Sunday, December 14, 2014

The moment that Rick Perry realizes what he said.



  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Why should we want a president who can actually articulate things without every word scripted for him by others?

    We havent had that in 15 years

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      President Obama is very articulate. All presidents need to have speech writers since they are called upon to speak in multiple situations every week. Obama is fully knowledgeable about what he is talking about.

    2. Anonymous5:53 AM

      What a moron you must be. Obama was long known for writing his own speeches. That barn-burner speech he gave at the 2004 DNC? That launched him onto the national stage like a comet? He apparently wrote most of it in a single draft, in less than an hour. And I know this is an alien idea for a Pee-brain to grasp, but those books he wrote? The ones that were best-sellers because people wanted to buy and read them, not because of phony PAC sales? He actually did write them.
      Dubya couldn't put 4 coherent words together on his own, that I will grant you.

    3. I'm surprised anyone would make such an embarrassingly stupid and ignorant comment. No wonder you are "anonymous."

      President Obama is an articulate, intelligent man and is known for a strong involvement in the writing of his speeches:

      From Jon Favreau:
      So our process is, I will sit down with him, we'll talk for 20 or 30 minutes, and he'll have lots of thoughts on the specific speech that he's going to give. And then I will go back, and I'll work with my team, and we will put together a draft that reflects the conversation that the president and I had.

      "And then we'll start going back and forth. Sometimes he will just make line edits himself and send the draft back. Or sometimes he will want to take the speech in an entirely different direction, and he will write six or seven pages of scrawled handwriting on a yellow legal pad, and we'll go back at it that way."

      "...Before he gave it, he called me after a long day of campaigning, and he spoke for an hour about what he wanted in that speech. He told me it was going to be random thoughts off the top of his head, and they were not random at all. He had the entire logical argument all ready. ... He laid out the whole thing."

      Your claiming that President Obama is unable to think or speak for himself is an indication of your deep and deliberate ignorance, racism, dishonesty, inability to think for yourself, or all four.

    4. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Well, at least you were honest enough to include W. in that assessment...

      Wrong about Obama, but honest.

    5. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Of course the President can't speak intelligently in his own words. This sick, twisted OP moron is just parroting bullshit talking points. This is a person who has undying love for the Palins, for goodness sake. Anyone who can unironically support the Palins to the extent she does has no connection to reality.

    6. Anonymous7:39 AM

      2:57 AM is certifiable.

  2. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Perry/Palin 2016. Vote the dumb and dumber ticket.

    Seriously though, Perry is a Rhodes scholar compared to the quitting idiot from Alaska.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      That's not saying much for Rhodes Scholars.

  3. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Thanks, Gryph, for this great 'good hair' graphic!


  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Gryphen, your blog is about morality. So it begs the question why you often let commenters go off on tangents spouting things you know to be lies. Sure, idle people who waste their lives lying about people they'll never know don't change their victims' truths. But because you do write a blog about morality, then it's weird that you'd condone liars. It's hypocritical. Especially when the lies are boring things like "so and so has no job and is lazy." That's probably the most pointless lie.

    It just looks bad. You may not be an author of such things, but you condone it because you approved it in comments.

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Awwww poor little thing! Still is upset that we know the Palin's don't have jobs. Why don't you post where they all work if you know them do well?

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Look dumbass!
      I KNOW that Sarah Palin was not pregnant with Tri-G and did not birth him in 4/18/08. I KNOW this because Family Practice Physician Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson, was NOT QUALIFIED for HIGH RISK OBSTETRICS. She did not have the malpractice insurance or medical and surgical continuing education credentials and evaluations to be one. You just can't fuck with these standards, as much as nmagical thinker Sarah Palin thinks you can. MatSu Regional Hosp. would NEVER EVER EVER allow a high risk pregnancy to be INDUCED in their facility. It DID NOT HAPPEN.
      I'm not sure if you have the neurons and life experience to understand this concept, but you need to dig deep and try.
      This is not a lie.
      The only people who "look bad" is Sarah, CBJ and anyone who believes Sarah's blatant blatant lie.
      I have a masters degree in nursing with 29.5 years of experience and I gave birth two children. I am very qualified to make this statement about the hoax clearly and confidently.

    3. Anonymous5:41 AM

      @3:56 Please feel free to correct any lies you read here. If you know something to be a lie and you have the facts to back it up... post away. Good luck!

    4. Anonymous5:55 AM

      This post is about Perry, anon@356am. Why did you just go off on a tangent about Palin?

    5. Hey, silly little munchkin, the topic is the intelligence requirements for the presidency, not your hurt widdle feefees.

      Gryphen chooses not to censor comments. He allows all viewpoints through (unlike chickenshit coward Palin) and intelligent readers can weigh all the information presented and make their own decision as to the possible truth.

      Sorry you can't grasp that no one is obliged to parrot only what the Palins want presented.

    6. Anonymous7:15 AM

      You don't realize how many of your own personal "buzz words" you have. You defended a child molesting SS agent and Bill Cosby on Malia's blog and used the word "condone" twice in one post.

      Something has set of your manic obsessive behavior. Was it Sarah posing with a gun over a dead animal? Call your doctor. This is much more than a girl crush and you know it.

    7. Anonymous7:30 AM

      list sarah's kids and their place of employment or sit down & shut the fuck up.

    8. Anonymous7:42 AM

      3:56 is on a major bender.

    9. Anonymous7:45 AM

      The Palins don't have jobs you moronic twit. They are lazy non-achievers. FACT!

    10. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Hey, 3:56---you are using the phrase "begs the question" completely incorrectly. It is a term in logic, a fallacy which means you are assuming that which you are trying to prove.

      You are assuming that Gryphen is a liar. The rest of your post is just big words, self-important filler signifying nothing.

    11. Anonymous2:51 PM

      So it begs the question why you often let commenters go off on tangents spouting things you know to be lies.
      Why are you complaining about the very thing you are doing with your long winded rant?

  5. Balzafiar5:21 AM

    Little Ricky very likely will run for President again, he's just that clueless. To make the upcoming race even more palatable, Willard "The Weasel" Romney will likely run again. What a clusterfuck!

  6. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Neither is a neurosurgery fellowship, right Rick?
    Scary scary place this country has become.
    Idiocracy indeed.
    The writers of that movie have it 500 years in the future.
    I think the future is now.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Mike Judge nailed it with that movie. Same goes for Southpark's "Team America: World Police". Comic documentaries on current events rather than just funny movies.

  7. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Hey, oh judgmental one---as far as "morality" goes, did you never notice that Gryphen's blog is called the "IMMORAL Minority?"

    Thus, in posting things you deem "immoral", he is, by your own standards, anything but a hypocrite.


    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      6:44 here---Sorry, my post was directed at 3:56.

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    If Perry has any chance at the Whitehouse he's going to have to fake a pregnancy...

  9. I beg to differ with Little Ricky.

    This is a complex country of over 300,000,000 people covering a vast geographic area with hundreds of different sub-cultures.

    The United States is also but one country on a planet of over seven billion people facing massive environmental, economic, and cultural challenges. No country can act unilaterally to solve these challenges.

    You bet your ass the presidency is an IQ test, you feckless, useless, amoral, grifting moron. To say otherwise is proof that you do not understand the role of the president and are thus unfit to run or serve.

    Note: I am not saying that intelligence is the only qualification; a smart and evil person should not be president either.

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Karl Rove. Full of shit psychopath.

    “Take, for example, waterboarding,” Rove continued. “In waterboarding — unlike World War II, where the Japanese attempted to drown people by basically pouring water in their mouths — here the feet were elevated so there’s little or not chance of any fluid getting into the lungs. And very careful standards set in place so these would help break the the resistance of the detainee without placing their life in danger.”

    Well Turdblossom, that water could get into the lungs of the victim by gravity (which the elevated legs feature of the BUSHCO CIA version of waterboard torture would prevent).

    HOWEVER; if the victim of the BUSHCO CIA version of waterboard torture had water in their mouth AND attempted to take a breath, then even standing on ones feet would not keep the water out of the lungs.

    Time for some of these sick fuckers to give BUSHCO CIA waterboarding a try for themselves.

    Karl Rove, Sean Hannity, Antonin Scalia, and so on.

  11. Another quote that is going to come back to haunt him.


    (He just hasn't figured out that he's not good at this whole running for President thing, has he?)

  12. Anonymous11:49 AM

    No, running for president is something that one does if nobody else steps up to the plate (right, Sarah?)

  13. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Running for the presidency is not an IQ test"
    Only if you are running on the Republican/Teabagger ticket!!!


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