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Ann Coulter showing off her Adam's apple. |
Ann Coulter appeared on “The Lars Larson Show” last week to discuss the discrepancies in Rolling Stone’s article on an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia, which Coulter called a “shocking fraud” that proves that “there is no rape crisis” on college campuses.
Coulter also suggested that rapes only occur in physically violent circumstances, like “being hit on the head with a brick,” and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to get attention.
“People know what a rape is, and to have girls trying to get attention from Lena Dunham to this poor psychotic at UVA, Lady Gaga claiming she was raped but she didn’t admit it to herself for five years. What major crime do people say, ‘I didn’t admit it to myself’?” she demanded.
The conservative commentator told Larson that growing concerns about how colleges are handling sexual assault incidents are “based on nothing” when there are only a “very few percentage of actual rapists” on campuses and those “are usually Clintons or Kennedys.”
You know it's one thing for Ann Coulter to say such vile things because clearly she used to be a man, but the fact is that many other female conservatives are nodding right along with her.
I have no idea how this became a partisan issue, since I have never heard of a rapist checking a victim's voter ID card, however it has become exactly that.
In the interview Coulter also claims not to know ANY victims of rape personally. A claim that I find almost impossible to fathom, as I can think of more than half a dozen friends of mine that were the victims of rape and I'm just a guy.
What a vile human being.
All the conservative women I know have long been rape deniers. They are strong proponents of the idea that if you get raped it is because of what you wear and where you go. They also believe that if a woman is beaten by her husband, she did something to deserve it. They are also in the tank for the priests who abuse children by believing the priests who say that the kids were the instigators and they claim abuse just to get money.
ReplyDeletehow Dare she! I was choked out and raped in 1972. I used to say I wouldn't wish this on Anybody...but now ive changed my mind. what's Wrong with these people!!!???!!!
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:29--- So was I, in 1974. I was 17. I was riding my bike back to college from my part-time job, wearing jeans, a sweater, tennis shoes, and no makeup.
DeleteIt was 3 in the afternoon, a semi-rural middle-class neighborhood (houses set way back from the road.)
A man stopped his car, got out, and started puzzling over a map. He asked if I could point out the next crossroad to him. My mistake was to oh-so-trustingly get within arm's length.
And yeah, I reported it, and yeah, it went to trial, and yeah, I got ALL of the usual victim-blaming from acquaintances, the college itself, and even my own family ("You must have done SOMETHING!")
He was convicted and got 5 years. Probably out in one or two, back on the road.
I hope Ann Coulter rots in hell.
Julie in Denver
She knows of what she speaks, because when she was in school she was never raped,...she was giving it away.
ReplyDeleteThere must have been very few takers. Even the homosexuals, who might mistake HER for a man, were ;ikely not attracted to HIM. Typical gop spokeswoman, vile, hateful, condescending and WRONG about almost everything. I wonder who buys her books, to get her on the bestseller lists? Surely no sane person wants anything written by this witch in their home. She must be $carah Payme's role model. If there two ever meet up, the building will go up in flames, smelling of sulphur.
DeleteYou are wrong, she didn't give anything away. She paid a pretty penny to get guys to pay attention to her.
DeleteShe even had to give out bonuses if they didn't run out screaming when she undressed.
My thought on Ann is that when she was a man, no one was interested so she had the operation.
DeleteNow the problem is, no one is interested.
It’s time to modernize our rape laws
Does she say shit like that just to get attention? It's been awhile since the wanna be woman has been in the news.
ReplyDeleteDon't even bother to be outraged. Just consider the source.
You're right - trolling is all she has ever done. Even her books are nothing but an expanded form of trolling. I thought people had wised up when she disappeared for a few years. WTF was I thinking.
DeleteOf course it's for attention.
DeleteWho the hell is Lars Larson?
Actually, have you ever noticed that conservatives ALWAYS gravitate to the ugliest possible point of view on EVERY topic?
DeleteIf the topic is rape: the victim provoked it or is lying. If it's the economic crash, blame the people who lost their homes. If a cop kills an unarmed guy, that guy had it coming and the cop is a hero. If it was a child, blame the parents. If a community protests, it's just a convenient excuse for looting. If a 2nd amendment fetishist goes berzerk and murders a room full of kids, it's the "liberal media's" fault.
It goes on and on.
Just more proof that conservative brain orientation is a mental illness. What else can you call a consistent and predictable obsessive attraction to the foulest, most amoral and publicly unacceptable point of view EVERY SINGLE TIME regardless of the topic? -and doing it PROUDLY and arrogantly as if it were a badge of honor?
Conservatives are sick, sick people.
Lars Larson is Portland Oregon's Rush Limbaugh.
DeleteMann Coultergeist is a loud mouthed fraud just trying to get attention. S/he is probably jealous of all those real women who are raped.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with Republicans and their names: Erik Erickson; Hugh Hewitt; Chris Christie; Lars Larson. I'm sure there are more. Use some imagination folks.
DeleteI just looked up the "used to be a man" piece on Wikipedia, and while I"m not going to look up any of their sources, they do seem to have a lot that indicate via birth records, etc, that she was born a female.
DeleteAbsolute shock!
DeleteAnn coulter is looking for attention
ReplyDeleteWhy do ALL conservative women post with evil-eyes looking at the sky and their arms open? Palin, Bachmann, UGLY-ass-witch-looking-man Coulter...Anyone else notice it?
ReplyDeleteIs that the fuck*n requirement for shit-spouting pretend-women. They also look like men; there's Coulter, Palin, Hazelback who just came back from plastic sugery while pretending she had a "cancer scare," the list goes on and on..
I wonder why they all have mean mouths. I don't mean the vile words coming out of them, I mean if I were their significant other I would never accept oral regardless of how sweetly they offered. Their smiles look like a damn bear trap. Like a grimace of pain. Like Bilbo Baggins's ring-lust face in LOTR.... Early on Palin just had that self-fawning:"oh my god, I'm so awesome." Which has now devolved into: "fuckin' love me, you fuckin' bitches!"
DeleteThis Coulter woman used to be a man for sure. Not only that, she looks like a man & a witch at the same time. My little girl asked me if she was a blond witch and said her eyes were scary.
ReplyDeleteafter being choked out and raped I was pregnant. i was sent to a mormon home in n Ogden Utah thru lds social services. the father was a bishop. he would try to back me into a corner putting his hands on me and try to kiss me.I got very upset. I complained to his wife. she said he had done that to all the girls they'd taken in. he was just Friendly. I reported him to lds social services. they rebuked him but wouldn't take me out of that home. the baby was adopted out/ sold.they make $$$ with those adoptions. I remained friends with the wife over the yrs. later she told me I was right.the man had a thing for young girls. she divorced him and he married an 18 yr old girl in the church.who knows how long he'd been grooming her.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear your story, and I completely believe you. I wish you all good things.
DeleteWhy would anyone confide in Ann Coulter on rape?
DeleteShe is disgusting. She was the one who berated the wives of the 9/11 husbands who died, where she found the wives exploitative and attention-seeking. AC must be related to SP. ACSP; sounds like a band.
ReplyDeleteI vaguely wonder what would happen if Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin got in a press conference together.... i can't think of two women more obsessed with making everything about themselves.
DeleteI don't find it hard to fathom that Ann doesn't know any rape victims. I mean, she probably does know some but she is unaware of them. No woman in her right or wrong mind would share such a confidence with that shrew.
ReplyDeleteShe is a vile, disgusting excuse for a human being - let alone a woman. I was in high school when I was raped. I was invited to a party by three guys I knew from school. Instead of going to a party we drove out to a field somewhere in the country and I was raped by one of them. Needless to say I was petrified. Would the other two rape me as well? Would they leave me there? Fortunately the answer to both questions was no, we just all got back in the car and drove back to town. This was back in 1979 and there wasn't a name for date rape or acquaintance rape. I knew the guy so it couldn't be rape, right? I willing got in a car with three guys so it couldn't be rape, right? I asked for it. I got what I deserved. It took me more than 25 years to remember the details and to call it what it was - rape. It wasn't my fault, it was rape. Just because I blanked it out of my memory for 25 years doesn't mean I wasn't raped. She is a troll. She is an attention whore. This is how she has chosen to make her living. She is a piece of shit.
ReplyDelete^ yes, THIS. I've heard this a lot lately, with all the Bill Cosby stuff. Decades ago there was no word or term for what happened to you or a lot of Cosby's victims. Even nowadays the term "rape" is not understood very well (especially by legal standards). Some laws describe it strictly as coitus, but what if the woman is not penetrated with the man's member? What if it's not her vagina that's penetrated? What if it's forced oral or digital penetration? The terror that is felt during those attacks are not minimized simply because the law says "well, that's not rape, that's sexual assault, or molestation, or criminal mischief, or just a misunderstanding." You don't feel any cleaner afterward.
DeleteSo sure, Ann. I can believe that in your eyes, you don't know any "real" rape victims. In your eyes, I'm sure I'm not either. Personally, I don't care. I can cope and move on from what happened to me, but judging from the near-constant stream of purposeless inflammatory remarks that you vomit out regularly.... there's stuff that you have never been able to move on from. Maybe try looking past the bridge of your own nose for once.
I am so VERY sorry for both of you, my heart goes out to you. I have an aunt who was raped, and it is obvious this bitch yet again knows not of what she spews.
DeleteIn Sarah's latest Amazing America promo i believe she is portraying a truck stop hooker, maybe Ann Coulter should address this issue.
Push out your big boobs, hike a leg high, pile on the hair and makeup, stick out your thumb on the side of the road...yeah, Ann Coulter would say Sarah's asking for it if she were a liberal.
DeleteMaybe we could get her a date with Bill Cosby.
ReplyDelete"In the interview Coulter also claims not to know ANY victims of rape personally. "
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is that if you know 20 or so 8 year old girls, the chances are very good at least one has been raped.
Par for the Coulter course. Such a diseased troll.
ReplyDeleteHey Annie, grow a soul.
Yes, I was vying for attention when I got raped you ugly hag. She is a vile, revolting, wretched human being, the female version of Rush Limbaugh. Go suck a rock bitch.
ReplyDeleteI'll heartily agree with the 'vile' part of your last sentence.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the jury's still out on the 'human being' designation.
She looks like a melting candle.
DeleteGood press for her new book out just in time for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteDid Coulter qualify her comments with "Except for Bill Cosby, because, you know, BLACK."?
ReplyDeleteAnn Coulter is just a bigoted filthy slag.
ReplyDeleteI realize that Bill Maher is not the most attractive guy on the planet but to stoop to dating this subhuman piece of shit is just beyond me. Basically he says they are "Friends with Benefits", for the life of me I can't see what sort of benefit one could obtain by being in close proximity to this witch.
ReplyDeleteNFW! Mahar dated this wich? NO Fu*ken WAY!
DeleteBill is totally liberal and non-religeous and way to the left...besides, he's my boyfriend .
It's good we see we've gotten to the point that the leftards now believe every charge of rape which has been made against Bill Clinton. Or, that isn't the point here?
ReplyDeleteHaha I love seeing the knots wretched leftists obliviously twist themselves in to.
uhhh... i believe clinton didn't rape children nor do they believe 12 or 13 is the perfect age for marriage, as the duck guy and nugent. a couple of CHOMOS
DeleteDo tell? I have never heard of him raping anyone. Rape and infidelity are two different things. You must be a right extremist whom you claim to loathe.
DeleteYeah, because it is so much more acceptable that Clinton raped adult females. Or, are leftards going to fall back upon, "Yeah, it's true, sometimes women do lie about rape afterall?" as they try to defend their precious Billy?
DeleteAs I said, I love watching hypocrtical leftists rationalize when their own behave badly. :)
To the uninformed & hypocritical Anonymous@3:50: Look up "Juanita Broaddrick" why don't you, or look into why he left Oxford with no degree. And how about we discuss Billy standing by as his underlings defamed Monica Lewisnki before she produced that blue dress?
DeleteFace the truth: leftards have made excuses for Clinton's serial abuse of women, but haven't done the same for Bill Cosby. Hmmm, I think I sense some racism going with you leftists! :)
1:37 PM Why do you hate your parents so much? Were you molested as a child? Did Creepy Chuck Sr. sample you also?
DeleteNo one here defends Polanski. And as for President Clinton, were you there? Was he arrested for rape? No. He was not.
DeleteThe man has contributed more to society than any Republican since Lincoln.
Looks like she swallowed a dildo.
DeleteAnd it's lodged in her throat.
DeleteOh she thinks every female is in drag like her and is like a man. There are many young women who haven't a clue and are timid, shy, and introverted who have no man behaviors. I guess she is lucky to be man like.
ReplyDeleteALL conservatives deny rape exists. Especially the ministers & pastors. When I was 10 the pastor of an evangelican church got me in his van to "take me to church" and tried to rape me. I was lucky his daughter showed up. The same man is now one of those mega church millioners who blames the victim. Just like Coulter is doing. SHAME ON HER!
ReplyDeleteWhy would you protect his name? Shout it from the rooftops, and shame on him. Bastard.
DeleteI was raped at the age of 16 and i didn't ask for it, Coulter. How dare you. How dare you stand there with your ugly man-look and use rape to get attention. You and Palin are of the same fold.
ReplyDeleteYou're exactly right. She says cruel, shocking things because she craves attention. She was the child nobody would play with or invite to birthday parties, so she learned to spread hate and discontent to get the attention she so desperately needs.
DeleteAnn Coulter was born a hermaphrodite and her parents obviously chose the wrong sex.
ReplyDeleteI think women who say "Women who say they've been raped are just looking for attention" are looking for attention.
ReplyDeleteAnn Coulter is a death eater. She has no soul and seeks others to destroy.
ReplyDeleteShe/he's one of those who asks the victim what they were wearing, the irony of which flies over it's bottle blonde hair. Got something important to say? Wear a slinky black dress, use sheet or two of duct tape, suck up your testicles and tug on your hemline.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about many victims of rape willing to re-live the crime among people they don't know, and I highly doubt she \ he has many female friends, if any at all.
I wonder if she's been genetically tested? I thought mules couldn't reproduce, but obviously I was mistaken or found an exception.
Please no one take her seriously anymore. She doesn't believe half the things she says.She just has to keep saying the most inflammatory things she can to continue making money. It's just gotten to the point of silliness now.