Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Felon Dinesh D'Souza compares his conviction for violating campaign finance laws to the persecution of Martin Luther King Jr. by J. Edgar Hoover. On MLK day yet!

Holy crap! Just when I thought this guy could not be more of a douchenozzle.

I cannot even begin to fathom the kind of arrogance it takes to compare yourself to Martin Luther King Jr. on the day that we celebrate his memory. 

But then again I am not some weaselly pseudo Christian, Right Wing, flim flam man either.


  1. fromthediagonal12:07 PM

    This just made my skin crawl in revulsion.

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    No, Dinesh--you are a convicted felon as a result of your own actions. YOU are at fault, no one else. And you also had an affair while still married and had to resign your Christian college presidency. You are an example of what NOT to do.

  3. Boscoe12:12 PM

    LOL gawd, that comparison is so laughable feeble. Not to mention the pathetic use of "targeted". Gotta love the "personal responsibility" being displayed by a douchetard who got caught doing crimes referring to it as "being targeted".

    Are there any conservatives left who AREN'T martyrs? Seriously, talk about group psychosis.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    People retweet this baloney?
    The guy is bonkers, as well as contemptible.

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Their brains are all rotted.

    Rush Limbaugh, Esquire

    How Can Paris Celebrate Free Speech and Then Sue Fox News?


    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      There is a difference between free speech and using that right to tell absolute lies, which is what Fox did.

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    This is what the judge had to say about D'Souza's spin, after he'd been convicted but before sentencing:

    "I'm not sure, Mr. D'Souza, that you get it," Berman said before announcing the sentence. "And it is still hard for me to discern any personal acceptance of responsibility in this case."

    D'Souza was convicted of urging two friends to donate $10,000 each to the campaign of another friend, and then reimbursing them for their donations. One of his "friends" was the woman to whom he said he was "engaged," while both he and she were married to other people.

    Reading about his conspiracy theories and his bizarre theories about the President and colonialism, I see a man who's too clever by half, who escaped India to come here and arrange a bully pulpit for himself espousing conservative ideas.

    He's still in house arrest, and I wish the judge would take away his twitter account.

    He may have been watched more closely than other felons who did the same thing. It was his hubris to assume that his deeds weren't being scrutinized. He wasn't targeted -- he put himself out there to be captured.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I think he's jealous that the son of a non-American became President of the United States, while he, a naturalized citizen who undoubtedly assumes he's the smartest person on the planet, can never get to the White House. It's that simple.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      President Obama was born ON American soil, and his mother was a US Citizen. He is the son of a native American, and just because his father was not, means nothing as far as citizenship goes

      End of story, he is a native born USA Citizen

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I meant to write non-American father.

      Of course the President is a U.S. citizen, born on U.S. soil, with an American mother.

      D'Souza did not have that advantage and so spends his time demeaning the President, who he thinks he's smarter than.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Except that D'Souza is not smarter than President Obama. He's not good enough to shine President Obama's shoes.

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It turned into a Twitter meme but that was two days ago.

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    How this POS avoided HARD time is difficult to understand. With the exception of prison rape, I was hoping his sentence would have at the very least 23 hours of isolation to ponder his next presidential insult. This is one low life MF'er.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    If some black inmate sticks him with a shiv I will not shed a tear.

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    This guy Douche DSouza appears frequently when you google Right Wing Wanker!

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

    There is absolutely no respect for President Obama, a sitting president of the United States of America.

    I wasn't a fan of President Bush, but I respected him and the office that he held for those 8 long years.

    One thing is to disagree with the President's policies, but President Obama has a been disrespected and targeted day in and day out by this felonious cheat and his ilk for the past 7 years!

    And now he has the brass to claim that his innocent as a day old kitten?!

  13. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What a rancid, impacted pilonidal cyst this D'Souza turned out to be. Srsly.

  14. Anonymous1:57 PM

    OT on this thread (sorry) but the incredible truth behind the myth of Chris Kyle. Sarah says she hates Hollywood but Hollywood made a blockbuster about a man who mostly lied about who and what he was.


  15. "I was targeted by the equally unsavory B. Hussein Obama"
    Oh, please. What a legend in his own mind he is.

    As if Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, a country of 320, 000, 000 people, leader of the free world, with a massive amount of hard work and serious issues to deal with (including a seditious congress), both domestic and international, has even one second to spare to even think about this low-level, piddlefart, chickenshit felon, let alone ask who the hell he is if someone were to waste the President's time by bring up D'Souza's name.


    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      D'Souza probably spends hours a day fretting the President Obama is ignoring him, much the way Sarah Palin spends her time.

  16. Anonymous6:25 PM

    You forgot adulterer.

  17. Anonymous9:17 PM

    He is a piece of S.H.I.T.

  18. Anonymous1:00 AM

    As a Indian American I am ashamed to call this man a fellow. He panders to the verybpeople who would not have allowed people who looked like us a chance to vote, hold office or go to eat at certainplaces just for the color of our skin. Not to mention colonize. He is a uncle Tom of Indian people.

  19. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sarah probably got a cut for mentioning "Big Gulps", a product of Sountland Corporation and sold at Dinesh's fave stores, Seven Eleven. (As if POTUS even set foot in one).
    DiSousa certainly holds himself in high regard, but I don't see it, what am I missing?


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