Saturday, January 17, 2015

New anti-abortion campaign features Christian men crying over the abortions they "allowed" their past lovers to get.

Courtesy of TPM:  

In a video entitled "The Apology," three Christian men apologize to women for allowing them to have an abortion and for not putting up a fight "for the opportunity to save a child." 

The video, released by the faith-based Heroic Media, begins with melancholy music and features three men who lament that women in their lives have had abortions. 

"I conceded to an abortion," Pastor Shane Idleman says. "That decision still haunts me today." 

Against a montage of giggling, joyful children and babies, the men discuss how much they regret the decision and take responsibility for letting down God, women and their unborn children. 

"I should've manned up and I should've fought for you and -- I didn't," John Blandford says. "I didn't." 

Then come the apologies to all women who have had an abortion, women who have been "subjected to such a terrible thing," women who "no one tried to rescue," and women who have "tried to hide this from everyone." 

You know as entertaining as it is to watch these men faking an emotional breakdown in order to pressure women into having babies that they are unable, or unwilling to care for, the part they seem to be forgetting is that unless they were married to these women there was no "conceding" to the abortion. That decision was up to the person who was pregnant, not the man too careless to even wear a condom.

And as for all that apologizing to women at the end for the fact that they were allowed to get abortions, are you kidding me?

I have known a number of women over the years who have had abortions, and I can honestly say that for the vast majority of them they don't even think about it anymore, and all went on to have healthy happy families when they felt they were ready to do so.

As I have written before I was once instrumental in helping a high school friend go to the clinic to get an abortion (It wasn't mine.), and I never once felt it was my right to suggest what she should do with her body, and the tiny life that was growing within.

And neither did these men. That is unless they were willing to marry the women and offer to help raise the as yet unborn the child. Which, it sounds to me, was not something they were willing to offer.

So essentially these men are faking emotional suffering over the fact that they did not force a woman they knocked up to give birth to their offspring before they skipped town and left her with all of the responsibilities.

If they really wanted to take responsibility for their actions, the time to have done that was BEFORE they had unprotected sex and put these women in a position where they had to make the choice of whether to have their little bastard or not.

Damn, there is some serious arrogance on display here.


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    From my perspective (67 year old grandmother), the growing cells are not a baby until after the second trimester. Up until then, the women are carrying some extra cells. However, the religious right will never give up on something that was legally decided decades ago. If everyone would just take care of their own personal decisions, the world would be a much better place.

    1. The biggest injustice of all is that we refer to them as the religious right, when simply by being religious they are inherently wrong.

      We should start referring to them as the religious wrong.

      Other than that, I'm totally with you, Granny.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    These a-holes sure are desperate if they have come to this. They were showing signs of desperation long before but this doesn't say much for them.

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hey, guys: here's how to stop an abortion -- use a condom.

    Otherwise, whatever you leave behind belongs to the woman in question. What she believes, and how she behaves, is her choice. You had an ability to stop a possible baby from happening, and you didn't take it. That's it. Now stop crying and go to the drug store to get some condoms.

    1. fromthediagonal5:02 PM

      Perfect solution!

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Yes, these guys are pathetic jackasses and yes, condoms are a good idea. But just like women who are on some form of birth control and still get pregnant, caondoms can slip, break etc. - fa birth control mishap is one reason legal abortion MUST be kept legal.

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I'm in my 70's and when I reflect, I have had girlfriends from years ago that had abortions and some that carried the pregnancy through and gave their children up for adoption.

    The latter cases have many, many more regrets than those that had abortions!!!

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Boy, isn’t this the truth! Imagine having a child out there and wondering every day whether it is being loved and cared for properly. I’ve listened to several friends who as teenager swede made to let go of their babies for adoption and it is always a terribly sad decision 40 years later. Not one said it was a good decision.

    2. For some marvelously well-reasoned--and heartbreaking--evidence that women regret losing their children to adoption than an embryo to abortion, please visit

      It is hosted by two women whom the mores of 1966, as well as lack of resources, forced them to surrender their newborn daughters that year.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    If you tell me that you are anti-abortion and anti-contraception, they you are just for controlling women's bodies. Your anti-abortion stance is fake and just a means to an end.

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    New show you might want to know about G. Here's a review.


    Note: The Cocked pilot is currently available to watch on Amazon Prime Instant Video in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany.

    As someone who grew up in the Bible Belt, gun culture was a big part of my childhood -- although I didn't really take to it like the rest of my family. That's why I could sort of relate to Samuel Baum (Lie to Me) and Sam Shaw's (Manhattan) Cocked pilot (directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts), which follows a white-collar pacifist, Richard Paxson (True Blood's Sam Trammell), who's forced to leave the big city and return home to help save his family's struggling gun business.

    As one of Amazon's new Pilot Season projects, Cocked doesn't really take a firm stance on gun control or ask the question, "Should people own guns?" Rather, it shines a light on the gun culture as a whole (a pretty accurate one, in my opinion), and posits, "Which people should own guns, and how do you market guns to said people?" In that way, it kind of skirts around the weapons issue altogether, for better or for worse. The pro-gun side comes from Richard's brother Grady (Jason Lee), a sex-crazed gun nut who never left the company.

  7. ibwilliamsi12:50 PM

    Maybe, just maybe, if making babies isn't their plan AND they don't believe in abortion they should keep their collective dicks in their collective pants.

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I am sure that there are indeed women & men who regret the decision to abort an unwanted pregnancy. There are so many more unwanted pregnancies that produce unwanted children. Better for the people who are creating this unwanted pregnancies to suffer some regret and sadness, than for another child to suffer the heartbreak of being unwanted or unneeded.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Yes, and also lots of folks delighted that they avoided a catastrophe. I had an abortion and the father of the child is a sociopath who destroys anyone in his path. Pretty happy to be rid of that demon seed.

  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "I had an abortion". Oh my god. Drop dead. Ugly fucks... so glad women didn't breed with you.

    I really did have an abortion. So glad I did. Sorry that it makes you so upset that women can control their own bodies.

  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    So this ad is saying men should lock their pregnant girlfriends in the closet so they can't get abortion?

  11. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Studies show the main emotion women feel after getting an abortion is relief. I imagine the same is true for the men who impregnated them.

    Men who are so torn up years after have other emotion issues that need to be addressed.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Absolutely spot on! Relief was the main emotion on both sides for me and my partner!

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I agree with 12:20 PM.

    Some boys (men?) won't use a condom and they think they own everything or they want control.

    If only young girls could listen. Many older women can be deaf. Quality sex ed would be a boon to the country and all.

    Recently I've seen a couple of TV dramas where the women are strong and telling the men they are having the baby and want no help from him and good-bye. Don't worry fellows there is no responsibility for you, I AM WOMAN. What is that message telling people? Especially teen girls. I'd rather see dramas about struggling with having an abortion or not. Plenty of SOBs run out but there are also some great men that are part of life and decisions.

  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I highly doubt that any of these stories are true. The religious right seems to have no problem with lying to promote their cause, it does seem ironic that they have no problem breaking their sacred commandments....

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    OMG, this writer at Raw Story is brilliant! Check this out Jesse, I'm just giggling away at how *on the money* Tbogg's write up is!

    WATCH: Sarah Palin becomes ‘naughty hitchiker’ to bum rides, get people to watch her dumb show

    Sarah Palin, former fish-egg harvester and anti-coherentist, has a TeeVee show she would really really like you to watch because she needs the money to buy furnishings for Casa de Igloo, her far northern retreat from a corrupt and decaying society filled with science, modernity, culture, reason, diversity, and food not derived from a moose.

    Lately, Palin has turned to the local animal shelter for much needed supplies; converting dogs into step-stools, using cats wrapped in duct-tape as door stops, and forcing live guinea pigs to serve as loofahs. It’s hard out there for a grifter. And a guinea pig.

    Tonight the second season of Sarah Palin’s Amazing America (or “Amazing Amercia,” according to the Sportsman Channel’s YouTube page) launches and this season promises to be loaded with Star-Spangled hijinks like gun-shootin’ and fishin’ and g-droppin’ and maybe some good ole fashioned All-American meth-cookin’.

    Yee. Haw.

    According to Sarah’s ShoutyFace page, she’ll also be going on a date with former Damn Yankees back-up guitarist Ted Nugent who likes using the word “retard” when Sarah — who is incredibly unfond of the term – isn’t around. Maybe he’ll slip up and say, “Day-um Sarah! This moose chili is so good, it’s retarded,” as slaps her on the ass.

    I would totally watch that.

    But if that isn’t enough to get you to tune in, Sarah has a new commercial for the show that scientifically proves...

    1. Tbogg's been rockin' the Internet for some time now. His archives are a great treat!

      Love me some Tbogg!

  15. Olivia1:30 PM

    My mom, a Catholic nurse, used to agree with the Church on abortion. She worked for 50 years in small hospitals in rural areas where there is no easy access to abortion. Over the years she saw young girls having babies, abused unwanted children, and many other sad situations and one day, about 30 years ago, she said to me, "The wrong people are having babies and too many people are having kids they can't take care of or don't even want". She has been a pro choice Catholic ever since. Now if I can just get her to see the light about the Catholic part.

  16. electicsandra1:37 PM

    When I was in my late 30's in a doctorate program, my husband all of a sudden thought I should get pregnant. I had 3 kids almost out of the nest, and had had my fill of mothering. I told him I would go along with the idea if he would be the stay at home parent so I could begin my career. I never heard the baby rustlings again.

  17. Anonymous1:43 PM

    There is a law on the works in Ksnsas that requires the woman to get the father to sign off on an abortion. They are pushing a similar idiocy here in MI. This is why the RW wants power. To make women stay home and have lots of kids.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      The only scientific way to determine the father of a child is via DNA. How is some bureaucrat supposed to tell if a person signing off has the right DNA? Stick a needle in the women's belly and suck some DNA out?

      Science, how does it work?

  18. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The objective of Christianity... Shame and Guilt to control.

  19. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I know there are radicals in everything but all most people want others to consider is how supporting a prolife mentality, it should make one behave smarter. Idealistic? Maybe. But we're a country of rash decisions.

    I've heard next to no prolifers say they would deny anabortion if it risked a woman's life.

    Prolifers measures is pro woman.

    If you don't want kids but like sex, there are permanent solutions. There's something to take up with insurance companies.

    But yes there are men who've said stupid things. There are also liberals who've said stupid things.

    Prolifers movement is a positive thing and embraces good decision making.
    It's very real , the affects of abortion

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Ever have one? Every woman I know who has has never regretted having an abortion. It has been the topic of conversation many times since Christian men and women now maintain it damages a woman emotionally forever. Where are these women? This is absolutely absurd! Roe v. Wade made abortion legal and most women have abortions before they are 12 weeks along because it is legal and readily available. This is a ginned up drama for the pro-life community to again wring their hands in despair.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      There is nothing positive about a movement that is designed to control others.

      Meghan in PA

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Pro-lifers want children to grow up as I did hearing how much my mother wanted to abort me (1950s). I heard OFTEN how perfect my mother's life would have been if she could have just eliminated me.

      Pro-lifers are the scum of the earth.

    4. Oh, for G-d's sake!

      I was still a virgin when Roe v. Wade passed, and greatly relieved that it would be there to protect me if I ever needed it.

      Fortunately, I never did. But I will defend to the death other women's and girls' rights to decide whether or not to conceive and carry a child to term.

      It's the only "open carry" I support!

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      "Prolifers movement is a positive thing and embraces good decision making. "

      I'm sure it's a great thing for you. But stick an ultrasound wand into me before I can get an abortion because YOU are pro-life. That is a horrible, horrible thing.

    6. Anonymous4:34 PM

      If you've got a uterus, you get to make all the decisions related to that uterus, just stay out of the decisions I make about mine.

    7. WakeUpAmerica6:05 PM

      You realize, 2:28, that you just cherry-picked your arguments for pro life. You also pulled the "we're a country of rash decisions" out of your ass. Yes, there are many pro-lifers who believe there should never be an abortion ever for any reason, idiot. Also, being pro-choice is not pro-abortion. It means believing it is a woman's right to choose whether you agree with the choice or not. I'm guessing you are one of the over-whelming number of pro-lifers who believe every fertilized egg should be born and then "you're on your own, baby. Get a job, Slacker."

    8. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I'm not quite sure what I just read. Your reasoning is confused and confusing as is your writing. Pro CHOICE means if you don't want an abortion, don't have one. Don't tell me how to have sex with another adult human and don't tell me what I can do with my body (no matter what you think that might do to me) if I get pregnant.

    9. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Pro-lifer is barely coherent. And what do you mean, "behave better." GO look at your own life, you sad, sad, excuse for a human. Make your own bed, lie in it - if it's not comfortable, remake it, instead of coveting soemone else's

    10. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Are you 12? Your diatribe makes no sense. There is no reason for anyone to be involved in the decision for a legal medical procedure except the woman and her doctor. Period. Nobody's business at all. Your precious party wants all women out of the workforce and home tending multiple children which may be hungry and ill-clothed since the GOP cares nothing about wage increases or the betterment of workers through unions. So who is going to end up taking care of all these kids? Not you, honey. The rest of us.

    11. Anonymous10:51 PM

      I got pregnant when I did not want to be. I had an abortion. I've never regretted it. I've been grateful that I had a choice - and I believe all women should have the same choice.

  20. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The whole video has to be fake. because "christian" men don't have sex outside of wedlock, amirite?

    1. Anita Winecooler3:55 PM

      Do minors count?

  21. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I had an abortion, and I have no issues. These men, who didn't have abortions, they only know people who have had them are so torn up?! I think they need to be placed under a 72 hr Baker hold and be examined for severe mental illness.

  22. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Why aren't they apologizing for not standing by their child's mother? They're apologizing because they weren't able to abandon the mother and the child, only the mother. Dirty creeps. Hope they're childless forever.

  23. Anonymous2:59 PM


    Gryphen, you'll love this!!

    Neil deGrasse Tyson shares meaning of life with 6-year-old, nails it.

  24. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Yep, the arrogance drips from these men. They scare the bejabbers out of me.

  25. Anonymous3:49 PM

    A man contributes a single sperm. A women has to give 9 months, substantial cost to her health, likely impact to her earning power, and the endless unwanted opinions of many people including total strangers.

    So who is the BEST person to make a decision about abortion. Why, of course, according to these idiot men, it's that single sperm that is all important. If these idiots are too stupid to use a condom, they are way too stupid to make a decision on abortion.

  26. Anita Winecooler3:54 PM

    Gee, I'm sorry (pass the tissues) I ejaculated into the vagina of a woman too stupid to have autonomy over her own body. Whaaaaaaaaaa! I've been haunted by this to this day! My go to blog for all things down syndrome and forced reproduction theology, Bristol and Nancy's bloggie, is chock full of this,crap. Yes, I've accompanied women as an escort and friend, and not ONE has had an iota of second guessing their decision, feeling "haunted": by it or any other psychological drama these "ladies" present as by products of Abortion. I'm pro choice, if they choose not to have one, that's as much their right as someone who chooses to have one, but spare me the mind reading, projection and lies being promoted. Did Bristol read about mommies "white outs"???? Did they leave her scarred for life? No. It's the ones that she kept that have "haunted" her.
    The sissies in this clip and the two aforementioned "ladies" had better keep their hands off women, they'll make the wrong choice some day and pick the wrong one.Just sayin.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Hey Gryphen, how about organizing a bunch of men who feel the exact opposite way? Most men are mightily glad that they didn't have babies in the wrong place at the wrong time and cause more disaster.

  27. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I like children.

    But I never can seem to finish one.


  28. Anonymous5:42 AM

    2:28 writes "I've heard next to no prolifers say they would deny an abortion if it risked a woman's life".
    Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, and others of their ilk, have stated they believe women use that as an excuse for an abortion. Several of the antiabortion laws the GOP have pushed for exclude that key, little provision. Because Paul, Rick, & the GOP believe they know better than your doctor.

  29. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Our daughter, now thirty, was conceived out of wedlock and I was sooooo scared of what my religious parents were going to say, how it would make them look to extended family, even at the ripe old age of 26 I found myself at an abortion clinic. In the end, I couldn't go through with it. It was MY CHOICE. Get it, pro-lifers? My body, my situation, keep your nose out of it.

  30. Anonymous9:49 AM

    If you are opposed to abortion, don't have one. Problem solved. Oh, and if you're a man...STFU.

  31. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Give me a friggin' break.

    The next time any of these hypocrites manage to get a woman pregnant, they'll all be forcing the woman into an abortion clinic before their fellow brethren Christians, who are just a little better then all the rest of us, find out.

    That's all I have to say about this nonsense video and their fake regret.


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