Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Majority of Republicans still believe that we found WMD's in Iraq.

Courtesy of Salon:  

Nearly a dozen years after the United States invaded Iraq on the false pretext that Saddam Hussein’s regime harbored weapons of mass destruction, a majority of Republicans incorrectly believe that the U.S. found WMDs in the country. 

According to a Farleigh Dickinson University poll released Wednesday, 51 percent of Republicans believe that it’s “probably” or “definitely” true that the U.S. uncovered an active WMD program following its March 2003 invasion. Among Fox News viewers, 52 percent held that incorrect belief. Meanwhile, 32 percent of Democrats, 14 percent of MSNBC viewers, and 42 percent of respondents overall believe the U.S. found WMDs in Iraq. 

Remember these people are driven by faith more than fact. 

This is what they fervently want to be true so it is almost impossible to dissuade them with mere facts.

However the indisputable facts are that the Bush administration willfully accepted questionable intelligence, while rejecting overwhelming evidence to the contrary, in order to convince themselves and leaders in other countries to attack the people of Iraq, Which has led to at least half a million Iraqi deaths since the beginning of the invasion. (Personally I think the death toll is much larger than that.)

The war also resulted in 4,489 American deaths, and unrest in the Middle East that has resulted in the death of thousands who never set foot in Iraq.

This is why it is of utmost importance to make sure that a Bush NEVER sets foot in the White House ever again. Or any other Republican for that matter.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Or any other lying liar named Bush.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Yeah, the UN never found them, but according to a right winger friend, he saw them for himself while serving in Iraq! Amazing!

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    It's Fairleigh Dickinson not Farleigh (wrong in original).

    The % believers among Republican and Fox viewers were the same. Ugh.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    No harm, no foul, right?

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I never could figure out why the Democrats supported and voted to finance the whole Bush thing.

    orlin sellers

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Maybe Zombie Eisenhower or Zombie T. Roosevelt - I'd vote for them before I'd vote for any living Republican politician.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      But a Zombie Nixon/O'Donnell campaign would be fun. Their slogan could be "I am not a crook/I am not a witch!"....but, if they were..

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I dunno. I really wish there were a way to leave this particular planet to the fools who deserve leadership by the liars they continue to believe in and vote for. People treat governance like religion (faith in spite of facts) and religion like a government (preaching whatever the majority wants to hear). Amazing.

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    President Bush is actually on record admitting there were no WMDs. Cheney is the one that pushed for the war with the false information. Both should be in jail! Neither can travel overseas or they will be arrested which I find interesting.

    It's too bad President Obama didn't go after the two of them. But, it appears that POTUSs protect previous POTUSs! Only thing, so far, that I wish President Obama had handled differently!

    Can you image what it would have been like had he done so?

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Both have traveled overseas.

      Politifact list this internet rumor as false.

      The meme on social media said that Bush and Cheney are "unable to visit Europe due to outstanding warrants." The claim that there are "outstanding warrants" is flat wrong. And while it’s theoretically possible for a national court to issue an arrest warrant against either man, as was done with Pinochet, there is no sign of that happening. We rate the claim False.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      They have no problem traveling, you buy into hype.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Please, send them all to Iraq on vacation, or better yet, have them address the world with their reason for making up WMD's. I hear Abu Gareb has plenty of room, as well as GITMO.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I have developed a habit of jumping back and forth between IM and c4p. I started watching that site after the Palin Brawl. I wanted to see how they would react to the audio. My head spun when the overwhelming response was refusal to listen to it! I can't imagine following anyone so blindly that I would not be willing to hear, read or see the truth. But, then again, I don't get all my news from one source. Those who cling to the WMD lie are no better than the Palin bots or the Manson family (and at least they can blame mind altering drugs!).

  10. And don't forget how vilified you were if you opposed that war.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      To wit:
      "“Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we’re ashamed that the president of the United States is from Texas.”
      Natalie Maines

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Bless that Dixie Chick's heart. She thought they were touring in a country that believed in free speech. We taught her!

  11. Suzy Q1:03 PM

    Weren't Cheney and Rumsfeld bestest of friends with Saddam Hussein back in the 80's? I saw video of Rumsfeld shaking hands and patting Saddam on the back. If they had any WMDs they came from Cheney. Do any of these RWNJs have a memory? Did they not live through the Bush II administration? They must have not been paying attention.
    And in other news, hope all those rascal-riding Tea Partiers are taking notice of what the Republicons did on their first day on the job: cutting disability from SS. Suck on it all you disabled, fat, retired tea party patriots. The Rs just have to make sure their billionaire friends get their tax cuts so the cuts to SS are necessary.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      I know someone who is a big (figuratively & literally) Palin fan. This person was SS disability for a wrist injury. Has at least 4 active websites up for Palin-all created/started by this person. I guess miracles do happen. "Its a God thing, see?"-Sarah Palin to Track after the brawl.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Ronnie Raygun rilly "helped" Irag back in the day....

      "Immediately prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Saddam Hussein delivered a WMD declarations report to the United Nations in an attempt to avert a U.S. invasion. Do you recall that U.S. officials intercepted the report and removed special sections of it, based on claims of “national security”? Well, it turned out that the removed sections involved the delivery of those WMDs by the United States and other Western countries to Saddam Hussein, information that obviously caused U.S. officials a bit of discomfort on the eve of their invasion."

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      There are too many people abusing the social security disability program, so perhaps it's time to blow it up and come up with something less prone to fraud.

    4. Anonymous2:17 PM

      That & the military disability fraud-and I am NOT talking about our disabled war veterans. I am talking about the legions who claim injuries to avoid serving out their commitments and receive a nice fat settlement from Uncle Sam. I have 3 of them in my family alone!

    5. abbafan4:26 PM

      Suzy Q - Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft were sacred cows from the Nixon days. The buddy-buddies video you are referring to was taken back in 1983, when Iran was at war in Iraq. Khomeini was at war with Saddam, the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, and Bin Laden was with the mujahadeen rebels in the mountains, using covertly supplied Stinger missiles to take down MiG fighter jets and Hind helicopter gunships. Twenty years later, those three stooges were back in Iraq, this time, Cheney was starting to loot the Treasury through his Halliburton, the fuckin' crook! It is absolutely appaling how this old bastard was given a carte-blanche licence to steal, and skate clean!

  12. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Comedian Ron White said it best: "You can't cure stupid."

  13. Anonymous1:12 PM

    An independent human rights organization found very near to the start of the war, I think it was within a year to two years at most, there had been a minimum of 1 million civilian casualties in Iraq -- conservative estimates. Interesting how the Repugs still love to play the revisionist history game.

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Not another idiot. That first son never won. He just paid out. And the chads were in his brother state. No morals in bush family.

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    The US did find chemical and nerve agents, shells, and rockets in Iraq. Soldiers were hurt handling and destroying these shells. On at least one occasion an IED was manufactured from one (although there is no evidence the bomb-makers knew it was a chemical shell). All were from the pre-1991 program. What we did not find was an active development or manufacturing program.

    There's a great NYT article on it here:

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Good reading here also too:

  16. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Interesting Book " Family of Secrets". Gore Vidal called it most important book of last ten years. I call it most important book of my lifetime and I'm 72!

  17. Anonymous2:30 PM

    They do not believe there were WMDs in Iraq. They are stubborn and will never admit they were wrong. They LIE to the survey taker.

  18. Anonymous2:39 PM

    O/T except it speaks to more corruption from conservatives:

    Ben Carson's History Book Plagiarizes...

  19. Anonymous3:17 AM

    The vast majority of Republicans is a pretty scary lot. Unfortunately for the rest of us, they vote.


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