Monday, January 26, 2015

Koch brothers plan to spend 889 million dollars in 2016. Did anybody else's blood just run cold?

Courtesy of Politico: 

The Koch brothers’ political operation intends to spend $889 million in the run-up to the 2016 elections, according to an attendee at the operation’s annual winter donor gathering in the California desert. 

The spending goal, shared with donors at a Monday morning session at the Rancho Mirage Ritz Carlton, reflects the sweeping ambition of a private conservative political network that in many ways has eclipsed the power of the official Republican Party.

The $889 million spending goal dwarfs the $404 million the Republican National Committee spent during the 2012 election and the $188 million it dropped during last year’s midterm campaign.

Almost a billion dollars spent by one family in an attempt to buy elections. That should frighten just about everybody. 

Unless of you are the beneficiary of that kind of spending of course.

From this same gathering comes this quote:

“Americans have taken an important step in slowing down the march toward collectivism,” Charles Koch said in his speech, seemingly in reference to the Republican takeover of the Senate during the 2014 midterm elections.  

“But as many of you know, we don’t rest on our laurels. We are already back at work and hard at it! In fact, the work never really ends. Because the struggle for freedom never ends,” Koch said.

You know there is a part of me, a hopeful part of me, that wants to believe in the American voter and trust that they cannot be swayed by enormous ad buys in local markets by outside groups.

But then I remember what happened up here in Alaska this last election cycle, and I know I am being naive.

There is simply no way that Dan Sullivan should have beaten Mark Begich, and simply pit without the Koch brothers and Karl Rove he wouldn't have.

Since the Citizens United decision politics has become a numbers game.

In many ways it has ALWAYS been a numbers game, but these days it is not the number of voters that seems to count, it is the number of dollars spent for each of those voters.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hey Gryphen, we finally have the GREAT Koch Neutralizer!

    It's Sarah Palin, Tea Party and Republican Politics and the lengths the right will go to screw this country over.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      It takes votes people! Not money! People need to get out and vote vs sitting at home on their asses!

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      They can fuck with a lot of machines for 889 million and do not think just voting can stop them.

    3. Anonymous6:47 AM

      I have a feeling they already fucked with the machines in 2014.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Egads! Maybe Sarah will be able to run!

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    " But then I remember what happened up here in Alaska this last election cycle, and I know I am being naive." Yes, the last election cycle ….. where people on this blog got annoyed with the Democratic Party's constant warning that they would be outspent and would lose the senate. Where many, I am sure, did not even bother to vote. Where a post on palin, elicits hundreds of comments but important stuff like this usually gets 20 comments at most.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM


    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      This shouldn't surprise you. There are excellent articles online or videos on YouTube about the Koch Brothers. Most people will opt to watch the Kardashians or the Bachelor.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      In Alaska we end up with the Palins and both Dan Sullivans and Don Youngs and Lisa Murkowskis because good Progressives, Independants and Democrats don't vote.

    4. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I am one that always comments on Palin posts, and here's why. Because, now that the Kochs have her in their pocket, she'll whore herself to get to whatever gets her the most money and attention.

      This should be downright frightening to all of us, and you are correct 4:43 PM and 5:15 PM. That's what they're counting distracted, pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

      When the Supreme Court ruled corporations as people, I knew we were screwed.

    5. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Anonymous5:44 PM,

      "now that the Kochs have her in their pocket" ….who are you kidding. She's always been for sale, whether through the GOP or the Tea Party. She is the shiny object, the distraction, while the real danger is by all the countless groundwork, this money funds at the local level.

    6. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Hence my second paragraph. Don't bitch at me, I had never heard of her until she walked on the stage and started her speech. The sixth sense said, "holy mother of God," and she has done nothing but prove me right.

    7. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Quit worrying about Sarah Palin and The Koch Brothers supporting her. She would never win even with their money behind her! America knows her too well and don't like her! Plus, she has too much baggage. Seriously doubt the brothers would even back her!

      Do you recall that they backed Romney who lost to President Obama? It takes voters, not money folks!

    8. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Oh I'm thinking her little performances rendered her derp, and the "i ruined my face" prop, too.

    9. Anonymous10:14 PM

      6:53 PM, based on the last election, the Democrats have neither money nor voters. And before you say the presidential elections have higher turnout, there better be a HUGE democratic turnout just to break even.

  4. Beyond alarming. Welcome to the neo-feudal age.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Why more Americans are not insulted by this is beyond me............

    1. Maple6:35 AM

      It really shouldn't be so surprising. Americans tend to pay lip service to their god in the sky, but totally kowtow to their real god -- MONEY. It follows that they worship those who have it. Why do I say that? Because anything smacking of fairness, or anything the least "socialistic-sounding" is scorned. Why else would charlatans like Joel Osteen and his prosperity gospel meet with such favour and fervour?

      I despise my current conservative Prime Minister for many reasons, but at least we have election laws that severely limit private and corporate donations, as well as the length of actual campaign time (5 weeks only). It's a free-for-all in the lower 48, and money (and those who have it) rule the day. Democracy has vanished; oligarchy has taken its place.

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM


    Alabama Lawmaker Will Expose Marital Affairs Of ‘Family Values’ Republicans If They Keep Attacking Gays

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    And every time one of the minions strays into "legitimate rape" territory, another million or so Koch dollars goes up in smoke.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      They aren't buying the "legitimate rape" far right nutbags, they are buying the candidates that have the right connections, Mitt, Jeb legacy candidates with strong foundations. The far right wing rabble is only useful to them because it distracts the American public from what is really happening. Just like the doctor who snaps his fingers and gets you to look away while he sticks the needle in your arm.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Jesus, you guys! Remember, they backed Romney and he LOST to President Obama! Their money did not buy that race!! It takes the voters getting out in mass in 2016 to counter their money and it can be done again.

    3. Anonymous11:52 PM



  8. Millions in the world starving and these Rich Pigs decide to do this with their extra money. What a messed up world.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      i agree

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Plenty of people in our own country who are starving and they spend their money to buy more money...and more power.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Republicans throughout America are a pain in the ass and voters need to get out in force in 2016.

      Look what has been accomplished in Greece! America can do the same thing - elect the 'left' - Hillary Clinton in 2016. Gadfree, but I hope she runs! Would love having two President Clintons in the White House!

    4. Anon 6:48pm - Hillary is part of The Family, the dominionist group which includes Brownback, Pryor, et al. Therefore, Hillary is not the candidate I thought she was. Not going to vote for anyone who is part of the Dominionist movement!

  9. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Rolling Stone had a great story about the Bush/Cheney tax reforms that were slipped into law while we were distracted by the shiny, ribbons on our tax rebates. If I was a decade or two younger, I would be looking for a new country to call home. My grandkids can aspire to be serfs for a kindhearted billionaire. It's all good.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Was it this article?

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Yes! Thank you!

  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    No, I'm sorry, but let them spend it, for their exorbitance speaks to the degree of their fear of the thinking human being.

    Fuck them and their mothers.

    1. I believe it was their father who molded them into the persons they are today. I'm hoping he is rotting in hell!

  11. Anonymous5:03 PM

    This is so absurdly wrong. It is not "we the people" who elect the President, but whomever the Kochs want to use to promote their ideals. Somehow this should be stopped.

  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Once you've bought yourself a Senate and a Supreme Court the next logical step is buying the Executive Office. I hope they are unsuccessful, but I doubt they will be.

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hey Gryphen, the Alaskan GOP is throwing a HUGE hissy fit, check this out:

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      First climate change, now penile fracture – polar bears have got it pretty rough. Chemical pollutants may be reducing the density of the bears' penis bones, putting them at risk of breaking this most intimate part of their anatomy.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Lisa Murkowski doesn't represent me in D.C. Boy, did she come across like bitch city on the news tonight! Can't stand watching her!

      President Obama is doing the right thing to protect Alaska against the oil companies and drilling. There are plenty of other places within Alaska that can be drilled! What the fuck is wrong with them?

      Protect the polar bears!

  14. Anonymous5:29 PM


  15. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Speaking of big money...

    Map: Here's How the President's Actions on Immigration Will Impact Your State

    Check out the map below to see exactly how the new steps to fix our broken immigration system will improve the economy in your state:

    WOW, this is impressive. I can't imagine all those GOP governors would turn down this kind of money...oh yeah, they're idiots, they're all SUING President Obama to stop his actions on that's what I call 'cutting off your nose to spite your face'.

    (The idiom to cut off your nose to spite your face means you shouldn’t do something out of spite or revenge that will end up causing more harm to you than to the person with which you are angry. In other words, do not let your overreaction lead to self-harm.)

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    5:16 You beat me to the punch, I have 1 question, how the fuck do you recall Supreme Court Justices, just one of george w bush atrocities. A handful of Democrats kept trying to warn America about the Kochs, maybe now they'll listen, it was the Supreme Court that gave us Bush, now the Kochs Brothers? WAKE UP PEOPLE AND VOTE!!!

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The Palins must be gravely disappointed in Track Palin.

    Cory Davis is about the same age and look how much he can do for their their people.


    New Dan Sullivan ad gleefully mocks Mark Begich’s pathetic snowmobile prowess.

    Kevin Kastner

    Dan Sullivan/Cory Davis

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Seriously? See comment at 4:45 PM.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Do the Koch Bros own Iron Dog and all the Iron Doggies?

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    And just think, Sarah Palin this weekend either lost or earned some of that money. Time will tell.


  19. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I don't buy their products.They are evil SOB's
    I wish a hell exists for them!

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      I boycott their products too, but it will take so much more from the citizens to get these people out of our govt. Yes, they are "in" our govt, in a way the founders never imagined.

      Too many loopholes and SCOTUS decisions have turned us into a country up to the highest bidder. I hate this phrase with a passion, but we really need to take our country back. The only way is to expose them and vote, VOTE.


  20. Anonymous6:03 PM

    We should all be scared; not only for the amount of money they will spend but the number of stupid, low information voters who vote.

  21. Anonymous6:33 PM

    They did their dough in 2012. So did that rich old Jew in Vegas.

    It's a crime that these sub-humans have that amount of money to spend perpetrating evil.

  22. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Cory Davis is an asshole, though.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      He is a functioning asshole. Track Palin isn't a combat vet or a functioning asshole. He must have really broken Sarah's heart, to think she had to go around all that time acting like he was such a warrior body and all that. Posing the imbecile with sniper's like Dakota Myers, Boy he must owe her and look what he did....

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      What does that have to do with the Kochs?

  23. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Remember, their money didn't help Mitt Romney! Americans need to get out and vote - especially Democrats and Independents in a significant run up against Republicans!

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Of course their money helped Mitt Romney. You think the election would have been anywhere as close as it was without their money? Think about it. Mitt Romney. Mr. Roboto.

  24. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Well here's some good news!

    Republicans got a taste of their own medicine as Senate Democrats successfully filibustered an attempt by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to end the debate on the bill to authorize the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

  25. Anonymous6:43 PM

    This guy is one of the Koch brother's minions and get a load of what he wrote! It's cold, cruel and downright shocking. I mean what you can say but WTF???

    End Obamacare, and people could die. That’s okay.

    ...Repealing Obamacare could — although wouldn’t necessarily — result in more people dying. But it clearly would not be immoral.

    But then he gets taken to task:

    This conservative op-ed confirms the immorality of repealing Obamacare

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I just watched "Koch exposed" the other of them had prostrate CA and I guess is cured. Lucky him he has to $ to buy the best drs.s...BASTARD But if you look at the pics of these two SOB's they don't look too healthy...
      maybe they will drop death sooner than later....

    2. Anonymous6:20 AM

      It's prostate.

  26. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Speaking of Koch brothers and their devoted slaves, here we have an example of where that money is sure to go:

    Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Emerges As The Republican Candidate To Fear Most

    ...Scott Walker is a candidate the Democrats need to be concerned about. While hard-line conservatives may be drawn to right-wing firebrands like Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin, they are not viable candidates. Walker, on the other hand, has already proven his mettle, time and again, as a gubernatorial candidate in Wisconsin, a Midwest swing state. Walker’s policies are every bit as right wing as those proposed by the likes of Cruz and Palin. The problem for Democrats, however, is that unlike those carnival barkers, Walker cannot be easily dismissed. He doesn’t just talk about right-wing ideas, he enacts them. This makes him a dangerous candidate, rather than just an ideologically driven circus sideshow, like many of his competitors.

    The Wisconsin Governor can point to his “successes” to impress Republican primary voters. He has been able to pass strict voter ID laws, defund Planned Parenthood, bust unions, and cut state taxes. These are the types of accomplishments that will gain him admiration from conservative voters. Unlike, many of the other candidates, Walker is capable of uniting the establishment wing and the tea party wing of the GOP. This fusion of the two competing GOP camps gives Walker the ability to forge a winning coalition during the Republican caucus and primary season.

  27. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Death to the Koch's. The same thing they want for the weakest and most vulnerable of my hard fought for country. These men are not americans, they are opportunistic low life power

  28. Anonymous6:51 PM

    But, but, but...

    WHY do all you haters hate these two gosh-darn Ammurkan PATRIOTS who pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps (which they made theirownselves from the hides of the cows they raised, even tanning the leather by candlelight).

    They started with nothing but some raggedy clothes and a few scraps of bread. They worked weeks and months and even years without ever sleeping or eating or going to the potty just so they could become gajillionaires and buy up our whole country and build their own compounds that look just like the pretty castles in Cinderella.

    These PATRIOTIC heroes will even permit the rest of us (for a small fee, of course, and only on the first Tuesday of the month) to gaze over the castle walls and past the moat from our part of the country (which looks suspiciously like the location shots from Thunderdome).

    Don't be a hater.

    Koch for Emperor!

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Is that you, Beldar? LOL
      Spot on, 8:51 PM

    2. Boscoe9:44 PM

      They started with nothing but a mega rich father whom they had to wait for to DIE and then a clutch of brothers whom they had to backstab and battle until only they two remained to control the wealth. Stare into their cold, soulless, feral eyes and understand that ultimate greed knows no bounds...

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      7:50 -
      No I am not Beldar, but I will take it as a great compliment to be mistaken for him.

  29. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Methinks she screwed herself over this last interviews tonight, nothing on talk radio. Pee pond going crazy. Awaiting Jon Stewart......

    1. Anonymous2:50 AM


    2. Anonymous2:56 AM

  30. Anonymous7:22 PM

    But Koch doesn't vote in Alaska. I don't see how that can be. I know a lot of people who voted for Sullivan

  31. Anonymous7:37 PM


    Her helper (Brother Chuck?) is doubling down on the crazy.

    Madison Rising is back and repeat photos of her last drunken night.

    1. Anonymous1:14 AM

      "We be bold"!!! BWAHAHAHAHA. If your back isn't bent, the man can't ride you!!!

  32. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Even if she runs and wins. The world power will change as we know it. Mark my words, the US will no longer be a world power even with money.

  33. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Ug her brother. What an idiot.

  34. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Where will scary money go? Bush?......wait ROTFLOL!

  35. Let's make sure they get a carp return on their investment. Boycott koch products and candidates.

  36. Anonymous12:12 AM

    'For a long while now, Palin has not so much contributed arguments and ideas as she has thrown together a one-woman variety show for a band of traveling fans. One part free verse, one part Dada-laden ressentiment, and one part primal scream therapy, Palin’s appearances seem to be designed less to advance the ball for the Right and more to ensure that her name remains in the news, that her business opportunities are not entirely foreclosed, and that her hand remains strong enough to justify her role as kingmaker without portfolio.'

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Well, she's on Hannity tonight.

  37. Anonymous3:59 AM

    They own the Republican Party; they own the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. Now they want to own the White House itself. Should they succeed, we will never be the same country, for corporatism and fascism will have finally come to our shores. These two men are dangerous, they are cowardly, they couldn't care less about the country, the people or the planet. They are evil incarnate.

  38. Anonymous6:14 AM

    That is so fucking ridiculous. These assholes could be humanitarians. Think of what GOOD 889 million could for the US. That is over 2 million per person in the US.
    Mind blowing.

  39. Anonymous11:38 AM

    It's really too bad that most liberals don't own guns....cause the Koch blocks need some serious sniper action.

  40. Anita Winecooler3:45 PM

    I'll remember this when menopause kicks in.

  41. How come none of this $889 million trickles down into the economy. Does it just get recycled back into some political war chest? Because I would think that waiters, pizza parlors, rental on hotel convention centers, etc would direct this money back into the economy and produce some jobs, buy some goods, show up somewhere.

    So, what happens to it?

    If trickle down really worked, wouldn't we see some results from this big of an expenditure?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.