Saturday, December 06, 2014

Louie Gohmert for President? Is ANYBODY wingnutty enough to want that to happen? Oh yeah.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

Anti-immigrant activist William Gheen, the head of Americans for Legal Immigration, stopped by VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program yesterday to discuss how a coalition of “big tycoons and kings and princes and emperors” is trying to take America down through immigration, thus taking away power from Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Fourth of July, and his cunning plan to stop this from happening by having Rep. Louie Gohmert or Rep. Steve King ascend to the presidency. 

“The megawealth of the planet has never really been happy about the United States of America and this entire concept that we the people are self-governed and in charge and that big tycoons and kings and princes and emperors, like Obama’s acting like, are not in charge,” Gheen said. “And they’ve found a way to take over our corporations, to take over our media, to take over our country by facilitating a very costly and deadly illegal alien invasion.” 

He warned that Americans are in “mortal danger” from immigration and from the “growing anti-Christ spirit and anti-Christ movement in this country that is becoming stronger and more emboldened as the traditional conservative center-right Americans are displaced in our jobs and our politics and elections.” 

Aww, the brown people are giving this William Gheen guy a case of the sads.

So does he have some plan for turning this whol thing around?

Oh hell yeah!  

But luckily, Gheen has a solution. When a caller asked about how to “remove Obama from office,” Gheen proposed a simple plan. First, he said, “we’re working on Boehner and McConnell right now because those dominos have to fall and we can move to the next phase.” 

The next phase, he said, would be for Congress to impeach and remove both President Obama and Vice President Biden. 

Then the final piece of the puzzle comes into place: get Rep. Louie Gohmert or Rep. Steve King elected Speaker of the House, so he can ascend to the presidency until the next election is held.

Okay well first off that is the most convoluted plot I have heard in some time, and I have been binge watching the BBC series "Sherlock" for the last several days.

And secondly, though I do not usually consider myself the type to take up arms against my government, if somehow Louie "freaking" Gohmert were to be put in charge of the country you can bet I will be leading the northern resistance out of Alaska. 

And here I thought the worst thing that could happen is for Sarah Palin to be elected President.


  1. The loony wing nuts keep yelling about impeaching President Obama for "violating the Constitution", but when asked to be more specific, words fail them.

    Good grief, those people are dumb.

    1. "when asked to be more specific, words fail them."
      So do lucid thought processes.

    2. Winner and still champ:Louie Gohmert, lowest IQ in Congress!

  2. Chenagrrl12:48 PM

    William Gheen presupposes that the GOP will get together on anything. Right now, it's good they don't have to vote to buy toilet paper.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    How exactly would Gohmert or King fight off the 'anti-Christ spirit and anti-Christ movement' without shitting on the Constitution and democratic republic principles?

    1. Boscoe2:09 PM

      -by hiring David Barton to reinterpret the constitution to mean: "it's all good, the ends justify the means as long as our religion wins".

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    It's bad enough they keep talking about impeaching the President for some vague, undefinable high crime they can't specify, but what the hell do they plan to impeach the Vice President for???

    Telling bad jokes?

    Being a nice guy?

    Having a brain?

    NOT being a rightwing nutjob?

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Why are you of all people ragging on Bill Walker? He's actually a good man who I believe will do good things for our state. Even you have to understand that a neo nazi would be preferable to Captain Zero. Sean may be a good PERSON, but that man needs to stay away from public office. Way too many conflicts. re: oil

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Parnell is NOT a good person, he's a slimy little neocon fundagelical weasel. Good riddance and this Alaskan is willing to give Walker/Mallot a chance to do a better job.

      Until we get a completely reasonable person in office, a person with no religious affiliations and no mind but his or her own, no promises made to corporations for campaign funds, then we get what we get, and even though Walker/Mallot have many faults they deserve a chance.

      My Atheist dreams will just have to wait until the time is right for the perfect candidate, until then we vote either for the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich.

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Doesn't Gheen realize that a majority of the immigrants from regions south are Catholic? They're always seeing a threat to their precious religions, when there really is none, except for us thinking people trying to get the religious folks to do the same.

    1. Boscoe2:07 PM

      Gheen (isn't that a Don Martin sound effect?) doesn't appear to realize much of anything. For example, that Republicans are leading the charge to empower the "the megawealth" or that Gohmert and Stockman are locked in a three-way tie with Bachmann for the coveted "biggest imbecile in government" title.

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Louis is Looney - as they come!

  8. Chris Rock actually voiced a great idea in his recent interview with Frank Rich in Vulture.. Obama actually had this opportunity in the initial days as President, but passed on the chance. If Goobernutts got elected, we could easily snatch the reins from him and take a shot at Rock's plan.. His idea - let the US collapse. We could then re-build the nation for the future, not a trip back to the 1950's.

  9. Anita Winecooler4:24 PM

    King and Louie are co anti Christs. Isn't it fun reading the ramblings of the addled brains of mad people?

  10. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Louie is dumb as a post. I think nominating a 4 x 4 would be just as effective.


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