Friday, January 09, 2015

Apparently Sarah Palin is angry at Savannah Guthrie for calling her out for taking a cheap shot at President Obama in her ghostwritten Facebook post.

"At least he didn't eat it!"
Okay let me explain that this link leads to Breitbart, a site so filled with stupidity and conservative hatred toward liberals that is fairly reeks like its founders cocaine in fused rotting corpse. Click it at your own peril.

However here is what she told them:

In contrast, in an interview the day before this Lena Dunham lovefest, Guthrie asked me if I, after enduring days of hate and threats spewed at my family again, took a ‘cheap shot’ at Obama by merely mentioning his admittance to eating dead dog in the plainspoken post I wrote defending my innocent son and his good dog. She was inferring, of course, that my reference to an established fact is beyond the pale, but apparently Lena Dunham’s knowing indictment of a totally innocent man is perfectly respectable.

What is immediately clear here is that as Palin bitches that Guthrie called her out for her cheap shot directed at the President, she does so while taking yet another cheap shot at a young woman discussing an incredibly painful experience in her life.

Apparently the conservatives, who have long vilified Lena Dunham, are convinced that she is making up her allegations of being raped and are attempting to shame her out of show business.

I know very little about Dunham's experiences, but I do know enough to know that MOST women do not make up false rape accusations, and if they do, they do not typically put them in book form.

However how like Sarah Palin to immediately go on the attack against a fellow woman and land on the side of the conservative men who hate her?


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "..Guthrie asked me if I, after enduring days of hate and threats spewed at my family again, took a ‘cheap shot’ at Obama by merely mentioning his admittance to eating dead dog."

    "days of hate and threats"? Oh puleeez. The threats I saw were to call authorities to check on that "service" dog.

    And the Quitter didn't "merely mention" Obama eating dog, she harped on it daily. Omg I can't stand that idiot.


    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      "...defending my innocent son and his good dog."

      Oh puleeez (again). No one criticized the kid or the dog. All Palin has been doing is defending her own stupidity in posting the photos.

    2. Suzy Q3:53 PM

      Didn't Sarah crow that that comment was the best line in the post? It was as if she hadn't written the post about PETA and Obama?

    3. Anonymous8:57 PM

      defending her son? no, she puts her son out there for public consumption.
      defending "his good dog" no she called the dog lazy and herself oblivious and let a 6-7 year old boy stand on her.

    4. Anonymous2:57 AM

      GRANDSON. Let's tell the truth.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Palin referenced an established fact that had absolutely nothing to do with the discussion of how the dog or her son could have been hurt by Palin's negligence. I do agree it wasn't a cheap shot. It was idiotic irrelevant spew from a stupid woman desperate to deflect criticism and suck up narcissistic supply to feed her sociopath ego.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      She takes any perceived slight, ANY, and will NOT let it go until she's made an even BIGGER @ss out of herself. She has only herself to blame, she's the one who posted the pics.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      that is what makes it a "cheap shot" towards the President. She brings up an unrelated old fact (from 40 years ago) that some may not view as very flattering as attempt to get people to be upset with our President rather than addressing the issue with her, her son and their dog at the current time.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      >>She has only herself to blame, she's the one who posted the pics.

      Exactly. WTF isn't someone saying that in the media???

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Her DS son is her human shield. She plumbs new depths of depravity heretofore unimagined.

    5. Anonymous10:14 PM

      And she did not 'merely mention' it. She twisted it to say, falsely, that President Obama enjoyed eating dog meat, when, in fact, he said no such thing.

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Savannah Guthrie

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Savannah was very gracious to Palin. Any other reporter would have asked Silly Sarah why she threw her kid under the bus and even posted the picture of him standing on the dog. It appears that Sarah either sees nothing wrong with anyone standing on a puppy; or she thinks that Trigg is so ignorant that he cannot learn how to treat an animal. We have all seen pictures of Trigg with all his expensive electronic equipment and he seems to be functioning and learning just fine. It is rather insulting with her trying to paint the picture of Trigg not being able to learn how to care for his pet. And it is also equally sad that instead of the Palins taking the time to patiently teach Trigg life skills, it is easier for her to get a dog that has been taught to do skills that the wounded warrior without arms or legs or eyesight or even brain damage or nightmares can no longer do for himself. Trigg is teachable--any parent with a Down Syndrome child will tell her that--and she is crippling her own son because of her lazy attitude. Sarah then says that the dog and Trigg have grown up together and are best buddies--just another lie, because the dog has been in this household for about three months. Next question is why did Sarah get to choose the name of the dog--a special needs child would not choose the name Jill Hadassah, to honor Sarah's longtime college roommate and get some Jewish votes.

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sarah (aka Shit For Brains),
    First, why were you defending your innocent son and his good dog? All negative comments were directed at your obvious planned stupidity.

    Second, Your statement that "Lena Dunham’s knowing indictment of a totally innocent man," is shameful and ridiculous. How do you know he is innocent? Were you there? No? Then STFU.

    Do you know what is worse than being an asshole? Not knowing you are an asshole. As for the President eating dog, he was a child. He probably had no choice. He was giving an example of cultural differences. Get over it, you moron. Do you have any idea how bitter and jealous you sound when you make your terribly classless remarks? The world laughs at you. Epic fail, Sarah. Again.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Perhaps if Sarah Palin would be raped herself, she'd have a completely different take on the subject. She has no fucking clue about it, as usual! What an idiot!

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      >>Perhaps if Sarah Palin would be raped herself,

      All signs point to the fact that she her own father...when she was around 8 or 9. It was commonplace with ol' creepy Chuckie and the daughters. It's why she carries such rage and acts like a stunted child. Because she is. You'd think that would have given her some sort of empathy, but it just made her crude, rageful, sexual suggestive, low class, mean, and hateful. She demonstrates it with every foul mouthed sexual innuendo she expresses, trading on her sexality started very young and she is still (trying) to do it. She became the monster she is today by the hand of the one person that should have protected her. It's common knowledge in Matsu Valley, but nobody talks much about it anymore.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      3:21 PM

      Bingo! Her own father thought it was appropriate to wear a t-shirt proclaiming his daughter to be the hottest governor of the coldest state.

    4. If I might expand on Anon @ 3:21 PM's speculation, I have wondered if Sarah Palin, the "ugly" one of the three Heath daughters, took on a bit of a Lolita vibe to gain attention from her authoritarian father, and spit in the face of her own "oblivious mama"...

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      IF 'incest' was a part of her life, it doesn't justify the way she is today. I had the same thing occur and am completely the opposite of Sarah Palin!

      We are responsible for our own actions as adults and many, many incest victims are nothing like Sarah Palin.

      Are we sure she was even a victim of it? I'm not so sure. Sarah's other sisters are nothing like her. Did they supposedly experience incest too?

      I just think she is the bad apple of the family! I'm sure they cannot stand her lies and who recognizes them better than her own family members?

      Todd's family has nothing to do with her either. What does that really tell us about Sarah Palin? I know I'd not claim her if I were a member of that family!

    6. Anonymous5:15 PM

      >> I had the same thing occur and am completely the opposite of Sarah Palin!

      We are responsible for our own actions as adults and many, many incest victims are nothing like Sarah Palin.

      That is absolutely true. I too know too many women who suffered at the hands of uncles and fathers and brothers, and are kind and loving people. Unfortunately, Sarah's psyche twisted itself inside out and she opted for the victim, bully role.

      Sarah figured out she could use her young, nubile body to get what she wanted. Her need for attention was so great that she would literally do ANYTHING to get it and Daddy Heath just milked that for all it was worth. Her sisters don't seem to have that same craving need for attention that Sarah does. I suspect she was already not right in the head when those early childhood experiences were visited upon her and it was all it took to twist her false ego into a very dark and demented direction, which she uses as justification for her bad acting out.

      There are courageous, strong, gracious, smart, beautiful women who have suffered through an incestuous circumstance, who eventually heal and come to terms with that abuse, but Sarah isn't one of them.

      I'm so sorry that you were hurt like that as a child.

    7. Anonymous5:16 PM

      False allegations are Bristol's forte. Just ask Levi and Korey.

    8. Anonymous8:10 PM

      It's not unusual for victims of abuse to go on and abuse others. Dark....dark indeed.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    And it's implying, not inferring, Ms. Journalism Major. Sheesh.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      She must have missed that lesson when she was transferring to College #2.

      Or maybe it was #3.

      No, I'm sorry, it was definitely #4.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Journalism major she ain't.

    3. Anonymous8:08 PM

      remember when she said she majored in Political Science? bwahahah...Journalism another time...and finally the, "my degree is in Communications" lie. The only pictures of her graduation are of her sister and her yellow dental tassels..

      Sorry..I don't believe she graduated. I do believe people lied and said she did because they were paid to or they got some benefit for doing so.

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      College graduate she ain't.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I hope Miss Guthrie is prepared for an attack on her email account and NBC's home account. Her Heinous is getting all we-wee'd up. Again. Methinks poor whittle Sawah needs a good poke in the whiskers. TODD? Where's TODD?

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Seriously? You are as bad as Sarah.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      And you are as pure as the driven snow?

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Fuck off

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Todd is no longer with his massage therapist, who wrote a book about their affair. He has ownership in a resort up in Dillingham and met a young honey up there this summer. He still pimps Sarah out to bring home money for the family but it is only a business arrangement.

    5. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Tomorrow Palin's lawyers will probably try to get Guthrie to apologize for "picking" on Saint Sarah. FOX is so used to giving Sarah the questions and answers in advance--anything that Savannah asked would be threatening to poor little Sarah.

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I'm confused, what does lenna dunham have to do with standing on a dog?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Absolutely was just a way to twist things around and make Sarah look like a victim...AGAIN!

    2. Lena Dunham has as much to do with Palin's Today Show interview, as President Obama had to with the criticism she received for allowing Trig to stand on his dog.

      And yes, that's nothing.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      I still get a strong feeling that she is using her usual tactic of deflection. From what, I don't know, but considering Dr. CBJ is moving to Anchorage, that could be related, who knows with that crazy bitch.
      Enjoying your evening sarah? I didn't think so.

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      What does Lena have to do with an oblivious mother letting her kid stand on a dog? Nothing. It was a distraction, like Obama and the dead dog meal, the picture on Ellen's show or PETA. Nowhere does Sarah say that she is teaching Trig how to treat that precious dog of theirs.

    5. Anonymous12:58 AM

      Well, 'cause Savannah Guthrie had Palin on and DARED ask her if an INCREDIBLY disrespectful remark she made might have been a bit on the low road, so that means she is a vicious hater and a bully.. But then, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? Faster than Palin can turn around, that Guthrie chick has the nerve to invite another guest on her show, one Sarah doesn't even agree with on political issues?!

      Oh HELL NO. This won't stand! When Sarah does your show you can hang it up, you've already been in the presence of the only person who's really important. But to have a LIBERAL WOMAN on??? And of course the Obama "worshipers" of the media took it so much easier on the liberals. Ms. Dunham was asked questions, that's all. Not like Sarah, who was also asked some questions, only she's is pretty sure hers were asked in a much meaner, more Gotcha-ey, liberal-freedom-hating-baby-killers kind of way. OPRESSION! TYRANNY!! SEND ME MONNIEZ

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The quitter did not 'merely mention' an 'established fact'. She wrote snarky comments and spoke about the childhood incident numerous times with exaggerated comments. She said 'at least he didn't eat a dog like the skinny guy in the White House. Obama did not eat a dog. He tasted some dog meat in a country where that is acceptable when he was 11 years of age. Palin gnawed on that Obama ate a dog bit obsessively for days in every media opportunity. (pardon the pun!)

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Like a drunk that gets a laugh with some remark, then repeats it again & again, trying to get the laughs.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      The difference, or one of the differences, is that President Obama learned about the dog meat after the fact and had no say in the matter. Shit -for-brains Sarah knew her son was standing on the dog and encouraged it. Her alleged son Trig is clueless and blameless. This is 100% a reflection of Trig's "oblivious" mother (alleged).

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      How come the dog doesn't qualify as her organic protein covered with fur instead of cellophane? Why the big out rage Ms. Palin? Oh yes had to get your daily dose of It's all Obama's fault.

      I guess Sarah will try to get Savannah fired for being mean to her or maybe NBC will smarten up and stop giving the nitwit air time.

      I thought the big to do with Lena's book was that she used a pseudonym for the person that raped her. It turned out there was an innocent guy with the same name and description that attended the college at the same time, he was recipient of a lot of hate mail.

  9. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The President's reference to eating dog was in the same sentence as his being served snake and grasshoppers. Not at his house -- it was a jolting experience. And he was a small boy, probably about Trig's age. He didn't choose to eat dog, and didn't repeat the experience. He was referring to how exotic Indonesia was when he moved there with his mother and stepfather.

    Many cultures eat various sources of protein. Some of these sources are not eaten in the United States. It doesn't necessarily make them less valid.

    Sarah herself laughed and laughed at the stooges her were going to eat the "funky" roe she helped can at a fish packing plant. Roe, dear Sarah, is wonderfully tasteful to the discerning palate, and just because you wouldn't eat it doesn't mean that others can't find it nutritious and even enjoyable.
    They pay a premium to get it.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Sarah is completely ignorant about other cultures and their customs. Of course someone who visits SE Asia comes away remembering all of the weird food that is considered normal there. Sarah took that dog meal out of context. In markets in the Peoples Republic of China, dead dog is sold for its meat along with snakes (both live and dead) and an assortment of other things that we don't usually see in our supermarkets. Yes, they eat insects which were roasted and stuck on a stick. They eat fermented, pickled fruit. But, Sarah only knows clubbed salmon and moose meat that her father shot.

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I'm sure there are many people in the world who would be horrified at the thought of eating the Crunchwraps that Palin seems to be so fond of.

      I traveled to China almost 30 years ago and ate jellyfish while I was there. I'm sure I ate a lot of other unusual things I was not even aware of (even our local guide wasn't sure what was in some of our dishes), but I looked at it as a way to experience a little of their culture. I wasn't crazy about the pickled vegetables and rice porridge for breakfast, but I politely ate what was put in front of me, much like the President did as a child.

      I suppose someone who can't deal with being in Hawaii because it's too foreign shouldn't be expected to understand respect for other cultures.

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Back 5 or more years ago, Sarah went to Las Vegas to speak before some sort of bowling convention. At the beginning of her speech, she said something like "I jist luuvvv being here talking to bowlers. When I saw a bowling alley down here, I said "oh we've got one of those in Wasilla". I think the audience was silent.

      It was kind of like saying "hey look, there's a gas station. Wasilla has a gas station too". Or, "look, there's a grocery store. We've got one of those in Wasilla".

      That was after the 2008 election, but even at that point when she had traveled around the country, Sarah was completely was clueless about the simplest things. People commented that Sarah had never traveled internationally but it's difficult to imagine that she had even been to Anchorage before McCain fished her out of a snowdrift. It's not surprising that Sarah has no interest or knowledge about other cultures and what they eat since it's also difficult to comprehend someone as stupid as Sarah.

    4. Anonymous10:22 PM

      There's stupid and there is unsophisticated. Sarah Palin is both.

  10. TNBlueDot3:06 PM

    Of course she's angry Savannah brought it up the way she did. Mama Mean Girl gets angry anytime she's not being fawned over. I was angry Savannah gave her a pass on Trig not being able to say up... everyone totally let that slide. Poor Trig.

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Hey Sarah,
    You don't need to defend your innocent son and good dog because no one is blaming them for anything. ALL of the criticism was aimed at YOU for allowing your child to stand on the dog and for proudly posting the photos. You can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.....

    1. Kathy8:06 AM

      Can you imagine that in the White House? It fills me with terror just thinking how close we came to this level of crazy immaturity leading the nation...

  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah, if you want to have a comeback to a question, make sure you do it during the interview itself. Don't wait a couple of days until you've figured out something to say and then throw your venom at your computer screen. It shows that you're very slow on the uptake.
    Savannah Guthrie gave you softball questions. If you weren't prepared to deal with even that little civilized chat without turning into an on-line hater, then you're not ready for prime time.

    Also, as noted above, how do you know that Lena Dunham was not raped? Bristol wrote in her book that she'd been raped by Levi. Was he innocent? How do you know so much about other people's lives?

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Oh that poor, poor Fridge! I hope the dog is in another room when the cans go flying. Trig, also, plus, too. How much can the little guy take? She's a banshee without a cause.

  13. Nobody was attacking her son and his dog they were merely saying how stupid she was for allowing it to happen. She is the one who posted it and she only did it for attention because Ellen posted a picture of a toddler standing on a much bigger dog. Trig is clearly too large to stand on that dog he is not a toddler.

  14. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Dear Superfluous Sarah,
    What will it take to make you go away for good?
    Maybe I can have a bake sale? Come on throw me a bone.
    You are the best role model ever for morons. I never truly believed anyone could be as simple (stupid)minded as you.
    Being evil doesn't hurt either ,you monster you.

  15. Ps I can't believe she is still harping about the dog and wtf does Lena Dunham have to do with anything

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      She drags everyone into her drama....DANG!

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Lena wrote a book about growing up, experimenting sexually, and the horror to the psyche that being raped imprinted on her and how she came out of it a better person able to trust men again and have a healthy relationship. You know, the opposite of the Palin gals who go "Whaaaaaa Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa at the slightest perceived humiliation.

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Sarah is jealous of Lena and Lena is popular.

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Charles Darwin,"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge".
    Sarah Palin, doing her best to dispute the theory of selective evolution or evolution at all. Hoohah!

  17. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Keep poking her. She's going to implode. What a rage filled woman.

  18. Anonymous3:24 PM

    YOWZA! This is gonna sting!

    The FBI and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing criminal charges against former CIA chief David Petraeus for improperly providing classified information to a female Army Reserve officer with whom he was having an affair, the New York Times reported on Friday.

  19. Anonymous3:25 PM

    New Amazing America promo

  20. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I have read a lot of comments about the Palin dog incident but no one has mentioned the following fact: Palin said she was oblivious and did not acknowledge Trig's signal for "up". But she chose to take a series of photos to capture the moment. Great parenting skills.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Actually hundreds of posts on Sarah Palin's fb, on every story posted on IM, pointing out that very fact.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      We'll just tack that one on to the list of the many personalities of sarah Heath.

    3. Suzy Q4:15 PM

      Comments that mentioned her "obliviousness" were mentioned and brought up when she first posted the picture which was what, a week ago? Sarah sure has gotten a lot of mileage out of this. What was she distracting us from? hmmm. . . Could it be about how CBJ couldn't be in two places at one time on a certain, April 18th, 2008 at 6:00 AM at Mat Su Hospital? Could that be why Sarah was distracting everyone? Post it again, Gryph, get Sarah all wee wee'd up about it. Make her squeal!

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      And lying.

      $carah is a liar, $carah is a liar.

  21. Damn terrorists killing people in France and taking the lime light off Sarah

  22. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Anyway, Sarah, except for President Obama writing about his personal experience, what makes you allege that it is an "established fact" that he ate dog meat. Or "dead dog meat," as you make clear -- he wasn't eating a live dog, as far as we know.

    This established fact may be just as fantastical as you allege Lena Dunham's story is. Or just as established as the many tales you told in your autobiographies.

    Who's to say? Why are you so angry? You're clearly circling the drain when even sweet, even-tempered Savannah Guthrie suddenly gets a knife in the back from you because she asked you a question for which you weren't prepared and didn't have an answer.

    Don't agree to be interviewed if you're not quick-witted enough to come up with good answers. It also pays to appear to be good natured and happy. You fail on all these counts.


    1. Suzy Q4:18 PM

      And wearing professional attire when being interviewed on national TV. And when I say professional I'm not talking about Fredrick's of Hollywood costumes.

  23. Is there a chance that this maniacal imbecile will ever get
    over ANYTHING? Savannah better get a voodoo doll of Palin cause how dare anyone call her on her embarrassing obsession. Sarah reeks of so much anger and butthurt you can almost smell her in photos.

    And her obsession over the president. . . . . That is way past virtual stalking. At this point it is psychosexual (eeewwww)-with an emphasis on psycho.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      A Sarah Palin voodoo doll. Now that is something I would buy!

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM

    So.... Let me get this straight. Sarah attacks something that a young child did (Obama eating dog meat some adult fed him) but gets mad with what she says were attacks on her young son? Isn't she doing exactly what she's accusing others of doing? Shouldn't Obama as a young child be given the same courtesy she's demanding? She's dumb

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      She's dumb ^10th. Her hate is even greater.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Of course not! It's Obama, after all.

      He doesn't even get a pass for things that happened before he was born.

      Haven't you heard? He's responsible for the 1901 San Francisco earthquake, World War II, the sinking of the Titanic, the extinction of the dinosaurs, and the Black Plague (duh!).

      Thanks, Obama!

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Who, exactly "attacked" Trig, his creator's gift to Sarah? I haven't read nor heard of anything close to an attack on Trig. Sarah, yes, and deservedly so, she said she was "inattentive". I'm sure Sarah's looking one up and will get back to ya!

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      4:48 - No one, as far as I've seen. In fact, many of the comments have criticized Palin for letting Trig stand on the dog specifically because of the potential danger to him if the dog moved or bit him. Far from 'attacking' him, they showed concern for his safety and well-being, current and future.

      Apparently, most people have greater concern for his health than his own mother. Very sad.

    5. As a matter of fact...

      I was reading about the "oblivious mama" story at Daily Kos a few days ago, and a commenter remarked that "throughout the thread" there were attacks on Trig, like calling him a "house ape" and a "brat". This was apparently proof to the commenter that "both sides do it".

      I got curious about that, because usually Daily Kos commenters are pretty benign toward kids and animals, so I went through the entire thread to see if insults/attacks were indeed "throughout".

      I found two instances, out of nearly 300 comments, and those were the only two that the troll (for that's what he really was) referred to. I don't doubt that the two instances were posted by the troll himself via a sock puppet account, just to cause chaos.

    6. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Wasn't it Willow Palin at the Drunken Brawl who said,
      "I swear on my down syndrome brother's life"? That is more of an attack than any comments I have seen about the Doggie Stomp.

    7. Anonymous2:25 AM

      No, 9:29 PM, that was bumpkin Bristol.

  25. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sarah: look up "infer" and "imply" before sending out your hateful blasts. They mean different things. You should know that by now.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I think she is writing her own posts.
      What happened to RAM?

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Yes, Sarah, get out your dictionary. You with the degree in Communications or Journalism from the University of Idaho. LOL.

      Why has the university never asked you to speak at a commencement or set up a scholarship in your honor?

      Maybe you lied and they are embarrassed, also, too, to even be associated with you.

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      I think she is writing her own rants too. They are rambling nonsensical (like her) with the misuse of words etc.

    4. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Yes she does write her own posts, and soon after, someone edits them, correcting Sarah's errors. Some Journalism major.

  26. Anonymous3:32 PM

    WOW! she's totally skipped posting it on her FB or little web-channel. hmmm...intersting...WHY........

  27. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Lena Dunham didn't play the victim in the interview with Savannah like SP did. Lena handled the criticism with grace and intelligence.

  28. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Speakin of the media picking on poor little Sarah Palin, this was on c4p last night. Warning! Readers may feel nausea, a sudden rise in blood pressure and an uncontrollable urge to beat a tea party member!
    palin45potus • a day ago
    Do you guys remember that it was during a visit to New York with the expectation of delivering a very high profile speech against Iran's treatment of women while Ahmadinejad was at the UN that Nicole Wallace arranged that "friendly little chit-chat" with Katty Couric for which both have been well rewarded?
    Hmmmm. Wouldn't the ideal time to spring a well-disguised trap interview be while the target was preoccupied with an important issue, and not expecting her own campaign to walk her right in front of a moving bus?
    Of course I've got no proof. But it sure walks like a duck

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Of course, these idiots think asking Sarah Palin what she reads is a trap.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      But, but..she was preoccupied with an important issue! Thank god presidents never have to deal with more than one issue at a time! Hell ya, she was super duper ready for that VP job thingy! Jeebus!

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Friendly little cjhit chat? Since when are politicians who are campaigning ever invited to sit down with a national news

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM


    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Sorry, I will try to post this comment again, now that I fed a pesky cat who kept ripping on my tablet. nonymous4:21 PM
      Friendly little chit chat? Since when are politicians who are campaigning ever invited to sit down with a national news anchor (which Couric was at that time) for a chit chat? Plueeze! "Tonight on the CBS Evening News, we trade recipes and make up tips with vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin."

    6. Anonymous5:26 PM

      They really shouldn't brag about the fact that they know she can't balance more than one thought in her head.

  29. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Boy I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she read IM and The Obama Diary.

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The fact that she is furiously trying to change the subject is that she is spitting mad that she got called out by the world. It REALLY got under her skin and she's flailing about trying to get to every news outlet she can to sing her sad story.

    She is deeply shaken that this was such a HUGE fail on her part, and she was OBLIVIOUS that her typical use of her kid as a prop backfired FEROCIOUSLY, when she thought she'd get kudos for a cute photo op. She is smarting over this and lashing out the way she does when she KNOWS (on some level) that she fucked up. And this time she was not at all prepared for the swift smack across her FB face from people who normally fawn over her.

    She is shocked that people took her to task and made it clear that her post was absolutely, totally and completely unacceptable. Not only that, it started a huge investigation into the grifter at the puppy foundation. She was ripped ragged with the GLOBAL pushback of her abuse of poor Jill and her horrific lack of parental guidance, all because she was looking for a cute photo op.

    She is making it worse by grabbing at ANYTHING she can to deflect from her direct failure as a parent, her ignorant abuse of an innocent animal and her butthurt brand being dragged through the mud.

    This incident, and the family brawl, are two bad marks that she is gonna have a hard time EVER getting over, since they revealed the TRUE Palin sicknesses and when people who are healthy human beings saw fit to nail her, she lost it...and she is still losing it. This thin skinned viper is just a big bully. She doesn't have any self reflection, self control or graciousness whatsoever, all she has is rage, rage and more rage and it seeps out of her skin, her eyes, her mouth and her being.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      That's the psychoses. She doesn't know when to quit. In the end, she can't blame anyone but herself no matter how she tries to spin it.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Add CBJ's coming to town! She's going to pack it up and move to Arizona again.

    3. Anonymous5:48 PM


      CBJ has always worked part time in Wasilla even when she still had her Palmer clinic, and she lives out here.

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      You know, if she want ssoemthign to eflect - it's Friday night - better hire a limo and take teh fambly out to crash onother party. Make sure to get Track and the girls plenty liquored up so they're ready to swing at anything. JUST LIKE LAST TIME.

  31. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hello Mrs. Todd Palin,

    Why did you quit your position as Governor when it's quite clear you loved the title?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      She hasn't been Mrs. Todd Palin in ages!

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Quit or jail...for threatening to assassinate the president in WRITING. Now we know why the kid was put in jail.

    3. Anonymous5:28 AM

      We probably should always refer to her as Mrs Todd Palin.
      One more thing to piss her off...

  32. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Oh good grief, for someone who loves to claim she's thick skinned she's anything but!

  33. Anonymous3:44 PM


    You need to check out so you're not inadvertently promoting sites like Breitbart.

  34. Suzy Q3:45 PM

    An answer to the above picture caption: He didn't eat it, dear Sarah, because his mama's a lazy ass who didn't shoot it, field dress it and make dog chili with it. JK And why did he need to do dishes? You have a dish washer and you never cook anyway. I think you've had your fifteen minutes of fame from all this. You'd better spend your time figuring out how to explain how Cathy Baldwin Johnson was two places at one time on April 18th at 6:00 AM in 2008 in Mat Su Hospital.
    Also, too, is Becky Mansour still writing your FB posts? Chill!

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Oh, I'm thinking Becky was shown the door. Posts have been word salad Serror for quite some time now.

  35. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Ha! Sarah is NOT gonna be happy about this little piece of news! But I sure am.

    ...Friday’s 2015 Gallup survey, however, finds that liberalism is resurgent. A record 24 percent of Americans now describe themselves as liberal. While more Americans (38 percent) still call themselves conservative, the gap between liberals and conservatives is the smallest it has been, in the 23 years Gallup has polled political ideology.

    The 2014 election seems paradoxical. Liberalism is on the rise, yet Republicans had a banner year at the ballot box. The collapse of the political moderate, combined with low voter turnout on the left, enabled the GOP to score sweeping House and Senate victories. However, if the Democrats run on a strong, progressive populist message in 2016, they can expect to win the allegiance of the growing legions of liberal voters.

    Self-identified liberals now constitute 44 percent of Democratic voters. That number is way up from the 29 percent who called themselves liberals in 2000. A Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, who tries to run too close to the center, risks alienating nearly half the party.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Too bad they didn't vote in the midterms. Being Progressive doesn't really matter to anyone unless you get to the polls.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      or they could hang themselves with power. People noticed what they did with social security on Tuesday, their first day back.

      Creating a problem that will effect thousands of disabled veterans and the elderly is not how to win friends and influence people.

  36. Anonymous3:49 PM

    So, from one irresponsible fb post, she has alienated Ellen and fans of Ellen, Peta and responsible animal lovers, the POTUS and those who respect and support him, Lena Dunham and her fans, Savanna Guthrie, NBC and anyone who is a fan of the Today show or Guthrie. Well played, Sarah. You are a public relations nightmare.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:29 PM

      After they were so kind and let her "pretend read", oh well you can't teach an old dog new tricks, especially when turning them is all you've got left as a job choice. Bless her white cotton granny panties.

  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    The woman is seething with hate & with horror at the spetacle she made during the Today Show & Varnie--with her unzipped-top, old neck, veins and liver spots showing, and not to mention the way she dragged the president's childhood and was so proud of it.
    I bet once she proudly got home to look at herself she was horrified. I would be.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I don't think she has the self-awareness to be horrified. I think she thought she looked hot.

    2. PalinsHoax6:09 PM

      "with her unzipped-top, old neck, veins and liver spots showing . . "

      Yes, that was quite the wobbly, bobbly ginormous head perched atop a cadaverous body, wasn't it?

      I wonder why she always wears baby oil on her slippery, smeary lips?

  38. Suzy Q3:50 PM

    I recall a certain Bristol Palin putting in a book that she was raped and thus became a pregnant, unwed mother. Yea, we all know that is bullshit but Gryphen you said, they do not typically put it in book form. IOKIYAP.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      damn straight. Poor Levi. Hope it paid well to CYFA.

  39. Anonymous3:59 PM

    and the beat goes on....

    Multiple People Shot In 'She's A Pistol' Gun Store Near Kansas City

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Were there any good guys with guns there to stop the bad guys with guns?

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      2nd Amendment For Whites Only? Conservatives Freak Out Over New Black Panthers Carrying Guns

      Well, this should surprise exactly no one. Not even a little. Ever since the NRA created the “grassroots” movement to shove “open carry” laws down America’s throat, white men have been parading their penis extensions to shopping malls and restaurants to bully and terrorize people. Oh wait, I meant “show their patriotism.” No, hold on, I actually did mean “bully and terrorize.”

      Meanwhile, gun control advocates have been pointing out that the second black men started to do the same, white conservatives would go into full panic mode. And just as predicted, when the New Black Panther Party did just that, the right wing started to hyperventilate:

      ...“Horrifying”? And what, exactly was horrifying about American citizens exercising their right to bear arms? The article never really says.

      The Conservative Tribune (one of the most read websites in the country) goes on to say that the group carrying guns is “alarming” while complaining that President Obama is trying to steal our guns while “these guys don’t even get the slightest bit of attention.” Again, why this is alarming or why they need attention is never actually explained.

      Of course, the writer brings up the long, long debunked myth of voter intimidation in Philadelphia because why let a good lie go to waste when you’re whipping up racial fear? I’m surprised he didn’t work ACORN in there somehow.

      But what are the NBPs doing that’s so scary? Other than being black, of course.

      Talk to your average right wing gun nut and they’ll tell you they need their guns to protect them from a tyrannical government and its jack-booted thugs in law enforcement. But wait a second! The New Black Panthers say exactly the same thing!

  40. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Palin and her followers are beyond stupid not to see this hypocrisy. First, those who criticezed Palin's facebook photos didn't criticize the child, but Palin's bad parenting. Meanwhile, Palin attacks the young child that Presidnet Obama was, when he recalls heating dog. $tupid $carah is some kind of irrational, mean and nasty hypocrite. Her followers on teh other hand are just too stoopid.

  41. Anonymous4:12 PM

    The ignorant female, get a clue your hate never even gets close to our wonderful President but it is surely making you totally ugly!!

  42. Anonymous4:15 PM

    When does she blame President Obama for the France
    horror ,and then play the victim role because of it!
    Come on Palin. Take a vitamin or something. You are slow!
    If you have a hangover, well, ok then.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Weeeell, the pee pond thinks it's very suspicious that the president went to France recently...........

      Actually, he went to the French embassy here in the good old US, but those is just facts I guess

    2. Anonymous4:42 PM

      4:28 -- just "facts" or "established facts." We only admit the latter.
      Anyway, France, French Embassy, what's the diff? Those nasty furreners. They eat horses, don't they?

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Sarah's supporters continue showing themselves as stooooopppppid as is Sarah! They actually thought he flew to France just to provide his signature? What frigging idiots!

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      A few days ago one of the posted a photo of a fleet of our navy ships that the president ordered back to dock, because he cut funding and he put them and us at risk for an attack. One of the c4pers pointed out that the photo was from 2012, the president doesn't directly fund the fleet and doesn't directly order them home and worst of all he asked the others, who were all frothed upb with Obama hate, why the President would risk doing this? Needless to say, they don't like to be challenged on their posts. They buy each other's lies and cannot be bothered with facts.

    5. Anonymous5:00 AM

      To the stupid conservatards, "France" is a dog-whistle. While the two war criminals Bush and Cheney were trying to get the rest of the world to join them in attacking a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, France thought about it and said, "No, that doesn't make sense". Remember the 'rill 'murkin imbeciles buying and pouring bottles of French wine in the street in retaliation? Remember "freedom fries" (when French fries aren't even French)?

  43. Anonymous4:16 PM

    When could anything Sarah wrote or spoke be described as "plainspoken"? Typical Sarah, she had to use the word "plainspoken" to defend the ridicule she received for her 100+ word run-on sentence in her PETA attack.

    Once again, I feel sorry for the teachers who tried to teach Sarah. Wouldn't you just love to see Sarah's high school and college transcripts? Any of them, all of them.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      In 35 years I had a few students I'd never admit to- usually gave 'em a D- so they passed and wouldn't take the course again (I couldn't face them twice)- and wouldn't be hired so as to embarrass the institution.

      No wonder none of her profs remember her. It's too painful.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      She barely has enough credits for an associates I doubt she has a diploma at all.

  44. PalinsHoax4:16 PM

    Thank you Anon 3:38 PM. What a well written assessment of the voluminous backlash against Palin, and her inability to accept responsibility for her failure to correct Trig's actions.

    There is just one word that I would add to your exceptional comment: "This thin skinned viper is just a COWARDLY big bully."

    By the way, Sarah, just when do you plan on teaching Trig that it is not okay to stand on Jill: when Trig is 50 lbs, 60 lbs, 75 lbs, 100 lbs? Or never?

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      How about getting Trig some therapy to strengthen his facial muscles. There's nothing wrong with eating Cheerios. It teaches hand-eye coordination, wanting something, picking it up and putting it in the mouth, then tasting and swallowing. He might even learn to talk if he could strengthen his facial muscles.

    2. Sallyin MI4:20 AM

      Oh if Trig could talk....I don't think Sarah wants him talking. She already has to pay off Todd and the girls, and put up with Track and his buddies living in the hanger. I suspect it's far cheaper to just hire the nanny and make sure the only words Trig says are with his hands.

  45. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The basic problem for Sarah is that she didn't think two steps ahead when posting those "cute" pictures of Trig.
    Anyone with half a brain could have told her not to admit that she was "oblivious" to her son's signing, and that standing on a dog didn't show how ingenious he was, but how desperate and poorly trained he is.
    When these thoughts were conveyed to her, by thousands of people, she was beside herself with rage -- because she'd been too dumb to see for herself what she was writing.

    Thus, she ended up attacking anyone and everyone, and making a mountain out of a molehill. Instead of moving on, she's digging herself deeper and deeper, full of anger and venom.

    Is the woman ever happy or helpful or carefree or sweet or kind or gentle? Evidently not. And no one in the world wants to hang around with a viper. Sarah, you did yourself in with this one.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Nailed it!

    2. betsy s6:15 PM

      Didn't anybody notice the perfectly fine bench under the kitchen window just behind Trig and Jill?

  46. Anita Winecooler4:23 PM

    Where was Sarah when a liar accused Levi Johnson of rape in her memoir penned by some woman they paid to write it for her? Didn't the Ghostwriter question her? accuse her of being, what's the word? Promiscuous beyond belief? At least Miss Dunham didn't lie nor stretch the truth, it's an important conversation for young girls, who's only reliable role model at this point is Lena. Shame on Bristol and the "help", she had the perfect platform and chose to pussyfoot around it so mommy and daddy would think she had no CLUE they were packed and loaded for a party. Or did she think they were hunting for truffles? Sorry Sarah, you stripped a screw, it's best to let it go, you're no match for Lena when it comes to brains.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      exactly. Simple Sarah is merely projecting AGAIN. SHE and her spawn accuse everyone of rape after they got caught with their pants down.

      There is a reason they are were known as the town pumps...or pimps as the case may be.

    2. Anonymous2:43 AM

      7:53 The town pumps! Rolling giggles here, good one.

  47. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Sarah Palin sure has issues with people getting more attention than her.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      "No one puts baby in a corner!" It's downright pathetic to watch her.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Pretty pathetic indeed. People are dying in France and Sarah's still ranting about things a week ago.

  48. Grrrr !4:50 PM

    It's "an established fact" that Todd Palin is a pimp ... also that the elder Palin kids started two brawls at a private party because they were drunk.

    Per Sarah's logic, it's not "beyond the pale" for me to mention these facts -- I'm just defending my innocent country and its good citizens.

  49. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Off topic. People in positions of power that just do not get it.

    MP Eric Pickles was caught on tape telling a survivor of alleged child abuse at a Gravesend care home to “adjust your medication” last month.

  50. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Palin is the female incarnation of Clayton Bigsby.

  51. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I honestly cannot choose a side in this argument because all of the women are abhorrent female examples. Dunham is a spoiled hysterical hipster with a superiority complex, Mrs. Palin is a nutcase, and Savannah Guthrie is just a pretty face with an empty head reading fluff news on the TV. Thank for sharing, but really all three of these women deserve each other.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      I don't think you have to pick a team to have an opinion on this. It is about Palin lashing out and playing the victim (again), not about the likability of any of the parties involved.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Dunham is an intelligent and clever writer. Savannah asked easy softball questions of Palin and their interview had nothing to do with Dunham. Then, Sarah would have to go through all of Savannah's interviews to compare and contrast. All that Sarah knows how to do is play the victim.

    3. Anonymous2:53 AM

      5:42 Why no mention or description of what Ellen is or isn't? What does Lena have to do with palin? Does the old hag really want to bring up the rape topic? Fake rape? Bristol? False rape accusations in her book?

      She fired her guns but the media kept a comin.....
      I wish.

    4. Anon at 2:53 AM ++++1,000,000 thumbs up for the Johnny Horton reference.

  52. Anonymous5:47 PM

    in the plainspoken post I wrote

    Plainspoken? If you call incomprehensible "plainspoken," maybe.

    1. PalinsHoax6:03 PM

      May she meant "palinspoken post", yeah, I bet that's it "palinspoken post".

      Simple typo by that pseudo-journalist Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      plainspoken is another made up word like commonsense.

    3. ManxMamma7:42 AM

      Anon 7:23 they are both actually pretty old words. Plainspoke was in use in the early 1500s. Commonsense originated in the late 1700s.

  53. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah is the one who said that she was oblivious. I wonder what else Trig has done that Sarah wasn't on hand to photograph. With such an oblivious mama how would Trig know what was dangerous and what was safe?

  54. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Slightly OT/ My nomination for c4p laugh of the day;
    IndieDogg • 2 hours ago
    Speculation is seldom fruitful in the case of Governor Palin because she's always several curves ahead of my underpowered jalopy but it's Friday so why not.
    Wondering... is it possible that a Mitt Romney candidacy could prove to be the last straw and actually push America's No. 1 patriot into the race? Something along the lines of "Okay, this is b*******, enough is enough." Just speculating and, as usual, I do not have a magical mind-reading device that can keep up with this political genius known as Sarah.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      OMGawd! How can anyone be THAT stupid? It boggles the mind.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Yes, it is so send your social security checks right now to SarahPAC to kick start her candidacy!!!

      To reward your devotion she will send you a free copy of her book The War on Poor Sarah for anyone that donates $100 or more.

    3. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Oh please.. she paid someone to write that. It could be Sarah herself and her alter ego.

    4. She's just pissed because she doesn't qualify for Magic underware.

  55. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Why isn't Sarah condemning the terrorists? Every one's eyes are focused on France. She should make a statement of some sort but she's a chicken shit coward who is afraid of making terrorists angry. She's so fearless when it comes to attacking the President...chicken shit coward!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Because she is a coward. And, Sarah Palin stays in her weight class, which is a light flyweight. She can't weigh in on serious issues. Her division is all about name calling, hurling accusations and reality TV aspirations. Oh, and grifting.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Everyone is defending the right of the French magazine to publish political satire, even if it's bad satire or in poor taste. Sarah can't get into a discussion that defends political commentary and satire, because she is against it---- when it's directed to her. Yes Sarah is all for the first amendment and her freedom of speech, but go and criticize her for letting her kid stand on a dog and see what happens.

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Because she is still trying to figure out how it was all Obama's fault.

    4. Grrrr !10:39 PM

      "Why isn't Sarah condemning the terrorists?"

      Silly! Everybody KNOWS you can't see France from Alaska!

    5. Sallyin MI4:16 AM

      Where's France? I thought we were against those French fries? Aren't we against them? I wanted to cook some to have with that yummy moose chili leftover from Christmas Eve, but Todd told me the US is at war with France (darn hat Obama person!) and so no French fires..we can have freedom fires, though. But I couldn't figure out how to make them. They aren't in my cookbook. I even had Trig stand on Jill Hadassah again and look through the book with me. He likes to point out the recipes I should make. Maybe I'll get out my camera and ask my TV friends for help. Yeah, as soon as I take a shower and find a clean wig.

    6. Anonymous4:54 AM

      By next week Sarah, like the Republicans in Congress, will be blaming President Obama for what happened last week in France. Not because she has any notion of where France is and of its history but because that's what the Fox idiots will be telling America to think. And she'll segue into a complaint that federal money is being spent to investigate the Colorado bombing which most likely targeted an NAACP office. The end of her diatribe for Fox will be another nasty swipe at "liberals" who criticize her New Year's "constitutional conservative" photography and a "nyah, nyah" that President Obama ate dog once.

    7. Anonymous3:22 PM

      check her money trail and there is your answer

  56. Anonymous6:34 PM

    America's No. 1 patriot? If being in bed with the AIP since she ran for mayor of Wasilla makes her a patriot, then yeah she is a real Benedict Arnold. Political genius known as case anyone ever wondered how stupid the people who fawn over Palin are, they are THIS STUPID!

  57. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I took a little Palin Twitter stroll. Who are the ignorant followers? I hope the fool runs for something, anything. Keep up the good work, G.

  58. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I guess Sarah doesn't watch late night tv, she can add another person to "you better fire or else" list.

    Seth Meyers made a joke that Trig was standing on the dog because he couldn't see Russia from his house (or something to that effect).

  59. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Dear Sarah, as someone who paid attention to all the comments about Dog Gate in both forums, from sites that are right wing to liberal and everything in between.NO ONE smeared or blamed Trig! You are the biggest piece of shit on the face of the planet."My innocent child" really. You are right about that and it's the only thing you will ever be right about.

    Is there no bottom to the lengths you will go to be a martyr? What have you done for other parents with children like Trig? Nothing!

    And this my friends is the reason we continue to call her out, and thank Gryphen for continuing the fight against this sick woman and she is sick in every aspect a human being can be. She has put herself above her kids, this is the lowest level a so called Mother can go, and Todd? he is in it for the dollars, an enabler and gave up when the check came in.

  60. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Just read a DailyMail story about a new book by one of the couples from the Duck which they talk about their sinful past (abortion, adultery, pre-Jesus of course). In reading the comments I read the following comment which is kind of interesting. It is just an anonymous comment of course, so "with a grain of salt".

    "my brother is a news producer and this info was coming out and they got ahead of it and wrote a book to get as much distance from the situation and money that they could get. JT Sylvan knew the duck dynasty crew (family) and they are all about committing adultery and other crimes then going to church on sunday to cleanse their actions, no different than the palins whos own shocking revelations are just around the corner" [we hope]

  61. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Over 55,000 people have signed this petition.

    Sign the Care2 petition below demanding a home inspection for Sarah Palin’s service dog! - See more at:

  62. Anonymous12:05 AM

    8:17 certainly sums it up. what a Horrible woman-wife-mother-Protecter of the innocent. what an Embarrassment! the very embodiment of Evil. Soulless wicked wretched being. mindless. profoundly ignorant. classless. the Serpent.

    1. Anonymous12:08 AM

      She is nothing but filth and rot, inside and out.

  63. Caroll Thompson2:30 AM

    Is Sarah so hard up for attention that she felt the need to gin up a phony controversy about a dog? Why yes, it appears that she is that hard up for attention.

  64. Anonymous3:13 AM

    I've had about enough! I'm here to defend snakes and grasshoppers. It's all about the snakes, the snakes, not about the dog. Oh the horrors, the agony!

    Why no palin outrage about the snakes and those poor grasshoppers? Oh sure, no fur, no care? And further more, stupid sarah, WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING MONKEYS? Is she aware that people actually eat these cute little critters? She is after all the flying monkey queen.

    And those damn Aussies, they eat those super cute innocent kangaroos! I can't handle it. I think I'm going to faint. I am clutching my fake pearls.

    Who was that callous little brat that held warm eyeballs in her bare hands? Did she do that because she wanted to? Or did dear old dad make her? Hmmmmm.........

  65. Sallyin MI4:11 AM

    When is this harpy NOT angry? Do we ever see her happy? She is either delivering angry diatribes on FOX or her FB page, or she looks half-drugged and sounds demented on her little pay per view experiment. When is she happy? Supposedly she has this wonderful family of Christians, all working, all delightful, a houseful of happy pets who adore them, a wonderful husband who gives her racks and jewelry for the camera, houses galore, money money money from the rubes, airplanes, boats, and snow machines to fill a hanger, and all the low-slung jeans and off-the-should shirts a woman could want. And the religious jewelry! Wow, Sarah, we are so jealous of your stars and crosses and your flag shoes.
    Where's the happy, Sarah? Your smiles are veiled in hate. Your words are often threats or whines. Had you not done to much damage to this country, I might find some compassion, but alas, you reap what you sow. What you have sown is evil, and that is what fills your tiny heart. Unlike the Grinch, I fear there is no hope for you and yours.

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      She is a sick woman, so obsessed with the Obama family that she cannot think straight, if she ever could. Sarah Palin has been out of her depth ever since she ran for city council in Wasilla. Pathetic in a way but the national mainstream media needs to call her out for what she is: an empty-headed and -hearted wanna-be politician with no ideas and no understanding of the world around her. That she would post those photos of Trig getting on and then standing on the dog is the final proof of her lunacy.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      You're right, Sally, I've wondered this since she made her VP nominee speech at the '08 RNC. I had never heard of her, and my first thought was, "okay, something is seriously off here," and the last almost seven years only clarify it.

      When news became "entertainment," she found her niche. She's not Hollywood nor politician, she's a freak of nature that people can't stop rubbernecking like the accident you slowly pass by on a freeway. That she can't see that and continues to her detriment is the travesty. She certainly isn't of God, she's destroyed SO many lives, she's of the narcisstic mirror.

  66. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Gee, didn't the Skanky Screech whine about how there was a special place in hell for women who attacked other women? Hypocrite much?

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Why yes she did. Keep bringing these little tid bits up. We all knew about these things as they happened. The rest of murica, not so much. Keep poring them out there.

      These are her own words. And yes, she is the hypocrite of hypocrites. Sarah's war cry. "You bitches! I can do and say any nasty hateful thing about anybody I want to but don't you even dare to have your own opinion."

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Yes and she stole that quote from Madeline Albright.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Well let's unpack that for a second. Two people, Lena Dunham and Sarah Palin. Palin attacks Dunham, once said there's a special place in hell for women who attacked other women, hence, one of them is going to hell or isn't really a woman. Palin Logic leaves her with one cloven hoof in her mouth once again.

  67. Anonymous4:56 AM

    How did Lena Dunham enter Sarah Palin's vocabulary? I thought her vitriol was always spewed in the direction of President Obama, his family and the millions upon millions who voted for him.

  68. 'Niques5:49 AM

    Sarah is the embodiment of mental illness and generational family disfunction. We are seeing the deterioration in real-time, and we are fascinated.

  69. Anonymous6:50 AM

    classless, uncouth bitch can't ever let anything go.

  70. Anonymous8:14 AM

    This whole mess is Letterman reloaded.


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