Sunday, February 15, 2015

Apparently Jeb Bush believes that he can deal with his brother's deadly legacy by refusing to answer questions about his presidency.

Courtesy of Bloomberg: 

Florida Governor Jeb Bush said Friday that he has little interest in discussing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which started while his brother was president, as he aims to run a joyful campaign focused on outing a positive vision of the future. 

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said in response to a reporter's question about his foreign policy speech planned for next week in Chicago. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward." 

Bush also declined to answer a question about how he would combat the Islamic State militant group, saying he'd talk more about foreign policy next week. The answers will help increase anticipation around his talk on Wednesday at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. A governor from 1999 to 2007, Bush is better known for views on domestic issues, such as his advocacy for charter schools and support for easing immigration laws.

Okay if the Jeb Bush, and the Republican party, think they can destroy Hillary by peppering her with  questions about Bill's infidelities while having their candidate dodge questions about the last Republican President's record then they have really not thought this whole thing through.

I think it is pretty clear that George W's record for destroying economies and starting unnecessary wars is far and away more pertinent to the conversation than who Bill Clinton did, or did not boink, while HE was in the White House.

And I have every confidence that the Democrats are absolutely NOT going to let Jebbie get away with avoiding these type of questions for long.

On the other hand I am sure they are more than willing to have Hillary answer questions about her husband's policy decisions while serving as President of these United States.


  1. OMG that picture is hilarious!
    That has got to be the WORST pic of jeb EVEr!
    Hope his campaign decides to use it on all their material.
    My god that's awful ha ha ha ha ha...

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Are his eyes normally crossed?

      "I won't talk about the past,"
      Oh really Jeb, you lose, we the people are the ones making those decisions not you.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Cross-eyed and his mouth is lopsided. Did he have a stroke?

  2. angela2:33 AM

    What did George H. W call Fox News? Our boys, wasn't it?
    We don't have to worry about where Jeb will be planting his
    butt in the near future. Roger Ailes will disappear his brother W altogether since they can't clean him up. They will have the wingnuts thinking President Obama was elected after Clinton. What other Bush?

    Of course the media should be on this as Jeb will surely get some of the same neocons working for him that his brother did. Same shit different brother and maybe worse.

    Oh, the media will let Jeb get away with this---but his primary opponents should be interesting about it. That should be fun.

  3. Caroll Thompson3:27 AM

    Well Jeb is not going to get what he wants. He will have to answer these questions because his brother's wars is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

    And of course, his primary opponents will try to blast him with his brother's wars, even though most if not all of those opponents supported those wars.

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Now, we know the media will make no demands of Jeb Bush, but we really do need to make him understand that we, the people, know what a huge role he played in giving us George W. Bush in 2000. And he has to understand what enormous damage his brother did to the country. I doubt if he has any idea of these things. If he did he would not be in the running for the GOP nomination. Besides, I think he's too chubby for the job.

  5. Anonymous4:08 AM

    IN that pic he looks dumber than his brother and less attracive than his twin Walker. They both have the Palin wandering eye syndrome too, derp factor five captain!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      I noticed the wonky eye too. Can't be a good omen for the country, can it?

  6. London Bridges4:24 AM

    Jeb was one of the architects/authors of endless war.
    We now know that a blueprint for the creation of a global Pax Americana was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice-president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), Jeb Bush (George Bush's younger brother) and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences, was written in September 2000 by the neoconservative think tank, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).[39]

  7. Anonymous4:27 AM

    What is it with the Republicans and their wonky eyes ?
    this photo needs to be all over and use for all campaign materials

  8. "If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward." "
    Really, Jebby? Because that's not how the republicans, fox, newsmax, Limbaugh and all the other rightwing troglodytes approached Senator Obama's candidacy. So tell us about your brother's presidency and what you would do differently.

  9. "if the Jeb Bush, and the Republican party, think they can destroy Hillary by peppering her with questions about Bill's infidelities while having their candidate dodge questions about the last Republican President's record then they have really not thought this whole thing through. "
    Sadly, they have thought this through, and they think it is a swell idea. The republican party is made up of intellectual giants like Dubya, Gohmert, Ernst, etc.

  10. Hate to disagree with you, Gryph, but the Democratic Party is quite adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. In a match-up of spin meisters, the Rethuglikans have few equals, let alone the Dems being able to pull that off. Just look at how the Dems ran away from the ACA and Obama in the last election cycle, they seem to be unable to coalesce on anything important when it comes to election speak. I'm hoping for better, but my fatalism overpowers me.

  11. This morning's NYT misidentifies Jeb's gram paw in a 1980 photo, calling him an "aide". Doofusses all 'round...

  12. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Why does Jeb look like he has downs syndrome. Are all the Bush's mentally challenged.

  13. Anonymous6:49 AM

    That's an unfortunately horrible photo of Jeb. But I hope the DNC uses it in ads!

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      I've never seen a photo that bad of him.

  14. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'm thinking we need to see his complete medical records. The right side of his face has slide downwards in that picture, not just the mouth, also the nose. Possibly a small stroke?

  15. The bother and father already told us they can't govern on the federal level (the brothers proved it on a state level) why should the gop take a chance on another fuck-up bush.

    Not only are his brother and father a warning of what's to come if one elects another stupidass bush. Not only that a serious clue is that his face is askew.

    Bonus: type askew in google and look what happens.

  16. Anonymous8:03 AM

    After seeing that photo I seriously can not imagine bubba Jeb as president. I want to photoshop it and put overalls on him or perhaps show him as a kid in bed with his mother reading him a mother goose story.

  17. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Jebro really looks like he was dropped on his head as a baby.

  18. Anonymous8:24 AM

    And---that is a photo of the "SMART" one.

  19. Anonymous8:56 AM

    What a great picture to put a meme on!

    Take a look at the one I just created and then tweeted with a link to the Bloomberg article:

    I don't know how to photoshop but it's super easy to create a meme of any photo you upload here:

  20. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Is that his actual face? My, oh, my.


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