Monday, January 26, 2015

Joe Scarborough calls Sarah Palin's speech at the Freedom Summit a "tragedy."

Courtesy of TPM:  

Scarborough made his remarks after Washington Examiner columnist Byron York panned the former Alaska governor's "long and disjointed" address. That led Nicolle Wallace, the former Palin aide who has long since been one of her biggest detractors, to recall that York was once one of her "staunchest supporters." 

“I think it’s a tragedy, too,” Scarborough chimed in. “We all remember that night she spoke in 2008 at the [Republican national] convention. I will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances I’ve seen in the last four or five conventions I’ve been to. Nobody expected her to do well. She delivered the lines well; she hit it out of the park." 

"We will let history decide how she got from that point to this point,” Scarborough said.

Actually the answer to how Palin got from the 2008 national convention point to the point she is at today, is that the 2008 point never really existed.

In other words the ONLY reason that Palin came off so well was that she had people controlling everything she wore and everything she did.

On her own Palin has always been the broken down heap that we see today, however for a brief time she had people applying a coat of new paint and tightening her spark plugs to keep her running seemingly smooth.

It was never real.

What people are seeing today is the REAL Sarah Palin without, as Nicolle Wallace pointed out, those "annoying handlers."

For all of you who recognized this way back in 2008, I think it is time to give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back. Remember the rest of the country is simply coming to the same place where we have been standing all along.


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I'm hearing that krappy BeeGees falsetto. Almost as bad as her screechiness. Apologies to BeeGees fans, just not my cup of tea.

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    As soon as she parade out onto the convention floor, I was turned off. When she uttered her hockey mom line, my TV was turned off, also, too!

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I feel the same way. I was so excited that the Republicans had a potential woman to run for V.P. I tuned in eagerly to hear what she had to say. OMG! She was ditzy, mean, shrill, and clearly parroting words that had been drilled into her. I had to turn the channel, muttering, "Not THIS woman!" Just think--that was her at her absolute best!

    2. My first sight of her I thought: she looks like one of those mean girls in high school (her every move said, "Look at ME! I'm SO cute! I can get anything I want by playing the tease.") and that screechy voice! it could strip paint off a wall!

      ... and then the debate wink...and the rest is an historically (if too slow), downhill trajectory
      for no-nothing SP.

      The tragedy is the way she legitimized self-delusion, arrogant ignorance, slutiness and pathological hypocrisy across America and its reactionary politics. Facism will come to America behind a cheesy smile, wrapped in a flag...

      The even worse tragedy is that these losers vote! What is wrong with progressives that they don't? We will be living with the consequences of this for a very long time. Democrats better step up their game, that's all I gotta say. Ending Citizens United would be a good place to start.

      America is at a crossroads and Obama can't veto everything this dead-hearted, Koch-bought Congress proposes ...or can he?

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Screech is unusually quiet, meaning no posts from behind the safety of her Facebook bunker. $he has two more speaking gigs coming up, then off to England. LOL

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      4:50 PM

      Recovering from hangovers. She has to wake up and read all the reviews on her performance. So could be on another long black out.

      Or they may juice her up and get her back in the game. She has dragons to slay.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Someone revealing who they are is a tragedy? Oh Joe, stop the blow.

    1. fromthediagonal3:10 PM

      Anon @11:36... "Oh Joe, stop the blow" is absulutely freakin' perfect. Thank you, you made my day!

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I posted this on the earlier thread and it bears repeating.

    Ironically, the c4p take on the positive reviews on the right for
    Carly Fiorina:
    "Anybody can give a good speech once in a while. But Carley was a complete disaster as a candidate and still owns big debt from that. Whatever she says is just for show. Just like Walker. He can give a good speech, but.... he's gone establishment the past few years. Whatever he says is just bluster

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    She had me at,' community organizer'. It was all downhill from there. She heard everyone say how great she did and she started to believe it until her last 4 or 5 interviews. They tried to control her after that until she went rogue. They lost control of Frankenstein, even shitfuck McCain started to fear her and the rest is history. Thanks a lot john.

    1. Yes, thanks a lot John ... NOT! I hate McCain. I wish he too would GO AWAY!

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      It's their own fault. They didn't have to dig too deep to realize her insanity and her bad behavior (not to mention the bad behavior of her husband and children). Yet, they still tapped her then went about scrubbing clean her past and her family.

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    This is a tragedy:

    28-year-old female staff member, Lori Klausutis, was found dead in the summer of 2001 in the office of U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL).

    Young Lori Klausutis is a tragedy.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I was going to mention that. That was the end of Joe's political career.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      If I were Joe's co-host, I'd mind my manners on their show.

      Cannot stand the guy! He and Sarah Palin match each other perfectly! Two of a kind! In it all for themselves - both liars and frauds! Have never watched his/their TV show and don't understand why anyone would!

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Miki does often act like an abused wife. That relationship is a turn off. Never understood how anyone could watch them for long.

  7. SallyinMI11:48 AM

    So either Joe was taken in by her act, or he's just massaging the far right nimrods who still watch him. It isn't a tragedy. A tragedy is what she has done to the country, dividing us at every opportunity; making it acceptable to call the President awful names; making it acceptable to watch your kids self-destruct while blaming the 'haters;' making grifting a way of life, only instead of barely getting by with her tin cup, Sarah is profiting handsomely and living high on the hog; making meanness somehow a virtue; lying for profit; and being a very angry, ugly person inside and out and getting old white guys to feel sorry for you. Poor Sarah...the tragedy is that the old white guys didn't catch on in 2008 and take away your platform.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Great Comment Sally. Thats our grifter.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      You are so right, SallyinMi. Sarah Palin has done a great deal of damage to the country, to our integrity and to our political discourse. And, nationally, it all began in 2008. In Alaska I think it began much earlier.

    3. Brilliant summing up. If those "vetting" her in 2008 could not see through her then, shame on them. They were exploited by a very manipulative bitch. Seven years on and they still have her as a thorn in their sides. How will they get rid of her? and still keep her/their base?

  8. Anonymous11:50 AM

    My next question for Joe: "Where the fuck has your brain been for the last seven years?"

    And Nicole Wallace, the fact that she did see the real Sarah Palin and still worked to put her in high office is everything I need to know about her, and for her to keep reminding us of that shows that she doesn't even realize what it says about her lack of character.

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Comments over at TPM are hysterically funny

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      my favoritre is

      "As my dad used to say, "what do you expect from a pig but a grunt?""


  10. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I knew she was a fraud the moment she spoke. And I for one never--and I mean never--bought into the mythology that her performance at the 2008 RNC was anything but that: a performanc, and a piss-poor one at that.

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I found her 2008 speech vicious and mean-spirited. Better delivered, but I was enraged for days after at this horrible person. Pretty packaging didn't prevent seeing the ugly person inside.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      + 1000

    2. I agree. I knew nothing about her but she seemed on the surface to be impressive. I looked forward to hearing her. Then she launched into her speech.

      The republicans yap all the time about personal responsibility and how depending on the government is bad, so how could she sneer at someone who worked as a community organizer to help a community help itself?

      Such hypocrisy. And sneering that there was no responsibility in that position. Such oozing contempt for someone helping his community. All with that nasty smug jaw.

      I started looking into her right away. It didn't take long at all to figure out that she was all packaging and marketing and no substance.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I also agree. The moment she sneered out "community organizer," I knew the kind of person she was (although I didn't know the depths of her depravity and nastiness). Not that I would have agreed with any of her politics anyway, but it was clear she was the worst kind of politician and person.

    4. Anonymous2:17 PM

      I agree.That day I left the GOP and never looked back.

    5. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I had just read President Obama's memoir "Dreams From My Father" and was very impressed and inspired by his community organizing work. So when Palin sneered about him being a "community organizer" in her typical mean girl way, I just knew she was bad news. And she continues to be bad news. We've always had hateful, bigoted racist people in this country, but Palin has kicking up a hornet's nest of divisiveness and polarization ever since she came on the scene in 2008. Well, she and Fox News, AM Talk radio, conservative pundits like Limbaugh, Coulter, etc.

      Jennifer K

    6. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Have said it before, but, having been unfortunate enough to work alongside a NPD Queen for way too many years, I had her pegged from the start as well. And, yeah,the "community organizer"remark was just plain mean. The nail in the coffin for me was responding to the Trig rumors by announcing that Bristol was pregnant at that time. Q: What kind of mother throws their daughter under a bus like that? A: a NPD queen mother.

  12. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The tragedy was giving Palin a national stage to rile up the lowest common denominator with vicious and racist divisiveness.
    There is nothing tragic about her true nature being more widely recognized.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      John McCain and the GOP risked the fate of this nation on a mentally unstable, ignorant, stupid person. We survived that tragedy (no thanks to the GOP).

      But the continuing tragedy is that without exposing the depth of Sarah Palin's unfitness for office, we risk repeating the same horrifying perversion of our political process.

  13. If Joe Blowhard thought the 2008 speech was a home run, I have a bridge I would like to sell him. He is as big a bonehead as Sarah( Half Ass Governor, Full Time Moron) Palin.

  14. For one more take on her SOTU in Crazytown speech, take a gander at The Rude Pundit:

    Rude Pundit is not for the faint of heart and his language is generally not at all SFW. This is one of his more genteel columns (maybe because Palin did all the work).

    I think my favorite line was "It was postmodern poetry at its most experimental, and, frankly, it wouldn't have been surprising if Palin had just stood there and cawed like a crow for ten minutes."

    1. ManxMamma12:52 PM

      That last quote is priceless. It paints such vivid picture in my mind.

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      ...The most hilarious part of this is that conservatives are saying that the speech wasn't "serious" and that watching it was "painful." Joe Scarborough called it a "tragedy" that she had fallen so far, apparently not understanding the difference between tragedy and comedy.

      Really, motherfuckers? This was the speech that made you decide Palin was not going to be president one day? 'Cause, see, the rest of us knew she was a fraud and a puffed-up idiot, a wannabe player, and a power-mad gorgon from the start. We didn't need this babbling cartoon character, this monster with a gaping maw, gorging on fame and attention like a snake on a rat, to blither through one more parade of faux folksiness, like Hee-Haw was her Critique of Pure Reason.

      If this is truly the nadir of her bottomed out career, the point where even the rubes turn on her (and don't be so sure, rubes being rubes), then her political tombstone should be filled with all the times she mocked President Obama for his use of a teleprompter, like he wasn't capable of off-the-cuff speaking. You could say she should apologize, but that presumes she feels shame. -

      See more at:

  15. Anonymous12:18 PM

    What people are seeing today is the REAL Sarah Palin without, as Nicolle Wallace pointed out, those "annoying handlers."

    This could be a sign SarahPAC is low on funds and can't keep a full-time staff of handlers for that mess they call Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      She's pays Jason Recher to follow her around like a puppy dog, he is her last "handler" on staff from the 2008 campaign, but then he lets her do things like pose with the Fuc_ sign and deliver her crazy speech in Iowa. He's not a handler at all but a paid enabler, if you ask me.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      YES, a paid enabler.

    3. ...paid enabler....OR, a democratic mole. If so, keep up the good work!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      All the handlers in the world couldn't help her because she doesn't listen to anyone.

      Starting back on the '08 campaign, she has had plenty of opportunity to learn how to behave, how to dress, how to use make up, to work on her voice modulation and public speaking skills, to EDUCATE herself, for pity's sake, but, nooooooooooo. She doesn't want to. She refuses to. Or she is unable to.

      I am starting to think she is mentally ill. I know that people have been saying that here for years, but after the last few episodes from her, I can't see any other explanation.

  16. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Joe and Nicole do realize that the 2008 was written for her and she merely read. Whooptie Doo! She could read so well!! She didn't write the damn speech as Obama either wrote or helped write all of his, but that doesn't matter does it when it comes to Sarah? Everytime she has had to respond to unscripted questions she fails. The woman is stupid, stupid, stupid and nothing about that has changed since she walked onto the national stage. One thing Nicole got right, it is when she let go of her handlers and went rogue that has been her downfall. Now we all have to wait and see while the Koch brothers decide which way she is going to now proceed. Either they let her be totally destroyed or they prop her back up. The next few days will tell the story.


    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      The Man Behind Palin's Speech - TIME,8599,1838808,00.html

      Prior to the 2008 Republican National Convention, Senator John McCain (the Republican Presidential nominee to-be) asked Scully to write the acceptance speech for his Vice Presidential nominee, whom McCain had not yet chosen. Scully wrote the speech two weeks before the convention. He wrote the speech for a man to deliver, not a woman.[4][5][6] Four days before the convention, Scully was surprised when he was informed that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was to be McCain's running mate. Scully then worked all night to tailor the speech to Palin and also to incorporate new campaign strategy shifts that were being rapidly formed in intensive discussions by McCain campaign staff.[7]

  17. Anonymous12:33 PM

    DING DING Scarborough said best:

    “We all remember that night she spoke in 2008 at the [Republican national] convention. I will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances
    - Scarborough

    That's all it was, a PERFORMANCE given by an old beauty pageant contestant!

    Notice that Sarah Palin NEVER sat in on the Sunday round table shows.

    Why because Sarah Palin is just an act that needs speeches written for her.

    LOL Sarah Palin can’t PERFORM on her own.

    Sarah Palin only answers selected questions.


  18. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I will give myself a pat on the back :) I am just wondering if anyone else thinks the "the man can't ride ya unless your back is bent" line was, in some weird, deranged, Palin way, a reference to Jill (the dog) and all the comments that were made about her back? I just keep coming back to that picture of Jill's back being so swayed and everyone wondering if Tri-G had been riding him. If you think about was really a poor choice of words to use, so soon after that kerfuffle!.

    1. angela1:04 PM

      It is an MLK quote.
      Which makes her all the more repulsive
      for daring to quote him.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I think it is more reflective of her sexual issues.....many that they are.. Incest? Promiscuity? Pimping

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I'm still giggling at the 4pee comment yesterday about it being time to get on the ground and start grinding. Alrighty then! Lol

    4. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

      Martin Luther King, Jr.


      She took that as her own, she NEVER gave credit to the original speaker.

  19. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Nicole should have to drink a gallon of the bile Sarah spews for her part in hiding the "truth about Palin".

    Nicole ...tell us who Trig's mommy is ... we know you know.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Nicole won't say what she knows. She's probably cashing in her hush money checks as we speak. But if SarahPac is running low on "postage", who knows, Nicole might start singing like a canary about Sarah and her crew.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I think it's likely Nicole and Steve Schmidt 'know' Palin didn't birth Trig but it's also a good bet they don't know any details and never saw any documentation/proof so they could protect McCain and the campaign. Schmidt may have insisted Palin NOT provide her medical records to them.

  20. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "Remember the rest of the country is simply coming to the same place where we have been standing all along."

    Really Gryph?... The rest of the country (most of) has long ago realized this. Almost no-one outside of your bubble pays any attention to her antics. You are one of the few that keep bringing her up as if she has any meaning!

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      then what the fuk are you doing here numbnutz ?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      I personally appreciate the fact that Gryph keeps on her @ss. There's nothing she'd like better than for people to look the other way while she does her plotting and scheming.

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Doing my best to help Gryph offset the lowered average intelligence levels on his blog from commenters like yourself 12:45.

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      So, 12:35 why are you here?

    5. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Plotting and scheming 12:48? Wanting people to look the other way? Are you on another planet? Her whole act is about trying to get people to look at her, good or bad it doesn't matter. That is what wannabe reality stars do.

      But politically, no-one is really paying attention to her seriously outside the IMer bubble.

    6. Anonymous1:15 PM

      1:05, my answer to you, also too, is at 12:59.

      BTW... read the 'about me' statement on Gryph's blog at the top, until Gryph changes that to "this blog is 100% entirely about bashing Palin", I will assume he will occasionally discuss more pertinent issues than a used up Gov reality star that no-one takes seriously, and hasn't since 2008... no-one except for the obsessed folks around here anyways.

    7. Anonymous1:25 PM


      LMAO !!

    8. Anonymous1:38 PM

      She has destroyed people's lives and cost them money and retirement funds. This is just in Alaska. Don't go easy on the bitch.

    9. Anonymous1:40 PM


      Google "Sarah Palin Iowa" and you'll find that hundreds of news outlets have covered this latest meltdown of hers. Some still take her seriously, but most do not, suffice it to say, she still gets publicity, though I'm not sure how much longer her health can hold up, both her mental and physical health.

      That being said, she can't run, she never will run, however she and her family have to decide whether to let her run out the ultimate conclusion of her mental and physical deterioration in public, or help her find herself and let her recover in private.

      Unfortunately I don't think any of them are strong enough or smart enough to wrangle the rogue and tell her to her face she is not well so I have to put my money on an epic public flameout, she'd love that though, because it makes her even more of a victim.

    10. Anonymous2:05 PM

      "No one pays any attention to her ... except Gryphen" and IM?

      You're wrong! The conservatives are watching each speech of hers but can't find anything good to say. They are embarrassed. They keep hoping that she'll say something that proves she's not a fraud, something that proves that they weren't wrong.

      The party's over, turn out the lights. H/T Don Meredith.

    11. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Whoa Nelly, we all must check in with 12:35 PM before we post comments. Everyone that I have talked to are fed up with the media coverage given to the Tri-g hoaxer.

    12. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Anonymous12:35 PM, Stop lying.
      If no one pays attention to her why was she the RNC keynote speaker?

    13. Anonymous3:22 PM

      No meaning? Why, she's the fresh face of today's GOP!
      Run baby, run!

    14. Anonymous3:23 PM

      1: 09 PM, 12:48 PM here. I was referring to troopergate etal that she DOES do behind the scenes. She's Koch-funded now, there's a LOT of shit she's up to that none of us know. Of course she likes the her own demise and of her own doing. It's only begun.

    15. Anonymous4:16 PM

      2:20 who's lying? When was Palin a keynote speaker at the RNC dumbass?

      3:22 you can say that all day long, but the GOP doesn't desire to have anything to do with Palin and you know that.

    16. Anonymous4:36 PM

      4:16 PM. It was tweeted today that the Koch Brothers have committed $900M to 2016. You bet the GOP wants nothing to do with her, but she's all over that IF they can keep her coherent enough to do their bidding. She's drugged out idiot!


    17. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Whatever "speaker" she was at Iowa. what did they call her...whatever special title she held while speaking... all of them, any of them that come in front of any of

    18. Anonymous4:48 PM

      12:35 PM:

      But, $arah Palin would die if nobody paid attention to her.

      12:59 PM,

      If you want to offset lowered intelligence averages, then why aren't you over at the Sea O' Pee, or $arah Palin's Facebook page, dumbass? Or, you could always look in a mirror, and talk to yourself.

      You're just mad because your Queen $arah is a piece of shit!

      1:15 PM:

      You dipshit trolls always come here to bitch about what Gryphen is doing, but you ignore all negative press the MSM gives to $arah Palin. Why don't you go bitch to the MSM? If you don't like this blog, look the other way, and FUCK OFF!

    19. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Anonymous4:16 PM: You LIE. Faux news is also the face of the GOP & Hannity & Greta LOVE to have the woman on to offer her "expertise," so your lying when you say the GOP wants nothing to do with her. Also, if that were the case why invite her to the event this weekend.
      Who's lying

    20. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Who says I don't like this blog 4:48? I love playing around with really little brains like yours. Doesn't take much to get you all frustrated and confused. I don't even have to use nasty words or insults, just speak the plain truth using simple vocabulary.

      Oh and 'troll' was so yesterday.

    21. Anonymous6:26 PM

      trolly is deedeethree times personality disorders from the pee pond. recognize the cray

    22. Anonymous6:32 PM

      you pompous, self aggrandizing ass.........please take your pontifical and supercilious self elsewhere. no one here cares for your cock-a-hoop attitude and really darling, you have become quite the bore.

    23. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Oh poor little 6:26, all obsessed with Palin, a reality star wannabe, all the time.

    24. Anonymous7:02 PM

      6:39 PM Are you still trolling? Don't you ever take a pee break?

    25. Anonymous7:10 PM

      12:35 PM Sarah Palin's failure of a speech has been covered by most of the major networks. She has some meaning to them. What are you trying to infer?
      Get lost, Clown.

  21. Anonymous12:46 PM

    When I first heard spalin speak, I couldn't connect the snarky way she was speaking with the title she had during that time and the role she was campaigning (sort of) for.

    I started searching the web for more information about her (that how I found IM) and I found that suspicions were correct about her. She is dumb, uncurious and has a nasty character. All that other stuff, trig, pimp daddy todd and the other parts of her life was just icing.

  22. In 1985, I predicted that New Coke would be a smashing success. In 1990 I confidently proclaimed that Andrew Dice Clay would win the Best Actor Oscar(tm) for The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. And in 1995 I bet a large sum of money that by the year 2000, every home in America would have a TRS-80 personal computer.

    By 2000, I was slapped with a Lifetime Cease & Desist, Also Too, Order that prohibited me from making predictions of any kind. It ushered in a very dark period in my life.

    And then, on a snowy August evening in 2008 after watching the future The Screechy Wretch(tm) vomit up her electrifying GOP convention speech, I defied the order to announce to the world that this woman would soon be known as a disingenuous, divisive, mercenary, dishonest, fraudulent half-wit (possibly a quarter-wit).

    Within a short time, my prediction proved uncannily prescient and the C&D order was lifted!

    Sure, I was wrong when I recently predicted last November with absolute certainty the surprise 2014 release of a Friends cast reunion movie remaking Don Knotts' classic The Incredible Mr. Limpet but history will still regard me as "the Nostradamus of prognostication" for my uncanny accuracy in calling The Screechy Wretch(tm) what she undeniably turned out to be.

    1. angela1:01 PM

      Oh Beldar . . . . .
      I will always heart you.

    2. Beldar!!!!!!

    3. AKinPA2:45 PM

      Beldar's back! You made my day!

    4. Clap, clap. :)

    5. Cracklin Charlie8:39 PM

      I thought Andrew Dice Clay was robbed.

  23. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Run, Sarah, Run! I'm ready for more political prick tease. Ha Ha!

    1. I am too tired and too old for it.

  24. London Bridges12:51 PM

    John McCain: The Most Hypocritical, Opportunistic and Untrustworthy Senator

  25. Anonymous1:04 PM

    She was a polished and buffed pig presented to the American people as the real thing. We knew it up here in Alaska from the day she began running for governor in 2006. Most of us just watched her and shook our heads. She is an illusion that has come to the meltdown phase.

  26. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Joe never went to college either nor he remembers the English Literature terms. For example:

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      You're right, Sarah is not "tragic hero."

  27. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Grouphug or hive fives to all of us who knew from day one what a pathetic fake she was/is.
    Vindication, long overdue but oh so satisfying ...... And it has only jusr begun!

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      From the time she opened her mouth at the RNC!
      Add me in that!

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Yes, 1:14 pm! that was an eerie could everyone watch the same speech and become a Nation Divided over that woman!

  28. Anonymous1:07 PM


    Can you see Sarah Palin taking scripted questions from House Republicans who hate her guts?


    President Obama took all questions from House Republicans who hate his guts. They tried to embarrass President Obama. They thought they were going to annihilate the POTUS live on tv.They had weeks to think of questions, some House Republicans read their prepared questions from cards and sheet of papers.

    Results, those House Republicans will never do that again, especially on live tv.

    Watch "President Obama Full Q&A" with House Republicans on YouTube

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      He was so brilliant! If I recall, the GOP declared NEVER to do that again they were so rattled that he took each and every one of them to task, especially McLame, and did it completely off the cuff with facts and figures and stellar arguments. Thank you for the reminder of his brilliance.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Sarah Palin is on the low rung of the ladder when it comes to speeches and unscripted questions. Sarah thinks that everything is a joke.

  29. Martha again1:09 PM

    From The Rude Pundit, and thank you, Nefer, above, for the link:

    The most hilarious part of this is that conservatives are saying that the speech wasn't "serious" and that watching it was "painful." Joe Scarborough called it a "tragedy" that she had fallen so far, apparently not understanding the difference between tragedy and comedy.

    Really, motherfuckers? This was the speech that made you decide Palin was not going to be president one day? 'Cause, see, the rest of us knew she was a fraud and a puffed-up idiot, a wannabe player, and a power-mad gorgon from the start. We didn't need this babbling cartoon character, this monster with a gaping maw, gorging on fame and attention like a snake on a rat, to blither through one more parade of faux folksiness, like Hee-Haw was her Critique of Pure Reason. - See more at:

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      "The speech was filled with self-pitying fuckery. Palin gets her picture taken at a gun show with a sign that says, "Fuck Michael Moore," but "we have taken a lot of heat over the last two days" for the image. Look, if you're gonna be a media whore, it shouldn't be surprising when someone says you'd suck Hannity's cock dry if it meant five more minutes of airtime."

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Good grief it was all so strange from start to finish. I think that is intentional so only the rabid tongue speakers that know her inner secrets get her.

      Then she adds the drug cocktail to the mix and it is more whackadoodle. She even lost poor old Joe Scarborough this time. John McCain, William Kristol... crickets.


      I stay up too late
      Got nothing in my brain
      That's what people say
      That's what people say
      I go on too many dates
      But I can't make them stay
      At least that's what people say
      That's what people say
      But I keep cruising
      Can't stop, won't stop moving
      It's like I got this music
      In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright
      Cause the players gonna play, play, play
      And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
      Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake
      Shake it off

  30. Give ME a pat on the back. I recognized it and I did not even know the things about her that I know now ... except that I had googled her, discovered the Mudflats and that she had a possibly pending court case involving her ex-brother-in-law (troopergate) and that all was not as it seemed to be with Governor Sarah Palin from AK! Oh my, I did not watch that "performance" at the RNC for that is what it was, but I read excerpts and watched bits and pieces posted on the blog(s). I was dumbfounded and I knew in my heart she was trumped up (how much I would come to find out) only because Hilary Clinton had been so popular and the Republicans thought they could capitalize on the women's vote. The night of her debate with VP Joe Biden, I went downtown to our park, bought a glass of wine from the Italian restaurant in our Art Museum and sat on a park bench meditating and praying that she would fall flat on her face. (I then went to the blog(s) later to read excerpts, and called my son and husband from the park because they were watching. She didn't but only because our VP is too much of a gentleman! Oh my God, I want her gone. Anyway. Anyhow. By any means, and God forgive me, but I mean that. I don't know when I first discovered IM, but thank you Gryphen for staying in the fight, for keeping an eye on this horrible atrocity which it has been our misfortune to be saddled with. Now to scroll back up and read others' comments.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      That's pretty much how I was first introduced to Sarah Palin. As soon as her name was mentioned as McCain's running mate, I googled Alaska and found the Mudflats and oh so much more!

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Hang in there. It should be over soon, this long national nightmare called Palin.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      All of the above x 1,000.

  31. Anonymous1:17 PM

    From The Rude One (

    "..........The most hilarious part of this is that conservatives are saying that the speech wasn't "serious" and that watching it was "painful." Joe Scarborough called it a "tragedy" that she had fallen so far, apparently not understanding the difference between tragedy and comedy.

    Really, motherfuckers? This was the speech that made you decide Palin was not going to be president one day? 'Cause, see, the rest of us knew she was a fraud and a puffed-up idiot, a wannabe player, and a power-mad gorgon from the start. We didn't need this babbling cartoon character, this monster with a gaping maw, gorging on fame and attention like a snake on a rat, to blither through one more parade of faux folksiness, like Hee-Haw was her Critique of Pure Reason. - See more at: "

  32. Anonymous1:21 PM

    After endless days of rehearsal and dress rehearsal with a team of professionals of course her RNC speech went well. So would yours.

    I already knew her as a speaker of gobbledygook whose hair and clothes always needed a good wash, which was a pretty sad situation for a woman whose only mission seemed to be trying to get her head on TV every night.

  33. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Anonymous12:46 PM said:
    She is dumb, uncurious and has a nasty character


    Republican VP candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told Larry Kudlow less than two months ago that she can't answer whether or not she would accept the VP offer because she has no idea what the Vice President does.


    "As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday?"

    -Sarah Palin
    Republican Party Vice-President Nominee
    Wasilla Beauty Pageant Contestant

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      She should have learned what the vice president does when she was in elementary, middle school and again in high school. Did she sleep through all of her civics classes?

    2. "Whatever"3:43 PM

      I am probably the only person in the world who took that comment differently.

      I've always thought that she was dissing the VP position as not important or busy enough compared to the "real work" of being the governor of a state. Or of HER working so hard as governor since we all know she thought she was Super Governor-Super Woman at that time.

      Like, that VP stuff would be soooo easy for someone like me me me me me who is so uber qualified because I am a governor and that makes me special.

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      3:43 -

      I agree. I have always thought the same. Her next line after asking what the VP does every day was that she was used to being "real productive" and didn't know if being a VP could provide her with the same high level of work and productivity. Kind of like Bristol on DWTS who said that she didn't lose weight like other contestants because the practice sessions were actually a step down in physical activity from her playing high school basketball.

  34. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What's Sarah going to do about it? She can't blame Obama. She can't blame the Tea Party, or her present handlers, or her ghostwriters, or Peta or Michael Moore, or Hollywood elitists, or Rep. Steve King, or the Iowa Republican organizers.

    It's Sarah's fault, it's her hate that drives her, controls her and failure.

    She'd better start sending out those resumes, or maybe work at McDonald's; didn't we just hear from some loon that Obama's failures are the cause of McDonald's losing profits? Maybe she could volunteer and offer them her 'moose chili' recipe.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Trust me - no one will hire Sarah Palin or her family members. Can you imagine having any of them in your company?

      Plus, it would be beneath Sarah's dignity to work for someone else. She'd never be able to handle doing so and she knows it!

      The Palin klan is in for a rough road a hoe whichi is going to be fun to watch! Todd is just as much a loser - as are her brother and father. Fucking screwed up family!

  35. I will say that I thought in her speech at the RNC way back when that she could, and would, deliver the goods. But it didn't take long for the ability to disappear. The first tv interviews blew the speech away forever, and the stupid, uneducated, incurious dolt that is Sarah Palin was revealed. Nothing has changed since the Couric debacle. Except possibly the amount of "altered state" substances she uses.

  36. But my God, if the screen above is correct and it really says that in 2016, the GOP has to face its "Palin Problem," that makes me so happy. She is still their problem. She who won't go away is the albatross around their neck. Could we as liberals, or democrats, or even independents, wish for more? She was not even invited to the Convention in 2012, and they are still having to talk about her in 2016? What gives? Why can they (the RNC, the Republican Party) do something about her? Are the evil powerful Koch Brothers propping her up still? It must be pure EVIL that is propping her up and someone has to find the antidote ....

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      They will just have her go quietly away.
      She needs to go away in a manner that is more suitable. Like we really do need to know what its"Palin Problem" is all about.

      They will have her contact a mysterious disease, or she has to go away because of sickness in her family and all hearts go out to her since she was such a strong and wonderful GOP.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Hard to imagine how they're going to corral the monster they created. Buy her off? She's a NPD queen: money is only a small part of what she craves. She is always going to be jonesing for that next attention fix. Always. Maybe they could prop her up as a televanglist or something, but it would be tricky business. Best solution for them would be if she drops dead and can be cast forevermore as a martyr.
      Tick tock, Sarah.

    3. Cracklin Charlie8:37 PM

      Didn't they just give her a gun?

      "Accidents" happen.

  37. ROTFLMAO! Ironically, the insert ad below this post on my page is for a cougar dating site, showing a woman in a low-cut, cleavage accenting dress, with the buy line (intentional pun) She's still (in flaming red letters) HOT. As if. LoL.

  38. If you watch Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell routinely at night, then turn the set back in the morning, it's almost as if MSNBC is playing a practical joke to test whether we're really awake.

  39. Caroll Thompson1:48 PM

    Better late than never. Finally the folks who did not want to see the true Sarah Palin are now seeing the true Sarah Palin.

    Given any power at all, that woman is dangerous as all of you Alaskans found out when she was the Governor. She does not deserve and has not earned a place on the national stage.

    Hopefully, this will do it. I notice that she has not been invited to CPAC this year. Hopefully, no one will invite her to anymore dances, if you will, and she can live her vibrant life with none of that media she hates so much writing anything more about her.

  40. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Letter: Joni Ernst is not a combat veteran

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM


      Who would have ever guessed.

    2. SallyinMI6:55 PM

      Another lying Republican? I'm shocked.

  41. janice1:51 PM

    I read today that a panel on Fox News said they don't think she is serious on running because she hasn't said anything to Fox, which she will have to quit if running. I wouldn't be surprised if after her embarrassing performance in LV, Fox fires her. Sarah cannot blame this on the media, she skunked herself all by is only going to get worse. Like we all said years ago, when she realizes she has hit bottom and alone, it will not be pretty.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Ailes probably won't care if she crawls on her belly and grovels for her job back like last time.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      She is hardly on Fox. Very rarely actually. They think she is an idiot too.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      It's not really a job anymore. She is on maybe once every other month.

  42. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "I don't give a fuck it's your house": American Sniper's Failure

    ...American Sniper is a film about stupid people who were brainwashed into doing something stupid and it justifies their stupidity so that the stupid people watching can feel good about themselves. See, the one thing you can't separate out from the film is history. It tries to elide over history, but just because it isn't mentioned doesn't mean it isn't there.

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      The propaganda the war mongrels are doing today are just as criminal as when they were selling the Iraq war and all.

      They really need to learn some lessons.

  43. Anonymous1:54 PM

    What does Morning Joe put in his coffee? The difference between Sarah Palin's 2008 convention acceptance speech and her raving in Iowa on Saturday is the difference between having the GOP's professional speechwriters prepare her speech and prepare her for giving it and what she's capable of doing on her own. Hasn't Morning Joe paid any attention to the real Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Join was tricked by the smoke and mirrors and he still wants to pretend like he believes in an old fantasy.

  44. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Tragedy? It's cause for fucking celebration the world over.

  45. janice1:55 PM

    Now she is posting pictures of Hillary on her FB page. She best not push Hillary's button, cause Hillary could put her in her place fast. Best not fool with Hillary. Her Hillary FB post is not pretty, looks like Sarah is desperate.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      She's also posting the Hillary's photo next a a photo of herself from 10 years ago! Why not post a current picture of herself? Because she looks like a drunk and druggie & like shit.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Hillary will treat her the same way the president does. Like an annoying little gnat to be ignored.

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      She's also posting the Hillary's photo next a a photo of herself from 10 years ago!
      Because all she has to fight Hillary is Benghazi, pant suits and older woman. She has no clue what Ms Clinton is about.


    4. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Sarah now looks as old as Clinton, except Clinton has a softer look & Palin looks hard & fake

    5. Anonymous3:49 PM

      The thing is sarah IS desperate & Clinton is not & i seriously doubt Clinton spends her time following Sarah's postings as sarah follows Hillary. Lol obviously

  46. What is she (or someone on her behalf) posting about Hilary Clinton on her FB page? Bring ... it ... on! I imagine the few feathers our adopted feral cat leaves of a bird on our back stoop would be more evidence of life than what would be left of Sarah if she pushes Hilary's buttons!

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Somebody wants some one out in the Netherworld to think that the bizarro tongue devil could challenge a lady.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      koch money paying to head off the hillary stampede at the voting box...........not gonna word koch heads.

  47. Anonymous2:14 PM

    (((pat, pat, pat)))

  48. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Say it ain't so Sarah Palin. There's talk across the pond about your ummmm speech in Iowa was a disaster.

    Sarah Palin stumbles, others rise on Iowa stage
    By Anthony Zurcher

    The former Alaska Governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee made headlines last week when she said she had a "servant's heart" and was "interested" and then "seriously interested" in running for president in 2016....

    The post-event reviews, however, have not been kind.

    The Washington Examiner's Byron York callsher 33-minute speech "long, rambling and at times barely coherent"

    "By the time Palin finished speaking, it was hard for anyone to believe she truly is 'seriously interested' in running for president," York concluded.

    ....The speech isn't the only evidence that Ms Palin's presidential aspirations may be nothing more than talk, however. As the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza points out, while other possible candidates have been building campaign infrastructure and engaging in the often gruelling work of courting local party functionaries, Ms Palin has done nothing....

    Although Ms Palin's appearance may have been all noise, signifying nothing, the Iowa event was an opportunity for some more organised candidates to improve their presidential prospects....

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      She's entered worldwide joke territory.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      2:59 PM,

      $arah Palin has been in worldwide joke territory since 2008!

  49. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Conservatives all over the country are still watching Sarah's speeches in hopes that she'll say something that will prove that they weren't wrong about her all these years. When it doesn't happen, they lay low and pretend they didn't watch.

    I love to say "I told you so back in 2008".

  50. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sarah looks like a fool. She is moving into pity the poor thing territory.

  51. Anonymous2:36 PM

    It’s a political junkie’s dream: Sarah Palin versus Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    It’s a political junkie’s dream: Sarah Palin versus Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    And it’s happening.

    Two days after Sarah Palin said she is considering a bid and held up a “Ready for Hillary” car magnet during her weekend address at an Iowa conservatives convention, the group took the bait and fired back, accusing Palin of signaling the beginning of a GOP anti-Clinton crusade....
    Washington Examiner

    Sarah Palin is starting shit again. Sarah Palin doesn’t remember 2008. In Alaska we call that being retarded.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      1. Sarah should post updated pictures of herself

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      3:44 PM Sarah does not want the public to see her present aging mug.

  52. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Everyone please go to Rolling Stone archives and pull up "Mad Dog Palin" by Matt Taibbi after the RNC speech. He sure had her number. Best article about her ever.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Damn! He hit it out the park!

  53. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Sarah's possible response to the devastating reviews:

    1. do something to try to polish her image
    2. make a pathetic excuse for being 'distracted'
    3. double-down on the crazy

    My bets on #3.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I'll second that. She's so fucking predictable.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I'll third it. It's getting to the point that we can write her speeches better than she can!

  54. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The woman is a cautionary tale and doesn't even know it.
    M from MD

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Openly gay Alabama state Rep. Patricia Todd (D) this weekend warned her fellow lawmakers that she would expose their marital infidelities if they continued to oppose same sex marriage by emphasizing “family values.”


  56. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Michigan Steakhouse Owner Officially Bans Michael Moore and Seth Rogen

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Well I doubt Michael Moore, who is worth 50 million, would go into that backwoods dive.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      And right there 4:47, you just pointed out the hypocrisy of Michael Moore, and you didn't even realize it.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      6:10 PM 'BULLSHIT', Trig's most favorite word taught to him by his Mom Bristol Palin.

    4. SallyinMI6:52 PM

      What hypocrisy? He uses his money to help people. To help communities. To help vets. What has anyone on the right done that is comparable? They use their money to try to buy elections and to hurt people not as well off as they. I'll take Mr. Moore any day.

    5. Anonymous7:22 PM


    6. Anonymous7:43 PM

      He is welcome at my kitchen table. I will cook him a steak & I am a vegetarian! Daughter of a veteran & mother of an active duty military son.

  57. Anonymous3:19 PM

    What is Joe Scarborough on? Seriously, the night she made that speech I think the entire world started googling her name. Yeah, one decent speech a good politician does not make, it takes hard work, a grasp of facts, world affairs, and perhaps a healthy curiosity about governance. "Lipstick" was the only thing I remember her hitting out of the park. A pencil skirt and tight fitting blouse got the attention, but that had nothing to do with Sarah. McCain got sold a package of cheap goods, and fell for it.

    1. SallyinMI6:50 PM

      Yeah, that speech made me nauseous. It was just the start of her lying, her attacks on her opponents, and her obvious disregard for civility. I watched about half of it, and my blood pressure got so high I left the room. It was a speech full of lies, and she's been doing nothing but ever since. And Joe's been right there cheering her on for most of it.

  58. Anonymous4:04 PM

    She has three more speaking gigs this month,Feb.12th 2 in Texas, Feb.25h Nate Unite and then Cambridge! What will she say? more importently how high will she be?

    Let's place bets on her somehow comparing herself to Margaret Thatcher and hope she tells her Paul Revere story so she can embarrass herself some more and blame the lamestream British media for not treating "Her Heinous" like royalty.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Beware of the severely wounds grizzly... She's pissed and looking to go after any and everyone that crashed her life.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Anonymous 4:37 -then the first place she should look is in the mirror.

  59. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Too bad no one vetted that bitch Sarah Palin, or there would have been another running mate. But McCain sold out to the religious rite and he got what they gave him.

  60. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Well, gee....Hannity had her on the first night after the brawl so she could do her talking points. Tonight? Nope. Greta? Nope. The pee's illustrious Mark Levin never mentioned her on his show and Rush left their go-to guy on hold forever.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Palin turns Viagra into kryptonite. Limp dicked Republicans in a state of depression.

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Is she going to be on Hannity tomorrow night?

  61. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I am a little confused by the reaction to all of this. She has been giving idiot speeches for years now and no one seemed to notice. Why now?

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      minions like rove have been given culling orders. The rw media listens to him knowing who he represents.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Ya, me too. Was this speech so awful that it couldn't be explained away? It must have really been an epic failure. I haven't listened to it, nor do I intend to.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      She spent over 12 minutes of a 35 minute speech rehashing Trig/Jill, Michael Moore, Obama ate dog, the Iowa race that she claimed she ran, and that was the good part! She rambled, used the expression, "screw" them in regards to opposition, called Obama a little yeah it was a mess.

  62. Anonymous6:36 PM

    She's getting the brown shirt treatment. Useful up to a point, then just embarrassing.

  63. Anonymous6:42 PM

    It's about time to pull an Amy Semple McPherson. Go missing for a bit, wander out of the desert with a tall tale and a vision/miracle and line up the rubes for more. Remember to set the tanning booth on high for that extra crispy look.

  64. Anonymous6:53 PM

    John McCain deserves what he got for shopping around for a beauty pageant loser.

    If you want to beat Barack Obama then you better bring your A game?

    Don't bring the Wasilla Hillbillies, you could have dressed the entire clan in silk underwear but that won't change anything. Trash is trash.

  65. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Todd, if you think Sarah Palin is all that, then ask John McCain if he ran for the 2016 presidency, would he pick Sarah Palin again?

    Ask anyone who wants to run for president in 2016, would you pick Sarah Palin to be your vp pick

  66. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Sarah is probably thankful for the bad weather on the east coast. It takes all the attention away from her poor Iowa performance.

  67. Anonymous7:11 PM

    “I think it’s a tragedy, too,” Scarborough chimed in. 

    Republican Party and America ( not to gloat ) you can't say Gryphen, Immoral Minority or the Immoral Minority faithful didn't warn you.

  68. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Tragedy my fucking ass! Long overdue and a Big FUCK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED THIS LUNATIC IN 08!!!!

  69. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Brandon Manis
    Wow Bristol is gorgeous! !!
    Hide · 20 minutes ago

    Brandon which Bristol?

    Canvas Tent Bristol
    Big Bristol
    Jay Leno chin Bristol
    Bob Hope nose Bristol
    DWTS Gaining weight Bristol
    Levi's leftover Bristol
    Ben's leftover Bristol
    Gino's leftover Bristol
    Joey's leftover Bristol
    I need a Lumbersexual Bristol

    Brandon take your time. A lot to choose from.

  70. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Jaime BarajasSarah Palin
    my #1 girl for President
    Hide · 32 minutes ago

    Jim we don't want a girl or a boy. We need a qualified man or a qualified woman to be our president.

  71. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Rebecca Rich Larson
    Sarah, I truly think you have what it takes to be President and I think you will do a wonderful job. I'll be looking forward to it. You go girl!
     · Hide · 39 minutes ago

    Becky did you see that train wreck in Iowa. Check out YouTube and then make a responsible decision.

  72. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Greg Ji
    Yeah, Sarah, I hope you run in 2016 and get the Republican Party nomination. It would be a triumph.
    Hide · 54 minutes ago

    Greg if the Republican Party gives Sarah Palin the presidential nomination then hell has frozen over.

  73. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Suzonne Powell Basinger
    Sarah Palin, you are an inspiration to us all! Our country needs your common sense approach.
    Hide · 1 hour ago

    1. Not an inspiration to us all. Have you seen her children? No one wants to go to college. Palin family drunken brawl. One child takes her child to her high school graduation. One quits high school and gets her GED.

    2. Not an inspiration to us all. Have you read the book Boys Will Be Boys?

    3. Not an inspiration to us all. Did you hear Sarah say she hasn't taught the special needs child to eat solid food, let alone a Cheerio. Takes pictures of the special needs child standing on a dog? The special needs child first week of school and Sarah Palin goes blue-berry hunting. Need more Suzi?

    4. An inspiration to us all. Have you seen Bristol's face? What happened to Bristol when she was growing up? What happened Sarah?

    5. Suzi the country doesn't need Sarah. The Palin children needs Sarah.

  74. Anonymous9:38 PM

    John Clemens
    Sarah, I hope that you run in 2016.
    Hide · 1 hour ago

    John what do you do for a living? Do your co-workers know that you want Sarah Palin to run for president? Do you have kids? Do they know? John maybe you should keep this to yourself. One more thing, did you use your real name? Big mistake.

  75. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Terry Perkins
    Love you Sarah, thank you for caring for our veterans. I hope you do run for President. USN Veteran.

    Terry do you call photo ops caring for our veterans? Ask our Alaskan veterans how much Sarah cares for them. While you're at it, ask parents of Special Needs children in Alaska what has Sarah Palin done for them.

  76. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Sarah Palin please please run for president again. Wait a second, what am I saying? Sarah fooled us in 2012! I'm not falling for that again. I'm not giving her my money again. I'm keeping my money for my grandchildren. Screw Sarah

  77. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Sarah Palin run for president. When you win can I be Secretary of the Air Force?

    Here's my resume :

    Graduated from Wasilla High with you.
    I made paper airplanes.

  78. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Michael Wood
    You may be the DUMBEST Presidential candidate ever.
    Hide · 59 minutes ago

    Mike now we're talking. Welcome to our world.

  79. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Jason Windsperger
    Hottest woman alive and a conservative too
    Hide · 1 hour ago

    Jason you telling us that after looking at old Sarah without her makeup on walking out of hot yoga, Sarah is the hottest woman alive? You must be talking about menopause?

  80. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Jimmy Fong
    It's time for a woman like Margaret Thatcher to get things done. Run Sarah run! #2016
    Hide · 2 hours ago

    Jim the only thing you got right was Sarah resembles Margaret.


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