Monday, February 09, 2015

According to Eric Bolling of Fox News only Muslims kill people in the name of religion, and that all other religions combined have killed exactly zero people. Wait, what?

Did you have to watch it twice to make sure you heard him right? Yeah me too.

I cannot even begin to imagine how stupid somebody has to be in order to say something  like this.

You would almost have to have spent your entire life in one of those isolation tanks wearing headphones that ONLY sent anti-Islamic propaganda into your brain to say something as completely ridiculous as that statement.

I could spend all day linking to cases of religious killings throughout history, but since Bolling is clearly a Christian I will just leave him with this.

And by the way it is not like these murders only took place centuries ago, they are still happening even in the 20th and 21st Century.


  1. slipstream12:12 PM

    And let's not forget the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857. That would be Mitt Romney's good old Mormon boys, killing off settlers.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      But they kept the young girls. They would have been better off being murdered than raped repeatedly.

  2. Irishgirl12:21 PM

    Northern Ireland?

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      All of Ireland, if you go back to the English invasion.

    2. Anonymous9:54 PM

      It is located on the NE portion of the island.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Just recently, a fundawhackaloon from Oklahoma killed a classmate he suspected was a witch.

  4. A. J. Billings12:26 PM

    Eric Bolling has now established that he is no smarter than the game my sons would play when they were 2 years old

    Child: You can't see me!

    Me: Yes I can!

    Child: No you can't because I have my eyes closed, and have my hands covering them, so I AM INVISIBLE

    Yes, Eric is like many fringe right Christian supremacists ( Dobson, Perkins, Graham, Palin) who spend their entire life with their "eyes closed" and refuse to see or acknowledge anything not within the purview of their WASP bubble

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    And they're all bent out of shape because Brian Williams, a news-reader, exaggerated stories about himself. It's only ok to lie about other people.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't lie. She didn't claim to have a degree in journalism. Her degree is in communications with an emphasis in journalism.

      Palin returned to the University of Idaho in January 1986, and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in May 1987.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      1:09 I went to the wikipedia link you provided (which is maintained by Palin's people) and then followed the numbered references in regards to her college education.

      25. "She (at last!) graduated with a degree in JOURNALISM."

      26. "She then returned to Idaho, for spring 1986, fall 1986 and spring 1987, when she graduated.
      Despite her JOURNALISM degree, she does not appear to have worked for the college newspaper or campus television station, school officials said."

      27. "Back to the University of Idaho for three more semesters. Palin graduated in spring 1987 with a JOURNALISM degree."

      These references are written by people who did not provide any official evidence that Palin graduated with a degree.

      Palin said in a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt Sept. 30, 2008, "Well, I have a degree in JOURNALISM also, so it surprises me that so much has changed since I received my education in journalistic ethics all those years ago."

      Whether she got a degree in communications or journalism is pretty moot now as she is a failure at both. She promised to show her college grades years ago and then reneged on that probably out of embarrassment.

      "ADN lists Sarah as a “graduate” of Wasilla High but only says she “went” to the U of I. This is polite newspeak for “this person attended classes but did not actually receive a degree.” KTUU’s press release on Sarah Heath evidently did not list her as a graduate of the University of Idaho."

      But I'm pretty sure Palin has a Masters and Phd in B.S!

  6. Bill F12:32 PM

    Our MSM is bad for our democracy.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Nope, just Faux news.

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Bolling is only one Botox injection away from this face being completely paralysed.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      There is a reason why winky blinky Sarah can't wink anymore and it starts with Bo and ends in tox.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Fuc_er Carlson said that because of Christianity in America we do not have slavery.

    Aren't you glad Sarah Palin won't call him out on his lies?

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM


  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Bolling skeezes me out so bad with his unbuttoned shirt. Button your damn shirt man, you so gross!

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Thanks for the link Grypen about "How many people have died in the name of Christ, Christianity and Catholicism?"

    I put it on Eric Bolling's facebook where he is getting what for.

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I don't think that Bolling is stupid. He knows about the Crusades,etc...but chooses to ignore those facts to get his viewers all riled up against Pres. Obama.

    Bolling's viewers might have fallen for it without looking up factual info. Also, too, if his viewers are REAL christians, they would seriously know about the Crusades.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Regardless of Bolling, having a hard time understanding why people keep bringing up the Crusades as if there is any relevance to current, modern day Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Anon @2:20PM
      Because the crusades were w religious group that went to slaughter innocent people of another religion by the thousands, or actually ten's of thousands. Do you get it now?

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Maybe because modern day fundamentalists of all religions have the same mindset as those of olden times. Human stupidity is timeless - there, I've removed your mental barrier connecting the relevance of old to new.

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Nah. FAIL 5:50! and FAIL 5:27!

      Failed to draw a reasoned and rational response as to the relevance of the Crusades to the modern day.

    5. Anonymous1:59 AM

      Because “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
      ― Edmund Burke

      Most rational people see the relevancy immediately. That may explain your problem.

    6. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Look at you and you big smart quote 1:59.

      I'm sure no-one has ever heard that quote before LOL.

      All the history ever known should lead to the understanding that man always desires power and conflict occurs. But I'm curious, what exactly is you smart history answer, enroll all islamists in 4yr history courses so they don't repeat another cultures mistakes? LOL.

    7. Leland2:41 PM

      @ 11:49:

      Same stupidity, different posting.

      Troll: Go away. Must I repeat my posting about trolls and their psychological ...deficiencies?

    8. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Leland the Islamic terror apologist- please explain with your big brain how the ancient Crusades somehow provide a big old excuse and cover for what the modern day Islamic extremists are doing?

  12. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Yeah, Fox sure does have the corner on the market for stupid these days...

    Did you know that Christians eradicated slavery worldwide? This may come as a shock to the more than 30 million people still living as slaves worldwide (including in the United States), but to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, it is a fact. Nevermind that slavery was instituted in the United States BY Christians — the fact that some pivotal figures in ending (official) slavery in the U.S. were Christians completely absolves the Faithful of any wrongdoing.

  13. Anonymous2:46 PM

    It seems like they are getting more and more out there all the time with their lies and bullshit. There is an air of desperation about it, a bunker mentality. Chumps like Bolling just spout Roger Ailes' paranoid crap and draw their checks.

  14. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I feel a Daily Show segment being written!

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    In Effort To Reinvent The GOP Jeb Bush Hires Woman Hating Gay Bashing Techie

    “Andrew Kaczynski at BuzzFeed busted a new Jeb Bush techie hire for deleting old tweets soon after Time first spilled the hire beans on Monday.
    Ethan Czahor has been hired by a Republican who clearly didn’t vet him first or didn’t care (Sen. John McCain redux), so you can guess the nature of the tweets. Female art majors are sluts, but science majors are uglier sluts, gay men want him at the gym, and an array of general disrespect for women typically found on total-losers-who-can’t-get-a-woman’s Twitter accounts.
    Ethan Czahor, co-founder of the now defunct, has been hired by former Governor of Florida and brother to the guy who crashed the economy after invading Iraq on a lie, Jeb Bush. .....”

    But, but I thought the war on women was caused by the lefties!!

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    as an American citizen I am more afraid of christian extremists in the USA than Muslim extremists in another country. Tim McVeigh comes to mind. And these religious zealots bringing Ebola back to the USA.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      5:07 Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian extremist. He was a domestic terrorist, but what he did was not because he was some religious zealot.

      Muslim terrorists did bring down the world trade center buildings, a couple other buildings, 4 planes, and killed almost 3000 people though... under the guise of islam. So, is your head screwed on right?

      Gryph I'm starting to wonder if your head is screwed on right too.

    2. Anonymous6:48 AM

      I'm wondering how securely your head is screwed on, Anon 10:09. Are you ignorant of history?

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      6:48 exactly how does 'well this group did that 600 yrs ago' have to do with any current problems. You guys are fucking idiots. Really.

  17. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Is it really safe now to call the IRA non-Christians?


    I'll bet the fine white folks who firebombed the entire black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921 and murdered about 300 black citizens in the process went to church on their off time like good little Christians.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.