Wednesday, January 21, 2015

President Obama's best zinger last night did not go over well with Republicans. Bummer.

"I've run my last campaign," Obama said toward the end of the nationally televised address. Republicans in the chamber applauded derisively, which prompted the president to ad-lib a zinger which wasn't in his prepared remarks: "I know because I won both of them."

Damn that was good. I could watch it over and over.

And I have.

However it did not exactly make the Republicans feel all warm and fuzzy toward the President. And I know that because one of them even said that out loud.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

"Probably not helpful when you rub the other guy's nose in the dirt a little bit," Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), a close ally of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), told reporters. 

"Look, he's allowed to take a victory lap but he ought to be thinking about what works — what's gonna help me actually put points on the board," Cole said. "How are you going to define your legacy in the last two years. Is this all about a third Obama term by winning the presidency? Then that would suggest you just want confrontation and the ability for your nominee to attack a 'do nothing right wing Congress.'" 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called Obama's jab — and overall speech — "disappointing," pointing to the Democrats' crushing defeat in the November congressional elections. 

"If the president sticks to the tone that he chose tonight — if he sticks to anger and defiance towards the American voters, then perhaps he will veto bill after bill after bill after bill," Cruz told a scrum of reporters. "But if he chooses to embrace and revel in gridlock and obstructionism that will be an unfortunate choice and I hope he reconsiders." 

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) was less troubled by Obama's line, calling it "an interesting throwaway." 

"It was kind of like he got back in campaign mode and did that. And so that's all I make of it," she told TPM. 

Senate Energy Committee Chair Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said Obama's remarks did not make her feel "warm and fuzzy" about having to work with him for the next two years.

Would you like a little cheese with that whine Senator Murkowski?

Of course making the President's speech even more impressive was the fact that there were multiple Republican rebuttals, that went from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Of course the official one was from newly minted hog castrating Senator Joni Ernst.

Who really did not address much of anything the President actually said, and instread focused on the fact that she had to wear bread bags on her shoes as a child.

Which inspired the #breadbagshoes on Twitter.

(Trust me that was one of the mild ones.)

Perhaps my favorite rebuttal of the group came from Ted Cruz, who part way through stopped for a do over, that somehow got posted to You Tube.

You know that rising up on his toes thing to make a point is really off putting.

My favorite line, due to it's utter stupidity, was this one:

"Tonight not a word was said about radical Islamic terrorism. Those words did not come out of the President's mouth. We cannot win a war on radical Islamic terrorism, with the President unwilling to even say the words radical Islamic terrorism."

He does know that those are not magic words, right?

And of course No Nothing from the North had to offer her two cents as well.

Palin's ghostwriter wrote a lot of words that essentially say nothing of any importance, and then she ended the post using this graphic.

Which is essentially my response to anything that Palin's ghostwriter has to say about the SOTU speech as well. So I borrowed it.

You know the conservatives can bitch and moan all damn day if they want to, but the President knocked the hide off the ball last night.

I know it, you know it, and more importantly, the Republicans clearly know it.


  1. hedgewytch8:36 AM

    Last night I saw the man I voted for in 2008. The looks on Boehner's face said it all. I think someone even captured all the different facial expressions and put it out there for social media enjoyment.

    The Republican's keep on thinking the world is supposed to be X, but dammit the world keeps on being Y, no matter how hard they scream its X!!! And the SOTUS just underscored it, big time. Oh, 2016 is going to be a bloodbath all right, for the GOP.

  2. Palin yawned because she didn't understand any of it. Too many big words.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Even his wink was over her head.


    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Mildred, I think the wink infuriated her even as it flew over her head. Hahahaha. She is an idiot.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      i doubt the ketamine, ritalin, meth addled brain of the crosseyed skank didn't catch the part of the SOTU message at about the 24 minute mark - that's when the topic went to >> the importance of college education << and education in general.
      And if she did catch it wonder if she looked around the room at her sprawling drunk/high, uneducated adult useless spawn ?

      LMAO !!

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Hey, Mr. Bouncy, with your fancy Princeton and Harvard degrees, it's MEDIAN income not MEDIUM income (40 second mark.)

    I think you're trying too hard.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      "If the president sticks to the tone that he chose tonight — if he sticks to anger and defiance towards the American voters, then perhaps he will veto bill after bill after bill after bill," Cruz told a scrum of reporters.
      Vetoing your crappy pork-laden bills that take "away" from the voters is anger and defiance toward them? No, Rafael, that's doing the job he was elected TWICE to do. You, on the other hand........

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Watching the gop last night at the SOTU just emphasized that there is not one single politician on their side who even comes close to our President, in CLASS and INTELLIGENCE. Sour faced Boehner, Lumpy McCain, Miss Lindsey Graham, stone faced Paul Ryan. Not one of them even looked as though they REALLY think they are winners!!! They act like schoolyard bullies, who have to run in gangs, afraid to stand on their own two feet. Not one is worthy of respect.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Perfectly said, 8:47 AM! I see them/Republicans as a group of bullies too!

      Thank God we have had President Obama as our leader! I absolutely cannot image how horrible things would be were Romney or McCain in place!

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      After Dubya was kind enough to loosen the regulations that kept business in check, it seems all of the Republicans with triple-digit IQs and any executive ability to speak of are way too busy making their billions to consider any lowly public service job. Well, except for Mittens, whose wife wants to live in the White House.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Yawning is what Todd Palin does when Sarah Palin demands sex. Todd would rather have sex with one of his prostitutes.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I'll wager they haven't had sex in eons. Remember, Levi said they didn't sleep together when he lived in their home w/Bristol.

      I cannot imagine Sarah being loving at all - in a sexual way. She has denigrated the sexual part of men for many years - so publically. Todd is suppose to have a little dick and it wouldn't surprise me at all to hear she has laughed at it and him!

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    How dare Sarah Palin use a polar bear photo for anything. She doesn't believe that they are endangered. And climate change; she's definitely not a believer in that.

  7. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Our President; yes OUR President; made me proud and happy last night.
    He also impressed my husband, who didn't vote for him; but who listened to the whole SOTU address, and came away saying "I really like him".
    I'm sure my mother-in-law didn't watch it at all, but she'll have plenty of Fox-speak to use to degrade the speech Mr. Obama gave.
    I love our President and his family.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      That's what is wrong with our country in a nutshell. Once you could say while I didn't vote for the guy, he done good here. Now, the regressive rethugs sneer and belittle the holder of the highest office in the land. Three year olds throwing a tantrum or racists assholes? No. I won't insult three year olds.

  8. "Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called Obama's jab "disappointing," pointing to the Democrats' crushing defeat in the November congressional elections.
    Crushing defeat? Really? About 20% of Americans waddled off to the polls in November and voted republican. Slightly fewer people voted Democratic.

    Sixty percent of Americans couldn't be bothered to vote.

    Crushing defeat? No, it wasn't.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      As I understand it, actually Democrats got more votes in November, but not in some of the right places to win rightwing Congressional seats. It wasn't a repudiation of Democrats at all, but a tribute to their redistricting.

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Keep your head in the sand and you might be surprised in 2016.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The only way President Obama would get a standing ovation from the GOP is if he said, "I have terminal cancer and only a month to live".

    The GOP applause would have lasted until they realized ... oops this means we get President Biden.

  10. Cracklin Charlie9:01 AM

    Of course the Republicans know that Barack Obama has kicked their asses up and down Pennsylvania Avenue since 2008.

    They just gotta put their butt hurt on public display. Waaaaah!

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      '''Of course the Republicans know that Barack Obama has kicked their asses up and down Pennsylvania Avenue since 2008. '''

      LOL...yes he has, and he did it with dignity. ...LOL

  11. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Fuck Jodi and her maudlin bread bag story.
    And she could give a fuck about Iowa.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      It came out during the campaign she threw six figure contracts to her father. That would buy alot of bread wrappers. Yeah bullshit on her story.

  12. Chenagrrl9:02 AM

    I call bullshit on the bread bags over the shoes claim. Ever walked in bread bags, or plastic bags? We used them over our shoes to make overshoes slide on more easily. But walk in them? They tear almost instantly when you walk in them. Been there, done that.

  13. Chenagrrl9:07 AM

    Check out Sen. Joni Ernst's shoes. Not exactly flag embossed stripper slippers, but enough to goose the Thrilla from Wasilla.

  14. Caroll Thompson9:10 AM

    Those R's were going to tear apart anything Obama said, so he might as well have fun with them. And it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself last night. And the reality is that the R's took the Congress, but they still need the President to sign anything they pass.

    So, I guess they are left with the C word as in compromise. And if they don't compromise and instead shut the government down or spend their time with social issues dictating what a woman can and cannot do, 2016 won't go so well for them.

    Hillary is going to have coat tails as the fair weather voters (who did us no favors in 2014 when they didn't bother to show up to vote) will be out in force voting a D ticket all the way down the ballot.

    The R's have 26 Senators up for election in 2016 to the D's 10. So, really, if the R's want to stay in power in Congress, they are going to have to play ball with the President. No more taking the ball and going home as has been their preference.

    I think these next two years are going to be awesome. I had been dreading them, but I have since changed my mind.

    Bring it on bitches.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      The R's have 26 Senators up for election in 2016 to the D's 10.
      I hope those "fairweather" Ds learned a little lesson this go-round.


  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I have the liberal response to Joni Ernst. When I was a child in the 1960's, I owned one pair of shoes as well. Mine were shiny black patent leather shoes with straps. They served as school, church and play shoes. The straps broke on both. My struggling lower-middle-class parents couldn't afford to replace them, so I stapled the straps to the shoes every morning. Needless to say, the staples gave out before the morning bell rang. One nasty little future GOPer always had to point it out as we lined up to go in, drawing everyone's attention to my embarrassment. Looking back, the reason I did without school supplies, new shoes, eye exams, dental visits, etc., probably had as much to do with my parents priorities and money mismanagement as the state of the economy. My parents spent most of their adult lives living beyond their means, regardless of which party was in power.
    Since LBJ was POTUS during shoegate, I guess I will blame him, not my parents or the new console color TV with radio and record player.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      I must be your long last twin in that I grew up the same way. Only difference being all the $ went towards my dad's guns, fishing equipment and tools. Such a shame my parents had me let alone three kids as it really bit into my dad's hobby budget having to feed us and all. I guess the lesson being it takes you and I about a nano second to recognize most of the gotp are those bullies who embarrassed as kids all grown up.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Yeah. But, in spite of the fact that I grew up to be a liberal, somehow I believe in personal responsibility, which the tea party and GOP love to tout. And, instead of turning a blind eye to the less fortunate, I put my money and compassion where my mouth is. If Joni had learned any thing from those rows of bread bags, it might have motivated her to fight to level the playing field between the 1% and the rest of us, instead of pandering to the party of the wealthy. I guess compassion is something you are born with or without, as I have siblings who have a survival of the fittest mentality.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Don't blame LBJ. He did a great deal to eliminate poverty. But a president cannot eliminate parents who put their own pleasures before the needs of their family. My parents were working class. My mother budgeted everything very carefully and saved a little each week so that we could all have a one-week vacation in the summer. I have no regrets whatsoever.

    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I don't blame LBJ. Rather than blaming my parents, I am putting the blame on Curtis Mathis, for making a beautiful, state of the art console TV. My parents used to joke about a feast or famine lifestyle. Dad & mom loved Reagan & Billy Graham. My sister is an earthquaker...regrets, I have a few.

    5. Anonymous11:29 AM

      10:50, I have a few of those regrets, (you're sister is an Earthquaker? My sympathies) but I've learned to put them out of my head and heart.

      I love them, but regrettably haven't associated with them for many years. I tend to hang out with like-minded friends that I call my "family".

      Having a great family is luck, finding a great family is just a little more work. That's all.


    6. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Wise words, indeed. Mom & dad were depression era kids, so I give them some slack on wanting luxuries. Since my sister is the leader/founder of the fan club/quakers, she gets none! So, I have twice as much reason to hope Gryphen takes Palin down!

    7. Anonymous6:29 PM

      So, I have twice as much reason to hope Gryphen takes Palin down!
      Ha! That's why we're all here! A thousand different reasons, but the same goal. I'm just sorry your's hits so close to home for you.


  16. Palin: "And I may not answer the questions the way that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also."

    Palin: "That is not so [regarding bankruptcy], but because that's just a quick answer, I want to talk about, again, my record on energy versus your ticket's energy ticket, also."

    Ernst: “Rather than respond to a speech,” the first-term Iowa senator told viewers who had stuck around hoping to hear her do exactly that, “I'd like to talk about your priorities."
    How to respond when you do not have the intelligence, or the background, or the knowledge, or the education, or the ability to think quickly on your feet and actually answer a question or respond to a speech.

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Our president really "blew the doors off "with his speach. nicolle wallace/ the view said he Coulda offered an olive branch. what the fucks she smokin'?? times up. game on! witness the power of the pen. I love Our president. Wallace has those soulless eyes. creepy chick.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Little miss fuck the country, my job is to help mcgramps win the election needs to stfu. Easy for her to say now that she and sniveling steve schmidt wouldn't have allowed birdbrain to be the vp. Bullshit, they would have gotten cushy jobs in mccain's wh and fuck the rest of us.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      LMAO I caught that, some of the best laughs on that show are at darling nichie's expense, and she doesn't even get it. An olive branch? For what, crazy lady?
      "I saw this dress and don't know a lot about fashion, are the stripes vertical or horizontal that make you look fat, because this has both!?!?!?!?!?!!"
      It's a shame, because I kind of felt sorry for her for having to put up with Sarah's bullshit, but "The View" blew that boat out of the water.
      I suppose the proximity to Sarah physically, made her seem much smarter.

    3. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Funny, it's never the GOP's responsibility to act like adults. Fuck you, Nicole.

  18. Exactly my thought as well. The GOP has had no respect for the POTUS since he was first elected in 2008!!

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The bitch, Lisa Murkowski, needs to go in her next election cycle! Pay attention Alaskans....she almost lost last go around! She speaks out of both sides of her mouth!

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Fingers crossed that Begich runs against her in 2016. She's a snake in the grass and doesn't care about anyone but herself. She fooled enough people to writer her in last time, but then she didn't keep any of her promises. Hopefully these people won't be fooled again.

    2. hedgewytch11:30 AM

      That would be a fucking awesome contest - Begich against Murkowski.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      She'll have the Republican machine behind her next go around.

      I, too, hope Begich runs against her. We'll just have to be more forceful AGAINST the woman! With facts and examples!

  20. Ernst had such a strange, fixed smile on her face, regardless of how sad or tragic what she was saying actually was. It was quite creepy.

    She was making voice-like sounds to match the lettery-wordy things on her teleprompter, but it was as if there were no brain involved. Just smile, smile, yep, keep smiling, smile, that's it, smile, smile...

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Think she was over compensating for her last speech which was full of her horrible laugh! She seemed terribly stoic to me and not inviting at all!

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      President Obama arguably had just as poor an upbringing as Joni "bread bags" Ernst.
      His grandparents worked and saved and sacrificed to get him the best education they could.
      Yet, despite his great success after a difficult childhood, he's compassionate and magnanimous enough to want to give opportunities he didn't have to future generations.
      That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      With respect - "That is the difference between a person with empathy and one without."

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      She had shoes? Meh some people don't and have to walk to school both ways. Shame she couldn't squeeze some pig balls, you know, stress reliever.

  21. Anonymous9:20 AM

    So very proud of President Obama, I love the man. Been proud and supportive of him since he threw his hat in the ring, to run for president.
    Actually I have been a supporter of his since he ran for the US Senate and won, and I don't even live in Illinois.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Me too, 9:20 AM, I just love him and watching him have at 'em last night was great. The man has nothing to lose and shows 'em up time and time again.

      Couple that with following Gryph's live blog and watching the c4p loons' heads explode made for a fun evening!

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    President Obama has every right slamming Republicans when he gets the chance. They've been riding his ass and obstructing him since he took the first oath! And, he has done extremely well in spite of their crap!

    When 2016 comes around I expect many of them to lose their offices - on the national, state and local levels. They need to be countered every step of the way until then.

    Republicans do absolutely nothing - they do not govern - and are total assholes.

    Loved watching Boner last night during President Obama's speech...he cannot mask his hate and evilness toward our wonderful leader! If he could get away with it, I'm sure he'd assassinate him!

  23. When the American public gets 2 years worth of crappy legislation from Congress, not only will the general population elect a Democrat POTUS, but the GOP will lose their big majorities in the House and Senate. They may still hold the majority in each chamber, but they will be humbled nonetheless.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      That's a fabulous notion but look what happened in the 2014 midterms, people still voted for the obstructionist candidates and gave them control of the Senate. Seems the worse things get the further right the country swings. I too hope for a Democratic backlash in the near future but I don't have that much faith in the voting public.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I don't think the country has moved further to the right. The GOP won the 2014 midterms because the Dems stayed home and because of gerrymandering.

    3. hedgewytch11:31 AM

      And the GOP only had to defend a few seats while the Dems had a whole passel of seats. 2016, that is reversed.

  24. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Repubs act like a gang of thugs. They bully those who do not tow the line.

  25. Anonymous9:28 AM

    hey joanie. the bags went Over our socks to keep the socks Dry. get your facts straight. not everyones gullible! at least you never went hungry.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      No shit. I grew up in a solid middle class family here in Wisconsin, and I remember putting bread bags over my soaks while wearing my winter boots.

      Joni needs to quite posing like she grew up as Depression-era kid or was struggling in the trailer park.

      Jennifer K

  26. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "Cuz Black.
    Believe it.

  27. Anonymous9:31 AM

    oh...and Sarah? nobody cares what you think. yawn. why don't you just get a job? plenty of jobs out there. tacobell??

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      and try to get your shiftless family jobs as well.

  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    How The GOP's SOTU Response Exposed Their Weakness

    Barack Obama’s sixth State of the Union Address managed to draw attention away from the punditocracy’s recent obsession: the newly Republican-controlled Congress.

    Republicans were very much bystanders last night. Obama did not allude to the midterm elections nor acknowledge the GOP takeover of the Senate. He did not treat Republican attacks on his use of executive authority as some sort of clash of the titans, and briskly bundled most of his veto threats into a single paragraph. His specific economic policy proposals (packaged as “middle class economics”) were exceedingly well-tested and very popular, and because Republicans oppose them all, he left them sitting on their hands.

    And he managed to diminish recent GOP complaints and demands, dismissing the Keystone XL pipeline as just another infrastructure project, mocking the Cuba policies he is discarding as archaic, and describing his immigration actions as the exasperated expedient of a president tired of Republican divisions. Obama also probably wrong-footed Republicans by giving so little time to the tax proposals that got so much attention in the last few days. There was no hard-edged “populist” appeal to denounce as “class warfare” or “income redistribution.”

  29. Last election, yeah. But I'm hoping not the end of public service.

    Is there anyone else hoping that Hillary (President Clinton) will put Obama on the bench when a seat opens up on the Supreme Court. He is more than qualified.

    How many Republican heads would explode if that happened?

  30. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Terrific idea, 9:45 AM! He would be outstanding on the Supreme Court, but I also think he'd be the same in ANY position of public service.

    He will go down in history of one of our most outstanding POTUS. Oh, can't you just hear the Republicans when that occurs? I'm sure they'll try and block it even then!

    They were one nasty bunch last night while listening to our President's outstanding speech. They just couldn't bring themselves to stand or clap when others did. They looked like inept and spoiled brats, every one of them!

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      They would just chalk it up to Affirmative Action, much like his exceptional educational success. There are none so blind...

  31. Anonymous10:01 AM

    That was exactly what I was thinking too. They say what HE did was rude - but IMHO, what THEY did (applauding that it was his last term) was WAYYY worse!

  32. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sarah Palin to dish up wild boar chili in Las Vegas

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      This is a sure sign she is running in 2016.


  33. ShootingBunnies11:10 AM

    I think the chili is spelled wrong. B-O-R-E chili, not boar. Hahaha!!!

    Fixed it for you. LOL!!

  34. Anonymous11:37 AM

    obama just landed at gowen field. Very excited crowds!!!!

  35. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sarah and spawn cant pass the pisstest. no clean piss-no jobby job. shes their own welfare state.

  36. Anonymous11:47 AM

    will be meeting with saides wife/Iran.good news for family.

  37. Anonymous11:53 AM

    OMG I am weak!

    also look at the #breadbags hashtag

  38. Anonymous11:54 AM

    HA HA HA... even better!

    With Biden added.

  39. Anonymous12:08 PM

    OMG, listen to Rinse 'n Repeat stumble all over and do a Sarah Palin word salad style response. Priceless!

    Sitting around the Morning Joe table the morning after the incredible State of the Union delivered by President Obama last night, Sam Stein asked asked RNC chair Reince Priebus if he could explain why Republicans never brought up immigration reform in their official response, but did bring it up in the Spanish language response.

    Stein: Can ask about immigration reform. In the official GOP response it wasn’t mentioned but in the official Spanish-language GOP response it was. A cynic might read into that a little bit but I’m not a cynic can you explain what happened.

    Priebus: I don’t know I mean I, I think look I, I did an actuality yesterday too so we sent out to all affiliates that can take clips and I think that too in today’s political world you’re gonna have and I think if you look at the Democrats say you’re gonna see almost every senator every congressman send out a press release with their response. I don’t think it’s that strange to have multiple people giving multiple responses —

    Roberts: Yes but why not immigration in the official response, in English.

    Priebus (looking down): B-b-b-because I think the President kinda screwed things up in regard to immigration reform by overreaching, by taking his executive action and – um—

    Brzezinski: Wouldn’t that be why to bring it up in the response?

    Preibus (unable to answer, decides to pivot by tossing hot ball at Obama, inaccurately claiming the President’s actions on immigration are illegal):

  40. Anonymous12:13 PM

    did everone notice the theatrics of cruz- the mock concern on his face for the American people? talks about the do overs that just don't work ect.? sounds like alotta repugnant Projection...dude! been there. done trig says-Bullshit!

  41. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Representatives from heavy hitters such as CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC attended the event along with Fox, who sent Shephard Smith and Bret Baier to represent the conservative propaganda machine. But when they arrived to the arranged seats, Smith noticed something a little off from what has been done in the past.

    Examining the seating placement cards for the various anchors, Smith noticed that while every other anchor was identified using the word ‘News’ after their network name (CBS News, ABC News, etc…), Smith and Baier were identified as only working at Fox sans ‘News.’ In short, the White House seems to have hilariously refused to recognize Fox as a news organization. Smith described what he noticed during his show on Tuesday afternoon:

    “I sat next to Brian Williams, and we all had these place cards, and his said ‘Brian Williams, NBC News.’ And across from me was David Muir – the new guy on ABC — it said ‘David Muir, ABC News.’ And I looked at mine, and it doesn’t say anything about news. It just says ‘Fox.’ And I looked at Bret Baier’s, and it said, ‘Bret Baier, Fox.’ And all the rest of them said news. I mean I don’t care, lunch was great. But I guess, message received? I think Bret and I are good to go with the news part.”

    Here’s the video via YouTube:

  42. Anonymous12:27 PM


    The official website for House Republicans has posted on YouTube a version of President Obama’s State of the Union address which cuts out comments where the President was critical of Republican rhetoric on climate change, ThinkProgress has learned.

    In the website’s “enhanced webcast” of the State of the Union speech, President Obama’s comments criticizing Republicans for saying they are “not scientists” when it comes to climate change are erased.

    At the 43:25 minute mark, President Obama is supposed to say “I’ve heard some folks try to dodge the evidence by saying they’re not scientists; that we don’t have enough information to act. Well, I’m not a scientist, either. But you know what — I know a lot of really good scientists at NASA, and NOAA, and at our major universities. The best scientists in the world are all telling us that our activities are changing the climate, and if we do not act forcefully, we’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods, and massive disruptions that can trigger greater migration, conflict, and hunger around the globe.”

    Instead, the entire section is skipped. Obama’s comments resume with “The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security. We should act like it.”

    You can watch the version of the video here.

    1. Apparently Republicans do not recognize the concept of a "lie by omission".

      They've taken a page from their right wing video blogger and edited the footage to their advantage. Naughty, naughty.

      I'll bet they didn't acknowledge exactly what they did, either. Omission is not what I would call "enhanced".

  43. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Saying he was rude was the only thing they could say because his comeback brilliantly put them in their place and showed how rude they were by clapping. Obama is all class.

  44. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Starting at the :35 mark Cruz says "medium incomes have stagnated for over a decade." Look at his face as he realizes that Pres. Obama has only been in office for six years. That's the point where he asks for the do over. And it's median income, you asshat!

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Wait till he finds out there's ten years in a decade!

  45. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Wit is rarely found in conservatives and never in republicans. The President's comeback last night-- like art, literature, musical genius, scientific thought -- is as much a sign of creativity as it is intelligence and education. I personally liked his remark about knowing a few scientists!

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Wit is rarely found in conservatives and never in republicans.
      Exactly, they are too ignorant to realize their lack of respect and class only reflects on them. They are down in the gutter and insist on taking America with them.

  46. Anonymous1:26 PM

    As if anybody gives a shit about $arah Palin's two-cents.

    $arah Palin is still jealous of President Obama. #Yawn.

  47. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Barack Obama: 'The Citizens United Decision Was Wrong'

    1. That's why we need Supreme Court Judge Obama.

      I hope Hillary takes note since she'll most likely be replacing a judge or two during her tenure in the White House.

  48. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Oooh! Our President is so sexy when he's snarky! I like it.

    By the way, am I the only one who sees a subtext of Obama's remake as something like "I know, cuz I won both of 'em... Unlike the last guy!"

  49. Anonymous3:43 PM

    sarah palin: #puke.

  50. Anonymous3:57 PM

    O/T Senate Republicans Unanimously Block Amendment To Keep Keystone Oil In The United States

    Republicans have been trying to convince the American people that the Keystone XL pipeline will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and that it will create American jobs. Yet on Tuesday they voted to table an amendment introduced by Sen. Edward Markey (D-MA) and Sen Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) that would have required keeping the pipeline oil in the United States for domestic use. Republicans unanimously rejected bringing up the amendment to a floor vote. So much for reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil.

    Republicans also rejected an amendment proposed by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) to require that if the pipeline is approved, it must be built with American iron and steel.

    Right now the public isn’t buying. Only 41 percent of Americans currently favor construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. That support may drop even further in the wake of a significant pipeline leak in Eastern Montana that has created a state of emergency and left local residents without drinking water. The 50,000 gallon oil spill in Montana came from a 12-inch pipeline. The proposed Keystone XL pipeline is 30 to 36-inch pipeline. For that reason, any rupture on a section of the Keystone XL pipeline, if it is built, would likely be much larger than the Montana pipeline breach.

    Hope Pres. Obama is getting his veto pen ready!!!

    So much for the Keystone Job Creator that Joni the bag lady was referring to, unless she meant all the jobs created cleaning up the spills.

  51. Anonymous5:59 PM

    one of my faves was Cruz. the rising up on toes. the the thing he does with the eyebrows. its his I'm concerned about the taxpayer look.. it Completely chaanged when he stopped and wanted a do over. what a Fake.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      That was odd. Kept waiting for Ed Sullivan and the great "Ommpaaapaaa" accordion band. Looked like he's wearing undies that are too small and wedged. The way he kept staring at the teleprompter while hopping was grating on my nerves.

  52. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

    Sorry, Boehner was my favorite diversion. He got a darker shade of orange, and every time the POTUS got a dig in, Boehner's blood pressure rose and his face didn't match his hands. Looked like he swallowed a ratchet wrench and it got stuck on his adam's apple. And VPBiden just smiled that smile and snuck a peek. So proud of this President.

  53. Anonymous7:21 PM

    o my gosh anita. you made me about shoot my milk thru my nose! :-)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.