Saturday, January 17, 2015

Just a selfie with a bunch of baristas.

Our first selfie President strikes again.

For those wanting to know this was apparently taken at a place called Charmington's in Baltimore.

Gee, it's just too bad that Obama is so aloof and unfriendly right?

Well that's how the Right Wing media describes him at least.


  1. Sallyin MI2:40 AM

    I keep trying to picture Romney, Jeb, Canada Cruz. Rand Paul, or anyone else on the Ridiculous Right acting like a normal human being.,..and I just can't. I can even see Hillary doing stuff like this with a real smile on her face. But the GOP? They are not human.

    1. Bill F5:49 AM

      So true, Sally. They are not normal human beings.

  2. London Bridges4:48 AM

    Humbug! Bengazi!

  3. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Where's the fish?

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The RW will now start bitching that he's too busy taking selfies to govern... and 'Benghaaaziiiiii!" Of course, musn't leave out the important stuff.
    Now if only he could learn to do that head thrust thing that Sarah Palin does

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Our President Barack Obama has one great smile! I can't look at his face without smiling.

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Made my day, I must say. He conveys hope and trust.
    Makes me smile.

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    His haters can't stand how great a man he is. They just go bonkers at seeing how genuine, brilliant, and determined he is. And that he loves people on top of that? Sends them into a tailspin.

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    "Gee, it;s just too bad that Obama is so aloof and unfriendly right?"

    I KNOW, RIGHT! Such a snob!

    Just kidding, I adore President Obama. They see as clearly as everyone else that President Obama is the real deal. He wears the same relaxed, confident smile and demonstrates the same graciousness and charm whether he's in a room full of movie stars and Fortune 500 businessmen, or at a local pizza place, college campus, state fair, WHEREVER he is, he's the same man. The good humor, sincere concern, and that added "cool" factor that just can't be faked...that's who he is, and they're just sick with jealousy. They know he's for real because if those qualities could be faked, they would be faking them. Their attempts to try to convince the people that he's just a snotty elitist who's only pretending to like us (well, when they're not calling him a "ghetto thug" a "hood rat" or a no-class crackhead out for revenge or whatever) have fallen flat because we plainly can see our leader for who he is, a man who cares deeply for his people, and ALL the world's people. And we can also see what THEY are. They will NEVER forgive him for being better than they are, and they'll never forgive AMERICA for choosing him despite all their scorn and ridicule, threats, incitement to violence, blatant disrespect, outright slander and lies, etc.,etc. if we dared elect him. Maybe after 2 more years of them attempting to punish us for going against their demands, hopefully America will finally WAKE THE FUCK UP and STAY that way. Throw those sorry-ass GOP freeloaders into the street where they belong and bar the gates. NEVER let them back in because they are nothing but grief and humiliation to this country. I want to see them defeated so badly they disband the party for good. That would be too much awesome for one lifetime.

    Well, a girl can dream, anyway. :)

    Stay strong, President Obama! We love you no matter how hard the useless mainstream media in this country tries to convince us otherwise. They gave up fighting for us a long time ago, but you never have. You're amazing :)

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I am so proud of the fact that President Obama is in care of our country. Truly wish he could do another term as I'd vote for him again!

    Keep up the good work, President Obama, in spite of the fact the asshole Republicans in the U.S. Congress will try to cause you as much governing harm as possible. Veto every damned one of their horseshit Bills!!! America stands behind you!!

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I love him!

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Anonymous12:32 PM

      '''I love him!'''

      I do too.

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I would love to be a a photo like that with our President Obama. I adore him.

      Those guys ion the photo will have a wonderful photo to frame and show their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

      I am getting sad as it nears the end of his terms in office. I hate to see him go.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      'Our' President Obama.... 'Our' Sarah Palin...

      Just sayin'. Everyone is fallible and human, and reffering to anyone as 'our' makes you a liitle psycho.

  11. Anita Winecooler4:28 PM

    What's amazing about him is exactly this. We saw him give a speech at U of P and he did a q and a. afterwards. I never saw someone in public life as smart and approachable as President Obama, especially with kids. He knows social media, pop culture and he knows what college kids think and worry about.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.