Saturday, December 06, 2014

Well it's official, Sarah Palin is finally back to work standing in front of a green screen and pretending to know about hunting and the outdoors.

Apparently Charissa Thompson, a reporter from EXTRA, is tweeting about going "hunting" with Sarah Palin as a promotion for the second season of Amazing America.
Welcome for what exactly?
Gee riding a horse just like her idol Ronald Reagan. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Ten bucks says there will be no footage of her horse running or galloping, and that in every scene it will only be walking slowly along with a pack of handlers nearby in case it gets spooked.

Personally I am dying to see how they film her fake hunting scenes.

Hmm, I wonder if they will use CGI this season?


  1. hedgewytch4:41 PM

    Can you say "Texas game farm ranch?" That is where, I'd bet my Christmas cookies, is where Mrs. Palin will go ahem, hunting.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Yup, where the animals are tame and only a loser would call that hunting, Stand "rill" still now so I can shoot ya!" Only a low life would hunt a guaranteed kill. That's Sarah.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Horse is probably tranquilized.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Juuuuust like Cheney when he shot that old lawyer in the face...

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      $he i$$cared $hitless in that picture! And her talons/hans are blood-less...

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      What is Sarah hunting in texASS? Turdblossoms?

    6. Anonymous2:51 AM

      7:33 Maybe she is hunting for "donors" for her shitty TV channel. $carah heard that there are rich oil people in TexASS and she wants to hunt them down, grift and get their $$$. Poor horse, when $carah starts her screeching, he will want to bolt. Did her "Daddy" go along, to prep her guns?

    7. Anonymous6:33 AM

      2:51 Daddy only preps her panties.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Bitch hasn't had anything that big between her legs since Glenn Rice. Fuck you Sarah Heath.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Hoohoohoohaahaa! Now that was funny. Poor poor toad.

    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Because all black men have big dicks? Yeh that wasn't racist at all. Bigot. However, it is obvious that she is scared shitless on that horse. Look at the death grip on the horn.

    3. Crystal Sage6:29 AM

      I noticed that as well. She is not comfortable in the saddle at all. Her feet are positioned wrong as well. Like her "hunting skills," her horse handling skills are simply not there.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    You do not ride a horse with sunglasses on. she looks scared to death! however you do wear a boot with a heel, now this is where her "patriotic cowboy boots" she wore at Thanksgiving would actually come in handy. I would pay a lot to see her on that horse if it bolts for the barn, her hairpiece would fall off, she would be bouncing out of the saddle and lucky if she didn't fall on her fake face. She looks like what she is .. a poser,well hell that's how she lives her whole life.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Uh, rode for 21 years with sunglasses. Safety glasses with a rubbery grip work great.

      On the other hand, a rider as uncertain as Palin appears to be should have head protection.

    2. I've seen Tweets to Charissa Thompson pointing out that Sarah Palin's horsemanship is obviously greenhorn level.

      Look at the angle of her feet and legs. Typical of someone who looks like she's never been on a horse before, or didn't learn anything the first time she climbed on a horse (the palomino at the Reagan Ranch, remember?).

    3. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Palomino? Isn't that what Track spelled out for the Anchorage PD while he was drunk?

    4. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Track tried to spell Palomino because he wanted to use it as a racial slur against the cop that was questioning him but Track was both too stupid and too drunk to know how to spell it so he spelled it "Palimo".

    5. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Rode "A" circuit professionally and often wore sunglasses. Also, wore a helmet, however, because I happen to have a brain that works well. In her case, landing on her head won't do damage.

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    My god sarah do something about those ghastly talons you call hands. You're starting to look like the early stages of embalment. Bye the way, all your facial wrinkles really stood at attention with your fear of that wild horse. Loser

  5. Annie Oakley4:49 PM

    I think Charissa Thompson's first tweet was sarcastic"
    "You're welcome (for the laughs)."

    Sarah in a saddle: she still hasn't learned that she needs to aim her heels down, and she looks as though holding onto the pommel is her only riding technique.

    Where will they find another depressed wild animal to stand still while Sarah gets off five shots, with the help of her assistant? You're right, Charissa -- this is good for laughs.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Holding the saddle horn is like trying to stay on a bicycle by holding onto the seat.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Someone needs to put her on an English saddle where she doesn't have the luxury of simply resting her bottom on the horse as if she's sitting in an armchair. That would be fun to watch!

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Now if there were just some way to use her well known abs of steel to hold on...

  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Come on Sarah, take Dick Cheney with you, you chickenshit!

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I know....right? (My thoughts exactly).

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Charissa sure is much younger much more attractive than the old, used up, dried up ole' skanky sarah screech.

  8. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Look at how pathetic Sarah Palin, Professional Politician has become! Where'd the fake tits go, Sarah?

  9. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I'm so sick of hearing about her. I wish one of your sources would talk & take her down - for real.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Wishes aren't reality... so that is never going to happen. I've given up that pipe dream long ago.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Palin doesn't need to be taken down and never did.. She's doing a damn fine job herself confirming the grifting idiot and resident bullshitter we knew she was. Sarah's worst enemy is... HERSELF!!

    3. Anonymous6:49 PM

      5:50 patience my dear. You'll see..meanwhile, enjoy the Sarah Palin Fallin Show

    4. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Sarah posted a video last year of her, trying to carve the Thanksgiving turkey by watching a video. She stuck a cheese knife in the bird's spine. So, that proves that Sarah has no idea how to carve a turkey, even though she said that she is always in charge of the turkey (in the video with the turkey slaughter). Being "in charge of" beings picking the person who will carve the turkey that year.

      Sarah also proved that she has no idea how to make a pie crust or an apple pie. She did not caramelize the pecans and she will never make the cinnabons, even though dozen of recipes are posted on the internet. When she puts up those corn ball videos, we can see what a fake she is.

      She could not hit the caribou. She could not load her gun. (Does it kick, Daddy?) She couldn't get the dog to mind her. She has not provided good therapy for Trig. Her Thanksgiving dinner in the garage workshop was about the limits of Sarah's brush with a classy dinner. Everything that Sarah Palin does is a fake and she proves it with every video.

    5. Anonymous8:14 AM

      You pretty much only see or hear about her right here 5:23. Stop checking in here, and poof, she is gone.

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Why does Sarah Palin have a horse on her back?
    Oh, wait. . .

  11. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Poor dumbass! White people are amusing.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Charissa? You sure she's white 'cause that ain't even a white person name!

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM


    She really should spend some time learning how to ride a horse.

    Archie Butt

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Shoulders back. Look up. Don't look down at the horse. Look ahead to where you want to go. The horse can see the ground just fine.

      fun times

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Tell her to let loose of the saddle horn. She looks so scared, holding on for dear life.

  13. Wendy6:24 PM

    This might be where the picture was taken --

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Will probably be a high fenced hunt which Texas is famous for. At the least it will involve feeders set to go off at a regular time that the animals come to to feed. She won't be "hunting" but she may be shooting. Probably be heavily edited too so it appears she's actually hunting.

  15. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Backwoods Bloodline is shot at that ranch, also, too. By the way, the sarahpalinearthquakemovement is suggesting a major announcement coming soon that will give them a reason to continue their fan club/facebook/fundraising. Very cryptic.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Nothing says "presidential hopeful" like filming a reality show...

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:46 PM

      sarahpalinearthquakemovement sounds like something from the Bristol stool chart!

      Weren't they the ones who wanted people to pull their cars over to the roadside to show support for their Queen?


  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I wonder if it's possible to see a name list of persons who have purchased a non-resident hunting license.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      I don't think you need one when hunting on private property.

  17. Anonymous6:38 PM

    There is a petrified woman with a turkey neck sitting on a horse.

    There is never a cattle prod around when you need one.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Or a branding iron (for her, not the horse.)

  18. Anonymous6:51 PM

    They're setting her up to fail--look how long those stirrups are; those cowboys must be Democrats. She looks terrified and the horse is standing still and she's still clinging to the saddle horn. Come to California, Sarah. I've got a horse you can ride!!!

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Saddle up Old Glue Works for Sarah Palin, Shorty. (Shorty is our Democrat Wrangler).

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Stirrup length would be fine if she weren't pinching her knees up and gripping with her lifted heels.

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      They could be Republicans....

  19. Anonymous6:58 PM

    heels up. death grip on the saddlehorn. she looks like shes on the pony rides at the fair. poor horse.

  20. Gabby Hayes7:00 PM

    "Yup, Dusty. We got that palomino out in the back forty. She hasn't been out on the trail for more'n a year, but she'll still take a saddle and she's so deaf she don't hear the gunshots.
    Only problem is she can't go faster thun a cowpoke with bow legs can hobble. But she's perfect for that greenhorn that's comin' in to show off for that thar tv show. We can stay back at the corral with Charissa and have a hoot about it.
    "Ain't America amazing?"

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      I couldn't help but read that in Dusty's voice from "The Lives of The Cowboys" segment from Prairie Home Companion :-)

    2. It's a buckskin, Gabby...

    3. Thanks, KaJo.

  21. Anonymous7:02 PM

    She's never ridden a horse in her life. When I learned your toe was supposed to point up and heel down....Can't even get that right. a

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      She is holding onto the saddle horn for dear life, afraid that she will fall off. And she will with her toes pointed down. She'll pitch forward.

  22. Anonymous7:12 PM

    So what poor animal are they going to drug so this nim-com-poop can pretend she can hunt?

    Who would believe she could hit a target with that wonky eye?

  23. Who's going to reload her gun if her father is not there?

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      I wonder if she will ask her daddy if the horse kicks.

  24. Anonymous7:22 PM

    So that's where Charissa went. She did local sports in Seattle, then got a gig with ESPN standing around in short skirts/dresses and "discussing" sports. Looks like she's finding her level.

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Maybe Charissa is just waiting to catch Ms Palin in all her phony glory!?

  26. Anonymous7:24 PM

    It's funny that they made her ride a horse because she looks scared to death of them!

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      So? She's still on it. why are you a dick? Get. a. life.

      It's so sad your life consists of hate and lies. Sarah's a read person

    2. Anon 1121 WOWZA 11 pro $arah comments on 1 thread!
      Some as thought provoking as "you are stupid" and "$arah is a read person"!think ya meant real although that's certainly debatable!
      How nice of you to visit and share such truths as all of her adult children have been self supporting since 18 cuz we IMers truly believe you.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Bwaahaahaahaa, Shit For Brains! "She's still on it."
      Is that all you've got today? The horse is in a coma. Wow! What an accomplishment! HOOHAH!

    4. Anonymous6:10 AM

      What is a 'read' person, dickhead? Is trolling your only function in life?

  27. Anonymous7:31 PM

    "Queen Green Screen": Nothing real or genuine about her...ever.

  28. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Why is this special? A lot of people have ridden a horse before and gone hunting, are we supposed to be impressed? She does everyday shit and that is great?

    Wow that's special, now if she could get Piper to go to college that would be special, if she could sit her ass at home long enough to pay attention to Trig and his needs well then that may be special, if she could go one week without running down the President well that may be special, but if she could for once not present herself as a self centered D list has been celebrity that would be special.

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      Watch the episode. you're judging an awful lot by a PICTURE.

      And Sarah is a good mother who's raised responsible kids who support themselves. How many can really say that? Her adult kids have taken no money from her since they turned 18. They've had jobs since high school and have avoided real problems that fuck people up for life.

      Stop lying and live YOUR life.

      youre just sad.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Sad is Trolling with comments about a family that you don't know.

    3. Anonymous6:10 AM

      The fact that you think she is an example of an exemplary parent is what is sad. Raise the bar, goofball. As a parent, Tundra Turd is an abysmal failure just like she is at so many other things. There are so many amazing people in this world to idolize; why do you pick such a loser?

    4. Anonymous12:00 PM

      @11:20 The PICTURE is of a person scared silly about being on rather small horse that is standing still. Many people fear being on a horse, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I've started many fearful riders. I try to get them moving and involved in the ride as soon as I can. Having something to do usually reduces the fear.

      -touch the sky with the top of your head
      -headlights in your feet bottoms, push your heels down and tilt to make those headlights shine
      -ask your horse to stop, to go, to turn right, to turn left
      -can you touch your knee, tummy, shoulder, top of your head
      -listen for the sound of the feet, can you count 1,2,3,4
      -can you tell me when the inside hind leg leaves the ground
      -are you in the center of the saddle

      NOW, you are having fun.

  29. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Narcissistic control freaks don't enjoy feeling vulnerable which is exactly what she is on the back of this horse. She's so tense she looks like she'd shatter into a million pieces if someone touched her.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      You are right Sarah Palin is scared. Zoom in and look at her face.

    2. Anonymous11:18 PM

      You are stupid

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      11:18 PM You are insane and a stalker.

  30. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Are a dunce cap and KKK hood interchangeable?
    That green screen picture cracks me up.....
    She thinks she's such a babe. LMAO

  31. Anonymous8:51 PM

    EXTRA TV Co-host Hunted, Rose Horseswith Sarah Palin ...  › Opinion - Conservative

    Dec 05, 2014 · The horseback riding was done atPriefert Ranch in Mt. Pleasant, TX. ... My assignment in Texas: Go ...

    So as everybody is freezing in Sarah Palin's Alaska, the Wasilla snowbird escapes Alaska's harsh winter and flies to Texas to go horseback riding...

    Fuck you you retarded elitist.

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      For 2 days

      My last business trip was 7. Sarah's never been away from family longer than like 3 days

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      11:17 How would you know, foolish stalker?

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM


      Your last business trip?

      We'd all love to hear what exactly your business is, because the last we heard it was stalking Sunny and Sadie on Facebook and you sure don't have to go on a business trip for that.

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Asking for the 6000th time, why does anyone assume our little troll friend is a stalker? As opposed to someone with a more personal stake in all of this?

  32. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Sarah when was the last time you rode and had a massive beast between your wide open legs?

    Was it at the University of Alaska?

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Seriously, what's with the prurient interest? Don't you have anything better to do than fantasize about Sarah Palin's sex life? I loathe her, btw, but I've had it with gross, lewd, irrelevant comments like this.

    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      The night before with hubby

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Dontcha know libs are obsessed with fabricating others people's lives and pretending they know what theyre talking about. Liberals also like to make it sound like teen boys named after Jacob's sons love to obsess over people's sex lives when they really just wanna cheat, smoke weed, and kill animals. Teen boys don't know shit about people outside themselves.

      Sad little manipulative liberals.

      It takes a mature mind to know that the only person who can legitimately talk about them life is them

    4. Anonymous4:18 AM

      10:22 -- Very much agree.

    5. Anonymous6:02 AM

      11:16 PM You must be drunk again. You write like a drunken brawling fool. If the Palin Family is an example of Republican family values, you cons are in trouble. You, Troll , need to grow up and take your meds.

    6. Anonymous6:03 AM

      10:22 if it walks like a duck....

    7. Anonymous6:26 AM

      Agree...want to think it's the pee ponders making IMers look bad. But I don't think they're that "smart."

    8. Anonymous12:04 PM

      According to new under the bridge rules @ 11:16, I believe a drooling troll just put $arah out of a job.

      "It takes a mature mind to know that the only person who can legitimately talk about them life is them (sic)"

      Thankfully, this means $arah can no longer troll the President Obama and his family for a living lest she lose the respect of her faithful and be seen as 'immature' or be mistaken for a sad little lib.

  33. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Will the great white Alaskan hunter go after big game at the Dallas Municipal Zoo? Those animals won't runaway just like the reindeers (caribous) when it took Sarah five shots to hit just one non-moving caribou standing in a herd.

  34. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What an experience Trig is having riding horses and hunting in Texas with his mom.

    What do you mean Sarah Palin is having fun in Texas while Trig is stuck in freezing Alaska.

    That aint right Sarah

    1. Anonymous11:13 PM

      it's called school. And its called a parent having a brief work trip away. Go be nasty elsewhere, ya asshole.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      @11:13 PM Sarah Palin is always on a brief trip away, ya inbred Glen Rice loving asshole.

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Better to be an asshole than a hemorrhoid, which is what you are. Assholes have an important function while hemorrhoids merely irritate and obstruct. So how about YOU go elsewhere and be nasty. You're merely a clown here.

  35. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Dear Sarah,
    If you don't want to look like a newbie who doesn't know anything about horseback riding, here are some tips:
    1. Your heels are supposed to be down and your toes point up in the stirrups. You have it backwards.
    2. The stirrups are too long for you.
    3. You are hold the reins wrong.
    4. NEVER HOLD ONTO THE POMMEL. It is also called the saddle horn. That is the dead give-away that you are an amateur, a novice, that you do not know the first thing about horseback riding.
    5. Sarah, you look scared to death. Old Paint Bucket won't bite you as long as you stay behind it's head. And what ever you do, don't try to get on the horse from the wrong side. You do know which is the right side and the wrong side when it comes to mounting a horse, don't you? (Maybe she doesn't. Maybe they gave her a step ladder).
    6. Just a reminder: It's "giddy up" to make the horse go, and "whoa" to make it stop. Pull on the reins when you say "whoa." Kick to horse a little to make it go when you say, "giddy up."
    7. Where's your cowgirl hat?

    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      I was about to say the same thing! For ANYONE who knows how to ride a horse, Ms Palin shows that she does not know a thing about horses! I rode Western as a child and English as an adult and can see this woman as a danger to herself and the animal. If that horse suddenly spooked and bolted, I have no doubt that Palin would grab hold of the Pommel with both hands as she tried to rein it in, in which case the horse would most likely throw her on her bony little bum.

  36. Anonymous9:57 PM

    My niece just went horseback riding for the first time and the stable that rented her the horse made her wear a helmet like a motorcycle helmet. I guess the people in Texas are Democrats, hoping that Sarah will take a fall. She is frightened enough, holding onto the saddle horn for her life. With her toes pointing down, if the horse stops quickly, she is going to sail right over his neck. That idiot has no idea how to ride a horse, and no one at the stable seems to be helping her.

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      lol You do know that the average horse doesn't need all that pro riding shit. you sit on it, you guide it though horses know where to go, and you pull to stop.

      You are a stupid person

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      11:12 PM Stupid is staying up all night to defend the Palins. Get a job, Troll.

    3. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Oh dear, shit for brains! You just proved you know nothing about horses or riding. "Horses know where to go." BWAAHAAHAA. " pull to stop." Oh fuck, where to start? You are such an assclown. (snort) You also know jack shit about riding horses. BTW, exactly what defines an animal as "an average horse?" (eye roll)

  37. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Sain't Sarah needs to go hunting in TX with Dick Cheney.

  38. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Why do I think that Sarah might have had a connection with the people who own the ranch, the Priefert Family?

    In December, 2013, Sarah went to a Wrangler Rodeo in Las Vegas..... hmmmm.
    "Former Alaska Gov. and GOP vice-presidential contender Sarah was in country clothes and a cowboy hard hat at South Point for the naming rights ceremony of the new Priefert Pavilion, a multimillion-dollar expansion project at South Point President Michael Gaughan’s Arena and Equestrian Center. Two new climate-controlled venues will add more than 100,000 square feet to existing facilities. Completion is expected next summer in time for events in September."

    The Priefert family contributes to Republicans. Surprise.

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Tea Party? Surprise.

      "Local Republicans rally for conservative values
      Posted: Friday, December 4, 2009 12:00 am

      A receptive crowd of more than 150 folks braved the cold Thursday night to warmly applaud Erwin Cain, Republican candidate for State Representative District 3, a post currently held by incumbent Mark Homer. Bill Priefert and his family hosted the festive fund-raising barbecue at the Priefert Ranch. A number of "Tea Party Patriots" were among the Cain supporters at the event."

    2. Anonymous11:10 PM

      The owners of the Montana ranch are friends of Sarah and Todds, met through some charity they work with

  39. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Completely obvious to any horse person that she doesn't know how to ride and is uncomfortable on a horse. BOO!

    1. Anonymous11:09 PM

      lol and where is it that she claimed to be pro?

      You're a hateful person.

      Sarah is a person who will try any extracurricular once or twice. A real life lover.

      Why don't you follow her lead and go live instead of spreading your propaganda

      She's never actually claimed to be pro at anything.

      THAT is YOUR making because you're a nasty POS

      Sarah's a loving mother, who supports her family, though once they're grown they're independent enough to support themselves. Pretty commendable that they dont take her money.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      None of them WORK, they do not take HER money, they take the money she grifts from others. Where does Trick/Track work? Willing? Bristles? Do not even TRY with the dermatologist office crap, that has been debunked many times. $carah is a pro, a professional grifter. Donations are shrinking, though, so they had better start thinking about J O B S, the entire clan of lazy asses.

    3. Anonymous5:50 AM

      11:09 PM Please don't post comments while drunk.

    4. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Are you crying? You are aren't you?
      Where to start?
      Exactly where did ANYONE say anything about Sarah not being a professional rider? Oops! fucked up there didn't ya? "...they don't take her money." BULLSHIT! SarahPac is supporting her kids and everyone knows it. Her kids are lazy miscreants. She is a terrible mother and a terrible person. Her children are scarred for life. Their mother is a mentally ill drug addict, and their father is a pimp. What chance do they really have? Also, your rant is pretty damn hateful, but then that's ok if you're being the hater, right? Hypocrite.

  40. Anonymous10:56 PM

    It would be justice if Sarah goes horseback riding without a helmet and the horse makes a sudden turn and Sarah goes flying and hits her melon on a boulder.

    Sarah would go back home and her family would sit Sarah on the floor in a corner and give her a baby food jar and the rest of the family takes off for barbecues, hunting and horseback riding.

    1. Anonymous11:07 PM

      Who outside pro riding wears helmets? I rode every summer as a kid and never wore one

    2. "Anonymous11:07 PM
      Who outside pro riding wears helmets? I rode every summer as a kid and never wore one"
      That's pretty damned obvious.

    3. Anonymous5:47 AM

      11:07 PM That is why you are mentally challenged.

    4. Anonymous6:26 AM


    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Helmet? Remember Christopher Reeve? Even skilled riders can take a bad fall.

  41. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Gryphens jealous Sarah shot her first grouse and rabbit at like 7yo

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, You are a Liar.

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      How could she aim with that 'wonky' eye?

    3. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Started murderin' early, did she?
      Nasty piece of work she was and is.

    4. Anonymous10:35 AM

      "Gryphens jealous...."
      How many "Gryphens" are there? Oh never mind, you won't understand the irony.

  42. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I really wish Chuck would get a show, at least an hour special. That man is the definition of outdoor adventurer.

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Chuck is a senile old man who is fascinated by FIRES.

    2. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Not exactly photogenic, though is he, with his Mitch McConnell chin. Also, too, not much personality, a family trait passed on to his grandaughter, Bristles.

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Which Chuck? The one who has photographed every sunset in the last month? The one who got the blond pregnant pregnant? Or the one with the pile of bones in front of his house? The one who always is photographed with his hands crossed in front of him, in a very defensive pose? Both of them seek fame through Sarah. Their lame book tour promoting their book, "Our Sarah" showed two men who didn't know how to wash their own underwear. The stupidity was to write about it on Facebook.

    4. Anonymous10:26 AM

      The child of adulterous Chuck Jr. and the young teacher he impregnated out of wedlock was born a ginger child, with flaming red hair. This will always be a reminder of their infidelity.

  43. Anonymous11:06 PM

    They do hunt ya know. lol They've been taught gun safety from early ages.But Sarah's never actually said she's a big hunter who lives to hunt. But to say she's never hunted and doesn't know the dealio is stupid. Not with a great father and a master outdoorsman

    Actually, it's truth like this that should tell you how little Levi knew them. I mean, the short time he was in a serious relationship with Bristol was during hunting season yet he never mentioned Todd's annual moose hunt. According to that email, Todd was due back the same day as Track and friend's congratulatory army party in Sept 07, where shitloads of family and friends celebrated them.

    Funny Levi never mentioned any of these family moments. But to give him a wee bit slack, his home life was nonexistent, as was parenting in his home. I feel for Sarah and Todd, good parents who did everything well meaning parents do to stop a bad relationship from progressing too far. Sarah worked for the last 4 months of 2007 trying to get Bristol to go back to juneau drama doesn't exist and she could still work for the money she wanted since Palin kids had to buy their own non-necessities

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Are you drunk again? None of that made any sense. Why are you so jealous of Levi? It is not Levi's fault that Bristol whores around with many trial daddies. Track has been in a drunken stupor since High School, and he was not in the Military in Sept., 2007.

    2. Anonymous5:53 AM

      We saw $carah attempting to hunt, fish etc on her failed tv show. Some people called it Sarah Palin SEES Aaska for the first time!! You REALLY should not believe every lie the family has told since day one. Which college did Chuckles Sr graduate from again? Why was he only a part-time teacher? Oh, right those Heath/Palin family work ethics. Work as little as possible, grift as much as possible.

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      We saw Sarah "hunt" on her reality show. Five shots and she couldn't hit the caribou, which was standing still, just waiting for a bullet. Does it kick, Daddy? Chuck had to load her gun for her. She waved around a loaded gun. Seriously, Sarah's skills as a hunter are surpassed only by her skills in carving a turkey or baking an apple pie. Everything that she does for a video is fake fake fake.

  44. Anonymous1:58 AM

    The ranch family have their OWN stupid UNreality show on the same dinky channel as Sarah LOL They got a wagon load of stupid sons but no ducks. None of those wingnuts ever have jobs.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      $carah has a wagonload of illigitimate grandkids, no sons on law!! Maybe if the sons are dumb enough, Bristles can get one of them to marry her?

  45. Anonymous4:36 AM

    why care what Color of man she slept with? to make trashy- bigoted comments of another persons Color is only a reflection of one's self. Fucking Get Over It. we are All the same Dna. colors are based on the Climate a persons ancesters originated from.nothing else.dark skin.the curl of the eyelashes/ the tropics.light skin/ the northern regions.our physical appearance has to do with climate you pea brains.jeed..and you think Sarah's the dumb racist! on the other hand maybe the buckskin with spook. idiot's foot with shoot thru the stirrup and she'll get drug thru the horseshit with her thong up her ass. ive trained and shown horses all my life.. you all sound like a bunch of Amatuers.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Since we are all the same dna, can I date your daughter? Crickets?
      If you are calling every poster here 'amateurs', at least spell it correctly.

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      As soon as $carah and her owners stop caring about President Obama;s color, then we will stop caring about her tryst with the black basketball player, Deal?? It matters because she insults this President at every turn, making racist slams. Racist, lazy, slutty old bitch is what she is.

  46. Chenagrrl4:54 AM

    A 1 gallon woman in 1 liter hat.

  47. Anonymous5:13 AM

    After examining the photo closely, all I can say is--poor horse. I sure hope the ranch people didn't let her ride that nice buckskin, because it's wearing a curb bit. That would be an instrument of torture in the hands of Mrs. Palin.

    I wonder at the reasoning for putting up a photo which shows Mrs. Palin in such a poor light. Heels up, death grip on saddle horn, stirrups too long, slumped over in the saddle, and clearly not at ease on a horse.

    Archie Butt

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      In $carah's eyes, she is perfect in every photo.

    2. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Stirrups aren't too long. Her knees are pulled up and pinched and her heel lifted. If she pushed her heel down and stretched her leg a bit, they would be fine. She's terrified.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      The curb bit bothered me too. It can be very severe in the hands of a non-rider. However, the horse has a kind eye and a relaxed attitude in spite of the bundle of nerves astride. I wouldn't be surprised if the horse is mildly tranquilized.

  48. Somebody should tell her the pommel isn't a gearshift.

  49. Caroll Thompson5:41 AM

    Sarah looks absolutely petrified. It's very obvious that she has not spent any time on a horse. And those hands of hers really do look like turkey vulture talons.

  50. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I'm surprised that Sarah will allow the footage or her seated horseback - thighs double in width as they flatten against the horse in that position, unless you have muscled and conditioned thighs that hold their roundness. I come from a Texas family of very thin people, all the girls with nicknames like "bird legs", who used to love to have our photos taken on horseback so we looked like we had curves! This was of course long ago and far away in another time...

  51. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Well, I guess she has to make a buck. It is a shame, though, that she traipses all over in search of fame and fortune. Why not get a job in Wasilla or Anchorage? She could wait tables or be a Walmart cashier or stock grocery shelves at the local super market. Then she would have time to attend to her young teen-aged daughter and her DS child, about whom Sarah herself said that he was way behind developmentally. Ah, Sarah, John McCain did a great disservice, not only to the country, but to you when he named you as his vice-presidential nominee. You've never been able to stay out of the limelight ever since. How sad. Good luck on the horse. Actually I should say "good luck" to the horse!

  52. Anonymous6:08 AM

    can't be in filmed in Texas unless you're shown on horseback

  53. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Her desperation for attention (and money) is really starting to become more obvious.

    Really? Those 50 year old thighs on a horse? And from that camera angle her saggy jawline is on full display. She only looks like her younger, prettified self at certain angles now, from slightly above and off center, as any aging actress knows.

    But hey, you live and die by the camera when it's your chosen media of grifting

    And grifting appears to be her only gift

  54. Anonymous6:24 AM

    What's she hunting?

    Wild hogs? Takes a great shot and/or high caliber rifles because of their armor-like hides.

    Deer? Man oh man, she better have her licenses straight and shoot one that's legal.

    Ducks? (maybe she doesn't know it's considered criminally unsportmanlike to shoot a duck who is already on the water, or landing/taking off... and it's very difficult to shoot them on as they fly overhead)

    And here's a happy thought: Texas game wardens are among the most powerful law enforcement officers in the country, in terms of what they are empowered to do, where and how they can go in to search, the penalties they can enforce, actions they take on the spot regarding seizure and arrest, etc. And they are famously intolerant of out-of-state hunters

  55. Anonymous6:39 AM

    This may be one of the boutique "wild game" stocked hunting resort ranches, where a whole staff has been preparing some poor creatures (daily feeding, enclosed range territory) so that it's the equivalent of being escorted to a cage a pointing the paying "guest hunter's" rifle.

  56. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Photo ops, make believe, pretend, primping and preening ... that's our Sarah.

  57. Anonymous11:04 AM

    5:37am. I guess dating his daughter would be up to her. crickets? a good bugbomb should correct that. spelling? who cares. you got the message. playing the race card makes you no better than those you attack.

  58. Anita Winecooler3:44 PM

    Charissa, darling, please get a room. Sarah's only doing kiddie rides and spooking horses. As for hunting, she's smoking out the prey by having Todd sing "you light up my life" on a megaphone, while Bristol screams profanities while being taken to the curb.
    Perhaps a better use of Extra's time would be ........... Wait for it......... accompanying Cheyney on a hunting trip! Yeah, I know, genius, right????


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