Saturday, December 06, 2014

Newly elected Alaska Governor Bill Walker brings back several of Sarah Palin's top officials. Oh that doesn't sound good.

Courtesy of Alaska Journal of Commerce:  

New Gov. Bill Walker took office Dec. 1 and ordered immediate changes in top echelons of state government. Walker brought back several top officials from Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration for senior positions in the natural resources and revenue departments.

These include Marty Rutherford, who was deputy Natural Resources commissioner under Palin and one of the architects of the ultimately failed Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, or AGIA, project.

Walker named Rutherford as acting resources commissioner and as permanent deputy commissioner, a position she held before.

(Marty Rutherford was a close Palin confidant who is widely quoted in this 2011 ADN article on Palin's decision to quit her job.)

Another former Palin official, Marcia Davis, was named acting commissioner of Revenue. She was deputy Revenue commissioner for tax under Palin.

I thought that getting rid of Parnell would signal an end to Palin's influence over Alaska and its policies, but now I wonder if I was a little too naive in my thinking. 

This does not necessarily mean that Palin is pulling any strings, but if there are puppets to be manipulated I think we know the puppeteers quite well.



  1. Chenagrrl9:17 AM

    Has anyone asked Walker about the value of this and whether these Palin imports even have Alaska residency?

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    While Palin did have a lot of unqualified people in key positions, she also had a few gems and I think Marty was one of those gems. I've known her for a long time and she is very qualified. Remember that she was part of the Midnight Massacre under Frank Murkowski because she wouldn't go along with the secretive nature of his natural gas negotiations. I don't know Davis, but Marty Rutherford is a good choice.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Wow. Does Todd have naked pictures of Bill Walker? Can't imagine any other scenario that makes sense.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Is the lady who loves cows part of his team?

    1. Caroll Thompson11:25 AM

      That was my first thought.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      She's still the head of the Division of Agriculture, a rather overlooked department. I'd assume he's focusing on more high profile commissions first.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Alaska appears to be well and truly screwed.

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I can't believe you still have any faith in your state government, Gryphen.

    The fact that Todd Palin sat with Walker's people at a debate was a great clue what "unity" meant to Walker. What sane, ethical person would want that shit anywhere near him or his campaign?

    And yet, nobody complained that Walker seemed a bit too cozy with Todd and Sarah?

    It looks like you might have a situation like the one when Sarah was elected. As long as the previous guy is voted out, who cares who is voted in?

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I guess all our hopes that a new administration would expose the Palins is up in smoke. Business (and Politics) as usual up there in Alaska.

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    This is a surprise?! When she endorsed him at the last, and TAWD sat in on his town hall, presser, whatever it was, I knew they'd sunk their dirty claws in. I pity you, Alaska, you'll never be rid of them.

  9. Don't make everyone guilty by association. Rutherford was a professional career state employee before Palin came along and was part of the group of high level employees who resigned in protest of Gov. Murkowski's dealings with the oil industry.

  10. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Don’t worry, Palin was the puppet. Rutherford is a very competent person and I trust her.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You guys are screwed. You had your chance to dismember her with the drunken brawl and you didn't. Now she's even more emboldened and spreading like a virus.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    How much you want to bet Corey Kligenmeyer (not sure how to spell his name), the guy Bristol accused of assaulting her at the drunken brawl, is getting a government job for keeping quiet.

  13. It is such a shame, for you guys up there in Alaska, that you can't shake that last piece of information out of whoever is holding on to it, that would put to rest the whole Palin Babygate Issue. It is so pitiful the damage palin continues to inflict upon our politics and our country. Whoever that person is, is no longer a potential savior. Now they are nothing more than an accomplice.

  14. Puhleeezzze you thought that endorsement didn't all got skanked by that skankHo Palin again. You will never learn...this administration will be worse than the last

  15. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I thought byron mallot was a democrat....surely, he distrusts the palins as he must know their racist views, etc? They would not be his kind of people.

  16. I knew there had to be a reason she was sticking around AK instead of hanging out in AZ. I guess there's no end to the corruption in AK. Feel bad for you, AK. Maybe some of you with the dirt on the Paylins should think about coming forward, otherwise you are stuck with them FOREVER.

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    As long as he kicks Joe Schmidt, director of prisons/dept. of corrections, to the curb then I'll be happy. He's the most nefarious of the whole bunch of Palin cronies.

  18. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Yeah...and Rutherford was a big player in the 1/2 billion dollar giveaway to TransCanada that was part of the huge Palin AGIA screw up. I am very concerned about her participation in any gas pipeline project.

  19. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Jim and Faye Palin wouldn't have been invited to the hangar Thanksgiving and Sarah wouldn't have shared Faye's recipe if Walker had lost the election. Sarah's ties to her in-laws couldn't be more transparent.

  20. During the campaign he said that on Day1 he'll accept the ACA Medicaid expansion. Does anyone know if he has done it yet?

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      He may have to accept it through an Executive Order rather than through legislative channels but he has said regardless that it's his first order of business and will happen.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      12:05 PM They are already on it!

    3. "Whatever"2:19 PM

      One of the first things he did after taking office.

      "(Juneau, AK) – Within hours of being sworn into office, Gov. Bill Walker announced the appointment of Valerie Davidson as Department of Health and Social Services Commissioner.

      “I promised Alaskans that, once in office, one of my first tasks would be to expand Medicaid,” Walker said. “Valerie Davidson is, bar none, the consummate expert on the topic. We have a lot of work to do in ensuring that more than 40,000 Alaskans get the health care coverage that they need."

    4. Cool! Thanks guys, good to know. Never saw a news story about it. I either missed it or it was buried on the back pages.

  21. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Lol. Palin has no power. At best she could be a thorn in the side but that is about it. You Im'ers give her waaaay to much credit.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I totally agree with you 11:26 AM!

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      As an Alaskan, I too agree. She means nothing here.

    3. Anonymous7:40 AM

      11:26 AM - 12:34 PM - 1:05 PM

      You are transparent Ann.

  22. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Walker seems to be replacing many Commissioners by promoting other Parnell appointees. It doesn't look like a new day for AK government.

    Some good news:
    Palin pal, Joe Schmidt, is out as Commissioner for the Department of Corrections.

    He was a controversial commissioner and I'm surprised
    I can't find one news report about who is 'in' and who is 'out' that mentions Joe Schmidt's name.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      He is the one I wanted out of his position the most! Thank you, Governor Walker and Lt. Gov. Hensley! Smart move!

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Lt. governor Mallott.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      I found an article that includes Schmidt's name.

  23. vegaslib12:13 PM

    Those two are some smarmy, smug looking twats.

  24. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Here's another Palin appointee whom Walker is keeping.

    [Larry] Hartig, who was named DEC [Dept. of Environmental Conservation] chief by former Gov. Sarah Palin in 2007, has the longest tenure of any current state commissioner.

  25. Anonymous1:16 PM

    "Walker brought back several top officials from Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration for senior positions in the natural resources and revenue departments. "

    Hey newly elected Alaska Governor Bill Walker how about hiring Alaska former gov Sarah Palin's high school cow loving friend and classmate Franci Havemeister?

    Franci must be good if former gov Sarah Palin hand picked her Wasilla High School classmate to run a $2,000,000 agency with a $95k salary?


    Like Cows As A Kid? Sarah Palin Has $95K (A Year) For You

    Submitted by Paul on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 8:55pm.

    But only if you're an unqualified childhood friend.

    The NY Times will publish tomorrow some of the background of the rise of the biggest celebrity to come along in politics in a generation.

    Of course since that celebrity is Sarah Palin, she's above criticism.

    First, about the crony (one of at least five):

    So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Havemeister still has her job, for now.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Franci Havemeister makes sure her inlaws Bob and Jean Havemeister have enough money and loan modifications to keep the sole dairy in the state afloat. She stacked her board to do whatever she says. Pathetic. That board makes sure all their loans are approved even if the collateral is not there. It's an in house piggy bank with the ARLF. Walker would be stupid to keep her in place.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Am I the only one who understands the meaning of the words "deputy" and "acting"? These words specifically mean that these people have NOT been appointed commissioner at this time. Why don't we wait to complain until commissioners ARE appointed?

  27. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Well, she had nothing to do with Parnell so I think you're safe. Sarah is old news in Alaska. all she does is go to ball games, races, take trig to therapy, and work on that sportman channel show

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Correction, Ann: Palin does not "work."

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Ann, sweetie, we know you don't live here so stop acting like you do.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Annie the Troll you don't know shit about what Sarah Palin does each day. If she was taking Trig to therapy, he would not be eating applesauce all day.
      You are as big a loser as Borderline retarded Bristol and Willow.

    4. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Shove it 2:45. Anyone that doesn't join lock step with the IM loony gestapo is a breath of fresh air. What are you anyways 2:45, the IM version of TheresaAK?

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      "take Trig to therapy" -- that would be pretty funny if it weren't so d@mned sad.
      Interesting, though, how, now that the GOP has its sights set on 2016, the main troll drumbeat has been how little Sarah matters. Worried much?
      Yeah, I would be too.

    6. Anonymous5:07 PM

      There are plenty of long time IMers who know how little Sarah matters 4:58. What exactly is your point, worried about what exactly?

      And does using the word 'troll' give you a big internet boner?

    7. Anonymous7:35 AM

      5:07 PM

      Cool story, bro.

    8. Anonymous7:37 AM

      4:47 PM

      Shove it Ann.

    9. Anonymous10:24 AM

      7:35 & 7:37, resident nutjob weirdo with internet boner.

    10. Anonymous11:22 AM

      You know, Ann, if you keep sounding every bit as crass as your idol and her demon spawn, people might start to think that Ann isn't your real name.

      PS. Surely it's crystal clear what the GOP is worried about at this point. Too bad, so sad, the monster they created isn't going to go away quietly.

  28. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Is anyone taking bets on whether a Palin or Heath gets appointed to some board?

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Does the state of Alaska have a Facebook board?

      If yes then Sarah Palin is your girl.

  29. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Why doesn't Walker just hire Palin back and be done with it??

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Too much work. I'm used to my lifestyle of doing community and charity work.

  30. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Bringing back Palin sycophants highlights how truly how ill-prepared, ignorant, and inexperienced Walker is.

  31. Anonymous2:29 PM

    If Governor Walker is smart he would hire Alaska's highly decorated combat seasoned Green Beret veteran Admiral Track MacArthur Menard Palin to run the Alaska Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Enforcement.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM


  32. "Whatever"2:44 PM

    OK. Gryph and others...

    Just because a person worked under another administration doesn't mean they are BAD people or BAD at their jobs.

    In fact, would we as Alaskans want someone in a top positions who had NO experience?

    Isn't that what everyone complains was one of Palin's big problems--appointing people from high school who knew nothing about what they were overseeing?

    Fresh blood and new ideas are great, but you can't hire a total state administration full of brand new inexperienced workers.

    It's quite common for key people in admin and the legislative staff to be "recycled" because they are good at what they do.

    Let's not be too quick to judge Walker based on the fact that he's hired some former Palin department heads.

    Just because Palin hired them doesn't mean they are as bad or incompetent as she was. It's an insult to the good people that did work during that time.

    And remember, it was said again and again, that Palin did none of the work but it was the Department heads and senior employees who kept the state running.

    Also, too, if you are really concerned about these hires, they have to be approved by the legislature and you are free to write letters to complain.

    That worked with WAR, (William Anthoy Ross) who was the first, and so far only, commissioner appointee ever not approved by the legislature.

    Please, don't let your disgust over Palin override common decency. Just because someone worked in the Palin administration doesn't mean they are incompetent like she was.

    "Steve Strube made a statement that if 20 people raise concerns with a legislator, that is enough for the legislator to take up the issue."

    Of course, oh the memories, Sarah Palin blamed Ross's not being approved on...yes...the bloggers!

  33. Anita Winecooler4:19 PM

    Guess she'll be moving back to AZ. She's made her "Free Oil Share" quota by staying in Alaska, and now she can work on cactus bonsai or whatever it is she's supposed to be doing in Az.

  34. I was really hoping they would clean house, but I knew better, I really did. At least they got rid of Joe Schmidt, but there are several people who need to be removed from the DOC.

  35. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Palin rules the roost per usual while the cuckoos coo and hum over their own genitalia. Hooray for that!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      10:22 PM

      Cool story, bro.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Then, there's the rest....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.