Friday, December 12, 2014

Possible reason for concern. Apparently Willow Palin is now armed.

Sarah Palin's ghostwriter helped her compose a rather meandering post which included a bit about her friend Juanita's first moose kill, an article her brother wrote about hanging out with the Duck Dynasty dipshits, and this: 

Running joke among the family is “we never win anything!”, so what a cool surprise today that Willow won the Wasilla High School Swim Team fundraiser raffle – a Remington with a sweet scope! (I know... only in Alaska.)

I have to mention that I am a life long Alaskan and have never heard of a high school affiliated raffle giving away a hunting rifle, but let's face it Wasilla marches to its own tone deaf drummer.

I have also never heard of Willow wanting to go hunting, so one has to wonder just how useful of a prize a Remington with a "sweet scope" really is to the budding hair stylist.

What I do know is that Willow tends to hold a grudge, so I will make sure that my curtains are closed at night just to be on the safe side.

Considering what I am about to share I think I will be moving up the list of people who the Palins would like to see eliminated. 


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Bring it on!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Of willow really does have mental health issues as are often alluded to, how horrible thay she cab blythley win a gun

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      " thay she cab blythley"
      Think you need to read your comment before you publish.

    2. Balzafiar12:42 PM

      Anonymous is writing either archaic Scottish Gaelic or Jabberwock.

  3. Jkarov9:10 AM

    Back in the 1950's and 60's, some of the local high schools had rifle clubs, but they were closely supervised, and no student could use the range without adult supervisions.
    Maybe Wasilla is stuck in a time warp, but, yeah, be careful Gryphen.

    If you have explosive and damaging revelations coming, I'd serious think about

    1) run all your internet traffic through a VPN service like, or one of the many other cheap or free providers. Be sure you have up to date antivirus and malware checkers running, and back up your data to the cloud.

    Carbonite is cheap insurance at $50 a year

    2) Carry mace on you and your adult family members at all times

    3) Put door barriers on your exterior doors at night, like apartments in New York have had for years. Even if someone picks the lock, or attempts to pry open, or break the door down
    the internal bars or rods will make enough noise to keep you awake.

    4) Security cams up in trees or on the corners of your house with night vision. Game cams like these are available cheaply at any sporting store.

    5)Get a big dog, and keep him/her hungry : ) Just kidding about the food, but a large dog is a hell of a deterrent

    6) Keep on keeping on, I swear that you are doing your country a great service!

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      We had a rifle club in our high school back in the 80s.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      We had it back in the late 50's when I was in high school. That is how I learned to handle a gun and practice with it. Learned to be a pretty good shot too!

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Dar Miller had TWO large dogs, who died along with her in the fire.

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    We've all met those people who brag and drop names even though nobody cares and it makes them look ridiculous and desperate for other to think highly of them.

    Sarah is feeling insecure after her boar "hunting" didn't go over so well. So she's desperate to get people to believe the following...

    ...she likes guns and so do her family (including her daughters) and friends.

    ...Willow has some connection to high school and her family are athletic supporters (although they are not athletes)

    ...Sarah knows something about guns and hunting ("sweet scope")

    ...Sarah is tight with some celebrities (Duck Dynasty) that she thinks impresses people. (sounds like Chuckles Jr insisted on getting in on that action like the sponge he is...did he threaten to expose some skeletons unless his sis gives him some publicity?).

    ...Sarah comes from a place where raffling off a gun is a-ok, which she thinks is impressive.

    ...Sarah and her family are WINNERS! (they won a raffle)

    The problem is that none of this is impressive to anybody except her drooling fans. We can all see that Sarah Palin is not a hunter or horse-rider, she knows very little about guns, and she and her husband don't care about their kids' education.

    I think she's regressing even further. She used to have a mental/emotional age of a middle school mean girl. Now she's that snotty, insecure, elementary school mean girl. How pathetic.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      No matter how they try to whitewash it, her undoing came on September 6th in my opinion. Loonier and loonier by the day and, no matter how she says she won't shut up and sit down, she's been put out to pasture like the old nag she is.

    2. vegaslib9:20 AM

      I agree, what 50 year old grandmother calls a scope "sweet". She acts like she's really cool, but she just looks like a fool. Can you imagine anyone else in politics talking like this?

    3. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I'll also add that Sarah wants every to know she has a friend and that her friend is named Juanita (Sarah's not racist, y'all). We should all be really impressed.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Ditto on the kids being uneducated idiots. I wonder what their skill set will be when the money dries up. Hair and skin? What world do these people inhabit?

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Re: "what 50 year old grandmother calls a scope "sweet". She acts like she's really cool, but she just looks like a fool." Sarah is so immature mentally and emotionally that she thinks she is competing with and a contemporary to her daughters. In other words, she's trying to impress the high-schoolers and drop-outs that she is one of the "cool" kids. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

    6. Crystal Sage10:12 AM

      Sounds like Willow's win was ripped right out of "Bowling for Columbine." Brawling Palins With Guns. What could go wrong?

    7. Anonymous10:12 AM

      ...she likes guns and so do her family (including her daughters) and friends.

      She goes much further than 'likes guns". She and her adult family are ace shooters and they get their targets. The women are as burly as the men when it comes to hunting. They have it in their blood since birth and they were raised to kill and hunt. It is part of their frontier lore and she has a deep pathology when it comes to guns, killing, not missing your targets etc.

      I don't know of anyone else so obsessed with these things. I know there are others, but not so public and I don't go to gun sites and such.

    8. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Is that a fact, 10:12 AM.

    9. Anonymous10:52 AM

      10:12 AM Is that why Sarah Palin shot a caribou that was tied up? Is that why Creepy Chuck Sr. had to load her rifle? Is that why Sarah asked," does it kick, daddy"? What a bunch of posers.

    10. Anonymous11:04 AM

      10,12 Don;t believe all this scrawny screeching witch writes. We saw on her show how her "Daddy" had to load the rifle, tell her which way is North, and it took her 5 shots to try to hit a tethered animal before someone else shot it. Just like the family work ethics (non existant) so are these hunting skills she goes on and on about.

    11. Anonymous12:01 PM

      9:25 AM
      Juanita doesn't really count as a friend unless it is the kind that is paid off or on salary.

      Wasn't it Juanita's son that was also employed by the Palins?

      One of the so-called friend's sons got the job of pretending to be Willow's boyfriend if I remember right.

    12. Anonymous12:42 PM

      10:12 must be snark. 'Ace shooters'? 'Burly women'?

    13. Anonymous12:47 PM on!

      Reminds me of when IMers would refer to Ms Palin and her off-spring as 'Klondike Kardashians'.

      Does she think she can leverage her daughters and their shenanigans into millions of dollars, a la Kris Jenner?

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    How on earth does a school district approve an activity like this, when they have a zero tolerance policy for weapons ? (reference MSBSD BP5137.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments) ?

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This family wears a ton of makeup.

    (is Willow pulling that cross-eyed joke face her family is famous for or does she have a little turn-in, herself?)

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      It's because they are so wild frontier, you know, those outdoorsy Palin girls.

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Outdoorsy as in winecoolers and tents?

    3. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Bristol does have unwed sex in tents. Drunk or not, hat is very outdoorsy!

  7. angela9:13 AM

    I always kinda respected Willow. She seemed to have a higher functioning bullshit meter than most of her family. (I could, of course, be delusional about that). Also, I've always considered her the one most likely to get her mother indicted. So armed people in any Palin domicile is dangerous-- to say the least.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I can't say I ever saw Willow functioning. Other than functioning gang member or what it was she did in jr high/High school. Not that she went to school much, but those years. High functioning vandal. She did pull that one off pretty slick.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      gang member? huh? Are you from this planet?Why are you providing slander?

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Colony Girls. Thug Life. Ratchet.

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Since treatment the Palins have been able to keep Willow on lock down, so to speak. Haven't you noticed all the times she had to stick like glue to the parents? That was because they couldn't risk another incident like when they went to Hawaii and had to cut the trip short. Willow needed supervision. Her treatments have helped to keep her more pliable and not acting out so much.

    5. Anonymous12:18 PM

      "providing slander"

      Is that English? Does your medication cause bizarre speech patterns?

    6. Anonymous12:38 PM

      11:34 AM Obviously you don't know the Palins, Willow was known to be a member of the Colony Girls Gang when they broke into the Morlocks' Home for sale and threw a drunken drug induced party. Sarah Palin had to rush home from her Hawaii vacation to use her influence to keep Willow out of jail. You need to get a life, you are a failure at this.

    7. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Cover girl Willow started young.

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I look out at the night sky with my scope. I don't think of it as 'sweet scope'. I just appreciate the human ingenuity and intelligence that enabled its creation. For the Palin's, a 'sweet scope' is an instrument of death. These folks are diseased.

  9. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Armed and likely drugged. To help her mental problems but drugged.

  10. The way this drunken family crashes events and starts fights none of these hillbillies need a gun.

    Also it's weird that bustol and willing "attended" hair and skin school but can't show what they learned on wife swap or work in their profession. But this dysfunctional family has time to crash a high school events (funny how none of the graduated from high school) and win a weapon. When the first 48 are going through killings in the streets and killings through gun nuts accidents. Yeah ak, way to go.

    the dippy trippy uncouth family of idiots can go back to high school and win some phony gun raffle but they aren't invited to hold a commencement address. Winning this raffle should be easy to prove wasilla isn't big at all.

    the insufferable witch writes like she wants to live privately. A third grader can write better and have a more mature writing style.

    What info are you going to drop G? Do we have to wait for months? You know every time you say something like this you never follow through.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      No kidding.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      What are you talking about? Go buy a life and stop pretending to know people

    3. Anonymous12:34 PM

      11:34 AM Who do you know? Nobody!! You are a Palin stalker, and nothing more.

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      It is hilarious when trolls try to say something and come of such fools.


  11. PalinsHoax9:31 AM

    Anonymous9:10 AM

    ...Willow has some connection to high school and her family are athletic supporters (although they are not athletes)
    - - -
    "athletic supporters" = articles of underwear
    Thank you for so aptly describing the Palins as such! They truly are the dirty underwear of society.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      When I played sports an athletic supporter was called a jock strap. That would be a good name for Bristles next baby. Baby Jockstrap's unknown last name could be one of her many trial daddies. Any of them, all of them.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Pun intended.


  12. Anonymous9:31 AM I will make sure that my curtains are closed at night just to be on the safe side.

    Good idea. Sarah has a way of concealing her threats.

  13. OT -- How ak legalized weed. A comic book look. Interesting. No wonder palin and her whacked family is so goofy.

  14. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Why is it all new hair stylists dye their hair purple? do they think that looks good?

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Is her hair dyed or is it a wig? Looks like a wig to me.

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Urban Dictionary:

    Duckface -

    A term used to descibe the face made if you push your lips together in a combination of a pout and a pucker, giving the impression you have larger cheekbones and bigger lips.
    "Oh christ, look at that horrific duckface"
    "Stop doing that duckface. You look stupid"

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      She is "cool" and what else matters?

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      So kids are still doing that face?

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Pretty much all girls between 14 and 28 give or take a couple years all have taken to duckface photos. (Excepting of the course the self noted exceptional liberals at IM who will reply to this comment noting how their well raised and mannered young adult daughter would never do such a thing......and to that I say... yeah suuuuure).

    4. Anonymous12:11 PM

      At 20 years of age, Willow isn't exactly a "kid".

    5. Anonymous12:33 PM

      11:36 AM Is Willow still a kid?

    6. Anonymous12:47 PM

      12:04 : we are just calling them out on their hypocrisy, in case you forgot. $carah herself called for young women to NOT be posting selfies (and then she turned right around and kept on posting selfies of herself and her spawn)

    7. Anonymous1:00 PM

      It is a fad. A 20 year old with a parent going on 12 to 13 would be into fads even long after they fade away.

      Most of the kids I know think that fad is long over. It dates a persons mental age.

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Why does Sarah that only Alaskans do stupid things like raffling off rifles for rural rewards?

    Why would Willow or Sarah or Brancy think this is a flattering pose? Ducklips? Popped eyes? Clumpy false lashes? Fire engine-red hair streaks? Looks deranged.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      And duckface is, like, so "yesterday."
      (spoken in best valley girl trash voice)

      All teasing aside, I've always thought Willow the prettiest out of all of 'em, including the hot pants hoochie harridan.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I wonder how Bris deals with the fact that her younger sister is 10 times more attractive than she is even after all the work she's had done. Poor poor Bris.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Fertile Myrtle (Bristles) makes up for having a more attractive sister by being "ready, willing and able" for any guy who looks her way. Makes her think she is popular.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      all the work done? lipo several years ago is a lot of work? Bristol looks the same. You need a life

    5. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Too bad the pretty one is so short and dumpy (when she isn't on one of her weight loss programs).

    6. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Seriously? I don't think she looks attractive at all. Bad tan job, bad hair and makeup. She looks much older than her years and very "hard". Are you all 100% sure that's willow?

    7. Anonymous12:32 PM

      11:33 AM You are obsessed with Fat Assed Bristol. You are a Sick Stalker.

    8. Anonymous1:04 PM

      IMO, the young children were all cute. I go with beauty is as beauty does.

      Sad about the pointed chin and going under the knife so young and married to that hellish lifestyle.
      It looks like Willow has had some work done, but the chin isn't as freaky as the older one.

      Bristol could play a witch if she still wants to be a star.

  17. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Lots of local high schools have Riflery teams.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Big difference having rifle teams (high schools have had them for years!), but an entirely different thing to have a gun be the prize for a high school raffle. Only in Wasilla, Alaska would you see it!

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Even elementary schools.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:51 AM

    I'm willing to bet that the C4Rubes unwittingly paid for that little "prize" so Willow could look as frontier-sy as Momma, and the handlers spun it as part of a lucky "raffle win". Maybe she'll be making a little trip to Uncle Nudge's Family Valuez Shoot-'Em-Up Zoo?

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    At some point didn't one of their ghost writers discourage fish lip selfies? Why does this family always do the opposite of what their ghost writers preach about?

  20. This may be unpopular to say, but I think this picture of Willow is very pretty. And spare me, trolls, I won't be reading your retorts. We all get to have opinions.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      I agree, too bad her behavior doesn't match her looks.

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Beauty Is As Beauty Does

    3. I think it is pretty as well.

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      How is Willow badly behaved? She's well liked but parents', friends, coworkers, and exes.

    5. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Willow is a beautiful girl with a good spirit.

    6. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Beauty does matter.

    7. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Agreed, not so much this picture, but generally speaking she is a natural beauty.

    8. Anonymous12:16 PM

      But not very bright and has a horrible family.

    9. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Physical beauty goes away when you are proven to be a nasty, evil bitch.

      Sarah has lost her beauty due to the aging process and is now looking more like her mother. She has shown us all to be a liar and fraud and that has taken away her beauty too. She's just not attractive inside or out.

    10. Anonymous12:28 PM

      11:56 AM You would agree with anything positive about the Palins. You disagree with the Truth about them. Willow is a vindictive bitch, and you know it.

    11. Anonymous12:30 PM

      @11:32 AM Her ex was the subject of the Drunken Brawl, so take your Palin ASS-KISSING LIES to some other blog that you stalk. You have been banned from most blogs, amirite,Troll?

    12. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Lol 12:28, I don't know anything of Willow Palin other than what I have seen in pictures, and she is a pretty girl.

      And from what I can tell about you 12:28, is that you are apparently obsessed and a psychopath.

    13. Anonymous1:07 PM

      I don't have a problem with people having opinions, Lynne. It's just an opinion. No one has to agree with my opinions either.

  21. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sarah is not capable of thinking beyond the surface of anything. She lives in a small pond and thinks she is the big fish This fool has the intellectual capacity of a gnat.

    Winning a rifle in a Highschool raffle could have been made a real point of discussion for her but it flew right past her pea brain and besides we all know she would have defended it because she has no awareness of anyone or anything around her.

    Let's not even think about how unsupportive this rifle raffle was to the schools where shootings have occurred, let's not think about the fact that the school would have no clue as to who would win this rifle and if it just may be a disturbed student who would love the irony of shooting up the school with a gun given to them by the school.Yes, it may sound far fetched but all the school shootings have not been done by sane people. And let's not imagine how the victims of these shootings families would feel about a school with a non violent policy giving a rifle for a prize.Is there no one in Wasilla who has a problem with this? or do they think their town is ammune to such a possibility.

    She was and still remains and forevermore will be an idiot.

  22. Do we have a pic of willing and her prized gun?

  23. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I've never heard of a gun being the prize for a high school raffle.

    Only in the white trash area of Alaska (Wasilla) would it be done! It's also something the Palins would support, of course, of course! Guns! Everyone should have one! Utter bullshit!

  24. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Oh another tease. Hopefully, this one comes to fruition.

    1. Ahh, right on cue.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Well Gryphrn, I'm not 10:18 and I kind of agree. Where was the big reveal after the brawl? I do realize you need approval of others though.
      If you are about to reveal something, why not just go ahead and do it. Why the wait?

    3. Actually I am going to explain that this evening.

    4. You bring it on yourself, Gryphen.

    5. Anonymous11:30 AM

      I got it. You're going to report the big secret that Willow's biggest obsessive is with xmas and she starts decorating in July. Except everyone knows that.

    6. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Thanks G. I know this isn't easy and it's not like you can do whatever you want when you want.

    7. Anonymous12:26 PM

      11:30 Go away Troll, you are stupid.

  25. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sarah never looked at the bigger picture, she never does, all she saw was a chance to push guns once again and gee do you think the NRA just may have her and Shit Pants Ted on the payroll? That a school would raffle a rifle for a prize is so amazingly out of touch with any semblance of intelligence it boggles the mind.

    Did it support their non violent , no weapon policy? no. Did it support all the other principles held by all the other schools in the Country? no. Did it support the families of the school shooting victims? no. How did they know that perhaps a disturbed student would not win and or get their hands on this rifle? no they did not, maybe that student would find the irony in shooting in the school with a rifle given to them by the school.

    There must be sane people living in Wasilla who see the idiocy of this so called prize, this is not a prize a SCHOOL should offer not when so many children have been killed by them at schools.

    by the school.

  26. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "Running joke among the family is “we never win anything!”,
    -Sarah Palin

    Running joke among the families in Alaska is “The Palins!”

  27. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Yesterday, Sarah wrote a facebook post screaming at the republicans who she helped to elect. She yelled at them to remember the military, stop adding to the debt and a whole bunch of other stuff which was an exercise in stupidity since the people who were elected in November won't be sworn into office until next year. Then, Sarah was angry, along with the liberals, that Congress passed that awful bill rather than shut down the government. To make us forget her political faux pas posts, Sarah returned to her folksy image of run-on sentences, praising some lady for her oatmeal cookie recipe (which probably came off the carton of oatmeal). Wow, Juanita shot her first moose so now her starving family can eat. If it wasn't for Juanita, they would have to survive on oatmeal cookies. And Willow got a gun. From the looks of Willow, I think that she is hoping to get asked onto one of those dumb Wild Kids from Alaska TV reality shows. Yes, Sarah distracted us. We won't notice that she still doesn't have anything to contribute to the political conversation.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      To all you commenters who write in one long paragraph
      -- please break them down into smaller bites. Your comments may be good but I won't read them -- it is just one long run-on, stream of consciousness ...

  28. Could this story about Willow winning a gun actually be some type of "get ahead of the story" BS for something we don't know about yet?

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      It sure is weird. Is Willow pregnant? Did the stalker get out? They had something going on and she must be lonely if he is locked up. Now that Bristol did that promotion to attract stalkers (Nancy called them lumbersomethings). Willow may be feeling lost and neglected.

      SarahPac must be on a redeem Willow binge for some reason.

      SarahPac is the place to display your kids. Don't all Pacs do that? If her mongrels run for dog catcher, Sarah could donate to their campaigns. It would make more sense than using Pac for family album crap.

      NOW WHAT SARAH IS HIDING IS TRACK PALIN. What is it she is trying to distract from with the Willow bombs?

      Sarah is also missing the opportunity to support Dick Cheney's torture revelations. How relevant is that?

      What Sarah doesn't say is always more interesting and can be more revealing than when she babbles or has her ghost writer write.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      eh I think it's just her a little bored and needing something to fb about.

    3. Anonymous12:15 PM

      How can she be bored if she's living her life vibrantly?

    4. Anonymous12:25 PM

      11:29 AM

      So she forsakes Dick Cheney and skips a rebuttal with John McCain because she is bored? Sure.

  29. Anonymous10:38 AM

    YES, "cool" is the ultimate with the Palins. Look how "cool" the 20 yr old looks. They aren't going to promote Willow as any kind of professional and they can't mention she is working since she doesn't have a job. Sarah lost her money from when she sent her 2 loser daughters to the Arizona beauty schools, but Sarah is not about to admit she is a loser or that she made a bad investment. After all she wants the use of America's voice about the Omnibus Spending Bill.

    "Or face America's wrath next go 'round because an elephant never forgets."

    Sarah sure likes to let peeps know, listen to her OR ELSE. It is always a grave result if you don't fall in line and obey the queen.

  30. Anonymous10:40 AM

    We know she is not into 'Lumbersexual" like her sister. She spends time on her eyebrows. May be OCD and in front of the mirror for hours. The drugs and meds will also do that.

  31. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Running joke? Sarah, how about those parents of the little girl gunned down in Tucson? Is that a joke? That guy who pulled the trigger probably had a 'sweet scope'on it too.

    One would think after Sarah's humiliation at being fingered for partly being to blame for the injury of Gabby Giffords, because of Sarah PAC's gunsights on Gabby's district, she'd shy away from bragging about her daughter's SWEET scope.

    She could also be concerned that a high school would choose such a prize for a raffle ticket win. The kind of high school kids Willow and Bristol and Track hung out with, and considering the way they crash parties and brawl, is that such a good idea for Willow? If they can't control their drinking, and act like agitated hooligans and vandals, looking for a fight, is this such a good idea? The whole lot of them are crazy and irresponsible.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      You're a bit stupid. They dont crash parties and brawl. lmao


    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      11:28 AM Don't try to deny the 'THROWDOWN AT THE HO'DOWN'. We all know that the Palins were drunk and started the Brawl.

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      11:28 AM
      The Palins not only crash parties but they make total fools out of themselves by brawling then bawling. What is still the funniest thing about their September 6th mess is that Todd, Track and Bristol all got their asses handed to them. Boo-hoo-hoo, poor pathetic Palins.

      Like elephants, also too we don't forget.

    4. Anonymous12:27 PM

      11:28 AM Thank you for signing off with your real name.

  32. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Willow is armed? Well I hope those Palins stop giving that legally underage Willow alcohol. We know what happened last time when those drunk Palins showed up in Anchorage intoxicated and ready to fight.

    Just thought of something, people can mask their personalities until they get drunk. They portray themselves as Christians, happy family, etc.

    Basically there are a few types of drunks:
    *Happy, smiles, wants to be your friend
    *Mean spirited, bad temper, wants to fight

    Well that Palin brawl not to long ago reveals that the Palins are mean spirited inside and once that alcohol gets inside them their evil mean uncontrollable personalities comes out and they want to fight. .

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I would be shocked if it was only alcohol the Palins give their children.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      It is probably legal to drug your children, alcohol, too, in Alaska.

      Bristol showed up on the television with what looked like a dead Tripp. He was so out of it and the host was aghast. Tripp's sleep was not natural. Bristol didn't care about him at all when he was running around the run way in Anchorage and drinking beer.

      That is why the Anchorage police did nothing about underage Willow on September 6, 2014.

      O yeah, the prosecutor could find nothing to charge anyone with for that brawl either.

      More criminals that get off due to corrupt police and prosecutors.

      I guess the good news is they weren't torturing prisoners or writing policy for America to become a nation of sadists.

  33. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Aw, poor Sarah, she never wins anything. Gosh darn shucks, the girl has it hard.

    All those RNC clothes, thousands of gifts that Chuck Sr. said they didn't even have time to open, there were so many of them they would have to give away, Sarah's PAC money, her selections, like VP of the USA, and mega-fortune opportunities that came her way, what is a girl from Alaska to do when her poor poor afflicted family never win anything?

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Careful, 10:45 AM, the "jealous" troll that attacks Nefer and Caroll will be on your case! LOL

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Who attacks Nefer and Caroll? I've seen people call them out on lies but not attack

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      11:28 AM You do, Troll. If the shoe fits, wear it. Why don't you take your daily MENTAL HEALTH break?

    4. Caroll Thompson12:30 PM

      11:28, No one has ever called me out on any lie because I don't lie. I offer my opinion, which is my opinion. I have linked to media reports and again offered my two cents.

      Indeed, one of my pet peeves is lying. This is one reason why I don't care for Sarah Palin. She lies so often she cannot keep her stories straight.

      I also do not remember anyone calling me out on any lies - didn't happen. I remember a couple of times being called names, but that doesn't bother me one bit. Depending on my mood, I have been known to engage a troll or two.

      My issue with Sarah and now to a lessor extent her daughter Bristol is their telling all of us how to live their life. Demonizing those who don't live their lives according to Sarah.

      Sarah claims to be a Christian, but doesn't act like one. To my knowledge, she doesn't help the poor, she demonizes the poor. She doesn't help the sick; she would eliminate the affordable care act, which covers those with pre existing conditions, and offers affordable prices for those without employer sponsored insurance, etc... Sarah doesn't care about the homeless or the hungry. She goes on and on about abortions, but once the baby is here, she offers no help to that baby. So, I guess she doesn't care if the baby and his or her parents starve.

      Jesus was all about helping the less fortunate among us and all Sarah ever talks about is tax cuts for the rich. So, I find Sarah to be a hypocrite just like Jesus talks about in the bible

      But most of all, I do not want Sarah anywhere near the halls of power. I don't trust the woman and I was horrified that she was the Vice Presidential nominee for the Republicans.

      I was around for the rise of Sarah Palin and I will be here for the fall. Tick tock goes the clock.

    5. Anonymous12:36 PM

      11:28 AM

      I think it was yesterday.

      Because it is so important about who thinks who is beautiful or something like that.

    6. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Oh goody. The loser who thinks using the term 'troll' is still a thing.

  34. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Jesus, what is she, 40ish ????

  35. Anonymous10:48 AM

    My high school had a rifle team too - then in 1974, one of its members did this:

  36. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I though Willblow now lives in Seattle? At least that is what it says on her FakeBook site...

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM


      And she works in Alaska, but good to know you're stupid

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      9 month mono?

    3. Anonymous12:14 PM

      We are laughing at you because you called the OP a stalker and then proceeded to tell us information about Willow.

    4. Anonymous12:20 PM

      11:27 AM How do YOU know this? Facebook is not a news source, stupid troll.

    5. Anonymous12:20 PM

      11:27 : I am not a stalker. And it says so right on her page that she lives in Seattle.
      Contrary to you, I guess, I know how to read.

    6. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Good to know no one can ever tell the truth and have back up about the fantasies of Willow's work.

  37. Anonymous10:51 AM

    That is one God-awful picture. Could you imagine that coming up to you at closing time of the bar and propositioning you ?

    I'd have nightmares.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Is that pose still popular? I thought teens had moved on.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      youre obvi jealous

    3. Anonymous12:13 PM


    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      11:26 AM We are all jealous of a Colony Girls Gang member who drinks vodka underage and makes drug deals in the Target parking lot. 'obvi'? Grow up Troll.

    5. Anonymous12:38 PM

      "jealous' troll is projecting and they've returned to let us know.

  38. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Now that Track has disappear she hasn't done any of the old military routines or features with Track. She must be doubling down on Willow. She wants people to forget the idiot Brancy looking for Bristol to find another Levi (lumbersexual). Trig's shelf life is done. Pimping Piper, as she is coming on to her sexual awakening, would bring on too much criticism, even by the most passionate admirer of her motherhood status. There is only Willow for the time being. And she is tough and can do it all, cook, hunt and charm the pants off slednecks or hunters.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      lol Then why was Bristol and Joeys mom just having a nice convo via social network? haha

      And track has disappeared? Yeah, he's REAL invisible at hockey games that Tripp and K watch

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Barf as to the Palin girls. They are their mother's daughters and I cannot imagine being a part of, or involved, with any of them in that klan!

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      WTF is a 'convo'? Are you Piper? Did someone assist you in writing your post? While Bristol and Joey's Mom were having their 'convo', Joey was out with his other girlfriends. HAHA. Bristol is still searching for a LUMBERSEXUAL to help take care of those 4 babies of hers who don't know their Daddies.

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      They just can't photograph him or let him speak since he is so wasted.

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      11:49 PM, neither can men.

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      So you stalk Joey's mom, too? Cray cray.

  39. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Gryphen, check your PM of FB. You might not be the only one potentially in danger...

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      How do you know what's on his PM unless you made a threat yourself. Kind of dumb of you given IP addresses are easy to track by law enforcement.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      THIS is the weirdest comment ever.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Curious? What is PM? FB means Facebook, I'm assuming?

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      PM means Private Message.
      For the rest, I will bite my tongue.

  40. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Do all of Sarah's kids have wonky eyes like she does?

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Is everyone in your family a dick?

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      11:24 AM Is everyone in your family a stalker troll? Bristol likes dick, right? All of Wasilla knows.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Sarah's wonkiness has assuredly passed on to her kids. As have so many of her traits and nasty ways! Sad, sad, sad! Oh, to be part of the Palin family! Yea, right!

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      I don't know about the wonky eyes like Sarah's but it's obvious that each of her kids inherited her low IQ.

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      No, all the dicks are in your fsmily.

  41. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Verification of rifle raffle:

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Where is the picture of the winner?

  42. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Gryph -- why would you tell us you are about to reveal something BIG about the Palin mob? You are just asking for it. Hunker down tonight or go to a motel for a few days.

    If anything happens to you, we will know who to blame -- see that, Palins? We are watching you.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Interesting considering nothing big has happened. What, GRyphen has the scoop on their xmas wrapping and willows obsessiveness with xmas? That isn't new.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      I doubt just a Wasilla school does stuff like that. You live in Alaska

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      11:23 AM How do you know?

  43. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Oh yes, a girl who is still on good terms with her two exes holds a grudge.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      11:17 AM Wasn't one of her 'exes' the cause of the Drunken Brawl? Conner?

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      The ex who uses the love phrase "towel head" to refer to a person of middle eastern descent? That ex?

  44. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Bristol gave her a pistol one year and she's been hunting.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM


    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Since when do you hunt with a pistol?

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      You know how Sarah has to drop names and information so people will think she's cool and "in the know?'

      Sarah has a little follower right here dropping names and information as if we would be impressed with such uninteresting and useless data.

      Nobody gives a crap if Willow is obsessed with Christmas or if Track goes to hockey games. And we certainly don't thin any better of you for knowing that information. Get a grip.

  45. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gryphen, turning happy things into liberal lies since 200 - whatever


    1. Anonymous11:31 AM


    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Sounds like someone is afraid of what Gryphen might be putting up about the Palins. Thank god he started this blog and informed us of various Sarah Palin deeds that have been less than exemplary!

      Can hardly wait for him to come out w/more facts about Sarah and/or her family members.

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM


  46. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Gryphen, projecting his unhappines onto happy non-political people's lives since forever

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM


    2. Says the person projecting their whiny misery.

    3. Anonymous12:08 PM

      The just no/no comprends/julezz/jessie/love only/Stalker Troll is trying her best to impress her Palin Prey.

    4. Anonymous12:41 PM

      And that's why Immoral Minority has over 26 million views.

    5. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Is that you Alicia?

  47. Anonymous11:22 AM

    The Palins sure do love to make faces in cars and have their photos taken.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I guess it's kinda like Where's Waldo, but I can never seem to find the fish in the selfies they take.

  48. Anonymous11:37 AM

    11:19/11:20 AM The Palin Troll telling LIES for the Palins since 2008.

  49. Anonymous11:58 AM

    "so what a cool surprise today that Willow won the Wasilla High School Swim Team fundraiser raffle – a Remington with a sweet scope! "
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah why are you so excited that Willow won a rifle with a sweet scope on it from a high school she quit in her sophomore year?

    Why is Willow hanging around a high school she quit in her sophomore year?

    Sarah said what a cool surprise Willow won a rifle!

    Sarah as a parent I would be excited that my daughter received a high school diploma or a college degree. Winning a rifle from a high school she dropped out from is not exciting to me or to America. Oh well bless your heart Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Is Willow the uneducated Palin dummy that the parents bought her a diploma/

      She sure screwed up the beauty school purchase that the parents wasted money on for her.

      Oh yeah and she sure showed her chops when she was chicken on that Wife Swap show.

      What a lame loser to turn down a good opportunity. I suppose she figured mommy would buy her a hair shop and set her up so she could get all the credit for being a business woman but never having to work.

      Never work on Saturday Willow it might show you are a Palin capable of some work ethics.

  50. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Whats up with Palin girls and fish lips? Bristol had her infamous look at my botox bass fish lips and now Willow. Who's next Piper?

  51. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Sarah needs to learn to work the Google. Easy enough to find out that high school gun raffles to not occur "only in Alaska."

  52. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Great timing by Sarah - post that Willow won a gun in a high school raffle on the same day that 2 students get shot in a high school.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Actually, they were shout outside and went inside for help. A shooting is a shooting, but for clarity purposes.

  53. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Sarah was it a cool surprise to find out that when Todd had sex with Shailey Tripp she said he took his used condoms and wrapped them in face cloths and took them with him?

    What made it more cooler was that Todd probably used Sarah's family face cloths.

  54. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Considering what I am about to share I think I will be moving up the list of people who the Palins would like to see eliminated."

    Nothing like a good cliffhanger to keep us coming back!
    26,065,896 views as I post this.
    Keep up the good work, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Wow, Gryphen. You have a huge audience. I also love a good cliffhanger and, as an optimist, I'll always come back.

  55. Caroll Thompson12:37 PM

    Of all the Palins, I like Willow the best. I don't know her of course, but she has the good sense to live and let live. She doesn't go out on national media tours or start a blog and tell the rest of us how to live our lives.

    I read one of the comments stating that Willow's fb states she now lives in Seattle. Good for her. I wish her all the best. It can't be easy to be the child of Sarah Palin.

  56. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I see the elder palin is including willblow in most of her postings now. For some reson she's starting to REALLY promote her. Either barstool is not being cooperative, or willblow is getting her own limelight now, which means a rise from the money mo money mo money

  57. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Why would she win a highschool raffle since she's been out of highschool for a few years now. In fact she never graduated from highschool. Does palin think we're stupid, and now is trying to say that willlow is a child? I wouldn't doubt it since 24-year-old barstool is still calling herself a teen or "young" girl. She's lying again. Scarab lies even when she doesn't have to--she lies just for the sake of making shit up.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      It was probably a raffle that Piper was involved with - hence, selling tickets to her family members and Willow actually won!

  58. Anonymous12:53 PM

    AWWWW>>>LOL...she's following on her sister's footstep and got the chin and lost weight after we said on this blog that she was a

    please tell me its not true.. she did get a chin implant.. omg

  60. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Gryphen provides us with multiple posts daily. He entertains and informs and gives us a place to air our frustration. Yet some people still yell at him for not single-handedly bringing down the Palins. How about you be grateful for his blog and give him a break.

    (that doesn't mean I'm not hoping for a huge reveal tonight...please, please, please)

  61. Anonymous1:09 PM

    NONE of the Palins go hunting. Hunting is work.

    And you can't get a man with a gun, Willow.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.