Saturday, December 06, 2014

Kirk Cameron's craptastic, fact free, Christmas movie is now officially the worst movie ever made.

As I am sure many of you remember Cameron went on Facebook to beg people to give his truly ridiculous movie a good review on Rotten Tomatoes because it was being trashed by regular movie goers.

You know, people with taste.

Well clearly that didn't help at all, and today the film has the unenviable rank of 0% on the Tomatometer.

If that were not bad enough (And really it should be don't you think?), the film also found itself on the absolute bottom of IMBD's list according to ratings.

It is even considered worse than Son of the Mask, Glitter, and something called Invasion of the Neptune Men.

Which only goes to prove that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you simply cannot force your obvious Christian propaganda down people's throats just because you were once a semi-famous sitcom star.

(H/T to the Friendly Atheist.)


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sorry Kirk. Looks like Santa left a great big ole lump o'coal in YOUR stocking this year.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    President Louie Gohmert would save Christmas from Mexicans, nutty activist froths

    Nativist activist William Gheen sketched out a strategy to install Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) as Speaker of the House – and then president – in a scenario that sounds like “House of Cards” meets Kirk Cameron.

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You mean worse that Sarah Palin's loser movie?

  4. Randall7:33 AM

    I guess that shows that if you're not smart enough to understand how evolution works*, you're probably not smart enough to game the movie-rating system.

    *And he's not: the utter stupidity of Cameron's explanation of how evolution works is breathtaking.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm betting that Christ down-voted it as well.

    1. 75% Off Sarah Palin Channel Membership!!!2:03 PM

      But Satan gave it Two Horns Up!!!

  6. Jeeves8:48 AM

    Very o/t, but an echo of the Throwdown at the Hoedown:
    in a story today in The New York Times about class snobbery, there is this gem:

    "All of which made Mr. Mellor even more ridiculous, reminding many of the apocryphal story of another outraged politician who demanded of a policeman, “Do you know who I am?” The policeman then radioed in, asking for an ambulance, saying, “There’s some old toff here who doesn’t know his name.”

  7. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It is hard to believe Kirk Cameron's turd of a movie has a worse rating than the the other XMAS Classic which makes no sense at all, "Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny":

    Reading the reviews of "Saving XMAS" at Rotten Tomatoes has given me much enjoyment.

  8. This is good news. If that nincompoop Cameron actually loved Christmas and Jesus, he would not lie about either one, nor would he "bear false witness" against people who do not follow his beliefs in lockstep.

    He would rejoice in telling the truth about the origins of the cultural practices surrounding Christmas and how they are built on thousands of years of cultures all around the world. None of that would lessen the meaning of Christmas in the slightest.

    That he has to lie to promulgate his view shows he doesn't really Believe or he wouldn't be afraid of the Truth. He's just a money-grubbing, self-righteous hypocrite.

  9. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Bwahahaha!!! Oh, and you know what other stinker of a movie scored 0% on Rotten Tomatoes? Yep, Sarah Palin "The Undefeated".

  10. cckids10:55 AM

    Good. Maybe the so-called "Christians" will see that being assholier-than-thou doesn't pay off too well.

    I mean, we can hope for a Christmas miracle, can't we?

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "The Christian Terrorist Movement No One Wants To Talk About"

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      I'll talk about it because all that hate crap is in their bible but the people that call themselves "reasonable christians" choose to ignore all the bad stuff. It's a bad book full of hate, misogyny and violence. It is a terrorist manifesto and the heart of the message is "believe as we do or die at the hands of a mob of crazy people channeling a made up god and doing his imaginary will".

      Religions, ughhh, don't even get me started...all of them have killed way more people than they have ever helped.

  12. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Dangerous idiots. I live in Mi. and this is what we get.

  13. Boscoe2:16 PM

    Well, look on the bright side Kirk, your movie is "better" than all the ones that failed to meet the 1,500 vote threshold.

    But damn... worse than Birdemic?? That's gonna leave a mark. Have you SEEN Birdemic??

  14. Anonymous2:19 PM

    How on earth hasn't South Park done an episode where Kirk Cameron was killed and angels sang out loud?

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      South Park takes on entire religions (Book of Mormon) and doesn't waste time with measly little pukes like Cameron. He's a gnat, not worthy of comment, much less an episode of South Park.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

    Poor Bananaboy spent all that money and his movie flopped. What a damn shame. In a way, he's succeeded in taking the commercialism out of the holiday, yeah, that's the ticket!

  16. Nice try, Gryphen - which isnt even your real name!

    I can list about 5 CERTIFIED film critics who can explain in small easy to understand words for you libtards that Kirk Cameron's XMAS EPIC is at LEAST 10% better than Birdemic, Shock and Terror. And FIFTEEN PERCENT better than Birdemic 2, Shock & Terror Bugaloo: A New Beginning!

    Why are you even commenting on this shitty movie when you don't even know Kirk - who was voted Most Improved Child Actor in 1987 AND 1989 - personally? What sort of monster writes about people they don't even know????

    Let me tell you something, buddy boy! Your life would be a LOT better if you read the bible, watched this shitty movie about XMAS and drank significant quantities of fortified red table wine. Come to think of it, tho, with enough wine, you can even skip the bible and the shitty movie!

  17. Worse than Gigli?

    Once again, the younger generation will be saying "Kirk who?"

    Washed up, no talent, has been child actor trying to regain glory.

    Face it, Kirk. Your rabid religion has killed your career and your credibility. No one wants to see you, especially on the screen. And obviously you couldn't pay people to see your movie, let along get them to pay good money for the "privilege".


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