Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Sarah Palin takes four minutes to tell her subscribers that she does not know what she thinks about term limits.

I was actually looking for something else when I stumbled across this episode of "Ask Me Anything" from the Sarah Palin Channel.

Essentially it demonstrates the kind of meandering, undisciplined manner in which Palin actually ponders questions that she does not understand, when there is no script in front of her to keep her focused.

You might think that she would do a little research, and have an actual response, before turning on the cameras. But nope, that is how the Leftists respond to questions, not crazy self described "constitutional conservatives."

My favorite part is that she is so disinterested in the topic that in the last moments she actually pulls out her cell phone and starts checking it while she is still talking.

And remember, people are paying her to provide this kind of content.

Now compare that to her recent appearance on Fox News yesterday when she was still pushing for John Boehner to be replaced.

Can you believe she said "balls to the walls?" So classy.

Did you see her bounce up and smile from ear to ear when Stuart Varney suggests that she won her debate against PETA?


Especially after she doubled down on the "At least Trig didn't eat the dog" remark.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hatred is not a strong enough word for my feelings toward this low life POS.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      You are hating an act. Try avoiding Palin blogs.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Can I double down on my intense, extreme, every cell in my being, hatred of this vile, nasty, shit spewing, disgusting, money whorring, lying, evil, soulless, grifty, secessionist, AIP Sarah Palin. Every day, my hatred for her grows. Every single day. Hoohah!

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      You are not alone. She is a vile hateful thing. She makes my skin crawl.

    4. Anonymous3:10 PM

      I refuse to click on anything concerning her anymore, period, even to watch with the sound down. She's Satan on earth.

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      2:49 PM

      Her 'act' is to incite hate by lying. That makes her evil. POS is a too kind a term to describe her. She is completely devoid of honesty, conscience, empathy, and compassion. She wiggles about in what appears to be glee as she spits at the world. She has the mind of a severely damaged child that feeds off the hate it foments. She is a monstrous outlier in the realm of human personalities.

    6. Anonymous3:50 PM

      3:41 PM

      Sybil reincarnated.

    7. Anonymous 3:50 PM, since her first appearance on the national scene Sarah Palin has always embodied what I imagine the Anti-Christ to be. That is, if I believed in Satan personified.

      Nah, she's just an ordinary evil sociopath. We seem to have a lot more of them these Anti-Christ for every day of the year.

    8. I don't suppose those morons over at C4P have realized yet that they've invoked almost everyone's nickname for their Queen Esther when they've called Quit_or_Work "Quitter"....

      My gawd they're dumb!

    9. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Ka Jo that is not what she is about at all...she just hates the fact that the person that busted the Catholic Church with all this RAPE going on...
      Then the recent national addendum to Military and Sexual the same person that sent an email to someone else and Palin resigned...hmmm
      I think I hear strike three coming up for ol Sarah...
      Gee what could it be? lol...stay tuned...

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Palin sure has a "24/7" crush on the President.

    1. Paul in Minnesota3:07 PM

      Yes she does. Maybe she's uncertain about term limits as she's got a hard on mentally for the President and eight more years would satiate her. Whew, sorry. I need brain bleach after typing that paragraph.

      Though I refuse to watch the video and listen to her voice screech her unintelligible word salad about term limits. If you watched the video, thanks for taking one for everyone else who didn't watch.

  3. Caroll Thompson2:39 PM

    Sarah is dumber than a box of rocks. Having said that, I will say that anyone paying money for this co-called channel is dumber than Sarah and deserves to be parted from their money.

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    She looks like a skeleton. Her neck and shoulders are very abnormal looking. Does she think that is attractive? Anorexics have a very poor ability to judge their own bodies. She probably thinks it's sexy. Sarah', your eating disorder is obvious. Hire a stylist!!

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Why the hell dies she keep going for that half naked look lately????

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    i agree on the "classy" terminology. In addition, what in the hell kind of top (almost off-the-shoulder) is she wearing on national tv. Know that she is oblivious along with being dumber than a box of rocks. What I don't understand is why any network still has her on.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      is she wearing on national tv.
      Her clavicles stick out further than the fake tits. She makes the other lady (who is normal) look fat! Its crazy. I agree with the others her hateful, harpy rant on National TV was unreal.
      I guess b/c she is a lowlife "Reality" star now anything goes on TV?
      All I know is she is a joke in DC, and she has gotten her pal Becky beach in some hot water with her Abuse of JILL!!!

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Anonymous 2:50 PM:
      ..because SEX has always sold for her and the crazy men just eat it up!

    3. "Dumber than a box of Palins". I read it somewhere.

  7. Anonymous2:53 PM

    My lord! She can't focus on a camera, she keeps glancing down at her cell phone, she keeps scratching her wig (which appears unkempt), the verbiage is all over the map and in the end she can't come up with a cogent response. What would it take to actually take the question, write up a response and then present it on air? Oh...I don't know...that might be too much work!


    1. It's as if she can't even be bothered to pre-screen the questions any more. She must figure she can just blather away and her moronic flock will snap it right up.

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Amphetamine-Related Psychiatric Disorders

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      if you expect us to feel sorry for her don't because we won't

  9. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What has happened to her? Her face looks like Greta's with the asymmetrical lips. It's a big bobblehead on a stick. This is a person with serious issues.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Same plastic surgeon?

  10. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I see the manipulation technique she uses. She acts all the time. She does two things when she speaks. First, She talks her regular repetitive talking points, and to make it sound like a new idea, she uses different tones in her voice, by changing octaves, making a long sigh, talking little girly, drawing out certain words to distract from the lack of content. Second, she tries to appear smart. It's like she's studied how smart people talk, and acts like them, only she doesn't succeed, and appears like she's making fun of the people she's answering. It's embarrassing to listen to her go all flirty with Stuart Varney, and talk her 'balls to the walls' and get flirty with the other guy who's tongue is hanging out, enjoying how she expresses it like no other woman can. She is so full of herself, her ego is disturbing.

    Her v-neck top wrapped around her shoulders is creepy. Why would she wear this evening wear top doing a business interview with Fox Business expert. I think the men were actually laughing it up at her, and she didn't even realize it.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      She wore the same top in her Today Show appearance earlier that day!

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      My impression was the guys were laughing AT her not WITH her. She is comic relief for Fox.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Even weirder is tha zipper. All she needs to do is unzip it a little more . . . .

    4. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Don't forget the flattening out of the upper lip and sudden ventriloquism-type lack of mouth movements. Usually done when she thinks she's conveying something very confidential and insider-y.

    5. Anonymous6:39 PM

      4:59 PM

      ... very good description. That is exactly what she does.

    6. Anonymous10:54 PM

      might be a media code...I see two possiblities...first is she is dress up for john boy to save her ass...highly unlikely but okay...then there is the fact that that blue 'shirt' looks like a blanket with sleeves..
      ok sarah if you 'promise to behave' we will let you talk to the cameras...after willow fakes you up...
      i would be inclined to think both exist since I hear tonight in alaska they take a woman out for three days and they come back 'all spun out'...shrug...
      their crazy ho went on a hoedown and is wiggin

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    She actually wore that on Fox? Holy crappola does she lack self awareness.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Hell, she wore it on the Today Show in the early am hours!

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Hey, she wore that black hooker top for how long, even "baking," before she ever took it off. She must think this is even more sex kitten sexxxxy.

    3. ibwilliamsi3:47 PM

      She has her own style - "Stanky Skank". Those outfits must stand up by themselves by the time she's done with them.

    4. Anita Winecooler3:54 PM

      I so agree, she wears the same skin everyday. And she has a certified single mother/skin expert in the family! Yo Bristol, put on your eye protection and bring the dremel w/the sanding tool. Don't sit there looking pretty, do something. When is it molting season for the terminally stupid in Alaska?

    5. Suzy Q4:16 PM

      Maybe when the PAC gravy train dries up she can design clothes for prostitutes with the "Stanky Skank" label and hawk them on HSN. She's got a head start with the black cold shoulder shirt and now the blue drape (remember the senior pictures that were taken with the drape back in the 60s? Sarah's bringing it back.) It would be kind of like Fredricks of Hollywood.

    6. Anonymous6:37 PM

      She's going to open a "pre-owned fashions" store called Frederick:s of Wasilla!

    7. "She's got a head start with the black cold shoulder shirt and now the blue drape (remember the senior pictures that were taken with the drape back in the 60s?"
      Suzy Q, I was trying to remember what that reminded me of! Yep, that's it. Everyone had that same drape around their shoulders. All she needed was her stupid beehive hairdo.

    8. Anonymous10:55 PM

      could it be a blanket the made sleeves out of? if you behave you can talk to the camera...

  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Palin’s anorexia or food dysfunction is obvious and given she already is so lacking self reflection it makes absolute sense she is unaware how poorly she appears to other people. If this were my daughter, sister, or mother I would be all over this and getting her some help. What is wrong with her family?

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      What's wrong with her family? What, intervene and kill the Golden Goose? No one works. They all depend on Sarah for $$$$$$

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      There you have it, 3:16 PM!

    3. Anonymous10:43 PM

      john 3:16

  13. janice3:09 PM

    What a slut. What is with that blue top? Name one female in politics, etc. who would wear that outfit in public. That is for a gala, not an interview. She is slowly losing it.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:05 PM

      A Slut? We've come to this? Calling Palin a slut is an insult to real, good ole, hard working American Sluts who keep the economy going. What's in it for us, Sarah?

      She went to four years of college to get a degree in "Balls to the Wall", that's why none of her profs remember her. Come to think of it, slut works fine.

      I'd like to send a little shout out to our newest member.
      "Hiya Nancy!! How YOU doin? You're an expert on all things "christian", where in the bible or in any dogma does God or Jesus say "Balls to the Wall"???? Just chapter and verse will do, don't need any pontificating nor chiding. Thanks in advance for your expertise and time. I'll help an old lady cross the street in your honor.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Well, Anita, we ALL know she didn't get a degree in journalism. Methinks she spent much of her college nights in Moscow, ID hanging out at the Slurp 'N Burp.

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I don't think she's capable of sexual gratification anymore. I think the hatred she carries with her has been replaced by any kind of physical pleasure for the queen of mean. Her orgasms nowadays are from attacking our great President. Sarah Palin you are a horrendous beast from hell.

    4. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Slowly losing it. Not so sure about that.

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Dumb fucking little girl.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      No shit,

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Stupid Girl song comes to mind...giggle

  15. janice3:10 PM

    Who wears black in the kitchen when making a pie and using flour. She is such a phony.............................

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      And with the slutty sleeves, no less.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      A One Trick Phony?
      Palin will burn in her Hell forever and ever.

  16. Anonymous3:11 PM

    What's with the scraggly pony tail, is it tied up with a rag? She acts like she's high on heroin or some other opiate. She appears to be wearing her floatation devise, I suppose in case she passes out in a puddle.

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      well if the kids love her they know who to call and where to go to get an intervention...they won't like it too much and from what I know the person in question will not be too happy to do it...stating 'usually what we don't want to do is what we should be doing to begin with'...boy they sure crucify those they cannot forget...and they hate blindly with malice

  17. Anonymous3:12 PM

    There she goes again congratulating herself about writing that good part. The self-glorifying is really getting tiring. There are many good writers and expressive cynics who don't go blow their own horns every day, every interview.

    She is in love with the woman she sees in the mirror.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Well, if her tribe of banshees family won't get Trig help, they certainly won't her. Let her love herself into the grave and, the rate she's going, it will be sooner than later.

  18. Anonymous3:15 PM

    When you run for president, will you call for term limits?

    1. Sarah will never run for president, no matter what they tell you over there at C4P. Change that website to CBP, Can't Be President.
    2. Our constitution already has an amendment that limits the President of the United States to two terms, 4 years each.
    3. The President can "call" for term limits for Congressmen or Senators, but there are some pretty tough requirements to get that put into law and/or added as a constitutional amendment.
    4. Governor? Each state has its own laws. As for Sarah, she showed that she couldn't last one term.

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM

      lol...oh this is SNL material for segment

  19. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah has that big computer screen behind her and she checks her phone to read the dumb question from her fan.

  20. Anonymous3:27 PM

    If (or when) you run for president will you be calling for term limits?

    Sarah had no idea how to answer that question. That would be a good reason not to attempt an answer. Running for president or being the president has nothing to do with the term limits for Wasilla City Council (unless you are a conservative pioneer woman). Each state decides on the requirements for someone to run for office, and if there should be term limits. Sarah spoke about having term limits as Mayor of Wasilla. That is nothing that the President or Congress would touch. Does that woman ever think about composing an answer that makes sense? Sarah Palin has no idea who determines term limits or what to say about the subject. What a lousy answer. Imagine paying to hear that crap.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Of course she didn't know how to answer that question because she's not running ever again and must choose her words wisely to keep the hangers-on sending money.

      okay.....I cracked myself up over the use of "wisely" and $arah in the same sentence.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I'd love to campaign for President Obama for a third term and see him win it handily.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      You know he would, Beaglemom.

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      She and her little potty pots don't seem to realize 'their' favorite politicians would also be termed out.

    5. Anonymous11:30 PM

      The U.S. Constitution limited the U.S. President to two terms, passed by the Congress and 2/3rds of the states, in the late '40s, as a response to Franklin Roosevelt's four terms. He was dead by then, of course, by they thought it was wiser to have a rule in place: thus Dwight Eisenhower could run just twice; so could St. Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton; GWB; and, now Barack Obama.
      If he could run, Obama would win a third term.

      Congress never limited itself. There were "voluntary " limits which disappeared the moment the Congreessmen and Senators felt their soft leather chairs, sent mail out "franked," without paying for it, witnesses their annual budget and travel allowance -- hell, why leave? That's what most of Gingrich's 1994 Congress, who pledged to limit themselves, did. They stayed and stayed, or until they were indicted.

  21. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey Sarah, why don't you go balls to the wall and run for President? Double dog dare you.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Paul in Minnesota6:09 PM

      We should triple dog dare her to run for POTUS.

      Though she'll never do it. Nor run for the PTA, local women's club, anything.

      She's all hot air deflection and deception. A dressed up well worn out media doll stillvacuuming in PAC dollars from the men whom for years have waited for their lap dances.

  22. Boscoe3:36 PM

    "You might think that she would do a little research..."

    NO WAY! Gutsy-Feely is the only option for a true constitutional conservative! All that thinkin' and blinkin' and researchin' is for them librul ivory tower elitists who listen to scientists when they wanna know how to feel about the ebola and such like.

  23. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This was posted on c4p by a devoted Palin fan: •

    JanuarysRose8 palin45potus • an hour ago
    I see little difference between the left and radical Islam.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Gee, a lot of us liberals wonder sometimes about the differences between radical Islam and the Tea Party.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Ah, JanuaryRose8, who finally found a name and way to keep disqus from banning her. What a peach SHE is.

      I seriously cannot wait until they find out their golden calf has no intention of running.

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      And this, again concerning the terror attack in France:
      palin45potus tomlyn • 9 hours ago
      They've already written the scripts absolvng Islam, and pointing the finger at the TEA Party.
      They just need the incident in order to provide the talking points and the designated villains.

      Quit_or_Work palin45potus • 8 hours ago
      Whom would possibly think the TEA Party had anything to do with this?????

      JanuarysRose8 Quit_or_Work • 8 hours ago
      Flagged. You are a crank. Go away.

      TheresaAK Quit_or_Work • 8 hours ago
      I assume you meant "to do with this?????"

      Al B. TheresaAK • 8 hours ago

      palin45potus Quit_or_Work • 8 hours ago
      Yes, my spell check got me!
      Why would they blame the TEA Party? If they could find ANY way to draw an inference they would. That's my point, the blatant dishonesty.

      Quit_or_Work palin45potus • 8 hours ago
      No one on either side of the political spectrum is going to blame this on the TEA Party.
      And there is no productive purpose in suggesting that they would.

      JanuarysRose8 Quit_or_Work • 8 hours ago
      If they could--they would. And you know it.

      Quit_or_Work JanuarysRose8 • 8 hours ago
      Did you know Obama ordered five aircraft carriers out of the middle east and into port as sitting ducks for a terrorist attack at the same time?
      • Reply•Share ›

      JanuarysRose8 Quit_or_Work • 7 hours ago
      They've already done it. They tried it when The Religion of Pieces terrorized Boston.


      Quit_or_Work JanuarysRose8 • 7 hours ago
      Anyone that blamed the terrorist actions in Boston on the TEA Party is an idiot. And I would love to see your examples of that.
      Ironically I remember a post here at the time suggesting that the heavily armed police enforcing civic control as they were roaming through the Boston suburbs trying to capture the two pieces of garbage was the whole of purpose of the "red flag" operation by the USA government. Equally ludicrous - unless you are Alex Jones.

      JanuarysRose8 Quit_or_Work • 7 hours ago
      "Marshall" Law? Tsk tsk, Quitter--you're slipping.
      Spittles Matthews talked about it on his show. You know you leftists wanted it to be TP so bad.

      TheresaAK Quit_or_Work • 7 hours ago
      Holy Cow, what drugs are you taking?
      You need to check your sentence structure and grammar.

      JanuarysRose8 TheresaAK • 7 hours ago
      Not sure, but I think Quitter got hold of a bad batch. :)

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Told ya, they don't like people who are in her corner but ask honest questions. "QOW" is in constant jeopardy there. You buy into it hook, line, and sinker, or you're humiliated!

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I can see a difference easy.. EXTREME PRO RELIGIOUS VIEWS!

    6. Anonymous5:17 PM

      crunchingk • 31 minutes ago
      Bo says he wishes republicans well!can a president talk out of his butt more than this Inbacil??


    7. Anonymous5:43 PM

      5:17 PM What is 'Inbacil'? Are you braindead?

    8. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Their latest thing earlier today was to refer to anyone they don't agree with as Imam, is Imam Obama. I will rejoice when their dreams fall apart.

  24. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Well, someone didn't go balls to the walls and tell that 6 year old to get off the dog.

  25. ibwilliamsi3:45 PM

    WTF with that sweater? When is she going to stop shopping at "Forever 21"?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      But...but, she IS forever 21!

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      It's the blanket from Jill's crate.

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      She is Baby Jane Hudson except much more evil.

  26. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I heard her say "balls to the walls" but I thought I misheard.

    Also, Sarah what does China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Arctic and Antarctic and two cantons in Switzerland all have in common? They still eat dog meat.

    You can sound like a bumbling idiot saying that trig didn't eat the dog, eating it isn't an issue, it's killing an animal inhumanely (like clubbing it) that would be the issue, however, you and your idiot followers can't wrap your one cell brains around that concept.

  27. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Twelve people were killed in a terror attack Wednesday at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine that has published controversial Muhammad cartoons.

    Religion/In the name of God = death

  28. Every time some wingnut compliments Sarah on something after she's made a fool of herself, her smile reminds me of the look on a toddlers face when he's proud he didn't shit in his pull up---but on the floor.

    I loved when Ingrid answered Palin back with---- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  29. Ssrah appears to be in a manic phase.

    1. Anonymous11:40 PM

      yeah she's manic allright...and I got a feeling the one she has deemed 'evil' will be the one to 'heal' her...and not for notoriety...just mainly to shut her up...

  30. A J Billings4:09 PM

    What a hot mess of rambling, nonsensical word salad.
    Doesn't really answer the question, and yet again shows that she knows NOTHING about the Constiution

    She claims that Congress "exempted themselves" from term limits."

    No stupid one, the Constitution limits Presidents, but does not limit Congresspeoples' terms, therefore there are none.

    Got that? it's the Constitution, not Congress that does the opposite of limits

    Oh, and kids, let's not forget what's going to happen later this year.
    Just like in 2011, $arah Caribou Barbie Paylin is going to yet AGAIN announce that aw shucks, she ain't runnin' for President cuz she likes bein' Unshackled, and livin' vibrant, and doin' relentless reform, so Cain't get time for a national campaign.

    Then, we will get to again watch the melt down of those sad sack Palinb0ts who have spent millions over all these years to give her money, only to have it go down the drain.

    A blessed day this was posted:

    And for extra credit fun, and to watch the Pbot Zoo implode and fight with each other yet again, here's from October 5, 2011,
    a day which Alaskans could celebrate annually.

    Palin "apologizes" to C4pee"

  31. Anonymous4:12 PM

    My favorite part is that she is so disinterested in the topic that in the last moments she actually pulls out her cell phone and starts checking it while she is still talking.

    Her people just think she's multitasking. They are unsavable.

    Also found this profound statement re the Paris shootings,
    I simply cannot fathom the retarded factor over there.

    JanuarysRose8 • 2 hours ago
    Guess gun control isn't workin' out real well over there.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Since they probably gave her the questions in advance, she is probably checking for the answer to the question.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Her cult members are mean and nasty as she is...and just as stupid.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Of ALL the c4pers, I think jr8 is one of the ugliest & seems bonded to the bottom of the barrel over there. Perfect representation of the slime that supports AIP Sarah Palin. Hoohah!

    4. Anonymous5:25 PM

      jr8 has nothing on TheresaAK and polarbearpapa.

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Januarysrose8 is a weasel, especially when called out on her "facts" or caught lying.

  32. Anonymous4:17 PM

    She should be banned from talking about term limits, since she couldn't even finish one.

  33. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Why? How come we can see right through this fraud and others don't appear to? She was easily transparent to many right off.
    I am thankful for the many sane and intelligent folks that have helped to keep her exposed for the evil she possesses.She is clearly mentally ill.I do not jest , she is pure mean and ugly.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Darn straight. You may thank reality TV for that and a media that will flat out NOT do their job. Entertainment fluff is the name of the game now, I wonder how she likes being known as an absolute putz. She's not the political Joan Rivers, she's a freak show, and, as someone said earlier, she's not being laughed with, she's being laughed AT.

      Screaming mental illness, drug abuse, whatever she's doing. NO one would put themselves forward like that if they had half a brain.

  34. Anita Winecooler4:19 PM

    She don't need no researchin 'n stuff! Reminds me of the time she was shitting her pants and sweating buckets googling the statue of liberty while some fox nutjob was interviewing her and left her alone for a quick pee, She's beyond stupid, and she knows it.

    Don't think I ever heard Jesus nor read in the Bible anything like "Balls to the Wall". Is this her side job? Lot lizzard and glory hole hogger in a hand me down thong dress and three hundred buck sun glasses?

    Love how she says "at least Trig didn't eat the dog" (a dig at Obama) when he can't even keep down a cheerio. Do they STILL force feed him? How does he get his nourishment? Or is that a "Trig costume" he wears? Wonder if CBJ has any answers?

  35. Dinty4:22 PM

    She thinks the term limit should be one half of a term

  36. Of course, Trig didn't eat the dog. He can't eat solid food and scarah can't cook.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      But Trig did step on the dog.
      And Tripp kicked the dog in the face.
      And Tripp pushed the dog away.
      They sure don't respect that special dog.

  37. Anonymous4:23 PM

    She has stirred up enough intense hatred that hopefully, she will be put down soon.
    Like picked off.
    Sleep on that Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      fuk'n A ..

    2. Anonymous11:43 PM

      now now...we cannot as a humanity keep fueling that fire...they want us all pissy and fuming...about what?
      another idiot? ok...

  38. A J Billings4:24 PM

    Holy Shit!
    Near the end, at about 6:07-6:20, the
    Foxbots have to ask her about DogGhazi,
    and she gets all ditzy, and smiles, and says really slow

    "er, ah, welll....
    Oh, there's a lot about me, that nobody would really like"

    Now why in hell would she say something SO TRUE about herself given the 10 years of grifting, lies, crimes, scams, felled interviews (sic), defeat, quitting, and etc, etc.!

    Anyone care to comment on that?

    Oh, I get that maybe in her mind she's trying to be self -deprecating, but Jeebus $arah, your Freudian slip is not only showing, it fell on the floor with your underwear attached.

    1. abbafan4:54 PM

      AJ - she is either so fuckin' stupid to know she stuck her foot in her trap, or she deliberately said that, knowing the negativity that will ensue. Either way, the stinking skank must derive some perverse jollies from this fuckin' charade!

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I think Palin thinks a line like that will be interpreted as sexy by the little heads in her fandom.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Oh $arah, it's not that I don't like a 'lot' about you. I despise EVERYTHING about you. Made that decision over six years ago and you've validated my negative feelings a zillion times. Can't stand radical anything but mostly can't stomach radical religionists who try to shove their small minded crap down everyone else's throat.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      She's not a religionist. As the commenter here said, it's an act. No wonder Hollywood tossed all of 'em out, they suck at it.

  39. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She's for no term limits but then snarks about Congress not having term limits at the end. What a rambling incoherent mess.

  40. Anonymous4:37 PM

    LOL!!!!! excuse me..... LOL!!!! So now Sarah Palin is a..... "Constitutional Conservative" LOL!!! No, Sarah, you're a Con Artist!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      That's what c4p decided the third party will be. Awaiting her to announce, yes they are, and will they ever be disappointed.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Let me understand this... The Tea Party made up of over 60's white evangelical christians with racists views screwed up the GOP because the moderates on the Right refused to play the Teabagger games. Now they want a third major political party named CC because Tea just didn;t fit them anymore. Yep, sounds like a group as stupid as Palin!

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      And there you have the 4pees, 5:39 PM!

    4. Anonymous7:38 PM

      And, they no longer like fox news, now that Sarah isn't a constant fixture. Fickle group.

  41. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Term limits to Sarah Palin is getting half way though your term as governor and calling quits to the job and screwing over the people who put you there and the money they donated.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Actually, the voters got off easy with her early quit. Just imagine how much more damage she would have done with a couple more years of her puffed up power trip.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      She wanted out when she said yes to McCain, never believing for a minute she'd lose and have to go back to Alaska with her tail between her legs.

      The minute she stepped foot in her Governors office in Anchorage she was hitting the phones looking for a way to market herself. Book deals, speaking gigs etc.

    3. Anonymous12:15 AM

      Totally agree.

  42. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sarah is a grandmother, but is dressing like she is desperate to compete against her daughters for attention. It must be difficult for her daughters to the boys their age talk about wanting to screw their mother, all the while they have to have the appearance of being modest like a good Christian. They are suppose to be abstinence role models, but their mother presents herself as the couch potato's playboy bunny. She is really hurting her daughters with this role reversal.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      I feel really sorry for her children, the boys and girls. It has to be embarrassing for them.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      They're bought off with money.
      Co-dependency, every last one of 'em.

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      I feel really sorry for her children, the boys and girls. It has to be embarrassing for them.

    4. Anonymous11:45 PM

      may be it's her straight jacket in disguise?

  43. Anonymous5:03 PM

    What happened to her boobs? Isn't that the shirt she wore when she was trying out the triple E's.

  44. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Would someone please explain what "balls to the wall" means? The image I see in my mind's eye isn't very pleasant. Thanks in advance.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      maybe that's when a guy has to stand in the corner at school with his balls to the wall when he has been misbehaving?

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I was only familiar with the "glory hole" definition, not knowing this term had its roots in aviation. I learn something new everyday :-)

    3. Anonymous11:46 PM

      it's an AC/DC song...she is stuck in the 80's...broken record syndrome...daddy didn't pay attention till he was too drunk to care...well you fill in the blanks..

  45. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Sarah Palin takes four minutes to tell her subscribers that she does not know what she thinks about term limits."
    -Sarah Palin

    Is anybody really surprised that it takes Sarah Palin a long time to explain anything to anybody?

    Sarah Palin's mother was pregnant before marriage

    Sarah was pregnant before marriage

    So this same dumbass wasn't able to explain to Bristol or Track where babies came from.

    I hope someone other than Sarah can explain to Piper where babies comes from and that she should keep her panties up before Piper turns into another Sally, Sarah or Bristol.

  46. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Yes, Sarah, there's alot about you that nobody would really like!!

  47. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Her top may be unzipped down to her ribs, but she still has her flag pin made in China pinned to her top.

  48. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I think that is her breast feeding blouse. Is Trig still nursing?

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      doubt she nursed any of her brood

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Trig is not hers. Why would she be nursing him? Seriously….

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Is Trig still nursing? No, but Hannity is. Hoohah!

  49. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Check this out on bad-boy Varney:

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      You can't make me. I heard about it!
      HOO HAH!

  50. Anonymous5:27 PM

    WOOHOO!!! $carah got herself a new zipper-top!!! WOOHOO!!! All you little old white guys have to do is imagine that you pull that zipper...
    BLECH!!! I just threw up in my mouth!
    Cannot get myself to listen to her screechy sing-song third grader voice, so no idea what she actually screeched.

  51. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Boy, would I be pissed if I was a subscriber to her 'channel'! For the bigger audience, $he actually 'springs' for a new zippered top, but for her subscribers, $he thinks a dingy, dirty, sweatshirt hoodie is good enough. UGH!!!

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      She didn't even bother to prepare a good answer. She just yammered on, thinking that the fans are as dumb as she is and wouldn't notice that Sarah wasn't saying anything.

  52. Anonymous5:34 PM


    daisy_mae • an hour ago

    Hi dear friends. This is just a quick fly by to share some stats with you. I've been monitoring the Governor's facebook likes. If I'm doing the math right in the past 6 days she's averaged approximately 4582 new likes per day. WOW! Just wanted to share some good news with you :). Gotta go take care of the doggie. God bless.

    Idiots, every last one.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      That means she's running, she's running!!

      She had her hair up yesterday, she's running, she's running!!

      So many likes on FB, she's running, she's running!

      I had corn in my poop this morning, she's running, she's running!!

      The cat puked up a hairball, she's running, she's running!!

      She winked twice during her "Ask me Anything" segment she's running!!11!!1


    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      They STILL don't get she buys her "likes."

    3. Anonymous10:38 PM

      The click farms are located in Indonesia or another third world country where the clickers in Sarah's employ probably eat dog to keep their energy up.

  53. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Apparently it isn't just the Bunny Ranch wardrobe that AIP Sarah Palin wears until she wears it out. It's also her diatribe against the President. Obama Balls to the Wall Against Americans: Sarah Palin - US for Palin
    Nov 5, 2014 - Obama “is going to go balls to the wall opposite the American people as he's done for six years now.”

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yeah, she has a desire for those balls.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Well, Palin and her fellow wing-nuts went all "balls to the wall" opposite the American people in 2008, and 2012. Somebody should have stuffed their balls in $arah Palin's mouth 6 years ago! Maybe they would have shut her up, by now!

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      $arah Palin thinks that, "At least Trig didn't eat the dog!" line is so clever. It just sounds dumb. That old, worn-out, pathetic attack against President Obama didn't work 2012 when Mitt Romney tried it, and it won't work now. Silly bitch.

  54. Anonymous5:44 PM

    At least Trig didn't eat the dog, like the Democrat's Messiah did. Let's get this straight. President Obama was a kid in Indonesia and had no control over what he was fed. They two guys ended the show by saying that one of them dated a Vietnamese gal, and she ate dog-- dismissing Palin's "joke." Sarah Palin forgets that her friend, Fred Malek, her date for the Alafafa Dinner, way back when Sarah had a political chance, Fred Malek was a young man in college when he and some friends killed a dog, BBQ'd it and ate it. When the police arrested them, they described the scene as having blood all over the place. Nice friend, Sarah, nice friend. I guess that we have to judge you by the company YOU kept.

  55. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Those bumps on her lips where she's had filler injected are much more interesting than anything Sarah Palin ever says. They have a better personality also too there.

  56. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Anonymous5:14 PM

    Would someone please explain what "balls to the wall" means? The image I see in my mind's eye isn't very pleasant. Thanks in advance.


    When I went to Wasilla High School it meant that the girl who said it wanted the boys they were about to have sex with better be fucking like a jackhammer if they want another chance at that girl's hoohah.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Is that you Bristol, or Willow?

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM


    3. Anonymous12:09 AM


  57. It just blows my mind that people get sucked into sending this woman money...That's what makes me mad, there's so many talented grifters out there and this reality star..Look at that crappy that her best effort? Seriously? She just rolled out of bed, scratching her nasty head, rambling on about some incoherent crap, with the look in her eye that my old roommate's Shepard had after chasing too many parked cars...Easy grift money and this is quitters best effort? Wow, just wow

  58. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Christian Grandmothers dress like hookers while they make their adult daughters dress "modestly" on DWTS as punishment for getting pregnant.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      In a gorilla suit no less.

  59. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Today CNN was the most timely and adult on the breaking news from Paris. Followed by MSNBC
    FOX , as usual, is and always will be , just nonsensical fluff .
    Palin should be their logo.
    The first video of Palin is a meandering
    stream of consciousness balderdash
    in which Palin never answers
    the question ...that she originally posed.
    I could not watch the entire video because trying to do so would make one start questioning their sanity.
    When Palin starts making sense to you, it's time to see your doctor. Or change your medication.
    There must be something seriously wrong with anyone that can stand more than a minute of Palin's traditional jabberwockey.
    The second video of Palin looks like she's the Crypt Keeper in a blue top from the old HBO series.
    Palin is possibly suffering from some debilitating disease or is in the end stage of something more horrific .
    It's delusional for Palin to happily showcase her half dressed skeleton and even worse for FOX to enable her mental and physical abnormality.
    Palin is better suited for some TLC reality show like My 80 Lb Body or My Scary Off Kilter and Disheveled Wig.
    CNN and MSNBC would never allow anyone in this stage of raging physical and mental illness to continue to appear on their network...if ..if they wanted to attract normal viewers.
    FOX , by always promoting Palin,
    clearly has no designs on that demographic.

  60. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Balls to the Walls"

    term used by pilots. when accelerating quickly, the throttle is pushed all the way to the panel and the throttle lever (ball) actually touches the panel (wall). Hence, balls to the wall.

    It was also a song by a German heavy metal group.
    Just the beginning of all of the lyrics:
    Too many slaves in this world
    Die by torture and pain
    Too many people do not see
    They're killing themselves, going insane

    Too many people do not know
    Bondage is over the human race
    They believe slaves always lose
    And this fear keeps them down

    Watch the damned (God bless ya)
    They're gonna break their chains (Hey)
    No, you can't stop them (God bless ya)
    They're coming to get you
    And then you'll get your
    Balls to the wall, man
    Balls to the wall
    You'll get your balls to the wall, man
    Balls to the wall, balls to the wall

    What is wrong about Sarah Palin using an expression like "Balls to the Walls?" She thinks that it makes her sound tough and sexy. It makes her sound cheap and tacky. Women who tell men to grow a pair, get some cajones, or any other expressions that deal with male anatomy may be asking for something that most of us would not be asking for-- at least not in that way. Sarah wants to sound ballsy and macho, sexy and provocative. If you need some more analysis, remember Bristol swearing a bleeping blue streak when interviewed by a policeman after The Brawl. She reflected what the Palins must sound like when we aren't listening. They are coarse and crude.

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      it's also an AC/DC song...she's stuck in the 80's

    2. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Thanks, you're better than wiki.

    3. abbafan2:06 AM

      The group is "Accept". Something traumatic happened to her in her early years that she is constantly using those caustic euphemisms. I'm surmising that daddy Chuckles diddled her ("those kids are always losing their underwear"). What a dysfunctional, fucked-up bunch of assholes they are!

    4. Anonymous2:35 AM

      Anonymous11:48 PM
      "it's also an AC/DC song...she's stuck in the 80's"

      Like totally!

  61. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Balls to the walls -- it is what Todd has to do to protect his from Sarah

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Todd can protect his with a teaspoon.

    2. Anonymous12:02 AM

      Funny, you two!

  62. Anonymous6:11 PM

    anyone else got sick of hearing all of her fire expressions?

  63. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Of course, Palin perks up when a fellow "yes man" wing-nut, who agrees with her 100% of the time, tells her "she done good" against PETA. So, Palin being the air-head that she is, and living in a a bubble, believes that this wing-nut's opinion is widespread. It is not.

    Palin has probably never had a conversation with someone who has ever shared a different opinion than hers, then criticized her to her face, so she's not used to hearing a different opinion, or people out side her bubble telling her that she is wrong to her face.

    Palin gets soft-balled by "journalists" like always, and she thinks' she "won" debate. I'm not sure why wing-nuts think Palin won a debate against PETA. Conservative delusions, I guess. Palin did not win the debate against PETA, because there was no debate. Palin doesn't debate, because she's too fucking stupid, so she just
    uses distractions, like pretending to be a "victim."

    Palin singled out PETA, because she couldn't handle that so many people were criticizing her, so she decided to pin all the blame on PETA. The rest of her critics were to numerous to fend off. The news cycle quickly moved on, because Palin doesn't generate as many clicks as she used to. She's a D-list lister, now. Palin's critics won, because most people still agree that she shouldn't let her kid use the dog as a step stool.

    The dog may not have been hurt this time, but that kid is going to get bigger, and heavier, and one day the dog could get hurt. I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of the dog pissing on her wig.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Your mention of "debate" reminds me of the poster in the Bachmann thread saying a Bachmann/Palin debate would be dumb vs. dumber. Wouldn't it?

      It also brings to mind the VP debate that her stupid followers to this DAY think she won. I watched that start to finish, she avoided everything and, at times, had Joe Biden cheshire cat grinning at how stupid she was.

      As the book "Game Change" said, he came off that stage and told his handlers, "you OWE me," because he was coached not to nail the poor, clueless female no matter how much he wanted to.

      What a putz she is, and worsening day by day.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      I still gag when she asked, "can I call you Joe?" and got all Reagan-y with her, "now there you go again." A segment of the population ate it up & the rest of us saw it as the GOP trying to package her as a folksy, Ronnie incarnate. They were fools to think we couldn't see the fakery and idiots to think we wanted another Reagan!

    3. Anonymous2:10 AM

      She was told to ask if she could call him Joe, because in rehearsals she called him O'Biden!! She could not get it right, so they told her to ask if she could call him by his first name.

  64. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Balls to the wall!

    Sarah Palin wants everybody to believe she's a religious Christian mother with that filthy mouth of hers.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      She might be happy if she could find Todd's tiny balls.

  65. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I'm confused -- I found this facebook page Organize 4 Palin (I guess in opposition to organizing for America) and Palin is on the same show with the same guy, but wearing a different outfit. Does she frequently go on the show to say Balls to the wall for them? Is that like Goldie Hawn's Sock it to Me?

  66. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Sarah, hearing about the horror in France will, of course,
    blame President Obama. She will be running around in
    circles screeching "never fear, Queen Esther is here."
    "Balls to the wall, balls to the wall." "Twaad, get me my
    beauty queen tiara NOW"!!!!!!!

  67. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I haven't had enough wine to listen to her ( reading the transcript is painful enough), but what the hell is she wearing?! I believe that women can look fabulous at any age, but damn, one should consider the occasion. Have SOME modicum of self-respect! Can you picture Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or any of the millions of professional women dressing in such a desperate manner?!

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Sarah has not grown up yet. She is still helping her Dad look for her missing panties. The old pervert.

    2. Anonymous11:50 PM

      734 getting real warm now...keep going..

  68. "Jane, you ignorant slut" from old Saturday Night Live comes to mind every time I hear her speak, she needs to STFU once and for all. No one cares what she has to say and if they did, not too bright to begin with.

    She makes me tired, relentless stupidity does that to a person. Her clothing choices speak volumes of her self esteem. I am long past feeling sorry for her, she has squeezed out any form of compassion I might have for her every time she goes after the president with her attacks. How does that little peabrain actually believe that he is concerned in the least bit with whatever comes out of her piehole?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Amazing! I could have written your post! Great minds...

  69. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Some hilarious comments, as usual, on this "Ask Me Anything" segment.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Dimitrios M - 3 days ago

      The only term limits Sister Sarah cares about are word definitions.

      Those terms in her word salads mean exactly what she means it to mean, but only until she uses it in an another sentence where it can only make sense if you employ another meaning for the word. Then the term has an entirely different meaning from the meaning it had before. This will last as long as she intends it to mean what it now means. It will change, however, when the limits of that term's meaning runs out and it means something entirely different when she uses it in the future.

      And someone replies, "you should go to work for her!" LOL!

    2. Anonymous11:54 PM

      Thanks for posting the comment, they are hilarious over at wonkette!

  70. Anonymous7:10 PM

    A couple of comments about her "Ask Me Anything" from the Sarah Palin Channel.First we now know she doesn't just obssess about your blog but Shailey Tripp's blog as well. It was Shailey who started, promoted, and had huge results with her "Ask Me Anything" Fridays. I think we should all give her next "Ask me Anything" session a phone in. Each of us should ask if Tawd is hanging with hookers anywhere in the world and ask her about her fake birth and while we are at it ask her about other criminal activities. You Betcha!

  71. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Omg she wants to do that to our wonderful President? Balls to the wall?! Toad please do her shes in heat!!! Rotflol!

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I aint doing her. Now if you ask me to do Shailey Tripp, I'll do her again.

  72. Anonymous7:38 PM

    More like took toad's viagra. Rotflol!

  73. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Ball him to the wall?!

    1. Anonymous2:31 AM

      Yep...I know. Sarah can always keep the conversation public toilet fresh.

  74. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Watched the video and what I got from it is

    1. Sarah Palin has bugs in her hair. Sarah couldn't help from scratching and scratching her melon.

    2. Sarah Palin talked about term limits and mentioned as mayor she completed her term but when she talked about being the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin didn't mention that she quit her job.

    3. Sarah Palin mentioned a lifetime in DC is a bad thing. Sarah are you referring to John McCain? As far as talking about being a politician for a long time, John McCain has 33 years under his belt.

    4. Sarah Palin talked about conservatives, Sarah your children's children will be paying the debt you left Wasilla.

  75. Anonymous10:21 PM

    She is so embarrassing. What women in a professional setting wears an off the shoulder number like that? As she becomes more and more disdained, she seems desperate for the same impact her padded bra made on councilmen. Unfortunately, she only appears desperate and pathetic.

    1. Anonymous2:24 AM

      And old, don't forget old! Sarah's looks have taken a serious nose dive since 08!

      When I saw her with this semi-off the shoulder top, she reminded me of those dummy heads beauticians practice hair-styling with. Only difference is that Sarah's a real dummy and is proud of it! This woman refuses to learn darn thing.

      Again, this is what John "Country First" McCain regarded as vice president material?! HA HA!

  76. Anonymous10:25 PM

    At the end of the top video, when she is getting her cell phone out, pay attention to the area just under her 80's bangs. Why does it always look like there is black shoe polish under them? Weird.

  77. janice10:58 PM

    Sarah is scraping at the bottom of the barrel. She will do or say anything to get attention. What is with this top? Does she think she will go the Kim K route? That family is all young and fresh and Sarah is on her ways downward in the looks department. The only thing she has in common with Kim K is that she likes sleeping with black men too.


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