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“You excuse that type of crudeness because you agree with his stance on firearms,” Stewart said. “You don’t approve of Beyoncé because she seems alien to you. Johnny Cash shot a man just to watch him die.”
Huckabee responded by saying Nugent did not get nominated for a Grammy for the song, nor did he perform it live on national television at the time.
“My point is, that song is an adult song, geared for adults,” the possible GOP presidential candidate argued. “But today, we have a very different kind of depiction and things that are considered perfectly OK for kids.”
“My point is, you can’t single out a corrosive culture, and ignore the one that you live in because you’re used to it,” Stewart countered.
“Do you know any parent who has a daughter that says, ‘Honey, if you make really good grades, someday when you’re 12 or 13, we’ll get you your own stripper pole,’?” Huckabee said. “I mean, come on Jon, we don’t do that in our culture.”
“I think that’s diminishing Beyonce in a way that’s truly outrageous,” Stewart replied.
I thought that much of what Huckabee said was incredibly ignorant and demonstrative of somebody who is pandering to quite literally the most undereducated Americans in the country. Let's call them his base.
By the way did anybody else notice that Huckabee seems to have found the weight that Chris Christie has been losing?
I don't know if that is simply due to a lack of self control, or if he has decided that the best way to pander to the white, middle age, overweight Americans is to transform himself into their physical doppelganger. But if it is the latter he should realize that his demographic is rapidly dying off from heart disease and type 2 diabetes at such a rate that by 2016 he will have only three fourths of them left to cast a ballot on his behalf.
P.S. You might have noticed that the interview above is edited quite heavily, so in the interest of complete truthiness (God I miss you Stephen Colbert!) here is a link to the entire unedited interview.
I am certainly no Huckabee fan, but I do kind of agree with him about the vulgarity in entertainments (esp music today). All the blatant sexual stuff and really misogynist rap lyrics that girls listen to and think is normal, acceptable ways to refer to women.
ReplyDeleteBut Jon Stewart is brilliant here calling out the Huckster on his hypocrisy. The thing that also fries me about Huckter is that as you note he is gaining a bunch of weight back (as do a lot of people who have the gastric bypass surgery - amazingly). And who's insurance company probably paid for that since he couldn't control his eating and why were other people's premiums going to his surgery. And will in the future go to pay his health bills as he develops diabetes and other issues? And weren't he and his wife terrible role models with their kids around food -- God in some of those photos the sons are as big as Huckster. So now everybody's premiums will also pay for their health issues from their lack of personal responsibility in how they eat. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping!
"Huckabee responded by saying Nugent did not get nominated for a Grammy for the song, nor did he perform it live on national television at the time."
ReplyDeleteYes to the above and there is a reason for that. Ted Nugent's music (if you can call it that) sucks.
Huckabee claims he wants folks to get married. Didn't Beyonce have a huge hit with 'Single Ladies' with lyrics that state something to the effect that 'if you wanted it you should have put a ring on it'.
Beyonce waited until she got married to have a child. She and her husband are still married. Ted, well, not so much.
Old Huck is huge hypocrite. But he always was a hypocrite. He hollers very loud about being a Christian and then talks up a pedophile draft dodger. He does nothing for those in need; the hungry, the homeless, the sick and those in prison. Yet he takes his shekels of silvers in the name of Jesus and holds himself out to be holy man.
Holy man, my ass.
Thank you, Caroll!
DeleteNon-white woman + sex = GOP/conservatard meltdown.
ReplyDeleteWhite man + pedophilia + violence + belligerence = GOP/conservatard wet dream.
"“My point is, that song is an adult song, geared for adults,” the possible GOP presidential candidate argued. "
So what, Huckster? What does that have to do with anything?
When parents tune in to an event with good old family values Huckabee, even if they see that the un-patriotic, draft-dodging, pants-pooping, cowardly Nugent will be performing with Huckabee, they are likely to assume that Nugent will mind his manners and play along to whatever family-friendly song Huckabee chooses.
Instead Huck, old boy, there you are playing along to Nugent's tune "Cat-Scratch Fever" with lyrics such as " "I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand." (It is pretty obvious from context that Nugent is not referring to a kitty cat.)
So typically hypocritical of a republican or "conservative." Huckabee feels free to condemn Beyonce because she is irredeemable what with being a) black and b) female. So any other attack is fair and reasonable.
Huckabee's son tortured a dog to death. What kind of music was HE allowed to listen to?
ReplyDeleteSatanic heavy metal.
DeleteHuckatard got that PAC thingee rockin' also too.
ReplyDeleteRemind ya of anyone?
He should be more worried about his son the dog killer than Beyonce- Mikie, there is always the Off button if you don't like it.
ReplyDeleteI started to watch it but I simply cannot stand that unctuous hypocrite, Mike Huckabee.
Frank Schaeffer tells the truth about people like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin.
The worse person = GOP politician. The worse hypocrite person = a religious GOP politician.
ReplyDeleteSounds like sleeze bag Huckleberry has a major hard on for Beyoncé and a minor one for the Obama daughters. You're just so fuckin' pious aren't you huckleberryy. Charlatans like you will reside in the deepest pits of hell for your obtuse hypocrisy.
ReplyDelete"“My point is, that song is an adult song, geared for adults,” the possible GOP presidential candidate argued. "
ReplyDeleteChecking the Billboard Top 100, Cat Scratch Fever, only reached 30th position, and was listened too on Top 40 stations on all Rock and Contemporary radio stations. It was widely listened too, much like Beyonce. In Nugent's case, his songs didn't resonate with near as many or as varied an audience as Beyonce does. Plain and simple math says that she punks Nugent in sales and listenership. She has it all, and he has only Hate and Disrespect in his arsenal.
My gaydar just goes thru the roof when I even look at hucklebuck. He reminds me so much of Liberace. Hiis FOX affiliation is the perfect cover for his latent affection for other males who think his way. I realize he has quite a litter of pseudo christian offspring but you ain't foolin' anyone hucklebuck. Now go get your shine box!
ReplyDeleteThere goes Jon Stewart yet again... he has a blowhard on the ropes - blowhards like O'Reilly and now Huckabee that come prepared knowing his style and what he may have lined up against them in the way of damning evidence - and he lets them off the hook by laughing in that silly, frat boy way of his. This deflates any heft to his sarcasm and reduces him to the giggling lib loon stereotype that those on the Right have tried so hard to point out all along.
ReplyDeleteI agree but they won't come on his show again if he nails 'em. He is entertainment with bite, nothing more.
DeleteLike a cat playing with a half dead mouse. What's the hurry? The fun can last for hours!
Delete"Geared for adults" my ass. I was no older than Malia when I saw Ted Nugent in concert. I was younger than Sasha when I found out what "Cat Scratch Fever" was about. Nugent wrote a song about a girl Sasha's age. And it wasn't about doing homework and eating vegetables. Huckabee is a fucking hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteHucksterby family values! The grift which keeps on giving!
ReplyDelete"Mike Huckabee’s PAC Paid His Family Almost $400,000
The would-be candidate's organization hasn't given much to fellow Republicans—but it has spent a ton on family and fundraising.
—Tim Murphy on Tue. January 20, 2015 6:00 AM PDT"
The ONLY Ted Nugent fan I've ever known was the dysfunctional delinquent kid who was in my 6th grade class for a couple of months before they kicked him out for being a disruptive psychopath. True story.
ReplyDeleteSo much for family values.
I thought for sure Stewart was going to make a joke about the huckster leaving fixed noise because of the "Fuckabee Fiasco."
ReplyDeleteHe was leading him right there - setting him up for it.
It's the claim of American Exceptionalism that is the drumbeat of conservative ideology e.g. Ted Nugent would be a scumbag pedophile without redeeming value, EXCEPT that he is our right wing, gun totin', librul hatin' HERO!
ReplyDeleteThe weight runs in the family. How could you forget the family blue-&-white-stripe shirt photo?
Great, now I'll have nightmares for life. What's the lovely wife doing? Choking a dog and calling it dinner? Imagine Huck and Wife "procreating", I hope the beams are strong enough in that house, just sayin'
DeleteThe first time that I got it
ReplyDeleteI was just ten years old
Yeah, real wholesome family values there.
Since anything that comes out of the anus under his nose is unimportant or a lie, let's talk about the weight gain. My guess is he's a closet eater. A huge walk in closet full of junk food. When you're that big, it's hard to go to a gymnasium, no one wants to see them moobs jiggling.