Friday, December 12, 2014

Bringing everybody up to speed.

I have often in my life felt unsure of myself. Especially when I took on a new job or task that was outside of my comfort zone or required a skill set that I was not sure I possessed.

I can remember starting jobs and worrying that my employers would soon discover I was a fraud and that I could not accomplish what was being asked of me.

In all of those cases I did in fact manage to rise to the challenge despite my misgivings or insecurities. And in fact often the jobs evolved to fit my personality so well that finding a replacement for me when I left was a real challenge.

When I started The Immoral Minority I felt much the same way. After all who cared what some dude in Alaska thought about politics, religion, and world affairs? But then I discovered that quite a lot of people did.

And when this job evolved into one that required actual reporting, and conducting interviews, all of those insecurities came right back.

In many ways I lack the essential component that makes a good reporter. I am not all that nosy.

Part of that is undoubtedly from living in Alaska where we tend to have a live and let live philosophy, and part of it is that I am kind of shy and not very aggressive when it comes to talking to people I don't know.

However I have discovered that I am in somewhat of a unique position so I have attempted to put my insecurities and self doubts aside in the interest of getting the story.

All of the above may seem a little off topic, but in fact it is background to help explain why I have not posted the stories that I talked about starting way back in September.

You see at that time I was quite confident that we would be getting all of the information out before Halloween. And besides that I was pretty sure that Korey Klingenmeyer was about to press charges.

Obviously things did not work out quite that way.

To be honest I don't know what happened with Klingenmeyer, but I can explain what happened with my source and the story we were working on.

Essentially I lost contact with her.

The first thing that happened was that work responsibilities for both of us kept making it hard to get together, and then she had a training to attend out of state, and then, to be honest, I simply lost track of her.

Suddenly my e-mails and text messages were not being returned, and phone calls went to voice mail. This started at the end of October, and I did not hear from her again until the beginning of this month and only had a real conversation with her just last night.

Right up until last night I was beginning to worry that I had been left hanging. (Something which has happened more than once in my blogging career.) And due to my reticence to badger this person or pursue her more aggressively, as a trained journalist might do, I sort of let things slide.

Ultimately I came to believe that I had somehow blown it and that I might not get the really gritty stuff that I had been promised.

In response I started to construct a post of the information that she had already shared with me over lunch that day at The Outback, and in text messages and e-mails afterward.

So I wrote up most of that, picking through it carefully so that it would not reveal her identity (The one journalistic trait that IS firmly part of my DNA is that I NEVER burn a source.), only to realize that there was no way to trim it down to the point where the Palins themselves would not be able to figure out who I must be talking to. Or at least narrow it down to a handful of suspects.

So I decided that I simply could not write the post without letting her know that she might be outed, even if I didn't mention her by name.

After I sent that e-mail I received this one back in response:

Not opposed at all to working with you- just got busy it's the crazy time of year for me! What do you need? I'm Not focused on them right now- work has my undivided attention.

After that we had several e-mail conversations back and forth, and last night we talked on the phone for forty plus minutes where she assured me that she is still gung-ho to get her story out there and is also committed to coming out publicly so that the Palins cannot simply dismiss it as based on anonymous sources. (Which by the way is great news, as she was not sure about that earlier.)

There is one hitch however, and that is that though she is determined to reveal her identity, she wants to wait until after a certain legal issue has been sorted out.

She also explained some of the things that she has been dealing with and by comparison the blog post is simply not as important as the other real life things that she currently has on her plate. (As it turned out I was only one of several people who she was not responding to while dealing with her difficulties.)

So what we agreed to is for me to go ahead and publish that post that I was working on before (The one with the information from our previous conversations.), and keep her identity secret enough so that Palin supporters cannot track her down and start harassing her (Though as I said the Palins will still likely have a pretty fair idea who is talking to me.), and then continue to post new information based on conversations we will have moving forward, as well as photos and documents that she will share, until finally she is in a place where she feels comfortable in stepping completely out of the shadows.

That first post, as somebody already guessed earlier, will show up Monday.

And what can you expect from that post, and the ones that will follow?

Drinking, drug use, family fights, dark secrets, and "I don't know whose baby that is, but it is NOT Sarah's."


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thank you. Well said. Big stories are made for Monday's. Can you guess-timate what time Monday ? Alaska is what - 4 or 5 hours behind East Coast time ? Just an approximation, if you can.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Hey Sarah Merry Xmas!!!

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hang in there! We are patient and committed to the truth!

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I don't know why it matters so much to me, that Sarah Palin finally gets exposed for the lying sham that she really is. I guess it's because she has hurt this country in ways that I never imagined. At least never imagined could happen so fast. I still have conservative friends that defend her intelligence, ethics, political capabilities, and family values. I hope you are the one who finally blows the wig off Sarah Palin's sainted brow. You've earned it, and I've enjoyed taking the ride with you. Good luck, and stay safe!

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Because you care about justice!

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      For me it's that I can't let smary-assedness go unchecked.

      Plus the need to have people know I was right, she faked a pregnancy for political gain.

  4. About the only thing in that post that means anything is where you admit you're a fraud. You're every bit as narcissistic and FOS as Sarah Palin is. Your blog hits must be down and you're afraid of loosing your last few hangers on, just like Palin. I think you might have a little Pentocostal preacher in you too, they keep preaching Jesus will be back soon, and you keep posting you will have something important soon. Neither one is going to happen.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      DGM Don't Get Mad When the truth finally slaps you in your face, you will sing a different tune.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Oh stuff it, DGM. Do you pay anything to read here? Are you forced to waste time reading Gryphen's posts?

      Of course not. Then shut up and enjoy. Or go home.


    3. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Go eat a hot bowl of dick.

    4. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Oh go blow.

      Monday is two days away. Adults can wait that long.

    5. Damn, those are some extremely intelligent replies. I'm thinking 5:15 and 5:19 are probably 12 or 13 years old by the responses they gave.

    6. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Hi DGM,
      As a high school English teacher for the past 20+ years, I have learned to pick up the signs of an uneducated writer. I will ignore the run-on sentence and chalk that up to speed and carelessness. But...writing loosing instead of losing is always the mark of an idiot.

    7. Anonymous5:59 PM

      So you admit Sarah Palin is a POS.

    8. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Probably Piper!

    9. Anonymous7:02 PM

      wishful thinking on your part dgm. why would you come here just to attack the author? oh, because you are a palin or a palin sycophant. okay then, you released some of your vitriol so you can move along and gloat now at the c4p palin cult site.

      btw-it is spelled 'losing' not "loosing" in case you have any intellectual curiosity.

    10. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You're welcome to fuck off anytime you'd like "DGM." Nobody is holding a gun to your head, making you read or comment on this blog.

    11. Anonymous8:01 PM

      The palin's are not worth this level of obsession

    12. Anonymous8:41 PM

      No they aren't 8:01 PM, but when $arah hopped on the Koch brothers' cock, we had to.

    13. Anonymous8:52 PM


      Dad Gum Moron

    14. Mollie9:04 PM

      "...your last few hangers on..." I'm still here. Been here from the beginning. #1

  5. Olivia4:50 PM

    Great work and I wish you both good luck with this! Thanks for your bravery and persistence.

  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    OK. sounds wonderful!
    Damn that i have to work long days mon-tues-wed and may miss out some on the fun!!
    Best part for me "I don't know who the baby belongs to but it is not Sarah.
    Well ,we ALL know that. What we need is someone up there to keep saying it loudly, clearly and show the evidence - cause we all know it exists.

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I know I am not alone in saying this:

    We log on EVERY morning, looking for the story that will bring her down. 4:43 has put it very eloquently.

    But also too, we hold you in great affection and esteem...and trust that you will tell The Tale When The Time Is Right.

    Be safe this weekend and always!


    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I do that, too, Aurora! Every morning, and several more times throughout each and every day, I check in here to see if the ax has fallen yet. Because it just has to! IM is actually my first and my last click, come to think of it!

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Me too, 6:04!

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      So Anonymous4:55 PM, and 6:04 , You;re saying I'm not the only one? Well at least I'm in good company :)

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    G, thanks for all you do

  9. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Happy Holiday G, Thanks for all you do!

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Ditto to the above, Thank YOU G!!!

  10. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Lots of can throwing at the Palin household tonight! heehee

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Lol. They don't give a shit about blogging losers. They am hve nice positvr productive lives. It is Christmas time

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      They am hve nice positvr productive lives.

      okaaaaaaay, which ever Palin you are, maybe you should put the drink down before you start a Brawl.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      5:18 - Is English your second language?

    4. Anonymous6:33 PM

      "They am hve nice positvr productive lives"

      I have nothing against people using a little weed or alcohol to relax, but damn, you need to dial it back.

    5. Anonymous6:39 PM

      5:18 PM Are you displaying your drunken typing again? You don't personally know any of the Palins, so stop with your Lies, Troll.

    6. Anonymous7:21 PM

      always hugely gratifying to see how close we are to truth! this being evidenced by the panic in the troll comments. let the good times roll!!

    7. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Trig is the most loved kid on earth with the most loving family. Every time they post pics ppl say I love how your family loves him
      REALLY? Why name him after his condition Trisomy-G?
      How come they don't get him the therapy to even EAT real food?
      Fuck off troll!

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I guess the drugs, family fights and secrets aren’t that surprising. I just want to know who gave birth to that poor little boy?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Lol. So gryphen is saying that there's nothing that every human on earth hasn't seen in their own families. Damn gryphen. Way to let me down

      And there is no poor little boy. Trig is the most loved kid on earth with the most loving family. Every time they post pics ppl say I love how your family loves him

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      5:17 PM
      I don't believe that "every human on earth" has seen a family member indulging in drugs, excessive drinking, family fights, a fake pregnancy, etc., etc., all wrapped up in a candidate for Vice President of the United States, Sarah already holds a unique position in the history of the USA -- gawd forbid we ever have another "politician" like her with her trashy, ill-mannered, vulgar, uneducated and stupid family.

      Tri-G is NOT the most loved kid on earth if Sarah and her family are his real family. I have long thought that "Tri-G" is one of two or three DS rent-a-kids who "work" only when it's profitable for Sarah to trot him out. If that's the case, then hopefully each and every "Tri-G" quickly returns to a happier, healthier family.

      I've seen many, many dogs that are treated with more kindness and caring that Sarah shows towards Tri-G.

      Try again, Troll-y.

    3. Anonymous5:39 PM

      5:17: If they loved him, they would be taking care of his BASIC NEEDS! By Sarah's own admission, he can't even eat a f***ing Cheerio, for God's sake, because they did not provide him therapy in the very critical earliest years of his life. Not to mention the fact that he rarely wears his glasses, is never seen with hearing aids, and is allowed to fall asleep in the truck and is LEFT there! Good thing for the Palins he doesn't talk yet, or he'd be talking just like them.

    4. Anonymous5:54 PM

      5:17 - I'm so glad I don't know the humans you know.

    5. Anonymous6:49 PM

      5:17 I guess putting Trig in a choke hold and keeping a death grip on his arm is how Sarah shows how much she loves him in that horrible Thanksgiving video.

      If he was the most loved kid, he would have received therapy from birth instead of being dragged to work at 3 days old and on the campaign trail. He'd be able to eat solid foods, use the bathroom and talk more. Loving your child is not limiting their capacity to reach their full potential.

    6. Anonymous7:01 PM

      6:49 That is how Sarah keeps Trig from slapping her.

    7. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Poor Trig, he will never even know what day it is much less who his mother is.

  12. I don't remember how I found your site, but I come here everyday now and refer friends to it often...You have a relatively new fan here, just wanted you to know...great writing, keep up the good work!

  13. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Nice heads up for the Palins.... 10 bucks says your "source" will magically change their minds this weekend.

  14. Anonymous5:11 PM

    5:08 PM Make it 200 bucks, clown.

  15. Anonymous5:12 PM

    If I had the money, I'd set up a legal defence fund for you myself. Keep at it, G!

  16. Anonymous5:14 PM

    as always, we await the next exciting installment. go at your own pace as i dare say no pace could be fast enough (smile).

  17. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Damn I thought you had something that isn't in every other family on earth

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Really? I've got 5 siblings, 3 kids, 2 grandkids, 18 nieces and nephews plus their dozen or so kids- and no drunks, druggies or brawlers among them. Some spats and a divorce or two, but nothing the police were ever called for or even remotely "dark". Also...A few PhDs, many masters degrees, and every kid of college age has gone to college (and so far have graduated). What kind of trailer park families are you talking about? BTW, I'm just an ordinary middle class woman in small town American, not in any way exceptional or elite.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      No one in my huge family is involved in any of that. You are seriously out of touch.

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Maybe in YOUR family, but not in mine.

    4. Anonymous8:50 PM

      I think 5:08 has a point. Why say anything until Monday? Why divulge the gender of the mole? I love your blog, G, but some things don't compute.

      PS - not a troll, folks. Been reading--and contributing $$--since 2008.

  18. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OK, so you are just one day late in giving me the BEST birthday present of my entire adult life! (The Easy-Bake Oven is still #1!) Great news - great job - great blogger!!!

    Oh $arah, what do you think of this wonderful news? Someone that you do NOT own is willing to talk. Someone who sounds like they know the real you. Just think of all the fun you will be having while trying to figure out who is talking. I can't wait to see the next picture of your poor refrigerator. There were two big dents at last count.

    Oh, and for the troll who will be popping veins at this news, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    1. Happy Birthday, JJ. Mine is Sunday too. 🎂

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Yeah - hope it's a happy one, also too, you betcha!


    3. hedgewytch8:05 PM

      It will be a belated present for us, my B-day is Sunday as well!

  19. Anonymous5:18 PM

    G -
    Best wishes as always.
    You and Malia are my favorite blogs. Do not not know how you keep doing the "good fight" each and every single day - but you do. My sincere thanks.
    Sarah, her family and minions have done damage to our country that continues to amaze me.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Lol. You're saying they affect the country. When there are people who have no idea how many kids she has or even her husbands name

      Do you actually leave the house ? Probably not. No one thinks of them

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      5:41 PM Your Trolling ass is typing like a feverish nutjob, the truth will set you free. Get ready for a bombshell, your trolling days are coming to an end.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Learn to write 5:41. You make NO sense.
      Inbred illiterate hillbilly!!!!!

    4. Yes, 5:41, Sarah Palin has done damage to our country. And there is nothing LOL about the suffering she has caused.

      Just some of her damage:

      Christina Taylor-Green and the five others killed at Tucson.
      Gabby Giffords and the twelve others injured at Tucson.
      The Lower Kuskokwim Natives who starved and froze because of Palin's negligent management of the salmon fisheries and failure to respond to a crisis.
      The 200+ disabled and elderly who died for lack of home health care because of Palin's negligent administration of Alaska's home health services.
      An increase in expressed racism, threats against the President and racist fueled violence because of Palin's demagoguery.
      A young man sent to prison (aided by the perjury of the Palin witnesses) for guessing the password of Palin's private email account, with which she illegally conducted state business.
      The appointment of grossly unqualified people to positions of government responsibility in Alaska.
      Eroding the rule of law by ignoring subpoenas to testify.
      Weakening representational government by installing her spouse as shadow governor, with no transparency and no accountability.
      Covering up for the crimes of her children and depriving their victims of justice.
      Delaying health care for millions because of the false allegation of "death panels."

    5. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Is that you, Alicia? When do you ever leave your parents' house?

    6. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Thank you Liz I @ 7:00.

      Excellent post. I am disgusted by the dumbing down of political debate in this country, fueled in no small part by the likes of Sarah Palin.

  20. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I see a hundred facebook posts coming up saying leave y friends alone coming up.

  21. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I though you had info new to humanity. None of that shit is new as far as people go. Now you're just bullying and probably dwelling on pointless shit from eons ago

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      "New to humanity?!"

      Who speaks like that?

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      OMG !!!!!! Bad grammar, syntax and spelling. Go back to school!!!

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Or as Sarah says, ions ago. Lol

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Someone who is on medication and drinking and slowly getting more and more wasted.

  22. Anon 5:08:

    I'm in for $10 to G if he delivers, how 'bout you?

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Sounds like a plan.

  23. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Dude. The girl from Juneau who went apeshit on liars a month ago is gonna post that again. This girl basically lived In the mansion,stayed at their wasilla and az house and considers them family since 06. She one who has see and been around trig since birth. Sarah's named her in a post

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Track? Willow? Bristol?

      Sounds like one of you, with your unique take on the English language.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      @5:24 PM 'Dude' are you still in Middle School? You are fishing for information about the source, and it will cause you to lose sleep. BWAHAHAHAHAHA...

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Huh????! Bwhahahahaha!!
      Alaska sure has a terrible education system!!

  24. Anonymous5:25 PM

    G, the reason your work is so important is because SP has made racist and violent rhetoric against our President an acceptable part of political discourse. I welcome your role in exposing her for the fraud she is. Good work! Have a great weekend.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Omg. Saying someone is racist when constructively criticizing the president is like saying ppl hate all texans


    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      No @5:40. Sarah is a racist.

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM


      Parroting lies culled from the right wing echo chamber is not constructive criticism. Also, anon @5:55 is right.

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      5:40 PM You are the Psycho and everyone here knows it. The only use that Sarah Palin had for Black men was sex, but she is no longer desirable.

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM


      Thanks for signing your post.


    6. Anonymous6:43 PM

      OMG 5:40. You are fucking stupid!! Were your parents cousins?

    7. Anonymous6:57 PM

      yes because racists have good friends who aredifferent races from their own. Her friends have good friends who aren't white and it's no big deal. WHy? because she's color blind

    8. Anonymous7:28 PM

      6:34 baawaaahhh!!! :)

  25. Krbmjb055:26 PM

    Great post. This is all understanding and sometimes LIFE gets in the way. I appreciate both you and your source staying true to your word. I feel the same way. Reporters are like sales people in a way, sometimes having to push and put people into uncomfortable situations in order to get information. But I am just like you, so I completely understand why you didn't harass your source. I'm sure he/she appreciates that as well!

  26. I wish the post could have been tonight. Would have made my weekend and I need that. I will check in Monday. Namaste.

  27. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Like 2years ago maybe I remember girls named cassi and troiane saying losers who sell stories get thrown to the birds. It was after some guy sold some lies to some stupider rag and everyone outcast. Even ppl who didn't know the family.

    I have screen shots of convos talking about ppl who've gotten left for the birds

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM


    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      You really can't handle words with more than two syllables, can you?
      Sorry: two syllas.

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM

      5:36/5:39 Typing while drunk makes you look even more stupid than you are. You and your juvenile 'convos' are for the birds.

    4. Anonymous6:43 PM

      You are insane and stupid as hell.

    5. Anonymous6:49 PM


    6. Anonymous7:23 PM

      What the...?

      Are you dropping names we are supposed to know? What birds? Yeesh, you are on a bender tonight, aren't you?

    7. Anonymous7:25 PM

      OMG, speaking of birds, vultures can descend on this one. hahahahaha

    8. Anonymous7:28 PM

      With names like Cassi and Troiane they sure sound like nice chicks, the kind that have tattoos and spin around metal poles for money!

    9. Anonymous7:31 PM

      5:36 what kind of birds are you rambling on about? leaving people for the birds? are you crazy or drunk or both? c'mon if you are trying to threaten gryphen or his source you may have to do better than "leaving them for the birds".........crazy whack job sarah palin!! you really have no idea how to speak intelligently do you?

    10. Cracklin Charlie9:30 PM

      Are you seeing birds coming at you?

      Someone might wanna put on a pot of coffee.

      Really strong coffee.

  28. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I kind of still wanna know your source who said back in 2010 that bristolpalin wedding invitations went out. After the break up. Or the person who lied abt tr morlock party and who threw it ( 3 guys).

    There are examples of bad liars. Like the stupid person who swore trig lived In Cali.

    Dude. This family has friends over constantly. Trig lives at home. Ppl call Sarah mom 2

    1. Olivia5:53 PM

      Who fucking cares?

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      "Ppl call Sarah mom 2" That's it! You answered your own question. So who's on first?

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      To wit, nobody in California says Cali. Nobody. The name of the state has five, count 'em, five syllables.
      Work on it; maybe you'll get it in time.

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      5:39 PM Are you nervous, Troll? Why do you want to know the source, so that you can make threats? Get lost, Fool.

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Oh wow.
      So you are obsessing about a "source" from 4 years ago, so that you can add it to the excruciating minutiae you have gleaned about the Palins from other people's Facebook pages.

      I usually ignore your posts as I truly wish that you would seek the help that you need, but I'm only human.

    6. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Get an education. You are only embarrassing yourself.
      You sure seem desperate. Your posts make no sense

    7. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Dude, you are a fucking moron. Retarded???

    8. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I wish many of you would seek help

    9. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Wow, THERE'S an intelligent rebuttal! LMAO!

    10. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Looks like someone is trying to post, unsuccessfully, on their smartphone. The phone might be smart but the operator is obviously a moron.

    11. Anonymous7:33 PM

      awww sarah is typing away while high again. fish much on blogs skank? maybe you and your pimp husband can threaten a lot of people but not all the people so get ready for a whole lot of hurtin monday.

    12. Anonymous7:46 PM

      At least from my browser, CAPCHA has disappeared for this post. And at least from my smart phone, CAPCHA made it impossible to post IM replies. So maybe, for the first time in a long time, our little troll friend is able to share its wit and wisdom, unfettered.

    13. Anonymous8:56 PM

      So what Trig lives at home, the point is how much time has Sarah invested in him. Who cares for him? This kid can't even eat solid foods. Did you see something the rest of us has not like Sarah speaking on behalf of down syndrome kids? or maybe giving her time and or money to the cause?

      Shut up! your heroes feet are made of clay.

  29. Anonymous5:41 PM

    'Drinking, drug use, family fights, dark secrets, and "I don't know whose baby that is, but it is NOT Sarah's."'

    With that family, any one of those subjects can be a post on its own. Maybe you should consider it.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Big difference troll, the Palins preach family values yet do the opposite.

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      No they don't. They have NEVER acted like they are perfect. That is YOUR creation. smh

    3. Anonymous7:58 PM

      This is the second time I've had to worry about SPHASH's reading comprehension. Maybe she needs glasses.

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      WELL, 6:56 PM, for everything your self-proclaimed Queen Esther projects on others can be put right back at her. She is nothing BUT projection. Love her pointy fingers when she does that, I laugh my ass off.

    5. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Awww, 7:58 PM, are your wittle feewings hurt because SPHASH had your number a long time ago and strikes you from her blog? Let me get you a Tawd-used washcloth to wipe your tears.

    6. Anonymous8:55 PM

      6:56 PM Nobody wants to see you S hake M y H iny. You are on one today and all night. You will not sleep tonight, you are an obsessed Palin Stalker. Give your grubby fingers a rest and go have fun with your Todd Palin 2 toned Dildo.

  30. Olivia5:42 PM

    Awww, Gryphen, you have really shook up some poor, anonymous, spelling and grammar challenged troll with your little bit of news. That's how we know somebody is a bit nervous about your source and your info. Troll is trying to type and text so fast that they can't get the words right. Even if your source falters, seeing the pathetic troll in a tizzy is worth it.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      The troll truly is illiterate. If it's not Alicia from Florida, it's one of the Palin girls or cousins.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      No, I think it IS Alicia from Florida, on a serious bender. It's the same ridiculous shit she usually posts, but with more craziness and slurring.

  31. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I don't care What you write Monday. That you have stayed true to this for all these long, horrid years is enough for me.

    Sometimes just keeping the lies from getting out of control is enough and you have, at the very least, kept $carah from keeping any/all negative comments about her off the radar.

    You have done some great work and I appreciate your blog not only for the $carah stories but for all the other ones also, too.

    Happy Holidays.
    Don't stop being you.

  32. Anonymous5:54 PM

    The troll sounds like an uneducated juvenile. It's agitated.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Yes, it does sound like $arah.


    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Yeah you do anon 554

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Sarah or her Mini-Me.

    4. Anonymous7:16 PM

      The trolls here are ALL un-"edumicated." It's fun to watch them post. Whether it's family, fan base, paid, you just have to LAUGH. The "savior" of the country backed by unschooled idiots.

  33. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Gryphen, since Palin & her flying monkeys will likely be trying to figure out your source, do you feel confident that she will come forward anyway?

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      So, liberals can bully all they want, and lie.

      That's not hypocritical at all.

      I mean, it is a blatant lie for a blogger to write "so and so doesn't have a job" when they have had one for years

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Renting your name and your house to your mother is not a job.

      The only Palin to have held down a job in the past six years is Britta, the temporary Palin in name only..

    3. Grrrr !8:26 PM

      @Anonymous 6:54 PM

      It's "a blatant lie" for Sarah Palin to claim her PAC's purpose is helping to elect Tea Party candidates when its FCC disclosure forms prove otherwise.

      It's "a blatant lie" for Sarah Palin to pretend she's considering running for President when she's really only trying to bilk more donations to her PAC.

      It's "a blatant lie" to claim Todd Palin wasn't involved in a prostitution ring.

      It's "a blatant lie" for Sarah to portray her family as 'role models' and 'super-achievers' when there's such a mountain of proof they're all nothing but cheap, sleazy trailer trash.

      In fact, it would be "a blatant lie" to claim Sarah Palin has proposed even ONE SINGLE intelligent, fully thought-out, proven-effective solution to any of America's problems ...

      One thing that's NOT a lie (blatant or otherwise) is that the number of troll comments here -- like yours -- is an excellent gauge of just how accurate a Palin story is -- and since y'all have simply gone NUTS about this one, I can't WAIT until Monday!

      In fact, you might want to rest up over the weekend so you'll have the strength to post over and over again what bullies and liars we all are and how exquisitely wonderful it is to be a Palin, etc. etc.

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Nice post Grrrr !8:26 PM!

  34. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Gryphen, I don't know how you do what you do, because this is only a sideline for you. I read this blog multiple times a day, a habit I formed in 2008. You give us quality posts throughout the day, every single day of the week. Yours is the only blog I read daily, without fail, and I need to donate a little $ to your cause because the fall of Sarah Palin is so important for the tone of political discourse in our country. When that happens, we need to nominate you for one of those Presidential Medals of Honor. That is truly how important this mission is.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      I agree with everything you said.

      And thanks Gryphen, I have so much respect for you.

  35. Anonymous5:58 PM

    G -

    As you expected - a lot of trolls are creeping out from under the bridge. This should be an interesting night. See you on Monday. As always - best wishes and stay safe.

    Pat Padrnos

  36. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. I understand some of your concern due to work. I'm constantly writing things up, sending them past a few departments, only to get kicked in the teeth with the legal department.
    I've said it before, and it bears repeating. I trust your blog posts, how you treat your sources and your integrity. What amazes me is that you do it all on your own.
    It's easy for us on this end to get grumpy, impatient and even cynical, but that's on them. Thanks for the update and all you do.

  37. Thanks for your honesty Jesse. When I read your commentaries daily, I feel like you are speaking directly to me.
    Years have gone by for many bloggers trying to uncover whatever it is the Palins are hiding...are they aliens, are they crooks, etc. Please open the doors so Sarah can walk thru for her new betcha!

    I personally cannot figure out why she continually embarrasses herself and family of womenfolk out here in the world. Bring it on........

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      HUH? who embarrasses who? Nobodies been embarrassed. Are you imagining things again?

      No ones unhappy

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM


      Stop embarrassing yourself with your elementary level spelling and grammar!

  38. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Gryph? I found you six years ago, and I was the one that posted awhile ago about going back through your archives and reading what you wrote before the likes of the Wasilla Wendigo. You're a good man, honest and integrity driven. Even if I'm not an atheist, you rock.

    You were made fun of on the European blog today, "oooh, Gryph has some news!" Forget them, I'd rather follow you and Malia any day.

    We ALL know what happened at the brawl, forget the trolls, forget those who demean you. We know what a lying, grifting, sack of shit the Palins are. That you are constantly bombarded with it is because you're RIGHT and they know it. Not rocket science.

    That stupid bitch and those who support her will stop at nothing. Behind you 100%, you and Zaki be safe. Malia, too.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Actually, you know nothing of what actually happened at the brawl. People think it had to do with an ex bf. LOL Bunk

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      That blog is like the day room of a senior assistive living center.

    3. Anonymous7:04 PM

      No it didn't. How DUMB do you think I am? Keep trying.

    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Gryphen and Malia are my go-to blogs as well.

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM


      As far as I know the brawl happened merely from the entire family being drunk and pugilistic. They went after anyone that looked at them the wrong way or "pushed" them as Willow claimed that someone did to her. They were drunk and ready for a fight is what the majority of the people at the party said and no one really had to do anything to them because Palin's were there to kick ass, as Track famously said. They like to get drunk and fight, it's the "valley way". They are awful people.

    6. Anonymous7:36 PM

      And 6:58 PM, your 83 IQed queen who never graduated from the University of Idaho, never birthed Trig, showed Katie Couric and the world what an absolute imbecile she is, is just pissed as HELL that she didn't get away with it, isn't she?

      Sit on it and twirl.

    7. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Why are you lying about someone's college grad? That is pointless and just victimizes further

    8. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Anonymous6:52 PM

      Actually, you know nothing of what actually happened at the brawl. People think it had to do with an ex bf. LOL Bunk
      Actually THIS is what happened THONGHAZI!

    9. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Do tell us 6:52 what actually happened at the brawl? Your words you actually referred to it as a brawl, so you are not denying that a brawl took place.Tell us about how people with class would handle it.

      Tell us how a Mother with any brains at all would let her drunk kids get into this situation or is that the norm for an EX Vice President candidate to handle a "situation" really? do tell and while your at it give me a justifiable response to this behavior of your Saint Sarah's kids and why they could not just leave and rise above, you know like someone who taught their kids class and self worth.

    10. Anonymous8:45 PM

      7:57 PM

      Sarah Palin NEVER graduated from the University Of Idaho. Want proof?

    11. Anonymous8:59 PM

      THIS is what happened at the brawl and he lost his job for saying so. Go eff yourselves Palins and those who lie and cover for your disgusting selves.

  39. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Really random, but does anyone know if it was mentioned what summer Ben Barber stayed with Track at his house when [ben's] a parents were out of town?

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      No one cares. Only obsessive silk stalkers like yourself do. Get help for God's sake.

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Not really random because Ben Barber is the guy that Bristol was living with in May of 2010 before she went on DWTS while pregnant so yeah, I guess Ben does want to come around every now and then since he has (had) a kid with Bristol.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Weird since he's always had an apartment that he moved into in 2009. She got her condo in 2010 and only lived with Britta

    4. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Anonymous7:35 PM

      Not really random because Ben Barber is the guy that Bristol
      and she fucked him in full sight at a Anchorage partee! LOL. SLUT Pissy!
      Oops Willows got a gun....
      somebody should send the cops to wasilla house to make sure EVERYONE is ok...

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Well, Troll, if you know so much about Bristol what happened to the DWTS baby?

  40. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I wonder how many of these troll comments are coming out of the coven on Lake Lucille.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Please don't slander (yes I mean libel) witches

  41. Anonymous6:52 PM

    1. Olivia6:59 PM

      Somebody's been hitting the booze hard.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Your point?

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Olivia, why are you mean?

    4. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Olivia, she is just mentally ill and slow.

    5. Anonymous8:43 PM

      7:55/7:56 Why do you troll all of the progressive blogs, and stalk the Palins' facebook accounts?

  42. Anonymous6:59 PM

  43. Anonymous7:06 PM

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Who cares what Mike Wooten has to say? He's a steroid freak, a douchbag and a bad cop. There were all sorts of reasons that he should have been removed from the Troopers, but the Palins, Sarah and Todd and her parents, just went about it the wrong way and that's why he still has a job.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Don't forget Anon 7;55 He was also a husband to Sarah's sister, and father to her children. So you're saying the Heath woman are attracted to douchbags... Hmm interesting. What say you Todd?

  44. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I shall be counting the hours till Monday. Fantastic news Gryph!


    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Our little troll friend, however, might have died of alcohol poisoning by then.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Nope, that's you.

  45. Anonymous7:21 PM

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      You're just immature. Maybe grow up?

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Stop lying

  46. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Friends with One Direction?

  47. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I honestly don't care how Palin is taken down, when it happens or who does it. I just want to know that no future Presidential candidate will EVER choose a running mate as dangerous as Sarah Palin.

    If the scandal is as big as we all have been led to believe, it will tarnish John McCain and the Republican party for years, and will serve as a lesson to national politicians to vet their running mates closely and thoroughly. No one as ignorant, uneducated, racist, deceitful, and hateful as Palin will have the chance to get that close to the White House again.

    If that tidal wave of scandal begins with Gryphen, more power to him, and we can all be grateful that he never gave up on exposing the truth.

  48. Anonymous7:30 PM

    It always makes me nervous that you tell us in advance that a big story is coming. Not because things sometimes don't work out - that's okay. I don't believe there's a big story until I read the big story. Maybe advertising it's coming makes some people nervous who should be nervous. But more because maybe in advertising it's coming, things will happen that will prevent the story from seeing print.

  49. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for all that you do. And, since it is your blog, you should do it the way that you want to in regard to the information that you receive and protecting the identities of sources. It's your show, and I'll look forward to whatever you write, whenever you write it.

    As for Sarah Palin, its pretty clear that she is a real life, actual, genuine fake. Nothing about her story matches what we see in real life. Her facebook posts sound like an angry high school kid, hardly the good writing from someone who got a degree in journalism (or communication) from any university.

    Sarah puts out a number of videos which reveal what a real fake she is. There she is on a horse, holding onto the saddle horn for dear life, the sign of a real beginner, not a seasoned rider. She went through the motions of baking an apple pie and caramelizing some pecans to make cinnabons-- and both were utter failures. We watched Sarah try to train Trig's therapy dog, which is really nothing more than a poorly trained family pet. Trig doesn't seem to get much therapy, no Cheerios, holding a sippy cup. The whole point of a baby picking up Cheerios (at 6 or 7 months, not 6 or 7 years) is to learn how to see something, use fingers to pick it up, convey the item to mouth, taste it and roll around in the mouth, by then it has pretty much dissolved into mush, and the baby wants to try to pick up another. There are great learning exercises in eating a Cheerio.

    The story of the brawl has been confirmed by police reports and police recordings. Bristol was drunk and swearing. Track, too. The police managed to keep Sarah out of the brawl in spite of some of the witness accounts. It happened and Sarah did not look good afterwards when photographed coming out of her yoga studio. Her eyes were swollen and her face was bruised and puffy. Sarah doesn't need to yell,"Do you know who I am?" I know who she is-- a fake!

    And no, Katie Couric did not ask Sarah gotcha trick questions. Sarah Palin is that dumb that she doesn't know how to answer, "What do you read?" The answer should have been, "The Bible." (Too late, Sarah, too late). Supreme Court decision that Alaskans disagree with: Exxon-Valdez! Sarah can ring those bells and fire those warning shots and she cannot cover up the fact that she is dumb. She covers it up with makeup, hair extensions and wigs, more makeup, sexy clothing, American flag apparel and footwear, and nasty memorable statements. Sarah proves, all by herself, on a regular basis, that she is a great fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      how can people who have no idea who these people are saw trig doesn't get therapy? he's been in school for over 2 years now. You're just stupid. you're acting like Sara's claims perfection when she, in reality ,mocks her imperfect self. Though she does cook, she's never said she is a pro cook. She even joked that she was lacking as a newlywed. These are things you ignore to continue YOUR facade. Sarah is real.

      Keep in mind that when you judge and ridicule her, you judge EVERY other human, in Wasilla, Alaska, the US, the world. You judge the johnstons whose kids are no better. You judge your own families who I guarantee are not perfect.

      All you do is lie, say people who have jobs have no jobs..

      Get a life

      You can't even name Sarah's best friend who helps her with Trig the few times shes out of town. Barb doesn't know her name.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      7:54- you can't even name the places Track, Bristol and Willow work! What about Todd? Where is he employed?

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      7:54 PM Stop your incessant babbling about things that you don't know. You stalk all of the Palin Facebook pages and come here as if you are a newscaster. You are Nothing to the Palins and they can't stand you. A little birdie told me that.

    4. Anonymous8:59 PM

      @7:54 Stop drinking those high energy drinks. They are pushing you seriously over the edge. You don't even make sense any more. Stop your slander.

  50. Anonymous7:51 PM

  51. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Thanks G..Have a nice week end..

  52. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I just hope this person is being honest with you. There was a person that was posting here regarding the Palin Brawl that claimed to be an observer and 'in the know" and in the end, once the police report came out, this source was proven wrong on many details and disappeared from the blog. I hope there is a way for you to confirm the "truthiness" of this current source.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      The truthiness?? Put down the bottle!!! Or are you just stupid.?

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM


      The use of "Truthiness" is an homage to Stephen Colbert. He coined the phrase.

  53. Anonymous7:59 PM

    It's just ironic because haters here are far meaner and more immoral than anyone you've slandered and falsely called lazy and jobless.

    You read hate into positive thoughts and it's sad.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Oh go play your violin somewhere else. The Palin girls are slow and you prove that.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      7:52/7:59 PM Are you still here whining about Monday's bombshell? What has your stinky panties in a wad? You can't handle the TRUTH? BWAHAHAHAHA what a Dork.

    3. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Please look up the definition of the word "slander." You don't use it correctly. You do not seem to be able to learn that slander is spoken and libel is written. I know someone who is unable to learn anything-- Sarah Palin.

  54. Anonymous8:24 PM

    The dumb have always been used by a con artist feeding them with false hopes, telling them they are not alone and to be uneducated is great and makes you a real American,

    Palin is the ultimate con artist, she is a sociopath, telling her followers what they want to hear. Doe's she really have any power? No, the Republican Party will chew her up if she even considered running and even a fool like her knows it although her ego is may make her blind to the fact,

    Run Sarah run, you tool and all the little crap about your family will come out and it wont be the liberals that do it and you know it. Don't try to run with the big dogs as of now they are ok with you slamming President Obama but do not overstep your bounds.get your ego in check., they made you and they can break you. And when they decide that you are no longer useful, baby you ain't seen nothing yet.

  55. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Does anyone know Alicia from Floridas last name? And city? I'm going to contact her family and the police where she lives. She needs to be in a psychiatric hospital.

  56. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. It all boils down to this harpy and what she thinks she knows, how she is guided by God, the savior of this nation. We hear it over and Over and OVER.

    So RUN, $arah, you coward. Are you going to continue to blame it on your family as you did in 2012? You can't say that you'll be drug through the mud and "my poor family" because you put them out there, OH did you to be ridiculed, and everyone is an adult now excepting Piper and Trig. Not our fault, you did it to yourself.

    So for ALL of us, please! The 4pees have been begging you to be the leader of the 3rd "constitutional party" so do it.

    RUN. I DARE you, and just WAITING for the excuse why you can't this time. What a FRAUD, and now is the time to show you're not. Here kitty kitty kitty.....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.