Saturday, January 10, 2015

Man brings home breakfast for his wife, she shoots him in the chest. Kinda ungrateful don't you think?

Courtesy of TPM:  

A woman in Fayetteville, N.C. allegedly shot her husband in the chest when he came home to surprise her with breakfast Friday morning, television station WTVD reported. 

Police said Tiffany Segule, 27, shot her husband, Zia Segule, 28, after he returned home to surprise her and set off their home's alarm system, the station reported. 

She had returned to bed after her husband left for work and thought there was an intruder, according to police. She fired a shot through her bedroom door, authorities told the TV station. 

The bullet hit her husband in the chest, but police told WTVD that he was able to walk and talk after being shot. He was released from the hospital hours after the incident.

As Wayne LaPierre  would say, "Just a good woman with a gun stopping a bad man with breakfast."

10 to 1 the husband bought her that gun for protection, and she then went and used it to put holes in him. Women!


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    I don't allow that crap from McDonald's in my house either.

  2. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Hope you got to watch Real Time last night, Gryph!

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Guns don't kill people, breakfasts do! Let's ban all breakfasts! While we're at it, let's ban toilets (guy shot himself in the leg while on the toilet), dogs (dog jumping around in a truck landed on a loaded gun and shot his owner in the thigh), couches (person sitting on couch was shot by gun underneath the cushions) and toddlers (toddlers are a real menace for firing guns).

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Oh my goodness you cracked me up. Thank you for the biggest laugh I've had all week.

  4. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Typical husband ... she said she hated egg McMuffins ... he did not listen.

  5. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I would probably shoot husband has never brought home breakfast in 25 years, so it could not be him. I forgot, I don't have a gun.

  6. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Bitches be crazy !

  7. Anonymous5:20 AM

    You can have your guns or you can have your surprise breakfasts....but you can't have both. Time to choose America.

  8. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Tip to gun families: Decide on a code word that family members and other key-holderss can shout as they enter. A safe word if you will. "Porcupine" or "swiss cheese" are nice.

  9. Anonymous5:51 AM

    He didn't return fire?

  10. Anonymous6:11 AM

    And now, in a surprise to NO ONE...

    George Zimmerman Arrested For Aggravated Assault With Weapon

    George Zimmerman was arrested and charged with aggravated assault Friday night in Lake Mary, Fla., according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

  11. Never surprise a woman before she has her coffee or her face on. Just don't go there.

  12. Crystal Sage6:22 AM

    O/T Our favourite non-convicted murderer, George Zimmerman was arrested for aggravated assault again yesterday. Details are sketchy but he is in jail. As someone remarked in HuffPost comments: maybe FOX News or Sean Hannity will bail him out.

  13. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Surprises are not a good idea when people are paranoid enough to have guns in the house.

  14. Anonymous7:28 AM

    “The best thing Americans can do is arm themselves”: The worst Fox news responses to the Charlie Hebdo attack

    Another tragedy, another excuse for Fox News talking heads to levy cheap partisan attacks and champion their pet causes of Obama/de Blasio-baiting, over-militarism and racial profiling.

    On a long and interminable “Outnumbered” segment, Fox News’ Eric Bolling used the opportunity to display his obscenely short memory, arguing that Charlie Hebdo is an argument that we should over-militarize our cops. As he puts it: “There’s been a very serious push from the left saying ‘let’s not over-militarize our cops.’ That [the Hebdo massacre] should put an end to that discussion. We should over-militarize.”

    “We are being hunted,” co-host Harris Faulkner adds, while, host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery suggests “the best thing that Americans can do is arm themselves.”

  15. Anonymous7:33 AM

    And then there's the ones that shoot their mouth in point.

    Phyllis Schlafly: Campus sex assault is on the rise because too many women go to college

    The college-educated Schlafly thinks colleges should reduce the number of women they admit

    So women should be denied a higher education because men can't control their dicks? Can she just die already and end this horror that comes out of her mouth?

  16. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    So that's how they get the holes in Bagels? Who knew?

  17. detroitsam6:19 PM

    You know, sometimes I doubt that incidents like these are not an excuse to shoot your spouse.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.