Sunday, February 15, 2015

New study reveals that since 9-11 domestic terrorism committed by white male US citizens FAR outweighed attacks by any other demographic in America.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A 2001-2015 “Homegrown Extremism” analysis by the New America Foundation parsed the “ethnicity, age, gender and citizenship” of people who killed or violently attacked others, whether they were motivated by jihadist philosophies or other “right wing, left wing or idiosyncratic beliefs.” Of 448 extremists counted, white men who were U.S. citizens outnumbered every other demographic by wide margins. 

“Quite a few reports agree, that more Americans have been killed by the radical right since 9/11 than by jihadists,” said Mark Potok, spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes and focuses on the radical right.The FBI lists nearly 6,000 hate crime incidents in 2013, its latest statistics. Only a fraction of these make the national news, like the Chapel Hill murders. 

But the big picture, as CNN’s national security reporter, Peter Bergen, reported last April on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, is that “since 9/11, extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies, including white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists, and anti-government militants, have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda’s ideology.”

Now to be fair this is AFTER the deadly attacks on 9-11, which took the lives of nearly 3,000 people.

However that was one day, and since that day radicalized white American men have been the most dangerous enemy we have faced in America.

What was it the comic strip character Pogo once said?

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Yes, yes he is.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    What a load of crap! 448 'extremists'. C'mon. Define extremist. These idiots count people who are pro-Constitution as extremists for chrissakes. And let's remember that 99% of these so-called terrorist attacks domestically were set-ups by the FBI to entrap a bunch of disgruntled individuals.

    6000 hate crimes. Again, 99% of hate crimes are always committed by whites because blacks can't be charged because they are a protected group. Just ask Zemir Begic. Oh, you can't, he's was hammered to death in St. Louis by a bunch of blacks pissed off about Ferguson.
    Nope, these studies are full of crap. More lies, damn lies, and statistics.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      cuckoo, cuckoo

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM


      That must be a code word for something.

      Are the rest of us "anti-Constitution?"

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Hey, genius, click on the link to find the working definition of "extremist."

      "Our dataset takes no stance on whether particular ideologies are extreme but focuses on violent extremism understood as the use of violence in pursuit of any political ideology whether that ideology is considered mainstream in the United States or not."

    4. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Ahahahaa 7:21.

      It is a load of crap, 6:55 is right. They write something and you belive it. You are gullible idiot 7:21.

      Gryph is a self loathing white man with an Oedipus complex. Get with the team Gryph. White men built this world and this country, and run it better too.

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      8:43, you are obviously an uneducated person who can't even begin to understand even the smallest complexities of research or statistics. And that's the least of your problems.

      Is that you in the header photo?

    6. Anonymous10:38 AM

      9:15... "understand the complexities of research or statistics"? Holy shit you are stupid. Did you really just write that? Are you really that fucking dumb and naive.

      Here a little secret for you bub. When it comes to idealogical 'think tanks' in DC, left or right- doesn't matter, there has never ever ever been a 'statistical study' done, where the results haven't supported the foregone idealogical conclusion already determined by the group. Wow you dumb dumb dumb. Really stupid.

      'Don't understand the complexities...' LMAO.

    7. Anonymous10:42 AM

      "Wake up, white people!"

      -Daniel Carver (and 6:55, apparently)

    8. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Cuckoo, cuckoo

    9. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Aw, now you've gone and hurt my feelings, 10:38.

    10. Anonymous11:24 AM

      You conveniently forget the a great deal of southern America was "built" by enslaved Africans. The railroad never would have happened without low wage immigrants from China and Ireland. The rich white guys provided the funding and the ideas while the poor and downtrodden did all the back breaking work.

    11. Leland3:00 PM


      Go seek help, fool.

    12. Anonymous9:29 PM

      To Anonymous 6:55 AM

      You are out of your mind. Your whole post is BS.

    13. Anonymous9:35 PM

      To Anonymous 6:55 AM

      The report is TRUE. Too bad some whites like you, lie and deny injustices done to Black people. People like you even deny slavery and the holocaust. Although there is proof those horrible events did happen.

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That guy in the header photo was obviously tricked by the FBI into having a swastika tattooed on the back of his head.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Has anybody, while interviewing one of these guys, ever asked this question? What does that swastika mean to you? What does it symbolize to you? What statement are you making? It would be interesting to hear the responses.

      Looks like a target on the back of his head to me. Disgusting symbol.

      But then he'd probably think that the little red heart on my tit is disgusting too. Tattoos aside, I'd still rather be me than him.

  3. Anonymous7:33 AM

    White American men and women have a great cheer leader. A cult type who can speak in code or tongues. Even Junior is wearing the black costumes more often.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I didn't even recognize Todd.
      And Sarah's head is huuuuuge!

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      She has to earn those shoes!

  4. "White American MEN", hmmmmmmmmmmm.

  5. How long until this thread is infested by the Only Muslim Terrorists Matter trolls?

    As Michael Moore asked long ago, why are we such a violent country? And why are we so afraid?

  6. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I don't remember seeing any posting about Bill-O warning his viewers about these terrorists.

  7. And I was right!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.