Friday, January 09, 2015

Village school children in Alaska make cute video about the lack of snow this year. Ends up becoming powerful statement on global warming.

The film was made by fourth graders at the Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat school in Quinhagak and shot by their teacher James Barthelman.

It was actually not created to address climate change per se, but it immediately caught the attention of  climate scientists such as Mike MacCracken, chief scientist for the Climate Institute.

Who had this to say: 

While winter (or other seasonal) conditions typically vary from year to year, the first effect of climate change is to raise the baseline around which the variations occur. For regions that have winter conditions below normal, the increase in the baseline will more and more often lead to variations taking the temperature to above freezing. This is happening along the coast of Alaska, especially as the sea ice forms later and later each year, creating a situation where the waves from winter storms are no longer being held down by the sea ice, but not actively eroding the shoreline. 

The second aspect of climate change that is likely affecting Alaska more and more is the apparent tendency of warming in the Arctic and warmer sea surface temperatures in the Pacific to contribute to larger waves in the jet stream. The resulting larger waves, which also seem to persist for longer because they move more slowly west to east, tend to push warm air into the Arctic (e.g., over Alaska) later and later into the year, leading to very warm conditions and the later and later freezing of the land surface and later accumulation of snow. While this may initially seem beneficial, transportation and movement of wildlife across the tundra is made much easier when the land surface (and rivers) are frozen over. 

Such large variations of the climate likely won’t occur every year over the next few decades given the limited global warming to date, but it would seem likely such conditions will occur more and more frequently as global warming continues, disrupting both social systems and ecosystems.

Look I live in Alaska and the fact that global warming exists is simply no longer up for discussion. We fucking know it does! (We have so little snow right now that many of us simply refuse to call it winter.)

And in my opinion the debate over whether mankind is contributing to it or not is also over. We are.

So the only question remaining is what more has to happen before the politicians decide that the cost of doing nothing about it is too much for the donations to their campaign from big oil companies to cover?


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I live in Minnesota a bit south of Minneapolis / St. Paul, and it looks like I should be in Anchorage. Right now (8:30 CST) it's +3F here and (at 5:30 AKST) +33F in Anchorage.
    And we have about 6" of snow on the ground.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      That's because they're sending all the cold weather and snow to the rest of us!

      Twenty below wind chill here in western NY (Rochester) on Wednesday. Today the wind chill was 6 below and it felt like a heat wave!

    2. 103 inches here in the Keweenaw so far, and viciously cold with windchills in the -20s and (yet another) lake effect snow warning.

      I would be happy to give our snow to whoever would like some, but a lot of people here do like it (those numbers will drop by March, tourism dollars or not).

  2. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Great video!

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Great job by the kids and Mr. Barthelman!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      heh, my cousin in Argentina sent us a holiday card, everyone's giving the chaka sign near the pool. It's summer and something like eighty degrees. Hissssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!

      It's a great video, and a fantastic teacher.

  3. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I have a friend in Germany who says her 4-year-old hasn't ever been able to use her sled in the same area her mother grew up sledding every winter.

    1. Anonymous4:08 AM

      I remember 20 years ago, riding the school bus to high school in winter and looking out over snowy fields for weeks on end. We've gotten 4" of snow this year and everyone is freaking out it's staying on the ground for more than a day. In just two decades, we've gone that far.

  4. Anonymous9:02 PM

    That's a super cute video, the kids and their teacher did a great job.

    BUT the video says December 5th. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago -- December 7th to be exact, that Bristol said "So my mom literally jumps off a snowmachine while we’re all in the new powder in our backyard the other night, she hops on a flight to Texas for season 2 of her Sportsman Channel show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin.”

    So what's up? Or WAIT! Maybe Bristol meant "Mom hopped away from her white powder spread out on the coffee table and...and...".

    I give up. I get so confused! The whole world is determined to throw "gotcha" stuff at poor whiddle Sarah. HOOHAH

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Lying is second nature to the PayMe clan. Just as $carah calls Trig "her son", Bristles claims to have been raped by Levi. I guess the TRUTH is too boring, or else too difficult for them.

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Real Alaska children have a charm all their own, they find a million ways to play in the snow. Palins only ride machines in the snow, they don't know how to do anything else. Imagine Stupid on skis....

    1. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

      They should take these kids on a field trip to lake Lucille, where the weather and the bedrooms are frigid and always will be. I hear people got so much cabin fever, they're packing tents and doing it in the woods.

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Off topic, bit gee do you think this mass killing dne by Nigerian Islamic extremists rivals anything done by current day Christians? Let's see some current day examples that are an equivalent comparison. These people are ruthless, uneducated brainwashed monsters. Get it yet? Do I have "Islamaphobia ?" No. But I am not naive to how dangerous they are. There is NO comparison to these people.

    PS mittens says he is running again!!! I guess his god is calling him to join the rest of the GOP clowns

    1. Anonymous4:56 AM

      What is the definition of insanity? Oh, yeah..Meh Romney running...again!

      So far the GOP has:

      Any word if Sarah, Our Grifter of Perpetual Tackiness is going to run too?

    2. "What is the definition of insanity? Oh, yeah..Meh Romney running...again!
      So far the GOP has: Huckabee, Romney, Carson
      For current and future perma-candidates Huckabee and Carson, it is quite sane. Those sweet, sweet, book contracts, speaking gigs, and media hosting opportunities coming their way, just for flapping their gums, makes it a smart idea to run.

      Of course it is a cynical and expensive exploitation of our electoral system, but hey, freedum!

      Mitt is just another megalomaniacal narcissist who can't believe he lost to someone who would not even have been eligible for the priesthood in his church before 1978. Yes, in his case, a bit nuts, mixed with colossal egotism.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Jebby is running also, too. I wonder if Newticles Gingrich has decided to make some easy $$$ by entering the race and selling his books? Pope Santorum, plus Michelle Bachman might decide to "save the country" also.

  7. Caroll Thompson2:25 AM

    Things are changing no doubt. It snowed in Las Vegas the other day I read.

    But what a wonderful video. It just melts my heart.

  8. Anonymous4:49 AM

    While I smiled watching the cute kids in the video, the message that I got from it is no laughing matter.

  9. Leland5:21 AM

    "So the only question remaining is what more has to happen before the politicians decide that the cost of doing nothing about it is too much for the donations to their campaign from big oil companies to cover?"

    At this point, I believe the ONLY thing that will teach these fools is losing their jobs. And even then they will try to blame the Liberals!

  10. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I live in the area of Alaska that is considered to be the snowiest inhabited spot on earth. Most all time records for snowfall average, 24 hour, week, month, season for the world have been set within 20 miles of here. We average over 400 inches a year and we currently have hmmm right about 6 inches total. Oh yeah, and it's been raining for a week

    1. Has your former governor, who prattles on about Alaska's wild beauty, ever expressed any sadness, grief, or concern over the recent heartbreaking damage to micro-climates and cultures that have existed for millennia?

      Because I can't recall her saying anything on the topic. Where in Alaska do you live?

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      yeah out here in the valley it's pretty warm too...

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This is the same teacher who had his school and the entire village of Quinhagak participate in a 2010 holiday video.

    To date the 2010 video has garnered 1,665,745 hits!!!
    An amazing feat as the population of this village was only 669 in the 2010 U.S. Census.

    Hallelujah Chorus -Quinhagak, Alaska

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    This guy should be Teacher of the Year in the US! He is phenomenal with the kids, and the whole community! Wonderful.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    I feel so badly for those children! (But glad they have a dynomite teacher). I'm in my mid fifties and remember one storm when I was ten that lasted two weeks, there were layers of hail, snow, flurries, heavy snow, ice - it looked like the strata of rock layers in the Earth. I jumped from the porch roof and saw this tunnel of sky. Then, year by year it's gotten to be a few blizzards and heavy snowstorms, but nothing close to that year.
    I agree with you wholeheartedly, it's man's fault and saving the almighty dollar.

    Kids are a riot, Art Linkletter had my dream job.

  14. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Yeah let's leave the Worlds First Peoples living in Third World conditions...ya know what's gonna occur when you realize they don't care anymore? Right? oh be dumb white fockers!


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