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"Look I really don't know shit about immigration, illegal or otherwise. But a girl's got to make a living." |
Check out this transcript of Rush from yesterday explaining the dire situation we’re now in with Obama poised to issue amnesty by executive fiat.
Palin then provides a link to Limbaugh's site which I refuse to put here because, you know, ick. But suffice it to say that he rants and produces prodigious amounts of spittle in response to the idea that Obama might create a policy not to send the Mexican parents of young American children back across the border while leaving them behind to fend for themselves.
But Palin knows all about this because she paid someone to write an op-ed (Warning Breitbart!) for her once and put her name on it:
As I explained in op-eds many months ago, this is clearly an impeachable offense and really should be the last straw because it’s a direct assault on the suffering American worker of all races and backgrounds. Though I was mocked for saying so at the time, now others are finally agreeing that this is an impeachable offense.
By "folks" Palin means Charles "I left my neck in my other suit" Krauthammer, who took time off from playing every ghoul in every horror movie made in the last twenty years, to also claim that Obama could be impeached over this decision.
But wait, Palin is not finished flapping her highly infectious mouth sores quite yet:
I'm in Florida today for a speech, and I look forward to speaking truth on this issue and reminding folks that we were right on this topic and others long before it was fashionable.
- Sarah Palin
I'm not sure why Palin is in Florida, though it may be a great place to pick up yet another gaudy Star of David to wear while talking about how liberals are destroying Christmas.
Whatever the reason it is a sure bet that it is not for a photo-op with young brown children, or their hard working but not quite yet officially American parents.
By the way let me just say again that I am 100% behind any plans the Republicans have to impeach President Obama.
If they want to take a purely partisan vote to impeach a President for doing the job that Congress refuses to do, then more power to them.
Especially considering that impeaching him for trying to solve the immigration problem would have the effect of energizing the Hispanic American voters in this country like we have never seen before.
But hey, who am I to tell the Republicans who they should or should not impeach.
After all it worked to completely destroy the reputation of this guy.
So what do you have to say about this, Sarah, you hypocritical asswipe?
ReplyDelete...But there’s one beheading in Oklahoma that has drawn nothing but silence from the “Christian” Right. Isaiah Marin of Stillwater, Oklahoma was charged on Thursday with first-degree murder for the brutal beheading of his 19-year-old roommate.
Marin, a devout practitioner of the Christian faith, learned that Jacob Crockett had been practicing witchcraft, so he did what any good “Christian” would do — chopped his roommate up with a machete.
Marin and Crockett were playing cards with Marin’s brother when the Christian extremist took a ‘large black sword’ from its sheath and began swinging it around, the Daily Mail reports. When his brother asked him to be careful, Marin replied, “I would never cut you, bro.”
Just moments later, the brother told police, he heard “the sound of someone getting stabbed,” and saw blood gushing from Crockett’s chest. Crockett’s head was found “mostly severed” from his body, and the teen was stabbed several times.
Marin and Crockett had been at odds because Marin viewed his victim’s practice of witchcraft as a violation of his “strong” Christian beliefs, according to court records. The “devout” Christian was described by one student at Northwest Oklahoma College as a “heavy drug user” and a “religious zealot.”
Marin had been watching YouTube videos “related to his Christian beliefs and the book of Matthew” just hours prior to the murder.
Sarah will justify it as her gal-pal and fellow batshit crazy right-wing lunatic Joni Ernst might, that is, as just another "unfortunate accident" (see: http://crooksandliars.com/cltv/2014/05/senate-candidate-joni-ernst-calls)
DeleteIt's a very short stroll to madness for those already infected with religion.
Delete10:04 SO TRUE! They are the American Taliban! Domestic terrorist, which brings us to Sarah...
Delete"this is clearly an impeachable offense and...." STFU you TREASONOUS PIG!!! WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO FUCKING ARREST all THESE BASTARDS?
I am so fucking sick of these RWNJ! STFU and go back under the rock you crawled out from.
Sarah Palin doesn't believe in anything. Wait, let me change that a bit. She does hate our president with the deep bitterness that only She Who Has Been Ignored can feel. But other than that her opinions are up for the highest bidder. I do believe that she probably hates "blah" people, but she'd kiss one full on the lips if it would put money in her pocket. If the Koch Brothers told her that immigration was okey-dokey, she'd be passing out cookies at the border. She has no convictions, no morals, no scruples. The Almighty Dollar is her Savior. Amen.
ReplyDeleteYou speak for me, laprofesora!
DeleteAccurate summation of the Grifter in Chief. If there is one thing $arah Paylin knows how to do, it's how best whore herself out for a quick buck. Utter sell-out, and nothing more.
DeleteWonder what Chuckles and Sally said when she got knocked up by an Eskimo....oh, that's right, it was a white guy, but she married the Eskimo and they wouldn't have to sneak across the border to get free health care in Canada. Wonder if Chucky goes rat hunting in Canada every time he gets sick? Wonder if he taunted the dark skinned kids in his classroom? They are all so racist. Her skin must just crawl when she goes to the South. Maybe she hopes they will send Cruz back and she can take over? She does know he is Hispanic?
Delete9:10 Palin has already kissed and had sex with a black guy - The Great Alaska Shootout - where Channel 2 fired her in Anchorage because she was suppose to be a sportscaster and cover the event!
DeleteShe is a declared/proven racists (Eskimos and Black people), but does know what it is like to have sex with a black guy. The guy actually admitted he'd slept with her years ago!
She's suck a fraud!!!!
laprofesora, as usual you are spot on!! Her hate campaign is a full time job and she has honed that hating skill to master level.
DeleteHow embarrassing for Glen Rice to have their Great Alaska Shootout hook-up become so widely known. He said he liked her then, but now I bet he'd like to buy back that 'introduction'.
DeleteHe is a good man and doesn't deserve to be humiliated because of a consensual one-night stand with a then willing bimbette who grew into being a self-taught racist hate monger.
Sarah Palin loooves the BBC, and I'm not talking British Broadcasting, if you know what I mean.
DeleteThe almighty dollar and attention. Having watched a NPD queen up close and personal, I think the latter is fundamentally what floats their boat. Like a junkie, needing fix after fix after fix to make up for the black hole where their core should be. It would be one heckuva interesting experiment, if someone offered Palin $1M year for life on the condition that she sit down and STFU. I honestly doubt she would take it.
DeleteIf Sarah Palin's in Florida today, who's taking care of Piper and Trig?
Who are Piper and Trig? - Sarah Palin
DeleteDidn't Trig just have a serious eye operation, the one where the doctor made some kind of "look into his eyes, they are not like normal eyes" kind of statement? Who is taking care of Trig? Probably the regular baby sitter, or is that Piper's job?
DeleteSooo, when is that shoe gonna drop? Soon, please!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya, I am so damn sick and tired of this insufferable bitch.
DeleteIM, do you really have something on Sarah Palin that is going to bring her down or not? This has been going on for years and I'm getting bored. Plus, the interest in her is waning.
DeleteMany of us are enjoying watching interest in her waning. I bet Sarah doesn't, though.
DeleteANON 10:43: I must agree.
DeleteI must say that I was turned off by the statement that possibly Sarah was in Florida to pick up another gaudy Star of David. Are such things only available in Florida where there is a large Jewish population? I despise Palin but, as a Jew living in Florida, I was offended. It just was NOT funny.
DeleteAs a Jew who grew up in New York, I don't understand why you would be offended by that.
DeleteThe Miami area has one of the largest Jewish populations in the United States and even in the entire world.
Anon. 3:10 pm....I sort of cringed myself and actually decided to check comments to see if i was the only one.
DeleteBut, I do cringe more when I see SP w/ or w/o her Star of David shtick.
As a longtime reader of this blog, I would give Griffin a sort of pass on that line and move on.
from a Brooklyn born and Cali raised reader w/ a sister in FL...
Anon 3:52- You completely missed my point. I took the remark, which was probably meant to be funny, as insensitive. Palin is offensive as hell decked in a Star of David of any design.
DeleteWhat a cross-eyed, lying dunce.
ReplyDelete"executive fiat"? Oh, please. She wouldn't be able to use "fiat" in a sentence unless she was talking about a car.
"clearly an impeachable offense " Actually, no, it isn't. Whatever the President's proposal is, it will not include impeachable actions. Because he a a very intelligent constitutional lawyer and scholar who takes the job of the Presidency very seriously, unlike the braying, howling, ignorant teabagger mobs.
Idiots like Palin and other drooling, ignorant, hateful, ragemonkeys can't seem to get it through their brainless skulls that "actions we do not like" do not equal "impeachable offenses."
Do the idiotic Sarah Palin and Republican party (U.S. Congress majority) really think President Obama would take this step without having it thoroughly researched (as to its legality) before making his huge/beneficial announcement?
DeleteIt's all bullshit! As to being able to impeach President Obama! It'll never happen and is going to make the brown folks come out in huge numbers against the Republican party in 2016.
They are nothing more than trouble makers, racists and obstructionists!
Nefer, you know she uses that word a lot, for instance,
Delete"Hey y'all, I just did my screech, now where's my fee at?"
Anon at 10:55 am. That's really funny : )
We crashed a party in little italy and rented a stretch fiat w/a sardine can key.
DeleteRe. "Charles "I left my neck in my other suit" Krauthammer", he did break his cervical vertebrae which caused his paralysis.
ReplyDeleteYeah, we all know that, apparently the accident left his brain paralyzed as well....
DeleteWell, if "we all know that", we can agree that metaphorically he left his neck at the bottom of a swimming pool.
DeleteCan we have a "caption this" contest on the Clinton photo? Please? It's begging for one :-)
ReplyDeleteOne thing I have learned over the past six years is that the the more whining and gnashing of teeth we get from the right wing bullsh*t machine, the more likely it is that the President is doing what is best for this country.
ReplyDeleteYou go right ahead Mr. President and make the heads of FOX's loyal viewers explode with rage, by doing nothing other than your job and exercising the lawful authority of your office.
If he's a lame duck by political standards because of the party make-up between the presidency and congress, then there's no doubt he's the best president ever, when considering his accomplishments.
I can doggone guarantee it!
Delete10:28 Why does that term "lame duck" ring a bell to this Alaskan???
DeleteHmmmmm. Where have we all heard that before?
Lame Duck? Lame Duck?
Oh, yeah, now I remember.
Maybe Sarah, the Queen of Lame Duckishness, can advise the President of how well she handled it.
Why bother with anything to do with the White House? Why not just follow Sarah the Lame A**? Whoops, sorry, meant to type Duck.
Why not just QUIT mid-term?
But wait, he can't really do that since he has already fully completed one term and is mostly done with his second.
Too, bad, doesn't fit the Sarah Scenario so I guess he'll just have to keep on keeping on until duly "retired" from his two terms as President of the United States.
Just another effort for Sarah to do what she has to do. Sell herself. FB'ing her fans, letting them know she's invited to speak. Only thing though she doesn't tell them where or when or how or why, all those 'journalism' questions she loves to preach about.
ReplyDeleteSounds like she's putting out the vibe to any Floridian fan who might want to hear her speak. When someone contacts her, now, after her FB post, she'll accept and THEN let everyone know where she's going. At this point, she doesn't yet know where she'll be speaking; this post is letting people know she'll be in Florida, so 'call me'.
Am I right?
President Obama will be just as popular as is President Clinton after he has completed his second term. Betcha!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAGREE!!!! PLUS!!!!
DeleteEven moreso!
DeleteElections in FL are over. What would she be talking about and for who? Don't they ever take breaks there?
ReplyDeleteI bet Jeb Bush is laughing his head off. I can see the Bush Dynasty together rubbing their hands together scheming some wild prank to humiliate Sarah. She's asking for it.
Someone needs to remind these jackoff's that Demagogue Ronald amnestied 3.8 million, and nary a peep from the paint chip eaters bout that...
ReplyDeleteOne of G's funniest posts.
ReplyDeleteI hope Sarah's has time to read here today. I have an article she should definitely check out. She'll never admit she's wrong but she really should stop speaking out on this topic and making a fool of herself.
When Reagan and GHW Bush took bold executive action on immigration [and weren't impeached]
At the risk of repeating myself:
ReplyDeletethe thugs could spend millions of dollars and months of legislative time trying to impeach a President who's acting within his Constitutional rights.
But IF they succeeded in kicking him out of office, which they won't, he would be followed by President Joseph R. Biden.
The whole effort is to plant into low-information minds the idea that there's something illegal about President Obama -- his citizenship, his experience, and now his use of executive powers. Certainly there must be SOMETHING they can find to discredit the man, because there are fewer than two years which are left for them to smear him permanently.
Others have said it, and I agree, that the republicans are trying to attach an asterisk to Mr. Obama's administration. Meaning that he wasn't "really" president. They dearly wanted him to be defeated for the second term, but he again won the electoral and popular vote. They don't want the black guy to go down in history as the one that had a productive presidency despite their obstruction.
DeleteRacist BITCH. Racist racist racis lazy-ass woman and her Klan.
ReplyDeleteSarah has never given a speech without it being noted somewhere on the internet. There is no mention of any speech anywhere. I think she lies because she is not getting the bookings since her family crashed the party and started the fights.
ReplyDeleteSo, she tells the tale that someone somewhere in Florida wants her to give a speech. Didn't happen.
What corporation would have her speak to them in Florida? Cannot imagine having one fly her south, pay for the speech and return her to Alaska. Lies again? Would not surprise me one bit! She's trying to make herself relevant, when we know she is no longer!
DeleteShe's a proven liar and fraud and still continuing the same bullshit!
Yeah...she despises brown people, but looooves creepy pedophiles, like phil robertson who loves little 13-year-olds since he says they're ripe for consumating marriage. Sarah is a racist disgusting POS
ReplyDeleteIsn't one of those guys she's "working" with in Louisiana involved in prostitution as well. They make the perfect pair with crimes against children & women. And those are the low-lifes $carah pals around with, but hey...at least they're not brown which is all that matters to her.
DeleteSarah also claimed that when all of those kids fled the gang and drug violence in their Central American towns that they would be taking our jobs. Yeah, the kids will be taking our jobs. The people who are already here are probably working off the books at jobs that Americans don't want to take. One year, Georgia pass a tough anti-worker-visa so they wouldn't have "those people" coming into their state to pick their fruit and vegetables. So, 40% of the crop went unpicked. Americans won't take those jobs.
ReplyDeleteI'd love seeing Sarah Palin and her delinquent kids and pimp husband chained in a field and made to pick the crops and have them paid for what they pick at what the field slaves are currently paid today!!
Deletehooha! lol
DeleteI'd stand right there with you. I'd even bring some sandwiches, cookies and water that I'd be willing to sell them for their lunch break. Would save them having to walk about a half-mile back to their truck to get their lunch pails. I'd throw in one of those wet-nappie packets too, no charge. They might like to wash up a little before their 15 min lunch hour.
DeleteThe Senate passed a perfectly good immigration bill but the House won't touch it. Therefore, the President does have to act when our legislature does not work.
ReplyDeleteI've been following this on twitter. She's in Miami:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin Speaking at Private Corporate Event in Florida
Peter P.W. Ferrero, that guy that recently "stalked" Bristol came up to Alaska from Southwest Ranches, FL which is 30 mi. from Miami.
DeleteDidn't Ferrero go to court on the 8th? Why the black out?
DeletePoor lil' Bristol, Willow and Tripp were not safe and no one cares. What did they do with the stalker?
Poor Tripp. It must have been traumatic to have so much cop contact that week end.
Anything to avoid spending time with Piper and Trig, right Sarah?
DeleteShe needs to lay off the Botox, that stuff is dangerous.
ReplyDeleteVeterans Heckle & Troll Sarah Palin at Veteran's Day Event
that clip is from a year ago!
DeleteNobody likes Sarah. She can pay Track to appear with her so she has a combat vet and a hero and they won't notice the skank.
DeleteAnonymous3:15 PM
Deletewhich is why she skipped it this year..lol...it was a disaster! hahahahah
The president responded at a press conference today by letting Republicans know that he plans to use his executive powers,
ReplyDeleteThere has been ample opportunity for Congress to pass a bipartisan immigration bill that would strengthen our borders, improve the legal immigration system, lift millions of people out of the shadows so they are paying taxes and getting right by the law. It passed out of the Senate. I gave the House over a year to go ahead and at least give a vote to the Senate bilaterally; they failed to do so. And I indicated to Speaker Boehner several months ago that if, in fact, Congress failed to act, I would use all the lawful authority that I possess to try to make the system work better. And that’s going to happen. That’s going to happen before the end of the year.
So they have the ability to fix the system. What they don’t have the ability to do is to expect me to stand by with a broken system in perpetuity. And I would advise that if, in fact, they want to take a different approach, rather than devote a lot of time trying to constrain my lawful actions as the Chief Executive of the U.S. government in charge of our enforcing our immigration laws, that they spend some time passing a bill and engaging with all the stakeholders, the immigrant rights groups, the law enforcement groups, the evangelicals, the business community, all of whom have said this is something that needs to be done, is way overdue. And we’ve been talking about it for 10 years now, and it’s been consistently stalled.
Republicans can threaten this president all that they want, but he is still going to do what he thinks is best for the country. Fox News and other conservative media outlets are already whipping up an impeachment frenzy even though Obama hasn’t done anything yet. The confrontation over immigration is going to set the stage for the next two years.
Obama isn’t going to back down. He isn’t going to give in to Republican threats. Everyone knows that congressional Republican leaders wouldn’t be foolish enough to impeach the president two years before a presidential election. The problem isn’t the leadership. It is that there is a groundswell on the right that is demanding impeachment. These calls will only grow louder after the president takes his executive action on immigration.
John Boehner could put the brakes on all of this political drama by allowing the House to vote on the Senate passed immigration reform bill. Since Boehner won’t allow a vote, and House Republicans refuse to pass their own bill, the only option left is for Obama to act alone.
My better half asked me what trig was for halloween this year. Thought about it for awhile and said "Elian Gonzalez in a donald duck swim ring.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans Threaten To Shut Down The Government To Stop Obama From Acting On Immigration
ReplyDelete..It looks like the American people will be getting more government shutdown hostage politics from Christmas from the Republicans this year. Republicans aren’t in control of Congress yet, and they are already causing chaos. The Republican Party’s path to 2016 destruction will begin with a government shutdown next month.
The morans can't even make up their minds, are they going to impeach him or shut down the government?
They should garnish the wages of anyone that votes to shut down the government. They act like a two year old, they need to be taught actions have consequences.
As for Sarah, she probable hired an "illegal" maid or nanny. so now she is an expert on immigration