Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Canadians think us mad.


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    And they are right. Well, not all of us. But way too many.

  2. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Yep. America defies reason.
    And is acting stupidly.
    Esp. the Democratic candidates -- this letter to ed. should have been their platform for the last year! Will they learn? doubt it.

  3. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Then there is this......Blood money.


  4. Anonymous4:29 AM



  5. abbafan4:42 AM

    Hi Gryphen! As a Canadian, I support the writer's sentiments! When Republicans employ scare tactics and fear-mongering via the corporate-controlled media, the under-informed tend to gravitate in their direction.Unfortunately, this atmosphere is suitable for crackpots such as palin, Ernst, Coulter, et al, and their ilk.

  6. angela4:47 AM

    Yes, Canada; too many of us Americans are stupid, blind, whiners who are apathetic. We are just prime to be governed by christo- fascists who hate most of us or could care less if we all starved to death or froze in the winter.

    In the end we let the GOP beat us all down with the crazy.
    Most Americans are clueless about what is going on around them. Isn't it in Texas most of the kids have no idea who won the Civil War?

    I don't think we will be handing over POTUS though. He seems to be the last stronghold against absolute wingnut terror.

  7. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I think the reason for this dis-connect is the right wing media.24/7/365 they are pounding out a drum beat about how Obama is is running the country down.They don't believe anything but the lies they hear hear coming from the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and palin. Those son of a bitches are doing a great disservice to our country. Traitors every one of them.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      We have friends who have just "discovered" Fox News and are amazed out the lies and distortions the fill its news stories. I was amazed that in 2014 they had never been aware of the existence of Fox News! They are lovely people who live in a foggy, kind, artsy, idealized world. The realization that such a thing as Fox News exists has really staggered them.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Mt relatives in the UK are absolutely shocked at the tripe on Faux. Mt neice said the kind of things said about the President are shocking, he is loved over there. Palin is never mentioned anymore, she said.

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      I'm sure President Obama gains new energy when he travels outside of America. He is loved across the world! Americans are nuts!

  8. Maple5:35 AM

    My dear American neighbours: You became the richest, most powerful country in the world. Then you voted for a B-movie star as your President. And he brought along advisors who preferred to work outside the law (Iran/Contra) and didn't know the first thing about economics (trickle-down, anyone) and whose wife didn't make a move until her astrologer did her (and his) charts. And, dammit, you guys voted for him twice!
    You are inherently averse to reading history, else you wouldn't vote in Repubs, and then need the Dems to come in a clean up the messes the Repubs left you. But then you go and vote in Repubs again, and history repeats itself.
    Not sure what the remedy is, but a better educated voting public might help, starting in elementary school. Learn how your government is actually supposed to work, find out what has worked and what hasn't, and above all, DIVORCE RELIGION FROM GOVERNMENT!
    This advice comes to you from a loving, admiring and deeply caring neighbour, whose dining-room window looks right across the river to the U.S.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      How come you don't mention Ronnie's (the movie star POTUS) name in your comments?

    2. Maple7:18 AM

      Because that gives his memory more respect than it deserves.....the man was an idiot, a no-nothing. He even lied about serving in WWII -- pretending to be a real soldier while the closest he came was wearing a uniform on a movie set.

    3. Crystal Sage8:42 AM

      I moved to Canada when RR was elected POTUS. Just as you said, Maple, Americans often vote against their own best interests, like they did in this recent election. The one thing that we have here that would be great in the US is Universal Health Care. Saved my life. How can all those people who have been helped by the ACA not vote for Democrats? Insane.

  9. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I so agree with the Canadians. I voted for President Obama both times and totally respect the guy and the way has handled his presidency.

    The media and Republican have torn him to shreds and are going to eat it when he goes down in history as one of our best POTUS.

  10. I am ashamed of my country.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      You know you could go somewhere else.

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Many folks I know have talked about it - and, we are all Americans! Money is the problem to some and old age the other! We are disappointed and appalled at what has happened to our country!

      And, be assured that we all vote in every election! I, personally, am not affiliated w/either party...I'm called 'independent' or 'non partisan'.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Liz I.5:54 AM

      I am ashamed of my country.
      I am too! The Repubs are a bunch of Thugs, bully's and liars who wave flags around and thro "gawd" around.
      Anonymous7:04 AM

      You know you could go somewhere else.
      Well I hope YOU are RAPURED out so we can reclaim our Secular/Sane country taken over and led buy pig castrating idiots & Hocky moms!
      Yes YOU can go somewhere else...

    4. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Go ahead and leave.

    5. I'm too stubborn to leave, and too idealistic. I'm not a quitter. I prefer to stay, and work to make our country better for all of us.

    6. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Liz I. I'm with you. Yes, I was devastated about the midterm results. I live in Wisconsin; why wouldn't I be? But after talking to some good friends, I realized I could be a quitter, but that would be accepting defeat. Nope. Instead, I'm going to keep supporting progressive ideas and solutions, volunteer more in my community, seek out candidates with my best interests in mind, and even though I'm not flush with cash, donate what I have to those candidates.

      I also write book reviews at my blog. I'm going to spend some time focusing on books that focus on issues that interest me, especially as we close in on 2016. I'm going to focus on these books (and their authors) because these types of books get ignored by the mainstream, corporate-owned media and conservative schlock like "Right for a Reason" by the two blonde Sarah Palins, Chicks on the Right get interviewed by CNN.

      Jennifer K

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I posted this letter on my most ardent Fox News friends' Face Book sites, and noticed them to please read it; in hopes that their minds and their friends' minds might be open just a bit. My friend actually read it, and then vowed to stop sending me all the hate-Obama e-mails she papers me with. If for no other reason than that, I'm grateful to the Canadian letter writer.
    I love my President; and no, I don't always agree with him, but I really respect and love him.

  12. Anonymous5:57 AM

    There was a time not so long ago when Americans, regardless of their political stripes, rallied ’round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a Republican or Democrat, but the president of the United States. The oath of office was taken, the wagons were circled around the country’s borders, and it was America versus the rest of the world, with the president of all the people at the helm.

    Suddenly president Barack Obama, with the potential to become an exceptional president, has become the glaring exception to that unwritten, patriotic rule.

    Four days before Obama’s inauguration, before he officially took charge of the American government, Rush Limbaugh boasted publicly that he hoped the president would fail. Of course, when the president fails, the country flounders. Wishing harm upon your country in order to further your own narrow political views is selfish, sinister and a tad treasonous as well.

    Subsequently, during his State of the Union address, which is pretty much a pep rally for America, an unknown congressional representative from South Carolina, later identified as Joe Wilson, stopped the show when he called the president of the United States a liar. The president showed great restraint in ignoring this unprecedented insult and carried on with his speech. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was so stunned by the slur, she forgot to jump to her feet while clapping wildly, 30 or 40 times after that.

    Last spring, president Obama took his wife Michelle to see a play in New York City and Republicans attacked him over the cost of security for the excursion. The president can’t take his wife out to dinner and a show without being scrutinized by the political opposition? As history has proven, a president in a theater without adequate security is a tragically bad idea. (Remember: “Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”)

    At some point, the treatment of president Obama went from offensive to ugly, and then to downright dangerous.

    The healthcare debate, which looked more like extreme fighting in a mud pit than a national dialogue, revealed a very vulgar side of America. Obama’s face appeared on protest signs, white-faced and blood-mouthed in a satanic clown image. In other tasteless portrayals, people who disagreed with his position distorted his face to look like Hitler, complete with mustache and swastika.

    Odd that burning the flag makes Americans crazy, but depicting the president as a clown and a maniacal fascist is accepted as part of the new rude America.

    Maligning the image of the leader of the free world is one thing; putting the president’s life in peril is quite another. More than once, men with guns were videotaped at the healthcare rallies where the president spoke. Again, history shows that letting men with guns get within range of a president has not served America well in the past.



    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Excellent article. America needs more Canadians.


    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      "Suddenly president Barack Obama, with the potential to become an exceptional president, has become the glaring exception to that unwritten, patriotic rule."
      Yes and during the campaign we had poison tongue harpy's screeching "He's not like us" "Palin around with terrorists" "He's a arab"
      "Paling around with Bill Aryes"
      And the Joe Wilson thing. Joe Wilson should of been FORCEFULLY DRAGGED out preferably in HANDCUFFS! But he wasn't! Now the REPUBs are rewarded for bad behavior, even this election was proof of that.
      I hope when he steps out of office he writes a TELL ALL BOOK about the Realities of the "Dumb" party and all the dumbfucks that are part of it.
      Oh also, too....JOHN BOEHNER should be arrested for threats and TREASON!!! WE need to ALL email our congress and insist that!

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I'm sending emails regarding the above. Hope others do to. I'm going to make mine scathing as I especially detest the Republicans holding positions in the U.S. Congress!

      Plus, it's way past time that Americans stand up for, and support, President Obama for the good job he has been doing in spite of the constant obstruction, degrading and lack of respect!

  13. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The whole country has a bad case of "What's the Matter with Kansas." The vile TV ads here painted Obama and Harry Reid as evil and they weren't running in this election and the scared white breaders who voted the same crew in that got our country and state in this mess. I received so many T-Pee robo calls that I had to turn my cell off.

    Fear works in motivating behavior. And, the facts of the matter concerning what Obama has accomplished were never played for the win.

    RJ in BBistan

  14. Anonymous6:17 AM

    As a Canadian, can't argue with that article. The whining and complaints and temper tantrums from the right in the U.S. is a sight to behold, considering all the misery that is happening around the world. With the blessings that the Right seem to feel entitled to, that are poured on them daily, they seem like an unthankful bunch.

    Watching our Remembrance Day Ceremonies and hearing about the statistics of the dead from WW's, and the sacrifice they made, we honor and reflect this and hopefully express it by respecting the leaders who are trying their best to guide the country through a crazy world.

  15. Anonymous6:39 AM

    In 2004 the British Daily Mirror, over a picture of President George W. Bush, the paper asked, "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?"


  16. Donal6:47 AM

    Another Canadian here echoing these sentiments. I was just appalled at the out come of the midterm elections. I couldn't bring myself to read any of the numerous blogs and writers I usually read daily, IM being 1st on my list. I'm absolutely disgusted that the Repubtiles actually won that many contentious seats. WTF were you all thinking, America? Maybe it is a fact that more than 50% of your population ARE inbred hillbillies that believe rich people deserve more and poor people should pay for it. What a totally politically fucked up country you've become.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      It's all about greed. The SCOTUS is partisan. This is the United Corporations Of America. Over 80% of the people want firearm background checks but it hasn't happened yet because of politicians whose first priority is GREED and personal power. Yesiree, America is for sale. Corporations are people. The people are sheeple. He who has the most $$ wins. Politicians are bought and sold every day to change laws that are against the worker bees' best interest. Yes our political system is FUBAR!

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      America is embarrassing as hell today and I am an American! If I were not elderly, I'd move somewhere else.

      I especially have disliked how President Obama has been discredited without the Dems even standing up for him! This includes his VP, Joe Biden!

      President Obama has done an outstanding job in spite of the constant obstruction he's received since initially taking his first oath of office. McConnell was the immediate leader in being after him from the 'red' side. They did not want President Obama to be elected to a second term and were pissed when he won again!

      Republicans say they are listening to the 'American people' but they are so full of shit it's coming out their ears! They don't listen to anyone except themselves. Watch them on the news - they all use the same buzz words - cracks me up - they are so apparent and ridiculous to the 'American people'!

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Donal,I agree with you 100% . I volunteered today at a non-profit charity shop. The women who work there are all college educated and very Liberal. we all were appalled and disgusted by this election. If I could afford it I would move Out of this country. This once great country has been bought and paid for by The Kochs etc.We were especially pissed about the women who sat home and didn't vote. There is a war against women by the Repugnant Party and women didn't vote. My gender disgusts me. The sad thing is that those of us who voted have to live with the consequences.

  17. Anonymous6:50 AM

    My uncle, who was in the front lines on D-Day, (Canadian) fought with his infantry, one of the 5 sectors, divided on the Normandy beaches, fought alongside the Americans who were on Omaha Beach, with the British, French, all allied, coming together. We love our American neighbors, Canadian veterans have bonded with American veterans over the years, feel the pain when we hear the Right-Wing talk so disrespectfully about their President. It hurts the camaraderie, the good sentiments, when our veterans hear the nasty things Americans say about their own.

    I'm certain all U.S. veterans too, who have served nobly, feel that pain when they hear and see and read the hateful things said about their Commander-in-Chief.

  18. Boscoe7:50 AM

    If Canadians were as warm hearted and caring as they pretend to be, they'd invade us and take over for our own good. ;)

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    O/T but did you read this Jesse?

    An open letter to Ben Affleck


  20. Anonymous8:18 AM

    my family is staunch repugnant.I'm surrounded by them.brother in law part of Reagan's admin on thru Bush Jr.I watched my dad spoon fed Shit from fox news til the day he died.I contacted sister when Bush left.she said the country was. desrespectful towards Bush's exit.I told her the crowd was being kind.he should have been tarred and feathered.after 2 elections she contacted me again to do her victory dance.I told her its time for repugs to earn their keep.our president is a good president.elections are coming up.a lot more of the repugs are up for elections that r doomed to be voted out in '16.sent her gryphens article on bushjr....no response.go figure.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      If you want people to read what you right, put a fucking SPACE after each period. Gawd, what a mess!

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      sorry, that should be read what you WRITE !!

    3. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I read it without a problem.

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I read it just fine. And I agree, and sympathize 8:18

  21. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I completely agree with the sentiments of this letter. As an American, it is astounding how my fellow countrymen are blind to the ways of the GOP with their disrespect for President Obama and destroying America. President Obama has handled the GOP obstructionism as best as a person could in that position. The GOP is like a cancer in America, killing America for the benefit of the likes of the Koch Bros.

    1. America isn't for sale -- it's already been bought. Welcome to a post-democracatic America, non-voters!

      "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
      Edmund Burke

  22. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Dear Canada,

    Americans are basically racist. Any laudable thing a person of color accomplishes is immediately questioned, ignored, or appropriated. In the case of President Obama, his accomplishments are not attributed to him but will be appropriated by the right as time goes on. Notice that even members of his party won't defend all the good news. That's because racial politics governs everything in the USA. No white person can be seen supporting or even talking to a black person. Said contact is usually portrayed as gang initiation, which is what happened to the poor mayor of Minneapolis.

    Ours is a sick nation. Please don't get too close; our brand of racism is worse than any flu or even Ebola outbreak. In fact, a black murder victim must pass a litmus test: he must have at least a B/3.0 grade-point average, never have worn a hoodie, posted a selfie, or jaywalked before he can get even a modicum of sympathy or interest.

    Come to think of it President Obama is more Canadian than Ted Cruz, but I'm sure you guys don't want that native son back.

    1. I've been saying this all along -- "Just say no" to anything that n***ger wants has been standard operating procedure by the GOP since President Obama's inauguration.

      And last week, the racist half of America just gave the House & the Senate a mandate to continue hating and obstructing him.

      It didn't matter what the President did, his colour of skin made him Other, his existence not to be borne -- that he was voted into office twice just fueled their anger that a black person had risen "above his station." That the country is in much better shape now than under Bush just makes them even more angry.
      You cannot reason or win with them, only vote them out! (That is, if gerrymandering, voting machine fraud and voter suppression make that even possible any more...)

      "...with justice and liberty for all," my foot.

      Geesus, I am pissed at the stupid half of America and even more pissed at the other half who did fuck-all to prevent it -- including the Democrat candidates!!

    2. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Not half of America is stoopidly racist, but a good third certainly appears to be. Racism, America's birth defect (h/t Condoleezza Rice, 2008).


  23. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Anon at 9:17 has it about right, it's mostly a racism problem that has destroyed Obama's presidency. But besides that, Americans have a real problem with being brainwashed into waving their flags. They think they have to support the troops no matter what evil they are doing in some foreign land.

    But don't worry, Canadians are slowly getting into line with the program under the warmongering Harper fucking moron.
    luv from Canada.

  24. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    That's the most ironic thing I've read all day. Ironic, but so true. It's not just the Canadians, other world leaders see the great things he's accomplished on his own. RAI, the Italian Station, has nothing but high praise for the man, and they barely mention Burlosconi. Which is also ironic because Burlosconi owns the television and cable stations and a large percentage of the cell phone and data in Italy.

  25. Anonymous5:47 PM

    It is a pity that there are no longer investigative journalists instead of the entertainment reporters.
    Maybe if they dug a little, it may come to light that the last election was rigged. How is it possible that only one new democratic senator was elected? How did all those local and state republicans get elected, which will do more damage than Congress?
    Heck my state republican representative didn't even campaign and still won with over 60% of the votes, how did anyone even know he was on the ballot? ( I did because the idiot is a teabagger)

    By the way Canada, we won't send you Pres. Obama, you are stuck with Harper, but we will send back Ted Cruz.

  26. Anonymous4:28 AM

    We call them Rethuglicans for good reason.

  27. Anonymous11:44 AM

    hey 12:03. everyone has an asshole. does that mean you have to be one?? enough spaces for you now? grow up and learn how to spell.


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