Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sarah Palin in Las Vegas.

I quite literally know nothing about the origins of this photo, including who that guy on the left is, but I thought I would post it and give all of you budding internet detectives the opportunity to do a little sleuthing.


  1. Too much hair putty not enough separating of the bangs and clothing from forever 21.
    What a skank!

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      I can smell her from here. Eeeewwww.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    She looks like a rooster!

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      She sure does!

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      And what is up with the illustrious Tawd? They both look like shit, SPHASH! Must be all that "vibrant living".........RME.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      According to twitter Toad is

      "Todd is a HOT guy!!"

      Where are Track, Willow, Piper and Trig?

      LOL whilst haters live their boring, ugly lonely lives here's the Palin's at The Venetian (Sheldon Adleson) In LV living theirs

      Another reason why jealous spinsters @wonkette hate Palin;"Todd is a HOT guy!!" "YES, YES, YES!" " I really, really think Todd is hot! ;-)"

      LOL Palin pic comments;"Todd is a HOT guy!!" "YES, YES, YES!" " I really, really think Todd is hot! ;-)" ...

      Todd and Sarah Palin.. Need I say more.. Lol @SarahPalinUSA

      This Christopher Cotty?

    4. ibwilliamsi10:54 AM

      Not only is Todd hot, he'll pay you to blow him. Win/Win for the CoPer's. Maybe they can get back their investment in the Sarah Palin channel.

    5. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Anonymous9:34 AM

      And what is up with the illustrious Tawd? They both look like shit, SPHASH! Must be all that "vibrant living".........RME.
      Talk about "Vibrant living"....ummm what happened to the Iron Dawg this year old Tawdry?
      Did you get banned after the brawl? Inquiring minds want to know!? G, isn't the ending/finish line this weekend or the start? Something with FeDawg starts or ends on Valentines day....
      And ya, they both look like Las Vegas Pimps and Ho's! Oh right they are!!

    6. Anonymous11:05 AM

      He's "hot" if you are into short uneducated hicks with high voices I suppose.

    7. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Not Ms. Any Cock Will Do...

    8. Anonymous11:24 AM

      10:57 AM ....ummm what happened to the Iron Dawg this year old Tawdry?


    9. Anonymous1:50 PM

      11:24 : But, but, but... I AM WEARING THE IRON DOG T-SHIRT HERE IN LAS VEGAS! Isn't that enough?

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Why does she always look as if she hasn't bathed in weeks?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      because she probably hasn't...when she is on as many drugs as it appears and add booze and you got 'eww that smell...can't you smell that smell...eww that smell...that smell is all around you...

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The bitch in the center is Bedhead Sarah. The dude could be a Lumbersexual in training for Grifters politics or Bruce Jenners illegitimate son.

  5. PalinsHoax9:09 AM

    I'm at quite a loss for words ~ but will give it a try:

    1. Who is the sewer rat in the middle of the picture?
    2. What came up behind her and grabbed the wig off her bulbous head?
    3. Is the creature in brown a new species that has been discovered on planet Earth?
    4. Some people just should not go out in public.
    5. She now looks over 65 years of age with that new "hairdo".

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Wasilla's party girl sure makes the rounds.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      @ 9:28 why is that photo label Willow, isn't that Bristol? Someone needs to tell her to buy a larger dress size.

      Looks like Sarah didn't get her money's worth from hair school or they skipped the class on shampooing 101.

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      sounds normal for those palins and their 'crews'...if they don't like someone? let the stalking begin...gee willow what happened to your buds who got popped by AST for carrying firearms and DWI? smirk!

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      I think it is Willow. The chin doesn't look long enough to be Bristol. But she's packed on a few pounds and it looks like there's a little bit of a tummy there.

    5. Anonymous10:45 AM


      Black has a slimming down effect for all women except Bristol. Black makes Bristol look like a truck tire. White makes her look like a roll of paper towels. And red makes Bristol look like a fire hydrant.

      Criticize Bristol all you want, but she is on to something with the camo ensemble. It's the only color combo that works for her.

    6. Anonymous11:07 AM

      That's an old picture from around the DWTS first go around, isn't it?

    7. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Anonymous10:45 AM

      I think it is Willow. The chin doesn't look long enough to be Bristol. But she's packed on a few pounds and it looks like there's a little bit of a tummy there.
      Its a old pic of Brissie pre- "The Chin"

    8. Anonymous11:19 AM

      This is a photo from 2010, she doesn't look anything like that any more. She has done amazing things with what she started with, thanks to surgery and extreme weight loss, but she's still a vapid little famewhore and all around terrible person, she just looks better now. Also too, you can't fix stupid.

    9. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Yes. It is old. Bristol was 20 and out drunk driving in LA.

    10. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Bristol was pretty before the plastic surgery. IMO, another thing she can thank her jealous old hag of a mom for.

    11. betsy s11:59 AM

      A very old picture of chunky Bristol, pre-chin.

    12. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I'm 10:45. Thanks for clarifying. I think Bristol was prettier before the surgery.

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    What, no wedding band? Are they even still married? Why do her hands look so old and claw like? She looks like the Hot Spa photo without the huge wig. A camera is her worst enemy after 'aging'.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Actually, she is wearing a band, if you expand the link photo, you can see it.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      If your wedding band is so infinitesimal, after nearly 30 years of marriage, that it can't be seen by the naked eye, and often disappears altogether, perhaps you're not as wholeheartedly committed to your marriage as you once were.
      Palin's on-again, off-again wedding ring says it all.
      She wants it both ways.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      It was Valentine's Day. Why wouldn't they play the part? How hard is it to put on a band or whatever?

      She doesn't bathe or spend the time needed grooming but she does take time to decide what to wear and the effect she is going after for whatever production she is working on.

      Maybe Adelson is treating them to fine art, something erotic for the love life. That may be why they are at a gallery when Todd needs to be working on his snowmobile deals.

      I don't think they had a romantic dinner together.

      It looks like the daughter that feels appropriate to kick her father in his junk was there to share.

      Strange family.

  7. Anonymous9:10 AM

    She looks like a truckstop whore.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Stop with the compliments. You can see she doesn't look that put together.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      @anon 10:59am
      If you don't like people's comments either skip over them or go to the Pee.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      1:49. Geez, poster at 10:59 was being funny. Get it? Saying that truck stop whore was too complimentary for Sarah.

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    She is done, and doesn't seem to know it.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Apparently though, shes not.

      Still making money doing her shitty speech circuit, and you all are still commenting like catty schoolgirls.

      She has found her niche, and that will never be done.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Go send her your lunch money and fuck off, k?

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      You are correct 10:43am, as long as there are the Confederated Southern States of America and the wasteland of Flyover Country, there will always be people willing to pay Mrs. Palin to speak to them.

    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Of course she's found her niche, 10:43 AM, what she always wanted to be.....fame and attention.

      That's she's an absolute imbecile out for her own self, NO interest in serving the country except to cause strife, no Christian behavior for how she professes God, and a worldwide laughing stock?

      Just LOOK at her, and you can see how well it's working out for her. Holy crap........

    5. Anonymous1:12 PM

      @10:43 Yes Sarah found her niche during that historical moment when she stepped on the stage and her audience was holding Obama monkey dolls screaming, "Kill him! Lynch him!!" while Sarah smiled approvingly.

      That is the moment she realized how much money she could make in her "niche". She hasn't stop spewing hatred and lies for money 24/7 since then.

    6. Anonymous1:48 PM

      She does appear to be still breathing, I will grant you that, 1043a. But that "niche" she has is asymptotically approaching zero. Anyone with an IQ over 100 bailed years ago, so that's half the population right there. Among the rest, including the 17% or so of the population with IQs under 83
      ( aka Sarah's base), the genuinely religious folk among them don't take so kindly to family brawls and Fuc* You signs.
      I think someone said she had a whopping 70-odd birthday greetings from the CofP crowd. I guess you could call that a niche. Sarah Palin, Queen of the CofP Crazies (both of them.)

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I think the name attached to it was Christopher Coty?

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The photo seems to have vanished.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      From where did it vanish?

  11. Anonymous9:17 AM

    From c4p,

    Christopher Cotty ‏@C_CottyFineArt 16s17 seconds ago

    Todd and Sarah Palin.. Need I say more.. Lol @SarahPalinUSA

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Speaking of c4p, they were abuzz yesterday about the revamping of the sarahpac site. They assume it is another indicator that she is running. I checked it out and it looks like they are trying to ramp up donations.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      They have to up donations, booze and limos for a whole family can get expensive.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    It has to be fairly recently. She's scrawny as hell & looks like shit. Todd's wearing glasses which he only started in the past few years. Can't imagine they'd be on any sort of romantic getaway, so it has to be "work" related either for Sarah or Todd.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      They were in Vegas yesterday. Bristol posted several pictures on Instagram.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Where is Tripp?

      Bristol posts strange pics of him and goes away him? Some Mama she has turned out to be.

      Who is Tripp with, the grandparents?

      After the last stalker they must feel confident they won't allure one like that again. Better quality stalker's in Las Vegas style joints.

      Bristol sounds drunk swimming in all the glitter and wealth of LV. How does she sound when Nancy writes for her? Or did they quit that farce?

      Todd must be a superman, he has Iron Dog and suddenly he doesn't need to do his usual practice and prep? What a hot guy.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Toad was called in STAT, the FeK9 prepping be damned! After IOWA, it was clear Bristol failed as her mothers "handler" , so Toad needed to step in to keep the grift going..

  14. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Boy, she sure looks different without all the wigs and hair extensions, huh?

    Hey Palinbots, this is what your Queen Esther really looks like!! Hahahaa--ha-ha!!

    Her hands look like they are becoming crippled with arthritis, and look much, much older than her 51 years.

    I am 2 years older than her and I don't know anyone my age that has hands that look like that. Wow.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I'm 10 years older than she is and MY hands don't look like that..nor does my neck.

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Poor old Scarah doesn't seem to know that rings and bracelets draw attention to the claws, er... hands.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Ladies of a " certain age" should never let their hands hang down. They should be clasped together at the waist. Of course, she's no lady

  15. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Reminds me of that scene in There's Something About Mary...

  16. Anonymous9:26 AM

    More Vegas pics posted by Bristol

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Bristol can't get over herself and someone spending all that money. She is on a high.

      Tripp has been her little money maker, Life's a Tripp and all that TV stardom for the tyke. Boy did it all pay off for her.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      9:26 AM:
      There is nothing at the link you gave here.

  17. Anonymous9:27 AM

    skank's got her all natural wind sock tits goin' here ...

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This is Granny Paylin's pathetic attempt at looking "cool", hip, and younger.

    Fail, game over, defeated, ridiculous, and outright stupid.

    Grow up $arah, accept that you are ready for AARP magazine, hormone therapy, and stop trying to pretend that you are 20 something.

    You are still so desperate for any sense of glamour and culture, dontcha know

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Agree. Sarah can't move beyond "cool" and awesome stage. Need poor Chris Cotty say more/

      Why on earth would he post a picture with a pimp and Quitter fiend of the Shitter Nuge? He had not heard of the Palin Curse?

      I wouldn't buy art from a Las Vegas salesman.

      Why did he quit his last gig?

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      When I think "fine art," my next thought is always "Las Vegas."

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      He sells erotic art, the fine stuff.

      I wonder what they got?

      I bet someone else paid for it.

      Could be a piece for the Rainbow Lodge. In that case the public would never see it.

  19. Anonymous9:33 AM

    So, this is what is really under the wig? The bangs hang out to hide the wig line and the rest is fake?

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      She's concealing her real hair tied in a bun. Seen it on several pics where she's posed sideways. You can see through it. Her extensions are clipped to it.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Once you see how the bangs are an attempt to hide the wig line, you'll never be able to look at her the same way again. Now I always notice that little bit of fringe that NEVER goes with the wig, and it makes the wig so much more obvious.

      The bangs are never the same color, curled the same way or in the same direction as the wig, and often are not the same level of cleanliness as the wig.

      It's one of those things that I cannot un-see anymore. It makes her look so incredibly tacky. (Along with all the other things, of course.)

  20. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Before the threesome?

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I am sure the got rid of the old gal and had some good time fun.

  21. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I think he's an artist/gallery owner in the hotel.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      He is a salesman. Don't be fooled by "fine art" tag.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Cotty is not an artist. He's a "senior" fine art "consultant". In other words a salesman just like 10:17 stated for a group of galleries in Las Vegas.

  22. Wendy9:35 AM

    This may be where the picture came from: Christopher Cotty Senior Art Consultant -- here's his twitter with pix down a couple of entries --

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM!

      Todd and Sarah Palin.. Need I say more.. Lol @SarahPalinUSA

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      lol!!!stopthehatin and start masturbating!!!

      Here's the fancy new Sarah PAC homepage! You know what to do

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Who wants to see Sarah Palin with another pervy creepo?

      I stay away from those type homesite pages that are lousy to load. Bad quality (and her old brother is begging to be a photographer?) Same old garbage you can get anywhere else you find a Palin is selling something or wants opm.

      That mess is going to do what for Sarah PAC?

    4. I noticed on her fancy new webpage that you can "request to schedule an event"...

      Wouldn't it be funny if people started asking her to speak about the circumstances behind Trig's birth???

    5. Anonymous1:20 PM

      People might ask her to speak about her Tubal Ligation. Isn't that a Pro Life procedure? BWAHAHAHAHA Family Values my ass. Sarah Palin and her family of misfits have more skeletons in the closet than an amusement park on Halloween.

    6. Anonymous1:27 PM

      "request to schedule an event"...

      I thought they were meaning an event between the sheets or in the shower, what ever your fancy, with the Gov and her shadow.

      Now that would make money, even is they have nothing to offer because who in their crowd ever admits a mistake.

      If something were to ever happen, it would be an

    7. "you can "request to schedule an event"..."
      Can she do that if she is contracted with the Washington Speakers' Bureau?

  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Todd looking like the cuckold pimp that he is. No one in that family has one ounce of self-respect. They are a pack of vermin who will do or say anything for money and attention. Who but a pimp, would tolerate his wife fawning for the attention of other men?

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      She is no longer his wife.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Todd doesn't care. When was the last time Sarah put out...when Piper was conceived?

    3. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Further proof that the gang at c4p is senile or nuckin futz,

      16 hours ago
      Todd is HOT!! :)

      T Bo
      16 hours ago
      YES, YES, YES! ;-)
      T Bo
      16 hours ago
      LOL. . .why did my comment post twice? Guess I really, really think Todd is hot! ;-)
      T Bo
      15 hours ago
      Think it was more a case of heart palpations from looking at Todd's picture. . .LOL. Hands don't shake. . .yet. ;-)
      T Bo
      15 hours ago
      LOL. . .you know that I had to give you a bad time, don'tcha! ;-)
      1 Reply

      15 hours ago
      I expect it around these 50 shades of C4P parts

      T Bo StandProudNow
      16 hours ago
      Yes, I'm sure lots of us think he is hot. He and Sarah are a very handsome/beautiful couple. . .perfect for one another!

    4. Anonymous11:17 AM

      HIs big race is next weekend..wouldn't you think he and his teammate would be working on their precious snow machine right now? Guess he couldn't pass up the lure of a 5 star hotel and gambling. Will he be in NYC with her tonight too for SNL?

    5. Anonymous11:41 AM

      The pond group was surprised that he isn't in AK, preparing for the race. I think he will drop out, claiming that Sarah 'needs' him. I know she has CPAC and Cambridge coming up and he hasn't done well in the races for years.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    did she take her new gun and shoot the person who used the egg beater on her head?

  25. Bill F9:49 AM

    At first glance I thought it was Morning Joe on the right. He is divorced from his second wife, and he and the skank would make a good pair.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Mjoe is tall. Todd diminutive.

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Todd and levi are the same height

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      12:21 PM So why is Willow so short? Did Sarah slip up with Joe Schmidt? Track and Curt Menard Jr were the same height, like father like son.

    4. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Levi has something where Bristol likes to kick. Todd is tiny.

  26. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The New Zigfield and Roy along with an over the hill prostitute.

  27. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Todd, you fucking pimp...grow some fucking balls. Why do you allow this woman to treat you like this??? I think it's time for you to lay down the pimp hand, the same one you've been using to control your prostitutes.

    Sarah looks like she's been reading IM. The bulbous wig that's usually perched on top of her head is not visible.

    I don't remember her eyebrows being that high. I'm betting she had several brow lifts.

    Her hair is thinning and receding. Check out her temples.

    All she has to do now is find a plastic surgeon to fix her arthritic hands.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Todd is a pimp and he has that remote Lodge where anything goes.

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Do you ever tire of slandering?

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Ever heard the phrase "get a life" and sto pretending you know people

      You're all hypocrites. You call trolls ba things and say they're stalkrrs yet you nver leave your computers and stalk innocent people who don't advertise their lives.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      @12:21 PM Do you have a problem with spelling, or are your keys stuck with your Palin slobbering?

    5. Anonymous1:12 PM

      12:19 PM Do you ever tire of Palin ass kissing? What do you accomplish by trolling the internet? You have a sorry life and we all see it in your comments.

    6. Anonymous1:32 PM

      12:19 PM

      You could check out the office where Bristol claims to work 9 to 5, 5 days a week. It is a big clue to what goes on. Since you know the Palins, you must know Anchorage and that little bedroom community named Wasilla.

      It is not slander to call a documented pimp a pimp either. Learn to read.

    7. Anonymous2:24 PM

      12:21 "You call trolls ba things." I beg your pardon. I have never called a troll a sheep. I guess that's what you mean by ba things? I know you get confused.
      You ARE a stalker. You're always stalking somebody. You admit to stalking people. You can keep trying your little projection game but it just isn't going to work.

      You mad? Why you shaking? You aren't going to cry are you?

  28. Isaac Singer10:04 AM

    I think Sarah Palin owes a royalty to the family of Gideon Sundback, inventor of the modern "hookless fastener."
    She's elevated the use of zippers to a new couturier art form.

  29. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Isn't anybody going to tell her her wiglet has fallen off?? Poor thing!


    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      That is FUNNY! You are in fine form today!

  30. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Chicken head?

  31. Miss Demeanor10:32 AM

    I find the body language in the photo very telling. Quitttypants is totally turned away from Todd. No inclusion there at all.
    Also, too, there is a tarantula on her head.
    Grow up Sarah. You are no longer in your forties. You are ick.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      The Pee People must find it very telling. Like Bristol they went overboard. Suddenly they must profess how HOT they think Todd is.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I see two tarantulas

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I like tarantulas, but not anything on that noggin of Sarah's. No decent tarantula would hang out there.

  32. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Leans into the 'other' guy and away from her ex-husband. Todd is aging too - really hadn't noticed it before.

    You can determine, from the above photo, her need of the multiple wigs she wears!

  33. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Finally! Somebody snatched the wig off of her head!

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM


    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      And she doesn't even know it!

  34. Anonymous10:40 AM

    hey koch bros...time is running out...when some things are revealed...your all going down...what ever do I mean you ask?
    well...lets put it this way...if someone discovers their mother is dead due to 'suicide'? that is like telling spencer reed of criminal minds his mother is dead...and they have never met...smirk! I got some ointment for those federal probies!
    Rub it on the hole that hurts the run and tell em!

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Oh my gawd, she IS going bald! Look at that hairline - my, my how her forehead has grown! And as others have said, what's with the old lady hands?

    Stick a fork in her, she's almost done...

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Why can't that Laser Dermatologist Office do anything to help her?

      Look at all she does for them. Yet they let her go out in public looking like death warmed over or one foot in the grave. What is wrong with that place that says Bristol works for the fleet?

      They can't do laser hair plugs or something? Anything to improve her looks.

      I blame that doctor, or is he a fake? It is all his fault. Why doesn't he help Sarah? Bristol still has a few more years of youth but it is already starting to fall apart for her. They put too much trust in that place and I tell you they are doing her no favors.

  36. Anonymous10:47 AM

    This Chris fellow must be out of his mind. It is a fact Sarah is a magnet for the lowest of the low. Including pedophiles, rapists and thieves that would steal candy from a baby and granny's life savings.

    Is this just one more unsavory fool that she is happy to pose next to?

    Sarah's molester pal.

    Worthy to pose with Track Palin.

    The poser list is growing. Has anyone done a full background check on this Chris, so called art dealer?

  37. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Christopher Coty @ Coty Fine Art posted the twitter pic. He writes LOL, meaning that he's making fun of Sarah and Todd, look who came into my art gallery. Sarah is standing closer to Coty than to Todd-- on Valentines Day!

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Todd looks as if he's either trying to distance himself from Sarah, who is obviously having a very bad "hair day" or he's trying very hard to suck in his tummy. Either way, it's an odd photo.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      LOL means he wants to laugh it off and not fully commit in public. He did post a picture. He must think she is good for sales. How much did they spend? Would he pose with alleged celebrities that aren't spending? I can't believe they are the only celebs he has waited on.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      It certainly could be an ironic picture (on his part).

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Ironic or not, I think he has creepy eyes.

  38. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Coty's art gallery is in the Venetian Hotel. So far there have been photos of Sarah and Todd having breakfast at the Venetian. They went out for pizza for Sarahs' birthday at a restaurant in the Venetian. Bristol's instagram photos are probably taken there too. Although today, Bristol has ventured across the street to the Mirage.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Comments on instagram refer to sarah as "bae on slots". BAE= Biggest Asshole Ever. lol

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Bae really is the Danish word for poop, but on the internet they use it to mean baby or sweetie, however in this case i think the Danish meaning applies.

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Bristol and her coworkers were not staying at the Venetian. Not that her personal non advertised page is your business

    4. Anonymous12:17 PM

      That is not what bae means colloquially

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      12:16 PM What makes you think that it is any of YOUR business, Stalker? Bristol doesn't like you and you are a nuisance to all of the Palins. You bring up subjects about them that they would like to forget.

    6. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Did they stay at the Mirage this time? They sure do travel a lot together. Who works at the office while they all go off and do their exotic 'jobs'? How much does the doctor get? Good thing Todd knows his way around sex trafficking and no one will question them.

      Or maybe Bristol actually does buy Louboutins with her salary from the office.

    7. Anonymous2:03 PM

      2:16 : 'Bristol and her coworkers'???
      Talking about stalking... Pot, calling kettle...

  39. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The Ant Colony had a real war with an invader, a troll,someone who dared to write that Sarah is not "The Governor." She quit. She said that she didn't need a title. The comment named the current governor as "The Governor." They went into shock. No one can say anything rude about The Governor. The banned those terrible comments which only stated the truth. Sarah gave up that title, and to call her The Governor is a joke. But they don't laugh. They get hysterical is someone actually writes the truth on their blog.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The truth hurts.
      They're in for another wake-up call.
      I do NOT feel sorry for them whatsoever.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Was entertaining while it lasted. C4p is where truth, reality and Christianity go to die. Oddly, paranoia, lies and racism thrive in the pond.

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      The more I get to know them from daily reading, I no longer have any compassion for any of them. They troll the internet for any hateful, racist blogs about anything they are against and they trot it over to c4p, where it is elevated to the truth. No one fact checks, reads REAL news or questions sources. They are all ugly, hateful, fear mongering, pseudo Christians. The disrespect they have for the POTUS and the disregard they show for others is contemptible. They deserve each other and any misfortune they receive.

    4. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Remember when someone her claimed a friend was an established, long time troll at the sea of pee? Anybody else think it could be jr8? She is so over the top, mean-wise and she loves to go after trolls, which reminds me of gay congressmen who are rabid anti-gay. And someone on IM said she has been banned from other sites. She lives in CA and the person here mentioned visiting a warm climate. She brags about her highly educated kids and she is a runner. I don't picture her fitting in with the cult.

    5. Anonymous1:02 PM

      She brags about her uneducated kids and she runs her mouth.

    6. Anonymous1:44 PM

      But, could it be a cover? I am just trying to figure out who it could be? Jr8 doesn't have the Palin talking points down and seems to just add generic hateful or snarly comments and relys on flirting to endear herself to the male posters. She never puts up any links or resources. She seems like a floater or a well entrenched troll.

    7. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I don't think it's JR8, if you mean January Rose or whatever her current name is. JR8 claims to be the sister of soap opera star (and esteemed Real Housewife of Beverly Hills lol) Eileen Davidson. Wonder if Eileen knows her sister is completely nuts?

    8. Anonymous1:58 PM

      ...and I'd like to ask Eileen Davidson on twitter if she knows her sister is a poster there, but thus far I've not done it, to protect my OWN privacy, lol.

    9. My thoughts too on jr8. She just usually leaves snarky comments makes up juvenille nicknames for anyone against $arah- which is pretty much everyone and is just an all around nasty bitch!
      Never adds anything to the conversation.

  40. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Todd hired a gigolo for Sarah's birthday. How romantic.

  41. It is Christopher Cottie,,,

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Isn't he new to Las Vegas?

  42. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I'm thinking I saw that picture of Bristol before. I think it was her bar hopping birthday party, with the picture of her driving drunk?

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Do you ever tire of slandering?

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      12:15 PM Do you ever tire of making a fool of yourself? The Palins don't LIKE you.

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      slander troll

    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Bristol was driving Willow. There are many more pictures. It is not slander or made up. Bristol was a mess. (born October 18, 1990),+26,+2010.JPG

      Something is wrong with Bristol Palin. Nov 22, 2010 DWTS.

      Years later it is the same thing. ‘Drunk’ Bristol Palin Sobs To Cops While Mom Sarah Slams ‘The Bad Guys’ In Police Recording Of Wasilla Brawl — Listen To The Tape!

      Bristol Palin talks about birthday party brawl

      Bristol is only showing the signs of decline, she is getting worse. Instead of rehabilitation for her problems, she thought fixing her face and body with poor medical advice and team would solve things for her. Now she has more addictions and can't function without her enablers. Poor pitiful Bristol Palin.

  43. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Why is her face so old?

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Why are liberals ugly?

      Perspective. Your opinion isn't truth. Like blogs aren't truth

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      12:14 PM Your Troll opinion is "BULLSHIT". Bristol taught me that word. Trig. Ugly is what you see in your parents' mirror. Aren't they tired of supporting you yet? You are like a parasite feeding on their emotions. Alicia, get a job and stay away from the internet, kid.

  44. Anonymous11:30 AM

    O/T but here's a couple of insane stories for ya G!

    Insane ‘Christian’ Woman Beats, Kicks, Stomps Jewish Neighbor: ‘You’d Better Accept Jesus’

    Listen Up, Kids… Or DIE: Holy Video Tries Way Too Hard To Control Children In Church (VIDEO)

  45. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Why is her hair thinning?

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      It's pulled back. All hair pulled back looks the same

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      12:14 PM It is 'pulled off'. Wigs don't pull back and look short.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Was her hair pulled back at the hot yoga class? BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Drugs, lack of food, too many extensions over the years. One, two, or three of those reasons.

  46. Anonymous11:53 AM

    She looks very good at her age. Beautiful skin. After reading the comments on here though, I figure you all must be beautiful, flawless, ageless looking. Lol!

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Poor little Alicia.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      11:53 AM You love it here, you won't leave no matter how bad you are talked about. What's wrong, are you BANNED from other blogs?

    3. Aunt Ethel1:54 PM

      $arah is fair skinned and people with fair skin need to be especially vigilant about staying out of the sun and away from tanning beds. $arah has admitted that she used a tanning bed during her time as governor and was likely not using sun protection when she was outside.

      Because of those choices, she looks older than those of us who made the decision to use sun protection and limit sun exposure. If she's lucky, she'll just look older than her peers. If she's not, she'll learn all about the joys of having things cut out and scraped off and waiting to learn if the growth was cancerous.

      I saw my very pale older relatives go through the whole cut, scrape, and worry routine. It scared me enough that as a young woman, I got hardcore about protecting my skin from the sun.

      You know, personal responsibility and all that jazz.

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Yes I agree. Her flawless, ageless inner beauty just oozes through her every pore.

    5. Anonymous2:00 PM

      You must be real ugly if you thing that druggie hunchback is good looking.

    6. Anonymous2:15 PM

      This is the best of the pictures of Sarah without all the artificial help.

      It was hell on her.

      What could she do? She became her own paparazzi with a little help!

      Sarah wouldn't looks so ridiculous if she stay with this group of pictures and didn't have that ridiculous pretend group taken.

      It's lies and her inside that is the most ugly.

  47. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Sarah looks like she's ready for a little threesome.

  48. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Meaning gryphen is releasimg the liberals hounds of hell to attack as he often does. Liberal bloggers are pro at that. And slandering

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      12:13 PM Who woke you up out of your all night trolling stupor? You are obsessed with Gryphen like Sarah Palin is obsessed with President Obama. Why did you steal Sarah's roadkill wig, she looks like a chickenhawk going bald. Is 'slandering' the only word that you can use to describe your obsession? Why are you so jealous of Liberals? Are your caretakers/parents Liberals?

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      slander troll slander troll slander troll slander troll

    3. Aunt Ethel1:17 PM

      You missed your period again. Are you ready to make an announcement? A new baby is exciting news!

      Will little Asphalt or Trailer Hitch be joining the family business of blog trolling?

    4. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Thanks for the compliment 12:13. Gryphen makes you dance like a little puppet. You are a moth to his burning flame. Hounds out of hell can beat flying moonbat monkeys any day of the week.

  49. Anonymous12:58 PM

    AAnuk! Who's thay at?

  50. Anonymous1:06 PM


    Me thinks the guy on the left is Bristol. You know Bristol is always getting her medical procedures.

  51. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Damn! We know Sarah is competitive, but dang who gets the Palin Bulbous Forehead Award?
    Bristol or Sarah?

  52. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Where's my post? It was a poem...

  53. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Look at Sarah Palin's body language. She is showing more attention and affection towards the Bruce Jenner impersonator than she is to Toad.

  54. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Anonymous11:57 AM

    Sarah looks like she's ready for a little threesome.

    Are you saying Todd's hoohah is about to get raped by those other two guys?

  55. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Why is Todd's shirt halfway hanging out? Musta been some party last night in Vegas!

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      That looks like Todd's favorite shirt.

      The one he sleeps in for weeks at a time.
      Yes, it was a grand night for Todd, he wouldn't just Fuc_ the Iron Doggers for some little deal to baby sit the 'wife'. I doubt Todd's night included Sarah. And don't forget Todd's line of work. He is not going to hook Sarah up with some young guy she thinks is hot.

      Is this trip gratis from Adelson or is someone else paying the bills? They are treating all their pals from Anchorage, it can't be cheap.

      Whoever pays must be satisfied.

  56. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Actually, Sarah Palin is in NYC today as she will reportedly be appearing on the SNL 40th Anniversary Special tonight. It's freezing with high winds today - a sure sign that she's landed at JFK. I hope they skewer her and that she doesn't get away with crap.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      When do they start the production? She has her entourage and it should be fun for everyone.

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Sarah appearing on SNL could turn out to be another joke. She will be on for a few brief moments out of 3 1/2 hours. My guess- Sarah BEGGED Loren to be on the show. Sarah would rather have bad publicity than no publicity at all.

  57. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Where are Sarah's titties? There's nothing there! No cleavage whatsoever. Sarah's chest looks like a flat piece of dried up moose jerky.

    Sarah is there anything you would like to share with the world?

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Sarah saves them for a speech to the horny old white guys.

  58. Anonymous1:41 PM

    At least Mr. Cotty added an "Lol" to his picture with Todd & Sarah.

    Christopher Cotty ‏@C_CottyFineArt 21h21 hours ago
    Todd and Sarah Palin.. Need I say more.. Lol @SarahPalinUSA


  59. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Pete Petretich • 36 minutes ago

    So what are the pros and cons of Sarah announcing a run for POTUS on SNL tonight?

    This may be the biggest audience she has addressed since the 2008 RNC...

    Are we paying for this clown's food stamps? He's been spending our money on booze.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Awww. Leave poor obsessed Pete alone. She is all he has. As for the booze, it's cold in Cleveland!

    2. You would think a little light bulb would go off in Pete Peawit's brain if the biggest crowd Tundradunce has "addressed" in seven years is the Saturday Night Live studio audience, forgawdsakes.

  60. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Who's that older woman with the glasses on the right side of Sarah?

  61. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Well, looks like Bar$tool got herself a free babysitter for Tripp - his dad and step-mum. Like that, $he no longer needs to drag him all over the place, and $he can finally get all the glamorous designer clothing and shoes (showing off the red soles in one of her instagram pics, as well as all her Luis Vuitton bags etc).
    Ironic, how $he and her hag-mother made fun of Levi as a Hollywood Ricky, and now they both are Hollywood barflies...

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      And her mom lashed out at the Peta group for being hypocrites for wearing said shoes. Sarah also reprimanded young women for taking fish lip selfies.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Bristol is a simple sweet kid like her Mom. She would never want Luis Vuitton bags etc. That just does not fit her image.

      What kind of Lumbersexual would be into a high maintenance mile high tripper?

  62. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Sarah is in Las Vegas
    Todd is in Las Vegas
    Bristol is most likely interviewing lumbersexuals in her canvas tent deep in the woods
    Track is in the airplane hanger counseling (wink wink) veterans with PTSD
    Some mentioned Willow is in Seattle
    The house is empty

    How old is Piper? Is she taking Bristol's cramp pills? Religiously?

    Sarah you are way too old to go on any more Wild Rides.

    "Caint have no fishpickers born in Las Vegas " right Sarah?

  63. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Does Trig still know who Sarah is supposed to be? She's rarely at home and her adopted prop is too much trouble to take on trips. All he's good for is photo ops now.

  64. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Stupid Scarah.

  65. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I wonder if Sarah Palin still approaches strangers to ask if they want to take their picture with her.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.