Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sarah Palin's ghostwriter finally got off her fat ass and wrote her something to say about Cuba.

The video starts off with these words:

"President Obama's recent decision to normalize relations with the oppressive communist regime in Cuba, it puts me in mind of how another president handled relations with the communists." 

And after that it is just blah, blah, Ronald Reagan, blah blah, cold war, blah blah, evil empire, blah blah.......Obama sucks.

It's almost Christmas and I have no intention of transcribing the entire seven minutes of this thing.

However the sycophants over at Breitbart were forced to transcribe a portion of her holiday babble so I will simply link to them and share some of it here for the mocking. (And don't forget every time you visit Breitbart.com an angel has its wings torn off. So think before you click.)

Let us begin: 

“I am so ashamed with what the Obama administration has done to Cuban people. I do not support it,” Palin, speaking in front of a lit candle, says in a video that will be seen on The Sarah Palin Channel. (Aww Sarah Palin is ashamed of the President. Well then you KNOW he must be doing something right.)“This Christmas eve, I intend to light a candle and put it in my window to show my solidarity with every brave Cuban fighting for freedom and every political dissident languishing in Castro’s prisons. 

“I encourage you to do the same. Let’s join together in this. Let’s show them that the light of freedom shall never be extinguished.”

Yes lighting candles. Such an effective method for overthrowing a government. 

(Actually the idea comes from a Reagan documentary that Palin pimps during this warm over serving of word salad.)

Palin contrasted Reagan’s “moral clarity” (She confused "moral clarity" with "ignorance about diplomacy.") during the Cold War against the Soviet Union with Obama’s recent appeasement on Cuba. She mentioned that Reagan knew that the Soviet Union’s economic model was “a total failure” but did not collapse only because the Soviets were able to manipulate Americans into propping it up with grain deals and technology exchanges. She blamed “naive diplomats” and “Wall Street greed” for combining to “prop up the most repressive regime in human history” that “would have crumbled so much sooner under the weight of its own incompetence if it were not for” the policies of appeasement. 

Reagan, Palin notes, had the “moral clarity” to call the Soviet Union an “evil empire” and declare that his strategy for the Cold War was simply, “we win, they lose.” (Yes and if Mikhail Gorbachev had not taken the initiative and reached out to Reagan then nothing would have changed on his watch. Reagan's so-called toughness did nothing except slow down the process by which the cold war ended.)

Palin urged viewers to contrast Reagan’s moral clarity with Obama’s decision to “spit in the face of every human rights activist in Cuba.” (Well according to Palin, the President has stopped shoving things down throats and is now spitting in the face. Is that progress?) She said Obama’s decision to reverse U.S. policy toward Cuba “enriched their oppressors and sanctioned their abuse.” (She does realize that we currently trade with a number of countries which have terrible reputations for oppressing human rights, doesn't she?) She said that “greedy crony capitalists are propping up a failing Communist regime” in Cuba, and Obama just gave the “Castro regime the hard currency and the economic boost to remain in power forever.” 

Palin said it is “ludicrous” to think that Cubans will enjoy democracy and human rights because corporations can sell products there. 

“Ask human rights activists in China how that’s working for them,” Palin said, noting that the Cuban government will pocket 92% of wages of their workers to empower the apparatus that controls them. 

She ultimately accused Obama of giving “away all of our leverage to fight for human rights” (And boy hasn't that leverage been working out well so far.) and betraying “the people who are courageously putting their lives on the line fighting for freedom.” She even said Obama was “spitting in the face of every human rights activist on the globe” before asking Americans to light candles to support the Cuban freedom fighters that the Obama administration betrayed.

 Palin also uses the President's middle name during the video which I am assuming she still considers an insult.

You know for fun I would like to ask Palin on video to point to where Cuba is on a map. Fifty bucks says she couldn't find it in ten tries.

Okay so after working on this for a couple of days, the best Palin's ghostwriter could do was to steal some tape from a Reagan documentary, string a bunch of words together that almost make Palin sound like she once read a book, and change the attack against the President from accusing him of "shoving things down our throats" to "spitting in the face" of human rights advocates.

Color me unimpressed.

But even worse than the actual words that the ghostwriter had Palin vomit forth, is the image that Palin presents in the video of a poorly bewigged mental patient, with too much lip gloss, the glow of a teleprompter reflected in her man glasses, and a hideous fur collared suit with shoulder pads left over from the eighties.

I mean is anybody even trying to make her look professional these days?

I think I probably spent more time typing this up just now, and trust me I went through it as quickly as I possibly could, then her team spent putting that whole video together.

I have half a mind to start covering Ted Cruz instead of wasting my time on Palin. I mean at least Cruz comes up with new crazy all the time instead of regurgitating the same old partially digested talking points over and over again.

You know I think it might be about time to have a glass of the Gryphen family's famous eggnog.

It's made from a recipe that my father came up with;  Six ounces of rum with three tablespoons of nog added to give it that holiday flavor. 

It doesn't really taste that good but typically I pass out part way through my second glass. So who really cares?


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It would be more fitting for Sarah Palin to be "so ashamed" of her adult children's behavior when they crashed the Anchorage birthday party. At least then she would be expressing a sentiment based on reality. I don't think the Cuban people feel the way Sarah wants them to feel. But then Cuba is far away from Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      You would think she'd be ashamed of the brawl and Bristol's bad behavior of punching out the host and Track flipping the bird to everyone there but she isn't. She's only "ashamed" of Obama because he's an intelligent black man that defeated the McCain/Palin ticket.

      Also, she's such a copy-cat....yeah, go ahead and light your candle, Miss Quittypants, the majority of people think it's about time we normalized relations with Cuba. Other countries have done so.

      Thank God, no one of any importance listens to her. If Jeb Bush runs in 2016, you can bet the GOP will shut her up.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      And in addition to the POTUS being an intelligent statesman . . . and fine specimen of man, he repeated his victorious recompense when he and his superb team whipped up on Mitt and his gang of billionaires! The Obama library and history books will be voluminous with all of his triumphs, despite his noisome adversaries ... and snarah palin won't even be worthy of a footnote by comparison.

    3. 6:10 Exactly.

      she wont be remember in history books only in joke books.

    4. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Awesome famelie

      J. Tenent

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Ronald Reagan, like Bush Ad, totally disrespected the country that elected him to lead. He should have been in prison and possibly later crimes against our nation would not have occurred.

    Reagan did handle things with Latin America and Iran.
    We should never forget.
    Nor should we forget how he snaked out.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Let's say it loudly and clearly. Reagan broke the law by trading arms for hostages. His lame apology was "mistakes were made." In his defense, he was so far out of it mentally, that he probably didn't know what Oliver North, Poindexter and the others were doing. (And Nancy and the fortune teller weren't talking).

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Had his people been honest they would have revealed his problems and he could have stepped down. The treated him like he was alright and kept him in the position of leader. The bucks stopped with him and his Cheney buddies.

      This is America. We kill the insane and demented. I wouldn't give Reagan and his cohorts any out. They should have all paid the price of their crimes and made appeals from a cell.

    3. RWR press secretary James Brady expired this year, on the 100th anniversary of the inception of the Great War, from the mortal wound he suffered on 30 March 1981. See Revelation 13:3 for more detail.

      How prescient of John to so piquantly name Sister Sarah the Whore of Babble On all so many years ago.

    4. “Who is like unto the Beast? And who will make war upon him?"

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Quick, someone ask Sarah Palin to her face to explain our history with Cuba and the history of Castro and those freedom fighters she wants us all to light candles for. But first, ask her to point to Cuba on a map.

    1. Anonymous1:54 AM

      If she is lighting candles, I hope someone is supervising. Fires are quite common up there, remember Dar Miller's house and the church went up in flames. Reagan had a lousy makeup person also, too. If a Democratic president had been in office afflicted with Alzheimers, the gop would have been screaming from the rooftops. They would have bounced him out of office in a heartbeat. $carah should stick to subjects she knows something about, then we would NEVER have to see or hear from her again.

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Palin is clueless. She is a cretin. Her ghostwriters cobble together whatever is bouncing around the echo chamber of stupidity. The eggnog part is good. I love the eggnog that suits this time of the year. The rum and the fireplace let me step away from it all.

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Has anyone ever heard of Sarah Palin encouraging people to light candles for anyone? I thought that was more of a Catholic thing, therefore it is her nod to the Catholic Cuban republicans (although the Pope, himself, was part of the team that made this historic event possible).

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Well, to be honest, I am not Catholic (or any religious denomination for that matter), but I do light candles, especially at this time of year, for my ancestors.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      I turn on every light in the fucking house because it's fucking dark right now...does that count?

    3. Anonymous12:51 AM

      Why yes it does.

  6. MSNBC : $ARAH's 2014 moments

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Based on the recent polls, there's not gonna be much candlelight to help Mrs Palin walk herself out of her latest fog. She is so dense and can't even rewrite the Koch talking points very well nor can her ghosties do much better.

    btw shark face, the name HUSSEIN is very common in Arabic countries and if the President's father named him after someone notable, it just might have been King Hussein of Jordan. And we know you know what a good friend of Israel he was. Don't we??? The Hussein you like to think it conjures up was a wee lad in his early 20s, not yet a fierce dictator and doubtful that Obama Sr had him in mind when he named his son.

  8. Anonymous4:59 PM

    As you mentioned - I think it a good idea for you to no longer cover Sarah Palin and her idiocy! Everything is ghost written for her. She knows nothing about the various subjects we've watched her 'try to cover' these past years. And, she has not improved her knowledge on anything!

    Ted Cruz might be far more interesting (as he is much smarter!) and has more clout within the Tea Party than does Palin. The Republican party - nationally as well as Alaska's party - cannot abide her. She's done, inept and so damned predictable!

    You and Malia are the only two blogs keeping her alive and I feel for both of you in taking on the responsibility of doing so. I suspect you both to be excruciatingly sick of her! I know I am! I just want her to go play in the traffic never to be heard from again OR to be put on trial for her (and Todd's) dirty deeds and wear the color orange for the rest of her (their) life (lives)!

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I agree. Sarah is toxic, but also stupid and repetitive, and, ultimately, a heckler sitting on the bleachers, while real people are accomplishing real things, good and bad.
      Perhaps, Gryphen, you should follow your instincts and start off 2015, when the GOP and Pee Pals go at each other for the Presidential nomination, by following Cruz and other crazies. Throw in a little Palin on a slow day, or when you need a laugh.

      Sarah is what she is at this point: crazy, narcissistic, not taken seriously by more than a handful of sad, deluded people. She has no power to change anything, and is getting more and more frustrated by how marginalized she's become.

      btw -- perhaps spitting in someone's face is one of the Palin family's favorite fighting tactics.
      Remember, "The Sarah Palin Channel" is a name copyrighted by Stephen Colbert. Her miserable blog is rightly, and legally, called Sarah Palin Channel, without the article. Every time it's used correctly, she'll throw a can at whatever advisor forgot to add "The" to her vanity internet stunt.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I agree . . . and like a dog that returns to its own vomit, slimy sarah relishes in the free publicity. She thrives on her internal noise -- and like the cancer that she is, it will undoubtedly be her downfall.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Ted Cruz is not "interesting," he's freaking crazy (and not in a good way).

      Gryphen goes after Cruz and other republicans on a regular basis. But Gryphen is Alaskan and has a special interest in bringing Sarah Palin down.

      Exposing Sarah Palin also exposes the republican party who ran her for VPOTUS. That's why, in my eyes, continuing to investigate and report on her is a good thing. So, I thank Gryphen and Malia for doing so.

      And, of course, Ted Cruz and other republicans still publicly align themselves with her. So, her stupidity becomes their stupidity.

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I agree - Sarah Palin is no longer relevant to anyone in power and has no one's respect that counts!

      It's way past time that we literally ignore her idiotic statements which she makes just to get reactions. The majority of responses to, or about her, are always negative!

      We all know she is racist and hates President Obama. Nothing new there! So, that chatter isn't going to change from her either even though he is doing a fantastic job and going up, up, up in the polls!

      Enough of Palin and her klan. How many years have we been chatting about her? Too many! I'm done!

      There are many more important things to discuss concerning our world and Gryphen is doing so! I especially enjoy his sense of humor!

    5. Anonymous12:46 AM

      Many people saw Sarah Palin had no relevance way back around 2008-2009.

      She is toxic. That is not why people keep on her.

      Charles Manson didn't murder anyone with his hands. If he hadn't been on trial and gone to prison he would be free, toxic and irrelevant. There would still be people that would bring attention to him whether he is toxic or irrelevant. That is not the point.

      Nor is it with the Palins.

      Some people will always whine, when the Palins stops being relevant to those few they will stop whining about it.

    6. Anonymous5:35 AM

      He and many of us won't stop until babygate is revealed and she is publicly humiliated in the finest fashion.

  9. Nog on, Gryphen! You deserve it for all that you've endured this year to illuminate the depths of Sarah Palin's ignorance, greed and hatred.

  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Palin is the most vile public figure I have ever seen (other than McCarthy who had the power to destroy people). She is a POS parading herself on a big stage. She is too stupid to be ashamed. The Palin/Heath family is a group of slim ball opportunistic lowlifes. All of them are of subnormal intelligence and undeveloped conscience.

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Does Sarah realize how much business we do with China, another Communist Country? Did she ever light candles for the brave students who stood in Tienamen Square?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      There are too many Asians in China. That makes Sarah Heath Palin uncomfortable, according to her father.

  12. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Maybe Sarah Palin will put her candle in the window too close to the curtain and her house will burn down. Of course I hope everyone will escape ;)

  13. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Reagan suggested lighting those candles for the Solidarity workers in Poland in 1981. The Soviet Union did not fall apart until ten years later, and Reagan's candles had nothing to do with it.

  14. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Polls show Americans agree with Obama. So, once again, she's on the losing end of the deal.

    As usual. When does she get over her defeat?

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    " ... fat ass"

    Is RAM back in the mix or has French gained weight?

  16. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    She forgot Raygun's other book "The Bay of Wigs". "The world watched in whore" It's either a small world or one huge whore, just sayin.

    Great Idea, light millions of candles in windows around the nation, then sit back and curse the traffic jam because of all the damn fire engines.

    This ungreedy, unchrony capitalist banged her head against the wall one too many times.

    1. Anonymous1:00 AM

      For those towns who have 'privatized fireman' and you don't pay, just get out of the burning house and home your neighbors, church, and the pseudo-christiany dominionist oligarchs house you.

      Thanks to the unfit to serve greedy GOTP'ers.


  17. Anonymous5:34 PM

    If she really goes through with this candle idea, you can be sure it'll be a battery-operated one that she bought at the Dollar Store, and Made in China, a Communist country.

    I'd love to hear her version of the 56-year-history of the Cuban Revolution, and what it has meant for both our countries.

    You can be sure that Raphael Cruz will be bellowing about it before long. But Communism is no longer our great enemy -- terrorism has long-ago taken its place.

    Russia, which has propped up the Cuban regime since 1959, no longer can afford to do so. Cuba will turn to us as an economic and, finally, political ally before long. Making sure that the countries in our hemisphere are friendly to us is a national security necessity.

  18. Her Xanax must have kicked in, because she's pretty cross-eyed trying to read that teleprompter during this video.

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      No shit, her crossed eyeballs drifting back, forth, and around are barely synching up with each other.

  19. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Just to be clear . . . my candle has been displayed in the window for months now ~ and in No Way signifies solidarity with the Northern nincompoop!

    Feliz Navidad.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Mine too! Frohe Weihnachten!

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Solstice. It would be unthinkable not to have light, candles are a winner.

      All good pagans light up.

  20. A J Billings5:51 PM

    Sarah Palin is an utterly despicable and ignorant person, and does nothing but spew verbal diarrhea every time she opens her mouth.

    There is going to be a day when someone is going to force that fucking ignorant, blindly stupid, and religious nutcase Granny Palin to sit the hell down, and shut the fuck up for good, and it can't come too soon

    I've been saving a bottle of Jack Daniels I bought in 1981 for a special occasion, and I will share it with friends in honor of Palin's demise.

    Happy Hannukah, and HOOOHAH!

    1. Well said, AJ. A toast to you!

      And a round for all IMers!

  21. PalinsHoax5:54 PM

    Call me shallow, but I was too distracted to pay attention to what was being bloviated by the Ol' Mother of the One Who Puddles on Pavement:

    1. Was the Ol' Stale-Dated One wearing a cast-off bathrobe of Hugh Hefner's?
    2. How odd that her ears look exactly like Fidel Castro's.
    3. What's that shiny goop that she forgot to wipe off above her top lip? Is it baby oil?
    4. Those eye-glasses sure make her look even more cross-eyed than usual.
    5. Man her looonnnnggg ears look exactly like Fidel Castro's!

    Yep, too distracted by all her physical peculiarities to listen to her garbled message.

    P.S. Hey Gryphen, are you having them-there festive elaborate rice krispie squares to go with your eggnog?

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Sarah takes the time to attach a flag pin to her fugly jacket (both the style and color are hideous) yet she can't place her wedding ring on?

      Come on Sarah, inquiring minds want to know if you and pimp Todd are actually divorced or if you just don't respect the marriage and commitment symbolized by a wedding ring?

      Either way, whether you are lying or being disrespectful, you are setting a very poor example for your children. We can plainly see how the adult three have fared in the relationship department.

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      To your #3: she probably cut herself shaving off that mustache she has been growing now that she is past the 'Big five-oh' and has indeed put baby oil on the cuts...

    3. Anonymous9:12 PM

      What does a man need to do to prove what a great patriot he is?


      The good wife.

    4. Anonymous4:38 AM

      Anon 9:12 - I would classify both those images as obscene.

    5. Martha again5:03 AM

      I can't make out the logo on the "mens'" shirts. ??

    6. Anonymous8:40 AM

      5:03 Drop Zone

    7. Wasn't it William "Drop Zone Bill' Fulton who ran that gun shop that served as a front in the FBI sting to apprehend Schaeffer Cox?


      Don't tell me the Heaths and Palins are too dumb to get the connection.

  22. Anonymous5:56 PM

    What color magnetic ribbon should go on your car, Sarah? Probably brown, the same color as bullshit.

  23. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Has Sarah been displaying her menorah this year as she said last year she does the entire month? Did she wish anyone a happy Hanukkah? Perhaps she did it privately to her paying customers (not that any of them are Jewish).

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      No, Sarah missed wishing her Jewish friends Happy Hanukkah this year. It's just as well. If she left that menorah on her kitchen counter all month, it would have gotten in the way of Sarah Palin making an apple pie in her sexy sweater. Or, she would have lit the house on fire. Maybe one of her consultants ran the numbers on her PAC donors and they discovered that the one Jewish donor didn't give any money this year. Why bother?

  24. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Devil's advocate here. So Frenchie is now following Gryph. Know how the pee puddle will see this? "She's Running!"

    You go right ahead, $arah. There are some things just too stupid for words and don't say you weren't warned.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Light some candles in the window. Don't forget to give old Chuck a kickstart while you are at it ...


    2. Anonymous1:14 AM

      Isn't Chuck Sarah's older brother? Why did he lose his job? If he was worth beans he could have another job in the school system. What an S.O.B. he and his wife turned out to be to operate this latest scheme.

      He wants a new job so he goes about it like one of the nut jobs on Kickstarter and the others? Not that all of these funding deals are sickening, it can be a worthy deal. I've heard the Heaths are working three different funding programs.

      Grifting is all they know. Pathetic beggars. Give your money to the drug addict begging on the street before you waste it on a loser like Chuck Heath, Jr. and his wife.

      If Heath, Jr. was worthwhile the magazine would fund his equipment. He could get a loan like kids who go to school for a career. Doesn't he own a house? Why not refinance and get money that way?

      Let's face it, he is a big P.O.S. like his sister. Yeah, sure she could lend him some money.

      Didn't he save anything from the Dairygate days?

      What about his father who helped himself to other people's money? Wouldn't he loan his son other people's money?

      What really takes the cake is the young woman that married him.

      It sure says a lot about her that she hasn't gone out and found a job to support her spouse in his new career.

      Isn't that what a decent person would do? Seriously, I can't imagine being in a marriage with a man where together we would decide not to do everything else but some scam like they decided on. No love or depth with those two.

  25. Anonymous6:50 PM

    So the stupid twat from Wasilla is ashamed what President Obama has done to the Cuban people?

    Like freely visit family members in and from the States? Like visit the States and have people from the states visit Cuba and interact with each other and learn from each other? Like taking away the embargo that helps keep the Cuban people poor and suffering? Like letting Cubans see how we live in the States and see what life in a free country is like? (Well they better hurry and get here to do that. The way things are going we may not be free for long)

    I've had it up to here with everything Palin. That's why I'm tired of the slow tease that something is going to take her down. I have lost my patience waiting.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      6:50 PM -- when you lose your patience and say "whatever," is when she wins. This is politics and she plays it horribly. Give Gryph his time.

  26. Caroll Thompson7:02 PM

    The Dow passed 18,000 today for the first time ever. Gas prices are low and the latest GNP figures show over 5%, the best performance since 2003. Only 11% of us are without insurance in the first year of the ACA - down from about 22%. Medical inflation is at its lowest level since 1960. The wars in the middle east have grown into conversations with the adversaries. Twenty years after the cold war has ended, we are opening relations with Cuba, much to the delight of the Cubans. The bailout has made a profit of at least 50 billion Unemployment is down and wages are sure to be on the rise again.

    And all thanks to President Barack H. Obama.

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Thank you for sharing all this. I always appreciate your comments. Merry Christmas to you, too.

    2. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Thanks, Caroll Thompson. Good news is important to know and we don't learn it from the media. Merry Christmas to all.

  27. Anonymous7:11 PM

    MAN! This wench makes me want to turn off my candles, which I have lit almost year-round for all my beloved ones who have passed away over the years! This friggin' B.O.B. (B*tch Of a B*tch, since $he is not a 'son') sure can take away all fun and deeper meaning of most things people enjoy at this time of year, can't $he!

  28. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Hatred consumes the VILE BITCH

  29. Anonymous7:16 PM

    From the pee pond:

    PatriotSaint • 3 hours ago
    "...I wouldn't doubt it if there were Palin haters, the people who want her to exit stage left, who stalk her like she's a neighbor they know well. Just bizarre behavior. I imagine most of her slanderers are elderly with no lives."

    Do All the palin worshippers speak in this way?? Sounds like Gryphen's own pet troll.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, that is exactly what she is, a pet Troll. Just throw some kibble onto the ground and she will lap it up.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Yup, exactly. That is one sometimes busy pet troll.

    3. Funny that the Palinbots like "PatriotSaint" don't see THEIR worship, their trolling here as "bizarre behavior", nor do they see their adulation strange considering most have either never met Sarah Palin herself, or gotten closer than behind a spectator barrier or on the other side of a book-signing table.

      All you have to do is look at Shealah Craighead's pictures of the Palin book and vacation bus tours to see most of the Palin fans are elderly, with plenty of time to stand in lines waiting to worship.

      No lives, indeed.

  30. Anonymous7:21 PM

    She continues to be superfluous to the intelligent. She continues
    to be the pied piper to the deranged. She is still the queen of narcissism and a National Joke.
    Nonetheless still worth keeping eyes on her venomous hatred.

  31. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Off topic rant.

    Wingnut welfare is bad enough, but this religious interference with the courts in favor of a RWNJ GRIFTING GOVERNOR who got caught and convicted... THIS SH*T STINKS!!!

    Pat Robertson's Charity Tries To Make A Deal For Bob McDonnell's Freedom


    Oh hell no! Picking up trash along the highway in an orange jumpsuit with a bunch of tattooed brother cons, that's what this asshole McDonnell has earned for himself.

    Check out the pics the greedy f*cks took of themselves enjoying their grifting. Your Ferrari and your Rolex? GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME.


  32. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Remember this, no matter how much she tries, no matter how much she invokes Ronald Reagan she can never win, because you can only win if you enter the game.

    All she is is a freak sideshow, a show that appeals to the minority, that certain minority of people who believe that The Brady Bunch and Ozzie and Harriet were real people and we need to believe that life could be like that for real if only the gays and those Mexicans would stay in their closets.

    Run, Sarah, run, without a title bitch you are nothing. What is your excuse going to be this time? family? President Obama has a family although they don't have the baggage yours does. Are you too busy baking pies and moose chili?

    Your act is old, quit being a sideline quarterback and get in the game if you know it all, you have nothing, no new ideas, no positive thoughts, all you do is wait to see what Rush Limpballs says and repeat it. You sit on your butt until you hear all the right wing talking points and then and only then do you make a statement like it's yours.

    Run, Sarah, Run, We are calling you out.

  33. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Hey Sarah, Reagan should have been impeached and removed from office over Iran Contra. You remember, weapons to our enemy Iran with the funds used to arm rebels in another country. Fuck you!

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      No drug trafficking and Cheney wasn't in the mix with those criminals...

    2. 9:15 What are you talking about? Heard of crack? You can thank reagan for that too.

    3. Oh yeah because the demented clown was a homophobe he did nothing for aids for years.

      That reagan?

  34. Anonymous8:00 PM

    O/T I guess some people take to jokes about Michael Brown death because the cop got away with it. Only explanation for perverse joy like this one: Michael Brown -- Horrific Racist Song At Charity Event ... 'And He's Dead, Dead Michael Brown' (VIDEO) http://www.tmz.com/2014/12/23/michael-brown-song-video-dead-police-parody-leroy-brown/ via @TMZ

    There was no punches thrown to the officer and they know it, they also know the officer did not know about stolen cigarrillos. They know it was a fit of anger what made wilson pursue and kill that 18 yrs old.

    I am so angry and sad all over again.

    Thany you Gryphen and all who have commented on this with respect even when doubting the words Dorian Johnson, the eyewitness in defense of Michael Brown.

  35. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Good thing I don't believe in angels, and even if I did I wouldn't care if they got their wings ripped off :-)

  36. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Yeah Sarah i will light a candle in my widow that should solve everything. We all need to get this important message out to the masses, if only they were willing to PAY for it and could see you on your channel. They say talk is cheap but if you want to hear Sarah well then it will cost you.

    How patriotic, how brave of her to sit there in her bathrobe at home and babble. Why is she not on a discussion panel on any major news network? we all know why, she can't hack it.

  37. Anonymous8:39 PM

    The only way Palin knows where Cuba is is because she and knocked up DWTS Barstool had to fly over it on their approach to Haiti with the religious freaknut Franklin Graham. Ahh, good times, fat, sweaty, very pregnant Barstool hanging out in Haiti looking at all those starving black babies knowing she'd be going back to Arizona to give birth to a child that she wasn't allowed to keep. Her mother sure can be a cruel bitch sometimes :-)

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Bristol in Haiti's 90 degree weather wearing a winter scarf. How phony they are.

  38. Anonymous8:52 PM

    (Well according to Palin, the President has stopped shoving things down throats and is now spitting in the face. Is that progress?)

    Bristol Palin is the expert when it comes to having things shoved down her throat and then spitting in her face. Her mother should consult with her on these matters.

  39. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Lighting candles, it's better than cursing the darkness. Will it change anything in Cuba or any other communist country? No it won't. They can't see our candles from Russia, China, Cuba or North Korea.

  40. Anonymous9:32 PM

    She still lives in a John Birch mindset and has a fear of communists! What an absolutely insane person.

  41. Anonymous10:08 PM

    ot... Pastor Who Gave Up Religion For A Year To Test His Faith Says He Might Not Go Back

    “I will not pray, read the Bible for inspiration, refer to God as the cause of things or hope that God might intervene and change my own or someone else’s circumstances.”

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Sounds like giving up the rituals that are symptomatic of OCD. Once you do and find out nothing bad will happen to you and nothing in the world changes or is affected by your rituals you realize those rituals were meaningless. Not too surprised he's not going back, and congratulations to him for freeing himself!

  42. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Will enough candles get Sarah Palin to see what she looks like? That woman is beyond ridiculous, it's not even fun to laugh at her any more, sitting there like an idiot parroting nonsense from a screen through that stupid rubbery mask. She is just hideous.

  43. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Normalizing Cuban relations dovetails nicely with closing Gitmo.
    Obama is masterful.ly outplaying the republifascists.
    Giving peace a chance.

  44. Miss Demeanor11:15 PM

    Palin's views on President Obama equal a One Trick Phony.
    Palin will burn in her Hell.

  45. Anonymous2:53 AM

    I read on Daily Kos that JFK thought that Cuba should be embargoed only as long as it was in the control of Communist Russia. Of course, Sarah Palin has no idea who John F. Kennedy was. We're in a different century, Sarah, and the Soviet Union is long gone (sort of anyhow) so maybe it's time to try another tack with our neighbor, Cuba.

    By the way, Sarah, why not light a candle and shed some tears for the injustices done to so many people here at home, perhaps for the victims of gun violence or domestic violence or terrible storms or terminal illness.

  46. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Palin's coo coo bird brain and her fat azz frenchy toxic waste. Outrageous. Yes please do hold cruz under the microscope because him and bird brain are on the same road to nowhere. Next up MSNBC. I am so sick and tired of meekie and joey. BOTH are so entitled.......sick sick sick lame dummies blabberin nonsense. The Palin defects.

  47. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I hope her candle burns the house down. Palin's and Reagan do have something in common, dementia

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      If it were anyone BUT her, one would feel sorry watching their descent but she's brought it all on herself. No sympathy at all here. It's funny, albeit pathetic, watching just how low she'll go to whore herself for publicity and attention.

  48. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I think I'll put a candle in my window this Christmas. I hope that by next Christmas our torture terrors Cheney, Bush, and the rest of their ilk of that administration are in The Hague getting justice done to them.

  49. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Many people place candles in their windows over the holidays, Sarah. Don't assume they are for you.

    1. She's a narcissist. Of course the candles are for her! Everything is about her!

  50. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "she even said Obama was “spitting in the face of every human rights activist on the globe”

    Correct me if I misinterpret this, but apparently she is also saying that Pope Francis is "spitting in the face......"

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Sarah Palin IS SPITTING in the face of the entire world. She will never get over that president Obama, a Black man, beat her ass.
      She thought that because she was white, she had a better chance at the white house or vp. So now she breathes & eats hate & racism more than before. In fact, you can see it pouring through her pores.
      Hey $CARAB, the bible says the devil (YOU) knows it has very little time so it’s out to destroy & that sounds so much like you and the REPugs.

  51. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sarah why did you post that picture on Facebook wearing that black suit coat and skirt? That's the outfit that had cum stains on your skirt at the ass clown party.

  52. Anonymous6:50 AM


    The list of Sarah Palin blunders is long a colorful(i.e. more than two colors). In addition to the Katie Couric interviews, Sarah has embarrassed herself repeatedly with a combination of ignorance, stupidity, and lack of preparation. 


    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Mama aint stewpid

      Mama is stewpid and retawded

  53. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The woman is a hate-monger. Did she know the bible condemns hate-mongers? The woman is spitting in the face of all. This evil woman is NOT a Christian.

  54. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I would feel sorry because she looks like shit. But I don't because she's an liar and an uneducated POS who thinks she can criticize others without knowing the facts. The woman never even finished college and now she's a Latin-American foreign affairs expert?

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She didn't even know what the VPOTUS did when she was running for VPOTUS (said he was "in charge of the Senate"). And we're supposed to believe she has any idea about the nuances of US-Cuba relations? She reads what people put in front of her. Period. She couldn't care less about Cuba or Cubans or any of it.

  55. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

    There's nothing I'd like more than to see Sarah dropped off anywhere in Cuba and see how long it takes her to get home. We all know she's been to foreign countries and spent all her spare time holed up in her room. I can excuse a level of stupid, but not stupid and incurious in the same package.
    In politics and real life, you gotta learn to deal with all kinds of people, it's a difficult process, but, when done correctly, both sides learn about how others live. I've been to countries where I didn't know the language, and people go out of their way to help you get where you want to go, As for Regan, I'm one who thinks his dementia began way before he admitted it, and can see why she's got a jones for him and his "legacy".


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