inner Rooooge kooo just ain't as Klever as Saruh's.

  16. Anonymous10:52 AM

    26. Sarah Palin

    She barely even get out of the limo! Some dude is reportedly calling her daughter a slut and a cunt, and the rest of her family is brawling at a kegger, and there's Sarah in the fucking limo (of course she's in a limo), letting her Wasilbilly family rumble while she's probably Googling herself without a care in the world. She only finally gets out of the limo to name-drop herself to the cops! Does she even know she has a family? Or does she think those people are stock models provided for her by GOP donors?

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      She did take the time to let Track know that god had found his important necklace (yeah, Track wears a necklace, I know, kind of pussy, right?) and also to give Willow some slurred words of advice with her "Don't cuss Swillow". See she was interactive with the props that she calls a family.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      "IT" was out of the limo long enough to push a girl named Courtney.

  17. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I heard Joey broke up and has moved on and Bristol hasn't accepted that and still believes Joey is still in love with her.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      NAH... Bristol & Junker are made for each other. They are both ghetto thugs & BWT...where is your baby brisket and junker

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      No man of any intelligene or self-esteem will ever marry into that family.

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      which s why he's the junker chosen

  18. Anonymous11:22 AM

    That last Palin plea sounds like Engineer100 off c4p.
    Every day without fail. "Yeah, not gonna happen" is right!

  19. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I suggest to Joey:
    Don't believe Bristol if she says she can't get pregnant.

    Don't use the pull out method. Bristol may not let you pull out.

    If she says she will swallow your seeds don't believe her. Bristol may spit your seeds into her hands when you are not looking and impregnate herself.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Lol! I bet you are old, fat, ugly and poor. Jealous of a young pretty RICH woman.Only way to understand why you like to post such vile comments.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      @ 11:28 AM Yuck! And here I thought the turkey baster method of collecting a man's seed was disgusting...I stand corrected :(

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      "Rich woman". I thought she told the court that she has no income so Levi has to pay up.
      No one. Absolutely No One is jealous of Barstool or her siblings or parents or offspring.
      Just hope Levi gets custody of Tripp, if T is even his son, and saves the little guy.

    4. Anonymous12:24 PM

      I agree with Anonymous11:28 I'm not fat or ugly. I'm an educated 24-year-old with 2 children & raising them by myself. In contrast, Bristol is a scorned woman which is why I believe the above to be true, and which is why she's jealous of smart and young & beautiful Sunny and others who really work.
      In contrast, Sarah & KKKlan are uneducated lazy filth! LOL

    5. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Anonymous11:39 AM, jealous of thug uneducated "the chin?" lol...brisket lives off FREE STUFF and FREE MONEY. She got a chin implant and veneers because it is SHE who is after others "look," therefore jealous.
      barstool, the Lazy ass woman acting like she's a teen is getting oooold.

    6. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Wait just a second 11:39 we are always told that Bristol is a humble working woman who has only the income from her part time gig at the dermatologist office and now she's rich? So which is it? Rich famewhore or hard-working girl with a GED and a makeup certificate? You can't have it both ways ya know.

    7. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Mercede will always be prettier. Always.

    8. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Turkey Basters - They're not just for Thanksgiving anymore

    9. Anonymous4:31 PM

      4:15 p.m.: Sunny, too. And both of them appear to have much more pleasant personalities, as well.

    10. Anonymous6:29 PM

      you can't compare Sunny to barstool and that's why barstool in seething with envy and hate. Sunny is attending the university, she's beautiful, and fresh and she's got barstool's baby daddy. He married her!

    11. Anonymous7:15 PM

      All the girls that Levi dated are prettier than Barstool. She always seemed like a "pity fuck" to me and guys generally need to be careful sleeping with cows because they feel sorry for them because they tend to get attached, just like Bristol did to Levi. It took him a long time to shake her off his leg.

  20. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Karma. Poor little boy.

  21. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Junker Junk. LOL

  22. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Welcome to the family, Joey. You fit right in.

  23. Anonymous12:19 PM

    A little bird told me that Palin is seriously thinking about running for pres. She thinks the climate is different now, and that all family obsticles are gone...

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      So she believes in climate change now does she?

      I'm sorry to hear her family has lost all it's obsticles, maybe they should check some of the brawl sites they've crashed recently.....


    2. Paul in Minnesota1:23 PM

      Sarah is so full of bull droppings. She will never run for President. She doesn't have the courage, fortitude or commitment to do so. I doubt she'd stick with a full campaign, much less with a full Presidential term. I also doubt she would win.

      She'll fleece and con some people into giving Sarah money. Yet she would be the weakest candidate among the GOP/same tea party/same libertarian party candidates.

      A Palin in the White House? Only if reality were like the film Idiocracy and came true in the distant future.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Paul, she'd push Brawndo, because it has Electrolytes! Wait, her lake might be full of Brawndo now...that's why it's dead :-)

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      "family obsticles"

      What are obsticles? are those palin speak for "family testicles"?

  24. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Hey, Sarah, why don't you post some video of the Palin family living vibrantly the night of September 6, 2014? You'd get a lot of traffic to your web channel!

  25. "guys – and gals – enjoy in the Last Frontier where we know how to live life vibrantly outdoors, literally in our backyard. "
    You stupid, silly, brainless dolt. Millions, yes, millions of people all over the US know "how to live life vibrantly, literally in [their] own backyards."

    We are on the way here to well over 200 inches of snow this winter. Few places in Alaska get that many, and Wasilla isn't one of them. You couldn't make it here, sissypants Palin.

    If you're going to brag, you silly bitch, pick something that makes you unique, not something that millions of other people do *without* pointless bragging.

    And by the way, we are right in the middle of firearm deer season here, and many people will put by a freezer full of meat to live off of, but when they make chili, they will just call it... chili. Because sustenance hunting isn't something you brag about, and rub in people's faces at every opportunity. It is not something that makes you more macho than everyone else. It is just putting food on your table, no more and no less.

    No disrespect to Alaskans, I know Alaska is ruggedly beautiful, but so is a lot of the rest of this country. I am tired of that obnoxious, useless braggart acting as though the rest of us spend all our time sprawled on barcaloungers in our suburban subdivisions while she scampers around the north woods, rasslin' grizzly bears to death, grabbing salmon out of the river with her bare hands, and shooting any moose ambling by just to make chili on the spot.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I hear ya! There is no way that I would live in a place where that much snow was even a remote possibility. I don't know how you do it, but we have our own trials up here, it's crappy dark right now and I have a ticket to leave Wednesday for a month in DC but there is a storm brewing on the east coast and I've had to reschedule flight. There is no way I'm traveling with weather snarls, been there done that and it is very unpleasant. Trying to think of a place to spend thanksgiving and it looks like it might have to be here in the "silla. Bummed but we at least don't have any snow, but damn I hate these 4:15pm sunsets!

    2. In '95-'96 we received 355 inches (29.5 feet) of snow. We shoveled and scooped, and blew, and brushed, and scraped, and then did it again, and then scraped and brushed, and came home and did it all over again. It just snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed, for months. We have had very low temps and plenty of snow so far, so it is shaping up to be a nasty winter.

      Here is our snow thermometer:

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I lived vibrantly in my backyard this week... out on the river doing fish carcass surveys. Do you know what Sarah has in common with me? You can find her name in my job description, carcASS. She looks like a dead fish also.
      How can anyone take her seriously? She is so stupid. Sarah lots of people enjoy the outdoors and it is hard to take you serious with all that makeup and fake nails.

    4. Nefer You're a Uper!!! My hubby is up there weekly for his job and we head up there as often as we can to camp.
      Definitely God's country.

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    No kidding 12:24pm, go to a Native reservation that is in forested areas. Damn fikkin cold and animals to get meat. We do it and do it yearly. That dolt sp. I agree with you 12:24pm. I'm glad you said it. I had thoughts the same and just roll my eyes at her lying ways.

  27. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I wouldn't encourage anyone to do this. It's crazy; who wants to risk breaking their neck or back and ruin the rest of their life? Is yahoo'ing that worth it?

    And Sarah Palin? Why isn't she taking on the challenges she has, like helping her down syndrome child eat a Cheerio? It is without risks and can be very fulfilling to witness that child enjoying food.

    I cannot see how Trig will ever be the best he can be with the kind of parents he has. They are so NOT concerned about people. They are all about reckless, roughneck, wild irresponsible behavior. How can a person be so juvenile and get excited about watching young people risk losing limbs or ability to walk just for a trophy and celebrity?

  28. Elder Brewster2:30 PM

    Wow. We live "vibrantly" over here on the First Frontier in Massachusetts. We're up in the mountains, and a moose just walked across Main Street a few days ago.
    Our "backyards" are fields and forests, and the state parks right outside our door, where we hike and fish and camp -- vibrantly.

    I think Sarah Palin doesn't know or care that the rest of the world has amazing attractions, natural and manmade, to be seen in every state and every country. She's just selling her "Alaska brand," so what does she care about the rest of the world? She can't make money off of anything but her tiny patch of the planet.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      That's all Sarah Palin ever had going for her- she's an Alaska brand, much like that fake moose shit chocolate I've seen for sale.

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      She plays the “Alaska card” as we Alaskans call it. It is so incredibly embarrassing for all of us.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Sarah only uses Alaska as a prop, to go along with all her phony stories about fishin' and huntin' and other crap. $he is our great state's biggest embarrassment and regret.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      yeah...and poor piper has the same wonky eye...I wonder if it was caused by that story

  29. Anonymous2:42 PM

    To anonymous 11:38 below, with all do respect, knowing that Bristol tried to get pregnant in high school by Levi (and did) and knowing that Bristol was (is) trying out trial husbands then I would worn my son if he was dating Bristol about the consequences of impregnating Bristol.


    Anonymous11:28 AM

    I suggest to Joey:
    Don't believe Bristol if she says she can't get pregnant. 

    Don't use the pull out method. Bristol may not let you pull out.

    If she says she will swallow your seeds don't believe her. Bristol may spit your seeds into her hands when you are not looking and impregnate herself.



    Anonymous11:39 AM

    Lol! I bet you are old, fat, ugly and poor. Jealous of a young pretty RICH woman.Only way to understand why you like to post such vile comments

  30. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Sarah, liquored up, brawling, cussing, lying Palin cares
    nothing about the environment. She would sell her own
    mother down the pike for a buck!

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      So true, when she ran for governor she advertised herself as an anti-environmentalist by posting a photo of herself and Piper (both without helmets) riding a four-wheeler through a salmon stream. Unfortunately, Alaskans ate it up.

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Agree with other posters that Sarah peddles this idea that Alaska is the ONLY state that has the vibrant outdoor living/wildlife in their backyard factor. Her boasting sounds more like she's trying to convince herself.

    First of all, wildlife is plentiful in the lower 48, and each state has it's uniqueness and beauty. If moose aren't as prolific, so what? I enjoy the watching films that promote the beautiful natural outdoors We have the same machines they do in AK. We have more snow than AK many winters. We have wildlife near our windows, yards, wid animals that trample through, bears, yes, bears, coyotes, foxes, even wild turkeys. Southern states have poisonous snakes, creepy insects, tarantulas, scorpions and people adapt and are just as tough as Alaskans. They live through droughts, unmerciful heat, humidity, deal with tornadoes, hurricanes, Great Lake effect blizzards, flooding, and are the better for it because communities pull together and support one another, without the boasting. I would love for Sarah to show how communities pull together during natural disasters in Alaska, especially during her tenure. Her plate of cookies fiasco did nothing.

    Tough Alaskans to me are the ones who survive through it all without the boasting.

  32. PalinsHoax3:20 PM

    Ahhhh Alaaasssssskkaaa!!! Where the women live vibrantly by strapping on faux pregnancy bellies, sporting several sizes of falsies and so proudly encouraging their bully pimp husband and delinquent children.

    And when they look in the mirror, they see someone who is old, fat, ugly, poor, with a manly jaw and the spittin' image of the Ol' Grizzled One, the one and only $carah Payme.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      You forgot the Jay Leno chin! Some Alaskan females are not happy with the chin God gave them.

  33. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I watched the very boring "movie" of wanna-be-teen grown men, and I didn't see wallow's cameo. I did see a lot of polluting the white snow and noise, but I wouldn't call that a sport when you sit your ass on a machine. I have to say that junker didn't look as ugly but I can see why barstool got the chin implant--she wanted to match junker's chin!

  34. Anonymous4:07 PM

    my brother is into extreme sports & he asked me to look into this "movie" but once I told him it was being pushed by palin & starting one of the boyfriends he quickly said "PFT! forget it!"

  35. Anita Winecooler4:11 PM

    I played it twice looking for some dunce girl eating yellow snow, and you're right! No sign of Willow! Wonder which girl Sarah thought was Willow? Anyone else find it odd that a mother says her daughter makes a cameo and there's no sign of the thwonk? Maybe she got dragged in her thong dress and three hundred buck glasses to the edge of Alaska? Yeah, that must be it,
    One GOOD thing, I DID find "Waldo"!!!

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I think Willow's cameo must be in the film, not the trailer. Sarah's message isn't clear. Shocker there, right?

      Is that Junker doing the obscene, teenage-boy hip thrusting? I haven't seen enough photos of him to know for sure, but if so, how damn appropriate for a Palin girl's boyfriend.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      That's not a teen he's a 30-something-year old but dresses & acts like a teen...that's Cory I think.

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      yeah...I think cory was one of wallow's b/f. BTW it seems they dated the entire village. DANG! pretty soon they're going to have to expand their turf.

    4. Anonymous8:30 PM

      I though andy almon was the b/f just last year when they were pushing the xstmas book

    5. Anonymous12:05 AM

      Wallow doesn't care as long as he brings drugs and vodka.

  36. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I must have missed Willho's role in this stupid video... maybe she was too busy for the camera wink wink

  37. Anonymous4:42 PM

    So she thinks she's pretty clever, huh...advertising Bristol's b/f because he's stayed with her for a while longer the others her "heart soars with pride!"

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      yeah...scarah is proud that barstool has fiiiiinaly retained a permanent b/f so she's using the movie to announce her soaring heart with pride that barstool has a steady,

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      But what kind of lowlife did she retain, a man who doesn't care what happens to his kid. That's just disgusting.

  38. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Since everyone is now required to have health insurance, at least we won't have to cover the hospital bills when one of these morons breaks their neck.

    As for the witch running in 2016, she only a few months more to scam her fans before they catch on she is not running.

  39. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I hope junker knows that being linked to barstool will diminish his chances of "fame."

  40. "Whatever"7:52 PM

    Isn't sort of deja vous all over?

    Didn't we all say that the reason Bristol and Junker got together was so Junker could use the "Palin Publicity Machine" to promote this venture?

    Watch out for that Palin curse, Junker. Especially in the line of business you are in. Accidents and Palins seem to go hand in hand.

    (Notice that accidental play on words, Freudian slip there. Palin jokes literally write themselves!)

  41. Anonymous7:57 PM

    "Run for president in 2016 or the media and the corrupt establishment wins."

    Sarah Palin will not run for anything, there's no money in it.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Sarah will keep pretending to run for something, and her daughter will keep giving abstinence talks to keep the money rolling in.

  42. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "extreme sports that guys – and gals – enjoy in the Last Frontier where we know how to live life vibrantly outdoors, literally in our backyard. 
    -Sarah Palin

    From what we recently witnessed, Sarah Palin and her family lived vibrantly drunk outside at a birthday party in Anchorage. Is this how "WE ALASKANS" live outdoors or is it just the Palin family

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      There's a dead lake in Sarah Palin's backyard, which pretty much speaks to how vibrantly she actually lives.

  43. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Sarah knows what's up. She knows her daughter very well, in fact Bristol was having sex as a minor in her parents OWN HOUSE & their knowledge. I would have been so ashamed, whether I was the mother or daughter. No wonder her own brother called her a slut.
    About marriage. Who knows. Bristol keeps posting marriage photos to probably make junker feel guilty. She tired it with Gino remember she asked him about marriage. She's probably working it with junker as well.

  44. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Joey is like 30 & the cow is 25 I think.

  45. Anonymous8:32 PM

    There's a saying, why buy Bristol when she gives away the milk for free.

  46. Anonymous9:05 PM

    That Joey Junker must be a real saint with an iron will. He's a 30-something year old man, likely with a number of snowbilly groupies after him, dating a young woman in her 20s who won't have sex with him until they are married.


    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      HAHAHA.. Junker ...he's such a saint he should be saying mass on sunday mornings.
      BTW, does he know he's forever linked to this "abstinance" woman no matter what, expecially since they never did "present" the abstinance kid they had in Arizona.


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