Thursday, December 11, 2014

NBC reporter asks Rick Perry if he is "smart enough to be President of the United States." Best question ever!

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics:  

GOV. RICK PERRY: I think over the course of the last two years, people, you know, they realize that what they saw in 2011 is certainly not the person they're looking at in 2013, 2014, 2015. 

KASIE HUNT, MSNBC: And are you smart enough to be president of the United States?" 

PERRY: I think the standpoint of life's experiences. Running for the presidency is not an IQ test. It is a test of an individual's resolve. It's a test of an individual's philosophy. It is a test of an individual's life's experiences. And I think Americans are really ready for a leader that will give them a great hope about the future.

Yeah but she asked a question, and he never answered it.

You know a smarter person might have been able to do that. 

And no, running for the presidency is NOT an IQ test. But as Sarah Palin learned to her great consternation IQ does in fact play a significant role in preparing a candidate to answer reporters' questions.

And she also demonstrated that wearing glasses is not enough to project an air of intelligence.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    When Perry had the chance to stop an execution based on new evidence, he declined and an innocent man was put to death. That will eliminate Perry in 2016

    1. AKinPA4:58 AM

      Anon at 4:36: Somehow I don't think the RWNJ about things like justice. So I wouldn't rule him out for 2016.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Really? in that case Forrest Gump for President.

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Boy, is he dumb. The GOP like their politicians/candidates with a lower IQ so the powers that be can easily manipulate them.

    1. Anonymous2:17 AM

      Yes they do. Look how well THAT worked out with Dubya. They all got richer. Only working class kids were killed or maimed in their wars for oil and wealth. Scum of the earth are the gop/tp's. Now the US is shamed in front of the entire world. Dubya was placed into the WH, now every low I.Q repub. thinks it is their "turn" to screw over the taxpayers. Imagine Perry talking to world leaders? They were shocked enough when W was president.

  4. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

    Some jokes just write themselves. Hey Rick, don't you have a stone on your ranch that needs a few coats of yellow??

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Gee i wish they would have asked palin brawlerd.

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    It's a pity to see people who have some degree of charm or likeability thinking that they could be president. After all, you don't have to be smart. You just have to have resolve and life experiences and a philosophy. That doesn't sound like much.

    We have watched Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush walk through the role of President of the United States as if the job only involved cutting ribbons, hosting dinners and smiling for the cameras. Reagan suffered from Altzheimers towards the end of his presidency, and we don't know how long he was disabled while in office. We know that he fell asleep during one of his important summit meetings. George W. Bush sounded dumb and it's pretty clear that Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were running things behind the scenes. So, I guess that light weight thinkers, like Rick Perry and Sarah Palin, think that they could handle that job, too.

    Sarah Palin may have fooled enough voters to somehow get elected as governor, but she never could fool the majority of us in the lower 48. Even her own handlers kept her under wraps for two weeks, trying to cram a lifetime of knowledge into her brain. Even with note cards, Palin could not make it through two interviews so she didn't bother to give any more interview. Sarah has continued to show that she really is stupid. (Hint: She did a good job of pretending to govern in Alaska while her staff did the work that she took credit for).

    Rick Perry is clueless as to how stupid he sounds. If he couldn't remember three important things, his attention span and memory are not up to presidential standards. That is one very tough job, and it requires the skills of someone to listen to all of the experts, weigh the various bits of advice and information and try to reach a decision on any number of issues.

    When I was in school, the teacher pointed to the entire class, making a sweeping motion with her arm. She said that any of us could become President of the United States. No, that's not true. You need political connections, the backing of rich and powerful people, a telegenic charm and the ability to think quickly on your feet on any number of subjects. And, that's just the beginning. The thought of people like Rick Perry or Sarah Palin as president is laughable. We've been fooled before. Oh, please, I hope that we can't be fooled again.

  7. Well, in Gov. Perry's defense, he couldn't answer that question. She should have asked "Are you smartASS enough to be President of the United States". The standard for POTUSes from Texas was set by Bushwack, the most smartass dumbass ever.

  8. Caroll Thompson5:26 PM

    Hearing this question made me think that Sarah Palin has done some good in our politics. I think most people would agree that we don't want a dumb ass running for President. And having experienced Sarah Palin, voters are more plugged in to "are you smarter than a third grader".

    You don't have to be the smartest one in the room (John Adams is a good example of a very smart man who was a terrible President for a number of reasons, chief among them was his thin skin and the Aliens and Sedition Act), but you have to have some semblance of intelligence to ascend to the Presidency.

    That being said, I think Rick Perry is smarter than Sarah, but just barely. Certainly you need to know the agencies you campaigned to eliminate. Rick Perry was unable to name the three agencies he wanted to eliminate in the Republican New Hampshire debate.

    Rick Perry is not smart enough to be the President. And it was a great question.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      I agree that it is because of Palin that this question was asked. She has made all of us aware of the danger of someone like her, completely unqualified and nowhere near intelligent enough, poses. Thanks, Sarah. What a legacy.

    2. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Legacy indeed. I wonder how she likes that she'll go down in history as the biggest dumb@ss when she thinks her ish doesn't stink.

  9. Oh, and, plus and also, if Rick Perry had any Sarahcles, he would have responded by saying what a rude question that was.

  10. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I see Rick Perry and immediately remember watching the live television debate in which he ...just...couldn't...think of...those...darn...three things. Crickets.
    Would I trust him in negotiations with foreign leaders? Would he be able to manage a meeting of his Cabinet, weighing various arguments and able to prioritize issues? Could he remember what the budget for fighter planes was last year, and how much he was suggesting it should be increased?

    He'd be a lousy figurehead President, as the Republicans have loved to put in office since 1980, and puppet masters and lobbyists would be running the government, once again.

  11. Anonymous6:02 PM

    To be able to perform the duties of the President of the United States you probably need to be able to memorize a short list of three things, and then be able to recite the list under pressure.

    “It’s three agencies of government when I get there that are gone – Commerce, Education and the um, what’s the third one there? Let’s see. Oh five – Commerce, Education and the um, um,” Perry said."

    "“The third agency of government I would do away with - the education, the uh, the commerce and let’s see. I can’t the third one. I can’t. Sorry Oops.”

    The third agency Perry couldn’t think of was the Department of Energy, which he rails against on the stump nearly every day.

    Perry finally remembered the third agency 15 minutes later after referring to his notes, saying “By the way, it was the Department of Energy I was talking about.”"

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      "Oops" is NOT a word you want coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States!

  12. Molly Ivins answered the question for us time and time again.
    "Governor Goodhair!"
    He's fucking stupid. He needs to be figurehead president of some huge Chevy dealership outside Austin...making commercials and trying to figure out how to scratch his ass without losing his 2 lb Aggie class ring up said ass.

  13. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Earth to Rick: Donning Palin glasses, although they may be needed, makes you look that much more stoopid. How refreshing for you that you don't need an IQ. Can you beat an 83?

  14. Don't misunderestimate him, as GW would say. Having had to tolerate this doofus, (my pet name for him) for years, as he quietly bilked the taxpayers and did many wrong-headed things for our state. Our country seems to disdain high IQ Presidents. Going way back - Adlai Stevenson should have won. Al Gore should have won.
    Rick Perry is cunning, a liar, disregards intelligence at Universities, and unfortunately this is just typical now; not just in Texas. Since it's all about money now; I would be afraid, very afraid of any of the unintelligent who could actually run for Prez and win.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Al Gore did win.

      Jus' sayin'.

    2. Anonymous12:48 AM

      Yup. That shit still stinks.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      All they need is the right bumper sticker buzz words and the republicans would elect a sea slug.

  15. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Gee, Rick. Life experience? You mean executing innocent men in your state? You mean closing every health clinic serving poor women? You mean holding a prayer meeting in a public stadium to bring rain (yea, how's that work out for ya?) You mean screwing the workers and kids in your state out of income and food and education? Sorry, but we've had enough Texas politicians to last this country another century. But, please proceed. You might keep someone even crazier out of the first debate. (Trump, anyone?)

  16. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "what they saw in 2011 is certainly not the person they're looking at in 2013, 2014, 2015"

    As if a couple of years is going to make him any smarter. Nope, too late for that, gramps.

    1. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Now he wears glasses, so he IS smart!!

  17. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I was waiting for the article to have in it:

    In a short burst of total honesty, Perry answered by saying, "I don't need no smarts--the voters have made it very clear they are dumb as sacks of hammers."
    Are the people who pulled that lever in November for a Republican, expecting it to mean that they'd make abortions, negroes, gays, and Mexicans against the law, going to even speak up when all that happens is more tax breaks for the rich?

  18. Governor Goodhair's GPA at Texas A & M was barely high enough to allow him to graduate, and too low for admission to graduate work in veterinary medicine.

    So... not sufficiently on the ball to treat Fluffy's ear mites but plenty smart for POTUS? I don't buy it. And Rick Perry haaaardly fits into the category of prominent (for good reasons) POTUSes whose families could not afford much of any book-larnin', yet their sons learned anyway. Like Harry S Truman, for example, or... or...

    I'm having a silent, bed-shaking fit of laughter imagining Perry taking a break from splitting fence rails, by hand, in order to become too-briefly absorbed in a borrowed book, just like Honest Abe... naaahh.

    Because Rick P. is not only dishonest, but also, too, dumb as a stump. Hands-on familiarity with stumps doesn't qualify one to be POTUS.

    1. Anonymous2:30 AM

      Unless you are a republican. They promote the dumbest people, regardless of how obvious their lack of intelligence is.

  19. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Someone needs to ask Obama that

    Mr "I've never revealed anything from school despite having advanced degree"

    weird. When I graduated with my masters, I was always excited about sharing papers and thesis

    1. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Looks as if your masters [sic] didn't cover punctuation, capitalization or proper sentence structure. Weird.

    2. Anonymous10:55 PM

      That sharing wouldn't have included copying other people's papers and thesis. For your information, Barack Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. I doubt if you would last a week there.

      Sarah, you have to get over losing to Obama. It was McCain who was running against Obama. You were just the window dressing. And, you lost.

    3. Anonymous2:32 AM

      Those things don't matter when you are a repub, doncha know??

    4. Anonymous2:41 AM

      Really? I have my masters and haven't shared my papers or thesis. It's weird unless asked to do so.
      Unless you mean you have let people plagiarize your papers? Weird.
      If your publications are worth sharing, they will be found and cited in a literature review if someone needs your topic. Remember those?

    5. What a crock of crap, 9:31 am. I have a master's degree. I work with graduate students each and every day. None of us were or are "excited about sharing papers and thesis." And by the way, the many international students I work with every single day have a better grasp on the English language than you do.

      There is no need to ask President Obama if he is smart enough to be President. It is obvious every single day that he is brilliant and light years beyond the republican goobers in congress in intelligence.

      There is nothing hidden about his educational records. Just because uneducated morons like you don't like what he has accomplished, doesn't make his accomplishments less real.

    6. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Most people, no matter how many degrees they have, do move on from school work. I know that I did. And so did my husband who, in his retirement, has continued to publish.

    7. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Barack Obama edited the Harvard Law Review. You don't even know what that is.

    8. Anonymous5:19 AM

      You have no masters degree, just a theater arts degree and a failed career. Isn't that right?

      (Anyone eager to share their school papers, even graduate ones, is a schmuck)

    9. Anonymous2:38 PM

      When I graduated with my masters

      Hilarious, thanks for the my laugh of the day.

      Was that a "masters" from hair school because if any legitimate university granted you a master's degree with your appalling grasp of the English language, they should be shut down.

  20. Anonymous9:33 PM

    And Sarah Palin is a voracious reader. FACT.

    No wonder Obama's never been able to speak off the cuff about intellectual topics

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Yes, Sarah is a voracious reader-- of the tabloids and the blogs, like this blog. President Obama can speak without a teleprompter, Sarah, it's getting to be a lame joke. However, you seem to bring a book full of hand written notes to the podium when you speak. Since you keep turning the pages and looking down, trying to find your place, it's pretty clear that you have no idea what was written for you to say. Get over that teleprompter joke. We've seen the photos of you using a teleprompter, too.

    2. Anonymous12:51 AM


    3. Anonymous2:32 AM

      Reading from her hand does not count!!

    4. Anonymous2:41 AM


    5. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Projection much, Sarah?

    6. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Did you get your masters off of a matchbook cover?

    7. You are a liar. Fact And stupid. Fact.

    8. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Unlike yourself, of course.

      You idiot, I swear you're getting more stupid by the hour.

  21. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Still trying to figure out how the Quitters Harlequin Novel consumption and the President speaking off the cuff are connected. Anonymous 9:33 are you just channeling your inner Ricky Perry?

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      No, that's Sarah, drunk-blogging again. For some reason, she is still stuck on that teleprompter joke. It's old and tired. And, we have seen President Obama answer questions from the press, meet people and interact with them, and yes, talk about intellectual topics. (What exactly is an intellectual topic? Is it like knowing which one is our friend, North or South Korea? Or is it knowing something about American history and whether Paul Revere rang those bells or fired those warning shots? Intellectual topics like macro-economics? How did you do in that subject, Sarah?)

  22. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Like Bush, only dumber. And yeah, dipshit, it is an IQ test.

    1. Anonymous12:46 AM

      This test is not graded on a curve.

      Ooops. Bad news for Rick Perry: he failed the test..

  23. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Captcha gone this morning!
    Christmas miracles do happen!!

  24. Anonymous4:21 AM

    And Rick Perry's "life experiences" show that he is as dumb as a rock and as insensitive as one too. Like George W., he likes having people executed a little too much.

  25. Randall7:48 AM

    "Running for President is not an I.Q. test."

    Yes. Yes it is, Rick.
    And your answer proves that you fail that test.


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