Thursday, March 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Piper Palin.

Bristol and Piper.
Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:

 ‪#‎throwbackthursday‬ Happy Birthday to our little girl all grown up!

Does Palin have to put a SarahPAC logo on everything?

I mean come on, just wish your kid a happy birthday without trying to make money off of it #badparenting.

She should be especially thrilled that she still has a least one daughter who has not gotten knocked up or been involved in a drunken brawl. At least not yet.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'm surprised Sarah remembered Piper's birthday at all.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Nothing says how special your days is, like a sarahpac logo!

    2. How can being what, fourteen, qualify as "all grown-up"?!? I have a hard time calling my sons that, and the YOUNGEST is soon to graduate from university.

      Brrrrr, those Palins certainly define female maturity by a creepily "Duck Dynasty"-esque measuring stick...

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    It's positively disgusting the way that vile woman exploits her children.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      If Sarah was upset that Bristol was always the victim of stalkers, it's not such a good idea to be putting out those photos of Piper.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Sarah is a greedy idiot.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Give Piper her own pac or teach her some marketable skills like popping zits and blackheads. These people are cukoo for cocoa puffs.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Whoah, what happened? She used to be kind of cute! Now she's got Sarah's upper frontals and Todd's skirt.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      hahaha. She's still plenty cute, though. Here's to hoping she finds her way in the world, in spite of it all. Happy Birthday, Piper!

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I think Piper is going to go 'rouge' soon! She is the one to watch-she will make Brissy look like a Sunday school teacher.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      As the youngest of two sister, just watch her. From the time she shoved the press in '08....this tribe is in it until the cows come home. Excuse me....moose.

      Big sis teaching you how to do fish lips in a mirror, Piper? Why don't you try making something of yourself. Good LORD.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Notice Sarah picked out a picture that flattered herself (somewhat) but did not do Little Piper any favors. Same for the picture with Bristol. Vain.

    Poor Piper. No trucks, homes, Louboutins or bags.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Give Piper a few p more years and she'll learn to ask for trucks, homes, shoes and bags. They are called bribes or payment for silence. Or maybe in Bristol's case, payment for coming to Vegas and agreeing to hook up with Dakota who really had eyes for Sarah when he started out. Two months ago, Dakota's instagram showed that he thought that Sarah was the most significant person with no mention of Bristol. I wonder if Sarah put the "Dakota-bug" in Bristol's ear, or if she took Dakota aside and explained how it would be worth his while to hook up with Bristol. Maybe both.

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Bristol's shirt looks as though it's from the maternity department.

    3. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Anon 5:26--I was thinking the same thing re Sarah and Dakota. From those "drunk" photos of Sarah and Dakota last summer, it looked like Sarah was the one hot for the MOH winner. I mean, let's face it--Todd is out of the picture, just trotted out for photo op. But it wouldn't look good for Sarah to publicly "date" a much younger man, so --probably during that fun-filled Vegas trip in January when the two "reconnected"--the Dakota-Bristol scam was born.

      Poor Bristol gets to be the beard.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I bet the cinnamon roll Instagram photo of Bristol is an older shot and there is a reason she is wearing so many loose tops and needed to get that photo out to the public....

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      It looks to me like Bristol Photo shopped her head on Pipers body in the cinnamon bun shot.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      I wouldn't blame Bristol. Nobody buys a pair of shoes without trying them on and walking around to see if they're a good fit. Don't want any surprises or disappointments.

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Unfortunately, you can make out momma's rock on her finger.

    4. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Yes, it's an older shot. It's from 'way back, at least three weeks ago, when Brissy was sleeping with someone else.

  8. Happy Birthday to Piper, and I wish her the best!!
    May this young woman, hopefully, find her own path away from that of her family as her life moves forward.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Hell yes to THAT!

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I agree. Let's all wish her well.

      I do not agree with those of you who are "attacking" Piper. Come on, she's a kid. Kids can't be blamed for a parent's problems and we can cut kids slack for doing "bad" kid things.

      Bristol and the others are adults, they deserve what they get, but let's not lower ourselves to be the types that pick on underaged people.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Well said, SunnyVee. I agree with your positive message.

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Proud to say that I direct all my snipping to the adult, attention seeking Palin's!

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      THIS is what trolls here don't get. Haven't we all said " break away, break away" for years? They can't. mommie owns them and they know it. Holy crap.

    6. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Snipping? Is that you Sary?

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I want to dedicate this to Bristol Palin.

  10. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Leave it to Sarah Palin to 'use' her kid again! She is an embarrassment as to her mothering techniques, of which she has none!

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Bristol (or Nancy) wrote that poor Bristol and Tripp had to move out of their house because of a stalker. Awwww. And, now the house is for sale. Bristol keeps posting photos of Trig wearing his underwear. She posts sexy pictures of herself. (Check out the bikini photo on a boat, or squirting whipped cream down her open mouth in a very suggestive way). And, then she wonders why a stalker would stalk her. The same thinking should be used before posting photos of Piper sticking out her chest and showing that she is in a hurry to grow up, too. For such a private family, they put it all out there and then wonder why they attract all of the stalkers.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      PRESIDENT, twice voted by a landslide, Barack Hussein Obama said from the get go that children were off limits in '08.

      Hey, $arah! Did you catch the First Lady on Ellen on Monday? Of course you did. While she promotes healthy living, "Gimme Five," and Malia is taking the SATs, deciding on what college she wants to go to, what your YOUR kids doing?

      Yeah, I thought so. You must be SO proud.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Why, they make her heart soar with pride- those overachievin' Palin kids!

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Move out of her house because of a stalker. Bull! These people pack more weaponry than some third-world countries. She's full of it. Dancing with the has- beens money must have run out. God forbid she get a real job. By the way, what is it does Track or Todd do?

    5. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Whatever prompted this, Dakota will reap monetarily and suffer mentally. Honest to goodness, I'm floored and waiting to see just WHY. It will be classic, and the pee pond clutch their prayer beads. Seriously??

    6. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Perimeter security?


  11. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I bet the cinnamon roll Instagram photo of Bristol is an older shot and there is a reason she is wearing so many loose tops and needed to get that photo out to the public....

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Apologies for the double post! Didn't think it was that profound, just goofed up!

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Bristol looks quite thin. Must be on her mothers diet regime. Red bull and 5-hour energy drink. Whatever became of that book Sarah was writing with her family recipes and living all vibrantly advise?

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Oh, and here I thought you were being profound. Apology accepted with a smile.

    4. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Oh, it was profound! Just not double posting profound! Everything I post is profound....

    5. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Where is Bristols engagment ring....or is that an older pic??

    6. Anonymous6:56 AM

      That's an older pic of Bristol and Piper--I have seen it before, maybe up to a year ago. Sarah uses whatever pictures she has on hand.

  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Of course it warrants a Shitpac sticker: it's what's paying for Piper Diaper's gifts and party.

  13. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Can't you people give them some privacy?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Sure-as soon as they stop posting birthday greetings online, eating cinnamon buns online, postings engagement rings online, posting Trig saying bullshit online, showing off Vegas trips online, endorsing FUC_YOU signs online, ........,

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      "Yes We Can!"
      When they do.

    3. It's Sarah who's announcing Piper's birthday. If she thought her kids deserved privacy, I'm sure I wouldn't care. Hey, notice how she posted about Piper's birthday? Remember when she posted the same picture of Trig for his second AND his third birthday? Yeah, he's her Precious Angel From God, all right.

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Bwhahahahaha!! Seriously? Privacy? They post these photos publically!!!!! You don't get that! ???? If they wanted privacy, they wouldn't do that

    5. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Can't the Palins go a day without posting some idiotic photo or their hateful opinions?

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      People who value their privacy don't post their lives all over the internet and they sure as heck don't slap a Pac label on a family pic.
      Good grief!
      M from MD

    7. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Yea, just like you.

    8. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Just like whom, 6:38 PM?
      Waiting to hear this one!

    9. Anonymous7:55 PM

      REALLY, M from MD, they're serious.
      'You're kidding, right? No they aren't.
      I cannot WAIT for this to unfold!

    10. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Can't you people give them privacy?

      Why do they keep posting their personal life on facebook and instagram? The photos of Bristol and Dakota were taken by Shealah Craignhead, SarahPAC's official photographer. A sweet romance and a proposal are supposed to be between the guy and the gal. They posed for public photos. Bristol shows pictures of Tripp in his underwear. She writes that he is spoiled rotten and that he is mama's boy. I wouldn't know this if she didn't air her dirty laundry in public. The Palins are not private people. Everything thing that they do and say is for public consumption.

    11. Anonymous9:36 PM

      5:16 PM:
      Why do they publicize their life on the internet then?

    12. Anonymous11:08 PM

      The Palins don't WANT privacy, in case you haven't noticed.

  14. Anonymous5:19 PM

    14 is not "all grown up." But, in the Palin Family, if they really do think that 14 is "all grown up" that speaks to their emotional age. They all act as if they were beginning high school.

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Oh well....according to Sary's heros the Duck Quackers, sweet Piper is just about the right age for marryin...

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Not to mention Ted the Ped.

      Cat scratch fever anyone?

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Uncle-DuckFucker thinks 14 is "all grown up" and that's good enough for the Payme family....!

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Piper is way too old. If they didn't swoon her when she was 13 she is done. Duck Dynasty will put her in the slut/whore category.

  15. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sarah, you idiot! Piper is NOT - 'all grown up'! OR, could you be ONLY referring to her physical appearance? You are a disaster as a mother! For Christ's sake, she is ONLY 14!

    I sincerely hope the kid receives guidance, in her upcoming teenage years, from folks other than the Palin klan!

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Calling Mr. Ted Crude-Gent! She's ready for you now. Please hurry befote Phil "#uck Commander" Robertson gets to her!
      There, Sarah, is this about as rude and crude as your "Fu*k You Michael Moore" sign you are so flippin' proud of?

    2. Anonymous10:17 PM

      ...OR the Heath Clan

  16. FJ Dandy5:27 PM

    So good to see how princess dumb ass keeps her kids out of the limelight. /snark

  17. Skanks R Us!

  18. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Bristol & Piper both look happy in that pic. How old is Piper now?

    That being said, the entire Meyer family IS expecting to have Bristol as a new "daughter" and Tripp as a grandson. I lived in the rural Kentucky-Tennesse 13 years too long and I know what those bible belt people are like. If she marries & moves there Bristol is in for a shock BIG TIME. I'm sure she's having dreams of a happy little family & maybe she even has a bun in the oven. It's NOTHING like Alaska or anything like the Palin family has been raised with all their drinkin', druggin', huntin' and shootin' at things. These people down there actually DO go to church so Bristol will have to do lots of travelin' to avoid that since she doesn't attend. Family life & social activities in small towns and rural communities revolve around church. The Meyers seem like decent xtian people. Bristol isn't used to that.

    Just a few months ago she had beer & makeup on her face, was drinkin' druggin' & brawling cursing like a Palin. She may have dreams of a little white picket fence with 2 cats in the yard, etc. and maybe that will happen but before it does, she's going to have to change her ways she has been brought up in all her life. So I believe she's in for a rude awakening. If she doesn't have a bun in the oven & hasn't slept with balding Dakota yet, well she may be in for another rude awakening there. I'm sure Levi has 3 times the testosterone.

    Then again the other angle could be that Dakota is happy to jump on the Palin publicity band wagon & they may just keep on traveling while he does his vet seminars with Bristol at his side. Or perhaps they are both angling for some reality tv show & have fame stars in their eyes (with Sarah's help of course). In that case they don't have to worry about going to church. That would basically be a marriage contract so they can both get more publicity on their way to the senate & then the white house lol.

    I'm sure they both have crushes on each other for now. But to go from drunken brawling in a thong dress in a few short months to the rural xtian lifestyle her future-in-laws are used to? They've blinded themselves to Bristol's bad behavior because of course like any parent they want the best for Dakota so they are ignoring all that for now. It's going to be a hard transition for her. It could end up being a happy marriage but there are obstacles to overcome - lots of them.

    And poor Tripp. What is the longest he has ever lived in one place? He's going from being trained like a little Hollywood monkey to fake smile & ham it up for the cameras to a family that expects him to behave like a good little xtian boy. He's growing up one mixed up kid like his uncle Track Menard.

    Oh and I saw something on the internet. After Dakota announced he is marrying Bristol one of his friends said something like, "Seriously dude? Bristol Palin?". Then he thought better of hurting Dakota's feelings and congratulated him.

    Whatever may happen, Bristol is too young to realize what an uphill battle she is facing and the hard work that a marriage to Dakota will take. I betcha she travels back home to mommy every couple of weeks. The grass is not always greener on the other side no matter what carrots mommy holds in front of her face.

    At any rate we all make our mistakes and often have to learn the hard way. I wish Tripp lots of luck.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Bristol owes mommy big time again for Thonghazi. She's gonna make SURE her daughter marries this MOH xtian from a little pocket in RILL America whether Bristol ends up liking living with him or not. Mama will make sure she does. It's redemption time so bring out the banjos for born again virgin Bristol's re-chritianization and get ready for her future in politics. The real question here is - why all the rush Sarah????

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Will they think Tripp's gangsta signs that Bristol taught him are cute too?

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Bristol won't have any future in-laws, only pretend ones.

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Does Alaska even have a bible belt?

      I've lived down south in several places and everywhere you go even if it's a small town with 2 red lights, wherever the blacks live it's always called by the whites "niggertown". In a confidential voice of course. Hasn't changed a bit no matter how much the right wing claims there is no more racism.

    5. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Dakota's past party actions -- if true? -- don't sound a great deal different than Bristol's. He got fired for "instability" and "having an alcohol problem". Just this past week, it was reported somewhere he was in a brawl and ended up on the floor after a girl punched him out. It's widely reported that he lies or at least exaggerates his MOH exploits.

      He'll do okay in the Palin Klan. Or perhaps he'll improvise and adapt. Whatever...I wish them luck.

    6. Anonymous9:09 PM

      @7:53 If true, then they deserve each other.

    7. Anonymous9:32 PM

      But did he ever get sloppo and piss himself in the street? If not, he has nothing on Pissy Brissy.

    8. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Two cats in the yard?

      Oh, no. Pity the poor kitties.

      Those people just shouldn't have pets.

    9. 732

      Next time say the "n-word" or star that shit out.

      And you crackers can kiss my ass.

    10. Anonymous5:56 AM

      x2, thanks!

    11. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Why star it out or write the n-word, GOL?

  19. Balzafiar5:43 PM

    Sarah puts the logo on everything so the PAC can pay for it.

    As for Bristol's little sister, pregnancy expected within, oh, I think about eighteen to twenty-four months.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Nah, Sarah is giving Piper the pill with her Fruity Pebbles in the morning,

  20. Anonymous5:50 PM

    They're trying way too hard to bring little Piper into the Kardashian makeover. Who poses like that at 14, unless you're surrounded by low-life's like these people? I'm starting to feel sorry for the kids, and I truly never thought I would feel that. Maybe I'm just not into them.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Bristol has to get out of Dodge, Piper has big shoes to fill now she is all grown up!

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I agree with you. I feel sorry for Piper.
      She is a kid with a sister that is a slut.
      She should be left alone and hopefully will find a better path.

  21. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I guess in the Palin-Heath family, 14 is "all grown up."

    The Ducky Dynasty crew and Ted Nugent would agree.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I can just imagine Piper around the dynasty dick head, Phil. Knowing what he has said about girls her age! What does Sarah think about that I wonder?

  22. Anonymous5:52 PM

    She is too old for the Duck Perv. But there is always Uncle Nuge.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I remember her in heels at eight years old and couldn't do a flash card to save her life.

    2. Anonymous9:08 PM

      @6:36 How about the designer purse during the 2008 campaign?

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Piper reminds me of the young actress who plays Alex on "Modern Family".

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Please! That's a total insult to Alex!

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      I love "Alex"! Unfortunately I have had the same thought when watching the show. I try to get that out of my head. Seriously it causes me to want brain bleach.

      Also. I detest it when I see a photo of Piper and think of "Alex". The actress is great, none of them deserve to have anything near a Palin curse around that talent.

      I can only wish for Piper to be more like "Alex" and the gifted actress and in a sincere family.

      Piper is a product and actress of sort (she may not realize it). It would be a step forward if she could have some benefits and protections that kids have in the industry.

  24. Anonymous6:21 PM

    It won't be long...hahaha

  25. Anonymous6:28 PM

    what happened to all of her TVs? She was watching a large screen with two smaller screens side by side in one of her pictures some time back. She must have figured out that she can't manage to watch and absorb more than one thing at a time.

  26. Anonymous6:29 PM

    please tell piper there's lots of birthday wishes for her on c4p.

    piper.p ~ all i want is marinas hair.

    icegmz ~ ago you look anorexic

    Daddy's little girl

    The rill dill

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Marina looks like one of Alaska's Russian imports. She might have long hair but damn, it's hard to even notice the hair when confronted with that face...uggghhhh. And men pay to have sex with that?

    2. Anonymous9:54 PM


      the rill dill pic;

      slut on the right looks to have a little residual cocaine booger up her snout ...

    3. Anonymous10:44 PM

      That is Bristol's best friend, Marina, in 2006 with Juanita. Now she does that with Bristol.

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Clean your nose holes, girls! Ugh.

  27. Anonymous6:32 PM

    You just have to look at what they're doing and say "WOW. Really?," and yes they are. Shit, Marcus Bachmann had nothing on this. Good lord.

  28. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Either those Palins have terrible vision genes or they're all masturbating 24/7.

    Not one of them can see without help from Science.

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      Genes are genes. You can't do anything about that. But you can be sure this clan of idiots aren't ruining their eyes by reading.

  29. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The SarahPAC logo is how Mama Griz piss marks her territory.

  30. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Speaking of $arahPac, the C4pees tonight have doubts about a new letter from Tim Crawford, literally begging for more money, because "$arah needs this to help decide to run for President"

    What a crock of shite, and what a bullshit bunch of fools and sad sacks to fall for that age old scam.

    "Our Dear $arah just needs to know she can count on you", but some of the faithful are even expressing DOUBTS about giving!

    Imagine that! How can it be? Anything from $arahpac is from GOD, and baby jessus, and $arah is the chosen one, so how can they doubt?

    SEND MORE MONEY, cuz Brissie needs more Louboutin for the wedding, and $arah has more trucks to buy for Tawd, and they need to pay for the honeymoon.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      The fools at C4P don't even realize that she can't use her SarahPAC funds to run for office; she'd have to shut it down the moment she officially declares. If they really wanted her to run it seems that they'd deny her any more funding for SarahPAC and instead save their pennies for her official campaign fund, starve the beast, so to speak, until it does what they want it to.

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      I remember letters from Oral Roberts ministry, offering to take prayer requests to the "prayer tower", with the box below the request, " enclosed is my gift of...." and my poor, scared mom sent money we couldn't afford to give, because she needed to be sure her prayers would go up the tower. Shameful.

    3. Anonymous9:07 PM

      The money will help Sarah decide if she should run? That is the worst excuse for begging!

    4. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Well, 9:07, they're running out of excuses. If even the rocket-scientists at C4P are starting to figure it out, the gravy train is about to jump the tracks.

  31. A Superfan In Atlanta7:35 PM

    O/T When the media uses Palin as a benchmark for how uneducated and ill-prepared someone is to run for office

    Ben Carson Knows Nothing About Foreign Policy, Unaware Baltic States Part Of NATO
    By: Keith Brekhus more from Keith Brekhus
    Thursday, March, 19th, 2015, 9:57 pm

  32. A Superfan In Atlanta7:49 PM

    Bristol marrying Dakota to have Junker's Baby =
    1) military benefits for life as wife of soldier
    2) avoided embarrassment of yet another baby born out of wedlock (if he refuses blood tests, etc.)
    3) milk MOH fame; puts Palin back on the "presidential trail" on someone else's dime (Dakota's speaking tour)
    4) replaces Track with a just as vulnerable son-in-law that can be easily manipulated

    Dakota better watch his back before he ends up in an accidental fire or an airplane with water in it's tank. If that happens, the Palins get to milk the widow of a former MOH schtick minus the suicidal baggage for the rest of their lives.

    A family that preys together, stays together.

    That's my theory

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      oh haven't you heard WHY she all of a sudden Barstool is engaged to soldier boy? another theory...
      Attempt, Solicitation and started with a neighbors hard work to 'extract information' and when the situation was moving to the courts it was 'oh my God your rig is going to drop better get it fixed' and insisted on taking their rig to the same place Barstool takes her then she follows someone around. then we got a work related crime on video surveillance at a grocery store...tire tampering and slicing of power steering line...while this person is on the job...any crimes committed are a then we get the disabled rig at the job site so the neighbor can report location of 'target'...well then that neighbor tries to get that person to be a designated driver...gets someone else whose work site gets robbed...when cops find the company vehicles they had been 'wiped clean' ( gee isn't that a pattern with the Palins) then when the realization that 'someone tried to kill you' was spoken and the 'target' said 'well they aren't very good at it are they' with a head tilt...and it's been reported to DC and I hear they are not too happy...
      Surveillance is up and global - where the person goes Uncle Sam is watching the whole time...;)o
      Eat that Sarah Palin - sounds like a trial coming...

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      I think that it is a love fest all around. Dakota was posting photos of Sarah on his instagram, saying how much he admired her, wishing her Happy Birthday on his Facebook and warning people not to criticize him for supporting her. Dakota wanted to hang around Sarah for her political connections, because she is good at marketing when there isn't much to market, and she has PAC which could help Dakota if he wanted to run for Congress.

      Sarah liked hanging around with Dakota, a real military hero, even though he had a drinking problem and tried to kill himself. At least Dakota got speaking gigs because of his medal. Lately, that's been Sarah's issue, too, support the troops. Dakota appeared on Amazing America last year. Sarah and Dakota showed up at the same events and Dakota introduced Sarah at CPAC.

      Enter Bristol, armed with a bunch of expensive designer purses and shoes, trips to Las Vegas, why? Two months ago, the most significant person in Dakota's life was Sarah Palin. Then, cupid's arrow must have struck them both. Did Bristol discover that she needed a husband quickly? Did she tell Sarah that this time, she really was going to keep the baby? Did Bristol need some respectability after the Brawl? Did the police warn her that the next time that she was drunk and disorderly, they would have to take some action? The reason that the quickie romance between Bristol and Dakota looks a little funny is because that the few times that they were together, they were photographed by Sarah's official photographer. She was even on hand in Las Vegas for the engagement. That makes it look very staged. Why didn't they just get married in Vegas while they were there? Two months? That sounds like a shot gun quickie wedding. Why does everything that the Palins do look staged, phoney and manufactured for the cameras?

    3. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Well he can't fuc_ Sarah so he will take the 2nd best option...Barstool.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      ewww. Really creeepy. I wonder if they are going to have him suicided so Bristol can be the next Taya.....

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Agree with all you said Anonymous 9:06.

      Sarah had a quickie elopement with Todd, then Track (Menard) Palin is born. Bristol has a quickie engagement to Dakota and baby (by whom?) is born.

  33. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Notice the difference in the photos. with Bristol Piper is wearing a short skirt and trying to show off what boobs she has,

    SarahPac photo is "Oh how cute! my little nerdy girl" For the love of God send that kid to college and get her the hell out of the fishbowl she is in. There is a whole world out there beyond Wasilla and Sarah Palins egotistical facebook,.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Well she learned from Sarah..when you have boobs whether they are real or inflatable....make sure to hike your shoulders back so everyone notices them.

    2. Anonymous11:20 PM

      Before going to college, little Pooper would have to graduate from HS, and, being a Palin, good luck with that.

  34. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Piper Indi Grace Palin

    Don't Buckle Up

    Alaska's Willow and 12 year old Piper

    Piper as a sitting projectile. No seat belt.

    Piper the early years.


  35. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Who does the baby pull toy belong to? Surely not Trig or Tripp!

  36. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I'm as anti Palin as can be, but this post was beneath you Gryphen. Let the little girl have her Birthday in peace without your sarcastic comments.

    If it was your daughter's birthday how would you feel if someone that didn't like you made comments about her real or imagined sexual or substance abuse?

    You're better than this, but you sometimes forget that.

    Keep sticking it to her grifting mother and criminal father and her obnoxious sister who has injected herself into the public's eye, and leave the little one alone.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Chill out. The point was that it's a SarahPAC sponsored birthday wish. Once again Sarah uses her children in the hopes of a few more dollars.

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      And Gryphen is using her children and grandchildren to get hits on a blog.

      They are both wrong.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      I would be more concerned that Sarah is exposing her daughter to drugs and prostitutes and pedophiles rather than that Gryphen was pointing it out.

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      "And Gryphen is using her children and grandchildren to get hits on a blog." NOT AT ALL.

      Law enforcement, in Alaska and elsewhere, are on the internet looking at and 'hitting' many things. Hoping to uncover individual to international trafficking. Drugs and human trafficking are the worst. Prostitution rings that deal in underage are the sneakiest and most difficult to uncover.

      Children are not used at this blog. Concerns about their well being and situations is brought to light.

      If one of the many hits on a blog takes someone in the right direction to help one child, that is a positive.

  37. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Gryph, you know I love your stuff, but I want to register my complaint at your use of: "At least not yet."

    You're talking about a young girl. Please use discretion when talking about any juvenile, and also let's all hope for the best when it comes to Sarah's youngest child.

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      You're right. Piper is Sarah's youngest birth child - not Trig. Too bad Sarah posted a photo of Piper with donate to SarahPAC on it. Nothing ever changes with $arah. Family is props & photo ops for money.

    2. Anonymous10:01 PM

      umm, numbnutz @ 8:39 & 8:54,

      you've obviously not been around long ?

    3. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Gee 10:01, I'm guessing you've been around forever? And you have no problem with trashing someone's under age kids to get back at the parents?

      This place is turning into the pee pond for Palin haters. We're supposed to have more class than the Palins and their zombie posse.

    4. Anonymous11:05 PM

      10:27, it turned into the other side of the peepond coin several years ago, Gryph lead the charge. Most posters that had any any class, sense. or dignity seems to have disapeared long ago. It has gotten so weird that you even get attacked for mentioning the very sane notion of possibly not blogging about a 14yo.... It is creepy. Gryph has gotten creepy. Sorry Gryph it is true, someone needs to tell you- maybe it will sink into that brain of yours. You have spent probably half of your last dozen posts on Palin, Bristol and her wedding, her fiance, and now Piper. You are more spiteful than a woman scorned. Is this really the purpose of your life? I would think you at least have the sense and morale to not bring up or pay any mind to a 14yo, no matter whose child it is and no matter if Palin put it in her facebook or not. Low rent dude.

    5. Anonymous11:20 PM


      well leave then, eh

    6. Anonymous7:21 AM

      If you don't like the posts or the other blog readers, sounds like you are on the wrong blog.

  38. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Let me get this straight. Bristol has a lovely house worth close to half a million dollars but she doesn't live there because a stalker came to her driveway. Never mind that Willow told him where Bristol lived.... The Palins have had stalkers and creepy people before. Sarah is quick to point out all of the threats made against her daughters, mysterious phone calls, and people looking into bedroom windows. With all of those creepy people out there, why do they think that it's a good idea to post a picture of Piper who looks a little too filled out for her youthful figure. Do they really want some more perverts showing up at Sarah's house? Ditto for Bristol posting photos of Tripp in his underwear. They really are advertising for some more unwanted attention.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Didn't the two Jewish business men drop by after the stalker incident? The Heath/Palins were promoting simple Sarah or some book or something and they made out like anyone could just drop by. Sarah was a regular person friendly and glad to invite people in to chat. There just happened to be a film crew.

      They left Trig sleeping in the truck. We hope Todd doesn't leave a gun in the truck. Not sure if he keeps his loaded or unloaded, or how he is at keeping track of all that.

      I am sure this was after the Christie incident. If a member of the family is so freaked out about stalkers why would they disregard that fear and invite strangers to come to the property? Was Bristol living there at that time?

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Good point. Now they are gonna stalk Piper you can betcha Sarah can't wait to claim that. because of boobs and hotness and all. And to think the teapublicans threw a fit over Malia & Sasha's skirts saying they were obscene.

    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Yes! That bitchy staffer attacked the way the Obama girls were dressed at the solemnity of the Turkey Pardoning. Yet the teapublicans never say a word about how Sarah or her family dresses.

  39. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Piper Palin in Stiletto Heels
    Memoir At Fort Bragg
    piper palin
    And then there's Piper

    this old picture

    1. Anonymous12:31 AM

      Thanks for the links especially the bagnewsnotes one. The comments there are spot on.

      It's from 5 years ago and if I didn't know better I'd say they were all from IM commenters. It's nice to see that so many around the country also saw and said just what we've been saying all along.

      Here's one that pertains to comments on this post:

      g • 5 years ago

      Why does she drag the kids around with her everywhere she goes? Why does she put them on stage and on camera again and again and again?
      Aren't they supposed to be in school?
      I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm really curious what her rationale is. Is it because their presence in the studio will give interviewers second thoughts about pressing her on questions? Is she trying to make them "celebrities" in their own right? Is it that she needs a supportive, uncritical team around her all the time? Does she think it's educational for them? Or are they just big Oprah fans?
      I don't know of any other professional parent, male or female, who exploits her kids this way, other than reality TV stars.

  40. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Bristol sure does think a lot of herself.

    Ummmm, thanks for retuning my text!! �� @bsmp2

    I never text anyone back @its_yours_03 .. I'm so busy on IG ��

  41. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Oh what a 12-year-old sense of humor! Piper just finished up her basketball game, and I told her to read my latest Facebook post. So she did, then immediately went to the bathroom mirror to “hold a fish.” Clever! Well, guess I’ll at least credit her and her teammate for efficiently killing two birds with one stone!

    fish lip family

    "I think this world would be better off having more young women holding a fish in a picture than holding their camera in front of a bathroom mirror, talking a selfie." Sarah Palin's Message to Young Women: Stop It With the Selfies and Go Outside!

    ~Naughty Girl~""Every man wants a good girl who'll be bad just for him

    And WTF bringing your girlfriend to your engagement weekend in Vegas?

  42. Anonymous10:01 PM

    1) That picture with the cinnamon buns surely is either Bristol's head photoshopped onto Piper's much smaller body, or it's Bristol with photoshopped everything. Bristol's a big girl -- wide shoulders, stumpy legs. There's something very bizarre about that kitchen photo. And then the second photo with Bristol in one of the Palin's big shirts, hiding her waist. Better get out that shotgun, Todd, cuz the wedding should be sooner rather than later.

    2) Almost as bizarre is the picture of Bristol and Piper -- another random Palin photo with the TV on in the background, toys on the floor, both girls just standing in one strange spot, pushing up against each other. Piper, of course, dressed much too provocatively for a 14-year-old.

    Piper, this may be about the time for you to get your first kiss. Your first live-in boyfriend should be years away. Don't rush into anything! Just because your mother dresses like a hooker and your sister proudly wears a "thong dress" to a drunken brawl, you can be better than they are. You can be the one who studies and finishes high school. Think big: think of what skills you want to learn and what career you want to have. Do it for yourself, not for some boy. And, for pity's sake, don't have a child until you're in your '20s, married, and independent.

    Be the first Palin child to behave normally. It'll be hard, living in an environment where no one gets up to go to work or school every day. But you can do it!

    Happy Birthday.

    1. Anonymous2:24 AM

      For Piper, I'd say wait til you're at least 30 before even thinking about children and a serious relationship.

      Marriage as conceived by centuries of pastors, reverends, and priests, is a good way of keeping women subservient.

      PIper, get yourself a REAL education, not just skin school, or hair academy.

      Your mother can fund college and grad school, or trade school, and you can be independent from the lunacy of grifting and scamming .

      Move far away from your family, get new friends, find interesting work, and leave the trap of Wasilla and your disfunctional family far behind.

  43. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sarah has turned her whole family into a commodity. They are how she makes a lot of her money. McDonald's uses Ronald McDonald to sell food that isn't that good for you. Sarah uses her family..After a while you don't think of any of them as people. They are all insulting. They are all annoying for being shoved in your face to sell crap. The price of fame. People tried to warn her about children. She doesn't care and she takes no responsibility. Sad about all her cubs.

    Thinking about Piper made me cry for about a minute. What could I do about her life situation? She will be like the others. They have each other and that is where they all get the kind of help Sarah decides they need. They are all annoying and part of something deeply destructive and decaying. Trig is the only one who is innocent and it is too painful to think there is nothing anyone can do to free him and at least from now on give him the best therapy.

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Sarah sees her children as extensions of herself and nothing more.

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Piper Palin is Sarah's Ronaletta McDonald. She uses Piper in her commercial campaigns. The being behind Sarah's Ronaletta has been photographed over the years looking tortured and abuse behind the mask. It is vital that someone brings attention to what is happening.

      Piper's father is a pimp and she has also been required to pose with pervs and pedophiles over the years. There is a sexualization aspect to what the Palins do with their props. It would be neglectful to leave that out.

  44. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I think Piper has Todd's face. No?

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM


    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Not Toad face.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I think Piper looks more like her late dad, Curtis Menard, Jr.

  45. Anonymous10:45 PM

    A huge reason that Sarah is supporting getting Bristol out of Alaska is because of Marina aka marina_exotix_inc. She is an escort and nude model among other things. But this is not what bothers Sarah, Marina LOVES her men of color. If there is one to be found in a 100 mile radius she has found him.

    Sarah has Dakota saving Bristol from the "evils" of this friendship. This chick can truly ruin everything for them. You will never see Dakota directly associating with Marina and wants her to go away.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      "A huge reason that Sarah is supporting getting Bristol out of Alaska is because of Marina aka marina_exotix_inc."

      Yes, but that is recent, recent that people are learning about who she is, the business and her work and influences.

      Bristol has been high as a kite in her jubilation with her best friend. It was not that long ago marina_exotix_inc. would post on Dakota's social media. Doing what the Cusack business and family/friends do.

      They are Bristol's cheerleaders and the molding of Bristol with the positive encouragement. The repetitive "beauty, nice girl" etc talk. It goes back before 2010-2012 and the DWTS. The office group were in the voting scam along with Ivy Frye's family farmers and their lists of sock puppets.

      "Hey, the haters will hate anyway; the critics will criticize, so you might as well dance!"

      Dr. Cusack: "He is a complete ass very rude! He got mad when I started asking questions because he didn't know the answer! All his staff clearly are paid in botox and it's clear thats where he makes his money is in Cosmo stuff, he knows nothing about real medical dermatology! DO NOT GO TO THIS GUY!!!!!!" 1/6/2015

  46. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I feel bad for this girl, she lives with bad role models and neither any of them are educated or have careers. She'd better escape from that environment and start her life like a mature adult.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      That bff, Marina, looks like a 45 year old streetwalker from the tenderloin.

  47. Looks like piper has learned from her insufferable dipshit mom...stuffing is fundamental.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      The Littlest Mini-Me.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      yeah they just push her up to the camera - here poke your boobs out - they like that...

      Face palm...

      Cyber Smack upside Barstool's head...

  48. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Bristles really is dumb. After being in Hollywood, surrounded by beautiful, talented, hard working people, she STILL thinks she is so special. Always with the head tilt on EVERY photo. Las Vegas is also full of beautiful women and girls, dancers and entertainers. What makes this slut think she is something special? Which of her illigitimate kids was playing with the baby toy on the floor behind them?

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      because they 'think' knowing of a 'secret' of money being funneled thru Alaska to overseas accounts...
      a baby and adoption happen to make it handy...
      so they manage to keep the 'money laundering' scheme active...and when Mommy Dearest got to office she found out how bad it really was...she loved it...she 'hates that bitch' and didn't mind poking her hand in the 'trust fund' but when the 'birthright owner' as coined by a Hollis French figured it out and started to ask questions no one had an answer to...
      she sent people to 'shut her up' and talked to judges.
      so when a note is sent to the step-mom - a religious right for sure - she must have passed it on...
      or does Sarah still has the house - TV-phone-computer tapped and monitored to date? legal cause I would like to see in any court papers...
      We can compare them to a federal review request..
      It seems a long long long long list of actions taken since birth really against this poor damn kid...why?
      My analogy - when someone is worth a lot of money people will say and do anything to get it and keep it...
      you all don't think 'that group' that has payments coming in from that 'racket' are going to 'volunteer' that portfolio back to the 'birthright owner' do you?

      Lol...oh boy...

      infarct they got a neighbor to try and take that kid out - while on duty working - federal job - shrug - dumbshits that they are...oh well...

      Tell it to the Judges...

      After all they signed up for it they can have fun doing might get cranky over this case...

      Go Judge Judy on them in a court of law...hee haw!

      Ouch...bite that and eat it Barstool...

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      holy crap did you see ADN? the state is dumping 4 BILLION in stocks? wow this is coming together fast...may be rumors of that lawsuit are accurate... I would like to see the correspondence...grin...I am betting someone is threatening to 'tell it to the judge'..laugh...oh I would love to see a judge in alaska rag those palin dolls in front for all to see...
      you know since they seem to like that kinda tang!

    3. Cracklin Charlie11:28 AM

      Raggin' those palin dolls in public might be the only way the state could get their money back.

      Lotta blowback for them, tho.

  49. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Predicting that the "wedding" is going to coincide with an announcement that mama griz is runnin and that the newlywedded couple are intended to campaign for Paylin. You heard it here first. Wink;-)

  50. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The "provocative" photo of Piper was published last Spring. On Bristol's blog. In celebration of Easter.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      So mom can't even be bothered to use a current photo as usual.

  51. Anonymous8:09 AM

    O/T kind of...
    If you click about the 11 minute mark you will hear Dakota state that he never got treatment for his PTSD...not even sure if he admits he has it.

  52. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sorry, but at 14, a girl is not "all grown up," not physically, not emotionally. Piper may have started getting monthly periods and stuffed her bra. Even at 16 or 17, Bristol lwas old enough to give birth but she was not "all grown up." She was still a child herself, and the proof is that even today, at 23, Bristol acts like a child instead of an adult who is responsible for a 6 year old child.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      To them hillbillies, 14 IS all grown up. In fact, she may be too old for marriage according to the child-lover duck-hunter who said on national tv that 13 was the ripe age for marriage.
      BTW, barstool was not 16. she was almost 18 and now she's 24...almost 25

  53. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I wasn't sure what to expect but Shailey's story blew me away. I also didn't think it was possible for me to feel more contempt for the Palins' than I already do but this tripled it at the very least. Todd is a snake, lower than dirt, taking advantage of a mother of two disabled children, using her for sex and then "referring" his friends and business associates to her. What really rocked me was hearing that she was not the only woman he had done this to. Shailey met several others who had been recruited by Todd. He used to run ads on Craigslist and was so very familiar with the lifestyle that he already knew what words to use as code to indicate special services, etc. She talks about how he deposited $350 in her account one month for seeing six of his friends and how he suddenly expected her to now service him for free! The number of clients increased but the money remained the same. I know many of us have often wondered how the Palins afforded the lifestyle they had, their toys and vacation homes, not to mention buying their third home in Alaska within 15 years of marriage while Sarah had only worked making a decent salary for 1/3 of those years. Four children in Alaska is not inexpensive but now we know how they made ends meet. Sarah may have not known just how he made his extra money back then but she certainly does now. It's more than enough to trigger an IRS investigation.

    Todd was also a whiny, needy, insecure little boy who needed to be reassured about his sexual prowess, his size and ability to please Shailey. He also had some wierd requests that Shailey went along with in order to provide for her kids. I can't imagine how Shailey got through this and came out whole but she did and my heart goes out to her. Shailey names many of the people who were clients, including quite a few who were present at her arrest. I wondered why they let her off so easy, I'd say there was someone working behind the scene to make sure this didn't go to court with her telling all about how she was set up by Palin in front of a judge. When Shailey moved to Anchorage and in with a man she had been seeing, she tried to leave this life behind but Todd was obviously keeping tabs on her as she realized when she ran into him two months later. He knew where she lived, what she did, where she went and was obsessed with getting her back into the life of prostitution in order to boost his own income. Shailey also provides further proof that Sarah was not pregnant at any time in 2008 and stupid Sarah never able to keep her mouth shut mentioned that "her masseuse" started the rumors about her not being pregnant, admitted to having been seen by Shailey.

    If there's any doubt as to how the name Tripp came to be, I think Levi may have suggested it as he ran into Todd sneaking out of the spa via the back door and had an argument out in the parking lot in the summer of '07. Every time Sarah hears the name Tripp, what does she think? What does Bristol think, knowing her son's name was influenced by the last name of a mother of two disabled children that her father abused sexually and profited from by peddling her services to others? What a sick and disturbed family the Palins' are!

    This book answered quite a few questions for me and proves we dodged quite a bullet when McCain/Palin were defeated in '08. I also think that if nothing else has, it guarantees there will be no future political positions for Sarah unless she were to divorce Todd. However, he knows where all her skeletons are buried, so that's not likely to happen. The biggest question is did Sarah know just how Todd made all that extra money they had on a regular basis? Her silence tells me she did and she's not going to say a word about it now. She's hoping this will go away but it's time for all of us to make sure the media doesn't overlook this completely as they have everything else about this crazy family.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      As always all that is necessary is to follow the money...

  54. Anonymous9:20 AM

    There is no reality show in Bri$tol's future because every producer knows she is DULL and dumb as a rock. What in her life would draw an audience week after week? $he's already known to be a loser in the 'entertainment' field.

    Both The Chin and Meyer have severe drinking problems. When $he is in KY, out of her comfort zone, away from her enabling/cover everything up family, Bristol will resort to alcohol to cope. We all know that she is a nasty, violent drunk - combine that with an immature, troubled young man with a PTSD issue who doesn't have a clue about what he wants for his future career. Trouble is coming for both, no matter how much $creech tries to pimp him/them from afar.

    Also too: The Dullard will find that people in KY are far more curious about her and she will get no privacy (ha!) -

    The truth is coming out about how long (or not) they have known each other. I wonder if SarahPac is paying Junker to keep his mouth shut -- can you say POSTAGE??

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Their life together in KY will be Saturday Night at the Fights.

  55. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Shinedown - Devour...

    Hello Sarah....

    We will be talking about this in the courts soon...

    So tell your 'peeps' that 'popo' will arrest them...

    and they can either sit in prison or turn evidence on you...

    Your coming up...

    Devour Your Empire...

    It's Your Final Hour...

  56. Anonymous10:20 AM

    What a shocker: book shelves in the background of that messy room with nary a book on them! Happy Birthday, Piper. May you grow up to be a lady.

  57. Anonymous10:56 AM

    SARAH PAC 2015


    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Governor-elect Sarah Palin holds her daughter, Piper, as she watches the gubernatorial polling results Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006, in Anchorage, Alaska.

  58. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Well isn't that special, a birthday greeting with a PAC logo.

    I swear Sarah has to be the best mother in the world. ha ha

    Looks like Piper is learning from best, already got the pose down pat.

  59. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I don't know if Piper was paid for all the work she did. Selling books, assistant, Pac model and so on.

    They must have paid her a small wage for baby sitting and child care.

    Standing by for Trig.

    “Good Tidings and Great Joy” Book Tour

    I think little Piper Palin’s manically faux enthusiasm really says it best, don’t you?

    The beginning. So happy to please Mama.

    Piper is a well traveled child laborer. April 2008 Elizabeth Eubanks with Governor Sarah Palin and her daughter Piper in the Fairbanks, AK airport

    Palin’s side trip at the home of B.C. "Scooter" Clippard

    Mother and daughter.

    The brother she was told is a combat vet.

    Sarah Palin Has Convinced Daughter Piper They Are On Vacation As She Campaigns — How Awful!

  60. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Hey Sarah, you fucking whore, is your PAC gonna commemorate my birthday too?


    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Track is that you?

  61. Images related to Marina. Sarah how does this make you feel?

  62. physicsmom10:17 PM

    Piper is a lovely young girl who should be enjoying her first year in high school. Is anyone sure she still attends school? I believe there is still hope for her turning out relatively normal, but she will need a solid mentor and probably some counselling. She's "all grown up," no. I really feel sorry for her and hope some stable woman would take her under her wings and teach her to be a civilized, polite and happy adult.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      As of now Bristol is a major influence and mentor for Piper. Marina Lupas has been central to Bristol's life and the story about Bristol being hard working and having a job with Dr. Cusack, the dermatologist, the last 5 years.

      For Piper Marina is someone to look up to and emulate. No wonder you will see pictures of Piper the last few years looking like a little hooker.

      Sarah knows now that the public is learning about Bristol's best friend and their addiction to fish lip selfies (ha!) and vacuous glamour , possessions and sexy fashion shots. They also like to sell themselves with their motherhood schtick.

      Sarah will certainly switch Bristol back to her love my family and her cousins, as if that is the mentoring and influence for Piper. Marina has already gone 'private' and not so noticeable on Dakota's social media accounts now. The Dillingham cousins are back!

      The last we knew Marina shared the Las Vegas engagement week end of this new Bristol romance story. Alleged to go back many more months from the true story.

      Marina has also some new Chinese accounts. She can always sell her wares in other countries and be more discreet in America. Not only is she a mother, she is an independent business woman.

  63. It's a mini-me.

    When will Sarah push Piper into her first beauty pageant and start to live vicariously through her?


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