Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dinesh D'Souza tweets something racist about the President and then bitches about being called a racist.

After D'Souza sent the above tweet he received some blowback on Twitter.

Of course this just allowed D'Souza to play his indignation card.

Well of course that's what he meant. Which is why he suggested that George W. Bush was a boy taken out of a ghetto as well. Oh that's right he never said that.

So now D'Souza feels the need to educate his detractors.

You know it is laughable that a Republican who gave George W. Bush a free pass would suggest that President Obama lacks class.

Perhaps D'Souza characterizes class as losing his job at King's College for cheating on his wife.

Or perhaps he thinks that it is classy to be convicted for illegal campaign contributions.

Or just perhaps D'Souza's idea of class is making a movie about President Obama that was so full of lies and misinformation that it got laughed out of movie theaters.

No I think I would gladly take the President's version of class over this smarmy little weasel's any day of the week.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    This disgusting "chinless wonder" should be deported. The gop are so jealous of President Obama, they can almost taste it!! He has CLASS, STYLE, INTELLIGENCE and they just can not handle it. They prefer dumb, ignorant, AWOL people like W who were born with silver spoons in their mouths. I am sick of these sub par humans calling our President nasty names.

  2. so lets see if we got this correct. ten possible thing wrong con this man, survey says:
    1. thinks he fix right on in.
    2. has a brown sheet.
    3. I can still smell him.
    4.he wears a dress.
    5. wish he lived in texas.
    6. goes by the name of patel
    7. dang wears a size 6 shoe.
    8. drives home with is windows down.
    9. has lots of ged classes .
    and the number 10< get a freaking life man.

  3. A J Billings9:16 AM

    Dinesh got a sweetheart deal for his crime, and got house arrest instead of hard time.

    He's a despicable weasel, and it's pretty damn obvious he's forgotten that just a few years back, he would have been called a name that's not polite by most whites, but it begins with W.

    Biting the hand that feeds, fucking around on his wife, pissing on the President of The USA, spewing Christian bullshit religious pap, getting fired, convicted of a felony, and still this snake is alive and kicking

    I'd like to meet Dinesh in a dark corner sometime and let him know what rill 'Murican justice feels like

  4. angela9:22 AM

    D'Souza is a nasty piece of racist work.
    The funny part is that the wingnuts he happily writes
    this kind of nasty mess for--- probably calls him the most racist names behind his back. But Dinesh thinks he is a honorary Klansman.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      "You mean I'm not white?" - D'Souza

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      11:48 AM Yeah, that fact really bites him.

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      by all means...let them 'express their emotions' of racism and hatred...let's get the full monty on this once and for all...then we can beat them all like a dumb dog for the next two years and not be jailed..

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    He also knows the President isn't a boy. He's using the term metaphorically to describe how Black men will always be seen as inferior and child-like.

    Yes, everyone (those who agree with him and those that don't) understand EXACTLY why he used "boy" and "ghetto."

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      It wouldn't take a genius to know that even one of those words, used when writing or speaking about a black man, is demeaning and racist. Do they really think we're all as ignorant as them?


    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      This greasy weasel knew exactly what he was tweeting. He just didn't expect the blow back he got because of it.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I thought the series that President Obama did recently to urge young adults to sign up for healthcare was really cute and effective because it did catch the attention of young people. D'Souza doesn't have any "class" at all; he also has no sense of humor.

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I detest how some treat President Obama in our world of today. It's horrible and so degrading! Thank god so many do respect him, voted for him both times so that he could serve two terms and appreciate how he handles our country!

    I know he will go down in history as one of our best POTUS and can hardly wait to see the folks on the right and some other jerks truly eat their words and evilness!

    And, to think 'that' person from New York said this morning that President Obama didn't love America or Americans!

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      It would bother me more, but I jsut consider the source. D'Souza s barely humna, and not becuase of his race, but becuase of his ignorance and obnoxiousness.

  8. Pehaps this Dinesh D'Souza fellow should change his name to something more American to be taken seriously. What a nasty gnat buzzing around the President's head. What color is this boy D'Souza? Red, Brown or black? I really don't like him at all so why doesn't he pack his bags and go back to wherever the hell he came from?

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM


      I don't like you at all so why don't you pack your bags and go back to wherever the hell you came from?

      You sound just like a C4P racist.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      from wiki

      Dinesh D'Souza was born in Bombay (Mumbai)....He became a naturalized citizen in 1991.

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Pretty sure that's satirical (zeta) and pretty funny..

      And he really is a nasty gnat.

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anyone who sits around playing with a selfie-stick is useless or an egomaniac.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      What a sad, completely devoid of fun, life you have.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      As opposed to our founding fathers sitting for portraits. Yeah, how dare our black president use technology.

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      So naturally calling a black man with a selfie-stick a "boy" is completely the mark of an educated, courteous, intelligent, sophisticated person.

      On some planet, I guess.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Uhhh, that was for a promo 9:41. Not exactly "sitting around playing". Now if you want to complain about waste of time selfies, go to any of the Palin's Face Books or twitter. Perfect examples of useless and egomaniacal.


    5. If you are talking about the President, that is a stupid thing to say. He wasn't "sitting around playing with a selfie-stick", you dribbling moron.

    6. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Sarah would stare at her face for hours trying sunglasses on at Neiman's instead of doing her job as governor.

      Now she spends all day posing in her bedroom mirror.

    7. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Anyone who goes out in public(where they know they will be photographed) with orange hands because they forgot to wash the Boehner Bronzer off them is an unwashed, sloppy, narcissistic wannabe celebrity pig.

    8. Anonymous10:23 AM

      9:41 AM Anyone like you who sits around playing with a Palin 2-toned Dildo is useless or a Palin Troll. When will you criticize Bristol Palin for LAYING AROUND NAKED PLAYING WITH TRIAL DADDIES?

    9. Anonymous10:24 AM

      9:41 AM is probably a Palin or Heath low achiever.

    10. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Dinesh D'SucksAss is a phony little Bitch.

    11. Anonymous11:16 AM

      10:24 AM, I actually saw someone post on c4p the other day, "they forget there's a lot of us low-achievers out here," when the subject was about the GOP elite that $arah was ousted from. I couldn't believe they'd actually admit it. LOL!

    12. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Just ask a Palin, there is nothing worse than taking selfies. Except driving while taking selfies.

      #hoodrat selfies are cool

      kid selfies are cool

      cool people selfies are cool

    13. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I am pretty sure that Bristol holds the record for the most Car Selfies on Social Media.

      "car selfies" Bristol Palin

      Tripp's face says why are they taking a picture of this old Valentine Bear? Look at the fur, it needed a bath years ago. Just glad it's not another selfie.

      Why is Sarah slipping? She found Sharpton delicious and she hasn't been doing what she is paid for, dissing the President.

  10. Anonymous9:57 AM

    He a racist fool.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      and a tool!

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Dinesh should walk along a farm road in Alabama to find out if he is accepted as White.

  11. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Dinesh D'Souza must be extremely frustrated that Obama chooses to act with class in ignoring all the hateful racist comments put out there by haters like himself and Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Agreed! D'Souza, Palin, Coulter and Malkin thought that President Obama would have been acting like Flava Flav by now.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Dinesh dated both Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. The only taste those two have is in their mouth.

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      What is it with those conservative women and their love of the brown meat? I don't get it.

  12. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Why do people assume that geographical location determines if a person has class? Why would one assume that a person from the ghetto has no class and a person from outside of the ghetto has class?

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Indeed! When first married we lived among "trailer trash". We now live in an affluent neighborhood. My well to do neighbors have no more class or decency then the mobile home set.

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    After reading the comments on ADN's facebook page article on the president visiting in the fall, it would appear this dinesh fellow would be really welcome up here. shameful that is.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I plan on writing President Obama a letter with regard to his visit to Alaska in August. I'm an Alaskan and have been here since 1950!

      My intent will be to welcome him and project the fact that Lisa Murkowski does not speak for all Alaskans. In fact, I'll tell him I've never voted for the woman and totally disagree with the actions she has been projecting the past month! (i.e. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell's recent visit to our state)

      Murkowski is nothing more than a typical Republican that currently serves in our much disliked U.S. Congress!

      And, even though the Alaska Legislature is majority Republican, its leadership doesn't represent ALL Alaskans either.

      I'll look forward to seeing you while you are in Alaska, President Obama! You will be provided a warm greeting by many, many residents of the state!

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      11:22am, I too did not vote for Murkowski, either time. She's the worst.

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Who says Teabaggers don't have a sense of irony? Castigating Obama for having no class? Really Dinesh, you can't spell or define irony but you can certainly be the example for the world of dumbasses!

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I guess sleazy D'Souza thinks he's classy and fancy because he boinked his mistress at a Holiday Inn instead of a Super 8!

  15. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Dinesh D'Souza must be extremely frustrated that Obama chooses to act with class in ignoring all the hateful racist comments put out there by haters like himself and Sarah Palin.

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    You have to go back a loooooong way to find another president with as much class as President Obama. Particularly in light of the hatred and opposition that he has faced without cracking. I don't agree with everything he does/has done (or not done) but he has faced down so much with grace. When he was elected I knew he would face the same crap as Jackie Robinson and so many others who broke color barriers. I have learned so much about the attitudes of people that I previously considered to be friends...It makes me ill.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      10:13 AM I so agree with you! I've seen friends of mine that I've been around for eons say and submit negative, horrible things (racial!) about President Obama. It made me look at them in an entirely different light and drop them from my friendship base. They are all white, Republican and people that project faith!

      Truthfully, seeing them being so different made me very sad, angry and appalled!

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Agree. My circle of friends has gotten much smaller, as well. Makes me both sad and relieved.

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I grew up in the South so my friend base from that area only consists of my parents, who thankfully are Atheists. I've had to cut loose all friends and family from my "before time" because they are just too hate filled. I creep back there every few years but make sure only to see my parents.

    4. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Look on the bright side, 10:13. It makes arranging your
      social calendar soooooooo much easier.

  17. A J Billings10:19 AM

    This is the limit

    I mean, can it get worse than this?

    A medical Doctor, a person who took the Hippocratic oath, decides she can't provide care to a SIX DAY OLD INFANT,
    because her "religious " belief would compromised


    This is a baby!

    How many babies did Jesus turn down from being healed ?

    This is the most fucked up thing I've seen in weeks, maybe in years.

    1. Jesus wouldn't recognize these so called Christians

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      That so-called doctor should lose her license immediatley.

    3. Anonymous2:01 PM

      we are human beings first then comes our religions...or how we believe in God...go take some vitamins already...the sky will never fall...get over it!

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I hope they aren't continuing with any doctors at that practice and that this story loses all the doctors some business. Having someone like that as your colleague and business partner should be bad for the.

  18. SallyinMI10:47 AM

    d"Souza should have been banned from public appearances, had his cell phone confiscated, and really suffered some consequences from being a convicted felon. But no, he gets to promote his book, make TV appearances on Fox to spew his lies, and blame Obama for every rotten evil thing he has done himself. Such class, Dinesh. Low class.

  19. Boscoe10:56 AM

    Convict says what?

    'Nuff said.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      +1000 !!!!!!

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Convict FELON says it better!

      He is a douche.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Long live Wayne Campbell!


  20. Anonymous11:11 AM

    It takes a lot of hubris for a person born outside of America to criticize our President. Funnily enough President Obama would fight for this cretin's ability to remain in America, flaws and all, if he hadn't already been naturalized.

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    That guy gives me the creeps. He looks like a snake.

  22. I don't know if it means anything but at looking at the website of Dr Roi, I noticed that she is a "DO" and her two fellow doctors are "MDs".

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Which on ewas it who denied the care?

  23. Anonymous11:41 AM

    He was trying out a selfie stick just to see what it was all about -- he probably heard about them from a staff member or photographer.
    He allowed himself to be photographed by the White House photographer. It was all in the spirit of fun and experimentation. He'll be faced with these sticks when he's on the road, and perhaps someone had suggested that they be banned-- as they are in many museums -- for safety's sake (they probably should be).
    Do you see, Dineesh, it pays to keep up with the latest in what's going on, and to be prepared. That's all it was.

    In any event, there are plenty of smart and creative people from "the ghetto," and many who'd say that a convoked felon living in a half-way house shouldn't be throwing stones. Sir.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      It was actually part of a BuzzFeed video encouraging people to sign up before the Feb 15 health care deadline. Pretty funny and clever approach:

  24. Gryphen, you caught me on a really busy day and I don't have the time to fabricate my signature dopey faux-troll commentary as is occasionally my wont.

    I only have time to say this:

    Fuck you, D'nesh D'souza, you d'ickheaded d'ouchebag! Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

    Yikes, I'm really running late....

    Oh, what the hell, let me just add this:


    Oh, thanks for letting me have my say, Gryph-dude! Gotta run!

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Beldar, is this...

      ...what you're referring to when you ever-so-gently chide the celebrated "Mayor of 9/11 and Other Catastrophes" for his slightly inelegant speculation that our hyper-tinged president lacks the basic affection for our land that other - lighter hued, beige-ier - commanders in chief obviously had in their hearts due to their naturally exceptional Amercian-style coloration?

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    He looks like one of 'em illeegulls to me. He's not f4om "Mrica looking like dat.

  26. PalinsHoax12:14 PM

    Poor, poor Dinesh. Lower than the lowest caste member, an untouchable, in his mother country.

    Dinesh will never in a million years come close to being the exceptional human being that is Barack Obama.

    Barack Obama ~ who has style, grace, wit, charm, a disarming smile, intelligence, foresight, wisdom, a beautiful loving wife and two beautiful daughters.

    Barack Obama ~ who is President of the United States.

    And what does Dinesh have? A felony conviction, base morals. non-existant standards, and as mentioned above, is lower than the lowest , untouchable, caste member of his mother country.

    By the way Dinesh, what are you president of? What was that?

    Oh, you're the President of the Yellow Belly Sapsucker Society! Really!! What an accomplishment for you !

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Dinesh was actually from a wealthy Indian family that had Indian servants, hence his entitlement. He lived in a fancy house and went to a fancy school and even though he grew up in slum-infested Mumbai he saw little of life beyond his gated home and private school.

    2. PalinsHoax3:51 PM

      "Dinesh was actually from a wealthy Indian family. . ."
      - - -

      Thanks for that information.

      Just goes to show you that money cannot buy one style, class, self-respect, dignity, kindness, a code of ethics.

      Yes, Dinesh is indeed lower than the lowest untouchable in his mother country.

  27. ibwilliamsi12:19 PM

    What makes this fool think that he passes the paper bag test? Deport him and get it over with.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      LMAO...nope he would not.

  28. Anonymous3:38 PM

    And, D'ipshit D'umbass, a degree doesn't make you intelligent.

  29. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Dig that hole a little deeper Dinesh. We need more tweets.


  30. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Thanks, 2:41. Good points; grew up in a wealthy family, knew little of life outside the gate, etc. Ya know who else grew up like that in India? The man who became known as Buddha.

    D'whosey has a ways to go....

    Wild Tortoise

  31. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I had to tweet to that racist bastard. Yeah what a fucking shit hole.

    1. Thank you ! I am not on twitter, but would love to tweet him back, "Oh - and being a convicted felon is classy !"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.