Thursday, January 08, 2015

Nicolle Wallace reveals "the most challenging thing about working with Sarah Palin."

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

“It was when she started to go rogue, for real,” Wallace said, quoting the title of Palin’s campaign memoir. “You know, it was when she sort of didn’t care what, like, McCain thought anymore.” 

“So that got a little dicey,” Wallace said, before admitting that it was “totally legit” for Palin to be mad at her after she set up interviews like the one with Katie Couric in which the vice presidential candidate could not come up with the names of any news publications she read. “I was making decisions about who should interview her, the interviews didn’t go well, so that was totally fair game for her to talk about.”

You know I hate that Wallace always has to add that little addendum at the end saying that Palin was right to be pissed off at her because she was too stupid to answer simple questions.

I myself have some issues with Nicolle Wallace, and her use of ridiculous conservative talking points, but she is needs to stop beating herself up over this. Palin was, and is, a bitch on ice and NOBODY would have made her happy during that campaign.

By the way I think that this is a good place to put Alternet's take on Palin's latest scandal, "Dogazi," which they entitle What Sarah Palin's Latest Meltdown Tells Us About Conservatives' Victimization Fantasy: 

It should be surprising that Palin was able to spin a silly little dustup over a dog into a full-blown the-world-is-out-to-destroy-conservatives paranoid meltdown, but sadly, it’s par for the course. And it’s not just Palin who sees liberal bogeymen out to get her around every corner, either. The world of right-wing punditry is one where conservatives are under constant assault by liberals who want to destroy everything they hold dear, often for hazy reasons that amount to little more than “because liberals are evil.” 

The great irony here is that the biggest threat to conservatives doesn’t come from liberals at all, but from the conservative pundits themselves, who readily exploit their audiences by feeding them a bunch of scary lies in order to extract money and political support from them. In many ways, the right-wing of this country is less a political movement than a bunch of charlatans conning the rubes out of their hard-earned money. 


That’s why the Sarah Palin dog dustup matters, because it’s not just a matter of some paranoid, easily rattled ex-politicians wildly overreacting to some deserved criticism. Palin’s words are part of a larger lie that exists only to fill the coffers of right-wing leaders and to scare up votes for people who aren’t qualified to run for dogcatcher, much less national office—the lie that liberals are out to destroy conservatives, because liberals are a bunch of action movie villains who are motivated by pure evil. Palin is able to convince thousands of Americans that some critical comments about how she treats her dog are part of a vast conspiracy to destroy their way of life. That kind of paranoid thinking is the fuel that powers the modern American right.


People have asked me why I spend so much time covering Sarah Palin and the answer is because she is a microcosm of what is happening on a much larger scale.

When Palin decided to "go rogue" in the middle of a presidential campaign she was essentially inspiring a large group of criminally under educated morons, only vaguely aware of current events and politics. And those poor paint chip eating morons have become the financial lifeblood of pseudo politicians and cable news personalities like Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, Herman Cain, Mark Levin, and Ben Carson.

Today she is only one of hundreds shearing the sycophantic sheep until their clippers are too hot to handle, but there was a time when she was trailblazer. Essentially blazing a trail to the end of the conservative movement as we know it.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    And she's one of the biggest Kochsuckers around:

    The First Act Of The Koch Congress Is A Vicious Attack On Social Security

    It is too bad that Americans failed to heed to preponderance of warnings that if the Koch brothers and Wall Street were successful in buying control of Congress, Republicans would immediately “go after the Federal government; all of it.” Mitch McConnell’s pledge to the Koch brothers was fulfilled even before Tuesday when Republicans officially accepted the Koch’s congressional majority gift. There has been volumes written already about Republicans remunerating the Kochs for the gift of a Republican Congress, including subverting the Constitution by overstepping the Executive Branch’s authority to approve a permit for a foreign pipeline, and eliminating healthcare for millions of Americans. However, it was revealed on Wednesday that the evening before officially taking control of Congress, Republicans launched a Koch-Wall Street attack on Social Security as a first step in another Republican-created crisis; this time to hasten privatizing Social Security for the Kochs and Wall Street.

    On Monday evening before taking ‘official’ control of Congress, Republicans secretly included a provision in the House’s parliamentary rules for 2015 banning Congress from shifting Social Security Trust funds into Social Security’s disability insurance Trust. Also, the Kochs added a brand spanking new trickle-down rule from Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan that forces the once-bipartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to automatically analyze, score, and approve huge trickle-down tax cuts for the rich as deficit reducing job creators and a bonanza for federal revenue; like the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich proved not to be.

    Democrats complained that both the ban on transferring funds between Social Security Trusts and the Congressional Budget Office attacks were added to the Koch’s “broader rules package by surprise” very late Monday night before the Koch Congress was officially sworn in on Tuesday. The surprise bill (H.R. 5) the very first action in the new Koch Congress, caught Democrats off guard and was subsequently approved on a strictly party-line vote. The wording in the new Koch rules say Congress is forbidden, and out of order, to shift funds between Social Security’s Trusts even though it was a typical procedure eleven times over the past 60 years before the Kochs owned Congress. What it means is that there will be a 20% benefit cut in Social Security disability accounts affecting about 11 million Americans the Republicans, Koch brothers, and Wall Street say do not deserve any welfare; that money belongs to the Kochs in tax cuts and Wall Street in administrative fees.

    For over a year, the Social Security Administration’s actuaries called on legislators to do what Congress has done 11 times since the 1950s without complaint or controversy, but of course that was long before the Kochs, Republicans, and Wall Street began calling Social Security a Marxist welfare program for, what Willard Romney said was, America’s 47% moocher class.

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      I read this earlier, and it has made me sick to my stomach.
      Now that they are in control of both houses, they do not even pretend anymore. They simply state it as a 'in your face, and whatcha gonna do about it now?'.
      So sick. Hoping against hope that there is some way to minimize the damage, and that they will not be able to reverse simply EVERYTHING this country has been able to achieve within the last one hundred years. Not holding my breath, though.

    2. Anonymous4:14 AM

      Wow. Thank you. Great rundown of the situation. Now. What are we gonna do about it? The bohemian grove gang are in total control as planned. Can wave that magic undies and wand and the cost of gas drops and then increases. Got full control. divided country. hate galore. and a country legally stoned and taxed. Nobody knows their ancestry or heritage. usa ?hmmmmm? I smell money..........follow the trail............? who is leading the pack? who is voting for this? who owns the voting electronic machines?......wake up people. Don't sale America, Don't just get in line. Vote and pay attention. Freedom? a false sense of security. Vote to remove citizen united. Let us hope that strategy and reality work together. 2016

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      "It's all about the money, boys!" said John Goodman's character in O Brother Where Art Thou?

    4. I am so glad I have a pension. It's safe. It's a state pension for teachers. They can't touch it. They can't eliminate it or reduce it. It's MINE. I will have it for life. I worked and contributed to it for most of my life and starting in June I'll have a pittance each month, GUARANTEED, for whatever remains of my life.

      The Kochs and the Repub1%can'ts can all kiss *my* ass.

      But they'll never get my vote.

    5. Anonymous8:14 AM

      414 it won't do much good until the peoples create a go fund and hire a team of 'pit bull attorneys' to make sure the elections are not 'tainted' as they were...
      I think the peoples are poor - tired and don't care...
      That is what they 'engineered' this social spectrum get off your asses and go talk to the 'old school' and they will talk about the same pattern...
      ya know the one that 'created' the Great Depression and then WWII after the Alaska ordeal? Don't recall that do you? Google it...
      Power of the Peoples is Timeless and Global...

    6. Anonymous9:13 AM

      It's safe. It's a state pension for teachers. They can't touch it. They can't eliminate it or reduce it. It's MINE.
      Don't be so sure, in Mich the gov and legislator raided the teachers pension on a regular basis!!!

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Uh oh, Scarah is on a new poutrage. Now she's all pissed at NBC, for not crucifying Lena Dunham but asking her if she took a cheap shot at the President.

    I think this whole dog thing was a set up to purposely start a fight, so she can once again be the victim and get the desperately needed attention.

    Money getting low. Barstool's Louis Vuitton bag and 6 year old Tripp getting a a full size 4 wheel vehicle for Christmas. Yep, Jesus ain't the reason for their season.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Barstool can no more pronounce Loius Vuitton than can her mother pronounce Louboutin. Idiots with money provide boundless entertainment.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Wasn't ICEBITCH herself photographed in a pair of Louboutin's similar to these?
      Hypocrite! And Barstool wee'd weed up and pissy over a $300 pair of Sunglasses!
      The whole family is nutz and get the dogs and kids under 12 out of there....

    3. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Bingo. This is palins simple plan and agenda since? well the city counsel. Then she self scans blogs and people who complain. Using people, animals and places is now the normal marketing scam of snake oil sales. Being a con has never been easier. Put the retard kid on a sway back lab and watch the board light up. Yep. Too bad. the salty witch is just too nasty to lick. except with a two tone prick. sorry for the French.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    And here's something that's gonna get Sarah all wee-wee-d up! Along with her cohort Jonny McLame, the Warmonger Senator that sicced this vile harridan upon us.

    U.S. to cut European military bases as budgets shrink

    The US is closing more than a dozen bases in Europe.
    The shuttering of 15 bases will save the Pentagon roughly $500 million a year, according to US defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. America has approximately 74,000 troops stationed in Europe. With today’s announcement, 2,000 will be relocated out of the UK as three major bases there shutter.

    I, for one, think this is a very, very, very good thing.

  4. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Sarah Palin is waiting to celebrate the 4th anniversary of her "Blood Libel" pity party?

    Presidenat Obama and the Giffords
    4th anniversary of Tucson shooting

    9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green

    The forever victim, Sarah Palin, responds

    Palin's reference to "blood libel," a false, centuries-old allegation that Jews were killing children to use their blood in religious rituals, launched a new round of criticism of Palin's rhetoric.

  5. Anonymous5:16 PM

    FBI: Men Planned Guerrilla War against Federal Agencies
    2015 is beginning with a bang, as the indictments roll in and more home-grown terrorist plots are revealed.

    Here's one from Rome, Georgia, a picturesque Southern town that might be an idyllic vacation spot. Then again, you just never know what lurks beneath the surface:

    ...Now why is it that stories like this stay local even when they're clearly of national concern? Fox News goes on and on about Muslims when the real threats are in places like Rome, Georgia. That rhetoric is straight out of the right-wing playbook, and yet our media refuses to obsess on it the way they do over Muslim international terrorists.

    Extremism is extremism, regardless of the religion of the extremists, right?

    These are exactly the kind of people Sarah eggs on and incites.

    Her husband was AIP for years and she really behaves like she is too, whether she signed any papers or not.

    She is dangerous as long as the media gives her a pass. She'll use that bullhorn and trade on her 'well i was VP candidate' status for-fucking-ever, to get the coverage she craves.

    And with the media ownership heavily right wing conservative, they give her a pass.

    She is dangerous because she appeals to base human behaviors like hate, fear, anger, resentment...always meant to stir up more of the same.

    She goads, mocks, ridicules, all with the meanest, crudest intent to inflict pain.

    Words can't begin to describe how utterly depraved she is.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Anonymous5:16 PM
      Great comment! 1000+

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      there is a HUGE cell in Alaska of those 'wack jobs' of malita and political nut jobs...but I think the ordeal in paris that the war mongers staged...then stocks go up...Holder goes to Paris...stocks go a day!
      It has made humanity use the media to 'just say no' to domestic isn't that sweet?

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      the good ol' georgia boi's, taking right outta schaeffer cox's "playbook "...

    4. Anonymous4:27 AM

      So sick of false media, liars, cons, and folks that stand with this lousy group of usa citizens. seriously. WHO? does these delusional old, new, constitutional, clown republicans think their fooling? This group has absolutely sold their soul to the devil himself and are now paying the piper each day in the usa people's congress building. I question the democrats? is this strategy? solution? retreat? or zero backbone? Where are the True Independent Americans? 99% ers? booomers? anyone out there?

  6. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Wallace is The View answer to diversity?

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Jenny McCarthy is an anti-vaccine pseudo science dumbass. Wallace at least is intelligent. Jenny McCarthy has zero education and refuses to listen to scientific fact regarding vaccinations, something she loves to spout about but knows zero about.

    2. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Yes 5:36. These mothers know nothing about science. They only know their kids were fine one day, got vaccinated the next and the shit hit the fan for them. I believe in vaccinations and give them to my children and to others as part of my job. However, there is something "there" , a definite connection with the MMR vaccination that made perfectly healthy children impaired physically and mentally. I know of two cases personally - a neighbor and one of my attending physicians. We are educated, we know there was a connection to the vaccine. But hey, life goes on for these people with their terribly impaired sons. Uneducated moms can get trapped into believing lots of things because their distress over what happened to their child is real and in many cases there is no real answer - just that vaccine connection.

    3. Anonymous4:30 AM

      except one little weeny tiny thingy. She stands with current republicans. enough said. AND she did nothing to protect America, blow the whistle on palin immediately and now kisses axx for fame and fortune. NOPE. not good at all.

    4. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Wallace is brilliant. She believes in covering up Palin. and her doctor birthing that square pillow, or was it's name Trig. A real serious stand up for science.

      The View could have done better than Wallace.

    5. Anonymous8:09 AM

      lol...if we really wanted to get down and seems to me that some 'mothers' are better than others...see some do not chase fame and fortune...
      why bother...and some stay home and lose wages and revenues to ensure their kids 'got it all out' of their system before venturing into the real world...
      imagine that...on second thought Sarah can't carry a thought past 'wheres my pills'...
      Great parenting Sarah..

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It's about how Sarah Palin failed to help a special needs child understand how to safely interact with animals.

    Yes, of course, I care that the dog could have been hurt. But I care more that a special needs child could have been hurt, or WILL BE hurt standing that dog or any dog.

    It's about THE KID, damn it.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I personally care more about the dog. Mrs. Palin obviously doesn't care about Trig or she would have helped him with advanced therapies to try to overcome his genetic disorder to the best of his abilities, but she didn't, she didn't care so why should I?

      However, his standing on the dog does concern me greatly, I can't help Trig, at his age no one can, anything that could be of assistance to him would have to have been done by age 4, at this point he's as functioning as he can be and will ever be, the dog on the other hand could have a long and productive life, outside of her current environment.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I condemn Sarah Palin for failing to provide the very best professional therapy for Trig as soon as he was able to start DS therapy. He cannot eat sold food. He cannot say the simple word UP. I doubt if he can call for help. There is no excuse for not providing therapy for a DS child. It would be the same thing as failing to provide insulin for a diabetic. Sarah has the money and much of the therapy is covered by insurance. The only reason that I can think of is because Sarah seems to have paid little attention to any of her other kids, so Trig was just treated with the same disregard by that oblivious mama.

    3. Anonymous2:40 AM

      I know a 3 y/o child who had to have both eyes enucleated after all attempts to cure his retinal cancer from the age of 6 months failed. The first priority is saving as much sight as possible. When that fails, we have to try and save his life. So, this child is now blind and it is very sad and distressing to see him and his struggle to cope. He has intesne therapy, live in help and therapists and also special school. His dog is in training and won't get it til he is 5. His intelllect is normal. and he hopefully will prevail and live and function if we can cure him. I thinktheir is a parellel to Tri-G - sometimes he had hearing aides, sometimes he had glasses. Soemtimes he could see/hear. Other times he couldn't possible see or hear well enough to know what is going on in his environment. The time to start his therapies wa birth. BIRTH . /every poster who comments that the time was lost is 100% correct with Tri-Gs. You have to get them early and consistently for max function.
      Palin failed this kid as she has failed all her kids.

    4. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Its about both. Both. It is about humanity and compassion for a living thing. And it is lacking.

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      no I think that group of 'people' raises their kids like that...I mean it might be that it's a 'control' issue with them...and they USE God to seal the deal...poor kids...they think the overtone of money and not living in third world conditions like Sarah grew up in will somehow make up for what she didn't have...meanwhile high on Lord knows what all and looking in the mirror...I'm so

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Maybe someday Nicolle Wallace will acknowledged she enthusiastically participated in trying to put a mentally unstable, ignorant person just one sick old man's heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Nicole and Schmidt had a plan to sideline Sarah if she became VP. They knew how dangerous she was, yet they still tried to get her and McCain elected. Country First My Ass.

    2. abbafan6:39 PM

      I highly doubt Wallace and/or Schmidt will come clean any time soon about enabling the blithering, babbling idiot - they have to protect their corporate masters first and foremost. However, if the yapping chihuahua won't stop yapping, drastic measures may have to be taken. Remember, this is the same crew that scrubbed the computers in AK in '08; someone is holding pocket aces!

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      639 you betcha now so is Dubai...drumroll please...

    4. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Nicole and Schmidt had a plan to sideline Sarah if she became VP.
      Really, pray tell what do you think they were going to do? Have her committed? No they were not going to do a damn thing-all in the name of the Republican party.

      I am sure those too know a lot of damaging information about the Palin family and have continued to keep their mouths shut, even when she tried to derail healthcare and divide the country.

      They will not say anything unless there is a profitable book deal and she is already silenced.

      Poor Nicole sounds like another whiny/victim republican.

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      NW: “I was making decisions about who should interview her, the interviews didn’t go well, so that was totally fair game for her to talk about.”

      Why? Other candidates for political office are expected by the public to be interviewed on teevee.

      Just who should have been allowed to interview the under-educated, ignorant, narcissistic Sarah Palin?

      Did Wallace expect that Katie Couric was going to chat about how to make moose chili?

      Frankly, I wish Wallace would just stfu. She did her best to palm off a moron on this country. A better use of her time should be to use he teevee gig to apologize to the American people. I have no respect for NW and don't watch any show she appears on.

    6. Anonymous2:07 AM

      Wallace's and Schmidt's "plan" to sideline Palin if McCain was elected is a weak and flimsy excuse that I don't buy. There is nothing they could have done or would have done without enraging all Republicans. Had McCain won, both of them would have remained silent just as they did before the votes were cast.

      It's easy to offer up the excuses now but the truth is they worked hard to keep other reporters and the country from seeing what a total nutcase Palin was. interrupted everyone constantly.

      I'm sure Schmidt and Wallace could reveal a lot about Palin but they don't appear to have the courage. Screw the country, they've got their careers to think about.

    7. Anonymous2:42 AM

      Schmidt and Wallace are dangerous people and if there performance was graded, I say they failed the course, should not have graduated and should be banned from school with an ethics charge.

    8. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Well said.
      She just keeps making herself look worse.

    9. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Exactly. AND BOTH sit quietly today instead of spill the toxic waste of palin so that we may end this outrageous waste of time flushing the toilet of palin crap.

    10. Anonymous7:01 AM

      They were kidding themselves if they thought they could sideline that attention whore. After spending ten minutes with her they knew full well there was no controlling her.

      Meghan in PA

    11. Anonymous7:58 AM

      727 roll that beautiful Bush beans footage...woof woof

  9. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The Alternet article is spot on. Agree, G., also to what you said: "she is a microcosm of what is happening on a much larger scale."

    There's no doubt she and the Koch's and oil puppeteers and NRA all use the religious right, who they see as dumbed-down and gullible enough to buy into the puppets they create. Their sexy librarian puppet, Sarah, appeals to a segment who hates the black POTUS in the White House, hate that African Americans are prospering and succeeding and being put into leadership positions, hate that Amendment rights include everyone, hate that other religions (besides christianity and judaism) have rights, hate liberals, hate illegal immigrants, hate hate hate. The puppeteers know that the naive masses, the Tea Baggers especially, need to be at war with someone, anyone. These types sit at McDonald's and complain about taxes and liberals and if their batteries wear out, they have a scapegoat to blame and that is Obama. Blame Obama because the sun didn't shine today, blame Obama because he wants to ruin your day, blame him for the tornadoes, the terrorist attacks, blame him when they're just in a bad mood.

    Sarah Palin and others, the Ann Coulters, and Fox and Friends and Limbaugh and the nuts out there keep the hateful fires burning in the right-wing. The right-wingers don't even know why they're mad sometimes, but, after watching Fox, they at least know they're MAD. Mad at the world, at Obama, and they go to bed mad, wake up mad, so mad that they'll send money to milionnaires that promise a utopian America, when whites had more power and blacks knew how to stay in their places.

    1. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Hey don't give ms wacko palin a lift. She is nothing and there are many groomed to be just like her already in congresss. You may not hear them but they are in there and in place. Plain palin is the side show distraction and unelectable clown. The Constitutional Republican. The choosen one. The mother of Trigg G. and quitter in charge. oooooh the joy. The republicans are so happy. and guess what? Americans are watching.

    2. Anonymous5:07 AM

      You're right. But it's the whole GOP that's been affected with the right-wing madness. Not one GOP member of Congress really cares about making America better or about improving the lot of all Americans or about how best to handle international issues. That's what is so scary that the 21st century GOP is in charge of Congress right now. And having Sarah Palin still around spouting off to the media and getting sympathy from every idiot who interviews her!!! Again!!!

      And then there's Nicole Wallace, now apologizing for arranging the Katie Couric interview! That's simply insane. Katie Couric did not turn Sarah Palin stupid; she did not make her nasty. That was simply the real Sarah Palin come out to play GOP politics. It didn't look good and it wasn't good for the country; it's what the whole GOP has moving towards since the 1970's at least. And it's not Katie Couric's fault. So, Nicole, blame the entire GOP for its descent into far right-wing conservative Sarah Palin-land.

    3. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Please do NOT use the word librarian in relation to SP! What an insult to the profession!

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    C'mon, $arah, you coward. You have ALL the answers, with your cutesy little junior high voices and "come hither" expressions, tongue flicks, and twenty-something in-your-head sexy dressing. Your Constitutional Conservative party is just waiting to volunteer, you are their savior that will rescue ALL of us, Queen Esther. You were called, remember? What's holding you back?

    That these people who knew what you were about after '08 said "you're done running" or it all comes out? What a conundrum. Look that word up, it can be your mom's word of the day tomorrow on your "channel."

  11. Anonymous5:47 PM

    How ironic that a baby she did not birth and a dog she did not deserve will take her down.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Will take her down? Don't hold your breath. Journalism is dead in this country. It is now just entertainment.

    2. Anonymous4:18 AM

      It already has. She can never run for anything and she well knows it
      It just hasn't publicly humiliated her yet in front of the entire world for several 24/7 news cycles. Yet.
      We are very patient people.

    3. Anonymous4:42 AM

      Karma. in sarahs bird brain ? its the end of the world. the rapture. crazy bad bad witch gives good witches a bad rap and gig.

  12. Anonymous5:56 PM

    What's incredible in the Palin VP saga is how obvious it was that she had mental problems. Just following her and reading up about her, showed how pathological she was. She enjoyed throwing darts at people and enjoyed provoking people. She enjoyed being a rogue, disobedient to the people who offered her so much, and couldn't stand not being the center of attention. She loved attention so much, her countenance was shining. She actually showed the world she feels like a goddess when great crowds praise her.

    Now, Sarah Palin can't take one small swipe at her, she feels it's the biggest travesty of the world. Forget that innocents in France were gunned down, Ebola patients in Sierra Leone are sick, without the comfortable hospitals and some don't get medication for relief, and watch their children die. Forget that the world still turns and there is much suffering. Oh no, Sarah has been INSULTED! Sarah has been OFFENDED. Get the police, the lawyers, the court orders, someone has said something about Sarah. In her mind, it's always about her. She is her own god in her own universe.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      And there you have it, but that bitch is cunning. She knows about them as much as they know about her, the Jake Puppy is just the start. Who knows what else, and then there's that prostitution/Secret Service ring TAWD is involved in. Of COURSE she's a smug little tart, RUN she never will. Wait until her followers find out.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      And all this from a person with an IQ of 83 !!!

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      @7:44 IQ of 83? But somehow admitted to FIVE colleges! (I settled for enrolling and graduating from one.)

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Calling the WAHHHHHHmbulance for Sarah Palin now!!!

    5. Anonymous7:56 AM

      lol...oh I can breath when I stop
      no what sarah is mimicking who she will never be...

  13. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's about the Kid AND the Dog. The bitch doesn't know the difference trapezius.
    Hatred has no bounds.

  14. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Doesn't Sarah have a TV show to promote? How desperate is that woman for attention?

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Seriously, what are her thoughts after these mean attacks? "I did it I was wonderful?" What an effing moron to the moon.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Lena Dunham has a successful show.

      How about Palin adding her to the 'Trig didn't eat the dog' mix up?

      Dueling TV stars!

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The C4P version of reality:

    'palin45potus • 4 hours ago

    Do you guys remember that it was during a visit to New York with the expectation of delivering a very high profile speech against Iran's treatment of women while Ahmadinejad was at the UN that Nicole Wallace arranged that "friendly little chit-chat" with Katty Couric for which both have been well rewarded?

    Hmmmm. Wouldn't the ideal time to spring a well-disguised trap interview be while the target was preoccupied with an important issue, and not expecting her own campaign to walk her right in front of a moving bus?

    Of course I've got no proof. But it sure walks like a duck.'

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      I saw thst on c4p & my head is still spinning! What would be a routine interview to any othet canidate was a "trap" for Palin! Fucking amazing! Preoccupied with an important issue translates to trying her damnedest to pull off a speech where she was clueless about the subject & probably couldn't pronounce most the words. Thank god a POTUS never has to deal with two issues at once. Qualified my ass!

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      She was so preoccupied with a speech she couldn't remember Supreme Court rulings or what papers she reads? palin4potus seems to be admitting that Sarah is not smart enough to keep two disparite thoughts in her head.

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      The woman simply asked Mrs. Palin what she reads to stay informed. They don't realize how stupid they look by calling that simple query a "gotcha" question. Hey, how about a real gotcha question, something along the lines of what is 9x6?

    4. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Here is another gotcha I was hoping some reporter would ask: Does it save money for a city to build a building on land it does not own? Is this eminent domain on steroids or taxation without representation? Please explain... But it never happened.

    5. Anonymous4:15 AM

      You don't even realize you do Palin no favors with this reply do you? Shouldn't a person one heartbeat away from the presidency be able to handle multiple crises at one time?
      Cripes! If preparing for a speech throws her into overdrive, she was woefully unqualified for that role.

    6. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Wait. Do you mean the flash cards did not work or help our sarah. She managed to remember 2 new words and lick her nasty lips and say "all of them" I read all of them.

  16. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Yeh, I tweeted to her to please stop apologizing for Palin's persistent and planned stupidity. It was Palin's fault for not prepping.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Good for YOU but she can't say a word. It's "politics,"

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM


      It was Palin's fault for not... reading anything of substance other than John Birch loonytoons and fashion magazines.

    3. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Sarah Palin should never have accepted the nomination to begin with. Had she been a more thoughtful, reasonable person she would have declined, knowing that she could never handle politics on a big scale, and stating the obvious: that she had children, including a pregnant teen and an infant with DS, who needed her at home. Not only did she not prep for the interview, she failed miserably at prepping for the whole thing.

    4. Anonymous7:38 AM

      If she was a thoughtful, reasonable person, she wouldn't be Sarah Palin.

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      There's no WAY she was going to turn it down, Beaglemom, she got the attention and fame she'd been craving her whole life. That she turned it into worldwide laughing stock is all her own doing.

    6. Suzy q10:43 AM

      She didn't even know what a Vice President did! And what did she call the Justice Department? One dumb broad that's just taking up oxygen and doesn't deserve it.

    7. abbafan11:13 AM

      Suzy Q - the fuckin' brain-dead idiot moron called it the "Department Of Law"! She is such an asshole!

    8. Anonymous11:33 AM

      And this is a woman who supposedly minored in Political Science AND was a Governor.

  17. Anonymous6:51 PM

    There a Time Magazine article, sorry it's too late for me to find it, written by a father of a down syndrome child and he gives his take on Palin's Trig on dog photo. He gives a biased opinion on her, in her court, but at the end still can't understand why she took the low road and made such a big deal about it. He, like many others, thinks she cares and wants to be an advocate for parents with children of DS.

    They are starting to see that she's all hot air. Her focus is totally on herself. Trig never asked to be part of this discussion. She could have avoided bringing her child into the discussion by using another example for her musings for the New Year. Always inserting her child in there somewhere and knowing it would raise concern to the welfare of the dog. She probably didn't think it would provoke concern for Trig, because she herself doesn't think about his safety. To her, the rebukes from commenters was a direct insult to HER. It was all about HER. Her incessant need to throw barbs at critics never brings Trig into the equation. She could have avoided her precious child's involvement in this debate, or could have ignored the comments, or could have apologized and explained her faux pas.

    Will all the money and conservative friends she has, why didn't she take the time to write her New Year insights in an editorial, WITHOUT bringing the image of her child into the mix. Why is it she always has to bring her child into the mix? She's not doing as an advocate, or because she's proud of Trig; if she truly were proud of his clever approach to getting to the sink, she would have let the matter go, after her fans and commenters commented negatively about the dog's safety. She could have just reassure them that she was concerned about the dog's safety and let it go. But, her concern wasn't really about Trig or the dog. It's always about her image, putting it out there as cool mom, looking good for her admirers. That's all it is.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Someone is giving Palin too much credit for having insights. Sarah cannot write a real editorial. Sarah only wants attention, and she gets it by posting photos that are supposed to define her make believe image. Because it is all fake, she has nothing real to offer.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      "... thinks she cares and wants to be an advocate for parents with children of DS".

      This guy seems to be clueless. Can anyone name anything that Sarah Palin has done to support DS organizations?

    3. Anonymous4:52 AM

      she pushed a stroller with the soccer moms one time. She? she? hmmmm? that's it.

    4. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Tragic when DS parents sell out children like that.

      No one holds Palin to any standards.

    5. Anonymous7:37 AM

      She's done less than I have, and I don't even have a kid with special needs (nor have I don't very much).

  18. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I agree, her "forget the dog and my retard, you hurt me and attacked me". That is what I got and think she just does not get it.

  19. Anonymous7:42 PM

    John the turd mccain's energy expert. More like ignorant expert.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      How can you be an ignorant expert?

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Your Own Worst Enemy...he helped the terrorists...
      Pallin around with Terrorist...yup Sarah had it right...
      She sure does...and she is so stupid she thinks she is safe...laugh out loud...

    3. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Perhaps expert in ignorance is intended.

    4. Anonymous4:55 AM

      creating enegy with turds. Novel and just think gates is now creating water from poop. must of watched the palin INTERVIEW arranged by the new view member now speaking. kinda. some. alittle bit.

    5. Anonymous8:40 AM

      yea if I was Sarah I would be careful about where I went and if she has 'company' following her behind...and it will be john boys crew to get her!
      gee sounds like what goes around comes around...
      I saw Paul the other day...boy ya all just focked him up and all he was yapping was 'well I remember there was a lot of cocaine' Todd...
      get him in an accident so he don't remember shit!
      well gee is that all ya got? oh right 'kill them all and let Allah sort them out' what is sarah's fetish with the ME and all that Allah stuff anyways?

  20. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Bottom line is Sarah Palin will never be president, vice-president or even dog catcher thanks to the brave women and men of Alaska. America owes these brave Americans for revealing the true underhanded fake ignorant low life that goes by the name of Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      What brave men and women of Alaska?
      Other than Gryphen, they have nothing!

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Considering Sarah and Todd and their spawn continue to move freely among the population and Sarah continues to spew her garbage on the national stage, there aren't as many "brave men and women" as you claim.

  21. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I personally think Palin choreographed the entire "Trig standing on the dog" photo-op. Yeah, that's how twisted and sick she is.
    She made up this bullshit story of Trig wanting to do dishes and showed him how to stand on the dog and smile for the camera. Everything about this evil creature named Sarah is fake, phony and a fucking lie. Poor Trig and poor Jill the dog.

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Likely, in that the overdose death or failed drug test has been out of the news as Toad cleans it up. Look over here, look o.
      So glad she had to make herself look like a fucking idiot again in the diversion "over here, over here, look at meeeeee"

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      The Christmas black out is long forgotten along with all those floating turds form Chucky2 @ c4p. Sick parents? THE BIG REVEAL?

      Todd's brother's drug test was never anything but a possible distraction from the overdose.

      When can Sarah mention Track again? His military service has been neglected. Jill is the service dog now and no one dare ask about that. The good DS ma can't be questioned. She loves disabled veterans and service dogs. Plus all she does for disabled children and Down syndrome.

      The left wing Savannah Guthrie is now as wretched as Katie Couric, just ask Nicole Wallace.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      6:45 Not sure what makes you think Guthrie is 'left wing' but agree how Palin used her big broom to sweep a lot of shit under her rug again in December.

  22. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Bring it on Gryphen. Keep it coming! Air some more goodies from your source.
    Take her NOW damnit! drip...drip...drip.

  23. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Until they are all in prison or dead, they will inflict their idiocy on us all.

  24. Wallace isn't any more worthy of air time than Palin. Both are liars of the nth degree, Walliace just better educated than Palin.

    1. Anonymous11:36 PM


    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      So true.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      wow so we got an educated idiot and an idiot...great!

  25. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Sounds to me like Nicolle has some kind of extreme inferiority complex.

  26. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Well all Alaskans let it be known: we have a poor oil forecast...
    The newly elected Governor has said past administration are the reason Alaska is in the predicament it is in right now...
    All those 'giveaways' are to blame as the $500 mil to England I mean TransCanada...owned by England...look at the Canada...cough cough...

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      ya I heard about that...I also hear that the Middle East knows more about it then the USA/ UK does...dumbshits...I feel for the ME folk...dealing with a 'child' laymen terms USA = 2 yr old...ME = 70 yrs old...non stop fits wares thin fast!
      They are starting to lose their patience with us folks...
      And instead of a 'spanking' that is 'embarrassing' they are just going to do a 'kick ass' and not care...
      Folks like Sarah and the likes of those 'people' are living in an taints their realities more then they realize...and we are stuck watching the freak show...unless we use technology and form 'watch dog' groups to monitor their actions...make a public statement 'on behalf of' and reject words and actions...hold them accountable for it and make them produce evidence and share it with everyone!
      See they don't want humanity to evolve to that level...
      Uh hate to 'burst your bubbles' but after Paris?
      WE are one in humanity...we win you lose...pass it on...

  27. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Hall Of Shame: 35 Dems Voted Yesterday To Roll Back Dodd-Frank Provisions

    And the Dems wonder why they get their a$$es kicked in the elections. We're getting damn tired of Democrats who no longer fight for the traditional principles they USED to have.

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      cant fight without guts and backbone. Let us hope that this is strategy. Republicans will go down in flames within 2 yrs. Time for 3rd party

  28. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Nicolle Wallace isn't the villain Sarah Palin is, but she is a tool.
    9:14PM's observation is what I observe. Wallace seems to be cowed. She comes across as timid and apologetic when Palin comes up yet at the same time gives Palin kudos. It's weird.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Nicolle Wallace is a villian. She is still lying and covering for McCain. She put out her version of lite-Palin expose and cleared her conscience.

      Guthrie is latest liberal media to set up poor victim Palin, Savannah lovefests with young successful professioanal.

      Due to her (Palin) own experience with Guthrie on Tuesday, the Governor used the contrast to highlight just how biased, unfair, unprofessional, and outright dishonest Guthrie is. Palin’s full comment is below:

      "In contrast, in an interview the day before this Lena Dunham lovefest, Guthrie asked me if I, after enduring days of hate and threats spewed at my family again, took a ‘cheap shot’ at Obama by merely mentioning his admittance to eating dead dog in the plainspoken post I wrote defending my innocent son and his good dog. She was inferring, of course, that my reference to an established fact is beyond the pale, but apparently Lena Dunham’s knowing indictment of a totally innocent man is perfectly respectable."

      Toss in the kitchen sink, Skarah. "Lena Dunham lovefest" ? More controversy, distraction, misinformation and attention for Palin.

      Full Guthrie/Palin interview.

      Guthrie sympathized with the feminist activist over people doubting an allegation in her memoir of being sexually assaulted by a "campus Republican" in college – a claim which has been disproved on several of the key details.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Was that anything like the knowing indictment of Korey Klingenmeyer by your lying whore daughter?

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Nicole Wallace is a villain. Anyone who perpetuated Sarah Palin's viability as a VPOTUS candidate is a villain. Wallace could have quit, could have gone to the press with proof of Sarah Palin's insanity during the campaign, but she didn't. Sarah Palin continues to do damage because Nicole Wallace care more about her own ass (and, apparently, her paycheck) than the country. She still does.

  29. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Nicole shold have lots of shame, sleepless nights, reflux and constipation over her continual soft handling of the very mentally ill woman who ran for VP in 08.
    I find the fact that Palin got so far VERY dangerous and Nicole Wallace is partially responsible.
    That she continues to cover her ass continues to make her reprehensible.

  30. Anonymous5:54 AM

    So, try this.. Tell Nicole that you believe that George W. Sleezebag was a liar, a crook and war criminal from the day he drop his first Under-cover Blackwater operative into the middle-east to ID, capture and KILL anyone that even looked suspicious and wasn’t a southern baptist.

    Nicole goes nuclear ! She literally looses her shit.. The content, the subject matter, the facts of the conversation you thought you were having with Nicole is gone. She becomes hysterical about you insulting the best man that’s ever lived on the planet and begins screaming at everyone in earshot with fowl language, personal insults and bad bar talk.

    Best example of split personality I’ve ever seen. Must be something to that Cheeeeney juice story..

  31. Anonymous6:35 AM

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


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