Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Just seeing Sarah Palin still gives Nicolle Wallace PTSD. Tell me about it.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

As O’Donnell explained, Palin found herself on the wrong side of PETA after she posted a photo of her young son Trig standing on top of the family dog to reach the sink. 

When Wallace started to defend Palin by saying “her kids are beautiful,” Griffin shot back, “Don’t play the kid card!” To that, Wallace admitted, “I’ve got nothing else except the kid card!” 

After playing a clip of Palin trying to turn the whole thing around on President Barack Obama during an interview with the Today Show, O’Donnell asked Wallace, “Do you have PTSD when you see her?” 

“A little bit,” Wallace said, laughing. “I start to sweat out.” O’Donnell said she could see the color “drain” from Wallace’s face. “Who do I get to try to kill me today. PETA or Palin?” Wallace wondered aloud.

I like the fact that Wallace points out that using the kids to defend Sarah Palin is the only card that she has in her deck.  (Clearly she and Palin are playing from the same one.)

However that statement about who to get to try and kill her today was really stupid.

And that last remark about Palin's looks MIGHT have been true in 2008, but not anymore.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    The way I understood her comment was that if she criticizes Palin, Palin will go after her. Or Peta will go after her if she agrees with Palin. So she was weighing which was worse.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      You're absolutely correct, and don't think that old bat wasn't waiting to light into whomever was next to say anything derogatory. At least Kathy Griffin had the guts to say, "could we stop with the kids?" That woman is one smart cookie....she has ALWAYS used them as shields because she know down deep she has absolutely nothing to offer and cannot stand on her own two feet. Trot out the kids. My MY, aren't they examples.

      Maybe that's why she hates President Obama so much. He said kids were off limits from the start and that's all she had for the sympathy/cred vote, used them to the hilt, and still does to this day.

      Meanwhile, Malia and Sasha....strength, educated, private, watch 'em go! She can't STAND it!

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      She truly is one pathetic human, and I use that term loosely.

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I have a question:
    What service does Jill provide for Trig as a service dog besides being a stool?

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Sarah's first date : Hey sarah, can I push your stool in for ya'.
      - Glenn Rice

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Jill is going to teach the Trig how to speak? Maybe teach him how to shit in the yard instead of in a diaper? Maybe hold up all her paws and teach him the highest math he'll ever learn?


    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Since the dog isn't even a year old yet, she has not been trained to do anything 'serviceable.' She is another prop to Sarah "See, lookee meee, I DO care about Trig. I bought him a service dog to stand on!! Aren't I just the best mom? And all you haters who worship Obama can just keep hating me for being a conservative constitutional Christian woman."

    4. Anonymous10:00 PM

      He is a companion dog....he is still a pup. Sarah knows that.....it is just that she has to lie....I don't think she's that stupid...I could be wrong.

      stupid or not, she is crazy....dysfunctional, emotional illness. she really is.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Just as when the Palin Brawl audio was released, the "lame stream" (fuck you, AIP Sarah Palin) media is handling Palin with kidd gloves. Or, the quality of journalism has diminished greatly over the years. Everything she spews is accepted as truthful. I really thought the View would shread her apart, considering they have Rosie O'Donnell, Nicole Wallace & Kathy Griffith as guest host for Pete's sake! Even they went easy on her! Kelly on TMZ really reamed her yesterday, though!

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    4:10 pm

    You are correct. I saw it live (laughing my ass off) and the above quote is taken out of context. Nicole said that when they were still backstage, she started worrying about who she
    should worry about who might want to kill her the most after the segment was done. I don't think she was entirely joking, either.


    1. Suzy Q9:26 AM

      Dar Miller? Jan. 6th? Does that ring a bell?

  5. I have no sympathy for Nicole Wallace or any of the others on McCain's campaign team who introduced America to Sarah Palin. I hope they all have nightmares and cold sweats every time Sarah makes an appearance on TV.

    Does anyone else think Sarah reminds them of the skank on Breaking Bad who killed her husband by dropping the ATM on his head? Skank! Skank! Skank!

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Nicolle couldn't say too much about her time on the trail but the mere fact that she wrote "It's Confidential" about a mentally ill VP who had to be covered for by family and staff told me all I needed to know. She couldn't exactly come out and say it (although she did call Palin "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs") she could say a lot through a fictional novel and I applaud her for it.

    2. Anonymous2:20 AM

      If they really were "advisors" to little lumpy Johnny, they shoud have spoken up. They tried their hardest to make the skank VP, knowing she is completely insane. I never thought McCin stood a chance anyway, he is too much into "bomb, bomb, bomb" Also, too, the repubs. do not think he has the right disposition to be president, he has a vile temper that shows up often. Wallace should have done the RIGHT thing, and exposed $carah for what she is.

    3. Suzy Q9:32 AM

      I believe Wallace told Rachel (same interview when she made the statement, Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs) that she couldn't bring herself to vote for her! Peggy Noonan ripped Sarah good on Chris Matthews when she though her mic was not on. Very funny.

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Palin has mounted a successful defense by making it about PETA. Has anyone in the media bothered to state the simple fact that most of the criticism of Palin came from non-PETA dog and children lovers?

    1. Well, the thousands of non-PETA people that posted critical comments to her facebook page and other media sources don't consider her defense successful because they know better. And they will tell friends and family.

      I don't think it matters in the long-term what the lazy, sloppy, media Kens and Barbies think.

      The overall take away by the sane non-political junkies who I know listening to a news/commentary person describe Palin's Tasmanian Devil reaction to criticism of irresponsible behavior, has been consistently along the lines of "WTF? Is she nuts? Jesus, McCain, wtf were you thinking?"

      Average Americans are just as likely to think, "Aw , those mean PETA people are criticizing her for letting her kid stand on a dog. Wait, what?"

    2. Anonymous10:37 PM

      4:22 p.m.,

      $arah Palin has not mounted a "successful defense." Even though Palin is blaming PETA for starting the fight, what did PETA really do, except criticize her treatment of the dog? All PETA did was criticize her, and the criticism was pretty mild. Letting her kid stand on the dog was wrong, period. Even the bots on her Facebook page could see that.

      Also, the majority of Americans don't take $arah Palin seriously, anyway. The American public is used to $arah Palin whoring for attention, and playing the victim-card. To the majority of Americans, she is still a joke. She is already disliked by most Americans, and her blaming PETA won't change that.

    3. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Mainstream media reporters do not do any background investigation into anything these days. We've unfortunately gotten used to it. Had any interviewer looked into the matter, he/she would have seen the ASPCA criticism, the many thousands of criticisms by people who are truly concerned about 1) Sarah Palin's failure to raise Trig well and 2) Sarah Palin's insensitivity to the dog she owns. Owning pets means being responsible for their welfare; raising a child, DS or not, means teaching the child right from wrong and keeping the child from harm's way. I've given up on the American media - bunch of cowards.

  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

    She has beautiful kids. She's beautiful. My mother (and Karl Rove) said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Whatever physical beauty Sarah Palin may have had at one time, it is long gone. And there was never anything beautiful about Sarah Palin's mind.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      She is UGLY through and through no matter how much hair she plasters on her bald head, how much makeup she trowels on her sagging jowls, how many new veneers she clamps in her foul mouth, no matter how she packages herself, she's a stinkin' piece of excrement. She is filthy most of the time unless Fox cleans her up, she's brain addled on all the drugs and alcohol she consumes, she's fake from her eyelashes to her bazonga tits.

      Her kids are fucked up, plastic surgeried due to their low self worth, they're drunks, drug addicts, bigots, liars, they're violent, crude, tasteless and low class and just generally nasty people.

      Gee, I guess my definition of beautiful is way different than yours. She is scum and she raised her family to be exactly like her and her pimp husband....scum.

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Karl? Keep working on the delivery ... it's dry but I think you have potential. Karl completely failed in his attempts to be Carnac the Magnificent when that Hussein character won. In fact, he was embarrassing. Johnny always nailed it.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      4:22 PM Beautiful? Drug addiction is beautiful? Drunken foul-mouthed brawlers are beautiful? Wake up and smell the coffee.

    5. Anonymous5:24 PM

      so why and when were your mother and karl rove together 4:22? do they always agree. how nice for you now move along honey and let the big kids talk.

    6. Anonymous5:46 PM

      4:22. If Sarah Palin took your advice she would never utter a word. Everything out of her mouth is nasty and divisive. She has done more to polarize political discourse than any other figure in my lifetime (and I'm not young!).

    7. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Lol like a bunch of school girls you all are.

      Palin plays you all like a fiddle.

      So does Gryph.

    8. Anonymous6:19 PM

      5:52 PM


    9. Anonymous6:29 PM

      How about you send that bit of wisdom to your idol, who never says anything nice about anyone but herself?

    10. "Anonymous5:52 PM
      Lol like a bunch of school girls you all are.
      Palin plays you all like a fiddle.
      So does Gryph.
      You are an idiot. You keep posting the same silly comment. And using "lol"? Please, fool.

      Palin isn't playing anyone here like a fiddle. She is too stupid. She is just a shrill, vicious, thin-skinned angry person who blew a gasket because thousands of people criticized her asinine, irresponsible parenting and pet ownership.

      She sure has you on a string, however.

      Go on, post your same silly comment again! You foolish creature.

    11. Anonymous8:38 PM

      I'm 4:22. I should have put "She has beautiful kids" and "She's beautiful" in quotes. I was talking about what Wallace said, and that she apparently has marching orders to try to say positive things about Palin. The two things she said are all she has.

    12. Anonymous8:40 PM

      4:22 again. I don't think she's beautiful. I think she used to be pretty. Now, I just think her meanness shows through and through. The snarling pics and crazy pics are the real Sarah.

    13. Anonymous8:57 PM

      5:52 PM Are you still placing the names of innocent citizens on Porn Sites as if they subscribed to them?
      Are you still posting as Alicia Luke? Are you still jobless? Do you still sponge off of your parents?

    14. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Ohhh poor Nefer still the jealous girl living with all her cats and needlework and CSI shows. Yeah Palin has you all worked up doesn't she? And she doesn't even know you exist.

    15. Anonymous10:49 PM

      5:52 p.m.,

      lol! $arah Palin is the one being played like a fiddle! $arah Palin gets criticized on Facebook, so Palin goes running to the networks like a little screechy school girl (as always) to whine about how mean liberals, PETA, and President Obama are! When Palin goes on T.V. and acts crazy, she just reminds Americans how lucky they were that President Obama got elected in 2008!

    16. Anonymous1:13 AM

      I think Sarah was once pretty but beautiful is going too far. She came in 3rd in the Miss Alaska competition in 1984 -- 3rd in a state that had 500,000 total population in '84. Big deal. Pretty yes, but her beauty is exaggerated and her brains are non-existent.

    17. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Given Karl Rove's background in "dirty tricks" during and after election campaigns, I doubt very much that he ever said the you shouldn't say anything if you cannot say anything nice. Now, my mother said it a lot but she was not a nasty, vituperative political operative.

    18. "Anonymous10:24 PM
      Ohhh poor Nefer still the jealous girl living with all her cats and needlework and CSI shows. Yeah Palin has you all worked up doesn't she? And she doesn't even know you exist.
      Bwahahaha! You don't know squat about me. I will give you a hint though. Everything you said was wrong, silly wabbit.

      Also, of course Palin doesn't know I exist. Why should she?

      The difference between you and me is that I don't give a shit whether I am a part of her life.

      Well, off to work with my laugh of the morning. Thank you.

    19. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Anon 10:24--so you are stalking Nefer now and trying to intimidate her by pretending you know something about her? Obviously--oops! sorry --"obvi" Sarah attracts those as criminal and thuggish as herself and her crew. If you don't like what people say, threaten them into silence? How's that First Amendment working out for you?

    20. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Seriously, the whole Nefer stalking thing is just as pathetic as all your other posts, stupid troll. Give it up, it's pretty obvious who is bugging who here. Hint, troll: It isn't YOU.

  8. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The guy said it: "She's (referring to Palin) very blinky!" Don't many behavioral specialists list that as a "tell" that a person is lying? Hmmmm.......

  9. Anita Winecooler4:25 PM

    That last remark was actually twisting a knife in Sarah's back, only Sarah isn't on the level to comprehend it. It's kind of an underhanded complement. Take these two scenarios for instance
    A- you're at a party and asked to comment on someone you think is ugly. Well, after much thinking, if the best you can come up with is "Well she's got flawless skin" or "She doesn't smell as aweful as I thought". Wallace isn't stupid, and she used Sarah's narcissism as both sides of the same daggar.
    What was an even worse dig on Sarah wasn't on that clip. At one point Griffin repeated Sarah's own "words" (She paid for them dearly, so they ARE hers) and said "Who says "Ehhhh well, I thought they were the best part of the post". Authors don't speak that way. Griffin rolls her eyes and says "WHO talks like that? If it's on your facebook, of course it's a post, but what "journalist" talks like that?"

    The best part, for me, was Sarah making it all about herself, and obviously no one's taking her seriously. It's gonna need an addendum "post" to focus on the Obama at five year old dig.

    She's beautiful, she has a great family Come on, Nicholle, spill the real beans.

  10. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Also notice she said her kids are "beautiful," not that they are great or smart or wonderful, but "beautiful." Yes, they are attractive. It's the only positive anyone cane come up with.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      None of the Palins are 'beautiful' which means its only 'skin deep'. They are a nasty bunch - to include Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and the Heaths!

      I never go by the 'looks' of people - learned that a long time ago!

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Somehow I don't find Bristol's plastic face beautiful. Nor a drunken Track, Willow and Bristol. And Piper wasn't too cute when she walloped that reporter a few summers ago.

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      I personally think that Bristol looks a lot better with her new face and newer and most importantly, skinnier body. Willow has that wide fat face and stumpy body, not cute. Piper looks to be following in Willow's footsteps. Track isn't bad looking but is really short and totally crazy. Willow and Piper should look into that face surgery and extreme weight loss that Bristol did, if they ever want a date.

    4. Anonymous10:52 PM

      8:47 p.m.,

      Hey, there's nothing wrong with being short! Davy Jones was short, and he was hot!

    5. Anonymous10:14 AM

      8:47 has apparently never seen Bristol nor Track.

      or Piper. what a maroon.

  11. Anonymous4:43 PM

    NBC’s Today Show Lets Sarah Palin Blame President Obama For Her Cruelty To Animals

    ...First of all, you people need to understand that Sarah Palin has not forgiven you for rejecting her and twice embracing President Barack Obama. For this, the country will pay any time she can manage to worm her way before a TV screen. If she has to insult half the world and make a bitter fool of herself in the process, so be it.

    So we got these goodies after the bit about how awesome it was for Trig to use the family dog as a “stepping stone”, since after all, the family dog is also a “strong and trained” service dog. What makes standing on the dog okay? Well, Sarah Palin is quite sure President Obama has done worse!

    Savannah Guthrie, the Today host, asked if this was trading a cheap shot for a cheap shot, but Palin was pretty excited and disagreed. See, accusing Obama of eating dog meat was “the best line” in her Facebook post.

    The woman who repeatedly likens herself to Esther from the Bible then accused the left of worshiping Obama (when they should be worshiping her?), “President Obama, to many of the far left radicals who are part of PETA, they look at him as I don’t know, their Messiah, and I think he as a child probably the same age as Trig, did much worse than just use the dog as a stepping stool.”

    There was no pushback on this, because for sure, Obama is much worse than Trig. I think we can all agree on this, seeing as Palin has already established that Obama was probably not born here, I mean, it’s “okay to ask,” and he is a terrorist or at least he was in a terrorist’s living room years ago. Once. Or standing near a terrorist. Something. He did something horrible, like win an election against Sarah Palin. So hello. Standing on the family dog or beating Sarah Palin?

    Try this when you are busted doing anything– just say you “think that the President did worse at your age” and then proceed to vilify half the country, the media, and anyone who has ever beat you at anything.


    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      that effin asshole!! first off if jill hadassah is a service dog then i am a leprechan.
      definition of service dog via wikipedia:

      "Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person's disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."[2]

      This revised definition excludes all comfort animals, which are pets that owners keep with them solely for emotional reasons that do not ameliorate their symptoms of a recognized "disability"; animals that do ameliorate the conditions of a medical disability, however, such as animals that ameliorate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, are included in the definition. Unlike a service animal, a comfort animal is one that has not been trained to perform specific tasks directly related to the person's disability. Common tasks for service animals include flipping light switches, picking up dropped objects, alerting the person to an alarm, reducing the anxiety of a person with post-traumatic stress disorder by putting its head on the patient, or similar disability-related tasks.[3] A service dog may still provide help people with emotions related to psychiatric disabilities, but the dog must be trained to perform specific actions, such as distracting the person when he becomes anxious or engages in stimming or other behaviors related to his disability.

      so skank you idiotic asshole-jill is a companion for trig as many of your stupid sheeples keep calling her....................and MOST OF US HAVE COMPANION DOGS. jill must meet strict requirements to be called a service dog and IF A SERVICE DOG MUST BE ALLOWED ADMITTANCE to public places. skank you called her a lazy dog in your first screech. SERVICE DOGS ARE NOT STEP STOOLS and are not EVER to be considered companions. THEY WORK.

      so stop with that idiotic rambling of yours.

      second -maybe the today show was hoping to get a boost in ratings having a flaming idiot on their show and played nice so they can be sure you will come back again to show what an idiot you are BUT don't even think that we and they don't know you are about 19.9999999 lbs shy of a 20 lb. load dear.

      and the off the shoulder sweater for an AM show? get over yourself.............no one wants any piece of you.

      petal won and you are just licking up the few crumbs.............

  12. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You know, it’s one thing when Fox lets her spew forth her hatred but a “mainstream media” outlet like NBC should at least challenge her false equivalence between allowing a challenged child like Trig to stand on an immature dog and President Obama’s childhood experience of having been served dog – in an alien culture and among strangers. No one in the real media should let Sarah Palin get away with blaming others for her thoughtless publication of photos that should never have been taken in the first place. How many more appearances is she going to demand to plead her crazy case?

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Apparently, their job is just to sit there and smile awkwardly while the crazy bitch reminds us for the 5,000th time how much she hates President Barack Obama. Why bother even watching the "news" anymore?

  13. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Getting dressed up and going arm-in-arm with Fred Malek (who BBQed a Dog) and sitting down beside him at the Alphalfa Club Dinner as HER Dinner date…. she had ” NO Problem ” with that.

    Dog Eat Dog: Palin Patron's Checkered Past

    ...Malek would feel right at home in Alaskan politics. But there's one sordid tale in Malek's background that might give Palin the pit bull some pause. As Washington Post columnist Colbert King reported a few years ago, Malek was involved in a gruesome incident in his home state of Illinois, shortly after he graduated from West Point.

    In the early morning hours of August of 1959, sheriff deputies outside of Peoria discovered a vehicle covered in blood and a group of drunken young men, also covered in blood, nearby. Some were hiding in the bushes. The men told the deputies that they had accidentally hit a dog. Then their story changed. And then it changed again. Finally, one of them confessed. They had captured the dog and had barbecued it in a nearby park. The deputies returned to the scene and found a skinned and gutted canine on a spit in the park. An empty booze bottle was also nearby. Fred Malek was one of the five young men arrested for the crime, though the charges against him were eventually dropped.


    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      OMG. How is he not still incarcerated???

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      4:49 PM
      Thank you for reminding us about Fred Malek! I had forgotten about him killing, skinning and BarBQueing that dog. Makek was a graduate of West Point so he had to be in his early 20's. Big, huge difference in President Obama's experience when he was a small child.

      Sarah can't avoid stepping knee deep into it.

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Thank you, Kathy Griffin! Someone who wasn't afraid to say something countering the limp dick comment said about Palin! Finally!!!!

    Our media (that Palin hates!) is terrible in not being tough on Palin to include things about the son she did not birth! Don't they know their viewership would increase even higher if they were tough, call her out on the numerous lies and put factual things out there in front of her to which she has to respond?!

    Time to change and/or keep her off the networks! She is nothing more than a fraud who wants attention! And, she is not a politician! She's nothing more than an imbecile and a joke!

  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Nicole made it very obvious to me that she knows the 'real' Sarah Palin and is afraid of her.

    I'd love to run into Palin on a commercial jet - in first class- approach her and say a couple of things directly to her. Doubt she could kill me on the jet! There would be lots of witnesses which is what you need around the Palin klan!

    She and Todd supposedly have killed a couple of folks in Alaska and perhaps Nicole is aware of it due to the McCain/Palin campaign? I'm sure she knows one hell of a lot as does John McCain and others that were involved!

    It's way past time one of them talks and takes the bitch down!

    1. A couple of folks? I thought just the nurse from Mat-Su? There's another dead person?

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Curtis Menard

    3. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Curt Menard - supposed biological father of Track. Died in his airplane - water in the gasoline!

    4. Anonymous8:17 PM

      His airplane that was docked at the Palins' house before he took off that day. He, the flight instructor. Who had, days before, angrily demanded of Sarah to answer for the way in which she was neglecting THEIR son.

      Not to mention the SEVERAL people who have crossed Sarah and/or Todd...then ended up in oddly uninvestigated "car accidents". (Some of which were fatal.)

    5. Anonymous1:06 AM

      McCain seems to be afraid of her too.

    6. Anonymous10:12 AM


      Actually Curtis departed from his residence the day of his accident, the plane was not docked at the Palins.

      Here's the link to the NTSB accident report.


    7. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Okay, I just posted the NTSB report on the Menard plane crash and I am wrong, the plane was fueled last his house on Memory Lake but then picked up passengers at Lake Lucille multiple times (doesn't say what address) and he refilled his tank from gas in containers. Hmm, it is interesting that the plane spent time on the Lake Lucille on the day of the crash.

    8. Hell-maybe it was Track-how old was he at the time?

    9. Anonymous3:12 PM

      534 oh yeah it starts in 1989 with a hanging of a Nam vet by that blondie named Terri Lee? Then the murder suicide...oh let's see...so much to tell so little time!
      hi Sarah...

    10. Anonymous3:13 PM

      yeah I am real fearful of someone who can't hit the side of a barnyard...belch...burp...fart...there are some targets...hi Sarah...

  16. Anonymous5:03 PM

    As ever this typical fucking Republican hypocrite tries to have it both ways. Wallace took money (LOTS of it, I'm sure) to try to get Sarah Palin elected to the second highest office in the land. It wasn't for lack of Wallace trying that Palin failed to make the grade, that's for sure. Way too little and way too late for dainty little Nicole to act like she had nothing to do with unleashing the Palin monster on the rest of the U.S. -- but that never stops her from trying and getting away with it.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      and she'll only go so far with Palin. She defends things that are indispensable -and I don't even thnk she believes them. They shouldn't have politicos on the panel. They can't be honest. It's like taking a class from Al Gore before he's run his last election.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      So did Steve Schmidt, I am not letting her off the hook by any means whatsoever. They were hired for a "job," and she did hers. That she laughs about it and "sweaty" seeing her, give me a damn break.

      It people like YOU, Nicholle, that unleashed this serpent, and we're just supposed to sit back and laugh? She's a no-nothing, narcisstic, witch!

      One has to wonder, $arah, when you drove all that way to see Ivana wanting to be like her, are you truly happy that the world thinks you're an ID-10-T? Methinks you'd work harder to be respected. The worldwide floozy, those pieces of silver were what you were after. When the 4-peers wake up and realize that, you're toast.

      I just cannot imagine waking up in the morning knowing everyone thinks me a moron, but she somehow loves it. Now we know who her "God" is.

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Wallace may have a bit of a conscience but it is undeveloped. They all refuse to take responsibility for giving Palin an enormous national stage to spread her poison. McCain, however, is far worse. He acts (thinks) like we are all stupid. History will judge him harshly. He cannot outlive history. His Palin choice has obliterated any positive legacy he may have had.

    4. Anonymous1:10 AM

      McCain is a nasty piece of work himself.

    5. Anonymous1:24 AM

      Had McCain won the presidency, the world would never have heard the stories about Palin. Wallace and Schmidt would have remained silent. And they would never have found a way to "get Palin out of the VP slot" had they won. To try to do that would have angered millions of right-wingers. They bought her, then sold her to 45% of so of the American public. She's their baby doll and always will be.

      Thanks McCain, et al.

    6. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Both Wallace and Schmidt should have quit the 2008 campaign and threatened McCain with going public about what a poor choice Sarah Palin was for the vice-presidency if he did not dump her for the good of the country.

    7. Anonymous3:10 PM

      McCain is an old dog who can't learn new tricks...he thinks bumping uglies with a reporter that produced a kid that Palin took on to 'get into the White House' and when they didn't win...she was stuck with the kid...gee kind of sounds familiar hu? Hi Sarah...

  17. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She revels in being a celebrity, er, celebutard. Her path to that status has been paved by the RW lies and the dog-whistling imbecilic vitriol she parrots. Oh, and money ... money is very important. She needs to keep mining the couch nickels from the c4p crowd. They think she is divine. There is no cure for their stupid. Palin is a brand they trust.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      She may be a celebutard but she was wily enough to turn the tables on those who got PETA involved and used it to her advantage. I doubt if she would have been asked onto MSNBC to play the perpetual victim if PETA hadn't done the post on her. Sometimes the left wing is her greatest tool.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Peta's statement was mild. She didn't turn the tables on anyone 6:15. She is simply following the script she always follows. She is a narcissistic child who plays the victimhood schtick. Only the ignorant who are already fooled are fooled again.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Anonymous6:41 PM, I disagree. I think people underestimate how dirty she will play and how she will use anything to get back into the limelight. She thrives on bad publicity. Her biggest enemy is people ignoring her.

    4. Getting a lot of publicity does not equal thriving on it (ask former Rep Weiner).

      Her post received thousand s of comments and was picked up globally. Of course show were going to cover the story and whee! snag an interview if possible. Viewers and clicks = $$$.

      They might have covered her with marshmallow questions, but when another episode comes along that might garner more clicks and views by going after her, it will happen.

    5. Anonymous11:12 PM

      6:15 p.m.,

      Man, you're dumb. Palin did not "turn the tables" on liberals, or PETA. Only naive people with low I.Q's believe that nonsense. PETA did not start it, and PETA's criticism was pretty mild. The fact is, Palin was wrong for letting her kid stand on the dog, even many of the bots on her Facebook page could see that. Many would agree that the criticism against Palin is valid.

      And how has Palin been able to use it to her "advantage?" How did Palin allegedly "turn the tables" on her critics? By getting publicity? So, she's an attention whore, what else is new? Palin can whore for publicity all she wants, but where has it really gotten her? She gets her name in the news every other month, and then fades away, again. When Palin has one of her public meltdowns, she is the Left's greatest tool. Because she reminds America how lucky they are that President Obama got elected in 2008.

      Most people still don't take her seriously, and she is still disliked by most Americans, and will never be president. And, this won't help ratings for her crap T.V. show, that nobody but rednecks watch. Who the hell watches The Hunting Channel, except inbred hicks?

      Again, I'm not seeing how she "turned the tables" on anybody.

      P.S., Palin wasn't asked on "MSNBC." The Today show is on NBC. Palins has always been too cowardly to go on MSNBC.

    6. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Anonymous11:12 PM, I'm far from dumb. There is no need for ad hominem attacks simply because you disagree with someone. PETA is a favorite target of the right. Palin would not have been on the Today show if PETA had not done the post. Period.

    7. Anonymous3:09 PM

      just leave her where the guitars play...

  18. Anonymous5:10 PM

    it takes a special kind of person to be cruel to a dumb animal. in this case I'm sure we know who's the dumb animal. I pity the poor dog.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Jill has a lot more going on upstairs than does that poor kid Trig.


    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      5:10 p.m.,

      Animals aren't dumb. But Palin is.

  19. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The thing I noticed is how quickly the media covered this and moved on -- Scarah just doesn't rate a lot of attention.

    The latest stats on the C4P site show the majority of activity is coming out of New Zealand.

    The Quitter just doesn't have it anymore. She accomplishes nothing and people tend to align themselves with winners, not with losers.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      That is M James Sheppard.

    2. Very astute observation.

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Oh, Nefer, he is all OVER himself being published on "American Thinker." Quite the blowhard. LOL

    4. Anonymous11:19 PM

      5:26 p.m.,

      I noticed how quickly the media moved on, too. $arah Palin isn't as special as she thinks' she is. She's a "D-lister," now. It's even funnier that most of the traffic at the Sea O' Pee is coming from New Zealand, and not the U.S. lol! But, certain posters above think Palin has "turned the tables" on her critics. lol. Yeah, right.

    5. Anonymous3:07 PM

      1119 lol...oh she is 'special' allright...

  20. I posted this elsewhere too [I think, can never remember the reeling roads I take through the inter tubes], but Wallace is just a click above Palin in my opinion. She is a more facile liar because she is better educated and very self-aware.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Yes, she is barely a notch above. Freaky conservative torture-defender too.

  21. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Insider did the story-Peta is bad and poor Sarah is the victim, here DS son was only standing on the dog and PETA is picking on her and after all the dog was not hurt.

    I can understand the "gossip" programs not investigating the story,but the main stream media should have or not wasted airtime reporting it. My understanding is Palin attacked PETA first and of course the whole fiasco of her posting is Pres. Obama's fault.

    What I don't understand is how come they continue to let her play the victim, she seems to have Teflon like saint Ronnie did or has the media figured out she is nuts and is letting her hang herself with her own outrageous comments.

    Either way she has never been held accountable for any of her rages going back to 2008. Can't wait to see what happens when the truth about Trig comes out. How will she spin that story.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      PETA entered the fray after receiving numerous comments/complaints from people about the photos of the boy standing on the dog. They then issued what I considered a mild and well reasoned statement about the abuse (yes abuse) of the dog, and hoped that Palin would recognize the error and teach her son how to better interact with his pet. It should be noted that the ASPCA and many members of the general public commented similarly, even on her own Facebook page. My understanding is that the ASPCA even notified animal protection authorities (I believe in the MatSu area where Palin lives).

      Palin responded with a very caustic and hysterical rant about PETA, Ellen DeGeneres, President Obama and probably a few more I have failed to list. As ever, she turned it into an attack on poor little Sarah Palin.

      I agree with other commenters who say (paraphrasing) she's not going away as long as she has a following and a forum. Unless something comes out that either puts her in prison or a mental health facility, there will continue to be enough blind followers to keep her in business. It's scary and incredible to me but that seems to be the upside down world we live in now.

    2. Anonymous11:30 PM

      Of course, Insider blamed PETA. All of the entertainment shows are right-wing. Entertainment Tonight seems to mostly only talk about white celebrities, and only talks about black celebrities when there's a scandal. Even TMZ appears to be big George Zimmerman fans. However, I heard someone at TMZ ripped $arah Palin a shredded $arah Palin over the dog. Also, Americans are used to Palin always playing the victim. Most of the networks are owned by right-wingers, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that Palin is always treated with kid-gloves.

      But, it doesn't matter. Most Americans aren't buying Palin's bullshit, anyway.

      Insider can blame PETA all they want. PETA did nothing wrong, and America is a country of dog-lovers. Even Palin's bots criticized her over the picture of her kid standing on the dog.

    3. Anonymous3:37 AM

      I figure that E! is controlled entirely by the Kardashians who I think are Sarah Palin's models. I also think it's interesting that the ASPCA was critical of her treatment of the dog but she has not mentioned that organization at all. I think it's because someone told her that most Americans think very highly of the ASPCS as they should. One of these interviewers should have asked her about the ASPCA response and should have asked her whatever possessed her to take the photos and then post them on Facebook in the first place. The only person one can blame for this nonsense is Sarah Palin herself.

    4. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Anonymous11:30 PM,
      People have been saying "But, it doesn't matter. Most Americans aren't buying Palin's bullshit, anyway." for many years now.

      True. But she will never go away as long as people keep giving her ammunition to rile up the bottom feeders in the right wing. And this gave her a cause and extended her time in the spotlight.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      oh those dang dumb broads couldn't hit the side of a barnyard...ammunition or not...shit shots they are...

    6. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I think she is trying to get support and sympathy because all that domestic-terrorism acts committed are coming back to haunt her in a court room...unlike their tactics of 'road kill' and that didn't work out...hi Sarah...

  22. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It's not a war on Peta, Sarah is in war with everyone who slights her in any way. All those 70,000 comments on her FB were not Peta employees. She can't fool people anymore.

    Sarah's childishness is on full display. The part of Guthrie's interview where Sarah thinks it's fair game to compare a 6 year-old Obama to Trig and say what Obama did was worse, just reinforces that she's completely illogical. She shifts all the criticisms of her, towards Obama. That she compares Obama, a kid, and that she accuses him of being responsible for the slaughter of a dog in a culture that farmed dog meat and butchered it for market, for people to buy and eat, and accept that meat on a plate by his father, is tantamount to mental deficiency. It's basically like she's accusing the child Obama of dog abuse because he had to obey his parents and eat the meat. How did this get by Savannah Guthrie?

    Sarah tells the world Obama is bad because as a boy he ate dog meat. She tells the world that Peta is bad because she thinks they are Obama fans, and they think he's their Messiah. She tells the world that liberals and her critics are barking up the wrong tree. She says to the world that she is always being persecuted because she's just a sweet innocent wonderful gal, that just loves her dog and kids and why would anyone want to condemn her?

    But when the interviewer asks her if she thinks standing on a dog's back is wrong, she says no. She cannot understand that she, an adult, is the culprit. So, in her mental illness, she deflects, denies, and finds others, deBlasio, President Obama, liberals, to blame.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      $arah lives a very juvenile mentality and spirit. She was never a leader, she was as, self described, the barracuda, forging relationships, then taking people out that got in her way when she had used them up and bled them dry. When she met the national stage, she couldn't handle it as everyone and their dawg has said. Over and over again, because she is mental and they knew it oce spending time around her.

      RNC 2012, not invited, she was going to rent a hall down the street for her supporters. Never happened, and everything before that and since that has happened. I don't need to list every one, we all know. Gabby Giffords is STILL on her watch, I don't care what she says. And yet she delights in it. Every last BIT.

    2. "Anonymous5:29 PM
      It's not a war on Peta, Sarah is in war with everyone who slights her in any way. "
      Exactly. I believe she was in a blind fury that so many people publicly criticized her. Just in reading that insane paragraph long run-on sentence, the rage is palpable. Especially since so many of those people were her fans and self-professed conservatives.

      She must deny this and claim all the criticism came from PETA.

    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      The 'rage is palpable' said the pot to the kettle.

    4. Anonymous11:35 PM

      6:16 p.m.,

      I delight in every last bit, that $arah Palin will never be over her and John McCain's loss to President Obama. All Palin has done since 2008 is shoot spit-balls at President Obama, and he ignores her. And, she can't stand it! lol.

    5. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Remember she was almost a heartbeat away from the US presidency. Imagine the horror of it - someone with the mentality and personality of a twelve year-old leading the country. John McCain should be imprisoned for what he almost did to the world.

    6. Anonymous3:04 PM

      oh she is just being pissy because what goes up must come down...and because of the crimes 'all of em' committed they are non too happy to go to court about it all...I mean it's better than a graveyard...as they have tried to get that 'anointed' one into...hi Sarah!

  23. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Today's interview also revealed something about Sarah's repetitive compulsive need to advertise her kids. She said Bristol likes Ellen Degeneres, while she, Sarah, was accusing Peta of loving Ellen and accepting her photo of a girl standing on dog. She could have focused on Peta and her need to post Trig's determination.

    Why does Sarah have to always refer to her kids in discussions? Especially, when their names need not be discussed and aren't part of the discussion? It can't be insecurity, it has to be something more. I'm thinking it's her conscience-less marketing of her and her family and kids that turns round and round in her mind - it never stops, marketing them, for clicks, for fame, for keeping them in the spotlight, constant, constantly putting her kids out there in the air, throwing their names to the wind, always hoping someone will offer them a TV show, a contract, a deal, to make quick money, never-ending hamster in Sarah's mind relentlessly exploiting them all, and if she stops thinking about exploiting them for even a second, the tormenting in her head and the voices in her head keep commanding her to CASH IN, CASH IN, every day, every hour, every minute, every second. That's what's happening to her.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      I was going in circles reading 5:52 PM! Just imagine living in her head for one second. Good god - I'd commit something (!) as there is no way I'd be able to bare it!

      She is one sick human being, but most of us already knew it in that we have followed her for years!

      Around and around we go - until she falls!

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Because she preached she was the second coming of Esther for $$ and some believed her. It's called karma.

    3. Anonymous3:30 AM

      I think Sarah Palin's kids provide a kind of body armor for her in front of the media. No reporter will say anything negative about her kids, above all Trig, if she somehow brings their names into the conversation and she knows it. It got her through the fake pregnancy and we all know that Trig's DS has been a crutch for her ever since. Wouldn't it be interesting if a reporter asked her to specify the therapies Trig has received since his birth in 2008: the types, names of agencies, time periods, and so on?

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      751 yea she has that illusion...while the one she crucifies is called 'the anointed one' meanwhile defending 'your confused I am annoying' lol...hey and the one has a sense of humor...imagine that...hi Sarah!

  24. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Until I taught, I never understood the negative attention thing. How could anyone want negative attention? Well, I learned fast that people who crave attention and don't get enough with positive actions, (in Sarah's case she was probably mediocre or inept at everything) will find, sometimes be accident, doing something negative will bring that satisfaction.

    I also think in her case she downplays the negativity in her own mind and uses victimhood to bring the results she wants: fame. On cue, the media call when she pulls her childish stunts and want interviews. That brings the attention she craves.
    I don't think she is even aware of how she looks to the public, she lives in her own make believe world. In other words, I really don't think she will ever change or go away until people stop listening and reacting to her. That will be the death of her I'm sure.


    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Yes, Mildred, she is narcissistic, has a severe arrested personality disorder and has no idea how she comes across to others. And those are the LEAST of her deficiencies. She's about as broken a human as I've ever witnessed.


    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Plenty of us are broken through our struggles. Never went to that point, and you know why? Because I pick myself up by my bootstraps every day and DO it, not rely on cameras, lying, blackmail, extortion, pimping, or what have you to make my life worth living. That family DOES.

      That she continues to have work done shows the toll it's taking and, until she admits it, she will have every darn thing coming to her and I will not feel one bit sorry. That she's doing this in the name of God nd/or Jesus is abhorrent. Watch her melt, she already is.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Sarah has no self awareness. When she looks in the mirror and check her makeup, she has selective vision and she can't see that her wig sits too far back on her head and we can see her hairline. Sarah cannot tell the difference between negative attention and positive attention. In her mind, bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.

      She knows all the tricks. She has never aologized for how Trig and Tripp treated Jill, pushing her away, kicking her and standing on her. If that's what we see, there must be more because they are so used to doing it, and she lets them.

      Sarah's defense is to deflect and blame someone else for the same thing. President Obama ate dog when he was a kid in Indonesia. Well, Sarah, your good friend, Fred Malek, was much older when he and his friends killed and barbq'd a dog. The police found them covered with blood. Your good friend. Aren't you the one who likes to play "guilty by association?"

    4. Anonymous1:35 AM

      The video showing Tripp kicking Jill also shows Sarah reaching over and (looks like to me) pinching Tripp's leg. He pushes her hand away and points arm length right at her. Then her thumb goes up and points at him.

      No one says anything about that brief moment but I thought it was disturbing. Sarah is mean and her temper gets away from her.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      yeah and the one she seeks to destroy is actually ready to help her...what? so how can someone be so 'evil' if they want to help the ones who crucifies them?
      May be because you can't be mentally ill and take care of the mentally ill...smirk...head tilt...hi Sarah!

  25. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gryphen, you really should view the tmz segent that aired monday, if you haven't already.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Can you share a link? a couple of people mention it, having problems trying to find the video

  26. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Looks like she's had some work done on forehead/eyes and jaw area. The jaw work and severe weight loss makes her head look square and lends and even more manly look to her than she usually has. If she tightens her face any more and loses any more weight she will look like Jack, from the Nightmare Before Xmas movie.

    That being said, her skin looks great, but we've all seen the no makeup photos so how long and how much product does it take to bring her from post hot yoga to what she looks like in these videos?

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      He actually looks good sans makeup. Post workout doesn't count because no one is attractive after a sweat fest

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      My skin looks like the leather in the purses she slammed PETA about. FUCK you, $arah, and the swaybacked "rescue" dog you rode in on. What an absolute bitch she is.

    3. Anonymous7:47 PM

      He? I know she looked shitty sans make-up, but manly? Yeah, I can see that!

    4. Anonymous8:25 PM


      Once again you outdo yourself by saying "He actually looks good sans makeup" HE being the operative word here, meaning Mrs. Palin is starting to look more like Mr. Palin, seriously that jaw and that adam's apple are starting to rival Mann Coulther's...thanks for always letting your Freudian slips slip through!


    5. Anonymous8:40 PM

      7:21 PM Who is 'he'?

    6. Anonymous9:23 PM

      7:21 PM Do you read your comments before posting? 'OBVI' not. You must be having a 'CONVO' with yourself, little girl.

    7. Anonymous9:45 PM

      I met her years ago on the golf course. Her makeup was so thick it was like theater makeup. I have never forgotten how horrible looking it was. She was as smug and snotty then as she is now.

    8. Anonymous6:20 AM

      We were fairly close to her in Concord NH when she referred to the state as the great "NorthWEST"....everyone, and I mean everyone! at the rally realized, if they didn't know already, that woman is an IDIOT!.

    9. Anonymous6:37 AM

      That's what I always imagined. Make-up slathered on like actors in a Broadway play, from 100's of yards away looks good. Up close and personal really gross.

    10. Anonymous1:34 PM

      She looks that way cause post"hot yoga' was really post facial and chemical peel.

  27. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Drama queen. Notice that the campaign people who were around her most are still friends with her

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM


    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Name one.

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      7:20 pm LIAR!!!

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM

      ah those are the ones who 'stalk' those who 'have some evil in them?" I think Sarah is the EVIL one...

  28. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Actually, Sarah looks the same sans makeup as she did in a picture I came across from about 2003 (pipers age gives it away_) It was part of a video montage interview thing from 08. It's of Todd, Sarah and Piper in some door way smiling.She looks the exact same sans makeup as she does now sans makeup which is pretty good.

    Remember, post workout no makeup is different from normal no makeup. She has nice natural features. Natural high cheekbones she's been known for, big eyes that need no attention really

    Ok, good deed done. I complimented someone I disagree with of several things.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sarah is aging quickly & badly. Time is not being kind to her. She looks old, taut, washef out. The bloom has faded off that old rose.

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Oh good god you are a barking idiot! Sarah looks like shit most of the time, dirty and unkempt, unless professional stylists take over. She has aged MASSIVELY and not in a good way, since she first came on the scene in 2008 and for you to suggest otherwise makes you a fucking liar.

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Was that post tubal ligation? You write about Sarah Palin as if you are romantically attached to her.

    4. Anonymous3:27 AM

      How far can you stretch skin before it tears?

    5. Anonymous6:19 AM

      oh dear lord. somebody is totally blind. Sarah looks nothing like she looked 12 years ago. Hell, Sarah doesn't even look like she looked 6 years ago....

      There is no resemblance at all. Could even be her sister ROFL

    6. Anonymous6:39 AM

      she is attached to sarah romantically, in the fantasies in her head.

  29. Anonymous7:29 PM

    That would be called milking something for all its worth for attention and job promotion. Shame nicolle. Especially when she HAS to know that several staffers are still friends with Sarah. This I know for fact

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM


    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Oh here we go again.....still friends with staffers back in '08. HOW many times dfo we have to do this merry-go-round? If you're talking Tim Crawford and her LLC bunch, French, the Jake Puppy bitch, Kochs, whomever, only because there's money to be made. Hoe incredibly dumb do you think we are?

      As Garth Brooks sang, "I've got friends in low places," and one only needs to look at her children she bore to see exactly how wonderful that turned out.

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Those "staffers" are still friends with Mrs. Palin because she pays them thousands per month from her PAC to be consultants. There are no "friends" in politics, only those paid to consult you. That passes for friend in the political arena, and when the money dries up the friends do too. You seem kind of naive.

    4. "This I know for fact"
      No you don't, you delusional nutball.

    5. Anonymous8:36 PM

      7:29 PM Alicia Francine Fix-Luke you don't know shit.
      How's the weather in OK?

    6. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Facts elude you 7:29. You fell down the rabbit hole and bonked your head. Here is a 'fact' you can ruminate on. Sarah Palin is the Red Queen ... but not really.

    7. Anonymous3:38 AM

      This stalker is from Tallahassee, Florida. It showed up on a blog that does not write about palin. Why? It was stalking someone who comments there.

      Good old Pointy dropped her usual turds. as a reply to this person she was stalking. The blog master checked, it came from Tallahassee.

  30. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Damn that Nicolle Wallace, she sure has some nice womanly curves on her. I betcha Todd got woodies just looking at her during the 2008 campaign.

    1. Anonymous1:42 AM

      I think this Anonymous comment comes straight from the C4P crowd or is creepy Chuckie, Jr., who took a break from his porno addiction sites.

      Why let comments like this through? They're only designed to discredit IM and serve no other purpose.

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Little woodies.

    3. Anonymous6:42 AM

      I'm sure the idiot made a complete fool out of himself drooling over sexy Nicolle. Made sarah jealous and hate her more.

    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      well with chucky and chucky jr raping the sister...shrug

  31. Anonymous7:56 PM

    If President Obama did Sarah like Glenn did Sarah, then maybe Sarah would move on to another tall athletic black man.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Why do people keep posting that over and over again. It's really rather racist and stereotyping.

    2. Anonymous6:32 AM

      5:58 AM And True!!!

  32. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Sarah Palin is a stink generating machine.

  33. Anonymous8:06 PM

    What the hell kind of get up does she have on?? Dressed for a year book photo from the 60's or what? Don't know how to describe that garb.

  34. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Seeing her doesn't give me the heebie jeebies because she looks like such a clown these days after all that cosmetic pulling and stapling and tweaking and injecting.

    I can't make myself listen to her voice, though, not even for a minute.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Her voice is not tolerable. The smug grammar school mean girl BS you see (if you can endure watching her) is even worse. She hates everything and everyone. She lies about everything. She is a terribly twisted child.

  35. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "Shortly after I met her that I realized that she realized that she was in over her head,”
    -Nicolle Wallace

    Wallace’s difficulties with Palin are well documented and it was just a few months ago that she pinpointed the moment she lost faith in the vice presidential candidate. “There was a moment shortly after I met her that I realized that she realized that she was in over her head,” Wallace told Wendy Williams in October, adding that after Katie Couric stumped the candidate with her “What newspapers do you read?” question, Palin stopped talking to her.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Anyone that has ever listened to her, met her, or tried to get her to DO anything KNOWS she was in over her head. She is a very stupid person. However, I'm still not sure that SHE is aware that she is stupid. She has always been told that she is beautiful and very bright because she is 'special needs'.

  36. Anonymous8:24 PM

    How stupid, the old sally. Just more stupid from the old sally.
    Vp candidate, mcain was and still is a idiot.

  37. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Sarah Palin your children are a bunch of uneducated over-sexually active kids.

    Sarah: Well Amerikuns look at Obama as their messiah

    Sarah Palin you need to teach your daughters to keep their panties up.

    Sarah: Well as a child, President Obama ate dog.

    Sarah can you lock up your liquor cabinet and stop partying with your alcoholic children?

    Sarah: Well President Obama should be impeached for doing his job.

    Dang, I think Sarah Palin has wet dreams for President Obama.

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Sarah Palin fantasizes about a Dorm Room episode with President Obama. She is Livid that the President ignores her. She is stuck with Pimp Daddy Todd. Todd doesn't even want her.

  38. Anonymous8:26 PM

    But of COURSE, 7:29 PM, so here's a message to those you know for a fact, okay? She made an excuse in 2012 about her family, we all laughed and said, "yeah, right."

    Her only choice in 2016 is to run or STFU. Does she or anyone in the "mama grizzly" PAC get this? She certainly has proven she thinks she knows it all, can run DC better than all of them combined, so put your money where your mouth is, "celebrity apprentice." We dare you.

  39. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Guthrie gone stupid, why didn't she ask, how does your stupid R-do relate to Obama? How did you come to the conclusion they relate? Guthrie gone stupid. She lost respect.

    1. Anonymous12:02 AM

      ????????? Wtf!!! Put down the booze!

  40. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Wheres her weird son, he should be with her on tv.

  41. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Sarah Palin loses again. Just another example of the Sarah Palin Curse at work.

    "Palin: Time For Republicans To Elect New House Speaker"

    WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin believes it’s time for a new Speaker of the House.

    Speaking to Fox News on Monday, Palin said Republicans need to say goodbye to John Boehner as House Speaker.

    “I think that Speaker Boehner, unfortunately, didn’t listen to many of us who all along were saying, when you campaign one way and govern another way – man, that is a turn off,”
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah don't blame President Obama for another one of your loses.

  42. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Anonymous6:15 PM

    Jill is going to teach the Trig how to speak? Maybe teach him how to shit in the yard instead of in a diaper? Maybe hold up all her paws and teach him the highest math he'll ever learn?


    How about Jill teaching Sarah, Bristol, Willow, Track and Todd to keep their panties up?

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Bwahahaha good one!

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      You know that picture of Tripp kicking Jill with his foot? Who wants to bet that he is muttering under his breath, "Get away from me you bitch." After all, Tripp can only repeat what he hears.

  43. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Lindsey Graham just gave Joni Ernst hog castration equipment


    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      I had wondered what had happened to Miss Lindsey's balls. That tool looks like it could cut the nuts off of an elephant.

      RJ in BBistan

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Although it will work on hogs, that apparatus was from Lindsay's own medicine cabinet. It's what he used to snip wild nose hairs and to retrieve bits of floss that work up into his butt from his g-strings.

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      It's medieval. They all are, those shitheads in Congress.

  44. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Mitt Romney never apologized about the dog on the roof of his car. He has the same defensive posture that Sarah has. And, people did not like the fact that Romney put the dog on the roof of his car, then hosed the dog off and let the wet dog stay in the cage as he drove down the road. His schedule was more important.

    Sarah's crime was not watching Trig. She admitted that she was oblivious. Trig is unable to speak because he used a sign for the word UP. Trig in not able to call for help if he fell off the dog and was hurt. If something terrible happened, Trig could not explain the mess on the floor or how the dog got injured. Oblivious Sarah was observant enough to grab her camera and take at least 3 different photos, with the dog and Trig in three different positions. In one, the dog has moved and Trig can barely hold on to the sink. He is not washing dishes. And, he cannot explain what he is doing. (Did he want a cup of water?)

    People do not like to see cruelty to pets, not with Mitt and not with Sarah. And it is important to note that Jill is not a service dog, which requires 18 to 24 months of training, not to mention a month or so of a professional trainer working with the person and dog together. Trig cannot call Jill. Trig may not be able to make the same sign each time that would tell Jill to sit or come. The dog is a pet, a buddy, a substitute for the attention that people should be giving Trig. Jill will never teach Trig how to talk, eat solid food or do any of the things things that he should be doing if he had the proper professional therapy.

    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Yup. The "Obama ate a dog!" excuse didn't work for Mitt Romney, and it won't work for $arah Palin, either.

    2. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Anon at 11:50 pm. Only the media is willing to accept without question Sarah Palin's ludicrous Obama comparison. And that's the problem. The US media gives her free rein to say whatever pops into her mind no matter how insane. Not one media person she spoke with asked her the most important question: "why did you ever think that putting those photos, which never should have been taken, on Facebook was a good idea?"

    3. What are the odds we're now going to see a group called Dogs Against Sarah Palin just as there was one against Romney?

    4. Anonymous6:53 AM

      She's totally tone deaf and thinks everyone is as dense as her.

  45. Anonymous10:31 PM


    NBC’s Today Show Lets Sarah Palin Blame President Obama For Her Cruelty To Animals Her basic argument continues to be that using her public notoriety to promote using the family dog as a stepping stool is totally cool, because Obama ate local food in Indonesia, and so everyone should hate him.

    [Read more] Referring to her son Trig using the family dog as a “stepping stone” was just part of Sarah Palin’s rather bizarre defense against the outrage resulting from a Facebook Post of a picture of her son standing on the dog, which also included telling the critics to kiss her “okole”. Wink. That’s just another classy way of saying “rear end” in Palin’s vast repertoire of ways to refer to people’s rear ends. “Asinine” is another fav of the family values Fox News contributor, something she used while Governor of Alaska to describe her constituents.

    The rest of the former Republican Vice Presidential candidate’s defense was predictable Palin: It’s all Obama’s fault. Oh, and also, Democrats suck, neener neener neener.


  46. Anonymous11:10 PM


    Doctor: Okay Sarah you live on a block that has a red house, a blue house, a green house and a white house.

    A red man lives in the red house

    A blue man lives in the blue house

    A green man lives in the green house

    Who lives in the white house?

    Sarah Palin : A white man lives in the white house!

    Doctor: I'm sorry Sarah Palin, you are deemed retarded. There's a black man living in the White House

  47. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Has Wallace paid any attention to the Palin kids since the 2008 election? Boy, the GOP sure does live in the fictive past - back when the world was perfect in the 1950's except that they've completely rejected the Republican who was president then, Dwight Eisenhower. I wonder if Wallace even knows his name or his part affiliation, however loose it might have been.

  48. PalinsHoax5:56 AM

    Palin is such a "YeaBut" twit.

    YeaBut Ellen DeGeneres blah, blah, blah . . .

    YeaBut Obama blah, blah, blah . . .

    YeaBut anybody, anything blah, blah, blah . . .


    YeaBut Ol' TWOBULL, how many of these people strapped on a faux pregnancy belly to pretend that they were "with child"?

    YeaBut Ol' AAAAA, how many of these people stuff their chesticles to pretend they have some kind of bosom?

    YeaBut Ol' Reject, how many of these people have a spouse who is a pimp?

    YeaBut Ol' Failure, how many of these people have children who are sadly misfits in society and swear a blue streak in front of their parents?

  49. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Once again I have to say to Victim Sarah . . . it really must suck to be you!

  50. TwoBlueJays6:51 AM

    Does anyone else remember Kathy Griffin visiting Levi with her 'D List' show in 2009? They also attended the Teen Choice Awards together. Google Kathy Griffin-Levi Johnston. One wonders what interesting information Kathy may have gotten from Levi - or just by being in Wasilla. She was OF COURSE targeted by Scarah after the show aired.

    (AP) ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Comedian Kathy Griffin has brought her "Life on the D-List" show to Sarah Palin's home state, skewering the former Alaska governor at a raucous show in Anchorage.

    Griffin was escorted on stage on Friday by Playgirl model Levi Johnston, who fathered a child with Palin's oldest daughter and is involved in a child support battle with Bristol Palin.

    Griffin said she spent a day ice fishing with Johnston in Wasilla, and was surprised when 19-year-old Levi's friend brought along a camera – but only to photograph the fish they caught.

    Griffin helped Johnston's celebrity star to rise, taking the aspiring actor to an awards show last year as her date. While in Wasilla, Griffin said she also went to Palin's home. There she left a note, inviting Palin to Friday's performance.

    She asked the crowd to look around and see if anyone was doing a pageant wave.

    Griffin said John McCain picked Palin to be his running mate on the Republican ticket after "talking to her for 10 minutes."

    Of Palin's monologue this week on "The Tonight Show," Griffin only promised the audience she would never try to be a mayor.

    Griffin also claimed Palin is a "gift that keeps on giving."

    Griffin welcomed news that Palin is trying to shop a reality show or docudrama about Alaska. She called that a "gift from God."

  51. Anonymous7:30 AM

    When Nicole Wallace almost lost the moisture packet in her spends the day the TORTURE REPORT was released was her coming out day. She displayed to the world what a two-faced, HACK she has been LYING thru her teeth for DICK and Chimpy since that day she left the White House. Regardless of the FACTS that were peppered thru the queries some ‘reporters’ flung at her, she was straight down the beam of LYING any way she could to make sure DICK was never tainted by the reporting. DIRECT EVIDENCE of a Jungle Juice injection strait from CHeeeney HQ…

    With that display of almost complete, personal surrender in order to protect DICK, it in-validated the times she has appeared on Dr. Maddow’s show trying to blow the exact opposite color smoke up out collective skirts saying ‘I’ve distanced myself from them…’ Again, PROVING that once infused with Cheeeney juice….ALWAYS a CHEEENEY AUTOMATON.

  52. Anonymous7:30 AM

    8:34. Sarah still thinks shes of the *us group. the half gov Quit. she holds No office. she grifts to support her brood because anything else is work. kids r homeschooled. education:the art of grifting101. Nicolle Wallace knows far more than has been reported. notice Sarah hasn't been a guest on the view lately. ;-)

    1. telah8:41 AM

      I watched the first three seconds of her slurring "Therre's sno time like the pressseennt to shaake things sup..." and broke out in hives. What a tool.

  53. Anonymous7:48 AM

    You have to watch this clip of palin. It is worth it just to see what she isn't wearing and what she says about herself. Once again letting the cats out of the bag. http://finance.yahoo.com/video/sarah-palin-talks-leadership-washington-163448839.html

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I think ol' Sarah set up the photo shoot with Trig and the dog. She patterned it after the Ellen photo of 'bitty girl using the dog as a booster bench. Since there were only three published photos we only assumed the dog didn't move or protest Trig standing on her. We don't know how many photos were taken over how long of a time period. There was no video . And, she used the photos to illustrate her folk wisdom of using a stumbling block as a step stool . Oh, look at how Trig is a real problem solver. But the real intent was to stir up as much shit storm as she could and try to put the poop on the liberals, Obama, PETA, and vegans. Really, anyone that she hates as that hater is going to hate us. And, we stepped in her crap.

      That Becky Beach with Puppy Jake is an alcoholic. One of her last arrests was in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 19 2011. Public Intoxication. She has a history of driving drunk, She was with the Palins at the Iowa State Fair on August 5, 2011.

      One more thing. The video in the garage with Sarah, the kids the dogs on the red sofa. Thanksgiving time. Jill was not behaving like even a good obedience trained dog. She was jumping up and not doing a down/stay with her boy. And, no one especially Sarah was seeing that the dog was doing the proper commands that need to be practiced consistently with a dog for dependable results. She couldn't manage the kids or the other dogs either.

      Finally, Jill's back. Why is it so swayed? So many large dogs have hip and knee problems. Arthritis and pain in that back. Not enough support to carry the dog over the long haul. Jill should be expected to be Trig's companion for a number of years. What happens if they can't fix what they broke or was caused by a genetic defect. Sometimes we need to put our beloved companions down.....and dammit that hurts.

      RJ in BBistan

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      She really is batcrap crazy. Read the comments under that video; not a single positive comment about sarah. Then read the comments on that same interview over at the pond. Those people MUST be paid to be that stupid. As I have said before, this incident has not worked in her favor.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      RJ anything to stay in the limelight...but her bulb is fading out and she knows it...

  54. Anonymous8:07 AM

    yes Nicole. she gives Us the creeps too. also. Proverbs 9:1-18 to him who lacks sense she says "Come. eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have mixed."


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