Monday, January 19, 2015

The box office hit of the weekend was Clint Eastwood's American Sniper. But a lot of Americans were not exactly blown away. (Pun intended.)

So this weekend America Sniper came out and it broke a ton of records.

However there are many who are quite put off by the subject matter.

Such as Michael Moore who sent the following tweet:
Seth Rogen was less than impressed as well:

(For those who never saw the movie, that was a Nazi propaganda film.)

Max Blumenthal was equally nonplussed:
That is only a taste of the kind of blowback this film has attracted. But THAT blowback pales when compared to the vitriol that one attracts if they dare criticize the film or its hero Chris Kyle.

And speaking of heroic just check out the jingoistic patriotism that the film inspired in a certain segment of the population: 

TheRaganBrock, whose timeline is loaded with paeans to Kyle and who saw the film earlier, tweeted, “Ngl teared up at the end of American Sniper. Great fucking movie and now I really want to kill some fucking ragheads.” 

Reece Filon, who has since made his tweets unavailable, wrote, “America sniper made me appreciate soldiers 100x more and hate Muslims 1000000x more.” 

Harshnewyorker wrote, “Nice to see a movie where the Arabs are portrayed for who they really are – vermin scum intent on destroying us. #Deblasio #AmericanSniper” 

Another tweeter, identified simply as Tim, wrote, “Seen some Arabs walk in the theater to watch American sniper, I wonder if they think this is a horror movie? Lol.” 

In another tweet, since deleted, Dex Harmon wrote, “American sniper makes me wanna go shoot some fuckin Arabs” which was followed by artwork of three handguns.

Would not be at all surprised to see an uptick in violence against American Muslims in the wake of this behemoth. 

Full disclosure, I will NOT be seeing this film as I have sworn off all military propaganda movies for the foreseeable future. I also never saw "Zero Dark Thirty" despite the fact that it has been playing nonstop on HBO for several months.

I understand that war is sometimes necessary, but the glorification of war and of the men who are sent to kill individuals who in many cases are guilty of nothing more than living in the wrong place at the wrong time, is something I just cannot stomach.

And yes I feel much the same way about drone strikes.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This movie is being released at a really bad time. I read the VF article about making it and was really turned off by how Kyle's family wanted their son to be portrayed and also by the way Cooper and Eastwood promised to tell his story. I love me some Bradley and he is a very fine actor. Too bad he got his research on the part from only the family and didn't delve deeper.
    I will wait for netflix.. Seems they have made enough money already so not shelling out 50 bucks for my family to watch it.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I used to be a fan of Bradley because he never had a girlfriend an always took his mother to awards shows and has overcome being a really bad actor in order to become a famous person.

    2. Anonymous2:51 AM

      He is really good on Broadway. He is a good actor.
      But they just entertain us. Our priorities are screwed up.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    This is not a war movie.

    It is about a hero suffering from PTSD. The struggles of his family and himself. Think of what his wife and parents must have gone through. They protected his children as much as they could, but it must have really been difficult.

    Ask Bradley Cooper. People will now feel more charitable toward the sick and maimed. The country will rally to be more charitable and have more events to help those suffering after war.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I would like to have some sympathy for Chris Kyle suffering from PTSD. But then, he decided to take another vet, suffering from PTSD to a firing range. He even brought along a friend. What is there about the sound of gunfire to bring back the horrors that the PTSD vet was trying to forget. He shot both Kyle and the friend.

      Sarah Palin tried to sell a place that treated PTSD with prayer. Going to a firing range and praying may help some people, but the correct way to deal with PTSD is through approved therapy, sometimes accompanied by medication when required.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      A. What makes him a hero?Just because he shot at people from a safe distance doesn't a hero make IMO. Did he serve in real combat? Maybe he did but all I ever hear is that he was a coward sniper.

      B I,and many many THOUSANDS of people don't need to think about what his wife and parents went through because we're too busy going through our own hell right now. So where's our movie? Where's our glory? Better yet where's our fucking help??? We can't get any, cause all of you who are fortunate and privileged enough to not serve are too busy watching a stupid fucking movie about heroism and ignoring the heroes right in front of you :(

      This country gets more and more pathetic every fucking day!

      /rant over

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I am truly sorry for your suffering. Most of the country never wanted you to go to war. Many of us want the US to mind its own business and take care of ourselves. These wars have served only to make some people rich while destroying millions i nthe process. I really am sorry.

    4. Anonymous1:38 PM

      12:58 PM

      Palin honors vets at gala for PTSD recovery program

      Sarah has PTSD, her son and suffering vets on her mind. The next day after her magnificent charity fundraising at Mighty Oaks 4th Annual Gala at WoodsEdge Community Church Friday night (She also has Trig on her mind 24/7 and mentions him) she celebrated Todd's birthday with her angry drunk PTSD son. He was trying to beat up his father but he was way to wasted.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I hope the movie tells the truth about Chris Kyle, that he was a tragic figure who hurt a lot of people. That he wasn't GI Joe, Real American Hero.

      There are real heroes, people who are humble and even demure about their accomplishments who will never get a movie made about them. Instead, we are treated to a guy who lied about his record and activities and who glorified war.

      Killing people on the battlefield is an (at times) necessary evil. It isn't something to brag about.

    6. Anonymous2:04 PM

      There was no reason to let your kids get involved in a conflict such as this, period, and perhaps people who chose to go fight in these unjust wars should have put off marrying and having families since so many either didn't come back or came back missing half their bodies and/or half their minds. There was nothing to be proud of participating in the conflicts of the last two decades, nothing.

    7. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Anonymous 1:04
      My heart goes out to you. I have a son in the military. I am in possession of my father's two Purple Hearts, from WWII. Dad dealt with his demons with alcohol. He did eventually beat that, too.
      We live in a country that flies flags, & supports its troops by placing magnetic ribbons on our bumpers. Many would do more, but we just don't know what or how or where.
      I do care and I am thankful for the young men & women who go into a hell that they will never completely leave.
      Please tell us something that we can do that would help you and others.
      Thank you for your sacrifice.

    8. Anonymous2:50 PM

      We went into a country that did us no harm. The Iraquis were fighting back against invaders, we had no business being over there. The Bush administration should ALL have been charged with war crimes. When I saw W running with young people missing limbs, I was disgusted. There he was the AWOL cowoard grinning like a lunatic, and surrounded by broken bodies that HE was the cause of. Disgusting.

    9. Anonymous3:01 PM


    10. Anonymous3:21 PM

      The Bush administration should ALL have been charged with war crimes.

      EXACTLY. Without that all anything more does is to compound the damages.

    11. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Anonymous 2:04,
      Your words are unfairly harsh. Some volunteered before the war and others joined in a rush of patriotism after 9-11. The military is still the best option for a college education or a career for many poor & untrained young people. Most don't enlist to fill a desire to murder other people. And, I don't know how the parent of an 18 year old is supposed to stop them from joining up.
      Even if the cause was far from noble, your disdain for young people who give up control of their lives and go where their country sends them is offensive.

    12. Anonymous2:50 AM

      4:36 And, I don't know how the parent of an 18 year old is supposed to stop them from joining up.

      By educating them to be critical thinkers

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    A young P.E. coach I had in elementary school organized kids who excelled in a sport that he competed in during college. He was instrumental in creating city wide events. He also was very inappropriate with the girls he taught & he "dated" female classmates of mine while we were in 6th grade & he was in his 20's. He died fairly young. ABC? did a made for TV movie about him. A real moving, tear jerker. Our city also renamed the school after him. My point is, just because it makes for great, heroic drama, doesn't mean it is reality. But most people will assume it is. I hope Jessie Ventura gets a big slice of the profits!

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Clint Eastwood has been in the business for almost eternity. It is hard to believe he doesn't know what he is doing. He was very strategic to rile the ire he knows he is tapping into at the same time as many are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Eastwood film sets box office record while setting off flurry of racist tweets

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Eastwood talked to the chair - supposedly his little chat with President Obama- remember?

      He is not helping the USA one bit and I no longer regard him well as actor, director and backer of a movie like this! He's screwing America and himself - when he is nearing the end of his life. Amazing!

  5. That this movie is being seen as pro-military shows how far to the authoritarian right this country has sunk. This is actually a cop movie. Cop gets too into his work, family suffers. We've seen it a million times.

    That some think this movie glorifies snipers is absurd. The right is projecting its values onto this movie. Eastwood carefully presented the movie in a way that makes Kyle's PTSD obvious and not at all attractive. Yes, become a sniper if you want to alienate your family and become uncomfortable around normal people.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I don't know that many see it as pro-military. It appears to be some kind of excuse for hate and genocide.

      It is about a mental illness that ate a man's heart out. It didn't stop him for self glorification and telling big lies. Since he is mentally ill he can make a lot of money and do stupid things if he wants.

      I don't see how that is going to help others with PTSD. Kyle thought he was something he was not, like a PTSD healer or helper. That was a grave mistake.

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    JFK: Killed by a sniper
    MLK: Killed by a sniper

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      It's about time we have a sniper movie that makes them more human. It is just a condition that can be treated.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      "more human"? are you daft?

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Eastwood is daft.

    4. Anonymous4:46 PM


      Chris Kyle had is sniper "condition" as you call it, sufficiently and permanently "treated" by another vet with PTSD. End of story, and in the end, it was the perfect treatment.

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Zero plans to see this movie. Never saw Dark Zero Thirty either. I find these types of movies very upsetting. I honestly think Kyle was a mass murderer, no better than Ted Bundy. He just found a "legitimate" outlet - war.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Agreed. Why did he go back four times? It was a legal shoot-em-up video game. He could get his thrills (didn't he say he enjoyed killing?) with no repercussions.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Another Republican. Bundy was a Republican. Manson a John Bircher, he never killed anyone that we know of. He was more like Sarah.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Then he said he and a buddy holed up in New Orleans at the top of the Superdome and shot a bunch of people during the aftermath of Katrina. He actually bragged about it. Of course, there's not one ounce of evidence it actually happened, but what kind of a sick person brags about something like that? Was it a fantasy of his, to shoot poor and/or black people here in the US?

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      2:02 PM

      Flashbacks are real. He possibly lived with a constant craving to repeat what he knew and got off doing. Like a serial anything will do.

    5. Anonymous2:54 PM

      "I honestly think Kyle was a mass murderer, no better than Ted Bundy. He just found a "legitimate" outlet - war."

      Completely agree. Kyle got off on killing and the SEALS gave him a "legitimate" way to act on it. This movie is a masturbatory fairy tale for the gun fetishists, legitimizing their fantasies by portraying a bigoted serial killer as a "hero". It's sickening.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Fox’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck gushes over sniper: Killing 33 people in 4 months is ‘incredible’

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      OMG that is so fucking sickening.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Elisabeth doesn't have a coherent thought in that pretty head of hers.

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM

    According to Todd, Trig's been speaking since before September 04, 2012, he told his older brother to quit picking on him.

    Trig Speaks For First Time
    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Sunday Tweeted this interview, in which her husband Todd referenced Trig speaking for the first time. Before we get to Todd's elimination rounds and final mission, here is the extract of that interview in which Trig's first words are referenced:
    Zap2it: How is your son, 4-year-old Trig, doing?
    Todd Palin: He's doing good. When we were filming, he said his first words. He told his older brother to quit picking on him, or something like that. And when J.W. went back to New York on one of the dark days, he said his name, so that was pretty exciting.

    NBC's STARS EARN STRIPES. 'Mission Finale' Episode 106.

    Sarah with Samantha Harris and General Wesley Clark

    Todd and Sarah on the set.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      I am confused about Trig. I do recall he said "Go Daddy" at one time. Recently he had to sign for "up". Next we hear him say "bullshit".

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM


      Wherever Trig came from, he's nothing more than a useful idiot used for publicity by all of the Palin Klan. Kind of how the Kardashians use that slow kid, Kourtney.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Who is JW? Is that what they call Track? Or was Todd talking about two different people and it sounds confused because maybe Todd was just saying it to make it sound as if Trig could talk. Sarah was the one who brags later that among Trig's first words were "Go Daddy." And to think, Trig cannot say the word "UP." That one he has to sign.

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      So he told his "older brother" to quit picking on him? Was that Tripp???

    5. Anonymous2:55 PM

      How come I don't believe a word that Sarah and Todd project? They have used that kid for many years now and do recall that he supposedly was not birthed by Sarah!

      The kid is retarded and does not appear to have many capabilities in the pictures and videos we have seen of him...which is the fault of the Palins as parents! Even w/DS, he should be much further along in his development (at his current age which is up for discussion too!).

    6. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Sarah is writing about American Sniper now on Facebook
      "God bless our troops, especially our snipers.
      Hollywood leftists: while caressing shiny plastic trophies you exchange among one another while spitting on the graves of freedom fighters who allow you to do what you do, just realize the rest of America knows you're not fit to shine Chris Kyle's combat boots.
      May the epic "American Sniper" bring nothing but blessings to Taya and the children of this true American hero.
      Thank you Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood for respecting the United States Military." - Sarah Palin
      NBC's STARS EARN STRIPES. 'Mission Finale' Episode 106. On the set summer 2012.

      And also, too, what is Todd talking about?

      "He told his older brother to quit picking on him, or something like that. And when J.W. went back to New York on one of the dark days, he said his name, so that was pretty exciting." Todd Palin

      Trig told Track to stop picking on him?

      Who is J.W.? That would be a mouthful for Trig to say.

    7. Anonymous3:27 PM

      2:54 PM
      So he told his "older brother" to quit picking on him? Was that Tripp???

      I don't think it was Tripp. It was when they were in California filming the show, Stars Earn Strips.

    8. Anonymous3:36 PM

      The entire Palin family persona is a myth, thus they rarely are able to keep straight their stories because they are ensconced in lies.

    9. Anonymous3:39 PM

      No matter how hard she tries, with phrases like "spitting on graves", Sarah Palin will probably never achieve a more moronic spew than her idiocy about "to party with the throw away parts"

      "Aren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable leather belts above your kickin’ new leather pumps you bought because your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar that features poor dead smelly roe (that I used to strip from our Bristol Bay-caught fish, and in a Dillingham cannery I packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood)? I believe you call those discarded funky eggs “caviar”.

    10. Anonymous3:57 PM

      God bless our troops, especially snipers who can aim and shoot without asking daddy if this thing kicks. We got it, Sarah, you're an expert at "God Bless" and "So happy to be here today with our heroes from Duck Dynasty and the patriot Ted Nuggets er Neugent. God Bless Amarryka for outgunning unarmed innocents

    11. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Someone told Toad quit pimping?

    12. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Does anyone remember when Todd Palin did this thing that looked sort of like a news conference?

      He was at a table, talking and I think he answered scripted questions.

      There may be a video on line.

      The outstanding part of that performance was his voice. Everyone could hear he is girly like and he could not say helicopter. He was so hysterical to hear that I don't think anyone would pay much attention to what he actually said.

      It was that time or around that time that the part about Trig talking to his brother was brought up.

      There was also an article or 2 about Track Palin. He and family had gone to the movie set to watch them filming Todd. The articles about Track being with Todd or the family disappeared because Track was to allegedly be in Afghanistan. While others would be deployed for a year at a time, Track kept showing up back in Wasilla. At least he was not in Afghanistan as they claimed.

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    In UK for the first time and I must say American nationalism makes us look backward and dangerous( to the rest of the world) when viewed from abroad . Our country has lost its soul since 9/11 and we are no different than the enemy in some ways

  11. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I don't see what the fuss is all about. From the previews, I gather it's a film about a guy who did some pretty shitty things in the war and is now traumatized. I'm more ticked off about the movie Selma and the hack job it did on LBJ. A dishonest director with an agenda.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      He's not "now traumatized", he's dead.

      Please be specific about the dishonest hack job on LBJ. I don't agree with you.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Can't get more tramatized than treating a kid with ptsd to deal with his problems by taking him to a shooting range, especially when Kyle wasn't trained to deal with people with PTSD.

  12. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Michael Moore calls snipers ‘cowards’ and Twitter conservatives go bonkers

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Mr. Moore has a reason for saying what he matter.

      He didn't put down the movie, the soldier, the actor or Clint Eastwood. What he did say has been blown out of proportion, but what else is new about our media?

      Check the facts!

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Conservatives always go "bonkers" when confronted with facts. Facts are anathema to them; Fox News pablum, force-fed to them on a daily basis is their only nutrition. They wouldn't know a fact if it came up and bit them in their old hairless balls.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      3:51, post is just summarizing the plot of the movie, not trying to be biographical. As for LBJ, use google, there's many a blog posting and editorial to inform you about how LBJ was grossly misrepresented in the movie. Of course, anyone who knows history would see the historical inaccuracies right away. The rest just don't know what they don't know. Moreover, the director admits to the inaccuracies. One person's hatchet job is another's creative license to avoid a white savior movie. How petty to go to such lengths to not give credit where credit is due.

  13. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Totally on board with you here too, G.

    It is glorification of war. And it's not that we don't appreciate the military. But, we know that even soldiers who come back don't glorify war. They did a job - they are brave and incredibly loyal to their country. But most don't come back and trump themselves as heroes. Some come back and can't cope with the horror, some commit suicide, and others will need mental therapy for the rest of their lives.

    Most veterans don't want to talk about the past; they try to put it out of their minds, otherwise they'd go crazy. It's people who don't go to the front lines who try to turn them into super-heroes and turn it into a profit, by writing books and making movies. It's the exploiters who make it into a profit.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      However these modern "wars" were not even considered wars, war was never declared, they have been ongoing conflicts without a proper declaration of war.

      I don't support these conflicts ideologically, however I must support them with my tax dollars as I have no choice in the matter. These "wars" are for oil, for instituting religious bias, and mostly for George W. Bush finally settling matters with Saddam, who tried to kill his dad.

      I'd not agree to let my children become involved in these conflicts with such a shaky ideological basis and I feel for those that allowed their kids to enlist and then lost them for no gain whatsoever to this country or any other.

      These conflicts will not be treated kindly by the history books, and rightly so, but just because people served and people were wounded or killed in the pursuit of religious and financial dominance does not make them heroes.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      America uses the word 'hero' way too freely in our world today. The term is freely given and shouldn't be. It should be earned.

      Killing others does not make you a hero - even in the name of war.

    3. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Sully who landed that plane in the river was a hero. The NYFD who went into the burning towers were heroes. The guy who had blood lust and bragged about killing ragheads not so much.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    As I commented before, there is no way that I will waste time or money watching a movie about someone who murders people. I'm not surprised that he endured some PTSD. Most soldiers just do their job and put that part of their lives behind them. This guy tried to make money from it. Better movies to see: "The Theory of Everything," "The Imitation Game," "Boyhood" and "Ida."

    1. SallyinMI7:17 PM

      And "Selma." Saw it yesterday and cried for what our country was and what it is still not..fair and equal. There is no freedom for blacks, and no freedom for anyone not white and male. Yes, we can vote, but there is still bigotry and hate. There are still cops beating and killing others just because of their race. We are not, and have never been 'exceptional.' Those that glorify the killing of other human beings are sick and no better than those they want to die. Just because your God is called Jesus and theirs something else does not mean you have the right to kill them.
      "Selma" is Ferguson. "Selma" is anywhere that still thinks white males have all the answers, and cedes them all the power. I weep for this nation.

    2. Birdman rocked btw! I'm going with Michael K for the best male lead in the Oscar race

    3. Anonymous2:42 AM

      SOOO glad for Michael Keaton. Good guy, good actor. Clean and Sober - he was excellent in tht as well.
      Nice guy too - met him in a take out in Santa Monica once!

  15. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Chris Kyle was a blowhard and a liar, as Jesse Ventura's lawsuit proved. Of course Palin and the Pee People worship Kyle - he was just like them. The Pees think the box office success shows - you guessed it - Murrica is ready for fer a rootin' tootin' lyin' sniper-lovin Prez - Mrs. Palin!

  16. Anonymous1:41 PM

    And Chef!

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The guy was a liar and a braggart. By the time he began tooting his own questionable horn, there was nothing honorable about him. He probably also caused his own death by pretending to know something about treating people with PTSD.

  18. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Way to go Seth Rogen!

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I don't watch war movies, but after seeing all the tea partiers praising this film, I read into it.

    Weird he could survive all those Iraqi encounters and then get shot here in America, by another American with a gun.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I'm sure that the idiot Chris Kyle had no concept of the meaning of Karma because he had christianity shoved so far up his butt that he couldn't see straight, but Karma is what did him in, and justly so.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM


  20. Here's a famous poem that I think describes how two soldiers from different sides might feel if faced with each other and had time to think about each other. I hope you enjoy it.

    The Man He Killed by Thomas Hardy

    Had he and I but met
    By some old ancient inn,
    We should have set us down to wet
    Right many a nipperkin!

    But ranged as infantry,
    And staring face to face,
    I shot at him as he at me,
    And killed him in his place.

    I shot him dead because--
    Because he was my foe,
    Just so: my foe of course he was;
    That's clear enough; although

    He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
    Off-hand like--just as I--
    Was out of work--had sold his traps--
    No other reason why.

    Yes; quaint and curious war is!
    You shoot a fellow down
    You'd treat, if met where any bar is,
    Or help to half a crown.

  21. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I haven't seen the film but I am sick about Bradley Cooper so far. It seems irresponsible that men like Clint Eastwood and others would not have more social awareness. The film may be excellent acting and workmanship. They have to know that Kyle was unsavory and dishonest. There are plenty of those with PTSD that have a compelling story but they were not blowhards and like a serial killer that loves their work.

    All kinds of Muslims that are not radicals are killed and maimed, so this is not about killing people that they call 'ragheads'. Unless they mean to include innocent children, women and the elderly. Our military has to pump up soldiers to hate children, women and the elderly so they can do their job?

    There are people that react to American Sniper like this: “Nice to see a movie where the Arabs are portrayed for who they really are – vermin scum intent on destroying us. #Deblasio #AmericanSniper”

    Why didn't Eastwood consider them and find a better way to go about telling a story about treating PTSD?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I think you're giving Clint Eastwood too much credit. Remember the empty chair?

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Eastwood is the director. He gets credit for a poor job, empty chair and all.

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      I'm sure he's happy to take credit for a huge hit movie

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      By "too much credit" I don't mean credit for the movie. I mean you are giving him too much praise to think he would make this movie to raise any real awareness about PTSD.

    5. Anonymous12:27 AM

      I saw the film and Bradley Cooper soft pedals Kyle. After reading more about Kyle, I don't think he's the good man the film tries to portray in the film.

      I don't know what the film is hoping to do ... if it's trying to also soft pedal the war as it was worth it.

      After seeing the film, it's a reminder again that I'm now more in favor of having the Bush administration in the Hague (along with war profiteers) for trial as war criminals. We shouldn't have gotten into this war for the reason they gave us falsely for going to Iraq (or Afghanistan).

  22. Anonymous3:18 PM

    There are a lot of movie promotion interviews with coop these days. I want to see someone ask him what he thinks about hero worship for a PROVEN (in a f*ckin court of law) LIAR.
    As for ZDT, I personally am troubled that the director of that film REFUSES to comment on all that has been revealed about what the cia did. It's like a form of "hero worship" for the cia.
    Hero worship for torturers and killers, liars and braggarts.
    I guess that's where we've gotten to as a country.

  23. Anita Winecooler4:10 PM

    I stopped watching the genre, with rare exception (Saving Private Ryan) after going through a phase of watching viet nam movies. I just don't see what the "draw" is. Of course they've diluted the meaning of the term "hero" with the celebration of Kyle, a snyper, at the hands of an average soldier with PTSD. Sarah and others took the time to glorify his death, including his widow, Hey, Sarah, go visit a Vet's hospital with no cameras running, you'll see plenty of real heroes. Better yet, got to Dover AFB and embrace those coming home while comforting those picking up the remains of their family members. Couldn't wait till MLK jr's holidy to be over, none of the facts on your "hero" change in one day.

    1. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Tom Cruise in Born on the 4th of July "Thou shalt not kill women and children ma!"
      Haunting performance. He was honestly excellent in this movie.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      I agree @ 2:33.

  24. Anonymous5:19 PM

    And on it goes....

  25. I won't be seeing it altho I have read much about the movie, the person etc. I stay away from movies that cause nightmares.

  26. Anonymous11:52 PM

    My suggestion to all here is watch 'Fair Game' Then watch 'Green Zone' It will give you an idea about how corrupt the Bush Govt. was, and mostly Dick Cheney. Then, watch Zero Dark 30, which will give you an insight into the torture that the Bush/Cheney govt. did to prisoners. I don't think even Obama new about this until it came down to finally finding OBL. The CIA has their own network it seems outside of the whitehouse. And this movie shows the torture was shut down in the Obama Administration.


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