Friday, January 16, 2015

Let's take a moment to talk Babygate.

March 14, 2008
I thought it might be a good idea to give all of you an update as to where I am on chasing my own personal white whale.

Toward that end I am pleased to report that I have three entirely separate angles that I am working right now with three entirely different sources. For at least two of these sources there is a timing component which is completely out of my hands, so all I can do is sit patiently and trust that when the time comes they will deliver as promised. 

I am of course being my usual cautious self so that I do not push too hard and frighten anybody away.

And trust me that ain't easy. But the stakes are high.

In my opinion at least two of these sources could blow the babygate thing wide open. And I mean wide open. (Oh I should mention that there is a fourth source that I am trying to locate which has information that is equally explosive, but I am not holding out much hope of locating them for right now.)

So I thought this might be good time to revisit what I do and do not know about Trig's mysterious birth.

Well one thing I know for certain is that the lady on the left did not give birth to him on April 18, 2008.

March 26, 2008.
Not really any question about that if you simply use your eyes.

I am also almost certain that Bristol did not give birth to Trig either. Not in April, nor before.

Now I am not saying that she did not have a baby before Tripp, but if she did it was almost definitely not Trig.

I base that on the observations of a number of people, most of who would love to tell me if she was the mother.

At this point my working theories are that Trig is either entirely unrelated to the family, or, as my source postulated, Todd's kid with another woman.

I have actually come to terms with the fact that we may NEVER know who Trig's real birth mother is, and have instead decided that the important thing to focus on is the false pregnancy and birth story. And that is a goal that I am getting closer to all of the time.

April 13, 2008.
Another thing we may not every know for certain is exactly why Palin did this.

I have entertained a variety of theories, from cementing her pro-life credentials, to protecting a family member, to simply trying to put gossip to rest before being tapped by John McCain. But as for definitive proof, currently there is little.

I sometimes wonder just how much proof it will take to convince the public at large that this hoax actually took place, and how much it will take to convince the MSM that it is not only news worthy, but explosively so.

I have to admit that I really thought we had just about done that back in 2011, with those Juneau pictures.  But after a couple of weeks of excitement on the blogs, it just kind of faded away.

Ultimately it is not enough that I offer the evidence here on IM, it has to go national. And it has to have real evidence that cannot be simply ignored, or dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

Hopefully, if every thing goes right, that is what I am about to come up with.

So when I do I am counting on all of you to help me get it out to the news agencies and websites that will help it to get national attention.

Boy won't that be a great day?


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I will gladly tweet and post and email it far and wide

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      G... Sarah had a "TooBull"?
      Case closed.
      Tubal ligation. She could not drives kids to school.

    2. NO it's not case closed.

      That tubal ligation information came to us as an anonymous tip. Sadly that proves nothing.

      However I will tell you that it is one of the angles I am working. No promises though.

    3. GrannyMe11:19 PM

      fyi, there HAVE been instances where women have gotten preggers after a tubal. Back when DH & I got married (2nd time for me), my next door neighbor on one side & near neighbor on the other EACH became pregnant after tubals. These weren't recent tubals either--at least 5 years old. The next door neighbor had a girl; the other neighbor had a miscarriage. Don't think I wasn't a little freaked out by that.

      That said, there's no way SP had Trig. Just the logistics of the Wild Ride itself precludes that little scenario.

    4. Anonymous4:35 AM

      If her medical records had been released as they should have been, the case would be closed. What is in those records?
      Likely tubal ligations, psych meds, psych admits??
      Too bad no one tried to file suit to get them released, but it didn't matter as they lost the election. But, had McCain won, I am going to beleive that there would have been lawsuits to get the records revealed. So, for security reasons, she would have been stripped of her crown early.

    5. London Bridges4:57 AM

      If Sarah had actually become pregnant after having had a tubal, what would she have come up with? She would have boasted, "It's is God's will! God came (pun?) to me and made me pregnant, EVEN AFTER have had a tooble, so I could bring this special (politically) gift-prop-child into the world. A miracle! God loves me!" However, since was faking the pregnancy, she was too scared to publicize the tooball. The Immaculate Deception!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Thank Zeus you are still working on this, Gryphen! It really chaps my hide that the media wouldn't go near this story when it really mattered, but if you uncover something incontrovertible, they won't be able to ignore it. Better late than never!

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I just can't wait until you take this unholy pitbull out, Gryphen. Tomorrow would not be too soon!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    March 26 - a small bulge
    April 18 - a 6+ lb baby

    The proof is there. Sarah Palin did not have a baby in April 2008.

    Why did she do it? She's a sociopath.

    But Sarah Palin is too stupid to pull off the charade. Who ELSE profited from the deception? That's the key. "Follow the money." (as said by Deep Throat in all the President's Men - hoarse voice in creepy parking garage)

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Lowell Bud Paxson has the answer.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      March 14 fuckin flat as a pancake!!!
      No pregnancy progresses like this for christs sake - unless you are in an Alien movie. OrPpod People movie.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      If there's a hell, he's in it.

    4. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Lowell Bud Paxson (April 17, 1935 – January 9, 2015)

    5. Anonymous5:15 PM

      5:01 Yeah too bad he died last week.

    6. Anonymous5:25 PM

      5:01- I believe this to be true. After all , the boy is named after him. And if he knows, then Gramps McCain knows. Or even put her up to it. Can't wait to see her try and defend this.

    7. Anonymous5:45 PM

      5:15 PM Vicki Iseman is still alive, and Thomas VAN Flein is still alive. They were both part of the Hoax.

    8. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace know the truth too.

    9. Anonymous6:26 PM

      G--- I know you're a big reader, too, as many of your IM peeps are here as well. Just a suggestion...Get your head out of this Palin thing for the long weekend ahead and read "Compromised: Clinton, Bush & the CIA" by Terry Reed & John Cummings".

      It's not a new release, published 20 years ago (1994, I believe), in fact. I've been researching Contra-Iran since the Contra hearings w Ponndexter, McFarlane, Ollie North (John Cathey), Barry Seal, et al.

      It's not a long read, and there is some he-said she-said score-settling done bc of the turf battles between CIA, FBI, DIA, DEA, IRS, so it's got some of the usual BS that you can weed out for yourself. But, the way the state of AR was used by the Agency sounds like it could've been cast by any number of Republican state govs & their admins in the early-mid 2000s. While reading of how the op was carried out, it was so similar to the scandals (and potential scandals narrowly averted that have been exposed or that were obviously covered up or minimized) in AL, VA, & AK.

      There are some similar themes which seem to repeat in cycles over & over. Some of the participants (agencies) are the same each time; although the individuals are new, the profile of these participants is always consistent. They are greedy, ruthless, and compromised.

      This isn't a be-all or end-all scholarly written expose'. But I'm certain there are some obvious clues to at least a couple of your big questions. There's also some good background on the upcoming battle between Hillary & Bush in 2016. Everyone else will just be noise and distractions. The narrative almost writes itself. Hope this helps.

    10. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Hey Willow wherever you are, do you have any idea of how rich you could be right now ? you know everything that happened, only you can pull it off b think about it Willow

    11. Anonymous9:40 PM

      At the time Clinton was governor of Arkansas, George H.W. Bush was HEAD of the CIA. So if there were CIA 'problems', you are looking at the wrong person.

  5. Anonymous4:49 PM


    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Isn't it a scream?
      She thought she could get away with it.
      You gladly took the Judas money, $arah,
      that it's not turning out well for you is scriptural.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I will work my behind off to get the word out! I live for the day that Sarah Palin is proven to be a liar & fraud!

  7. Damn, more of the same, just rehashed. I want to see Palin go down to, but I doubt it will be by you and your anonymous sources. C4P has nothing on you for throwing raw meat out to your followers.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      DGM, somebody making you read this blog?

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Big difference. gryphen deals in reality. C4P deals in fantasy.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      You are not invited to the after party.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Gryphen, is shevreferring to you?
      She is the IM troll who many call Alicia.Saw her posting on c4p and this on raw story:
      13 minutes ago
      Um, besides a few public appearance SARAH makes, no one in her family pursues public life. They've been living and working solely in Alaska in over a year, yet a blogger who has lied in the past stalks them and continues to make their positive pictures public and desperately tries to distort them. NOTHING moral about that. it's creepy and weird

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Count me in .I have a so so network .Every bit can be helpful eh?
    Let's take witch down.

  9. Anonymous4:59 PM

    What is Troll McCrazy Pants going to chime in with this time.

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    D orks G et M ad As Trig says, "BULLSHIT"!!! You are a Palin Troll and you don't fool anybody with your tripe.

  11. Anonymous5:04 PM

    4:52 DGM "... I want to see Palin go down too..."

    And what, exactly, DGM are you personally doing to achieve that end, other than whining?

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      DGM meant to say that he "wants her to go down on him".

  12. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OT/ TURTLEDOVE89 at c4p is our "they all have jobs, live private lives, etc" troll. She is at raw story ranting on their comments about Amazing America review! At least we know one of her screen names!

  13. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Don't listen to the people who laugh at you, Gryph, just keep doing what you know in your heart is the right thing and be safe. At this point, she's doing a great enough job destroying herself and her reputation all by her lonesome. Behind you always.

  14. Anonymous5:07 PM

    When you have all your ducks in order, Andrew Sullivan will listen to you. He has a huge, and growing, international audience for his website, and he has the ear of the Washington establishment. He's already shown that he's open to this argument, but won't go forward with it until you have as much evidence pulled together as you can.

    The vast public will only listen to this story once more. Palin is such old and discredited news that she needs just one more example of her fecklessness and recklessness and she'll be, finally, toast.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      That's Bayonce fake pregnancy deal is the only thing comparable to Sarah's hoax.

    2. Anonymous3:44 AM

      What's with the far right and Beyonce this week? Is she the celebrity to diss this week, because of Huckabee, the father of the Boy Scout camp counselor who helped hang a dog for fun?

      There's a world of difference here, Anon at 7:41 pm. Sarah Palin used her fake pregnancy as a way to garner votes in the presidential campaign of 2008. A kind of primitive voter fraud and she's continued the fraud ever since, grifting money from people who think she's so great for raising (???) a DS child.

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      TO: Anonymous7:41 PM

      Beyonce WAS pregnant. Don't continue to spread the lie that she wasn't. That's not cool.

  15. Anonymous5:08 PM

    i'd bet we could bribe chuck_tard jr with a couple hundred bux and he'd spill the beans/rat his crosseyed sis out ...

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Chucktard won't spill a thing. He's on the grifting payroll.

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      I doubt he even knows. Heck, FRANK thinks Trig is Sarah's and he saw the whole family that whole time

    3. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Too bad her forgotten sisters don't speak out. They remind me of battered women.

  16. Anonymous5:09 PM

    How do you explain this photo? It's Bristol in a revealing bright blue dress when she was on DWTS. Everyone else who went on DWTS lost weight, sometimes as much as 20 pounds. Bristol appears to be the only one to gain lots of weight through strenuous practice and dancing.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      That was AFTER Trig and Tripp. He said Trig is not Bristols. That doesn't mean she didn't have other babies.

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I explain it by Brisket being pregnant. But it doesn't have anything to do with SP's fake pregnancy or pretending to be TriG's bio mother because it happened a year or two later.

    3. London Bridges5:22 AM

      I always thought rolling out Trig with an obviously fake pregnancy was done to cover up a recent abortion performed on one of her daughters. You cannot run as a Rethug candidate if you or an immediate family member had had an abortion. The original idea might have been for Sara to miscarry, but then the ultimate solution came up: Birth a down syndrome child: the ultimate right-to-life prop. Everyone would think it was Bristol's or Willow's kid. No one would consider the abortion angle, and the down's child would make Sarah a star. Might have worked if they has duct taped Sarah's lips shut until after the election, too, also! Remember, it was a common practice to send away a preggo daughter and then have grandma raise the child as her own. Not so much when grandma was running for VP of USA. Then, when the faked preggo scheme was becoming apolitical issue by itself, the cure was to let Bristol get preggo ASAP.

    4. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Interesting angle!

    5. London Bridges7:41 AM

      To further clarify, Sarah faked it to be able to account for what happened to Bristol's baby, the nine month mono child. There were rumors, ya know! Gossip!

  17. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Thank you.
    Get it done!!
    I hope it is related to CBJ not being qualified to be a high risk OB and not being at MatSu that day.
    The headline can be: Sarah Palin 's Tri-G Hoax: Doctor she says induced the birth and deliver her 5th baby was at a different hospital. (In big letters). Subheading: CBJ not qualified and was not a HR OB.
    I have always known this was the major key indisputable way to break this fucker open.
    Good luck.
    Your sources are doing the US agreat favor.
    I wonder if CBJ is afraid that Toad may off her since she is the weakest link in this. Sure hope her family will not let them get away with it.
    And to CBJ I say:
    Do the RIGHT THING.
    Fess up before it breaks. You have let Sarah wag the dog too long now.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I'm sure CBJ was paid well to cover. Those that couldn't morally ended up dead.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I wonder how CBJ, who seems to care so much about abused and neglected kids, can stand to look at how Trig is treated.

    3. Martha again4:30 AM

      I'm a huge let's-get-it-done person as far as Babygate goes, but that hospital record was misread and is no proof. Look at the entries around Cathy's, and you'll see that it shows what happened the next night.

  18. Anonymous5:10 PM

    It's clear from that March 26th picture that she has a band of some sort under her grey top, and it's catching at both the top and the bottom. It was her first "pregnancy belly" -- showing what she might look like at four months, to, instead, pretend she was at 6+ months with her 7th pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM



  19. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I wish you the best and hope that you have some rock solid evidence that at least he didn't come from Sarah's vagina.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Trig Palin may have saved the world."

  21. Anonymous5:13 PM

    There are emails of Governor Palin telling her staff to get out ahead of rumors that Bristol was pregnant. The timing had nothing to do Bristol expecting Tripp. The timing would coincide with Bristol being pregnant with Trig (or she was pregnant but did not give birth to Trig but another child-- )

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Maybe the point was to start rumors, to deflect from a less savory truth.

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      7:09 PM

      That is what the Heath's do alright. Todd's side is no doubt well schooled in deflecting. He is from Dillingham area and that community is ingrained in him.

      If Trig is related to Todd, well that could be a big mess.

      For starters Trig's DNA and Sarah's will work just fine.

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      7:35 - are you saying Todd and Sarah are related, through genetics? How?

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      No, I think 7:35 is saying that comparing Trig and Sarah's DNA would show there is no way Sarah could be Trig's biological mom. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    5. Anonymous11:02 PM

      As early as April 08 Bristol was telling her friends she was pregnant. This is common knowledge.

    6. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Dillingham is a good place. Remember jon Corbett? That 2010 pebble mine picture. A good friend of Todd's mom and family and has written before how it's sad how the media has tried to destroy a good family?

    7. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Jon frequently wrote to Bristol on fb before she and her cousin permanently deleted that her nana blanche must love her son up

    8. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Turtledroppings, do you live in Dillingham? Have family there? Friends? Anyone? Screw Dillingham, have you ever been to Alaska? No you have not. Your Alaskan expertise exists in your head only.

      Jon Corbett, your boyfriend? Ex boyfriend? Friend? Acquaintance? Family member? FB buddy? Never met him either?

      Another town that you don't know a damn thing about and yet you fancy yourself an expert.

      Another person that you have stalked that you don't know and never will. Yet you are a Jon Corbett expert. The only thing you know about this man is what you have read at all of the gossip sites and any little tid bit you picked up by stalking him. Flounder away little turtle. You will never be able to flip your stupid self off of your back.

  22. Anonymous5:14 PM

    We don't NEED to know who the birth mother is. We only need to show that it wasn't Palin. She lied. The story she wrote in her book and which she told ad infinitum for money is a lie. Why did she lie? It will unravel from there.
    Eye on the prize. Get the ball rolling with the MatSu CBJ induction lie and it unravels from there.

  23. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'll repeat: Sarah Palin, you are just one snitch away from losing the one thing you cannot buy...

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      No, she's not, because Gryph is nothing but a big tease. He's had SIX YEARS to get the story together and out to the public, SIX YEARS.

    2. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Um actually, every person in Alaska had the power to reveal this. Gryphen is one of the few (or only) Alaskan with balls to go public . CBJs coworkers at Providence could have said something like : Hmm, how did she induce Sarah at MatSu if she was in Providence? All the people who work at MatSu OB who knew there was no baby born to Sarah had the power and there is a way around HIPAA. The MatSU hospital administration had the power, except they abused it. CBJ had the power as did her husband. It is a huge cover up, with ealed records and all sorts of nefarious dealings. 8 years out is extremely hard, but had people acted sooner it would have been easier. The only aspect that makes it a tad easier now is the statutes of limitations is over so if people speak out, they can't get shut down.
      The most unsavory to me is CBJ though. She has an ethical moral responsibility to tell the truth and she didn't. How she can justify Tri_G's lack of therapies and abuse (bullshit hahahahaha) when she SPECIALIZES in abused kids really confounds all the professionals I know.

  24. Anonymous5:19 PM

    DNA... even Maury will tell you that,
    how many times has he said...YOU ARE NOT..the baby momma/daddy... without that ..nothing...
    how hard can it be to find something palin gooberd on?
    the kid is a non stop goober trail..
    any PI worth a nickel could have the goods in a week

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM


    2. Suzy Q6:50 PM

      DNA is the answer; may be the reason Palin has no friends. The friends might take the red Solo cup to the lab and Trig's bullshit pacifier also, too.

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I know someone has taken DNA. Was it preserved with integrity?

    4. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Can't imagine any reputable lab would DNA test bodily parts for a complete stranger apart from an official law enforcement situation. Invasion of privacy and ethical ethics issues. Use your head.

    5. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Label it with false names? If they can lie for the lord, we can too! Use a number for ID and not a name.

  25. Anonymous5:48 PM

    She used a child with Down Syndrome to advance her political career. This is no mystery. It's clear as day. She had nothing herself to offer -- no brain, no experience, no political skill, no eloquence, no real college degree -- so she grabbed a child with Down Syndrome to tote around in front of her in order to hide her sorry self, and also as a sure way to appeal to her and McCain's base without having to reveal who she really is and what a failure of a person she is. The child generated an absolutely perfect distraction and facilitated the creation a perfect false image. Her stupid fans are hypnotized by that illusion, that masterpiece of fakery, to this day. My goodness, it is so damned obvious!

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Sarah was McCain's VP candidate not to appeal to his base but to the base that McCain needed to get enough conservative support to have any chance at all of winning the election. Bad decision by McCain.

  26. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I think the kid belongs to toad and one of his g/f, maybe even his mistress, or maybe even sara's own father and some young hooha.

  27. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Barstool is very fertile and then there's Willard...
    BUT, the kid has DS so something tells me it belongs to a druggie or some old fart or it could be alcohol syndrome, OR all in he family.... hmmmmmm

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      This argument was put to rest years ago. The child we know today as Trig is definitely DS, and, while the incidence of DS increases with maternal age, more DS babies are born to young mothers than to older mothers (because so many more babies are born to young mothers.) When I had my first child, the woman I shared a room with had just had a DS child, and she was very young.

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Actually teens have a very high risk of giving birth to a baby with DS.

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Ugh. No offense but you are very uneducated about DS. Do some reading.

    4. Anonymous4:51 AM

      I work with many many DS kids and babies as they get leukemia. 90% are born to young mothers in my experience.

  28. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Could belong to trick/track & a family member, thus the messed up gene. Therefore the deep dark secret will ALWAYS be a DEEP DARK secret...shhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Anonymous11:01 PM

      shhhhh lol sadaksjslkdfjlkf

  29. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I'm a supporter but sometimes I cringe when you telegraph your punches. Just like the last "source post" with no new info and no revelations I kind of wish you'd just surprise us when the big nugget of info falls into your hands. It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, surprise us! Most of us check here daily a few times and we'd rather be surprised than have a great buildup, like two weeks ago, and then have nothing delivered that wasn't already known. I know I'll get beat up by some for this comment but I have to believe that there are other long time readers and commenters that feel exactly the same.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I think in this case it is good, esp if it pertains to CBJ. She is the weak link that could fess up with real pressure.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I think it wasn't so much "new revelations" as confirmation by in insider. Remember, much of what we "know" is just posted here by anons who say they live in Alaska, or their cousin's in-laws know the Palins- just speculation. Having such speculation verified is a step forward, even if it's a small step.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      You do Western Union, Gryph? Well, I'll be!

    4. Anonymous9:14 PM

      I can't say you're wrong.

  30. Anonymous5:58 PM

    The woman should just come clean so that sick speculating can stop...but then she's a nasty sick woman so it may be ok with her..EWWWWW

    1. Anonymous11:01 PM

      except no one cares. except the 20 people here.

    2. Anonymous4:54 AM

      11:01 keep telling that to yourself so you can keep water down so you don't dehydrate fromt he loose shits and so that you can sleep. The US public will EAT THIS HOAX up when it is revealed and on the news 24/7 for a few days. Then the smart progressive talking heads like Rachel and Jon Stewart will delve into the deeper issue of the danger of how this whole fiasco was the GOP.

  31. Anonymous5:58 PM

    While I have never been on top of this story, it seems to me that Palin used the birth--of whatever origin--to appease the right-wing with a display of faux-Christianity and nothing more. You could have given her any baby and she'd have done the same thing. This is deceit, ego, blasphemy, and opportunism at its absolute worst, no matter where the child came from.

    I hope she truly gets what's coming to her. Not only for this, but for every fucking stupid act of intellectual dishonesty she has perpetrated.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      And hauling a Down Syndrome infant on the campaign trail instead of doing the intensive therapy that would have made so much difference is the absolute worst, also, too.

  32. Anonymous6:05 PM

    If Gov.McConnell (Georgia) could get 2 years for taking gifts, what would Sarah Palin (while Governor of AK) get for lying to the American public during a Vice Presidential campaign? Writing a book of lies? Paid speaking for pro-life and women's groups, lying about the her birth story?

    Agree, it's not about who Trig's mother is; it's about a great hoax perpetrated by a political leader of the United States. It's not just a scandal, it's a crime. She knowingly lied and took money and opportunities based on her pro-life cred and received thousands of gifts and well-wishes. She didn't stop there, she pushed the envelope and incriminated many people in her scheme. As governor, she used her Office to derail anyone who tried to expose the truth. Government of AK staff trying to squash rumors, the whole thing would put her in jail.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Do you mean Gov. McDonnell in VA?

    2. GrannyMe8:28 PM

      You are, of course, referring to Gov. McDonnell of Virginia. Granted, Georgia has its fair share of shady politicians, but Transvaginal Bob is the Old Dominion's very own.

      As for Sarah's little problems with ethics, all these organizations would have to sue her individually in order to reclaim any compensation. Lying, per se, isn't against the law.

      Since she appears to have no shame, complete humiliation probably wouldn't keep her down very long either. There are always going to be those who will remain loyal to her. Or at least their fantasy of her. Reality won't change their minds in the least.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      I have no doubt whatsoever that Sarah lied about this, just like everything else. But since when is lying a crime (unless one lies to Congress or a law enforcement official)? No way am I defending this horrible woman, merely trying to keep the convo in a logical and accurate vein.

    4. Martha again4:34 AM

      McCain must have known also. I'd like to put that war monger DOWN. If he were US President now, we'd be in the biggest world war ever. He wants to throw bombs everywhere. Who could ever trust his judgment?

    5. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Excellent comment 6:05 . And some day the course description for the class taught on this event in eleite colleges will read as you just wrote above!!

  33. Anonymous6:09 PM

    So glad you are not focused on who the birth mother is. Or what palin's motive was. I have long thought that was irrelevant to the major issue, which is hoaxing a nation in an election, and that highly placed enablers knew about it and enabled it. That's why no comment from McCain, and why the kibosh on this story by the mainstream media: Too many guilty accomplices who would rather just forget it.

    Palin's ridiculous role is interesting, but the importance of this is how far and how crooked the backroom boys and VIPs of the GOP will go to manipulate the minds of the stupid and the minimally aware.

    I think the existing photos tell the story as well as the yet-to-be-gathered DNA, but the trouble is figuring out how to get anyone to print it and talk about what it means. When you cheat and lie all the way to a dead end, as the GOP are trying so hard to do, it is not that easy to discuss it in detail because really it is quite dull. If only it weren't so important in terms of honest elections.

    Go Mr G! Thx for the update. It is my white whale also!!

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      "Palin's ridiculous role is interesting, but the importance of this is how far and how crooked the backroom boys and VIPs of the GOP will go to manipulate the minds of the stupid and the minimally aware."

    2. Martha again4:34 AM

      Wow! EXCELLENT!!!!!

  34. Suzy Q6:29 PM

    I'll help get the word out. I would also like to know why?
    It's not too hard to believe that Sarah could get away with her con job in a country where you have Joel and Victoria Olsteen conning people for the past 20 years and building a Mega church empire with other people's money. I'm afraid the "statutes of limitations" will run out by the time anything is proven. By "statutes of limitations" I mean that nobody will remember and nobody will care who or what Sarah Palin was or did. If nothing else I would like to see Andrew Sullivan's good name be avenged for the beating he took in the fall of '08 for daring to ask questions. And then I would like to see all those young "journalists" who made a pact not to ask questions to eat crow. And the "journalists" up there in Alaska should have been more inquiring. They could have been the Woodward and Bernstein of our time. Sarah is the useful idiot to some high-powered person out there otherwise she would have been silenced by now.

  35. Anonymous6:37 PM

    My hunch has always been Todd as the father and a fling gone wrong.

    Sarah could weather the storm of a pregnant daughter and milk it in fact. As she certainly did. Made her look like the poor beleagured mom who supported her child thru her very tough time. But, just try explaining a straying hubby when one is trying to sell an image of an oh so perfect 'Christian' patriotic family. No dice with the crowd she was after.

    I bet CBJ has had many sleepless nights worrying that her role in this charade may be exposed at the risk of her reputation and perhaps her livelihood.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Especially not an easy image to sell when it would put her in the same boat as Hilary

  36. Randall6:42 PM

    In that top photo...
    the lady on the right...
    is that a halo over her head?

    heh heh

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I "see" that also, Randall. It's an interesting, obviously staged, family pose. Piper, Todd, Willow and Sarah all touching or leaning towards each other, all with rather nice smiles. Bristol stands to the side, a thin lipped expression on her un-appealing face, hands clasped under her protuding belly.

      I actually preferred Bristol's natural face over her new one that was obtained by plastic surgery at a young age. IMO she's unrecognizable now, but maybe Bristol doesn't want to be reminded of her earlier self when she looks in the mirror.

    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      Bristol looks the same just a few years older. She looks identical to some 2006 pictures from the gov ball.

    3. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Anon at 11:01 pm. Give up; the world knows that Bristol changed her face shape. Unfortunately because she was quite pretty earlier.

    4. Anonymous4:59 AM

      11:01 except for the chin and the eyebrows and the nose tip...............

    5. Anonymous6:03 AM

      11:01 PM

      You should be tested for lead poisoning. Your cognitive functions are severely compromised. For starters, you think up is down, left is right, and Bristol's face hasn't been surgically altered.

  37. Anonymous6:45 PM

    You've kept the lamplight burning all these years, Gryphen, with your loyal band of followers.
    I think that, as the GOP scrum for the 2016 nomination gets underway, someone, somehow -- a Republican -- will find it in his best interests to undermine John McCain, and this may be the way to do it. Never fear: I think the time is coming.

    Most people will shrug: who cares? But those who maintain a nominal belief in truth and honesty will care. A lot of male journalists didn't want to get involved because it was all about pregnancy and birth and -- what did they know about any of that? It was all too icky and "down there" for them to concentrate on, while a great big story was going undetected, because they were too lily-livered to take it on.
    I think the gloves will be off this year, with one Repug taking down another, and the cover-up will be part of the attack.
    The more Palin tries to keep herself in the public eye, the more this story will have importance. She's done for, within a year or so.

  38. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I feel so bad for Trig, that poor kid. And Jill looks like a sweetheart.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      As someone with DS in our family, I do, too, on both counts.

    2. Anonymous11:00 PM

      Why would you feel badly for someone who's only know happiness and love every day of his life?

    3. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Anon at 11:00 pm. Trig has not "only know[n] happiness and love every day of his life" if he has not received the best therapies available in the country since his birth and we know, by Sarah Palin's own admission, that he has not. He has not "only know[n] happiness and love every day of his life" if his adult siblings think it's funny to teach him inappropriate words when he otherwise cannot speak much.

      You may really like Sarah Palin but you have to be honest about this one matter. For whatever reasons, Sarah Palin faked her last pregnancy and the fraud must be revealed.

    4. Anonymous5:03 AM

      11:00 because his family treats him like an idiot, encouraging him to say "bullshit" and laughing at him when he does? For posting photos of him stepping on a dog and not teaching him NOT to step on animals? And then having his "mother" going on TV and repeatedly stating that his service dog was TRAINED to be stepped on? And having his "sister" or "aunt swear on his DS life??
      These examples come quickly to mind for why we feel sorry for him.

  39. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper or any other Palins or Heaths, maybe one of you can put to rest how Sarah Palin has a seat cushion looking stomach on the picture above dated March 26, 2008.

    Then look at the above picture dated April 13, 2008, how did Sarah Palin's belly grow that fast in 17 days? From flat almost nonexistent stomach to a full pregnant belly?

    22 days after the seat cushion picture taken on March 26th, Sarah supposedly gave birth to Trig on April 18, 2008

    Is this a phenomenon that only happens in Wasilla?

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      And we know it had nothing to do with her great "abs."

  40. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Me thinks Todd had a baby with a prostitute and Sarah had to accept the baby in her house or the prostitute would tell her story to the press about how the governor of Alaska's husband had a baby with a prostitute which would ruin Sarah Palin's image and a chance at the presidency.

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      It would be to easy to have a prostitute taken care of. I can't see Sarah dealing with a prostitute's child unless they were somehow close and much more to it.

  41. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Anonymous6:45 PM
    I feel so bad for Trig, that poor kid. And Jill looks like a sweetheart.


    What about poor Bristol? If Trig is Bristol's half brother it would be shitty if Todd let Bristol take the abuse all these years. Sarah would be shitty too if Sarah let Bristol take the abuse all these years knowing that Trig is Todd's baby from another woman.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      There is no such thing as "poor Bristol." Whatever her role was in this, she has been paid well to keep silent and snark at anyone who dares question. Like mother, like daughter.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Anon 8:15, I am Anon 7:34. You brought up a good point and I stand corrected.

      Anybody who is aware of this charade and remains quiet and gets chastised deserves it.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      You lost me at Poor Bristol...

    4. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Sarah is such a jealous, jealous woman that I just can't see her accepting another woman's baby into her family and treating him as her own. Her grandson, yes, but some "harlot" that got knocked up by her husband, I can see her drowning that baby before she treated it as her own.

    5. Anonymous10:32 PM

      At one time I would have agreed with 'poor Bristol'. But she has proven herself, through her own words and deeds, on video tape, that she is one nasty, mean little b!tch. She was given a poor hand in life with Scarah as a mother, but what has she done with it? It seems she has only tried to follow in her mother's nasty lowlife footsteps. I would waste no sympathy on her, not a drop.

    6. Anonymous10:59 PM

      There is "poor bristol" just from the slander about her

    7. Anonymous11:03 PM

      If Tri-G is Todd's and some other woman's -- whether a prostitute or whatever -- there was more to protect than just Sarah's image of a happy, uber-christian family: there was Sarah's self-image of a hot, super sexy woman. All she had to sell was her "hot-ness". How could she admit to the world that her husband had an affair when he supposedly had such hot-ness at home? Throw a kid, any of them, all of them under the bus before Sarah would have come to public or private terms with that.

      With all of that said, I don't believe Tri-G is Todd's baby. I think Tri-G was birthed by some unfortunate, poor woman and an adoption was arranged by Van Flein. Also, too, believe that the entire scheme was master-minded by Paxson. Why else the name Tri-G Paxson Van Palin? I surprised she didn't "ATM" to the string of names as well.

    8. Anonymous5:04 AM

      Bristol is so low IQ that as long as she gets plastic surgery, spa treatments and expensive accessories, she is happy as a clam.

    9. Anonymous7:48 AM

      You can't call it slander (actually you can't, it would be libel) if it's based on photos, videos, audio, reality shows that she posted or took part in herself. It's her own stupidity and quest for a Hollywood lifestyle that gets her (rightly) criticized.

  42. Anonymous7:41 PM

    The majority of Trig's life, Sarah hasn't been close to Trig except for the photo ops. Maybe Sarah resented Todd having a baby with another woman?

    1. Anonymous10:59 PM

      lol Except Trig traveled with HER

    2. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Anon at 10:59 pm. Trig "traveled with" Sarah when he was an infant during the campaign and later during her book tours - lots of photo ops, certainly no opportunities for the therapies that he desperately needed.

    3. Anonymous5:06 AM

      10:59 of course he did, how else could she show off her badge of courage if he wasn't with her?

    4. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Speaking of Tri-G traveling with Sarah...I'll never forget the photo of Sarah and Todd having gotten out of a limo in NYC, both of them all bundled up in stylish winter coats. Snow was falling and there was their "Trig, their precious gift from God" with only a sweatshirt hoodie on but nobody bothered to pull the hood up over his head.

      NOBODY would treat their own child that way. NOBODY.

  43. Anonymous7:49 PM

    G, I'm with you until the end regardless of where it takes us. I still have a stinking suspicion that Trig is Bristol's. I don't know why but I've always thought she looked like she was breastfeeding when presented to the American public. They acted very strange to me surrounding him and covering her stomach with a blanket with her huge breasts. I know you don't agree. Then I think of the photos with Levi and Mercedes. But I do agree NO way did Sarah birth that baby. She's used him, over and over and completely lied to try to earn the 2nd highest position in our country and needs to be exposed. She may be irrelevant to the republican's but she's evil and doesn't deserve the the little limelight she's been given.

    1. janice8:43 PM

      I don't think Trig is Levi's. Levi may think he is his, but did Levi ever attend the birth of Trig? The only pictures of Trig in the hospital are with his grandmother, and she could have held any baby. Levi was young and dumb, too young, and if Bristol said it was Sarah's, he had no reason to believe. The irony of it all is that no one knew Sarah was pregnant. Sarah lived in that house with her kids and they saw nothing. She only bloomed when the time suited her. No one at work saw her pregnant either. I think she pretended to be pregnant till that magical person called her in Texas and said she had given birth and Sarah better get home and play the mother.
      Sarah would only raise a baby that was from one of her children, Willow?

    2. janice8:47 PM

      I don't understand Track and Britta's divorce. They were childhood sweetheats, so Britta knew he was a drunk, druggie and criminal, but she stayed with him. Why didn't she ask for any support? This is all strange. Something fishy here. Could Trig be Tracks son from another relationship?

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Britta went to Sarah and Todd's gov office and was trained for the family from an early age. I've never seen her as more than a beard of some type. There may have been a time in high school they were young sweetheats. Track had his problems and Britta was easy to control.

    4. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Anonymous 7:49
      You & I are the last hold outs. Maybe we will prove them all wrong!

    5. Anonymous10:59 PM

      lol Track and britta were a couple because it fit. Good people, same friends. (bristol was also in Brittas sister's group of friends and in same pictures throughout school)

      Sarah and Brittas mom share good friends (a few being part of the elite 6)

    6. Anonymous5:10 AM

      I think Brsitl and Levi had a baby together at a very young age. Why else would the Johnston computers need to be scrubbed? And the kitchen photos make no damn sense since Sarah said she barely knew Levi when she was on the Oprah show. Levi might not have been the baby daddy, but he thought he was. Bristol said she couldn't go to the prom 'cause she was very pregnancy, but the timing was off for the Tripp pregnancy.
      Levi is another useful idiot. But he was young and not very bright sadly and got all entangled in the quagmire. He now just wants to live his life and keep his young family safe. But he could have spilled all the beans.

  44. Crystal Sage7:52 PM

    Recently, the long-rumoured sexual assaults of Bill Cosby came to light when one woman came forward about something that happened years ago. Allegations about priests abusing young boys (always whispered about) finally made the MSM years after the fact. Other scandals and abuses festered for years before they were finally brought forward in the media.

    I just hope I live long enough to see Sarah Palin exposed for the psychopath that she is. I'll wait patiently in the meantime because I want to see her brought down decisively.

    "She is not merely dead; she really is most sincerely dead."

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      I agree completely. It may take a very long time, but someday SP will be completely exposed and undone.

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Let's not call people psychopaths. That isn't mature.

    3. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Mature, immature, tomato, tomahtos,
      It is the truth though. Sarah Palin is a mentally ill psychopath.

    4. Anonymous6:14 AM

      @ 10:57 Who in hell are you , to be telling other people how to assess the mental state of $arah Palin?

      Le'ts call $arah a PSYCHOPATH because a MATURE PERSON would obiously know that she is a lunatic , also too!

      You are either 13 years old, or you still have to GROW THE FUCK UP.

      $arah Caribou Barbie Palin IS A PSYCHOPATH, a NARCISSIST, and a lot of her lies, crimes, coverups, ethics violations, and scandals point directly at her also being a SOCIOPATH.

      FUCK YOU, and fuck your self righteous bullshit


  45. janice8:37 PM

    I think it is too late for people to come forward. If people know the real facts, they could get in real trouble for not coming forward long ago. I think at this point, people are staying mum to stay out of trouble. Of course, people know stuff. Maybe someday they will sell their story.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Never say never

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Well, Trig will always be part of their family and it much beloved. That won't change.

      Why does no one care about Katie holmes, Beyonce...

    3. Anonymous3:22 AM

      It's interesting that Beyonce has suddenly become the pariah of the Palin supporters. There are many legitimate questions about Sarah Palin's fake pregnancy and there are certainly many questions about the level of care given to Trig since his birth. The Instagram video put up by Bristol or Willow just the other day shows how little that family respects this poor child. It's not funny to teach any small child inappropriate words or gestures and it's especially not funny to do so with a mentally challenged child.

    4. Anonymous5:14 AM

      10:57 ummm I'll give it a whirl:

      Because Katie and Beyonce weren't one old man with a cancer history heartbeat away from the PRESIDENCY of the US if they won?????

      God you are stupid.

  46. Anonymous9:51 PM

    janice8:47 PM

    I don't understand Track and Britta's divorce. They were childhood sweetheats, so Britta knew he was a drunk, druggie and criminal, but she stayed with him. Why didn't she ask for any support? This is all strange. Something fishy here. Could Trig be Tracks son from another relationship?



    Sarah Palin's son Track is loaded ... TMZ has learned ... saying goodbye to his marriage with his most prized possessions in hand ... guns.

    Track Palin and his soon-to-be ex-wife Britta filed divorce docs which tick off who gets what.

    -- 23-year-old Track -- an Army reservist -- gets the $30,000 Wells Fargo bank account, $500 in tools, and his $1,000 gun collection.

    -- 22-year-old Britta gets her $2,500 bank account and her $4,000 in jewelry.


    Looks like Track screwed Britta again.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      This is random.

      But they are on good terms.

    2. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Track is not a druggie. Druggies are incapable of living without rehab. Track doesn't need rehab, has never needed rehab. it is fact that Britta continues to be a good friend of the family. It is fact her mom (at least her mom) was at the Palin home for Kylas 3rd bday.

      Stop stalking and imposing random drama on people with no drama. These are good people and good parents.

      Track and Britta were a cute couple and it fit. They had the same friends, were in the same pictures from school. He was out with her for her 21st. He went with her to visit her sister at college in late 2010. (right before she got pregnant)

      Stop slandering people

    3. Anonymous10:56 PM

      and stop trashing an innocent child's parents.

    4. Anonymous5:16 AM

      You are so pathetically transparent!!
      You write your drivel because people were "IN THE SAME PICTURES"?
      Proving once again everything you know about these people is based on hours of internet research scouring for pictures!

    5. Anonymous6:34 AM

      "Track is not a druggie. Druggies cannot live without rehab". What a crock! How old are you, 12? Are you being homeskuuled?

  47. Are the Palins using you, Gryphen, to get the Babygate story out without involving Bristol?

    This has been a monkey on Sarah's back for years. I think her handlers have been trying to figure something out. But, what can they do? Their original plan was so well done. Sarah announced her pregnancy right after McCain received the nomination. She gave the press her due date to be "about" four-to-five weeks (May 25, 2008) knowing full-well Bristol was due around the 20th of April, 2008. It was all planned she would say Trig was four-to-five weeks premature.

    Unfortunately, Bristol went into labor early the morning of April 17th. Both Todd and Sarah were in Texas and couldn't meet up at Mat-Su as planned. Hence, we heard the "wild ride" story. There were a lot of rumors in Juneau and Wasilla about Bristol's pregnancy, but not in the lower 48.

    So many rumors in fact, that McCain's team didn't want to deal with Troopergate and Babygate. This is speculation on my part but I think Sarah was told if she wanted the VP slot, Bristol had to be five-months pregnant to stop the rumors. All this, after faking a pregnancy.

    If you look into the ADN's archives, you should be able to find the story they did on the interview with Dr. CBJ and her attorney the latter part of April, 2008. Dr. CBJ answered two questions before she got up and walked out:

    1. She confirmed the phone call between her and Sarah at 4:00 AM on Thursday, April 17, 2008. But, didn't say who called whom.

    2. Then, she confirmed she did deliver Trig. Just didn't say who she delivered him from.

    Next, we have the e-mail from the S.O.A., Benefits Div., dated May 21, 2008, addressed to...~"Gov. Palin"... asking for her new child's birth certificate. They needed the b/c to pay claims they were holding. This e-mail indicated to me Dr. CBJ treated Bristol but put all the paperwork in Sarah's name. That's why the e-mail was addressed to her and she was able to use her insurance to pay for Trig's birth. Not only that, if I'm right, Dr. CBJ transmitted the birth information to the Bureau of Vital Statistics also using Sarah's name to print out a "real" b/c that she could use for her VP run.

    Michael Carey (respected news reporter from the ADN) went on national TV and told us everyone in the newsroom knew Bristol was pregnant and when Sarah announced Trig's birth, they assumed it was Bristol's baby. Michael said, "no one knew anything about Bristol having a SECOND pregnancy."

    And, after the election, a lot of us were waiting to see if Bristol was really pg. Well, they came up with a baby alright and probably found someone to use a hospital computer to send in birth information for him, too. I think Bristol named him Tripp after Shailey not knowing Shailey would write a book some day.

    Go ahead and print this, Gryph. No one pays attention to what I say anyway.

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      I pay attention to you.
      -Louis Sarah

    2. Anonymous10:50 PM

      Bristol has no idea to date who Shailey is.

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Funny, since Sherry has expressed sadness over cruel people's hate concerning both her grandkids' names. Saying the names fit their lifestyles. Levi's reason for Tripp was it's a motorcross name, something he likes.

    4. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Tripp's parents have no idea who Shailey is. Naming is personal. Stop mixing stories.

    5. Anonymous4:16 AM

      Oh yes. I pay attention too! Nice theory and story. I vote that the child is shailey tripp and todds. Sarah took custody to have full control of the situation. All this is such garbage. Will this be in the NEW movie about the todd and sarah and shailey Alaskan Love Story in the polluted tundra?

    6. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Hmmmm, Ginger your post must be very close to the truth as attested by the three troll replies. Nice Job.

    7. Anonymous5:20 AM

      The poor Palins sure have a knack for innocently giving their offspring unsavory names.
      PIG Palin
      Trisomy G Palin
      Tripp Palin

      Poor poor Palins boo hoo.

    8. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Sounds like CBJ could have been hit with a fraud suit. Too bad statutes have run out. HIPAA over- riddable in fraud.
      I gotta believe had McCain won, a fraud suit would have been filed.

    9. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Frank Bailey wrote that he saw Bristol in the hospital after Trig was supposedly delivered, and she definitely did not look post-partum. I don't believe Frank told everything he knows but I don't believe he outright lied either. Also, anyone who's been around newborns knows that the baby presented to the world that day had chubby cheeks; that was no 5-week preemie. The scenario that makes more sense, if Bristol is the mother, is that Trig was born prematurely earlier, some time between Dec-Feb. If G has reasons to discount Bristol as the mother, I'm inclined to believe him. But I do look forward to hearing the full story some day.

    10. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Bristol assuredly knows who Shailey Tripp is - "Boys Will be Boys" - author - Todd Palin's prostitute. Proven!!

      Bristol named her kid "Tripp" spelled exactly the same as Shailey Tripp's last name.

      There is an obvious connection between Shailey, the kid "Tripp" and Bristol! As sick as it all is!

  48. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Beyonce was on a talk show and a pillow like thing slipped from her blouse while she was pregnant and the media basically dropped that.

    This is why this story is unreported. People have busy lives and don't give a care.

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Beyonce wasn't trying to use her motherhood to gain political office, now was she? Therefore it was a private matter. With Palin, not so much.

    2. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Sarah Palin has used the fake pregnancy to make a fortune and to keep her face and name in the public. That's what's important. And there's the little matter of the child - who, as Sarah has shown herself, has not received the comprehensive therapies that he deserves. Trig has done nothing to deserve being raised by Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Beyonce does not go around preaching Family Values like Sarah and Promiscuous Bristol the baby maker.

  49. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Do tell when a girl had time to have a baby between a mid-Nov wedding in Hawaii, traveling to Juneau Dec 12 07, being seen in the mall with a cousin just before Christmas, going to the cabin for New years (email), Going to Anchorage early January for the start of the semester despite her mom's and some of their family friends attempts to get her back to the safety of Juneau, away from fast growing relationships when a very self-described infatuated boy. There are emails from Sept on where Sarah enlists help to convince Bristol she needs to go back to Juneau get a job there instead and go to school where there are no distractions.

    Tell me when a birth went down in all that

    1. Anonymous2:30 AM

      Hmm. What was the date of the email that Sarah wanted to get in front of the rumors that Bristol was pregnant?

    2. Anonymous5:23 AM

      First pregnancy? Didn't show much? "oblivious" parents?
      Big sweatshirts?
      For starters.

    3. Anonymous6:44 AM

      There was a very interesting post some time back that claimed that nobody knew Bristol was pregnant until she went into labor prematurely and was "freaking the f*ck out." Yes, I agree: it wouldn't be so hard for a 17-yr old with oblivious parents to hide a pregnancy through the 7th month or so, with sweatshirts & whatnot ;) . So that theory remains plausible given what is widely known. The thing is, we don't know everything G knows. So, not sure what to believe. One thing that has always struck me: if a Desperate Housewives ploy were the truth, a mother covering for a pregnant daughter is not all that scandalous in the scheme of things, and would likely have garnered a lot of sympathy, if Palin had gone the tearful confession route. The fact that there's never been a tearful confession suggests to me that the truth is darker.

    4. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Tell me why Bristol is pregnant in that Family photo from Nov. 14, 2007? Tell me what happened to that baby? The next to last photo above.

    5. Cracklin Charlie7:41 AM

      Bristol got pregnant with Trig when her mother was running for governor in 2006, was sent into hiding the first time early in 2007, reason being that Sarah's daughters were "threatened" in Juneau, delivered Trig in April or May 07.

      Got pregnant again with Tripp in summer 07, was pregnant while in Hawaii Nov 07, still pregnant Christmas 07, into hiding again due to "mono" in Jan 08, delivered Tripp in April 08.

      It's not so hard to figure out.

  50. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Her name is Lilith, the mother of all lies.

    Ye shall call her Sarah Louise Palin, the mother of all LIARS!

  51. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I think it's possible that Sarah forced Bristol to give the baby over because he had DS and Sarah had the insurance and money to care for any medical needs of the child. Then Bristol immediately got pregnant with Tripp. Bristol had Stockholm Syndrome at first and then made a killing from her "special gift" to the world to allow for mommy to become queen. Bristol was pushed into releasing the child for a higher calling.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Ugh... Bristol has provided medical care and do her offspring... Bristol is not Trig's mother.

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      3:58 AM Are you Drunk again? How does Bristol 'do' her offspring?

  52. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen, and please keep up the good work. It's important in this country where so many people seem to be infatuated with the far right. I find it interesting, though, that the trolls seem to like to make comparisons with Hillary Clinton and Beyonce (who's clearly the target of the week for them).

  53. Anonymous4:07 AM

    OOOOOOOOOOOooooooboring. The kid looks like todd and shailey tripp. The story is just another POS politician and her lousy family on display. So What !! Big Deal !! How about we talk about how the takers sucked the life out of the earth and polluted it. No soil, air, water? No life.

  54. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Cut the crap and spill the beans. Times up. promoting the palins is getting boring.

  55. janice4:37 AM

    Did Britta get child support? Isn't that required by law? Also, did she get to stay in their residence or did she leave? Do you think she got a good handout of money from the Palins to keep quiet?

  56. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Willow is Sarah's Mischief Wild Child and Bristol is Sarah's Promiscuous Sex Wild Child.

    Mercede Johnston writes:
    I apologize if that part about my cousin hearing Bristol making noise was confusing. I just tried to word things carefully because, like I said, I just flat out didn't feel comfortable saying she was moaning loud enough during sex to awaken people in the house.

    And yes people, Bristol Pain DID stay the night at our house when she was younger.

    Sometimes my dad would be up on the North Slope, and my mom in the hospital, or, if they were home, she would simply sneak through Levi's window.

    Most times she would just stay really late, but because it was a school night, leave around 1-3 in the morning to sneak back into HER house before her parents woke up. (She was such a "good girl" wasn't she?)

  57. Anonymous5:44 AM

    You know how Bristol is Sarah's Mini Me, both had failed reality shows, both failed as paid speakers, both pregnant before marriage, Bristol wore a white dress to the White House Correspondents Dinner then Sarah wore Bristol's white dress to DWTS.

    Well they are not finished. There's Sarah The Naughty Slutty Hitchhiker posing for Amazing America and then there's Bristol The Naughty Slutty Looking Cowgirl

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      This old naughty slutty looking hitchhiker?

      Ass, Gas Or Grass: Which Is Sarah Palin Offering Here?

  58. I have never believed that Palin rounded up a baby with Down Syndrome to boost her pro-life creds. She already had pro-life creds. All she had to do was blather on about having Piper at 37 and how they wanted to test her for Down's, but she already loved her blah blah blah and all the joy since then blah blah blah. That was four children, one at a risky maternal age, with a track record of participating in pro-life events.

    Lazy Sarah didn't need to do more than that. The scandal theory makes much more sense to me. That someone close to Palin was faced with an unexpected pregnancy that was going to reflect very badly on Palin and her happy Christian family mythology right before the VP decision would be made.

    Palin taking possession of a baby for that reason makes sense.

    I don't think babygate itself will bring her down. Too many people will write it off as a sad but all too typical way for a family to deal with a situation that could ruin lives and reputations.

    As long as the baby is happy and loved and thriving, that is all that matters. I think this is what could bring her down. The shameful neglect of a child that needed therapies and treatments from day one to make the most of himself and overcome to the best extent possible, the limitations that could be caused by Down Syndrome.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      "I don't think babygate itself will bring her down. Too many people will write it off as a sad but all too typical way for a family to deal with a situation that could ruin lives and reputations."
      I totally agree, Nefer, and Gryph originally said years ago that, if people knew the truth, they'd be sympathetic toward her.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      I've followed this story from the beginning, August of 2008. I am 100% certain that SP was not pregnant. So then the real question is; why? I am leaning towards the premise that Todd is the father and Trig is the result of his liaison with another woman. At the time all this was occurring SP was under consideration for the VP slot. To quash any revelation of Todd's infidelity which would have tarnished her 'perfect family' cred it was decided to adopt the baby. The fact that Trig was DS certainly enhanced her image as a staunch pro-lifer. When it was certain that McCain would be the nominee SP announced her 'pregnancy'. Of course, as we have all observed, the pictures and contemporaneous reports from airline staff are pretty circumstantially conclusive that it was a hoax.

      Now where does Bristol fit into all of this? I believe that she was indeed pregnant when sent off to live with her aunt. The child perhaps was born prematurely, perhaps it died or perhaps she was forced to give it up. I think the timing of her known pregnancy was entirely related to her needs for fulfillment with Levi and her need to get back at her parents for the loss of the first child. I also believe she knew that Todd had a relationship with Shailey. The naming of Tripp was no accident and a message to her parents to keep her happy.or she might just be inclined to sing.

      That said, as any good investigative journalist knows, you need to be open to all the angles even the totally preposterous ones.

      Carry on Gryph. You can count on me to sing it far and wide!


  59. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I'm confused, did Sarah Palin give vaginal birth to Trig? It is hard to believe anything that woman says.

    1. Sarah Palin either lied when she said she birthed Trig

    2. Or Sarah Palin lied that she had a tubul ligation after Piper was born:

    "I can't drive due to the recent double AMPUTATION of my tubes..."

    3. Or Sarah Palin is the Virgin Mary, whose conception was conceived without original sin or its stain

    Frank Bailey's manuscript and how it helps to prove that Sarah Palin did NOT give birth to her fifth child
    Monday, February 28, 2011

    "Whoever gave birth to Trig, it couldn't be Sarah. Remember, she had said that she 'not only had her tubes just tied, she had them cut, and the ends burned - or some such measure to make SURE she wasn't going to be having more babies. 

    "Didn't she have it done during the delivery of piper??

    "All of us who have kids that went to school with Sarah's kids know to be absolute factual gospel truth: Sarah Palin had a tubal ligation after her last baby (Piper) was born.

    "She then took several days off work- more than she took when she "had" Trig. She bitched at Todd afterward saying HE should have gotten the snip since it was so much easier for men."

    "Trig may actually have BEEN born at 7.5 months....but he wasn't born in April '08, and he sure as HELL did not issue forth from the tied, cut, and burned fallopian tubes of Sarah Louise Heath Palin."

    10:17 PM

    10:17PM is right on the money. 

    My two were in the same school as two of Sarah's at the same time. She volunteered for revolving carpool and bailed every single time. She called one morning saying she'd be unable to drive her planned day the next morning because she'd had "a tubal". I remember her saying it in that whiny fake accent she used to elicit sympathy: "Well, I've had a two-bull". I just rolled my eyes and got someone to fill in. 

    Two weeks after that when her next shift came up, she called again and this time it had gone from "a two-bull" to "my surgery". "I'm sorry, I can't make it 'cause yaknow I had surgery recently..."
    I remember some of the other moms and I joked that when her NEXT shift came up, she would be calling saying "I can't drive due to the recent double AMPUTATION of my tubes..."

  60. betsy s7:21 AM

    Ginger has some good suggestions. I still think Bristol's illegitimate baby was Ruffles. Audrey had several excellent pictures and Griphen made enlargements. Ruffles was very obviously an FAS baby and would therefore be lousy p.r. material to include in any new political aspirations. Bree connected the mother's coverup which took off. However, it seems that Ruffles didn't make it, and CBJ found another baby with an acceptable defect. Bristol got a ton of favors for becoming pregnant again so quickly.

  61. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I have always thought Bristol appears to be with child in the family photo above. That's not the stomach of an active teenager. The hand position just enhances the protrusion.


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