Thursday, March 19, 2015

President Obama tried to nuke Charleston, South Carolina?

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch: 

When Rick Santorum joined other GOP presidential hopefuls for a “national security” summit hosted by right-wing conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney last weekend, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that they would encounter fringe conspiracy theorists in the audience, including one activist who asked Santorum a winding question about immigration, an imminent communist takeover and President Obama’s plot to nuke Charleston, South Carolina. 

As we reported on Monday, Santorum responded to the activist’s accusation not by rebutting her conspiracy theory but by taking offense to her claim that Santorum, a former U.S. senator, had some responsibility for the congressional GOP leadership’s response to Obama’s immigration actions. He went on to label the president a “tyrant.”

Whoa Nelly, that is a whole lot o'crazy!

Now as it turns out this whole "Obama tried to nuke Charleston" conspiracy theory was birthed into existence with the help of Alex Jones and his infamous InfoWars website: 

In September 2013, the conspiracy news site InfoWars published an "exclusive" story, citing "a high level source inside the military," about the transfer of nuclear warheads to the East Coast. The story was shared nearly 25,000 times on Facebook, aided by a video introduction by Alex Jones and by a follow-up that quoted South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham's worry that a military build-up would lead to nuclear weapons moving through the port of Charleston. "This ultimately reeks of yet another false flag being orchestrated by the United States government in order to send us into war," Jones wrote in a follow-up. 

In October 2013, the European Union Times—a "news" site that combines real stories with rumors -- cited a "Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today" to report that a nuclear weapon had been detonated off of Charleston's harbor, as proven by an Oct. 8 earthquake that happened hundreds of miles from the coast. This, according to the website, was a botched "false flag" attack, which was carried out, strangely, in the middle of the government shutdown. On Reddit, discussion swirled that the "false flag" attack led to the dismissal of US Navy Vice Admiral Tim Giardina, US Air Force Major General Michael Carey, Major General Charles M. Gurganus and Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant.

In point of fact all of those military men listed at the end lost their  jobs or were forced into retirement well before this supposed "false flag" attack and for reasons that had nothing to do with nuclear weaponry.

However this goes to illustrate the kind of lunatics that now seem to make up the base of the Republican party, and who potential candidates for President have to humor, and avoid ridiculing, before their ballots are cast.


  1. Boscoe2:38 PM

    So I wonder how Alex Jones is rationalizing the fact that "desperate warmonger" Obama didn't just jump right onto Netanyahu's anti-Iran bandwagon if he's trying so desperately to get us into another war?

    -Not that I'm going to waste minutes out of my life visiting his website to find out...

    Hey Alex, here's a tip: An easy way to tell if you're a nutcase is when your conspiracy theories fail to maintain any kind of coherent internal logic.

    1. Alex Jones was crazy before but now since Drudge started inking him, along with VT and WND, it's even worse. There's a ton of Anti-Zionist rhetoric as well, lets just say AJ and Drudge aren't 'color' friendly

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      But that would mena he has to have some sense of logic - which is demonstrably lacking.

  2. Anonymous3:01 PM

    How dumb are these people who believe all of this claptrap? We went to the movies today and set through seemingly endless previews of apocalyptic movies, one after the other, each a little noisier and more violent than the one before. These films, full of fancy special effects and mediocre acting, and often based on popular but not memorable books, seem to please audiences, especially young adults. Do our future voters all think that all out warfare is the only answer or that the "end times" portrayed in these movies will require them to do battle with a bunch of mechanized dinosaur-ish looking creatures? Do a lot of our fellow citizens believe that this stuff is for real? If so, we are in real trouble.

    The southern "belle" who went on at Santorum comes from the Charleston area; wouldn't she have been killed or maimed or morphed into a glowing eggplant had what she was ranting about actually happened?

    Santorum's response reminded me of McCain's lame response to the woman who yelled out that "Obama was an Arab" during the 2008 campaign. He should have really set her and the rest of the dingbat audience straight but deliberately chose to give as vague an answer as possible. Just like Santorum.

    1. Beaglemom, I'm a certified unfan of Good Ol' Gramps McCain - who I will never forgive for his cynical, craven unleashing of that awful Alaskan she-beast on our nation - but I thought his response to the two chuckleheads in this video was more decent and reasonable than I would have expected under the circumstances. Seems like he went as far he could without actually endorsing the future president.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    The scariest part of the big picture is that thanks to the internet, anyone can make up nonsense to support their agenda and post it and others will read it and believe it AND share it. They pander to the lowest IQ, poorly educated and ill informed. It happens regularly at c4p. No one bothers to do serious fact checking. Our country is being torn asunder by those who wish to destroy America as we know it, right AIP Palin?

  4. I have been through South Carolina. This does not seem at all like a bad idea to me

  5. While watching this reported on all of the MSNBC nightly line up of news programs last night I was wishing I could have seen a picture of this crazy ass retired teacher who was ready to blow a gasket. I can't remember which journalist said he was glad the ranting nutbag was retired and no longer in the classroom. Ain't that the truth! We all better hope to hell that the younger kids care about what kind of country they live in and get out to vote but I don't put much faith in them caring.

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    My Dog, the rightwing nuts keep getting nuttier.

  7. Gryphen, could you literally not be more naive?

    Not only did Barack HUSSEIN Obama TRY to nuke Charleston but HE SUCCEEDED!!! And the only reason some people - like you and your libtard blog buddies reading this defunct blog that nobody reads - don't know about it is the liberal lame stream media that has kept it a secret for more than thirty years!

    They even made a documentary about it that PROVES it happened!!!!

    Why does Obama hate America so much that he nukes our own cities? WHY??? AND WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?? WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN???

  8. Anonymous4:43 PM

    We have our own town nutjob like Santoilet, but you gotta give him credit for having no shame nor dignity while spreading lies. Santoilet really believes this shit, hook line and sinker.

  9. It makes me wonder: Is there ANY story about the President that is too stupid, over-the-top, or unsupported for 30% of Americans to believe?

    1. Anonymous3:21 AM

      The clear answer to 'too stupid' rhetorical question is this:

      There is NO negative story, no matter the facts (or truth) about President Barack Obama that will not be hyped up to feed and frighten the stoopids.

      I do believe that there is likely less than 30% of Americans who are truly stupid. Many are arrogantly ignorant and conscientiously stupid.


  10. Anonymous4:02 AM

    The crazy retired school teacher's name is Virginia Ellisor.


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