Friday, December 12, 2014

Former St. Louis police officer: Darren Wilson processed his own evidence after shooting Michael Brown. #Fergusonisnotover.

Courtesy of 3 Chics Politico: 

Redditt Hudson a former police officer with St Louis County police says Darren Wilson processed his own evidence. Reddit also says he was in the room when Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson told them, Darren Wilson had no knowledge of Michael Brown being involved in a store robbery before the encounter with Wilson.

Hudson also wrote a rather incredible piece for  the Washington Post about how being a cop taught him about racism within law enforcement.

I think Chris Hayes is one of the last television hosts still digging into Ferguson, for which I admire him greatly.

It seems since the Eric Garner situation hit the front pages, with incriminating video and everything, that the shooting of Michael Brown has been permanently pushed to the side.

And that is too bad, because in my opinion there is still much to learn about the Ferguson case, and it will never be uncovered now that most news outlets have moved on to the next hot story.

However Michael Brown remains dead, Darren Wilson remains free, and justice remains unserved. 


  1. angela1:10 PM

    None of this surprises me.
    Law enforcement Is beginning to play out like
    a fascist police state.

  2. Wilson was a Ferguson police officer, not St. Louis or St. Louis county. But corruption reigns supreme in all three it seems.

  3. St Louis county PD were very involved in the aftermath and Ferguson is in St Louis county so I think this story is credible.

  4. Anita Winecooler5:42 PM

    The more truth I hear coming out about this incident, the angrier it makes me because these kids didn't deserve to die. In what world is it ok for someone to process their own evidence? It's beyond absurd. I have a great deal of respect for former officer Redditt. He did the right thing when he realized what was happening and didn't want to be associated in any way with the bad cops he was assigned to work with.
    And I agree about Chris Hayes. He seems like the only one not willing to give up until he gets to the truth.
    Hearing Sean Hannity's rant made me want to throw up in my mouth a little. What an idiot.

  5. I don't agree that the Michael Brown case is being shoved aside. His, alas, was slightly unclear as to what happened, but the Eric Garner video left no dobut. There's a snowball effect going on which the protests in Ferguson started. Now police brutality incidents are being reported all over the country. Protests in cities all over the country, black celebrities telling of their experiences with racial profiling, and on and on. It's burning hot and forcing a loud and serious dialogue. Finally the DOA will investigate and hopefully take cases to federal courts that local prosecutors and Grand Juries threw out. People taking videos everywhere, accountability happening.

    It's a good thing.


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